Audience Development Strategy

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2007 - 2009

December, 2006

Foreword .............................................................................................. 3
Context .................................................................................................4
Music Network and Audiences .............................................................. 5
What is Audience Development?............................................................................. 5
Key roles in the Audience Development Strategy ..................................6
Key Aims of the Music Network Audience Development Strategy ......... 7
Attract new audiences to live music performances................................................. 7
Enhance the live music experience for current audiences ..................................... 7
Support the live performance of high-quality music in Ireland............................. 7
Support and develop the role of the promoter........................................................ 7
Expected Key Results of the Audience Development Strategy ...............8
Going forward.................................................................................9
Music Network Audience Development Plan 2007 2009 ...................11
Appendix A: ........................................................................................ 13
Guidelines: Music Network................................................................. 13
Statement: ...............................................................................................................13
Introduction: ...........................................................................................................13
Project Preparation .................................................................................................13
Project Execution: .................................................................................................. 14
Monitoring and Evaluation: .................................................................................. 14
Participation Guidelines: Promoters .................................................. 15
Statement: ...............................................................................................................15
Criteria for involvement & selection: .....................................................................15
Policies:................................................................................................................... 16
Project Execution: .................................................................................................. 16
Monitoring and Evaluation: .................................................................................. 16
Guidelines: Artists & Facilitators .........................................................17
Statement: ...............................................................................................................17
Criteria for involvement:.........................................................................................17
Policies:................................................................................................................... 18
Project Execution: .................................................................................................. 18
Monitoring and Evaluation: .................................................................................. 19
Guidelines for Participants .................................................................20
Statement: ..............................................................................................................20
Criteria for participation:.......................................................................................20
Role of the Key worker(s)/contact(s): ...................................................................20
Project Execution: ...................................................................................................21
Monitoring and Evaluation: ...................................................................................21
Appendix B ......................................................................................... 22
Appendix C ......................................................................................... 23

This document outlines the Music Network Audience Development Strategy and
Programme and Guidelines 2007 - 2009.
The necessity for an audience development strategy has been recognised by Music
Network, partner promoters and artists for sometime. This strategy has been
informed through research and consultation with a number of Music Networks
partner promoters 1 , other national music organisations 2 and relevant members of the
Arts Council executive 3 . This research and consultation, along with examination of
audience development approaches implemented by other international arts
organisations, showed that developing audiences implies a number of possible
interpretations. These interpretations include: attracting new and larger audiences to
live music performances, augmenting the live music experience for current audiences
and increasing the frequency of attendance by existing audiences. The Music Network
audience development strategy aims to address each of these interpretations.
The success and development of high quality live classical, jazz and traditional Irish
music performance is intrinsically linked with audience demand. Knowledgeable,
informed audiences demand greater frequency and even greater standards of live
music performance in their locality. It is important, then, to create a strategy that will
engage audiences and provide mechanisms by which awareness and access are
supplemented by opportunities to interact with the artist and the music. This strategy
provides support to local promoters and to artists to enhance local conditions for the
performance of live music while offering a genuine service to the audience member
current or potential and other music organisations.
Music Network values its partnerships and strives to support each of these
constituencies. Music Networks Audience Development Strategy addresses four of
the organisations key objectives:
to build audiences for music, across a range of genres
to foster and develop high quality concert promotion within Ireland
to provide enhanced performance and professional development
opportunities for highly skilled musicians within Ireland
to encourage wider participation in and accessibility to music
The programme outlined in this document aims to benefit partner promoters, artists
and audiences. Music Network anticipates that once the strategy and programme has
been tried and tested, many promoters will be attracted to the programme. The
training and experience offered to the artists as part of the Music Network
programme will provide a vital pool of skills and resources that will also be accessible
to other music organisations. Audiences will be offered a practical and interactive
means of accessing classical, jazz and traditional Irish music in their locality. The
intended result of this preliminary work, initially tested through pilot programmes,
will be a useful instrument for other music organisations wishing to introduce an
audience development programme.
The following partner promoters contributed to this research: Briery Gap, Carlingford Lough Heritage
Trust, Christchurch Cathedral, Waterford, Clifden Arts Society, Glr, Ionad Cultrtha, Linenhall Arts
Centre, Mermaid Arts Centre, Music for New Ross, Pavilion Theatre, Solstice Arts Centre, St. Johns
Theatre & Arts Centre, The Dock, The Source Arts Centre, and Tuar Ard. See Appendix B.
2 Contemporary Music Centre, Improvised Music Company, Irish Association of Youth Orchestras, Irish
Baroque Orchestra, National Chamber Choir, National Concert Hall, and RT. See Appendix C for full
list of contact details.
3 Fergus Sheil, Music Consultant; Liz Doherty, Traditional Arts Consultant and Jan Hinde, Arts
Participation Programme Manager.

Over the past 21 years, Music Network has been firmly established as the arts
organisation with primary responsibility for developing music in Ireland. The
organisation aims to make live classical, jazz and traditional Irish music of the
highest quality available and accessible to everyone in the country, regardless of their
location or circumstance, while supporting the career development of highly skilled
Irish and international artists.
Music Networks partnerships with local promoters are central to the effective
delivery of the organisations primary aims and objectives. Music Network partner
promoters include local community arts group wishing to improve accessibility to the
arts in their locality; full time, professionally staffed arts centres; local authority arts
officers and local arts festivals.
In order to augment the quality of the services provided by Music Network, it is
imperative that the role of the promoter is supported and developed. This Audience
Development Strategy and Programme forms part of a larger Promoter Development
Programme that provides ongoing practical support and opportunities for promoters.
Through close partnership with local promoters, Music Network has identified the
need for a cohesive and strategic approach to audience development. This document
outlines the principle aims, outcomes, roles and structure that this programme will
undertake from 2007 to 2009.
The implementation of the Music Network Audience Development Programme
involves the key participation and support of promoters, artists, audiences and key
workers/contacts and other music organisations and their respective contributions
are acknowledged in the aims and anticipated outcomes of this document.

Music Network and Audiences

What is Audience Development?

Music Network views audience development as a cohesive concept to generate

sustained and progressive audience awareness, attendance and appreciation of high
quality live music performances.
Music Network has identified the three key components of audience development
Marketing 4
Strategic, effective and innovative marketing will raise awareness of Music Network
events locally and nationally. Increased awareness of live music performances will
increase awareness of the profile of the artists involved, increase awareness of the
significance of the programme and increase awareness of the quality of the musical
performance. Assembling and maximising the use of data compiled by promoters to
monitor audience attendance and tastes as well as offering audiences opportunities to
evaluate the live music experience (e.g. audience surveys, written & verbal,
suggestions boxes etc.), will be key to the workings of the marketing component.
Participative outreach work will provide current and potential audiences with
greater access to classical, jazz and traditional Irish music. This key component will
ensure the sustained progress of audience development. Engaging with the full
demographic spectrum (including children, young people, adults, active retirement
groups and members of Irelands new Communities), the outreach component will
communicate with potential audiences in an interactive, inclusive and engaging
manner while augmenting the live music experience of current audiences with, for
example, pre- and post concert discussions.
The programming component requires a two-fold approach: programming support
to promoters and programming support to the artist.
Music Network aims to make strategic artistic contributions to the promoters music
programme so that this strategy supports local music development. To this end,
programming assistance and support will be made available to partner promoters to
assist with the preparation of a coherent concert season. This will include
information on accessing appropriate artists from Music Network and other relevant
Music Network encourages artists to consider artistic programming from a range of
perspectives, including the promoter and the audience. Music Network also supports
the continuing professional development of artists through a variety of initiatives, the
most recent being the Music Network Performance and Touring Award. The aims of
the award include the opportunity for Irish and Ireland-based artists to develop their
skills in areas such as project planning and administration, self-promotion and selfmanagement. Simultaneously, this award offers a new source of music programming
to promoters, and in turn to audiences throughout Ireland.

The promotional aspect of marketing will form the particular focus of this approach.

Key roles in the Audience Development Strategy

The following bodies will have key roles in the implementation and development of
the Audience Development Strategy:
Music Network
In consultation with the other Key stakeholders, Music Network has established the
aims and expected outcomes of the audience development programme. With the
support of Arts Council revenue funding, Music Network will manage and evaluate
the implementation of the programme in adherence with the objectives of the
strategy document.

Promoters engaging with the audience development programme are provided with a
developmental opportunity that is intended to increase promoter access to and
engagement with current and potential audiences and, in the longer term, increase
the size and frequency of audience attendance. This programme also offers promoters
the opportunity to network with each other and to further develop the musical life of
their community.
Artists working with the outreach component will be supported with practical
training through the Music Network Continuing Professional Development
Programme. The Audience Development Programme provides new opportunities for
artists to engage with their audiences and to develop audience appreciation for their
work and their music.
Audience members
This programme offers audience members current and potential the opportunity
to engage with quality live music performance. This programme serves to
complement Music Networks policy of enabling complete access to live music
throughout Ireland.

Key worker/contact
The Key worker/contact is an individual who represents the Participant group
working in an outreach setting. The Key worker/contact is often nominated by the
group to fulfil this role or this role falls to them in their capacity as teacher, youth
leader, careworker etc. The Key worker/contact will be offered training and access to
resources to develop on the Participant groups achievements during the Audience
Development Programme. Working with the partner promoter, and other relevant
local resources (for example, the Local Authority Arts Office, Local Education
Resource Centre, Community Development Programmes or Family Resource
Agencies etc.) the Key worker/contact will be supported in order to sustain and
develop the interest and progress of the participant group.
External Evaluator
An External Evaluator will monitor and evaluate the implementation of this strategy
and programme during the pilot phase (January 2007 August 2007). At strategic
stages of the programmes operations and development, the External Evaluator will
provide independent assessment of the position and progress of the project. A final
report with detailed evaluation of the pilot programme, and recommendations for the
implementation of the programme proper from September 2007, will be made
available to other music organisations and all interested parties.

Key Aims of the Music Network Audience Development

The key aims of this strategy will be addressed by the three key components of
audience development identified earlier: outreach, marketing and programming.
The Music Network Audience Development Strategy aims to:

Attract new audiences to live music performances

The Audience Development Programme will examine traditional marketing methods
(e.g. posters, flyers etc.) and new, innovative techniques (e.g. ambassador schemes)
to attract new audiences members. Audience-centred workshops, designed to engage
and inform the new audience, will be programmed in conjunction with concert
performances. Artistic programming will be examined in relation to both current and
new audiences.
Enhance the live music experience for current audiences
Music Network aims to increase current audience satisfaction with the high-quality
live music performances offered in their locality. A range of suitable schemes,
informed through consultation, will be made available to current audiences. These
schemes will include pre and post concert talks and other activities designed to
enhance the live music experience.
Support the live performance of high-quality music in Ireland
Music Network aims to make live music of the highest quality available and accessible
to everyone in the country, regardless of their location or circumstance, while
supporting the career development of highly skilled Irish and international artists.
The Audience Development Programme has been developed to enhance the delivery
of these aims.
Support and develop the role of the promoter
Music Network values its partnerships with local promoters and this programme is
intended to benefit and support the work of local promoters. The cooperation and
support of the local promoters in planning, piloting, evaluating and implementing
this programme will be central to its success.

Advocate with the appropriate bodies and authorities for the

promotion of the importance of live music performance to the
development of culture and society in Ireland
Ireland is recognised as a dynamic and rapidly expanding economy. In the context of
Active Citizenship, the Music Network Audience Development Strategy and
Programme strives to highlight the importance of live music performance to the
development of an inclusive, knowledgeable and progressive society in Ireland.

Expected Key Results of the Audience Development Strategy

The strategy is intended to create increased audience awareness, audience attendance
and audience appreciation of Music Network performances. The direct key results of
the strategy will affect: promoters, artists, key workers/contacts and audiences.
Key Results for:
Practical, effective support and development for the role of the promoter
Strengthen partnerships between Music Network and local promoters
Effective and dynamic music programming skills and other programming
Networking opportunities for local promoters
Direct contact and engagement with new audiences
Direct contact and engagement with artists
Further developing relationships with current audiences
Key worker/contact:
Access to training and resources to develop music amongst their peers/clients
Opportunities to develop and foster relationships with local promoter and
other local resources including Local Authority Arts Officer etc.
Opportunities to contribute to and influence the outreach programme on
behalf of their peer/client group
Develop new and current audience interest in music
Directly challenge traditional concepts of particular genres of music through
outreach programmes
Directly explore alternative methods of structuring and presenting live music
Additional professional opportunities in outreach work
Participation in the Music Network Continuing Profession Development
Programme and receive training and support for work in outreach settings
Increased awareness of live music performance events in local areas
Increased access for current audiences and new audiences to Music Network
Enhanced enjoyment of live music performances
Increased appreciation for the artistic standard and services supplied by
Music Network
Increased familiarity with and new insights into artists and programme
presented in the concert performance

Going forward.
The Music Network Audience Development Strategy and Programme will begin by
consolidating the range of work currently undertaken by the organisation.
The Programme will involve each of Music Networks key areas of engagement:
performance, access, regional expansion and music development. It will involve the
contribution of Music Network itself, of promoters, artists, facilitators,
educationalists and current audience members. It will explore opportunities for
reaching potential, new audiences.
The first phase of the Audience Development Strategy will support existing
promoters and expand audiences. This strategy will be used in further phases to
generate new promoters from among participants working with the Programme and
to simultaneously develop an audience for high quality musical performances in
regional localities.
The Programme will be dynamic. It will respond to the evaluations and feedback
received so that the needs identified by the key stakeholders are catered for and the
goals of the strategy are achieved.
In order to make progress and to achieve the aims set out above, a number of pilot
schemes, focusing on particular aspects of audience development, will operate once
the main Programme becomes operational in September 2007. The knowledge
gained from these pilot schemes will contribute to the effectiveness of the Programme
and, ultimately, enhance the performance of Music Network.

Music Network Audience Development Plan 2007 2009

Time Line
June September 2006

Research & Development

September 2006

Strategy & Planning

October December 2006

Pilot Preparation Phase

January June 2007

Pilot Programmes

May 2007 August 2007

Evaluation Phase

Define Audience Development in Music Networks terms
Meet with promoters to discuss audience development issues,
experiences and expectations
Meet with other music resource organisations to gain a view of audience
development needs
Establish role of Promoters & Audience Development Manager
Meet with artists interested in the programme
Finalise Music Network Audience Development Strategy and Plan
Distribute to promoters
Distribute to other interested parties
Seek out volunteer promoters for pilot schemes
Finalise artists involved in pilot schemes
Artists attend first of three weekend CPD Programmes at NCH
Commence CPD mentoring programme
Match promoter, artist, facilitator, genre, programme participants
Create pilot calendars (including performance date)
Create pilot programmes
Organise equipment, materials required
Discuss appropriate methods of evaluation with external evaluator
Implementation of pilot programmes
Ongoing evaluation meetings with all parties
Addressing issues as they arise in each project
Encouraging good relationships between promoters and artists
Artists attend second & third weekends of CPD Programme at NCH
Structured evaluation meetings with all pilot parties
Compile evaluation reports
Present findings at Promoters Forum in June/July 2007
Encourage discussion and elaboration among promoters
Encourage promoters to get involved in an audience development

July 2007 September


September 2007
September 2007
December 2007
January 2008 March

March 2008 June 2008

September 2008

Programme Preparation
Pilot Preparation Phase II

Audience Development
Programme Roll out
Pilot Programme Phase II

Monitoring Audience
Development Programme
Evaluation of Pilot
Programme Phase II
Evaluation, Roll out and
Pilot Programming
Promoters Forum
External Evaluation

Create programmes with promoters and other interested parties for rollout in September
Prepare pilot schemes addressing issues resulting from Pilot Phase I &
Programmes of six month plus duration rolled out for promoters
requiring audience development programmes
Parallel pilot schemes will provide opportunities for new ideas to be
examined before adding them to the programme proper while providing
artists new to the programme with an opportunity to get involved on a
closely monitored project.
Audience development programmes will not be season-specific and can
be rolled out at any time of year

Evaluation of programmes when each programme ceases

Topic to be decided
External evaluators will be invited to observe this project from July 2007


Appendix A:
The implementation of the Music Network Audience Development Programme will require
the cooperation and coordination of the contributing parties, including promoters, artists,
key workers/contacts, Participant groups and Music Network. The following Guidelines
identify the qualifying criteria required for participation in the Programme and the roles of
each party during the project execution and evaluation phases.

Guidelines: Music Network


Music Network is committed to providing access to high-quality live classical, jazz and
traditional Irish music performances to audiences regardless of location or circumstance.
The Audience Development Programme aims to offer an interactive means for everyone to
access classical, jazz and traditional Irish music. The aim of the following guidelines is to
detail Music Networks role and responsibilities with respect to the Audience Development


Music Network views audience development as a cohesive concept involving marketing,

outreach and programming to generate sustained and progressive audience awareness,
attendance and appreciation of high quality live music performances.
Music Network undertakes to implement the Audience Development Programme in
partnership with:
Local promoters
The guidelines have been sub-divided into three main areas:
Project Preparation
Project Execution
Monitoring & Evaluation

Project Preparation:

Music Network will:

engage with stakeholders that fulfil the criteria in the respective guidelines
create clear channels of communication with each of the key stakeholders
ensure that all key stakeholders (including Music Network) engage fully with the
agreed Audience Development Strategy and guidelines
appropriately remunerate Artists involved in the projects


Music Network will require the other key stakeholders to adhere to the following policies:
Health & Safety (including risk assessment)
Child Protection
And where available:
Cultural Diversity
Older People
People with disabilities

Project Execution:

Music Network will:

adhere to the criteria detailed in the Programme guidelines for Music Network,
Promoters, Artists and Participants
provide adequate training for Artists engaged in workshop activity
provide professional experienced Facilitators to coordinate workshops
provide professional experienced tutors for the marketing and programming
components of the Programme
provide adequate support for Promoters, Artists and Participants
ensure that Participants have access to classical, jazz or traditional Irish musicians for
workshop purposes
ensure availability of the Programme nationwide
ensure access to the Programme to all qualifying parties
value and respect the contributions of the other key stakeholders
accommodate, within reason, extraordinary circumstances which may arise
foster a close working relationship with each of the key stakeholders
provide adequate resources for the effective execution of the workshops and other
activities, where appropriate
respect the facilities provided by the Promoter

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Music Network will:

agree to engage with monitoring and evaluation systems detailed in the Music
Network Audience Development Programme
engage with the External Evaluator
with the assistance of the External Evaluator, create, distribute and document
evaluation forms for all of the key stakeholders
be open to suggestions, recommendations and feedback by all of the key stakeholders
collate records of Promoter, Artist & Participant evaluations and feedback (verbal &
agree to the public dissemination of the evaluation report
re-evaluate the Audience Development Strategy document with reference to the
external evaluation report
Music Network may wish to take some photographs or other records of the Participant group
during workshop and/or the performance. Permission will be sought from the Promoter,
Artists and the Participants before any visual, audio or audio/visual recording is undertaken.


Participation Guidelines: Promoters


Music Network has established an Audience Development Programme as one of many means
of supporting local partner promoters throughout Ireland. Following the initial pilot process,
Music Network will invite all Promoters to become involved with the Audience Development
The Outreach component of the Music Network Audience Development Programme will
involve a series of workshops leading up to a concert performance, all of which will take
place at the Promoters venue, if appropriate. The workshops will involve the Artists
performing in the concert performance and the material used in the workshops will be
reflected in the programme of the concert performance. Although there may be many eligible
promoters wishing to participate in this programme, Music Network will select the
participant Promoters through a consultative process based on the following guidelines.
The Guidelines have been sub-divided into five main areas:
Criteria for involvement & selection
Project Execution
Monitoring & Evaluation

Criteria for involvement & selection:

Music Network will require the following resources:

Human & Time
Access to equipment e.g. appropriate space, chairs 5
o appropriate workshop space
o access (location)
o access (disability etc)
o environmental issues
o appropriate light, heat, seating, personal space, access to facilities (toilets,
catering etc), health & hygiene, public liability insurance etc.)
Music Network will also require:
Willingness to engage in training programmes in marketing and programming
Openness to use of a variety of Audience Development tools (e.g. workshops,
audience surveys etc.)
Good communication skills (working with a number of key stakeholders including:
Music Network, Artists and Participant groups)
Promoter Commitment to the Audience Development Programme
Capacity for the development of innovative & dynamic Promoter practice


Applicant Promoters must relate to Music Network why they believe the Music Network
Audience Development Programme will benefit them. How will the programme work with
their music development programme?
For the purposes of this selection process, Music Network will look favourably on Promoters
that demonstrate, perhaps through active research (e.g. audience surveys or previous

Access to this equipment will be viewed as indicators of the Promoters commitment to the programme.


outreach projects), that there is a necessity or desire for engagement with the Music Network
Audience Development Programme.


Music Network will require each Promoter to have the following policies in place regarding:
Health & Safety (including risk assessment, if necessary)
Child Protection
And where appropriate:
Cultural Diversity
Older People
People with disabilities
Promoters will be requested to provide a hard copy of these policies to the Participating
group, on request.
Note: the Music Network Child Protection Policy will take precedence during workshops
involving Music Network staff and children 6 .

Project Execution:

Promoters engaging with the Music Network Audience Development Programme will be
required to:
adhere to the involvement and selection criteria listed
fully engage with its three key components: marketing, outreach and musical
value and respect the contributions of the other key stakeholders (Music Network, the
Artists and the Participants)
endeavour to support participant group after project completion
accommodate, within reason, extraordinary circumstances that may arise

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Promoters engaging with the Music Network Audience Development Programme will be
required to:
agree to engage with monitoring and evaluation systems detailed in the Music
Network Audience Development Programme
complete and record Promoter evaluations
engage with the External Evaluator
agree to the public dissemination of the evaluation report
Music Network may wish to take some photographs or other records of the Participant group
during workshop and/or the performance. Permission will be sought from the Promoter,
Artists and the Participants before any visual, audio or audio/visual recording is undertaken.

A child is defined by the Child Care Act, 1991, as a person under the age of 18 years other than a person who is
or has been married. (5.2.1)


Guidelines: Artists & Facilitators


Music Network wishes to support highly skilled professional musicians in Ireland. The
Audience Development Programme is an opportunity for professional musicians to engage
with current and potential audiences in a practical and productive manner.
The Outreach component of this programme will involve a series of workshops that will
culminate in a concert performance. The Artists involved with the concert performance will
participate in the workshops either in the capacity of Facilitators or support musicians with a
Facilitator. The material used during the workshops will be directly connected to the concert
performance programme. The aim of the following guidelines is to detail the Artists roles
and responsibilities in the Audience Development Programme.
The guidelines have been sub-divided into five main areas:
Criteria for involvement
Project Execution
Monitoring & Evaluation

Criteria for involvement:

Personal Resources for Artists and Facilitators:

o Time/Availability
o Interest & enthusiasm for the Audience Development Programme
o Personal disposition
o Flexibility
o Willingness to work with external evaluator
o Effective communication skills

Professional Resources for Artists:

o Musical versatility
o Instrumentation (openness to use of a variety of instruments in workshops
e.g. a variety of tuned and untuned percussion instruments)
o Relevant experience/training/skills
o Expectation of participation in Music Network CPD training
o Artist Commitment to the Audience Development Programme
o Willingness to interact/engage closely with audiences and participant groups
e.g. active retirement groups, music appreciation clubs, mother & toddler
groups etc.


Applicant Artists and the Facilitators must relate how the Music Network Audience
Development Programme will benefit them. How will working on this programme impact on
their professional development/personal development?
During the evaluation and feedback sessions, the Artist and the Facilitator will be required to
make suggestions and contributions to the development of the Audience Development
Programme (e.g. logistical issues, relationships resources etc.).



Music Network will require each Artist and Facilitator to engage with the following policies:
Health & Safety
Child Protection
And where appropriate:
Cultural Diversity
Older People
People with disabilities
Note: the Music Network Child Protection Policy will apply during workshops involving
Music Network staff.

Project Execution:

Artists and Facilitators engaging with the Music Network Audience Development
Programme will be required to:
contribute to the planning, leading or engaging with, a series of workshops that will:
o be appropriate for the participant group
o promote active engagement with music
o offer participants the opportunity to engage with the music and the musicians
o relate to the concert performance programme at the end of the workshop
o consider including the participants in the concert performance, if appropriate
o consider ways and means of developing the skills learned by the participating
groups during the workshops to support the group when the scheme has
conduct and present themselves in a professional manner appropriate to the profile
of the group with which they are working
be punctual and prepared
adhere to the criteria listed
take responsibility for the workshop resources supplied by Music Network
suggest new workshop methods and resources that would augment the Artists work
value and respect the contributions of the other key stakeholders (Music Network, the
Promoters and the Participants)
communicate effectively with the other key stakeholders
accommodate, within reason, extraordinary circumstances which may arise
Along with these guidelines, Facilitators will be required to:
lead and steer through structuring and planning of the workshop series
maximise the role of the Artists within the workshop in order to develop their skills as
potential workshop Facilitators
access and develop local musical resources and music development programmes, if
source additional training or resources for the key worker/contact in order to sustain
the achievements of the workshop


Monitoring and Evaluation:

Artists engaging with the Music Network Audience Development Programme will be
required to:
agree to engage with monitoring and evaluation systems detailed in the Music
Network Audience Development Programme
complete and record evaluations
engage with the External Evaluator, as required
agree to the public dissemination of the post-project evaluation report
Music Network may wish to take some photographs or other records of the Participant group
during workshop and/or the performance. Permission will be sought from the Promoter,
Artists and the Participants before any visual, audio or audio/visual recording is undertaken.


Guidelines for Participants


Music Network is committed to providing access to high-quality music performances to

audiences regardless of location or circumstance. The Outreach component of the Music
Network Audience Development Programme offers a practical and interactive means for
participants to access classical, jazz and traditional Irish music. A series of workshops
providing practical and interactive insights to a musical genre or other musical focus will
culminate in a performance by the Artists involved. The materials used during the course of
the workshops will bear a direct relationship with the programme to be performed at the
concert. The performance may, or may not, include an input from the Participant group. The
aim of the following guidelines is to detail the Participants roles and responsibilities in the
Audience Development Programme.
The guidelines have been sub-divided into five main areas:
Criteria for participation
Project Execution
Monitoring & Evaluation

Criteria for participation:

Practical criteria:
o Time/Availability
o A core group of between 15 and 35 people to participate and attend regularly 7
o Interest & enthusiasm
o Nominated Key worker/contact
o Good relationship between Participants and the Promoter
o Participant Commitment
o Provide own transport to and from the programme venue
Participants must be willing to:
o cooperate with Promoters and Artists
o be open-minded to proposed activities and approaches
o actively participate and engage in the workshops
o perform during concert (if appropriate)
o engage with the internal and external evaluation processes

Role of the Key worker(s)/contact(s):

The Key worker/contact will undertake the following tasks:

organise the Participants so that they are punctual and prepared for the workshop
communicate with the Promoter on all aspects of the Programme
communicate with the Participant group in between workshop sessions
communicate with the Participants on any issue that does not relate directly to the
workshop (e.g. technical or administrative issues)
in most adult groups, the Participant group should nominate the Key worker/contact.
However, in healthcare settings it will be a requirement to have at least two Key
workers among the staff 8
be available for further training in order to sustain the work in between workshop
sessions and post project completion
Individuals within the group will be offered the choice to opt in or out of the project from the start.
Two Key workers in Healthcare settings allows for shift changes and other scheduling issues that may require
some flexibility. This requirement may also apply to situations that involve groups working in unpredictable
schedules (e.g. farmers).


Designated liaison time will be allotted for the Key worker/contact, the Promoter and the
Artists/Facilitator to:
o assist the Facilitator and the Artist in the preparation for the workshops
o discuss any details of any particular participant strengths or limitations and
enthusiasm or reservations about particular activities
o contribute key points of interest and feedback from the Participants


In the case of a number of Participant groups wishing to access the Music Network Audience
Development Programme with a local partner promoter, each candidate group will be
required to relate how they believe the Music Network Audience Development Programme
will benefit them. How will this programme develop the personal (or other)
skills/experiences of their particular group?


Music Network and/or the Promoter will make copies of the following policies available to
Participating groups, on request:
Health & Safety (including risk assessment)
Child Protection
And where available:
Cultural Diversity
Older People
People with disabilities

Project Execution:

Participants engaging with the Music Network Audience Development Programme will be
required to:
adhere to the criteria listed
fully engage with the outreach component of the programme
value and respect the contributions of the other key stakeholders (Music Network, the
Artists and the Promoters)
respect the contributions of all Participants
foster and endeavour to sustain a close working relationship with the Promoter
treat with respect the musical instruments and other workshop resources provided
for use during the workshop
treat with respect the facilities provided by the Promoter
communicate, for the purposes of clarity, with the Participants on matters not
directly related to the workshop via the Key worker/contact.
accommodate, within reason, extraordinary circumstances which may arise

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Participants engaging with the Music Network Audience Development Programme will be
required to:
agree to engage with monitoring and evaluation systems outlined in this document
complete and record Participant evaluations
engage with the External Evaluator
agree to the public dissemination of the evaluation report
Music Network or the Promoter may wish to take some photographs or other records of the
Participant group during workshop and/or the performance. Permission will be sought from
the Participants before any visual, audio or audio/visual recording is undertaken.


Appendix B
Promoters consulted during research process for Music Network Audience Development
Strategy, Programme & Guidelines:
Mermaid Arts Centre, Main Street, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Contacts: Maureen Kennelly (Director) & Lia Bresnihan (Marketing Manager)
Christchurch Cathedral, Cathedral Square, Waterford.
Contact: Fionnuala Brennan (Events Coordinator)
Briery Gap, Main Street, Macroom, Co. Cork.
Contact: Ann Dunne (Director)
St. Johns Theatre & Arts Centre, Listowel, Co. Kerry
Contact: Joe Murphy (Director)
Glr Irish Music Centre, Ennis, Co. Clare
Contact: Katie Verling (Director)
The Source Arts Centre, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
Contact: Claudia Woolgar (Director)
Pavilion Theatre, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Contact: Polly OLoughlin
Carlingford Lough Heritage Trust, Carlingford, Co. Louth
Contact: Jerry McCarthy
Tuar Ard Arts Centre, Moate, Co. Westmeath
Contact: Tom Mullins (Board member)
Clifden Arts Society, Clifden, Co. Galway
Contact: Brendan Flynn
Linenhall Arts Centre, Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Contact: Maire Farrell (Director)
The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim
Contact: Caoimhn Corrigan (Arts Officer, County Leitrim)
Solstice Arts Centre, Navan, Co. Meath
Contact: Belinda Quirke (Director)
Music for New Ross, New Ross, Co. Wexford
Contact: Connie Tantrum
Ionad Cultrtha, Ballyvourney, Co. Cork
Contact: Brd Cranitch (Director)


Appendix C
Other Arts organisations consulted during the research process of the Music Development
Audience Development Strategy, Programme & Guidelines:
Contemporary Music Centre, 19 Fishamble Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 8.
Contact: Karen Hennessy
National Chamber Choir, DCU, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Contact: Jeanette McGarry
Irish Baroque Orchestra, 43-44 Templebar, Dublin 2
Contact: Tom Coughlan
National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2
Contact: Colin Kenny
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras, Studio 12, Farnham House, 26/27 MacCurtain Street,
Contact: Risn Maher
Improvised Music Company, 68 Dame Street, Dublin 2.
Contact: Aoife Barror & Kenneth Killeen
RTE Performing Groups, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Contact: Pauline McAuley


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