Beekeeping and The Livestock Disease Control Act 1994
Beekeeping and The Livestock Disease Control Act 1994
Beekeeping and The Livestock Disease Control Act 1994
The Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 and Livestock
Disease Control Regulations 1996 provide the legal basis
for monitoring and control of diseases of animals and bees
in Victoria. The following notes explain the sections of
the Act that apply to beekeeping.
Registration of beekeepers
Anyone who keeps one or more hives of bees is required
to register with the Department of Primary Industries
(DPI) as a beekeeper.
Registration enables DPI to conduct disease prevention
and control programs for the benefit of beekeepers. This
includes the mailing of helpful information from time to
Registered beekeepers may have access to compensation
for loss of bees and hives due to infection with the honey
bee brood disease, American foulbrood (see below for
further details).
Application forms
Application forms for registration as a beekeeper are
available from the Bee Registrar, Department of Primary
Industries, Telephone 1800 356 761, or write to PO Box
2500, Bendigo Delivery Centre, Victoria, 3554. Forms are
also available from DPI apiary inspectors and from the
Department of Primary Industries website. Visit: and search for honey bees.
Registration fee
A fee must accompany the application for registration as
Certificate of registration
A certificate of registration is issued by the Bees Registrar
and shows the beekeepers registered number (brand)
allotted by DPI.
Renewal of registration
Registration expires on 30th of June each year. Renewal of
registration must occur before 30th June to avoid being not
registered. DPI will routinely forward application forms
for renewal of registration to all registered beekeepers.
Contact the Bees Registrar if an application form has not
been received by 30th June.
Fees for renewal of registration are higher for beekeepers
who did not participate in the DPI/honey bee industry AFB
Smart honey testing program of the previous season.
Beekeepers requested to pay the high fee should carefully
read the renewal of registration application form because
exceptions may apply to beekeepers who have a genuine
reason for not submitting a sample.
Construction of hives
Good beekeeping practices include regular inspections of
brood and honey combs in all hives for honey bee diseases
and pests. Proper inspections are impossible when hives
do not have beeswax combs held within moveable frames.
The Act requires beekeepers to only keep hives that have
easily and individually removable frames.
In cases where hives dont contain moveable frames, the
Act empowers DPI apiary inspectors to order beekeepers
to transfer the combs to moveable frames or destroy the
The Act does not stipulate dimensions for hives and
frames. However, almost all beekeepers in Victoria use
the 8- or 10-frame Langstroth full-depth hive.
Branding hives
All hives must be marked or branded with the beekeepers
registered number (brand) that is printed on the Certificate
of Registration. Branding of hives enables DPI apiary
inspectors to identify the owners of hives and notify them
of disease, vandalism, theft and other problems.
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Disposal of hives
The Bees Registrar must be notified in writing within 7
days when a hive is sold or given away. Notice of disposal
forms are available from the Bee Registrar and DPI apiary
inspectors. The form is printed on the reverse side of the
form Application for registration or renewal of
registration as a beekeeper and is also available from the
Department of Primary Industries website. Visit: and search for honey bees.
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People guilty of an offence under the Act and Regulations
may be liable to a penalty. Infringement notices may be
issued under certain circumstances.
Further information
The Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 and Livestock
Disease Control Regulations 1996 can be downloaded
from the Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary
Documents website: At
the site, click on Victorian Law Today to search for the
Act and Regulations.
Copies of the Act and Regulations may be purchased from
Information Victoria Bookshop, 505 Little Collins Street,
Melbourne. Telephone 1300 366 356 (local call cost) or
Apiary inspectors
Joe Riordan
Telephone 5723 8668
Mobile 0417 348 457
Ray Gribbin
Telephone 5152 0600
Mobile 0428 399 105
Bill Shay
Telephone 5430 4495
Mobile 0419 337 276
The advice provided in this publication is intended as a source of information only. Always read the label before using any of the products mentioned.
The State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular
purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this
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