Explanation Text Sun Set

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Nama : Nides Prianda Ginting

Kelas : XII IPS 1


: English (Expalanation Text)

Sunset Or Sundowsn

Sunset or sundown, is the daily disappearance of the Sun below the western
horizon as a result of Earth's rotation.
The three phases of twilight after sunset:
The time of sunset is defined in astronomy as the moment when the
trailing edge of the Sun's disk disappears below the horizon. Near to the horizon,
atmospheric refraction causes the ray path of light from the Sun to be distorted to
such an extent that geometrically the Sun's disk is already about one diameter
below the horizon when sunset is observed.
The spinning Earth lit by the Sun as seen from far above the North Pole.
All along the terminator, the rays from the sun hit Earth horizontally, neglecting
any atmospheric effects and Earth's orbital motion.
Sunset is distinct from twilight, which has three phases, the first being
civil twilight, which begins once the Sun has disappeared below the horizon, and

continues until it descends to 6 degrees below the horizon; the second phase is
nautical twilight, between 6 and 12 degrees below the horizon; and the third is
astronomical twilight, which is the period when the Sun is between 12 and 18
degrees below the horizon.[1] Dusk is at the very end of astronomical twilight, and
is the darkest moment of twilight just before night.[2] Night occurs when the Sun
reaches 18 degrees below the horizon and no longer illuminates the sky,
Locations north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle experience
no sunset or sunrise on at least one day of the year, when the polar day or the
polar night persists continuously for 24 hours.
Sunset creates unique atmospheric conditions such as the often intense orange and
red colors of the Sun and the surrounding sky.

General Structure
Sunset Or Sundowsn
a. General Statement
Sunset or sundown, is the daily disappearance of the Sun below the western
horizon as a result of Earth's rotation.
b. Sequenced statement
The time of sunset is defined in astronomy as the moment when the
trailing edge of the Sun's disk disappears below the horizon. Near to the
horizon, atmospheric refraction causes the ray path of light from the Sun to be
distorted to such an extent that geometrically the Sun's disk is already about
one diameter below the horizon when sunset is observed.
The spinning Earth lit by the Sun as seen from far above the North Pole.
All along the terminator, the rays from the sun hit Earth horizontally,
neglecting any atmospheric effects and Earth's orbital motion.
Sunset is distinct from twilight, which has three phases, the first being
civil twilight, which begins once the Sun has disappeared below the horizon,

and continues until it descends to 6 degrees below the horizon; the second
phase is nautical twilight, between 6 and 12 degrees below the horizon; and
the third is astronomical twilight, which is the period when the Sun is between
12 and 18 degrees below the horizon.[1] Dusk is at the very end of astronomical
twilight, and is the darkest moment of twilight just before night.[2] Night
occurs when the Sun reaches 18 degrees below the horizon and no longer
illuminates the sky,
c. Close Statement
Sunset creates unique atmospheric conditions such as the often intense orange
and red colors of the Sun and the surrounding sky.

The time of sunset is defined in astronomy as the moment when the trailing

edge of the Sun's disk disappears below the horizon.

Near to the horizon, atmospheric refraction causes the ray path of light from
the Sun to be distorted to such an extent that geometrically the Sun's disk is
already about one diameter below the horizon when sunset is observed.

Source :

Sunset atau matahari terbenam, adalah hilangnya harian Matahari di bawah ufuk
barat sebagai akibat dari rotasi bumi.
Tiga fase senja setelah matahari terbenam:
Waktu matahari terbenam didefinisikan dalam astronomi sebagai saat ketika
trailing edge dari disk matahari menghilang di bawah cakrawala. Dekat
cakrawala, refraksi atmosfer menyebabkan jalur sinar cahaya dari Matahari yang

akan terdistorsi sedemikian rupa bahwa geometris disk Matahari sudah sekitar
satu diameter di bawah cakrawala saat matahari terbenam diamati.
Bumi berputar diterangi Matahari seperti yang terlihat dari jauh di atas Kutub
Utara. Sepanjang terminator, sinar dari matahari menghantam bumi secara
horizontal, mengabaikan efek atmosfer dan gerakan orbital bumi.
Sunset berbeda dari senja, yang memiliki tiga tahap, yang pertama senja sipil,
yang dimulai setelah Matahari telah menghilang di bawah cakrawala, dan terus
sampai turun ke 6 derajat di bawah cakrawala; tahap kedua adalah senja bahari,
antara 6 dan 12 derajat di bawah cakrawala; dan yang ketiga adalah senja
astronomi, yang merupakan periode ketika matahari berada antara 12 dan 18
derajat di bawah cakrawala. [1] Senja adalah di akhir senja astronomi, dan saat
paling gelap senja sebelum malam. [2 ] Malam terjadi ketika matahari mencapai
18 derajat di bawah cakrawala dan tidak lagi menerangi langit,
Lokasi utara Lingkaran Arktik dan selatan dari pengalaman Lingkaran Antartika
tidak ada sunset atau sunrise pada setidaknya satu hari dalam setahun, ketika hari
polar atau malam kutub berlanjut terus menerus selama 24 jam.
Sunset menciptakan kondisi atmosfer yang unik seperti jeruk sering intens dan
warna merah dari Matahari dan langit sekitarnya.

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