Traffic Management and Accident Investigation JGFJKH
Traffic Management and Accident Investigation JGFJKH
Traffic Management and Accident Investigation JGFJKH
Definition of Terms:
Traffic is a movement of vehicles along a route where passengers and cargoes are carried by
Traffic Management it comprises all public surfaces , facilities and agencies having responsibility
for licensing, approving, maintaining and controlling the flow of traffic and the use of traffic facilities.
Accident (Legal meaning) an accident is any happening beyond the control of a person the
consequences of which are not foreseeable. ( There is no criminal liability in accident provided, the
following requisites or elements under the law must be satisfied; 1.) performance of a lawful act; 2.)
with due care; 3.) causes injury to another by mere accident; 4.) without any fault or intention of
causing it.)
Fortuitous Event an event which takes place by accident and could not have been foreseen. In
other words it is an Act of God which could neither be foreseen nor resisted, such as earthquake,
lightning, flood, and the like.
Force Majure is an inevitable accident or casualty, an accident produced by any physical cause
which is irresistible. In other words it is an Act of Man, such robbery, fire, fault, negligence, rebellion,
Defensive Driving is an act of driving while preventing accidents despite of the wrong actions of
others aggravated by the existence of adverse driving conditions. Which requires knowledge,
alertness, foresight, judgment and skill.
Last Clear Chance - it means that the driver who is in the better position to prevent the accident
shoulders the responsibility of preventing the accident. The last clear chance principle is always
applied in any traffic accidental investigation in order to justify penalized the driver who was not
defensive in its driving.
State of Necessity there is state of necessity even if the injury to a person results in his death,
because self-preservation always makes the actor feel that his own safety is greater than that of
another. Elements or requisites under the law; 1.) the evil sought to avoided actually exists ; 2.) the
injury feared be greater that that done to avoid it; 3.) that there is no other practical and less harmful
means of preventing it.
Imprudence indicates deficiency of action. If a person fails to take the necessary precaution to
avoid injury to a person or damage to property, there is imprudence. Imprudence usually involves
lack of skill.
Negligence indicates a deficiency of perception. If a person fails to pay proper attention to use due
diligence in foreseeing the injury or damage impending to be caused there in negligence. Negligence
usually involves lack of skill.
Motor Vehicle shall mean any vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power using
the public highways, but exempting road rollers, trolley cars, street sweepers, bulldozers, graders,
fork-lifts, cranes, vehicles which runs only on rails or tracks, tractors, trailers, and traction engine.
Articulated Vehicle- shall mean any motor vehicles with a trailer having no front axle and so
attached that part of the trailer rest upon the motor vehicle and a substantial part of the weight of the
The original Benz Patent Motorwagen, first built in 1885 and awarded the patent for the concept
In 1879, Benz was granted a patent for his first engine, which had been designed in 1878. Many of
his other inventions made the use of the internal combustion engine feasible for powering a vehicle.
Key Personalities in Transportation
Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first steam-powered vehicle
around 1672 which was of small scale and designed as a toy for the Chinese Emperor, that was
unable to carry a driver or a passenger, but quite possibly, was the first working steam-powered
vehicle ('auto-mobile')
In Russia, in the 1780s, Ivan Kulibin developed a human-pedalled, three-wheeled carriage with
modern features such as a flywheel, brake, gear box, and bearings; however, it was not developed
Franois Isaac de Rivaz, a Swiss inventor, designed the first internal combustion engine, in 1806,
which was fueled by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen
In November 1881, French inventor Gustave Trouve demonstrated a working three-wheeled
automobile that was powered by electricity
hydrogen powered FCHV (Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle) was developed by Toyota in 2005
A compressed air car is an alternative fuel car that uses a motor powered by compressed air. The
car can be powered solely by air, or by air combined (as in a hybrid electric vehicle) with
gasoline/diesel/ethanol or electric plant. This type of vehicles will be released this year 2009.
Summary of the Historical Accounts of Transportation
Montgolfier's Hot Air Balloons
Wright Brother's Flyer
Nicolas Joseph Cugnot's steam powered car
3500 BC Fixed wheels on carts are invented - the first wheeled vehicles in history. Other early
wheeled vehicles include the chariot.
3500 BC River boats are invented - ships with oars
2000 BC Horses are domesticated and used for transportation.
181-234 The wheelbarrow is invented.
770 Iron horseshoes improve transportation by horse
1492 Leonardo da Vinci first to seriously theorize about flying machines - with over 100 drawings that
illustrated his theories on flight
1620 Cornelis Drebbel invented the first submarine - an human oared submersible
1662 Blaise Pascal invents the first public bus - horse-drawn, regular route, schedule, and fare
1740 Jacques de Vaucanson demonstrates his clockwork powered carriage
1783 First practical steamboat demonstrated by Marquis Claude Francois de Jouffroy d'Abbans - a
paddle wheel steamboat
1783 The Montgolfier brothers invent the first hot air balloons
1787 Steamboat invented
The pedestrian crossing were instituted in Britain in 1934. The roads were marked by dotted lines.
On the pavement there were striped Belisha beacon light poles named after Britain's Minister of
Transport L. Hore-Belisha. The Zebra crossing with black and white stripes was developed after the
second world war.
First Box Junction
Box junctions, marked with yellow cross-hatching, were introduced in London during 1964. The aim
was to prevent traffic blocking junctions when it could not proceed and this was successful.
First Traffic Police Woman
Police women were used for traffic control duties for the first time in Paris in 1964. In Delhi we
introduced women traffic police in 1989.
The Motor Car Act
The Motor Car Act of Britain came into force on 1st January 1904. It required that all cars be
registered and carry a number plate, and all motorists to have a driving licence. But there was no
driving test to pass and the licence was obtained by filing up a form and paying the fee at a post
office. The act made dangerous driving an indictable offence.
Origin of our Traffic Laws
Geneva, 19 September 1949
Components of Traffic Management
Traffic Education comprises all means for public information and the safety education of both
drivers and pedestrians as to traffic laws and the use of traffic facilities and an adequate training
programs in traffic control throughout the police unit.
Traffic Engineering that phase of engineering which deals with the planning and geometric design
of streets, highways and abutting lands, and with traffic operation thereon, as their use is related to
the safe, convenient and economic transportation of persons and goods.
Traffic Law Enforcement comprises al police activities in connection with the direction of traffic,
regulation and education of drivers, determine potential offenders, constant patrol, giving of
assistance in the prosecution of offenders, investigation of accidents, follow-up complaints,
requesting police action, warning, summoning or arrest of violators, reporting of road hazards and
Enactment of Traffic Laws
Professional Driver shall mean every and any driver hired or paid for driving or operating a motor
vehicle, whether for private use or for public.
Categories of Drivers
1. Tourist
2. International Driver
3. Government
4. Professional
5. Non-professional
6. Student Permit
Classification of Road
1. National Road
2. Provincial Road
3. City Road
4. Municipal Road
5. Barangay Road
6. Private Road
Traffic Control Devices
Traffic Islands are areas within the roadway constructed in a manner to establish physical
channels through which vehicular traffic is guided, that will segregate pedestrian.
Kinds of Traffic Islands
1. Divisional and or Pedestrian Barrier - Divisional islands serve to divide- opposing or same-
3. Refuge Island - A refuge island, also known as a pedestrian refuge or pedestrian island, is a
small section of pavement or sidewalk, completely surrounded by asphalt or other road materials,
where pedestrians can stop before finishing crossing a road. It is typically used when a street is very
wide, as the pedestrian crossing can be too long for some individuals to cross in one traffic
light cycle.
4. Rotary Island - a circular arrangement constructed at the intersection of two or more
roads in order to facilitate the passage of vehicles from one road to another. Expand.
Also called rotary; British, roundabout. Origin of traffic circle.
Traffic Signs a device mounted on a fixed or portable means of words or symbols, officially
created and installed for the purpose of regulating, warning and guiding traffic.
Types of Traffic Signs
1. Regulatory Signs - are intended to inform road-users of special obligations, instructions or
prohibitions which must comply. A round shape is used for regulatory signs with exception of stop
and yield signs.
2. Warning Signs - are intended to warn road-users of danger on the road and to inform them of its
nature. These signs have an equilateral triangular shape with one side horizontal.
3. Guide or Informative Signs - are intended to guide road-users while they are traveling or to
provide them with other useful information.
Types of guide signs
1. Route markings is usually found on highways composed of several lanes which are going into
different direction.
2. Destination and distance signs is usually erected on highway informing the motorist as to the
number of kilometers and at which way to take going to its place of destination.
3. Information signs is usually erected on highway which informs the motorist of the
establishments in the era, such hospitals, restaurants, restrooms, hotels, and other establishments
which provide services to motorist.
Traffic Light Signals is a power operated traffic control device by which traffic is warned or
directed to take some specific actions.
Traffic Actuated Signal is controlled by an individual using his hands in signaling the flow of traffic
wherein traffic shall proceed in accordance with the desire of the individual controlling the flow of
1. This is the same as STOP SIGN.
2. STOP at the designated line.
3. Vehicles will be crossing from the other side
4. Expect pedestrians to cross at the pedestrian lane.
1. This is the same as a YIELD SIGN.
2. Proceed through the intersection with caution.
operated unless registered in accordance with this Act and the corresponding registration fees paid.
(As amended by PD No. 1057,and by BP Blg. 74, approved June 11, 1980.)
1. No motor vehicle operating as a single unit shall exceed the following dimensions:
2. Overall width - 2 and five-tenths meters
3. Overall height- 11 meters
4. Overall length:
Freight vehicles
- with two axles - 10 meters
Passenger vehicles
- with two axles - 11 meters
Vehicles with
- three or more axles 14 meters
No motor vehicle and/or trailer combination shall exceed eighteen meters in overall projected length,
including any load carried on such vehicle and trailer.
No articulated vehicle shall be allowed to draw or pull a trailer and no vehicle already drawing a
trailer shall draw another.
Registration Certificates, Records,
Number Plates
Use and authority of certificate of registration.-(a)The said certificate shall be preserved and
carried in the car by the owner as evidence of the registration of the motor vehicle described therein,
and shall be presented with subsequent applications for registration, transfer of ownership, or
recording of encumbrances: Provided, That in lieu of the certificate of registration a true copy or
Photostat thereof may be carried in the motor vehicle.
Suspension of registration certificate
Any motor vehicle is found to be unsightly, unsafe, overloaded, improperly marked or equipped, or
otherwise unfit to be operated, or capable of causing excessive damage to the highways, or not
conforming to minimum standards and specifications, the Commissioner may refuse to register the
said motor vehicle, or if already registered, may require the number plates thereof to be surrendered
to him, and upon seventy-two hours notice to the owner of the motor vehicle, suspend such,
registration until the defects of the vehicle are corrected and/or the minimum standards and
specifications fully complied with.
Whenever it shall appear from the records of the Commission that during any twelve-month period
more than three warnings for violation of this Act have been given to the owner of a motor vehicle, or
that the said owner has been convicted by a competent court more than once for violation of such
laws, the Commissioner may, in his discretion, suspend the certificate of registration for a period not
exceeding ninety days and, thereupon, shall require the immediate surrender of the number plates.
Use of Number plates
At all times, every motor vehicle shall display in conspicuous places, one in front and one in the rear
thereof, the said number plates.
The number plates shall kept clean and cared for, and shall be firmly affixed to the motor vehicle in
such a manner as will make it entirely visible and always legible.
Except in the case of dealers number plates which may be used successively on various motor
vehicles in stock, no person shall transfer, number plates from one motor vehicle to another.
No dealers number plate shall be used on any motor vehicle after said vehicle has been sold and
delivered to a purchaser, and no dealer shall allow such dealers number plates to be used on any
motor vehicle after its sale and delivery to a purchaser.
Duty to have license
Operation of motor vehicles by tourists. Bona fide tourists and similar transients who are duly
licensed to operate motor vehicles in their respective countries may be allowed to operate motor
vehicles during but no after, ninety days of their sojourn in the Philippines.
If any accident involving such tourist or transient occurs, which upon investigation by the
Commissioner or his deputies operate motor vehicles, the Commissioner shall immediately inform
the said tourist or transient in writing that he shall no longer be permitted to operate a motor vehicle.
After ninety days, any tourist or transient desiring to operate motor vehicles shall pay fees and obtain
and carry a license as hereinafter provided.
That no person shall be issued a professional drivers license who is suffering from contagious
diseases, such as tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases and epilepsy or who is an alcohol or
drug addict or dependent.
For a professional drivers license, is at least eighteen years of age, possesses a valid studentdrivers permit and has undergone instruction in the operation of motor vehicles for at least five
months under a qualified instructor:
For a non-professional drivers license, is at least seventeen years of age, possesses a valid
student-drivers permit and has undergone instruction in the operation of motor vehicles for at least a
Student-drivers permit. Director or his deputies may issue student-drivers permits, valid for one
year to persons not under sixteen years of age, who desire to learn to operate motor vehicles.
A student-driver who fails in the examination on a professional or non-professional license shall
continue as a student-driver and shall not be allowed to take another examination at least one month
thereafter. No student-driver shall operate a motor vehicle, unless possessed of a valid studentdrivers permit and accompanied by a duly licensed driver.
It shall be unlawful for any duly licensed driver to transfer, lend or otherwise allow any person to
operate to use his license for the purpose of enabling such person to operate a motor vehicle.
No owner of a motor vehicle shall engage, employ, or hire any person to operate such motor vehicle,
unless the person sought to be employed is a duly licensed professional driver. (As amended by BP
Blg. 398, May 18, 1983.
Confiscation of drivers license
Law enforcement and peace officers of other agencies duly deputized by the Director shall, in
apprehending a driver for any violation of this Act or of any regulations issued pursuant thereto, or of
local traffic rules and regulations not contrary to any provisions of this Act or of any regulations not
contrary to any provisions of this Act confiscate the license of the driver concerned and issue a
receipt prescribed and issued by the Bureau
therefore which shall authorize the driver to operate a motor vehicle for a period not exceeding
seventy-two hours from the time and date of issue of said receipt. The period so fixed in the receipt
shall not be extended, and shall become invalid thereafter. Failure of the driver to settle his case
within fifteen (15) days from the date of apprehension will be a ground for the suspension and/or
revocation of his license.
The rates of speed hereinabove prescribed shall not apply to the following
1. A physician or his driver when the former responds to emergency calls;
2. The driver of a hospital ambulance on the way to and from the place of accident or other
3. Any driver bringing a wounded or sick person for emergency treatment to a hospital, clinic, or any
other similar place;
4. The driver of a motor vehicle belonging to the Armed Forces while in use for official purposes in
times of riot, insurrection of invasion;
5. The driver of a vehicle, when he or his passengers are in pursuit of a criminal;
6. A law enforcement officer who is trying to overtake a violator of traffic laws; and
7. The driver officially operating a motor vehicle of any fire department provided that exemption shall
not be construed to allow useless or unnecessary fast driving of drivers aforementioned.
Overtaking a vehicle The driver of any motor vehicle overtaking another vehicle overtaking
another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a safe distance to the left thereof, and
shall not again drive to the right side of the highway until safely clear of such overtaken vehicle
except that on a highway, within a business or residential district, having two or more lanes for the
movement of traffic in one direction, the driver overtaking and passing upon the right, another vehicle
which is making or about to make a left turn.
Right of Way. (a) When two vehicles approach or enter and intersection at approximately the
same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right,
except as otherwise herein after provided. The driver of any vehicle traveling at any unlawful speed
shall forfeit any right of way which he might otherwise have hereunder.
The driver of a vehicle approaching but not having entered an intersection, shall yield the right of way
to a vehicle within such intersection or turning therein to the left across the line of travel of such first-
mentioned vehicle, provided the driver of the vehicle turning left has given a plainly visible signal of
intention to turn as required in this Act.
Parking prohibited in specified places
1. Within an intersection
2. On a crosswalk
3. Within six meters of the intersection of curb lines.
4. Within four meters of the driveways entrance to any fire station.
5. Within four meters of a fire hydrant.
6. In front of a private driveway
7. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the curb or edge of the highway.
8. At any place where official signs have been erected prohibiting parking.
Applicant must be a holder of a student permit and must have undergone apprenticeship for at least
thirty days
1. He/she must be at least seventeen years old
2. He/she must submit a medical certificate indicating the physical and mental state of the applicant
from an accredited LTO Physician or government physician.
3. He/she must pass the written and practical examination.
All physically handicapped persons who passed the qualification requirements shall be issued a nonprofessional drivers license only.
Only the following disabled persons are entitled to secure the above-mentioned drivers license, to
1. Orthopedically impaired - person with amputated left or right leg, amputated left or right arm,
post-polio victims with one paralyzed leg either left or right.
2. Partially blind person with no left eye but good right eye sight or no right eye but with good left
eye sight.
3. Speech and hearing impaired person unable to speak but can hear or partially Hear.
Orthopedically impaired applicant should only drive the customized vehicle duly inspected and
registered at LTO Office and duly indicated in the drivers license. Driving is limited to daytime, which
is from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
1. Detection
2. Apprehension
3. Prosecution
4. Adjudication
5. Penalization
Traffic Patrol May be conducted on area or line bases which refer to the territory covered. It
includes, for enforcement purposes, stationary observation to detect drivers behavior as well as
moving about to detect violators. Traffic patrol reefers to the observation of road conditions, the
behavior of the drivers and other users of vehicles for the purpose of traffic supervision and law
enforcement and providing authorized traffic-connected services to the public.
Line Patrol Conducts observation either in moving or stationary observation at a certain route or
point of a major street in a city.
Area Patrol Conduct observation either by moving patrol or stationary observation in a certain
area, which included a number of streets roads or sections of a highway.
Stationary Observation Observation of traffic conditions of a selected place, usually one with
unfavorable accident experiences for traffic law supervision. Stationary observation may be
conspicuous, visible or concealed, depending upon the location of the patrol unit in relation to the
street under observation.
Conspicuous Observation Stationary observation in which the observer remains in full review of
traffic conditions.
Visible Observation Stationary observation in which observer is full view but so located, for
example, at Side Street, so as to require effort on the part of traffic users to discover the observer.
Concealed Observation Stationary observation in which the observer is not visible to persons
using ordinary power of observation form the roadway being observed.
Purpose of Traffic Patrol
1. Deterrent to violations and dangerous driving.
2. Detecting and apprehending violators.
3. Observing and reporting traffic conditions.
4. Observing and reporting road conditions, including view obstruction, which needs attention.
5. Providing certain services to the public.
Handling emergencies as they arise and keeping traffic flow smoothly.
Road Intelligence Unusual points of serious congestion must be noted. You may observe an
unusual amount of delay at a certain intersection each morning and when you learn that it is due to
loading or unloading of passengers on a No Loading Zone, be sure to report the situation at once
to your superior officer.
Report congestion that ties up traffic for a block or more. Also report unnecessary delay at stop signs
or signals which are installed when traffic is heavier. Include in your report all road and bridge
implications at this point of perception, but there was a warning. The normal routine is perception,
realization, or recognition, decision, and action.
Possible perception - is a link in the accident chain dealing with the reaction of a normal person.
Prompt perception occurs when possible and actual perception are very close. Maximum delayed
perception occurs when actual perception is delayed until impact shock alerts the driver..
Encroachment is the movement of a vehicle into the path assigned to the other traffic unit.
Evasive Action is the first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from a collision course or
otherwise avoid the hazard.
Point of no escape is that location and that time after or beyond which an accident cannot be
prevented by the driver or pedestrian.
Initial Contact it is the first accidental touching of an object collided with by a traffic unit in motion.
Maximum Engagement is the greatest collapse or overlap in a collision.
Disengagement is the separation of a traffic unit in motion from an object with which it has
Final Rest of Stopping it usually stabilizes the accident situation where both vehicles in a collision
has ceases its force, and stopping may occur with or without control by the driver or pedestrian
Skidmarks are marks on the road left by tires that are not fee to rotate usually because brakes are
applied strongly to lock wheels.
Nine (9) Kinds of skidmarks
1. Pavement Grinding is the collection of many fine scratches and some larger one form by
particles of gritty materials such as stone, gravel, glass and sometimes bit of metal embedding itself
in the rubber of the tire or in the thread pattern and being ground or scored against the road surface.
2. Tire Grinding is the collection of particles of rubber ground from the tire surface by gritty paving,
especially before the tire gets hot enough smear. It occur on hard, dry, granular surfaces, particularly
weathered or new but not traffic-polished cement.
3. Erasing is a clean light area where a sliding tire had erased or removed dirt from the pavement.
Erasing is most likely to be found on traffic-polished concrete road.
4. Squeeze Mark are areas where a sliding tie rubs moisture of the surface in its path. It occurs on
some kind of surface as erasing except that the surface is wet.
5. Smear of Soft Material materials such as snow, mud, or debris usually wet smooth or spread
by a sliding tire. It occurs on road covered with snow, or mud.
6. Smear of Bituminous Material is excess asphalt or tar, usually warm which spread by a sliding
tire this occurs in pavement patches and joints in very warm weather and else where when there is
an excess of tar or asphalt bleeding to the surface.
7. Tire Smear is a rubber melted from the tire rather than material melted from the road by a
sliding tire.
8. Scrub of Tire during Collision collision of cars usually cause the wheel to jam and prevents it
from turning. If the vehicles are moving there will be a heavy scrubbing action between tire and road
9. Furrow is a ploughed depression made by a sliding tire with material piled-up on each sides and
usually at the end. If the soil is smooth and sticky, there may be soft material smear in the bottom of
the rut.
Types of Ending Skidmarks
1. Overlapping Skidmark occurs when the rear wheels track on top of the front wheel marks in
2. Front Wheel Marks are in long skids on hard pavement with bituminous binders. Front wheels
skidmarks in which most of the mark is at edge of the tire.
3. Rear Tire Marks are relatively faint because of lesser weight on the tire in slowing. They may
show thread grooves when the front tire marks do not.
4. Flat Tire Scuffs will leave marks by a scrubbing action even without application of brakes due to
5. Gaps in Skidmarks are interruptions in skidmarks made by release of brake pressure and its
6. Skip Skid are skidmarks that are broken or interrupted without brakes being release.
7. Curb in Skidmarks are usually gentle slides toward the edge of the road which is simply
Scuff Marks are signs left on the road by tires that are sliding or scrubbing while the wheel is still
Types of Scuff Marks
1. Decelerating Scuff are left while the vehicle is slowing by braking effort and tires are both sliding
and rolling.
2. Accelerating Scuff are left by a wheel driven by the engine and spinning on the ground.
3. Side Scuff are scuff marks left by a tire that is free to rotate without braking or power the sliding
sidewise, these are usually left by a vehicle steering around a curb and also in collision.
4. Combination Scuff are combination of slide with either decelerating or accelerating scuffs.
5. Flat Tire Scuff are marks lefts on the road by the edges of under-inflated or greatly overloaded
tires. They are usually smear of rubber, a flat tire rolls it become a very hot specially at the edges
where the pressure is greatest.
6. Scrub of Tire during collision it is much the same when the wheel is rotating as when it is
7. Furrows by a rotating and sliding wheel are little different than one with a locked wheel.
1. Direct Causes the direct causes of an accident are observable by witness and participants, or
may be constructed from physical evidence found at the scene. Since a direct cause relates to the
action of the human part of the traffic unit concerned it is a behavior cause. Usually only four direct
"Motor vehicle" is any vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power using the public
highways, but excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers,
bulldozers, graders, fork-lifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used on public highways, vehicles,
which run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and traction engines of all kinds used
exclusively for agricultural purposes. Trailers having any number of wheels, when propelled or
intended to be propelled by attachment to a motor vehicle, shall be classified as separate motor
vehicle with no power rating.
P.D. NO. 1911
"Sec. 12-A.All carnapped or stolen motor vehicle, recovered and impound by law enforcement
agencies which after a period of three (3) months from the date of its seizure/recovery have
remained unclaimed or whose real owners could no longer be determined or established because
the original numbers of the motor engine or chassis numbers could no longer be determined and
restored, are considered as abandoned motor vehicles and shall be sold and disposed of by the
Chief of Constabulary of his authorized representative in a public auction;
Provided, That, in all cases before any public auction is effected, there shall be published once a
week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines or in
the place where it was recovered or found, a description of the motor vehicles intended to be
auctioned with a notice that after the lapse of one month from the date of the last publication, should
no person file a claim for the recovery of the same, said motor vehicles will be sold at public auction;
Provided, Finally that the date and place of the public auction to be conducted by the Chief of
Constabulary or his authorized representative shall already be fixed in the last publication
PD. 1612
"Fencing" is the act of any person who, with intent to gain for himself or for another, shall buy,
receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell or dispose of, or shall buy and sell, or in any other
manner deal in any article, item, object or anything of value which he knows, or should be known to
him, to have been derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft.
"Fence" includes any person, firm, association corporation or partnership or other organization
who/which commits the act of fencing.
1. That it shall be unlawful for the owner or possessor of any motor vehicle to use or attach to his
vehicle any siren, bell, horn, whistle, or other similar gadgets that produce exceptionally loud or
startling sound, including dome lights, blinkers and other similar signaling or flashing devices.
2. The gadgets or devices mentioned above may be attached to and use only on motor vehicles
designated for official use by the Armed Forces of the Philippines, National Bureau of Investigation,
Land Transportation Commission, Police Departments, Fire Departments, and hospital ambulances.
Any device or gadget installed or mounted on any motor vehicle or otherwise used in violation of this
decree shall be subject to immediate confiscation and, in cases of a second and subsequent
offenses, the offender shall be prosecuted for violation of this Decree before the military tribunal and,
upon conviction thereof, shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment for six months and/or a fine of 600
pesos. In addition, the certificate of registration of the motor vehicle on which the unauthorized
gadget or device herein mentioned is installed, mounted or used shall be cancelled or revoked.