TOPIC 1: Protect Intellectual Property Worksheet

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TOPIC 1: Protect

intellectual property

Topic 1: Protect intellectual property

Complete the answers to all questions. Submit your completed worksheet to your teacher
using the Task 1 link.
Use the Topic 1 Reading Protect intellectual property and Internet research to help you
answer the questions
1. Give a definition of copyright and state the name of the legislation that that sets out
copyright law in Australia.
Answer: Copyright is a legal right given to the owners or creators for publishing,
maintaining, controlling and even publishing the materials online whenever they
want. The Australian Copyright ACT 1968(CTH) set out the copyright law in
2. Do you need to apply for copyright? Explain your answer
Answer: No, we do not need to apply for the copyright rather it is applied at the
time of material created.
3. Give six examples of works that are protected by copyright.
Answer: Novels, Computer Programs, Articles, Films, Photographs, Songs
4. How would you prove you are the copyright owner of a work?
Answer: A copyright certificate is a proof document for copyright owner.
5. In general how long does copyright last for?
Answer: According to Australian Copyright Act 1968, it lasts for the lifetime of
the creator plus 50 years.
6. List three of the copyright owners exclusive rights over their material.
Answer: 1. They can reproduce the work in a material form. 2. Publish in public
3. Communicate to the public about the work.
7. You work as an employee of a website design company and create animations. Do
you own the copyright for your animations? Explain your answer.
Answer: Yes, the copyright owner goes to me because the creator of the work is
actually me whether it is home, office or no matter where the place is.
8. You have rights and responsibilities as a current student of Sydney Institute. In
Students have a responsibility to: ...
do all assessment tasks and examinations honestly and not engage in plagiarism,
collusion or cheating.
What is plagiarism?
Answer: plagiarism is a process of copying any material from others work or
internet and applying it as an answer in your work fully or partially.
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TOPIC 1: Protect
intellectual property

9. Use the Internet to find a definition of the term copyleft. Describe how copyleft
differs from copyright.
Answer: COPYLEFT is a free legal licence given to anyone to copy, modify,
republish or redistribute the work.
10. The GNU General Public License is the most widely used free software license.
Describe how this licence works and give an example of software which uses this
Answer: Whichever license you plan to use, the process involves adding two
elements to each source file of your program: a copyright notice (such as Copyright
1999 Terry Jones), and a statement of copying permission, saying that the program is
distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (or the Lesser GPL).
WordPress is an example for this.
11. Some photos published at Flickr are offered under a Creative Commons License. For
an explanation of the various Creative Commons licenses that can be granted visit the
Creative Commons page at Flickr at
Briefly explain the following licenses and explain the difference between the two.
a. Attribution License
ANS : It means the owner of the material let others to copy , distribute, display and
perform the copyrighted work. New user can derivate it as well but he/she need to pay
credit to the first owner.
b. Non-commercial
ANS: It is also a same kind of licence like the Attribution Licence but the new owner
only can use for non-commercial use without paying the credit to the owner.
1. How to use GNU licenses for your own software, GNU Operating System, 20 Feb, 2016
2. Explore/Creative Comments, Flickr, 20 Feb 2016

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