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Enterprise Budget:


Honey bees have been producing The queen is responsible for laying eggs
honey for over 150 million years. An- that will grow into new workers, drones, Enterprise Assessment
nually in the United States approxi- and every once in a while a new queen. A
mately 200 million pounds of honey productive queen can lay 3,000 eggs in a Capital needed
day. Drones are stout male bees that have for startup
are produced, valued at $140 to $170
million dollars. Beekeeping can be a very no stingers. Their sole purpose is to mate
profitable enterprise. Honey, beeswax, with the queen. If the colony is short on Importance of
pollen, royal jelly and pollination are all food, drones are often kicked out of the experience with
hive. Workers are the smallest bees in grain crops
revenue generating parts of beekeeping.
The main source of revenue in a beekeep- the colony and are sexually undeveloped
ing enterprise is honey and pollination females. A colony can have 50,000 to Managerial input
services. Without the services of beekeep- 60,000 workers. The lifespan of a worker needed
ers, especially pollination services, the is approximately 30 days. Workers feed
cost of many fruits, vegetables, and other the queen and larva, guard the hive and Labor input
agronomic crops would cost greater than keep it cool. Workers collect nectar to required
what they are today. Many beekeepers make honey. Workers are responsible for
start out small, with 2 to four colonies the production of all the products mar- Years needed to
and let their operation grow with their keted in a honeybee enterprise. develop produc-
experience and management skills. tion expertise
Potential Return
Physical Attributes Years needed to
Yields develop marketing
Honey bees produce and store honey for expertise
In 2008 according to the National Ag-
food used during the long winter months.
ricultural Statistics Service (NASS) the
Honey bees usually produce more honey
average yield per colony was 70 pounds. Years to financial
than they can eat; this excess honey is the
The Iowa average yield was reported at break-even point
honey that beekeepers harvest. Honey
62 pounds per colony.
bees are social insects with a strict divi-
sion of labor between the various types Price Return on
of bees in the colony. Colonies include a investment (%)
The prices for honey have been increas-
queen, drones and workers. The queen is
ing the past few years. Retail prices are
the only sexually developed female in the
around $4.68 a pound and wholesale diseased bees when they check the hives.
colony and is the largest bee in the colony.
$3.46 a pound. Products sold at It is also important to place the hives
the local level will have varying away from fields that would spray for
prices. insecticide and potentially kill some of
the bees. Climate can also have an effect
Risks on the bees. If the area is getting a lot of
Bees are at risk for some dis- rain, this can prevent the bees from be-
eases and mites. However, strict ing able to go out and collect nectar.
guidelines in the industry help
prevent the spread of some of Marketing
these diseases. It is important for There are three main products that
beekeepers to be looking out for honeybees produce that are market-
able; honey, pollination
service, and wax. Each Chart 1: First-Year Labor Hours
of these segments has
unique characteristics
and requires different
production techniques
and equipment. Pro-
ducing honey for profit Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

is highly dependent on
successful marketing. your market and demand
This will be comprised of a combina- expands. This will also al-
tion of high quality honey, packaging, low your hive numbers to
advertising, and service to customers. grow with your manage-
Most honey is sold as liquid honey. ment ability.
Alternatives to liquid honey are finely
crystallized or creamy honey, chunk
honey, cut-comb honey, and secti on- Establishing colonies is
comb honey. It is recommended that usually done in the spring.
beginning beekeepers start with comb New colonies can be
honey because it is the easiest to produce established with swarms,
and package. package bees, nucleus
colonies, and established
Places to market the honey products Package bees are caged worker bees with
colonies. The easiest and
include: farmer’s markets, health food a queen. Packages usually consist of 3
most expensive way to establish colo-
stores, roadside stands, direct sales, and to 5 pounds of bees. These packages can
nies is to purchase already established
agritourism sites. Some producers have be delivered through the mail. Package
colonies. The established colony is
contracts with companies. Renting bees are free of disease, cheap, and very
already assembled, in production, and
hives to growers for pollination services easy to handle. Package bees usually
usually has a recorded history. You may
can be another important source of do not produce honey in the first year.
want to watch for standardization of
income for beekeepers. This will allow Package bees will also require more la-
equipment, dilapidated equipment, and
you to have increased cash flows and bor and care to ensure a healthy colony.
disease. Nucleus colonies consist of
access to plenty of plants for the hives. Swarms can easily be collected and place
four to five frames of brood, honey and
Written agreements should be estab- in a hive. New queens will be required;
pollen, adult bees, and laying queen.
lished between beekeepers and renters. most swarms are lead by old queens.
These types of colonies are cheaper than
Spelled out in the agreement should be
established colonies, usually contain The management of honey bees is
dates of service, location, number and
younger, more productive bees, are mainly focused around ensuring the
pattern of colonies, rental fees, and
easier to handle and can produce honey most vigorous and healthy hive for the
billing dates. There are strong mar-
in the first year. Look for the same flaw spring and summer honey crop. Once
kets for honey and bee products. You
in the hives as the established colonies. you have established colonies bee-
should start out small and expand as
keepers prepare their
operation for spring
Chart 2: Established Labor Hours
Established labor hours harvest. Feeding and
medication are normally
done January through
February. Queens begin
laying eggs in January
and soon after the size
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec of the colony increases
quickly. Some colonies will need Market Outlook Pennsylvania State University
supplemental feeding of sugar syrup
The market for honey is currently very
(water and sugar) during this time. In bees.pdf
strong, especially for locally produced
February inspections of hives will need honey. Production increased from 2007
to be preformed. On warm days (at to 2008 with prices continuing to rise. National Sustainable Agriculture
least 45 degrees F) check colony health China the world’s largest consumer of Information Service
and growth. At this time treatments honey has also increased demand having
for disease and re-queening should be an affect on the market. ing.html
preformed if necessary.
Before removal of surplus honey comb, Sources
be sure the colony has enough to sustain
University of Kentucky
itself. Harvest will continue from spring
in the fall. Take care to ensure the colony
will have adequate food supplies for over
winter. Hives do not require housing American Beekeeping Federation
in the winter. The colony will seal its
hive and regulate its temperature in the
winter, assuming enough food supplies National Honey Industry Economic Considerations:
have been let in the hive for the winter. Apiary Enterprise Budget
Colony health must be monitored year eyindustry/
round. Bees are susceptible to disease, Revenue Dollars ($)
parasites, pests and predators. Most pest National Agricultural Honey (620 lbs at $1.56/lb) 967.20
and predators can be easily controlled. Statistics Service Pollination fees (spring, summer) 550.00
Management skills are an integral ele- http://usda.mannlib. Wax 25.00
ment to beekeeping. Before entering Total 1,542.20
into apiculture, be sure to consult with viewDocumentInfo.
experts about management techniques. do?documentID=1191
Variable Costs
Bees 114.00
Economic Considerations: Capital Budget Disease control 186.95
Sugar (food) 25.00
Item Cost Life Deprc. Interest Jars/labels 262.10
($) exp. Paint/equipment 94.00
Hives 1,340 25 53.60 67.00 Total 682.05
Protective clothing 40 25 1.60 2.00
Hive and tool/smoker 35 10 3.50 1.75 Fixed Costs
Feeder 23 25 0.92 1.75 Hives 141.90
Queen excluders 57 25 2.28 2.85 Clothing equipment 9.80
Fume board 25 25 1.00 1.25 Processing equipment 192.20
Extractor 950 25 38.00 47.50 Depreciation 150.70
Bottling tank with 715 25 28.60 35.75 Interest expense 132.75
cover and strainer
Total 627.35
Uncapping tank 195 25 7.80 9.75
Uncapping knife 67 5 13.40 3.35
Net Income 232.80
Total 3,447 150.70 172.35


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