To: From: Submitted By: Subject
To: From: Submitted By: Subject
To: From: Submitted By: Subject
Submitted by:
Approve the Design Study (DS 16-300) application with conditions.
DS 16-300
San Antonio Street, 2 SW of 12 Avenue
Eric Dyar, Architect
Property Owner: James and Christina Welsh
DS 16-300 (Welsh)
September 14, 2016
Staff Report
Page 2
replace the existing wood driveway gate, reconfigure the front patio, and replace the existing
asphalt driveway with sand-set concrete pavers. The project will result in a reduction of site
coverage by a total of 335 square feet.
Staff notes that that subordinate unit it permitted (SU 91-138), but is non-conforming due to its
encroachment into the front and side-yard setbacks. The municipal code states the following
regarding non-conforming buildings: A lawful nonconforming structure may be maintained,
repaired, or altered as long as such maintenance, repair, or alteration does not increase the
nonconformity and all work performed conforms to all of the requirements of this
chapterAlterations, repairs or remodeling that enlarge, extend or increase a nonconforming
feature of a building shall be prohibited (CMC 17.36.030). Staff has referred this application
to the Planning Commission in order to review the modifications to the existing non-conforming
subordinate unit and determine if the proposed project is increasing the existing
Staff Analysis:
Subordinate Unit: The applicant is proposing to alter the subordinate unit by replacing the
existing Tar and Gravel roof with a new sloped Spanish Tile roof. The overall roof height would
increase from 14 feet 8 inches to 16 feet 8. It is unclear as whether the increase in height
constitutes an increase of the nonconformity, as the setback distance would not change.
Staff notes that one of the purposes of the front and side-yard setbacks is to minimize building
mass presented at the front and sides of the property. In this case, an increase in height could
be considered an expansion of the non-conformity because it increases the building mass
within the setback.
If the Planning Commission interprets that raising the height increases the nonconformity, then
it should deny this component of the project. If the Planning Commission does not interpret
the increase in height as an expansion the existing nonconformity, then staff recommends
approval of this project component as it is an improvement to the overall design of the
subordinate unit.
Site Coverage: The subject site is 7,000 square feet, and therefore has allowable site coverage
of 881 square feet, which includes a 4% bonus if 50% or more of the site coverage is permeable.
The existing lot contains 2,345 square feet of site coverage, which is 1,464 square feet above
the allowable site coverage for a 7,000 square foot lot. The applicant is proposing to reduce the
overall site coverage by 335 square feet and convert 944 square feet of the existing coverage
DS 16-300 (Welsh)
September 14, 2016
Staff Report
Page 3
Subordinate Unit
For each of the required design study findings listed below, staff has indicated whether the
submitted plans support adoption of the findings. For all findings checked "no" the staff report
discusses the issues to facilitate the Planning Commission decision-making. Findings checked
"yes" may or may not be discussed in the report depending on the issues.
Municipal Code Finding
1. The project conforms with all zoning standards applicable to the site, or has
received appropriate use permits and/or variances consistent with the zoning
2. The project is consistent with the Citys design objectives for protection and
enhancement of the urbanized forest, open space resources and site design. The
projects use of open space, topography, access, trees and vegetation will maintain
or establish a continuity of design both on the site and in the public right of way that
is characteristic of the neighborhood.
3. The project avoids complexity using simple/modest building forms, a simple roof
plan with a limited number of roof planes and a restrained employment of offsets
and appendages that are consistent with neighborhood character, yet will not be
viewed as repetitive or monotonous within the neighborhood context.
4. The project is adapted to human scale in the height of its roof, plate lines, eave
lines, building forms, and in the size of windows doors and entryways. The
development is similar in size, scale, and form to buildings on the immediate block
and neighborhood. Its height is compatible with its site and surrounding
development and will not present excess mass or bulk to the public or to adjoining
properties. Mass of the building relates to the context of other homes in the
5. The project is consistent with the Citys objectives for public and private views
and will retain a reasonable amount of solar access for neighboring sites. Through
the placement, location and size of windows, doors and balconies the design
respects the rights to reasonable privacy on adjoining sites.
6. The design concept is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies related to
residential design in the general plan.
7. The development does not require removal of any significant trees unless
necessary to provide a viable economic use of the property or protect public health
and safety. All buildings are setback a minimum of 6 feet from significant trees.
DS 16-300 (Welsh)
September 14, 2016
Findings for Approval
Page 2
8. The proposed architectural style and detailing are simple and restrained in
character, consistent and well integrated throughout the building and
complementary to the neighborhood without appearing monotonous or repetitive
in context with designs on nearby sites.
9. The proposed exterior materials and their application rely on natural materials
and the overall design will add to the variety and diversity along the streetscape.
10. Design elements such as stonework, skylights, windows, doors, chimneys and
garages are consistent with the adopted Design Guidelines and will complement the
character of the structure and the neighborhood.
11. Proposed landscaping, paving treatments, fences and walls are carefully
designed to complement the urbanized forest, the approved site design, adjacent
sites, and the public right of way. The design will reinforce a sense of visual
continuity along the street.
12. Any deviations from the Design Guidelines are considered minor and reasonably
relate to good design principles and specific site conditions.
1. Local Coastal Program Consistency: The project conforms with the certified Local
Coastal Program of the City of Carmel-by-the Sea.
2. Public access policy consistency: The project is not located between the first
public road and the sea, and therefore, no review is required for potential public
Conditions of Approval
Standard Conditions
Authorization: This approval of Design Study (DS 16-300) authorizes all new
wood exterior doors and windows, refinish of all existing stuccos walls, and the
reconfiguration of the 2nd story deck. The approval also includes a new Spanish
tile roof above the existing Subordinate unit, a new 3-foot tall stone wall at the
front property line, replacement of all existing stone cladding on the
subordinate unit, the replacement of the existing wood driveway gate, the
reconfiguration of the front patio, and the replacement of the existing asphalt
driveway with sand-set concrete pavers. The project will result in a reduction of
site coverage by a total of 335 square feet.
This approval shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of action
unless an active building permit has been issued and maintained for the
proposed construction.
All new landscaping, if proposed, shall be shown on a landscape plan and shall
be submitted to the Department of Community Planning and Building and to the
City Forester prior to the issuance of a building permit. The landscape plan will
be reviewed for compliance with the landscaping standards contained in the
Zoning Code, including the following requirements: 1) all new landscaping shall
be 75% drought-tolerant; 2) landscaped areas shall be irrigated by a
drip/sprinkler system set on a timer; and 3) the project shall meet the Citys
recommended tree density standards, unless otherwise approved by the City
based on site conditions. The landscaping plan shall show where new trees will
be planted when new trees are required to be planted by the Forest and Beach
Commission or the Planning Commission.
Trees on the site shall only be removed upon the approval of the City Forester or
Forest and Beach Commission as appropriate; and all remaining trees shall be
protected during construction by methods approved by the City Forester.
DS 16-300 (Welsh)
September 14, 2016
Conditions of Approval
Page 2
Approval of this application does not permit an increase in water use on the
project site. Should the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
determine that the use would result in an increase in water beyond the
maximum units allowed on a 7,000-square foot parcel, this permit will be
scheduled for reconsideration and the appropriate findings will be prepared for
review and adoption by the Planning Commission.
The applicant shall submit in writing to the Community Planning and Building
staff any proposed changes to the approved project plans prior to incorporating
changes on the site. If the applicant changes the project without first obtaining
City approval, the applicant will be required to either: a) submit the change in
writing and cease all work on the project until either the Planning Commission
or staff has approved the change; or b) eliminate the change and submit the
proposed change in writing for review. The project will be reviewed for its
compliance to the approved plans prior to final inspection.
Exterior lighting shall be limited to 25 watts or less (incandescent equivalent,
i.e., 375 lumens) per fixture and shall be no higher than 10 feet above the
ground. Landscape lighting shall be limited to 15 watts (incandescent
equivalent, i.e., 225 lumens) or less per fixture and shall not exceed 18 inches
above the ground.
All skylights shall use non-reflective glass to minimize the amount of light and
glare visible from adjoining properties. The applicant shall install skylights with
flashing that matches the roof color, or shall paint the skylight flashing to match
the roof color.
The applicant shall install unclad wood framed windows. Windows that have
been approved with divided lights shall be constructed with fixed wooden
mullions. Any window pane dividers, which are snap-in, or otherwise
superficially applied, are not permitted.
The applicant agrees, at his or her sole expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold
DS 16-300 (Welsh)
September 14, 2016
Conditions of Approval
Page 3
harmless the City, its public officials, officers, employees, and assigns, from any
liability; and shall reimburse the City for any expense incurred, resulting from, or
in connection with any project approvals. This includes any appeal, claim, suit,
or other legal proceeding, to attack, set aside, void, or annul any project
approval. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any legal proceeding,
and shall cooperate fully in the defense. The City may, at its sole discretion,
participate in any such legal action, but participation shall not relieve the
applicant of any obligation under this condition. Should any party bring any
legal action in connection with this project, the Superior Court of the County of
Monterey, California, shall be the situs and have jurisdiction for the resolution of
all such actions by the parties hereto.
The driveway material shall extend beyond the property line into the public right
of way as needed to connect to the paved street edge. A minimal asphalt
connection at the street edge may be required by the Superintendent of Streets
or the Building Official, depending on site conditions, to accommodate the
drainage flow line of the street.
Approval of this Design Study shall be valid only with approval of a Variance.
The applicant shall include a storm water drainage plan with the working
drawings that are submitted for building permit review. The drainage plan shall
include applicable Best Management Practices and retain all drainage on site
through the use of semi-permeable paving materials, French drains, seepage
pits, etc. Excess drainage that cannot be maintained on site, may be directed
into the Citys storm drain system after passing through a silt trap to reduce
sediment from entering the storm drain. Drainage shall not be directed to
adjacent private property.
An archaeological reconnaissance report shall be prepared by a qualified
archaeologist or other person(s) meeting the standards of the State Office of
Historic Preservation prior to approval of a final building permit. The applicant
shall adhere to any recommendations set forth in the archaeological report. All
new construction involving excavation shall immediately cease if materials of
archaeological significance are discovered on the site and shall not be permitted
to recommence until a mitigation and monitoring plan is approved by the
Planning Commission.
All new construction involving excavation shall immediately cease if cultural
resources are discovered on the site, and the applicant shall notified the
DS 16-300 (Welsh)
September 14, 2016
Conditions of Approval
Page 4
Community Planning and Building Department within 24 hours. Work shall not
be permitted to recommence until such resources are properly evaluated for
significance by a qualified archaeologist. If the resources are determined to be
significant, prior to resumption of work, a mitigation and monitoring plan shall
be prepared by a qualified archaeologist and reviewed and approved by the
Community Planning and Building Director. In addition, if human remains are
unearthed during excavation, no further disturbance shall occur until the County
Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin and distribution pursuant
to California Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 5097.98.
Prior to Building Permit issuance, the applicant shall provide for City
(Community Planning and Building Director in consultation with the Public
Services and Public Safety Departments) review and approval, a truck-haul route
and any necessary temporary traffic control measures for the grading activities.
The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring adherence to the truck-haul
route and implementation of any required traffic control measures.
All conditions of approval for the Planning permit(s) shall be printed on a fullsize sheet and included with the construction plan set submitted to the Building
Safety Division.
Printed Name
Once signed, please return to the Community Planning and Building Department.