How To Think Through The SAS® DATA Step: Ian Whitlock, Kennett Square, PA
How To Think Through The SAS® DATA Step: Ian Whitlock, Kennett Square, PA
How To Think Through The SAS® DATA Step: Ian Whitlock, Kennett Square, PA
Paper 246-31
programming languages, SAS is better seen as a group of related interacting languages than as a single language. It
also means that the programmer can quickly become proficient in an area of interest without the need to invest time
in all areas. However, the DATA step is really the glue that holds all these languages together and is, therefore,
particularly important for the SAS programmer as opposed to the SAS user.
Step Boundaries
Either kind of step does not execute when submitted, until a step boundary is encountered. Typically the RUN
statement is the explicit boundary statement, but sometimes it is the QUIT statement in procedures where either
statements execute immediately upon completion (e.g. PROC SQL), or the RUN statement serves as a boundary for
a group of statements within the procedure (e.g. PROC DATASETS). One can also create an implicit boundary by
continuing with a new step. However, good SAS programmers rarely rely on an implicit boundary because explicit
boundaries make the code more readable by emphasizing steps. Moreover, it is almost never seen in the code of a
programmer proficient in SAS macro because of the dangerous side effects that become possible when macro
instructions may be wrongly executed while a step is compiled or parsed, rather than as intended after the step
finishes execution.
The fact that steps execute when a step boundary is reached means that the remaining code has not yet been read.
Consequently, earlier steps can execute when later steps have errors or may not even have been written yet. This
feature is important for code development, in the debugging process, and in simply getting fast feedback about how
the code is working. In contrast, many program development in compiled languages often require a complete
program and compilation before a part of the program can be executed. Thus SAS programs are often easier to
develop. It also means that information gained in the early steps of the program may actually be used to write and
then execute subsequent step code via the %INCLUDE statement.
Global Statements
In addition to the separate languages of steps, SAS has global statements which can appear in any step and execute
as soon as the semi-colon is reached. The OPTIONS, LIBNAME, FILENAME, TITLE, and FOOTNOTE statements
are the most prominent examples. These statements not only execute immediately, but their effect continues
throughout all subsequent steps until similar statements override them with new settings. Consequently, it is clearer
to place such statements between steps rather than inside them. They are a property of the global program rather
than an individual step. However this policy makes boundary statements even more important.
SAS is a name oriented language in the sense that the variable names are stored with the SAS data. This means
simplicity in the sense that the programmer need not define all variables in all programs because the information
travels with the data. Consequently it is very easy to write fast one-use SAS programs and to modify SAS code from
one program to use in another. However, it also means that careful thought, planning, and techniques are required
when writing code that will work without modification when ported from acting on one SAS data set to another.
if eof then
do ;
/* final reporting code */
set mydata end = eof ;
end ;
Another example might be to do something at the beginning of execution of the step. The variable _N_ is
automatically created and indicates the iteration number of the loop. Hence one might use
if _n_ = 1 then
do ;
/* housekeeping code before reading */ end ;
Remember that each of the examples above is a snippet of DATA step code, i.e. this code must be housed in a
DATA step for it to have any meaning to SAS. However, in SAS, the examples indicated are not as common as
might be expected, since the system does a lot of the preparatory work that is needed in other languages and often
does the correct thing when there are no more data to read for a given request.
_N_ is often used to count observations, but is important to realize that this is only a good observation counter when
one record is read per iteration of the ILDS since it is really counting iterations of the loop not observations. _N_ is
the first example of a variable set up by the system for the DATA step programmer's use. Typically, variables set up
and assigned by the system as opposed to the programmer begin and end with an underscore. It is not a bad idea to
avoid such names because the convention has a meaning to DATA step programmers. However, there is no
required separation of this system's name space from that of the programmer. In fact, you can even change the
value _N_ to any numeric value, but on the next iteration of the ILDS its value will revert to the value assigned by the
system. As a system variable, _N_ is not kept on any output. Hence if you want to have this value on your output
data set it must be copied to a new variable.
" ;
W is the name of the output data set. I typically use the name W to indicate that it is a play data set used for
investigation or instruction. At the bottom of the step, i.e. when the compiler reaches the step boundary, the PDV
looks like
Actually the PDV is the stored values, but it is convenient to add the names and write the values in a readable form
so that we can think about what is important. Remember that 3 is really stored in 8 byte floating point notation and
the variable C is stored in 6 bytes. Why? Well X comes first because the compiler saw it first and it is 8 bytes
because all numeric processing in the DATA step is done in 8 bytes. C comes next because it was encountered next
in reading the DATA step. It is 6 bytes long because the value on the right contains 3 letters and 3 blanks. If C were
later assigned a longer value it would be truncated to fit the same 6 byte area in the PDV. If C were later assigned
the one letter "X" then the value would be extended with 5 blanks to fit that same 6-byte area.
SAS has fixed length character data. The first occurrence where the compiler can assume a length or has a rule for
determining a default length will be the place where the fixed storage length is assigned. Usually this is also the
place that it is added to the PDV.1 Character data can be from one byte to 32,767 bytes (32K). There is no 0 length
string in the DATA step. Without any further aid the compiler will probably choose 8 or 200 characters.
A more subtle consequence of the fact that SAS is a fixed length string language appears in the handling of string
data by character manipulating functions. If you are coming from a programming language that allows variable length
strings, you will have to learn the way of fixed lengths. You will find that SAS is very predictable and reasonable once
you understand the fixed length philosophy.
One policy to control string lengths is to use a LENGTH statement to assign all character variable lengths at the top
of the DATA step. Then you do not have to worry about what the compiler will do because you told it what to do.
data w ;
length c $ 3 x 3 ;
x = 3 ;
c = "ABC
" ;
A RETAIN statement will force the variables named which are not already in the PDV to then be put in the PDV.
However the type and storage length is not yet assigned when the RETAIN statement does not initialize these
run ;
Now the PDV is
Although C is assigned after X, it comes before in the LENGTH statement, so C was met first by the compiler. Note
the trailing blanks were eliminated because they were too much for the shortened length. X still has the length 8 in
the PDV. For numeric variables the LENGTH statement applies only to the length stored on output DATA sets.
The length of X could be a problem. In the example, X has the value 3 and this value can be stored precisely in 3
byte floating point form. Hence the squeeze to 3 bytes in W and any subsequent expansion to 8 bytes in a later step
will not hurt for small integer values. What small means, depends on the precise form of floating point notation used
by computer system. The integer range -255 to +255 is always safe for the smallest possible numeric length and it
could be much larger. A good policy is to use the standard length of 8 whenever a value can be a large integer or
need not be an integer. Even the simple decimal, 0.1, can cause no end of programming problems when it is stored
in less than 8 bytes.
What happens to the 3 in the box marked X if we add another line after the assignment of C to assign, say 7, to X?
Then the 3 is replaced by the 7 and the 3 is gone. If you need to keep the value 3, then you need a second box, i.e.
variable, to save the original value of X. This may seem obvious, but many questions about why something happens
come from the failure to understand this principle when changes in the PDV are made.
The PDV is a valuable aid to following in detail what is happening in a SAS DATA step. We will return many times to
looking at the PDV to understand what happens at compile time when the PDV is set up and at execution time as the
values in the PDV change.
External I/O
The important statements of external I/O are the FILENAME, INFILE, INPUT, FILE, and PUT statements. Each of
these statements is rather complex. They have to be complex to handle the variety of situations encountered in the
world external to SAS. INPUT reads data from a buffer and PUT writes data to a buffer. Think of a buffer as
something in the SAS system to move data from a file to the PDV or from the PDV to a file. How it works doesn't
matter to us. However, the options we can specify to control this process can matter very much depending on the
nature of what is done in a SAS program. By default INPUT statements refer to a buffer called either CARDS (old
name) or DATALINES (new name) meaning that the data is in the program following a statement indicating the step
is finished and data is coming. By default PUT statements refer to a buffer called LOG which writes to the SAS log.
As a first example, consider:
data _null_ ;
put "before: " _all_ ;
input x ;
put "after : " _all_ ;
cards ;
The CARDS statement comes in four types - CARDS, CARDS4, DATALINES, and DATALINES4. Those ending in
"4" indicate the end of data by 4 consecutive semi-colons starting in column1; hence, SAS code may be included in
the data. The other two simply require a line containing a semicolon somewhere on the line. For any type the buffer
may be referenced by any of the four words.
In practice relatively few SAS programs actually use this input buffer. It is there mainly for simple testing, and to
communicate the data with the code for examples in books, talks, or when teaching SAS. In general, it is a bad idea
to write SAS programs with the data imbedded in the program because the data are more likely to change than the
program and because typical volumes of data would swamp the code making the program difficult to read.
Here are the messages produced by the example code.
In the first line "X=." indicates that X has the standard missing value. Before each iteration of the ILDS, certain
variables are set to missing by the system. Note that with each new value of _N_, X is set to missing. For each
second line with the same value of _N_, X gets a value from the INPUT statement, but then loses it on the next
iteration. This action frequently causes problems for the beginner, but experienced SAS programmers come to
depend on it and find it useful. We will give comprehensive rules for which variables are covered, but we need to see
more SAS statements before the rules can make sense.
Finally, note the last line when _N_=4. The "before" line is written so new iteration has begun, but there is no "after"
line because the step stopped on the INPUT statement and there was no input data left to read. It is this natural
rhythm of the DATA step that suggests that the test for end of file should come before the read statement rather than
after it, as was mentioned in the section on the implied loop of the DATA step.2
How can one take counts or sums over multiple records? To be specific let's add code to obtain the sum of X's as
SUMX and the number of times the INPUT command was read as INPCOUNT. Counting can be thought of as
incrementing or adding 1 so both problems could be solved if we knew how to get the step to remember values from
one iteration to the next. Since this sort of thing is so essential to programming, SAS supplies a special SUM
statement which includes a request to not set the obtained value back to missing. Let's also make a SAS data set
W. Here is the code.
data W ;
put "before: " _all_ ;
input x ;
inpcount + 1 ;
sumx + x ;
put "after : " _all_ ;
cards ;
The code in DO-group for the test for end-of-file actually executes just before the step would be stopped on the
request to read past the end of file.
The additional statements say to add the expression on the right to the variable named on the left and of course, do
not automatically set this variable to missing. What about initialization? No problem, the initial value is set to 0 at the
beginning of the step. In addition to this the SUM statement says to treat the addition of missing as 0. Here is the
after :
after :
after :
Note that W has the variables X, INPCOUNT, and SUMX, but not _ERROR_ or _N_ because variables created by
the system do not go on output data sets. Also note that W has 3 observations, not 4, since the fourth iteration never
reached the bottom of the ILDS for the implied output to take place.
The FILENAME statement ties a file reference (fileref), i.e. an ad hoc name to a particular file which also becomes the
name of the corresponding buffer for handling the file. There are various options for spelling out things about the file
and there are device types for making other objects appear as files to the SAS program. Here are some examples
illustrated with files from a Windows operating system.
fref "c:\test\mydata.dat" ;
prj "c:\project" ; /*requires further
all "c:\project\f*.txt" ;
gp ("c:\f1.txt" "h:\other.dat") ; /*
code temp ;
/* temporary work file
The INFILE statement requests that a buffer for reading be set up. To this extent it is a compile time directive. The
buffer can have a name. The name is the fileref when the INFILE statement is tied to a FILENAME statement via the
fileref. In this case all INFILE statements referring to that fileref refer to the same buffer. Hence one can assign
options to the buffer through multiple INFILE statements or one INFILE statement because it is the buffer, not the
statement, that posses the property. The fileref PRJ requires that a specific data set be determined. For example,
infile prj(maydata.dat) ; /* mydata.dat is a member of "c:\project" */
For all the other fileref's mentioned
infile <fileref> ;
would do when no further options are needed. Remember that the INFILE statement must be within a DATA step,
while the FILENAME statement is global and preferably put near the beginning of the program whenever other
considerations do not take priority.
The INFILE statement also points to that buffer. All subsequent INPUT statements refer to that buffer until something
changes to point INPUT to a different buffer. Consequently, the INFILE statement is also executable, in that
something can be changed at execution time, it is usually best to place it just before (or at least near) the INPUT
statement that will use this buffer.
The INFILE statement can sometimes be used to mention a file directly without reference to a FILENAME statement.
In general, this is a bad idea because the data file used in a program is much more likely to change than the code;
hence placing this information in one place near the beginning of the program makes a lot of sense. In addition, each
INFILE statement that references a file directly requests a new buffer so that this form of INFILE statement behaves
quite differently from one that is tied to a FILENAME.
For example, here the problem is to make a list of files in the directory C:\JUNK that have the CSV extension. The
INPUT statement assumes member names no longer that 8 characters including the extension and no spaces in the
names. To remedy this you need a more sophisticated INPUT statement than we have discussed. The FILENAME
statement illustrates the use of the PIPE device to make a DOS host command look like a file.
filename q pipe 'dir "c:\junk\*.csv" /b' ;
data csvlist ;
infile q ;
input mem $ ;
run ;
The FILE statement is much like the INFILE statement, but it refers to files that will be written to rather than read
from. Of course, this means some of the options will be different for the two statements. In the same way PUT is
very much like INPUT.
There are three types of INPUT and PUT: - list, column and formatted3. List INPUT/PUT simply takes a list of
variables (with "$" after any character variable for INPUT). It is assumed that a space separates each field for
reading and should be separated by a space when writing. The default length for input character variables is 8 bytes.
Its main virtue is simplicity and it is useful for simple testing and examples. For example,
input id $ fname $ lname $ weight ;
could be used to read
123 Mary Fox 130
Note that 123 looks like a number, but we have specified that it is to be character because identifiers should in
general, be character since there is no intent to do arithmetic on them. Remember that the names must be short
unless a preceding LENGTH statement is used to allow for longer names, and there can be no spaces in the names.
Column INPUT/PUT is somewhat more flexible in that the length of character variables are determined by the
specified width of the field and the fields do not need a separator. For example,
$ 1-3
lname $ 15-35
fname $ 4-14
might read
Note the extra control over the length of character variables, the ability to change the order of reading, and the ability
to skip over extraneous information. I improved the format by putting one variable on a line to make it easier to read.
Formatted input provides a completely flexibility and is easier to modify when the record structure changes; hence,
although column input is often used, I prefer formatted INPUT/PUT. Informats specify how data is to be read and
formats specify how it is to be written. Remember, SAS has only two data types - real numbers and fixed length
There is a fourth type named INPUT/PUT. Named PUT is used at the beginning of the section on control
character strings. For example, suppose a date is just before the weight and we want to pick up that date as
The first three informats are named $CHAR. The numbers 3., 11., and 21. are width specifiers. The number may be
left out leaving the width to a default value, but the dot is required to distinguish informat/format names from variable
names which cannot have the dot. This informat says to get the data as is without any form of translation. $21. is a
informat that specifies getting the data, but deleting leading blanks and treating a single dot as missing; hence
changing it to blank. BIRTHDAY is stored as the number 7966 which is the number days from January 1, 1960.
Think of the beginning of January 1, 1960 as the zero point on an axis i.e. the first day. Then 7966 is the 7966th day.
It is important to store dates in this form by using an appropriate date informat because SAS supplies many functions,
and formats for manipulating and displaying dates when stored in this form.
The instructions for reading a line can even be buried in the line. In the example below, the first "a" might indicate
that the value for the variable CODE, "abc", is to be found starting in column 5.
In this case we would need to read the first two columns and hold the line for reading the remainder in another INPUT
statement. A trailing @-sign is used to indicate holding the line.
input type $char1. pos 1. @ ;
if type = "a" then
input @pos code $char3. ;
In the second INPUT statement "@pos" indicates "go to the column indicated by POS" . Omitting the trailing @-sign
indicates the line is to be released. If the line is still held with a trailing @-sign at the bottom of the ILDS, then the line
is still released by the system before the next iteration. A double trailing @@-sign indicates do not release this line
until it is explicitly released by being forced to the next line or by an INPUT statement without trailing @-signs.
There is still much to learn about external I/O but much of it is just learning the complete syntax of the five statements
we have introduced in this section.
Control Statements
SAS supplies typical statements for making decisions and looping. IF is used to make a decision. It has the form
if <condition> then <consequent> ;
else <alternative consequent> ;
Note that the consequents are single SAS statements. To perform a set of statements they must be housed in a DOgroup. For example, consider:
if x = 1 then
do ;
count + 1 ;
if count >= 7 then stop ;
else put z= ;
end ;
The DO statement is the consequent, but it begins a block that does not end until the END statement. Remember the
first statement in this block indicates that the variable COUNT is to be incremented by 1. COUNT is then tested to
see if it is greater or equal to 7. In that case the consequent is the STOP statement. This means to explicitly stop
executing the DATA step at this point. It does not mean to stop compiling the step. SAS will read code to the step
boundary and then may execute that code many times, but when inside this DO-group whenever COUNT is 7 or
larger the step execution will halt and SAS will go on to process the next step. When COUNT is less than 7 the ELSE
consequent requests SAS to write the name of the variable Z followed by an equal sign followed by the value of Z at
that moment. Where does the PUT statement write? Remember that by default it writes to the LOG and otherwise
writes to the last buffer pointed to by a FILE statement. The line indicates still another form of PUT called named-put.
It is very useful for writing messages to the log either for information or for debugging since it allows you to say
include the name and =-sign with the value. In this example it is most likely in a debugging step where we want to
see the value of Z the first 6 times that X is 1 and bring the whole step to a stop on the seventh time.
Note that the ELSE in the DO-group applies to the immediately preceding IF statement and that there is no ELSE to
the first IF statement in the example.
The condition in an IF statement is something capable of being true or false. In the example the first IF condition is, X
= 1. How can truth values be represented in SAS? The data type numeric is used. Zero and all missing values are
false, and everything else is true. When SAS assigns a truth value it uses the canonical values 0 for false and 1 for
true. This means that truth values can be used in expressions for assignments. For example,
tv = ( y > 3 ) and ( z = "abc" ) ;
assigns a value of 1 when both parts are true and 0 otherwise. Truth value assignments can often simplify the code
of a complex decision making process. The parentheses were not needed in the above but it is a wise idea to include
some parentheses to help the reader see that a truth value assignment is being made.
In SAS there is a special form of IF called the subsetting IF. For example,
if good ;
Good is a numeric variable. If the condition is true, i.e. the value is not 0 or missing, the code below will be reached
and executed. If it is false, then the iteration of the ILDS will end without default output and the next iteration of that
loop will begin. There are other ways to write the code, but the subsetting IF is very SAS idiomatic and much
preferred by most experienced SAS programmers.
An iterative DO-loop names an index variable and range of values. The code in the DO-block is repeated for each
value in the range. Consider:
do i = 1 to 3 , 8, 20 ;
put i= ;
end ;
I is the index variable. It gets the values 1, 2, 3, 8, and 20 in that order so the loop is iterated a total of five times. The
incrimination term is +1 but it can be changed with a BY clause.
I, J, and K are typical loop indices inherited from the fact that Fortran used variable names beginning with these
letters to indicate integer values. The names are good in the sense that they convey that the variable is simply an
index and has no more than local significance to the loop. Consequently it is important to drop such variables to
prevent them from going on any output files or to use more meaningful and significant names when the index is to be
kept on the output file or plays a role in other parts of the DATA step.
There are also the conditional DO-Loops:
do while ( <expression is true> );
do until ( <expression is false> ) ;
For the WHILE loop testing is done at the top of each iteration. Consequently the block of code will not execute if the
expression is false on the first iteration. For the UNTIL loop testing is done at the bottom so the loop is always
iterated at least once. Remember that all numeric expressions, including missing values, have a truth value, but
sometimes it is particular important to initialize the loop-expression before going into the loop. Moreover, usually
some code in the loop should be capable of changing the truth value of the expression.
The GOTO statement offers a general branching tool
goto <label> ;
that could be used for branch out of a loop. However, general branching can be a dangerous tool, so SAS also
supplies the LEAVE statement for simply exiting a loop and the CONTINUE statement for branching to the beginning
of the next iteration of the loop. Consequently sometimes it is desirable to create a loop that is not stopped by the
DO-condition. For example, assume the value of LIST is "a b c d" but at code time we do not know how many
words to expect in the list. Then one might code
i = 0 ;
do while ( 1 ) ;
i + 1 ;
word = scan ( list , i ) ;
if word = " " then leave ;
/* code to use word */
end ;
Remember that the loop expression, 1, is always true so that in principle the loop will iterate forever. This is all right
because the SCAN function must run out of words and thus trigger exiting the loop with a LEAVE. In general, you
should always ask what brings the loop to an end and try to make it clear in the code for other readers.
The LIBNAME statement ties a group of SAS stuff, i.e. data sets with special SAS extensions, to a tag called the
libref. It serves a similar purpose to the FILENAME statement except that it always works on a group of data sets
rather than an individual data set, although the group may contain only one member. For example,
libname prj "c:\project\data" ;
references all the SAS stuff in the indicated directory. Note that the extension ".SAS" indicates a SAS program but it
is not recognized as data stuff and hence is not part of any library created with a LIBNAME statement. All SAS data
sets are then referenced by a two level name of the form <libref.member>. For example, suppose the data for
Arizona are collected in the SAS data set known to Windows as
"c:\project\dataAZ.sas7bdat" ;
Then in a SAS program containing the above LIBNAME statement, this data set would be known as PRJ.AZ. Of
course, the LIBNAME statement must precede any use of the libref. Consequently, the libref is a property of the
program and has no intrinsic meaning across job sessions. One can concatenate the SAS stuff in different
directories using a notation similar to that given for the FILENAME so that a library can cross directories. The set of
extensions recognized is dependent on an engine where the default engine depends on the version. Consequently,
one can even have multiple libraries in one directory, but it is better to keep them in separate libraries.
A special library called the WORK library is provided by SAS for temporary data sets that by default will be deleted
when SAS closes. If a libref is not given, then there is a default assumed. The systems option USER controls this
default, and by default it is WORK. In all that follows one level names, e.g. W, are used and can be thought of the
two level name beginning with WORK, e.g. WORK.W. Beginners tend to want two level names, but it is simpler and
better to adopt the SAS way and allow the options to specify what the distinguished library is.
Now suppose we have a SAS dataset W with the variable X and want to make a new data set Q, my other popular
name for testing and examples, with INTX holding the integer part of X. Here is the DATA step.
data q ;
set w ;
intx = int ( x ) ;
run ;
Remember there is always an implied loop of the DATA step. The second line is the SET statement. At execution
time it means get an observation from the named data set, i.e. move the values of the variables into the PDV. How
did the variables get into the PDV? At compile time this instruction tells the compiler to find the data set W header,
obtain all the variable names and there characteristics so that they can be added to the PDV, and to set up a buffer
for reading the data at execution time. INT is a function that takes the integer part of a real number. There is an
implied output to Q at the bottom. Q contains all the variables from W plus the newly created INTX. When and
where does the loop stop? It stops on the SET statement when it is asked to get an observation and there are none,
i.e. when it is asked to read past the end-of-file.
SAS does not reset values of variables coming from a SAS data set to missing at the beginning of each iteration of
the ILDS. However, it does initialize them to missing once before execution of the step begins. One interesting use
of this principle is the calculation of percents. Suppose, TOTAL contains one observation with the variable TOTX, the
total of X in the data set W, and you want to add a variable PCT to W. One solution is
data w ;
if _n_ = 1 then set total ;
set w ;
pct = 100 * x / tot ;
run ;
Just as the DATA statement can list more than one output data set, the SET statement can read more than one data
set. For example,
set w1 w2 ;
first reads the set W1 then the set W2. Separate buffers are set up to read each set. Remember that at compile time
the header of W1 will be looked at first. Any specified properties of the variables in W1 will determine the properties
for these variables. However default properties may be changed by the corresponding variable in W2. For example,
X in W1 may have the default label "X" and X in W2 may have the assigned label "BIG X". In this case the second
label wins. However, if X in W1 had the label "LITTLE X" then that would win. The question of which data set
determines the variable property is particularly important for the length of character variables. W2 can also have new
variables, in which case, their properties are determined by the header information in W2.
As usual in SAS, it is left to the programmer to make sure that s/he knows what code is determining the properties of
the variables in the PDV. You can always force the properties by declaring them before allowing the compiler to see
the SET statement.
A great deal of DATA step processing is based on one record in and one record out. In fact, it is a tribute to the
design of the language that this structure works as well as it does because it is not so true of many languages.
However there is a significant class of problems where the natural structure of the problem demands one record in
and many out or many records in and one out. In these situations one can achieve simpler code by placing the
OUTPUT statement in a loop or the input statement in a loop. It is well worth looking for such examples and being
ready to use an explicit loop whenever the situation arises.
The fact that a separate buffer is set up for each physical mention of a SAS data set has interesting consequences.
The code
set w1 w1 ;
requests that the data be read twice. This is sort of obvious, but so does
set w1 ;
set w1 ;
In this case the second SET statement does not read the next record. It reads the same record from the second
buffer. If you do have a need to read two records from the same data set it must be done with one SET statement.
One possibility is
do i = 1 to 2 ;
set w1 ;
if i = 1 then
do ; /* whatever for the observation */ end ;
do ; /* whatever for the second observation */ end ;
end ;
The same logic can be handled with a subroutine using the LINK statement. At execution time control jumps to a
labeled set of statements and returns at the RETURN statement to the line following the LINK statement.
link readw ;
/* do whatever for the observation */
link readw ;
/* do whatever for the observation */
. . .
return ;
set w1 ;
return ;
The only disadvantage to this form is that the SET statement now appears rather late in the DATA step so a length
statement may be needed to get the correct length and type of variables before the compiler gets down to the SET
statement. Note that SAS subroutines have no data hiding, i.e. all DATA step variables are known to all parts of the
DATA step including routines.
Sometimes it is important to know which data set is contributing information. SAS provides a data set option, really
an option of the input buffer specified as a property of the set, used as follows:
set w1 ( in = w1 ) w2 ( in = w2 ) ;
This requests SAS to provide 0/1 variables named W1 and W2 which indicate whether data is contributed by the
corresponding data set. I often use the data set member name as the name of the IN= variable because it can easily
be identified with the data set and because the name is usually available, i.e. not otherwise used. These variables do
not get set to missing on each iteration of the ILDS and they will not go on any output data sets, but they are in the
PDV as named variables.
In general with SAS input there can be BY-processing. This means specially named variables will be set up to
indicate when a group with common BY-values starts and ends. For example,
set w1 ;
by state city ;
requests that the variables named FIRST.STATE, LAST.STATE, FIRST.CITY, and LAST.CITY be added to the PDV
after the variables in W1. Assuming this code is in a DATA step and the SET statement has just been executed, the
PDV might look like the following table. W1 is grouped in state city order and there are exactly two observations in
AL and 4 in AZ.
... first.state last.state
At _N_ = 1, FIRST.STATE is true since it is the first record; LAST.STATE is false since the second record is also in
AL; and both FIRST.CITY and LAST.CITY are true since the second observation contains a different city, Flagstaff.
At _N_ = 2, LAST.STATE is true because the next observation comes from AZ; and most importantly, LAST.CITY is
also true. Note that the next observation also has CITY="Flagstaff", but since the outer group, STATE, changes, SAS
forces the inner group CITY to change. Many beginners spend hours trying to code this situation when SAS handles
it automatically. You should be able to convince yourself of the remaining values for the first dot and last dot
The significance of these variables means that the SAS programmer can know when a group begins and ends
automatically. This is useful information, but it also means that the DATA step processing can usually be done on a
record by record basis. You don't need all the data at once to determine the group end points. You don't even need
to look ahead or behind by one record. Consequently many little programming tasks are simplified. Suppose we
want split W1 into two data sets, UNIQUE should contain those observations where state and city are unique to one
record, and DUPS should contain all observations where there is more than one state city combination. If you study
the example you should understand that the following code will do the job.
data unique dups ;
set w1 ;
by state city ;
if and then output unique ;
else output dups ;
run ;
The code is almost trivial, but it is surprising how many programmers trip over this problem when first encountered.
The code
set w1 w2;
by state city ;
is also important. Without the BY statement the entire set W1 is read before the set W2, i.e. the data are
concatenated. With the BY statement a group in W1 is read before the corresponding group in W2, i.e. the data are
group interleaved. If each group contains at most one observation then the data are interleaved.
Before leaving the SET statement we should look at how SAS provides the end-of-file indicator.
set w1 end = eof ;
The END= clause is an option of the SET statement. It requests SAS to provide a variable called EOF, my choice,
that will be 0 until the last record is read. It is time to go back to the initial section of the ILDS and understand why
you should test the value of EOF before the SET statement rather than after.
After the SET statement, MERGE is the most common for SAS input. When the system option MERGENOBY is set
to NOWARN a MERGE statement with one data set works just like a SET statement, but this is rarely used in
practice. Usually a MERGE statement is used to bring data from multiple data sets together matching on variables
specified in a BY statement.
With no BY-statement, SAS does a one-to-one match of records between the data sets listed. If a variable is unique
to a short data set, the value of that variable will be set to missing once, at the point where the short data set no
longer contributes values. Sometimes a one-to-one merge is needed, but it can always be avoided through the
introduction of a sequence variable. I, therefore, tend to see a one-to-merge as a either a mistake or laziness on the
part of the programmer. However, many will differ strongly on the question.
With a BY-statement, SAS does a one-to-one match of records within a by group of the data sets listed. It is
important to realize that observations are read only once into the PDV. Variables from SAS data sets are set to
missing once instead of at the beginning of every iteration of the implied loop. Consequently a value contributed in a
BY-group continues to exist in the PDV after a data set runs out of records. However this means that if you change
such a value then it will stay changed.
There are two basic important situations. One is that all the data sets listed on the MERGE statement have at most
one observation per BY-group. The other is that exactly one of the data sets may have many observations of the BYgroup. SAS will issue a warning if another situation arises, but it is not considered an error since one can sometimes
construct examples where it might be useful. However most experienced SAS programmers would and should be
very suspicious of any situation where this warning does not indicate an error because in almost every situation it is a
programmer error.
Since the PDV can hold only one value for a given variable name, the only variables that should be (and must be) in
common among the data sets listed on the MERGE statement are those in the BY group. If this situation is met then
the data sets of the MERGE statement may be listed in any order.
You can use DROP=, KEEP=, and RENAME= data set options to enforce the rule that there should be no common
variable in two or more data sets other than the BY-variables. First consider:
set w ( keep = x y z rename = (z=wz) ) ;
In this case W may have many variables but only the values of X, Y, and Z will be transferred to the PDV because of
the KEEP= option. The RENAME= option specifies the name to be use in the PDV. DROP= has the opposite effect.
Sometimes it is handy when almost all of a great many variables would need to be listed using KEEP=. Generally
code using KEEP= is easier to read because the reader can then know explicitly what is coming into the PDV from
where. DROP= may accomplish the same work, but it does not inform the reader of what variables are in the DATA
step. I typically reserve DROP= for dropping names on output data sets and then usually only for trivial loop indices
and obviously local temporary variables.
Suppose we have two datasets ENG and HIST reporting the students and grades taking these two classes. It would
be natural to have common variables GRADE and STUDID in both data sets and we might want to get both grades
for each student taking both classes. The code to solve this problem might be
data eng_hist ;
merge eng ( keep = studid grade rename = ( grade=enggrade ))
hist ( keep = studid grade rename = ( grade=histgrade ))
by studid ;
run ;
Suppose we have MAJOR in addition. Again you would want only one major variable but where should it come from?
The very question suggest that the code should verify that the major is consistent and report any errors. Hence:
data eng_hist ( keep =
( keep =
merge eng ( keep =
hist ( keep =
by studid ;
run ;
There are legitimate times when many common variables are needed, but those times are an indication that MERGE
is the wrong tool for the task. The rule - no variable in common except the BY variables which must be in common has the advantage that it is simpler to maintain and avoids many of the merge problems one encounters when the
rule fails. Unfortunately, the SAS Institute and many SAS programmers have emphasized that PDV is filled by the
last data set to contribute a value. This leads to the common pitfall that the first data set may be last when the
second data set runs out of matching records. Hence one cannot guarantee that one data set is sufficient to always
fill the role of being the last data set to contribute a value.
If you remember three principles:
Only one value can be held under one name in the PDV at any one time
No common variable between two or more data sets listed in the merge with the exception of the BY
variables that must be common to all the data sets
No more than one data set with multiple records for any combination of BY values
then all merge errors are a consequence of violating one of these principles or of having a common BY variable
which has different properties in two or more of the data sets.
I emphasized the need to study programs where more that one observation is read at a time. One example that
comes as a surprise is using BY processing. Suppose you need to output all the records in a group if and only if the
value X=1 is achieved at least twice for observations in the group. So you need to know something at the end of
each group to be used at the beginning of the group. This can be done with multiple steps, but there are times when
it is handy to do it in one step.
data wanted ( drop = need2 );
need2 = 0 ;
do until ( ) ;
set w ;
by group ;
need2 + ( x=1 ) ;
end ;
do until ( ) ;
set w ;
by group ;
if need2 >= 2 then output ;
end ;
run ;
Note that this example depends on the use of two separate buffers for reading W. The UNTIL condition is used
because the correct value for LAST.GROUP is not assigned until after the SET statement executes.
SAS I/O is also performed by the MODIFY and UPDATE statements, but these will be left for your investigation.
One traditional topic we have not yet looked at is the concept of an array. In other languages an array is usually a
contiguous section of memory where each element has the same size hence the elements can be manipulated
efficiently with pointers either by the processing or by providing the concept in the language so that user can do so.
SAS, as a name based language is different. Historically a SAS array is simply a list of variables whose values can
be obtained though an index applied to an array name. The most common usage is to replace a sequence of similar
statements where only the variable of interest is changed by loop where the variable of interest can be reference by a
common array name and either the index of the loop or a simple expression involving the index of the loop.
For example assume SALES is a data set in which the variables SALES1 through SALES53 specify an amount from
one of 53 different entities for each observation. Then
array sales (53) sales1 - sales53 ;
defines an array SALES. After the ARRAY statement one can reference any of the sale amounts by4
sales[i] or sales(i) or sales{i}
We might choose to accumulate these values with
Historically parentheses were used on the IBM mainframe. When SAS was ported to other computers there was a
problem with parentheses and brackets were used. Finally braces were introduced as a common symbol. Today all
computers running SAS allow all the possibilities.
totsales = 0 ;
do I = 1 to dim ( sales ) ;
totsales + sales[i] ;
end ;
This particular example might be better handled by a one line solution making use of the fact that the SUM function
allows the keyword OF to indicate a list of variables and that the dash in this context indicates the list SALES1,
totsales = sum(of sales1-sales53) ;
However, add that only sales over some limit should be accumulated and the one line solution falls apart while
making the accumulation conditional in an IF statement is a trivial change the loop solution with an array.
In version 6 SAS introduced the key word _TEMPORARY_ to indicate a contiguous block of memory where each
element has the same size and the elements have no names so they can only be referenced through the
corresponding array name. For example,
array names (51) $20 _temporary_ ;
Since the variables have no names, they do not belong to the PDV. Moreover they are not set to missing in each
iteration of the implied loop.
Missing values
Throughout I have emphasized that SAS sets some variables to missing on each iteration of the ILDS. There are
other times when SAS sets a variable to missing without an explicit request. Beginners and even experts can have a
hard time stating the precise rules. We now have the machinery to discuss the problem. First we need a
classification of variables in the DATA step. There are four disjoint types:
Variables assigned by SAS either at the programmers request via an option or implicitly
Nothing yet says that a variable cannot appear to be in more than one category, but the categories have been
arranged so that it can be required that a variable can only be in first possible category. For example, X might appear
in one DATA step with an assignment, in a SAS data set, and as the name requested by some option, so categories
2, 3, and 4 all appear possible, but the last rule says X must be in category 2 and therefore cannot be in categories 3
and 4. Of course, many of these conflicts would lead to downright dangerous programming practices and some,
while not wrong, could be highly misleading to many programmers.
All variables are initialized once before the DATA step begins. SAS uses missing as the initial value when a compile
time directive or some other rule does not give a better initial value. For the first three categories SAS does not reset
the value of a variable to missing at the beginning of the implied loop of the DATA step. Hence the question of when
SAS set the value to missing at the beginning of each iteration of the implied loop pertains only to the catch all others
fourth category.
The RETAIN statement allows the programmer to specifically set aside the action of setting to missing at the
beginning of each iteration. For example,
retain x y z 7 a b "empty" ;
says to initialize the variables X, Y, and Z to 7, and the variables A and B to the 5 characters "empty". It also says to
drop the automatic activity of resetting the variables to missing on each iteration. Several other commands allow an
implied retain. For example we saw that the SUM statement has a built-in implied retain. An ARRAY statement has
an option to initialize the variables in an array. Whenever this option is used to initialize an array variable all the
variables in the array are automatically retained. I am not aware of any other statements that imply a retain.
Now for the hard part: when does SAS set variable values to missing at times other than the beginning of each
iteration of the implied loop in the DATA step? Consider
Merge w1 w2 ;
by group ;
where W1 has one observation per value of GROUP and W2 may have multiple observations for a value of GROUP.
Remember that records are read only once. For a matching GROUP value the variables from W1 go to the PDV
once and do not change unless the code makes an explicit change. What should happen when a value of GROUP is
only in W2? We do not want the old values for the variables in W1. At the beginning of each BY group SAS resets
the variables to missing so that the failure to read an observation does not cause problems.
A similar sort of problem arises with
set w1 w2 w3 ;
by group ;
What should happen to the values in the PDV of variables from W1 when an observation from W2 or W3 is read? It
would be a problem to have the values from the last read observation in W1 still in the PDV. Again SAS saves the
situation so that the values in the PDV coming from W1 are set to missing once each time the buffer is switched.
However, note that if W2 has many observations for a value of GROUP and there is explicit code to set a value for a
variable from W1 to something, this value will stay in the PDV until the buffer is switched for reading from W3 for the
same value of GROUP. While this activity seems reasonable and necessary when you think about it, it still comes as
a surprise to many even experienced SAS programmers when they change the value of a variable in W1.
The DATA step is a beautiful language. I have covered some of the problems that often cause confusion, but I have
not tried to be complete in this task, nor have I tried to be complete in the introduction of any SAS statement.
Contact information
Ian Whitlock
29 Lonsdale Lane
Kennett Square, PA 19348
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS
Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration.