1 Objectives Practice Set 1

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ESAS OBJECTIVES PRACTICE 1 a. Building permit c.

Electrical permit
b. Working permit d. Mayor’s permit
1. Which of the following conductor sizes has the Ans: c
highest resistance?
A. 3.5 mm2 9. Above ground tanks containing liquids at
B. B. 8.0 mm2 atmospheric pressure are considered to be
C. C. 2.0 mm2 protected against lightning if the following
D. D. 5.5 mm2 requirements are met. Which one?
Ans: C a. The metal roof shall have a minimum
thickness of 4.8 mm
2. A device or equipment which is suspended from b. The roof shall be welded, bolted or
overhead either by means of a flexible cord riveted to the shell
carrying the current, or otherwise. c. All pipes entering the tank shall be
a. Rosette c. Fixture metallically connected to the tank at the
b. Pendant d. Air terminal point of entrance
Ans: b d. All of these
Ans: d
3. In the schedule of loads for motor circuits,
which of the following is NOT included. 10. When computing the service load, more than
a. Type of motor three fixed appliances are computed with a
b. Manufacturer of motor demand factor of ______ of the nameplate
c. Motor as numbered in the power layout rating.
d. Number of phases a. 80% b. 65% c. 70% d. 75%
Ans: b
11. What are found in the nucleus of an atom?
4. What is the allowable ampacity of THW a. Electrons and Protons
insulated copper conductor with an area of 8.0 b. Protons and Neutrons
mm2 and exposed to an ambient temperature of c. Cations and Anions
30 0C? d. Electrons and Neutrons
a. 45 A b. 20 A c. 30 A d. 60 A
Ans: a 12. What is the negatively charged particle of an
5. Which one is a standard rating of an inverse a. Electrons
time CB? b. Protons
a. 140 A b. 130 A c. 120 A d. 110 A c. Neutron
Ans: d d. Molecule

6. The term ampere-hour is associated with which 13. What is the positively charged particle of an
of the following? atom?
a. Converters c. Electromagnets a. Electrons
b. Transformers d. Storage Cells b. Protons
Ans: d c. Neutron
d. Molecule
7. Electrical Equipment may best be mounted on a
concrete wall by using one of the following. 14. What is the particle of an atom that has no
Which one is this? electrical charge?
a. Wooden plug c. Load plug a. Electrons
b. Expansion bolt d. Plastic plug b. Protons
Ans: b c. Neutron
d. Molecule
8. Before starting any installation work, alteration,
repair or extension on any electrical system, 15. The word “atom” comes from Greek “Atomos”
what type of permit is needed? which means what?
a. Extremely Small 23. What market situation exists where there is only
b. Invisible one buyer and only one seller?
c. Indivisible a. Monopsony
d. Microscopic b. Monopoly
c. Bilateral monopsony
16. Who was the first person to propose that atoms d. Bilateral monopoly
have weights?
a. Ernest Rutherford 24. What is the market situation exist when there
b. Democritus are many buyers and many sellers?
c. John Dalton a. Perfect competition
d. Joseph John Thomson b. Oligopoly
c. Oligopsony
17. Who discovered the electron? d. Monopoly
a. Joseph John Thomson
b. John Dalton 25. If there is only one seller and many buyers, the
c. Humphrey Davy market situation is ________ .
d. Ernest Rutherford a. Duopsony
b. Oligopoly
18. Who discovered the proton? c. Oligopsony
a. Eugene Goldstein d. Monopoly
b. Pierre Curie
c. Ernest Rutherford 26. If there are many sellers and few buyers, the
d. Michael Faraday market situation is _________ .
a. Duopsony
19. Who discovered the neutron? b. Oligopoly
a. James Chadwick c. Oligopsony
b. Eugene Goldstein d. Monopoly
c. Niels Bohr
d. Julius Lothar Meyer 27. Oligopoly exists when there is/are:
a. Few sellers and few buyers
20. What is anything that occupies space and has b. Few sellers and many buyers
mass? c. Many sellers and few buyers
a. Element d. One seller and few buyers
b. Ion
c. Matter 28. Duopsony is a market situation where there
d. Molecule is/are:
a. Few sellers and few buyers
21. What is a market situation whereby there is only b. Few sellers and many buyers
one buyer of an item for which there is no c. Many sellers and few buyers
goods substitute? d. One seller and few buyers
a. Monopsony
b. Monopoly 29. Duopoly is a market situation where there
c. Oligopoly is/are:
d. Oligopsony a. Few sellers and few buyers
b. Few sellers and many buyers
22. What market situation exists where there are c. Many sellers and few buyers
few sellers and few buyers? d. One seller and few buyers
a. Oligopoly
b. Oligopsony 30. What is another term for “perfect competition”?
c. Bilateral oligopoly a. Atomistic competition
d. Bilateral Oligopsony b. No-limit competition
c. Free-for-all competition
d. Heterogeneous market
c. part
31. What refers to the market situation in which any d. plastic
given product is supplied by a very large number
of vendors and there is no restriction against 38. The engineering materials known as “plastics”
additional vendors from entering the market? are more correctly called ____________.
a. Perfect competition a. Polyvinyl chloride
b. Oligopoly b. Polymers
c. Oligopsony c. Polyethylene
d. Monopoly d. Mers

32. What are considered as the “building blocks” for 39. What is a combination of two or more materials
engineering materials? that has properties that the components
a. Atoms materials do not have by themselves?
b. Elements a. Compound
c. Matters b. Composite
d. Compounds c. Mixture
d. Matrix
33. What are the major classes of engineering
materials? 40. What is a reference sheet for the elements that
a. Metals, ceramics and can be used to form engineering materials?
semiconductors a. Periodic Table
b. Polymers, metals and composites b. Truth Table
c. Metals, ceramics, polymers and c. Building blocks of Materials
semiconductors d. Structure of Materials
d. Metals, ceramics, polymers,
semiconductors and composites 41. What physical property of a material that refers
to the point at which a material liquefies on
34. What types of materials behave like iron when heating or solidifies on cooling?
placed in a magnetic field? a. Melting point
a. Crystals
b. Amorphous materials b. Curie point
c. Ferromagnetic materials c. Refractive index
d. Metalloids d. Specific heat
42. Which support has one moment?
35. What do you call metals reinforced by ceramics a. Frictionless guide
or other materials, usually in fiber form? b. Pin connection
a. Metalloids c. Fixed support
b. Matrix alloys d. Roller
c. Metal lattices
d. Metal Matrix composites 43. What is the science that describes and predicts
the effect on bodies at rest or in motion by
36. What is a combination of one or more metals forces acting on it?
with a nonmetallic element? a. Engineering Mechanics
a. Metalloids b. Theory of Structures
b. Matrix Composite c. Mechanics of Materials
c. Inert d. Strength of Materials
d. Ceramic
44. What refers to a negligible body when compared
37. Polymer comes from Greek words “poly” which to the distances involved regarding its motion?
means “many” and “meros” which means a. Particle
__________. b. Atomic substance
a. metal c. Element
b. material d. Quarks
d. Coulomb
45. The resulting force of a distributed load is
always acting at: 51. Which of the following is equivalent to the unit
a. the center of the beam subjected to the “ampere”?
distributed load a. joule/second
b. the centroid of the area of the b. volt/second
loading curve c. coulomb/second
c. the 1/3 point from the higher intensity d. watt/second
side of the loading curve
d. the 2/3 point from the higher intensity 52. What is the unit of resistance?
side of the loading curve a. Ohm
b. Watt
46. The resultant force of a distributed load is c. Volt
always equal to: d. Ampere
a. twice the area under the loading curve
b. half the area under the loading curve 53. Ohm is equivalent to which of the following?
c. the area under the loading curve a. coulomb/ampere
d. one-fourth the area under the loading b. watt/ampere
curve c. volt/ampere
d. joule/ampere
47. When a body has more supports than are
necessary to maintain equilibrium, the body is 54. What is the unit of luminous intensity?
said to be _____. a. Footcandle
a. in static equilibrium b. Lumen
b. in dynamic equilibrium c. Candela
c. statically determine d. Lux
d. statically indeterminate
55. What is the unit of luminous flux?
48. When does an equation be considered a. Candela
“dimensionally homogeneous”? b. Lumen
a. When it is unitless c. Lux
b. When the dimensions of the d. Footcandle
various terms on the left side of the
equation is not the same as the 56. What refers to the parallel axis theorem for
dimensions of the various terms on second moment of area?
the right side. a. Mohr’s theorem
c. When the degree of the left side of the b. Steiner’s theorem
equation is the same as the right side. c. Maxwell’s theorem
d. When the dimensions of various terms d. Young’s theorem
on the left side of the equation is the
same as the dimensions of the various 57. The elastic deformation of a material is:
terms on the right side. a. directly proportional to cross-sectional
49. Which of the following is equivalent to the unit area of the material
“farad”? b. inversely proportional to the
a. coulomb/volt modulus of elasticity of material
b. joule/volt c. inversely proportional to the force acting
c. joule/coulomb on the material
d. coulomb/joule d. inversely proportional to the initial
length of the material
50. What is the unit of electric current?
a. Volt 58. The strain energy of a member is:
b. Watt a. inversely proportional to the square of
c. Ampere the force acting on the member
b. directly proportional to the modulus of Ans: d
c. inversely proportional to the 65. Fluid is a substance which offers no resistance
cross-sectional area of the member to change of
d. inversely proportional to the initial a. Pressure
length of the member b. Flow
c. Shape
59. Stiffness is: d. Volume
a. ratio of force to deformation e. Temperature
b. ratio of force to modulus of elasticity Ans: c
c. ratio of product of cross-sectional area
and initial length to deformation 66. Practical fluids
d. ratio of initial length to cross-sectional a. Are viscous
area b. Posses surface tension
c. Are compressible
60. A system which consists of fixed amount of d. Posses all the above properties
mass and no mass can cross its boundary called e. Posses none of the above properties
_____. April 2015 Ans: d
a. Equilibrium system
b. Thermal equilibrium system 67. In a static fluid
c. Open system a. Resistance to shear stress is small
d. Closed system b. Fluid pressure is zero
c. Linear deformation stresses can exist
61. A system in which even energy is not allowed to d. Only normal stresses cam exist
cross the boundary is called ____. April 2015 e. Viscosity is nill
a. Closed system Ans: d
b. Exclusive system
c. Isolated system 68. A fluid is said to be ideal, if it is
d. Special system a. Incompressible
b. Inviscous
62. A system in which there is a flow of mass is c. Viscous and incompressible
known as _____. April 2015 d. Inviscous and compressible
a. Equilibrium system e. Inviscous and incompressible
b. Isolated system Ans: e
c. Open system
d. Closed system 69. An ideal flow of any fluid must fulfill the
63. Open system usually encloses which of the a. Newton’s law of motion
following devices? ESAS-April 2015 b. Newton’s law of viscosity
a. Compressor c. Pascal’s law
b. Turbine d. Continuity equation
c. Nozzle e. Boundary layer theory
d. All of the above Ans: d

64. Fluid is a substance that 70. If no resistance is encountered by displacement,

a. Cannot be subjected to shear forces such a substance is known as
b. Always expands until it fills any a. Fluid
container b. Water
c. Has the same shear stress at a point c. Gas
regardless of its motion d. Perfect solid
d. Cannot remain at rest under action of e. Ideal Fluid
any shear force Ans: e
e. Flows
71. The volumetric change of the fluid caused by a 77. The property of a fluid which enables it to resist
resistance is know as tensile stress is known as
a. Volumetric strain a. Compressibility
b. Volumetric index b. Surface Tension
c. Compressibility c. Cohesion
d. Adhesion d. Adhesion
e. Cohesion e. Viscosity
Ans: c Ans: c

72. Liquids 78. Property of a fluid by which molecules of

a. Cannot be compressed different kinds of fluids are attracted to each
b. Occupy definite volume other is called
c. Are not affected by change in pressure a. Adhesion
and temperature b. Cohesion
d. Are not viscous c. Viscosity
e. None of the above d. Compressibility
Ans: e e. Surface Tension
Ans: a
73. Density of water is maximum at
a. 00C 79. The specific weight of water is 1000 kg/m n
b. 00K a. At normal pressure of 760 mm
c. 40K b. At 40C temperature
d. 1000C e. 200C c. At mean sea level
Ans: c d. All the above
e. None of the above
74. The value of mass density in kgsecVm4 for Ans: d
water at 00C is
a. 1 80. Specific weight of water in S.I. units is equal to
b. 1000 a. 1000 N/m3
c. 100 b. 10000 N/m3
d. 101.9 c. 9.81 xl03 N/m3
e. 91 d. 9.81Xl06N/m3
Ans: d e. 9.81 n/M3
Ans: c
75. Property of a fluid by which its own molecules
are attracted is called 81. When the flow parameters at any given instant
a. Adhesion remain same at every point, then flow is said to
b. Cohesion be
c. Viscosity a. Quasi static
d. Compressibility b. steady state
e. Surface Tension c. laminar
And: b d. uniform
e. static
76. Mercury does not wet glass. This is due to Ans: d
property of liquid known as
a. Adhesion 82. Which of the following is dimensionless
b. Cohesion a. Specific weight
c. Surface Tension b. specific volume
d. Viscosity c. specific speed
e. Compressibility d. specific gravity
Ans: c e. specific viscosity
Ans: d


83. The normal stress in a fluid will be constant in Ans: e
all directions at a point only if
a. It is incompressible 89. The study of illumination involves
b. It has uniform viscosity a. Design of lighting system
c. It has zero viscosity b. Study of lighting and wiring system
d. It is frictionless c. Calculation of wiring sizes for various
e. It is at rest lighting fixtures
Ans: e d. Study of photometry and its applications
84. The pressure at a point in a fluid will not be the
90. Energy radiated continuously in the form of lighting
same in all the directions when the fluid is
a. Moving waves is called
b. viscous a. Luminous intensity
c. viscous and static b. Lumen
d. inviscous and moving c. Luminous flux
e. viscous and moving d. Illumination
Ans: e
91. The luminous flux emitted in unit solid angle by a
85. An object having 10 kg mass weighs 9.81 kg on uniform point source having a luminous intensity of
a spring balance. The value of “g” at this place 1 candela is
is a. Lumen
a. 10m/sec2
b. Illumination
b. 9.81 m/sec2
c. Lux
c. 10.2/m sec
d. Luminance
d. 9.75 m/sec2
e. 9 m/sec
Ans: a 92. Luminous intensity is defined as
a. Lumen per square meter
86. The tendency of a liquid surface to contract is b. Luminous flux per unit solid angle
due to the following property c. Illumination per square meter
a. Cohesion d. Candela per unit solid angle
b. adhesion
c. viscosity 93. The luminous intensity of a lamp is expressed in
d. surface tension a. Watts
e. elasticity b. Lux
Ans: d
c. Lumens
d. Candela
87. The surface tension of mercury at normal
temperature compared to that of water is
a. More 94. The illumination at a point of a surface is the
b. more or less depending on size of glass luminous flux per unit area of the surface and its
tube unit is
c. less a. Lux
d. none of the above b. Candle power
e. same c. Lumen
Ans: a d. Candela

88. A perfect gas 95. Polar curves of a fluorescent lamp

a. Has constant viscosity a. Shows the distribution of illumination in all
b. Has zero viscosity
c. In in compressible
d. Is of theoretical interest
e. None of the above
b. Shows the luminous intensity in all d. Condition of room and type of lamp used
directions in one place around a light
c. Determines the efficiency of the lamps
d. Gives the effectiveness of the reflector used
for a lamp

96. When the light distribution from a lamp or a lamp

and a fitting is non uniform, the correct value of the
luminous intensity in the particular direction is
a. Given by inverse law
b. Given by sine law
c. Given by the average value
d. Taken from the polar curves

97. The illumination of a surface is

a. Directly proportional to its distance from the
b. Inversely proportional to its distance
from the source
c. Directly proportional to the square of the
distance from the source
d. Inversly proportional to the square of the
distance from the source

98. The illumination of a surface at any point is

proportional to the ____ of the angle between the
normal at that point and the direction of the
luminous flux.
a. Sine
b. Tangent
c. Cosine
d. Cotangent

99. To use lumen method of design you must first find

a. Room index and the lumens
b. Room index and the coefficient of
c. Light distribution from a polar curve and the
coefficient of utilization
d. Coefficient of utilization and the room index

100. Maintenance factor and depreciation factor takes

account of
a. Effect of dust, dirt and fall in light
output of the lamp during its life
b. Depreciation in the capital cost of
c. Effect of dust dirt and type of lamp used

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