Technical Specification Electrical
Technical Specification Electrical
Technical Specification Electrical
This item covers all operations in connection with internal and external electrification works to connect
to the electrical mains as indicated on the drawings; all works shall be completely in conformity with
the Rules and Regulations of the concerned Authorities.
The drawings indicated the general arrangement of the electrical installation, Details of proposed
departures due to actual field condition or other pause shall be submitted with the ENGINEER
recommendation to the Employer for approval. The contractor shall carefully examine the drawings
and shall be responsible for the proper installation of materials, natures and equipments in each unit
as indicated, without substantial alteration.
2.1 Regulations: The installation in general shall be carried out in conformity with the Electricity Rules of the
Govt. of Bangladesh (Indian Electricity Rules and Act as adopted in Bangladesh) and the latest edition
of the wiring regulations of the institute of Electrical engineer (London), hereinafter referred as "l.E'E'
Wring Regulations" .and the British standard code of practice for tie relevant works. But where the
undercoated specification differ from these rules and standards, the specification written hereunder
shall be followed. Any special requirement of the Electrical inspector. Government of Bangladesh or
the Power Development Board by the Telegraph and Telephone Department. Government of
Bangladesh or the other legal authority shall also be complied with at no extra cost to the Employer.
2.2 Climatic and Atmospheric conditions: The installations, equipments and materials shall be installed
both externally and internally and shall therefore be designed and built to give efficient and reliable
service continuously at the normal voltage and current rating in the prevalent climatic and atmospheric
conditions at the relevant site.
2.3 Specifications: Material required which are not covered by the detailed specifications shall be as
recommended by the equipment manufacturer or consistent with good practice and approved by the
2.4 Drawings: The drawings show the general management of all circuitry, wiring, feeders, cables and race
ways, etc. however, where local conditions necessitate a re-arrangement, the Contractor shall prepare
and submit for approval, drawings of the proposed rearrangement. Because of tie small scale of the
drawings it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings and accessories as may be required. The
contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finish conditions affecting all of his works and
shall arrange such works accordingly, furnishing such fittings, access traps, inspection boxes and
accessories as may be required to meet such conditions. The contractor shall prepare a shop drawing
indicating the exact location of conduits and wiring for approval of the ENGINEER prior to installation.
2.5 Cutting and Repairing: The work shall be carefully laid out in advance and any cutting of construction
shall be done only with the written permission of the ENGTNEER. Cutting shall be carefully done and
damage to the building as a result of cutting for installations, piping, wiring for equipment-s, shall be
repaired by skilled workers of the trade involved, at no additional expense to the Employer.
2.6 Protection of Fixture: Fitting, Materials and Equipment.
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
Conduit and pipe openings shall be closed with caps of plugs during installation. Fixture fittings and
equipments shall be adequately protected against dirt, water and chemical or mechanical injury. At the
completion of the work fixture, materials and equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and delivered in a
condition satisfactory to the Engineer.
The contractor shall give all required notices to and maintain liaison with Electrical inspector,
Government of Bangladesh and to the metric supply Department of Power Development Board or any
other legal Authority regulating the electrical works or installation'
Wires and cables for installation in raceways for operation at less than 450/600 volts shall be of soft
copper properly refined and shall have a minimum conductivity of 90% with PVC insulation.
All wire and cable insulation, except as specifically noted elsewhere shall be rated for 450/600 volts
and shall conform to B.S.S. specification.
Rigid PVC conduit shall be of 1.63 mm nominal wall thickness, conforming in all respect to B.S.S. of
regulation as amended to date.
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Flexible PVC conduit shall be conforming in all respect to the latest BS Code as amended to date.
Outlet, Junction and pull boxes shall be manufactured from 18 SWG, (Min.) thick sheet steel
galvanized/not galvanized or mounded cast iron,
Circular Box:
All circular boxes and fittings shall be manufactured from PVC polymer material. The boxes and
fittings shall be so designed and constructed as to withstand rough use as may be expected during
and after installation. The inside and outside surfaces of the fittings shall be smooth; clean and uniform
and free from projections and other defects.
The interior of boxes and fittings shall be free from obstruction which might cause abrasion to cables
or interfere with the introduction and withdrawal of cables to be enclosed within the pipe. The inside
edge of all openings through which cables is intended to pass through shall be smoothly rounded in
order to prevent any damage to the cable.
Flexible Conduit
Flexible PVC conduit shall be conforming to the latest - under writers laboratory standards.
The switches shall be in accordance with B.S.S. 1299 Part-I, 1964 as amended to-date. The switches
shall be concealed type logic plus, 10A capacity mounted on G.P. sheet made board.
Panel Board
Panel boards shall consist of a factory completed dead front assembly of back pan, main buses, over
current and switching units, 1.63 mm thick sheet metal cabinet and kim
Bus bars for panel board mains shall be of copper, sized for the indicated capacity in accordance with
the Underwriter/Laboratory Standards.
Distribution Board
Distribution boards shall be of safety type with double pole/ three pole isolator or circuit breaker, opera
table on a 400 volts 3-phase, 4-wire system conforming to B.S.S. 214 as amended to-date.
Concealed Installations
The conduit shall be completely concealed in the walls, columns, R.C.C. slabs, floors and shall be
nicely finished. The conduits are to be continued between all floors and access shall be provided by
access traps or inspection boxes made of cast iron or steel, as required at such places and as
recommended by l.E.E. Regulation and approved by the ENGINEER
Where conduit is shown on the drawings or is otherwise specified as being concealed, such conduit
may be embedded in structural slabs or in concrete fill laid on top of structural slabs, or concealed
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within hollow spaces. Where embedded in structural slabs conduits shall not exceed 38mm trade
sizes, unless there are specific identification to the canary in areas where the slab is less than 125mm
thick, the overall diameter of the largest conduit shall not exceed one third of slab thickness.
All the conduits running through the boxes and columns shall be laid with the innermost reinforcement
case with suitable effect in conduit so to make the outer surface of junction box cover for switch box
edge flush with the finished surface level or beam of columns as approved.
All conduit running through slab-beams, slab-column and slab-wall junction shall be connected
through a bend and junction box provided with offset, if necessary, to make the outer surface of the
junction box cover flush with the finished surface.
Care shall be taken when making concealed installation to see that adequate clearance is provided
over the thickness elements, such as coupling etc. so that fill or architectural finishes may be applied
which will be smooth, flat and not subject to sapling or cracking.
Raceways runs embedded in slab shall be spaced not less than three outside diameter centre to
centre unless they are so co-ordinate with the structures as not cause weakness,
Exposed Installation
Exposed raceways of other wiring method shall be run parallel to building walls, column lines, etc.
All exposed heavy conduits are to be fastened to masonry walls, floor or partitions, use of wooden
plugs will not be permitted instead rowel plugs should be used. Metal saddles of approved type not
more than 600mm apart, shall be used for fixing exposed conduit,
Composition supports of cables installed in vertical raceways shall be provided where indicated on the
drawings and as otherwise necessary to meet code requirements.
Routing / Raceways
Every effort shall be made to route raceways or other wiring so as to prevent wiring from being subject
to high ambient temperature condition. Minimum clearance from heated pipes, ducts or surface such
as breechings, flush, etc. shall be maintained as follows:a. Crossing uninsulated pipes or ducts
b. Crossing insulated pipes or ducts
c. Running parallel to uninsulated pipes ducts or surfaces
d. Running parallel to insulated pipes, ducts or surfaces
- 75mm
- 25mm
- 900mm
Regarding of any routing shown on the places, raceways or other wiring method shall not run exposed
over a boiler or embedded in construction under a boiler, unless special provisions for wiring through
these specific high ambient temperature areas have been indicated
Raceways or other wiring methods run in suspended ceiling may be installed as the draw files, except
that, where such raceways etc and being installed prior complete information regarding the final layout
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of all trade occupying the suspended ceiling plenum, they shall be installed in a co-ordinate "Square
manner so as to minimize future conflicts.
Under no condition raceways or other wiring methods be installed in elevator shafts and hoist ways.
Where outlets are being provided for such items as tri cables, pit lights, run by lift, etc. only the outlet
boxes themselves shall be located within the confines of the shaft.
Miscellaneous Requirements
The installation of raceways or other wiring methods requiring the notching, cutting or drilling of
structural elements shall be co- ordinate with the other trades, to ensure that no weakening of the
structure is caused.
Except as otherwise noted in raceways intended for the pulling in wires or cables, no more than four
90" bends will be permitted between outlets boxes, pull boxes or other points
When fishing or snaking raceways to set up for pulling in wires and cables, fish tapes with ball types
means shall be used.
Wires and cables shall not be pulled into raceways until:a. The project has procedures which are not likely to injure electrical wires or cables,
b. The project has progressed to a point where raceways are dry and moisture is no longer likely to
get into them.
c. Wires or cables shall be pulled into raceways utilizing a suitable brush, followed by an 85%
diameter ball mandrel ahead of the wires or cables in the pulling assembly.
Sufficient slack shall be left on all rooms or wires and cables to permit the proper connection of
devices, equipment etc.
Mounting Height
Mounting height of outlet and fixtures shall be in accordance with the following list of bottom line
dimension above finished floors unless otherwise shown on drawings.
a. Light and fan switch boards
b. LED Tube Light at Ceiling suspened 2100mm from finish floor level.
c. Socket outlet on wall
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
k. Ceiling Fan
General wiring methods permissible for the various parts and elements of the system operating at
450/ 600 volts or less shall be as hereinafter specified. All surface cable / wire shall run through
metallic conduit.
Rigid standard weight metal led / PVC conduit shall be used for feeders and sub-feeders and
appliance branch circuiting throughout,
Rigid standard weight metallic / PVC conduit shall be used for lighting and appliance branch circuiting
Where non flexible wiring methods are specified it shall be understood that the following exceptions
are to be made for final connections without claiming any extra cost.
Final connections to motors and motor operated equipment shall be made with 38mm of flexible
metallic conduit.
Final connection to recessed lighting fixtures shall be made with not more than 500mm long flexible
metallic conduit or flexible wire.
Surface wiring
Conduit for surface wiring shall be metallic and secured with wall ceiling or any other structure by
means of saddle at a distance of 600mm c/c, and all the bends will be made by mechanical bender.
No elbows will be allowed, where necessary pull boxes of inspection Boxes as specified shall be used.
Furnish and install all wiring devices as shown on the plans and as hereinafter specified. Switch for
lighting control in rooms having single door entrance shall be located at striking of the door regards
less of their position on the plans.
The switches shall be in accordance with B.S.S. 1299 Part-|, 1964 and shall be flush or surface
mounted as mentioned. The switch shall be finished in color approved by the ENGINEER .
3-pin 13amp and 15 amp. Sockets shall be switched and shuttered and recessed type suitable for
concealed mounting and will be suitable for fixing flushed plugs,
The minimum size of flexible conduit-permissible for the various parts and elements of the electrical
work shall be 25mm throughout except otherwise specified.
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The ends of all flexible conduits shall be carefully reamed out free from burrs-before installation.
All cuts shall be made square and shall be done with hacksaws.
Termination of flexible conduit shall be continuous between terminations without the use of coupling.
Runds of flexible conduit shall be continuous between terminations without the use of coupling.
Flexible conduit shall not be bent so that its radius is less than five times the trade sizes.
Where indicated in the drawings and specification or where necessary for compliance with code
requirement for cable installation, junction and pull boxes of the proper sizes shall be provided.
Junction and pull boxes shall be manufactured from 18 SWG. (Min.) thick sheet steel or moulded cast
iron and shall be furnished with flat screwed covers.
Where boxes are set flush in walls and ceiling, cover screws shall be flat head type and properly
counter skunked. Cover shall be arranged to completely cover openings in buildings finish.
Where suitable standard outlet boxes may be used as junction and pull boxes.
lf required by the building construction, junction and pull boxes of special sizes and shapes determined
from field measurements shall be provided in order to make neat installations.
Should the utility company or any other agency require carriers between groups or feeders in pull
boxes, they shall be provided at no additional cost.
lf feeders and other wiring following the same routing are indicated on the plans as running through
separate pull boxes, it shall be understood that is intended to maintain a segregation of the wires and
cables. Separately indicated pull boxes may be incorporated into single boxes, only on condition that
segregation is maintained by means of approved asbestos carriers.
Pull boxes having any single horizontal dimension larger than 150mm shall be filled with cable support
racks consisting of 19mm diameter steel pipes with flanged ends bolted to the sides or frame of the
pull boxes. Each pipe support shall be filled with a continuous fiber insulating sleeve.
Where a junction or pull box is installed in a furred ceiling or space, and where due to building finish,
the sheet metal cover of the pull box exposed to view is not acceptable, on approved access panel
with suitable frame and supports in the furring in front of the pull boxes cover shall be provided.
Outlet boxes shall be provided as hereinafter specified, where shown on the drawings, and all
locations where required. When installing outlet boxes particular attention shall be paid to the
Outlet boxes shall be of such sizes and depth as to allow for easy wire pulling and installation of wiring
devices, and shall comply with code minimum capacity requirements.
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All mild sheet steel and cast boxes shall have suitable knockouts.
All cast boxes shall be provided with properly drilled and tapped holes,
There shall be no more holes in any outlet boxes than required for the crucify entering the same
unused opening in boxes shall be provided with approved cast threaded plugs.
1 1.5
The sheet steel boxes shall have threaded ears for fixing the covers.
Sheet steel boxes used for flush outlets in walls or partitions shall be set such that not more than 3mm
exists between the front edge of the boxes and the rear surface of the device plates which will be
finally installed.
Sheet steel outlet boxes and covers shall be hot-dipped galvanized and cast iron boxes and covers
shall be electro-galvanized.
In case of non-availability of galvanized sheet steel outlet boxes 18 SWG, thick M.S, sheet made
outlet boxes spray painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a prime coat may be
accepted subject to prior approval of samples by the ENGINEER .
In case of non-availability of C.l. circular boxes cast brass circular boxes may be accepted subject to
prior approval of samples by the ENGINEER.
FB shall be of such size and depth as to allow easy installation of sockets / female jacks and
easy pulling of wire in conformity to related port.
All FB shall have suitable knockouts for entry and exit of cable / cord.
Wiring: Wires and cables for installation in conduits/ raceways for operation at less than 600 volts shall
conform to the following:
12.1.1 Conductors shall be of soft copper properly refined and shall have a minimum conductivity of 90% with
PVC insulation.
12.1.2 All wires and cable insulation except as specifically noted elsewhere, shall be rated for 600 volts and
shall conform to B.S. Specification,
12.1.3 All portion of electrical system utilizing PVC insulated conductors shall be guaranteed against grounds,
shorts and other insulation failures for a period 5 years regardless of any other indication, with regard
to the guaranteed period for electric work.
12.1.4 Wires and cables shall be delivered to the site of the projects original packaging or in factory reels,
fully identified with tage or levels, indicating the manufacturer's name and the date of manufacture.
12.1.5 Wires and cables shall bear repetitive marking along the entire length of their outer covering, indicating
conductor size, insulation type, voltage rating etc, as necessary for compliance with code
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12.1.6 The outer covering of wires and cables shall be color coded by means of factory applied approved
code methods so as to provide a clear differentiation between each phase and neutral. The phases
and neutral shall be colored red, yellow, blue and black respectively. ln case of single phase two wire
system red, yellow or blue shall be for the phase line and black for neutral.
12.1.7 All wires shall be of standard construction.
12.2.1 The maximum number of conductors in any conduit shall be as per drawing conforming with the
regulations of l.E.E. No joints in the conductor will be made throughout the installation and looping
system shall be followed.
12.2,2 The conductor shall be tested for continuity and insulation before energizing and conform to the
standard laid down by the local Engineering Authority and institution of Electrical Engineer (England).
12.2.3 Generally, single core cable (non-sheathed) are to be installed in metal conduits. The conduits sizes
shall be as specified in the drawings. lt must be ensured that the cables are not damaged during
pulling. For long lengths, pull boxes must be used even if not indicated in the drawings. Cables shall
not be drawn round more than two 90' bend between drawing-in-boxes and any single bend must not
be less than 90".
12.2.4 The cable upto 2.5mm2, shall be solid conductor and therefore, jointing are to be done through
porcelain connector and the connection shall be wound with PIB tape before placing in the boxes.
Termination of cable upto 2.5mm2 shall be done by making a hook at the end and for higher sizes,
brass cable terminations must be used. Tee-off joints in the cable to lighting-point, switches, etc,
should not be made. Looping in system of wiring is to be followed for recessed and surface wiring and
the joints are to be made in the switch boards only. All 3 to 4 core PVC cable shall be terminated using
brass cable glands of proper size.
Sizing and other pertinent data regarding main feeders, sub- feeders, branch feeders, operating at 600
volts or less and any branch circuitry protected by different ratings, circuit breakers are fully delineated
on the plans. All such feeders and circuitry shall be provided in accordance with the indication on the
plan and shall be connected for correct phase sequence and proper operation of the equipment
Each individual lap off feeders which is called with multiple cables per phase shall be arranged so that
all of the feeders are connected to the corresponding phase leg of the individual tap.
General circuitry operating at less than 600 volts and called for or indicated without specific details as
to sizing, etc. shall be underitood to be lighting or less. Such circuitry is to be provided in accordance
with the ground rules hereinafter specified.
Where lighting and appliances outlets are shown on the drawings without fully delineated circuitry such
shall be provided in accordance with the "Ground Rules" listed below.
All lighting and appliance branch circuitry protected as 20amp or less shall be performed in
accordance with the following ground rules unless there are specific indications to the contrary.
13.5.1 Unless otherwise noted minimum conductor size shall be No. 1.63mm. dia copper.
13.5.2 Conductors for circuitry operating in the range of 230 to 250 volts to neutral and extending in excess of
60 Meter from the point of supply to the last outlet or fixture tap, shall be 3.25mm dia copper
13.5.3 Raceway sizes shall be adequate for the number of conductors contained as required by code.
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13.5.4 Unless otherwise noted, circuitry shall be multi-wise utilizing common neutrals arranged so that no
neutral conductor acts as common wire more than one circuit conductor connected to the same phase
leg of the supply system.
13.5.6 Except as hereinafter differently specified standard type of metallic outlet box shall be provided for
each and every wiring device, lighting fixtures, etc.
13.5.7 Where more than one switch is shown on the plans or a single location their switches shall be gangmounted to a single suitable outlet box.
13.5.8 A switch and receptacle shall not be gang-mounted in a single outlet box unless the plan specifically
indicate such a communication.
13.5.9 Where buried-in outlet boxes are required by code authorities to separate wiring devices wired off
different phase legs of the supply system, to separate wiring of different voltage system or for other
reasons, such barriers shall be provided at no additional cost.
13.5.10 Under no condition shall any switch break any neutral conductor.
13.5.11 Quttet boxes for switches shall be located at the strike side of doors. Door swing indicated on plans
are subject to field change. Outlet boxes for switches shall be located on the basis of the final door
swing arrangement.
13.5.12 Unless made accessibly by other means, boxes for recessed ceiling fixture be mounted near to the
ceiling fixture.
13.5.13 Final connection from outlet boxes to recessed ceiling fixtures shall be means of suitable flexible
fixtures pigtails not less than 1200mm and not more than 1800mm long. ln all cases enough slack
shall be left in pig{ails to permit removal of fixtures from ceiling for inspection with disconnection'
13.5.14 Where the specifications for drawing implicates no specific requirements as to the loading or
connections of outlets in lighting and appliance branch circuit, the following maximum limitations shall
be followed: No more than 12 outlets or 1650 watts shall be applied to any single 10 amps circuit and
no more than 24 outlets or 3200 total watts to any single 20 amps circuit in the range of 230 to 250 volt
to neutral.
13.5.15 At any location where lighting and appliance branch circuitry is provided extending from a flush
mounted panel board to a suspended ceiling immediately above, at least 6mm empty conduit shall be
provided (in addition those required for active circuitry) to permit future wiring escape from panel
board. The empty conduit shall extend up from the panel and shall terminate in a threaded conduit cap
immediately after turning out into the hung ceiling planers space.
13.5.16 Emergency wiring shall be run in a completely separate raceway conduit system containing no wires
of "Normal" lighting and appliance.
The following space shall be interpreted as being damaged locations, regardless of high ambient
moisture level is found to exist:
1 3.6.1 Space where any designation indicating weather proof (WP) or Vapour-proof (VP) appear on the
13.6.2 'Within air conditioning ducts;
13.6.3 In cooling tower areas, regardless of whether interior or exterior.
13.6.4 In kitchen area.
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
Wire for exterior lighting fixture and/or receptacle not mounted on the birding shall be having a neat
moisture resisting rubber insulation and poly chloroprene jacket of sufficient thickness to ensure its
adequacy for direct burial installations. The PVC double coated wire shall be in G,l. pipe with two coats
of water-proof bitumen compound installed 450mm minimum below ground.
Cables shall be either, 4-core/3-core PVC insulated PVC sheathed type or 4-core/3-core PVC
insulated and PVC sheathed and armored type as specified in the Schedule of Work.
Cable Boxes
14.2.1 All types of cable and boxes shall be of cast iron and shall comply with latest Bangladesh Government
Specification and as per drawing. All other accessories shall be of approved type and design and shall
be approved by the ENGINEER
The excavation shall be 1050mm deep and 450mm wide, The bed surface shall be free from any point
sharp, materials, Breadth of the trench shall be increased by 600mm on a joint point.
Laying of Cable
14.4.1 150mm thick sand shall be spread and the cable laid. Another layer of sand shall be spread on top of
the cable and then covered with bricks and tiles as per drawling the remaining portion of the trenches
will then be filled in with earth and well rammed in layer of 150mm.
14.5.1 In crossing road or pavement, a hume pipe of suitable size shall be provided in the trench shall be
covered with pre-cast slabs or blocks of sufficient strength to withstand the load over them. .
Joint Cable
14.6.1 While laying the cable it shall be so arranged that cables to be jointed overlap each other by about
450mm to provide ample length for jointing. Metal serving and armoring shall be removed from both
cable to conform to the dimension of the box. The lead sheath (if there by any) is then to be cut off
from both cables to box dimension. The belt paper shall be removed to within 25mm of the lead
sheathing at each and exposing the insulated core. The insulation shall " be removed to the required
length. All points shall be sweathed, wiped clean and properly insulated.
14.6.2 At least 25mm clearance shall be allowed between the centre of each pair or joints. A wad of
impregnated tape shall be provided between each core and in tee joints, the armoring shall be
properly bound and the box shall be replaced in the filling holes. Necessary tapping up shall be carried
out after the compound has cooled.
14.6.3 Cables are to be terminated with the cable glands or end box as the case may be with the cable lugs
of appropriate size and ratings.
14.6.4 Markers shall be provided along the cable routes at each turning point of the trench.
14.6.5 Markers shall be made of 3mm thick M.S, sheet welded to M.S. angle as shown in the drawing or shall
be made of cast iron.
Panel board shall be provided where shown on the plans. They shall be suitable for supply
characteristics as shown on the plans and shall have branches of the number and size indicated, Main
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over current devices shall be provided as indicated on plans. Devices fro over current protection and
switching in the various panel board shall be as called for under the title over current.
Each panel board shall consist of a factory completed dead front assembly of backpan, main bushes,
over current and switching units, sheet metal cabinet and trim.
Cabinets shall be fabricated from 1.63 mm thick sheet steel with corner lapped and reveted of
fastened by other approved methods. Cabinets shall be of such size as to permit a suitable wiring
gutter space all around. Where feeders cables supplying the panel mains are through the panel board
in order to supply other electrical equipments, the cabinets shall be so sized as to provide a wiring
space having at least five times the total cross DIVISION area of the feeders cables in addition to the
gutter required for branch wiring connections.
Panel board cabinets and trims shall be suitable for the type of mounting shown on the plan. All trims
shall be fastened to the cabinet by indicating trim clamp and shall be of a type that it self supporting on
the cabinet after the trim clamps have been released.
Bus bars for panel board mains, shall be of copper having the current carrying capacity indicated on
plans and sizes for such capacity in accordance with Underwriter Laboratory Standards. Where
required and unless otherwise noted on the plans, neutral bars shall be full size Bus bar or panels with
single pole branches shall be drilled so as to provide sequence phasing of the branch circuit devices.
The inside and outside of panel board cabinets and trims, shall be provided with one rust proofing
prime coat and one finish shop coat of an approved paint. Such finished paint shall be of a type which
provide a surface suitable for a possible application of a field coat paint which is to be provided by the
Contractor free of cost.
Where called for on the plans, or as required to assure ready accessibility of top switching and over
current device, power or distribution panel boards shall be provided as multiple adjacent DIVISION. An
single overall cabinet shall be provided for such multiple adjacent panel board divisions, with approved
ebonite or asbestos barriers between Divisions. The entire assembly shall be such as to provide wiring
gutter space for each Division as if it were as individual panel board. Common bussing shall be
provided for adjacent division unless the plans indicate the individual DIVISION as being separately
supplied. Sub-feeder lugs with full capacity cable caps to adjacent panel DIVISION will be accepted as
the bussing method.
Power or distribution panel boards shall have gutters for branch wiring connections not less-than
125mm in width, where the largest device does not exceed 225 amps. Under no conditions shall the
width of a cabinet for a single DIVISION of power or distribution panel board exclusive of any auxiliary
feed through gutters, exceed 1050mm nor shall its depth exceed 325mm.
Lighting or appliance panel board shall have side wiring gutters for branch wiring connections not less
than 100mm in width. Under the condition the overall width of a lighting appliance panel board cabinet,
exclusive of any auxiliary through feeders gutter shall exceed 500mm nor shall its depth exceed
119mm where main over current protection is not called for or 150mm where main over current
protection is called for.
Approved a hinged doors covering and all switching devices handles shall be provided in the trims of
all panel boards.
When providing access to switch handles, doors shall not uncover any live part.
Door shall have flush type paracentric cylinder lock and catches, except that door over 12mm height
shall have a vault handle anO a S-point catch, complete with lock arrangement to fasten door at top,
bottom and centre. Two keys shall be provided for each lock and each key shall open panel board.
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
Doors shall be provided with directly holders having metal frames and transparent plastic covers on
their inside faces. Complete type-written schedule denoting the panel designation the circuit number,
the designation of branches controlled and the local services by each branch shall be inserted in the
directory holder.
The handle of circuit breakers controlling circuits which must be constantly energized (e.9. stair,
corridor and other night lighting emergency connection) shall be provided with locking devices to
prevent then from being de-energized inadvertently and shall be grouped together at each panel
board, Similar circuit breakers controlling circuits with are to be de-energized at right shall also be
grouped together.
The electrical contractor shall furnish, install and connect all distribution boards where shown on the
drawings and /or indicated in the plan conforming to B.S.S 214
The distribution board shall be of the safety type with double pole isolator or circuit breaker as
mentioned in schedule of quantities. Ampere rating and number of branch miniature circuit breakers
shall be as shown on the drawing. The distribution boards shall be opera table on 415/230 volts 3
phase, 4 wire system. Where required solid neutral buses shall be provided.
Miniature circuit breakers, shall be moulded type quick make quick break and shall have inverse time
limit characteristics with instantaneous/magnetic trip elements functioning on over load above the
normal operating range. All miniature circuit breakers shall be "Trip-free" rating of breakers shall be as
shown on the drawings.
Heavy M.S. sheet cabinets with finished hammered tone shall be used for surface or flush mounting
with standard concentric knockouts all around at suitable places. Doors shall be provided with flush
locks, The Contractor shall use pipe clips with suitable expansion sleeves. The arrangement and
method of fastening all conduit shall be subject to the direction of the ENGINEER
The distribution boards shall be installed surface flush as per drawing 1350mm above the finished
floor level, unless specified otherwise. The distribution boards shall be mounted in a concealed cabinet
type switch board cover with the locking arrangement.
The panels shall conform to the Damp heat, constant , to IEC 68 part 2-3.The construction of steel
board shall be from. one-piece rolled steel DIVISION, welded, steel thickness minimum 1.63mm, semitextured powder spray finish of approved colour, welded back plate with four holes for wall fixing bolts,
earth on mounting plates (hot galvanized, minimum 3mm thick), top plate and bottom plate with flange
apertures, sides and back plate without apertures door hinged on the right, turn lock, fastening with
3mm double ward key, all hinged shall be concealed, predrilled mounting rails with distance between
centre of rails 125mm minimum insulating flanges for cable entry, etc. The steel enclosure shall be
with support frame for mounting units, with cover, glazed door , insulating surround, and insulating
surrounds covering the terminals, connecting struts, stuck-in door gasket, cable grommets, cable
glands, ctc.
Alternatively, the panel may be made of self-extinguishing polystrol and polycarbonate of thermoplastic
of approved colour and resistant to water , acid, saline solutions, alcohol's, petrols, etc. with necessary
wall fixing straps, sellable brackets, cable entry flanges with a mounded PG knockouts, mounting rails
component shrouds, blanking plates connecting links, mounting plates, cable gland, cable grommet,
quick release fastener, etc,
The busbar shall be of copper having the rating as per schedule of items and the unrestricted short
circuit of 25KA at 0.25PF for 1 sec, including colour as per IEC code
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The MCB/MCCB's shall be quick-make, quick break, trip-free, indicating type and shall have inversetime limit characteristics with adjustable overload and adjustable short circuit release. All lugs must be
of the solder less mechanical type. The MCB must comply with IEC 157-1, IEC-898 rated voltage
2401415V, A.C.50 Hz, interrupting capacities minimum 6M in all SDBs ESDBs, and minimum 1OKA in
all FDBs and EDBs, current limiting class 3, finger proof, protection through Terminal and Magnetic
Trip DIVISIONs respectively, temperature rating at 40oC , preferably trivialized (moisture-fungus
correction treated), with contracts of silver alloy, terminal capability as per requirement. The MCCB
must comply with IEC 157-1 having rated voltage 600 A.C.,50 Hz with terminal overload, and
instantaneous magnetic tripping action interrupting capacities minimum 25KA, in destitution boards,
temperature rating 400C, preferable trivialized (moisture-fungus correction treated), terminal capability
as per requirement. The bidder may offer MCCB to meet requirement of the specification.
All lighting fixtures, indoor, and outdoor complete with lamps, supports, appurtenance, etc. shall be
furnished and installed as part of the electric work as per drawings or specified otherwise the fittings
shall be designed and built to give efficient and reliable service continuously at the normal voltage and
current rating in climatic and atmospheric condition prevalent at the site,
All lighting fixture are located, listed detailed, specified and identified by type reference on the plans.
All lighting fixture furnished as part of the electric work conform to the following :
18.3.1 All electrical components of lighting fixtures (sockets, discharge lamp auxiliaries, wires, etc.) shall have
the prior approval of the ENGINEER before final installation and must fulfill the requirement of
standard specification.
18.3.2 All fixtures wire utilized for connection or wiring between electrical components, as well as circuit tap
or discharge lamp auxiliaries shall be minimum of 1.63mm thick and insulating rating shall meet the
standard and local requirements for the temperature, current and voltage conditions.
18.3.3 Lighting fixtures shall be constructed with the minimum possible number of joints. Joint shall be made
only by means of approved welded brazed. Screwed or bolted construction method, soldered joints will
not be permitted.
18.3.4 All ferrous parts and supports of lighting fixtures other than parts manufactured of stainless steel shall
be completely rust proof after fabrication and before finishing coats and applied. All screws, bolts nuts
and other fastening latching hardware shall be cadmium or equivalent plated.
18.3.5 Finished thickness of all cast parts shall not be less than 3mm except where specifically indicated to
the contrary, all fixtures shall be provided with a final synthetic high temperature stove enameled
coating of color and finished as specified or directed. Unless otherwise specified all stove enameled
reflective surface shall be white, with a minimum reflectance of 85%.
18.3.6 Where stainless steel or non-ferrous metal or aluminum is to be utilized as a reflector surface the
stainless steel or non-ferrous metal will be baked on clear lacquer to preserve the surface and the
aluminum shall be treated as specified with alzak or anodizing process to ensure a permanent
reflective surface with a minimum 95% reflectance.
18.3.7 Recessed fixtures shall be designed so as to properly coordinate with the ceiling construction they are
to be mounted on.
18.3.8 Fixture shall be furnished with all appurtenance (trim, plastic frame, etc.) necessary for the proper
support of the fixture. Plaster frame shall either by manufactured of non-ferrous metal or if
manufactured of steel shall be suitably rust proofed after fabrication as herein above described. All
support for lighting fixture (strim chain, anchors, etc.) shall be adequate for the support of the weight of
the fixtures. All strim hangers shall be furnished with suitable aligner canopies or outlet box covers that
the fixtures hang vertically irrespective of the angle of the surface they are mounted from. When
fixtures, or hanger canopies are mounted flush to the coiling or wall and where raceways and outlet
boxes serving the fixtures are surface mounted to the ceiling or wall, finishing rings shall be provided
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
to concealed the outlet box. All visible fixture hanging devices and appurtenances shall have the same
finish as the fixture unless specifically otherwise indicated.
18.3.9 Fixture for use in outdoors or in areas designated on plans and damp locations shall be suitably
gasketted to prevent access of moisture into electrical components or enclosing diffusers, lenses, or
globes. All metal parts of fixtures for use in damp locations that are specified as requiring paintings,
shall be painted with suitable weather proof and moisture resistant paints exhibiting moisture resisting
qualities equal to eposy based coatings. All aluminium parts of fixture for use in damp locations that
are specified as requiring as unpainted finish, shall be anodized.
18.3.10 Lighting Management is to ienderity a system flexible enough to have energy efficient Lighting and
quality Control that may be integrated into other building management system. Trio is a
comprehensive Lighting Control System which is applicable for wide range of indoor application.
Based on installation standard Trio with installer Box above false ceiling is applicable. The
configuration shall be when
a. only movement detector is connected, it will automatically switch the lighting ON or OFF;
b. but people in the room, will be able to trun the lights 0N or KEEP it in certain level manually when
there is movement detector including an lR Receiver. Trio will automatically switch the lights OFF
when no one is present in the room.
18.4.1 All discharge lamp lighting fixtures furnished as part fittings shall be suitable to operate on the main
par of the electrical work shall conform to the following and is of which are given below:
a. Number of Phase
- Single phase
b. Voltage
- 230 volts + / - 5%
c. Frequency
- 50 Hz.
d. Type
- Alternating current
18.4.2 The fluorescent lamp shall be high power factor operation, tubular in shape for general lighting service
18.4.3 The color shall be cool white.
18.4.4 Electronic Ballasts and capacitors shall be rigidly mounted to the inside of the top of the fxture housing
with ballasts surface and housing in complete contact for efficient conduction of ballast heat. Ballast
mounting shall be permanently affixed to the housing.
18.4.5 The diffusers shall be glare free, moulded out of 3mm thick opal plexi material of uniform density and
sturdy construction. The diffusers shall be quick detachable type and shall be supplied as asked for in
the schedule of quantities.
18.4.6 Sockets shall be suitable for the specified lamps and so that lamps are positions in opticatty correct
relation to lenses, reflector, baffles, etc.
18.4.7 All lenses, louvers, or other light diffusing elements contained in fixtures frame shall be removable but
positively held within the frame so that the hinging motion of the frame will not cause the diffusing
elements to drop down.
18.4.8 All glass elements, Ienses, diffusers, etc. shall be made of thermospane material equal in
characteristic to that of pyrex.
Telephone Cables
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19.1..1 The telephone cable shall be installed in indoor in conduits and outdoor in G.l' pipe and shall be
designed and built to give efficient and reliable service continuously at the normal voltage, current and
audio frequency rating in the climatic and atmospheric conditions prevalent at site.
19.1.2 The telephone cable shall be as made by Telephone Cable industries of Bangladesh and will be of 100
19.1.3 All connections shall be made, marked and identified on the terminals strips provided in junction
boxes, cabinets and posts. No connection or joint of the conductor shall be made in the outlet /pull 'out
or the conduit.
19.1.4 The conductor shall be tested for continuity and insulation before making connection to the entire
satisfaction of the Telephone Department, Government of Bangladesh.
The system of lightning protection shall be installed so as to protect the building against lightning
conforming to B.S.S. code or practice 326.1 01 of 1 948.
There shall be air termination points on the building installed 750mm above the finished level or as per
The air terminals shall be cast and machined electrolytic copper complete with single pointer rod and
150mm x 100mm 12mm brass plate and to be reinforced so as to withstand the excessive air pressure
during storm.
The roof and down conductor shall be of soft annealed electrolytic copper conductor of 2 SWG unless
otherwise specified. There shall be number of down conductor as specified and each down conductor
shall have independent testing points, earth termination lead and earth.
20.6.1 The cable shall be fixed in vertical shaft and on wall as per drawing and regulation and with standard
cable fixing accessories.
20.6.2 The cable hanger shall be fixed on the vertical shaft and on walls at regular interval as per l.E.E.
regulation and cable entry for floor to floor shall be fire proof.
20.6.3 The trench shall be absolutely clean while the cable is laid.
20.6.4 The pull-box of the trench as per drawing shall be left open till cable is laid in the position, Thereafter
the trench shall be covered with R.C.C. slab. The trench inside the building shall be covered with 9mm
thick mild steel checkered plate.
20.6.5 The Contractor shall ensure that he or his authorized representative is present while the cable is laid.
He shall ensure 'that the cable is laid according to the requirement and the prescribed specification.
20.7.1 Earthing system shall be provided in accordance with lS:3043-1987 with latest amendments and other
statutory regulation and as per drawing and schedule.
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
20.7.2 The whole of the lightning protective system shall have a combined residence to earthling not
exceeding 10 ohms before any bonding has been affected to metal iron on a structure or to surface
below ground.
20.7.3 Copper earthing system shall be provided. For the single transformer substation, the total number of
earth electrodes shall be four numbers (two for neutral and two for body earthing). AII the bus
ducts/cable trays shall be provided with suitable size of 2 nos. Cu strips in the full length. All electrical
equipment shall be earthed with 2 nos. Cu strips/wires and non-current carrying metallic parts with 1
no. of Cu strips/writes. Every power outer, switch, lighting flxture shall be provided with insulated
copper conductor of required size for earthing. The UPS main distribution board shall be connected to
separate copper earth pits with PVC insulated copper tape, Each UPS distribution board shall be
connected to the UPS main distribution board with runs of PVC insulated copper conductor wire. The
UPS neutral shall be earthed separately with 2 nos. of copper earth pits.
20.7.4 Separate copper earth rods in earth pits shall be provided for PABX and Network equipment. The
PABX and the Network equipment shall have separate insulated earthing conductors, which shall both
terminate at the earth pit. Engineering conductors shall be provided for the Transient Voltage surge
suppressor for the satellite antenna structure.
The raceways shall not be used as an earthing conductor.
The resistance to each earthing system shall not exceed 1.0 ohm.
20.7.5 Pipe Earthling:
a. 38mm dia G.l. pipe shall be sunk up to a depth of 36M by tube-well sinking method unless
otherwise mentioned in the schedule.
b, An earth inspection pit shall be constructed
c. A brass clamp of size 100mm x 50mm x 19mm shall be made of 19mm thick brass plate by
properly, bending, machining and drilling unless otherwise mentioned in the schedule.
d. 19mm dia brass bolt nuts with washers shall be used for fixing the clamp on top of the earth
electrode G.l. pipe and for connecting the earth lead wires with the earth electrode'
The contractor shall carry out insulation test of the complete installation in presence of authorized
representative of the authority using required voltage meggar and the test result should be submitted
to the authority for approval.
lf the test results show any fault in the installation, the Contractor shall make necessary rectifications
to fulfill the requirements at no cost to the Employer.
Transformer and OCB oils shall be tested for insulation properties before energisation by the
Contractor from the recognized Testing Laboratory and the test result should be submitted to the
Authority for approval. lithe test result be not satisfactory, then the contractor shall arrange centrifuging
of the oil until satisfactory result is obtained.
Beggaring of the transformer, H.T. panel, L.T. Panel and all electrical installations shall be arranged by
the contractor with proper range insulation testers in the presence of the representative of the
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
These item covers all supply items which are required in connection with internal and external
electrification works.
Regulations: The supply in general shall be carried out in conformity with the Electricity Rules of the
Govt. of Bangladesh (lndian Electricity Rules and Act as adopted in Bangladesh) and the latest edition
of the British Standard Code of practice for the relevant works. But where the under noted
specification differ from these rules and standards, the specification written hereunder shall be
followed. Any special requirement of the Electrical inspector, Government of Bangladesh or the Power
Development Board or the Telegraph and Telephone Department, Government of Bangladesh or other
legal authority shall also be complied.
Material required which are not covered by the detailed specifications shall be as recommended by the
equipment manufacturer, or consistent with good Engineering practice.
Cables for installation in raceways for operation at not less than 45Ol 750 volts shall be of soft copper
properly refined and shall have a minimum conductivity of 90% with PVC insulation confirming to BS
6004, 1 975.
AII cable insulation, except as specifically noted elsewhere shall be rated for 450/ 750 volts and shall
conform to B,S.S. specification.
Underground cables shall be PVC insulated, PVC sheet with plain annealed copper conductor, type
NYY of rated voltage 600/1000 volts conforming to VDE 027113.69.
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
These items cover all supply items which are required in connection with internal and external
electrification works.
Regulations: The supply in general shall be carried out in conformity with the Electricity Rules of the
Govt. of Bangladesh (lndian Electricity Rules and Act as adopted in Bangladesh) and the latest edition
of the British Standard Code of practice for the relevant works. But where the under noted
specification differ from these rules and standards, the specification written hereunder shall be
followed. Any special requirement of the Electrical inspector, Government of Bangladesh or the Power
Development Board or the Telegraph and Telephone Department, Government of Bangladesh or other
legal authority shall also be complied.
Material required which are not covered by the detailed specifications shall be as recommended by the
equipment manufacturer, or consistent with good Engineering practice.
The switches shall be in accordance with B.S.S. 1299 Part-|, 1964 as amended to-date / BS EN
60669-1 colour white RAL 9010 plates and rockers materials: Polycarbonate unless otherwise stated
elsewhere. The switches shall be concealed type, 10 A /30A capacity mounted on G,P. sheet made
The sockets shall be in accordance with BS 1363 part-2 and BS 546 as amended till{o-date Colour
white RAL 9010 plates and rockers materials: Polycarbonate. The sockets shall be concealed type
with switch & shutter including LED/ NEON indicator, capacity 13A and 15A mounted on GP sheet
made board,
HRC Fuse Cartidge with LED indicator along with the fuse carrier shall be in accordance with IEC
60269-1, 2 and 2.1 lEC 60439-1 and NFC 63-210/ 211 , EN 60269-1 & 2, single pole, 100 KA 10 x 38
32A cylindrical type gG HRC fuse to be as amended till-to-date to be fitted on DIN rail with 5A-230V
NO+NC auxiliary for remote signaling.
Sub-Distribution boards shall be of safety type with double pole/ three pole isolator or circuit breaker,
operatable on a 400 volts 3-phase, 4-wire system conforming / EN 60439-3 as amended to date. The
board shall be of plastic flush mounting with transparent flip or push with removable pan assembly with
2 neutral 1-earth plates, 1-supply bus bar, isolating shield, self extinguishing, 16 modules nominal,
228mm depth.
Floor Distribution / Distribution Board shall be of safety type with three pole isolator / circuit breaker
operable on 400V 3-phase 4-wire system conforming to IEC 60695-2-1 flush mounting metal box with
operable transparent Perspex door, plastic face plate, detachable, chasis, face plate, door assembly,
DIN rain for MCCB, incoming looped busbar with door lock, slef extinguishing 650 0 C, 228 mm depth,
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The MCB/MCCB 's shall be quick-make, quick break, trip-free, indicating type and shall have inversetime limit characteristics with adjustable overload and adjustable 60947-2short circuit release. All lugs
must be of the solder less mechanical type. The MCB must comply with IEC 157-1, IEC-898 rated
voltage 230V, A.C. 50 Hz, interrupting capacities 6M to 10M, current limiting class 3, finger proof,
protection through Thermal and Magnetic Trip DIVISIONs respectively, temperature rating at 40 O C ,
tropicalzed (moisture-fungus correction treated), with contact of silver alloy, terminal capability as per
requirement . The MCCB must comply with IEC 60947-2 having rated voltage 400V A.C., 50 HZ with
thermal overload, and instantaneous magnetic tripping action interrupting capacities 1OKA to 50M,
temperature rating 400C, tropicalized (moisture-fungus correction treated), terminal capability as per
RCD: TP+N RCD conforming to IEC 61008-1 for detection of AC component and AC-DC component
fault with 5A-230V, NO+NC auxiliary for remote signaling.
Alternatively the panel may be made of self extinguishing polystrol and polycarbonate of thermoplastic
of approved colour and resistant to water , acid, saline solutions, alcohol's, petrols, etc with necessary
wall fixing straps, brackets, cable entry flanges with a moulded PG knockouts, mounting rails
component shrouds, blanking plates connecting links, mounting plates, cable gland, cable grommet,
quick release fastener, compatible to good Engineering practice.
The busbar shall be of copper having the rating as per schedule of items and the unrestricted short
circuit of 25KA at 0.25PF for 1 sec, including colour as per IEC code
Full xlose flexi / Aluminum adaptable cable trunking system, 2 meter length for cable drawing from
BBT Tap-off to SDB and or SDB to Raceways confirming to NFC 68-104 including necessary
DIVISIONs and accessories.
Vertical riser Low impedance, low reactance, factory assembled type tested, totally enclosed, nonventilated distribution Busbar Trunking System consists of required Tap off points and reducer
DIVISION including all necessary fixing arrangement complete as per specification..
- Rate insulation Voltage
- System Frequency
- No. of live conductors
- Neutral
- Conductor
- TAP-Off Box
- Protection Degree
- Cooling
- insulation Materials
- Fire withstand capacity
- Standard
1000 v
3-phase + Neutral + PE (as liousing)
3 Meter interval
IP 55
Self Cooling
2-layers of polypropheline, 3 layers of B-Class Mylar
120 minutes
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
These items cover all supply items which are required in connection with internal and external
electrification works.
Regulations: The supply in general shall be carried out in conformity with the Electricity Rules of the
Govt. of Bangladesh (lndian Electricity Rules and Act as adopted in Bangladesh) and the latest edition
of the British Standard Code of practice for the relevant works. But where the under noted
specification differ from these rules and standards, the specification written hereunder shall be
followed. Any special requirement of the Electrical inspector, Government of Bangladesh or the Power
Development Board or the Telegraph and Telephone Department, Government of Bangladesh or other
legal authority shall also be complied.
Lighting fixtures shall be constructed with the minimum possible number of joints, Joint shall be made
only by means of approved welded brazed. Screwed or bolted construction method, soldered joints will
not be permitted.
All ferrous parts and supports of lighting fixtures other than parts manufactured of stainless steel shall
be completely rust proof after fabrication and before finishing coats applied. All screws, bolts nuts and
other fastening latching hardware shall be cadmium or equivalent plated.
Finished thickness of all cast parts shall not be less than 3mm except where specifically indicated to
the contrary, all fixtures shall be provided with a final synthetic high temperature stove enamelled
coating of white color and finished. Unless otherwise specified all stove enamelled reflective surface
shall be white, with a minimum reflectance of 85%,
Where stainless steel or non-ferrous metal or aluminum is to be utilized as a reflector surface the
stainless steel or non-ferrous metal will be baked on clear lacquer to preserve the surface and the
aluminium shall be treated as specified with alzak or anodizing process to ensure a permanent
reflective surface with a minimum 95% reflectance.
Recessed fixtures shall be designed so as to properly coordinate with the ceiling construction 1'-0" x 4
-0 or as per ceiling design are to be mounted on.
Fixture shall be furnished with all appurtenance (trim, plastic frame, etc.) necessary for the proper
support of the fixture. Plaster frame shall either by manufactured of non-ferrous metal or if
manufactured of steel shall be suitably rust proofed after fabrication. All support for lighting fixture
(strim chain, anchors, etc,) shall be adequate for the support of the weight of the fixtures. All skim
hangers shall be furnished with suitable aligner canopies or outlet box covers that the fixtures hang
vertically irrespective of the angle of the surface they are mounted from. When fixtures, or hanger
canopies are mounted flush to the coiling or wall and where raceways and outlet boxes serving the
fixtures are surface mounted to the ceiling or wall, finishing rings shall be provided to concealed the
outlet box. All visible fixture hanging devices and appurtenances shall have the same finish as the
fixture unless specifically other wise indicated.
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
Fixture for use in outdoors or in damp locations shall be suitably gasketted to prevent access of
moisture into electrical components or enclosing diffusers, lenses, or globes. All metal parts of fixtures
for use in damp locations that are specified as requiring paintings, shall be painted with suitable
weather proof and moisture resistant paints" exhibiting moisture resisting quilities equal to epoxy
baseo coatings. All aluminium parts of fixture for use in damp locations that are specified as requiring
as unpainted finish shall be anodized.
Lighting Management is to identify a system flexible enough to have energy efficient Lighting and
Quality Control that may be integrated into other building management system. Trio is a
comprehensive Lighting Control System which is applicable for wide range of indoor application. The
configuration shall be when
a. only movement detector is connected, it will automatically switch the lighting 0N or OFF;
b. but people in the room, will be able to trun the lights 0N or KEEP it in certain level manually
when there is movement detector including an lR Receiver. Trio will automatically switch the
lights OFF when no one is present in the room.
All discharge lamp lighting fixtures furnished shall conform to the following and the fittings shall be
suitable to operate on the main particulars of which are given below:
Number of Phase
Single phase
230 volts 5%
50 Hz.
Alternating current
The fluorescent lamp shall be high power factor operation, tubular in shape for general lighting service.
Electronic Ballasts and capacitors shall be rigidly mounted to the inside of the top of the fixture
housing, with ballasts surface and housing in complete contact for efficient conduction of ballast heat.
Ballait mounting shall be permanently affixed to the housing.
The diffusers shall be glare free, moulded out of 3mm thick opal plexi material of uniform density and
sturdy construction. The diffusers shall be quick detachable type.
Sockets shall be suitable for the specified lamps and so that lamps are positioned in optically correct
relation to lenses, reflector, baffles, and so on.
All lenses, louvers, or other light diffusing elements contained in fixtures frame shall be removable but
positively held within the frame so that the hanging motion of the frame will not cause the diffusing
elements to drop down.
All glass elements, lenses, diffusers and so on shall be made of thermos pane material equal in
characteristic to that of pyrex.
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)
Regulations: The supply in general shall be carried out in conformity with the Electricity Rules of the
Govt. of Bangladesh (lndian Electricity Rules and Act as adopted in Bangladesh) and the latest edition
of the British Standard Code of practice for the relevant works, But where de undaunted specification
differ from these rules and standards, the specification written hereunder shall be followed. Any special
requirement of the Electrical lnspector, Government of Bangladesh or the Power Development Board
or the Telegraph and Telephone Department, Government of Bangladesh or other legal authority shall
also be complied.
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Consultant: Electro-Mechanical Control Services (eMcS)