Connecticut Beekeeping: #1 Starting With Bees
Connecticut Beekeeping: #1 Starting With Bees
Connecticut Beekeeping: #1 Starting With Bees
This Publication is a
Cooperative Project of the
Connecticut Beekeepers Association
and the
State Entomologist's Office
New Haven, CT. 06504
and a full suit, it is highly suggested for beginners. Also, if
STARTING BEEKEEPING problems occur you can be fully protected. Even experienced
beekeepers keep a full set of protective gear for emergencies.
GETTING BEES Optional and desirable equipment includes: queen excluders, bee
escapes, and feeder equipment.
Introduction - Your first bees can be purchased from bee breeders who supply
packages and nucs or obtained as a wild swarm. It should be kept
This series contains two types of instruction, basic beekeeping in mind that both wild and purchased bees can have parasites and/
practices (pamphlet #1) to get you started, and detailed instruction or diseases so preventive measures should be taken. Also, there
on parasites and diseases (pamphlet #2). The reasoning behind the may be quarantines in place you should be aware of. Check with
strategy is as follows. We want to have a pamphlet to get the the State Entomologist’s Office for the current regulations and any
beginning beekeeper started with his or her bees, but one is other problems you should be aware of. Also, your beekeeper
expected to have no success if there is no knowledge on how to association can be a good source for information.
control mite infestations. Tracheal mites first appeared in Con-
necticut in the fall of 1989. Varroa mites appeared almost exactly
a year later (fall 1990). We are still learning how to best deal with
the mites, and as yet, there is almost nothing published in books to
help the new beekeeper learn how to control them. In fact it may Installing packages -
be some time yet before the best methods of managing with mites
become apparent for Connecticut Beekeeping. A package of bees consists of a screened box of bees with a tin
can feeder and a queen in a separate cage. It is not unusual to find
Honey bees, like house pets and farm animals, need our care to up to an inch of dead bees in the bottom of the package. Often they
do well and produce a surplus honey crop. The relationship have spent 2 to 4 days in transit and the older bees have expired.
between human beings and honey bees goes back many thousands
of years. During that time, the honey bee, unlike most domestic 1.) Set up the hive in its permanent location. This should be where
farm animals, has changed very little. It is superbly adapted for the there is good air drainage and protection from the harsh north winds
task of gathering nectar to produce honey, and gathering pollen for of winter. The hive entrance should face south or east to catch the
protein to raise new bees. Often people who have no intention of morning sun and also to protect the entrance in the winter.
becoming beekeepers will watch a colony of bees at their labors for
hours. As an experienced beekeeper, you will be able to watch their
labors at close hand and reap the profit of golden honey made by
YOUR bees, from flowers in your neighborhood.
Needed Equipment -
fewer bees there and the queen is least likely to be there and become Honey bee colonies may require feeding at any time of the year.
injured while removing the frame. After starting the frame out with Most often feeding is needed in the spring when winter honey stores
the hive tool, the frame is grasped by the uppermost corners. The are used up and no nectar flow is in progress. When the temperature
first frame is removed from the hive, examined, and set down on rises to about 50 °F and it's sunny, a quick inspection of the colony
edge leaning against the rear of the hive. Now the exposed face of can be made to check for honey and pollen stores. To make this kind
the 2nd frame can be examined while removing it. Also the newly of inspection, only a few frames just outside the cluster area need
exposed 3rd. frame can be checked for the queen before turning the be removed. Honey bees require two kinds of food for proper
2nd frame to examine the back side. After examining the 2nd, nutrition, pollen and sugar. The pollen is their protein source and
frame it can be reinstalled in the hive where the 1st. one came out the sugar their carbohydrate source.
leaving room to remove the 3rd. frame. The frames can be removed
in sequence in this manner examining each on both sides. In Honey would be an excellent food for bees, however, store
general, it is not wise to change the relative position of frames in bought honey may contain disease spores harmless to humans but
a hive so that the “bee space” is not disturbed. The exception to this deadly to honey bees. The same can be true of pollen bought in
rule is when the frame order needs to be changed for purposes of health food stores. A frame of honey from your own apiary, a
management. known disease free colony, can be a good source of food for a
colony short of stores.
As the frames are inspected, a judgement is made as to necessary
management manipulations which may be required. As experience
develops, beekeepers tend to be less thorough in their inspections.
It is fairly well accepted that disturbing the colony less during
inspections improves their productivity. It takes several hours for
a colony to recover a thorough inspection and get back to normal
behavior. Novice beekeepers need to be more thorough in their
inspections to be sure not to miss early clues of a problem in a hive
such as lack of brood production, diseases or parasites. It is
generally recommended that a novice beekeeper start two hives. In
this way one hive, lagging behind in development, commands
attention so that potential problems are recognized early.
Many beekeeping supply companies sell a “Boardman Feeder” Skunks range throughout the state. They come out at night and
with their starter kit. This type of feeder has several disadvantages scratch at the hive entrance to get the bees to come out so the skunk
in Connecticut. (A.) The feeder is a long distance from the cluster. can catch them for a meal. Skunk predation is indicated when the
In cold weather, the bees will not be able to leave the cluster to get grass in front of a hive is laid down flat radiating out from the hive
to the feeder. (B.) The feeder tends to stimulate robbing because entrance. Although skunk guards are available, a simpler, more
access is easy from the outside of the colony. This is especially expedient solution is to elevate the hive. This may have two
important if other colonies are close by. (C.) Typically, they advantages, it reduces skunk predation, and also reduces the strain
contain only one quart of syrup, often only one day’s supply. on the beekeeper's back when inspecting the hive.
In the spring, honey bees may be short of pollen stores in the hive. This is a new predator in Connecticut. The black bear has been
When short, brood production is limited due to lack of protein absent from Connecticut until recently. In the early 1980's, sight-
availability. An established beekeeper can collect pollen from bees ings were made in the NW corner of the state. By the late 1980's,
during the summer as a hedge against shortages in the following bee hive losses became significant. Losses approaching 25% of the
spring. Freezing is the best way of storing the pollen to prevent hives in towns such as Goshen started occurring. Currently, the
mold. Drying pollen for storage may be satisfactory, but at this time only available protection is an electric fence. Fortunately, the
we do not yet know if there are nutritional aspects of the pollen construction of such fences is facilitated by the recent introduction
which may be removed in the drying process. When natural pollen of solar fence chargers which don't need battery changes, run 24
is unavailable there are substitutes. The basic formula consists of hrs. a day, and can be put in remote locations.
pollen substitute or pollen, if available, mixed with 2:1 sugar syrup.
This can be rolled out into a patty between two sheets of wax paper. Black bear predation generally occurs in the spring and fall when
the bear is either hungry from winter hibernation or trying to fatten
The finished patty is placed on top of the frames in the hive above up for the coming winter. Once a bear starts to work hives in an
the brood nest. Keep the mix dry enough to keep the material from outyard, it will not stop until all of the bees and honey are
running down between the frames. Some recent preparations consumed. The only way to stop these animals is to move the
contain some vegetable oil (3 - 5%). The vegetable oil is intended remaining hives to a new location. If you are located in bear
to help keep the patty moist, but may also help control the country, proximity to dwellings is no protection either. They have
population growth of tracheal mites. been known to enter houses in search of food, they fear nothing.
Ask other beekeepers in your town whether protection from bears
Pollen patties which are made from substitute may be enhanced is desirable.
by the addition of natural pollen. To prevent the spread of disease,
you could gather pollen from your own colonies for this purpose.
10% natural pollen in a patty has been shown to be as attractive to
bees as natural pollen in most formulations.
Putting on Brood Chambers -
Pollen substitute manufacturers often show pictures of honey
bees working an open box or bag of their food. This is not an Most beekeepers in Connecticut keep their hives in two deep hive
effective feeding method since foul weather and night time both bodies. There are two important reasons for this. One, the colony
interfere with the bees getting to the substitute. is maintained large enough to properly survive the winter months.
Two, reversing the hives in the spring becomes easier. When a new
colony has filled 7 to 8 frames in the first brood chamber, it is time
to put on the second brood chamber.
Birds, plants and insect predators - Putting on Honey Supers -
It is agreed that the numbers of honey bees eaten by birds and A honey super is a box of frames dedicated to the collection of
There is much discussion among beekeepers as to the desirability Plastic Green House Type: This is perhaps the most sophisticated
of queen excluders. It is generally agreed that the bees do not like system available. It consists of clear plastic, about four feet high,
to go through it. Therefore, beekeepers who use excluders often let mounted around the hive at a space of about one foot from the hive.
the bees start depositing honey in the super before installing the The plastic is left open at the top allowing the bees to leave the
excluder. Those who do not use excluders sometimes have to deal enclosure as soon as weather permits. The system not only reduces
with queens who lay eggs in every super from the bottom to the top. the wind chill factor in the winter, but also increases the solar
This leads to having to sort and select frames for extraction from increment of heat into the hive. This system is labor intensive, and
several supers. Use of queen excluders remains a matter of personal costly. However, there can be a high return on investment in terms
preference. of honey production.
Most starter kits come with entrance reducers. The purpose is two
Inspecting and cleaning -
fold. First, it reduces the air flow through the entrance of the hive.
This helps maintain the interior temperatures of the hive in the When the weather gets warm enough to thoroughly inspect a hive
winter. Second, the hole should be small enough to stop mice from (60 °F and sunny), two things need to be done. Excess propolis
entering the hive for the winter. They can do considerable damage needs to be removed from the end bars of the frames. Propolis is a
to the comb on the lower part of the frames. resin collected from plants by the bees. It serves in the colony to
help sterilize the inside and seal the hive from drafts. Although
excess propolis removal can be done at any time, it is convenient
Top Ventilation - in the spring when the bees may be totally out of one super. This
will restore the original space which was between the frames and
Some manufacturers of bee equipment provide a hole in the edge the end wall in the hive making removal and inspection of frames
of the inner cover for top ventilation. You can provide one or easier in the coming summer.
simply lift the inner cover on sticks just enough so that the bees can
crawl through. This provides an escape for the bees should the snow This is also the opportunity to pick up the bottom board, check for
become deep, and also an escape for the moisture produced by the rot, and clean it. Scrape off all the dead bees, wax flakes and
bees as they consume the honey. There are some beekeepers who propolis accumulation. Level it up, if necessary for the next season.
prefer to put a hole in the front of their hive bodies for this purpose.
Once again this is a matter of personal preference.
Reversing Brood Chambers -
Winter Covers - As honey bees consume their stores through the winter, they
move from the lower brood chamber to the upper one. As spring
Another type of escape uses the bees instinct to take the most
direct route to get somewhere. One is commonly known as the
Canadian or ARTB type escape, and the other is known as the cone
type of escape. These escapes work much faster since they are American Bee Journal
designed so that 20 or more bees can move through them at one C/O Dadant & Sons, Inc.
time. They do cost substantially more than the Porter Bee Escape Hamilton, IL. 62341
when purchased, but they also are not difficult to construct once
Speedy Bee
P.O. Box 998
Jessup, GA. 31545
Bee Science
C/O Wicwas Press
P.O. Box 817
Cheshire, CT. 06410-0817
CT. Beekeepers Assn.
C/O Treasurer CT. Beekeepers Assn.
Isabelle Muzikevik
226 Charter Oak Street
Manchester, CT. 06040
- or -
Chuck Howe (Editor)
5 ½ Mile Road
Goshen, CT. 06756
(203) 491-2338
Hive, 1 ventilation 5
Hive Tool 2
Hive tool 1 weak colony 6
honey bound 6 Winter Covers 5
honey super 1 WINTER MANAGEMENT 5
Honey Supers 4
imprinting 6
inner cover 1