CaroMartinez de Albeniz2014 BookChapterFastFashion

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Fast Fashion: Business Model Overview and Research

Felipe Caro

Victor Martnez-de-Albeniz
April 25, 2014

To appear in Retail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical

Studies, 2nd Edition, Narendra Agrawal and Stephen A. Smith (Editors), Springer, New
York, NY.
(Please do not distribute without the authors permission)
Fast fashion is a business model that offers (the perception of) fashionable clothes at
affordable prices. From an operations standpoint, fast fashion requires a highly responsive
supply chain that can support a product assortment that is periodically changing. Though
the underlying principles are simple, the successful execution of the fast-fashion business
model poses numerous challenges. We present a careful examination of this business model
and discuss its execution by analyzing the most prominent firms in the industry. We then
survey the academic literature for research that is specifically relevant or directly related
to fast fashion. Our goal is to expose the main components of fast fashion and to identify
untapped research opportunities.



The global apparel industry has experienced a compound annual growth rate of 4.3% since
2000, reaching a market size of USD 1.7 trillion in 2012 (Euromonitor International 2013).
The growth has not only been in terms of revenue. The number of pieces of clothing purchased per capita increased from 9.0 in 2000 to 13.9 in 2012 worldwide, and in countries like
the United Kingdom it has increased from 18.7 to 29.5 over the same period (Euromonitor
International 2013). Part of the growth embedded in these figures has been attributed to the

UCLA Anderson School of Management, Los Angeles, CA 90095,

IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain, V. Martnez-deAlbenizs research was supported in part by the European Research Council - ref. ERC-2011-StG 283300REACTOPS and by the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economa y
Competitividad, formerly Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion) - ref. ECO2011-29536.

emergence of new industry players collectively known as fast-fashion retailers which

have seen an explosive expansion since the turn of the century. In fact, stores like Hennes
and Mauritz (H&M) from Sweden and Zara the flagship brand of Inditex from Spain have
established themselves as recognized brands (Interbrand 2013) and have grown to become
the largest apparel retailers in the world, see Figure 1.

Figure 1: Select specialty apparel retailer revenues in 2000-2012. Source: annual reports.
Fast fashion brought fresh air into the textile and apparel industries and it quickly struck
a chord with the consumer. From a management and economics perspective, fast fashion has
been the long-awaited realization of lean retailing with items produced in small batches
and within short lead times. Moreover, fast fashions reliance on near-shore production
has given a lifeline to an otherwise dying industry in developed countries (Abernathy et al.
2006, Doeringer and Crean 2006). On the other hand, fast fashion has been associated with
a disposable culture and its social responsibility is constantly under scrutiny (Siegle 2011,
Cline 2012).
Fueled by the success and growth of fast-fashion retailers, the term fast fashion has
become ubiquitous and it has been used indiscriminately to describe almost any specialty
apparel retailer below a certain price threshold, spanning stores like Old Navy and Chicos
that have almost nothing in common besides the fact that they sell clothes. Hence, given
the prominent role of fast fashion in the last decade, it is worth asking: which retailers are
fast fashion and how do they operate? To find an answer to this question, in section 1.1 we
first follow a qualitative approach based on online sources and then in section 1.2 we provide
a more precise academic definition and we postulate metrics to measure degrees of fast



Which firms are fast fashion and how do they operate?

The Wikipedia entry for fast fashion lists 21 firms.1 The list is quite diverse, but most of
the firms have the following in common. First, they are specialty apparel retailers with brick
& mortar stores and some online presence. Second, they are not haute couture or trendsetters but rather fashion followers that target the mid-to-low price range. To elaborate a
more definite list of firms, we performed a frequency count using the Factiva database. We
first searched for all the media publications in the last two years that contained the exact
phrase fast fashion and we looked for brand names to form a preliminary list. Then, for
each brand, we counted in how many of these media publications the brand was mentioned.
A ranking of the brands that appeared in at least 20 publications is shown in Table 1 and a
word-cloud representation is shown in Figure 2. As a form of validation, we performed the
same frequency count using all the PDF documents available through Google that contained
the exact phrase fast fashion. The corresponding ranking using the latter is also reported
in Table 1.

Specialty apparel retailer

Uniqlo/Fast Retailing
Forever 21
Wet Seal
New Look
American Apparel
Urban Outfitters
Charlotte Russe
Armani Exchange

number of appearances
in Factiva search
% appearances


number of appearances
in PDF online search
% appearances


Table 1: Frequency count of specialty apparel retailers in media publications that mention
fast fashion (data retrieved 26-Aug-2013). The search in the Factiva database was among
7,587 articles published in the last two years that mentioned fast fashion. The PDF search
was among 466 PDF files available to download in that mentioned fast fashion.
1, accessed January 17, 2014

Figure 2: Word-cloud representation of fast-fashion specialty retailers based on number of

appearances in Factiva search (cf. Table 1). The figure was generated by
The first remark from Table 1 is that the firms in the top 10 are the same in both lists
except for Wet Seal, which is a newcomer in the fast-fashion market so it appears more often
in the Factiva search because the articles are more recent. Second, from Table 1 and Figure
2 it is clear that H&M and Zara stand out with a number of appearances that outshines the
rest. Therefore, it is safe to say that these two specialty retailers embody what fast fashion is
or at least they are widely recognized as the exemplary representation of fast fashion. H&M
is a rather secretive company that does not disclose its operations but the annual report
describes H&Ms business concept as fashion and quality at the best price (H&M 2012).
On the other hand, Zara has been repeatedly studied and its mode of operation has been
widely documented, see Ferdows et al. (2002), Ghemawat and Nueno (2003), McAfee et al.
(2004), Lewis et al. (2004) or Caro (2012).
Zara and H&M to a similar extent have undertaken a radical change to the design
cycle in order to provide fashion almost on demand. Specifically, these retailers have chosen
to work at the item level which includes all the sizes and colors of a given garment rather
than using collections. They can do this because they do not have a wholesale channel that is
demanding a full collection, and they control the retail point of sales. Such control structure
allows them to avoid batching thousands of products together. In particular, it is no longer
necessary to design together products with quick and slow supplier lead times. In the words
of H&M: The time from an order being placed until the items are in the store may be

anything from a few weeks up to six months. The best lead time will vary. For high-volume
fashion basics and childrens wear it is advantageous to place orders further in advance. In
contrast, trendier garments in smaller volumes have to be in the stores much quicker (H&M
Overall, the lead time of each product in the assortment depends on where it fits in the
fashion triangle (see Figure 3). At the bottom of the triangle are basic products. These
items are the perennial products that are present at the store year after year with slight
variations in design, such as a grey pullover or a white t-shirt. Basics are typically sourced
in large quantities from low-wage countries and have long lead times. The center of the
triangle is composed of fashion-basics or updated classics, which represent basics with a
feel for fashion (H&M 2010). Fashion-basics have some fashion component e.g., a nontraditional cut or a special trim but they are produced as basics in varying volume. The
line between basics and fashion-basics can be blurry. Moreover, since they share the same
lead times, they tend be lumped in one category (which for ease of exposition we refer to as
basics). At H&M, basic items roughly represent 70% or more of the product assortment. At
Zara, basics have increased from less than 20% in the late 90s to 40% or more nowadays.

Figure 3: The fashion triangle. Based on Abernathy et al. (1999).

The top section of the fashion triangle corresponds to the (true) fashion products. For
these items, H&M and Zara have typically used quick-response production to reach stores as
soon as possible, thereby allowing them to respond to nascent demand trends first, so as to
provide and capture more value from the consumers. This requires them to accelerate the
production phase using near-shore suppliers close to market in countries such as Portugal,
Morocco, Bulgaria, Romania or even Turkey and also the design phase, by directing the
creative aspects towards a commercial need to reduce design iterations, and by using standard
methods and materials to reduce efforts on samples. As a result, the total design-to-market

time for an item to be launched in January can be reduced to a mere 6 weeks if the appropriate
fabric is used and the go decisions (authorizations to move from sample to industrialization)
are not delayed. In a way, they are like a surfer that is able to catch a wave before any
other notices it. Figure 4 compares the planning process of fashion versus basic products
(this figure also serves as a comparison with respect to a more traditional collection-based
retailer that only carries basic items). The coexistence of fashions and basics calls for a
dual supply chain. Moreover, the two types of products play different marketing roles. The
fashion products generate customer traffic, sometime even playing the role of a loss leader,
whereas the basics bring in the revenue.

Figure 4: Traditional vs. fast-fashion design-to-sales processes for a product introduced in

January 2013. Source: Caro and Martnez-de-Albeniz (2013).
An important advantage of working at the item level is that it gives the freedom to
introduce products in the store continuously, not only twice a year. This implies that the
utilization of all resources designers, factories, distribution can be balanced better over
time, avoiding unnecessary peaks twice a year (see Figure 5). Costs and response times
can thus be reduced. The frequent assortment changes are also necessary for fashion items
to keep up with the trends. Indeed, a retailer like H&M buys items on an ongoing basis
throughout the season to optimise fashion precision (H&M 2011). Therefore, fast-fashion
retailers combine supply chain agility to respond quickly, and constant product introductions to attract variety-seeking/fashion-conscious customers. It is these two key features

operational agility and time-based variety that we use next to measure the execution of
the fast-fashion business model.

Figure 5: Resource (designers, factories, distribution) utilization in a typical season.


Defining and Measuring Fast Fashion.

Based on the discussion above, fast fashion can be defined as a business model that combines
three elements: (i) quick response; (ii) frequent assortment changes; and (iii) fashionable designs at affordable prices. Note that the first two elements are fundamentally operational and
allow the execution of fast fashion, whereas the last element represents the value proposition
that the operational backend strives to deliver. Though this definition is quite broad, it does
put a boundary and it leaves out several (fashion) retailers that sometimes are mistaken
as being fast fashion. For instance, the fashion powerhouse Prada sells at a much higher
price point and the responsiveness of its supply chain is unclear so it would not be fast
fashion according to our definition. On the other end, there are many retailers that sell
at affordable prices but they do not qualify as fast fashion either. For instance, Old Navy
has very competitive prices but lacks quick response capabilities; or in the case of Chicos,
the assortment is refreshed regularly but the products are mostly basics and fashion-basics
(Chicos 2012).
The first two elements in our definition namely, quick response and frequent assortment
changes characterize a fast-fashion supply chain, and for that reason we devote more attention to them in this book chapter and we postulate metrics to measure their effectiveness.
Since the purpose of quick response is to reduce markdowns and stockouts, its effective implementation should lead to a better gross margin and less inventory. Therefore, an appropriate
metric to measure the effectiveness of quick response is the gross margin return on inventory
(GMROI), which is defined as the ratio between the gross margin and the average, where

both quantities are measured at the aggregate firm level. The GMROI metric is largely
used among retailers but several other ratios could serve the same purpose. For instance,
Hausman and Thorbeck (2010) use Operating Income/Inventory as a markdown/stockout
performance metric.
Measuring the dynamic assortment capability is less straightforward. Ideally, one would
want to monitor and keep track of the product assortment on display at the stores, but
collecting this data is impractical. Instead, we resort to the online stores in the USA. Specifically, for each specialty apparel retailer we considered the new arrivals of the Womens
section and counted how many items were less than a week old. In other words, we counted
the number of products that had become available less than a week ago. We disregarded
variations in color and prints to only count those products that were really new introductions.
Then, we took the average over a 20-week period.2

Figure 6: GMROI versus the average number of weekly new products introduced by midto-low price specialty apparel brands. GMROI is a 5-year average. For Zara and Uniqlo we
report the GMROI of the holding company (Inditex and Fast Retailing, respectively).
In Figure 6 we plot the GMROI versus the weekly number of new arrivals for the top 4
specialty retailers in Table 1, which are publicly traded companies (the three retailers that
follow on the list are privately held). It is noteworthy that Figure 6 confirms that H&M
and Zara are in a different ball game compared to Gap and Uniqlo. Not only do H&M
and Zara have better dynamic assortment capabilities in the order of 120 new product
introductions per week on average but they also get more margin out of their inventory,
roughly 50% better GMROI, which speaks to their ability to respond quickly with the right

Zara has a separate section for Women in their teens (TRF), which we included in the count. The other
retailers in the study have a single section for Women that includes teenagers.

Figure 7: Weekly new arrivals in the Women section in Fall 2013.

product/quantity so markdowns are less of an issue.3 It is also interesting to observe from
Figure 6 that, though there is not a straight correlation between new arrivals and GMROI,
there does seem to be a few local sweet spots. In fact, H&M and Uniqlo introduce less
products than their nearest competitor (Zara and Gap, respectively) and manage to achieve a
higher GMROI. Finally, Figure 7 shows the new arrivals over the 20-week period considered.
Both Zara and H&M have big spikes when a new season is launched, but during the season
Zaras assortment rotation tends to be more stable with a standard deviation of 37 new
products versus 53 for H&M.
The reminder of this book chapter is structured as follows. Sections 2 and 3 explore in
depth the literature on quick response and dynamic assortment, respectively. In section 4
we survey papers related to the design and pricing strategies of fast-fashion retailers. We
conclude the chapter in section 5 by discussing ongoing challenges for fast-fashion retailers
and we identify future research opportunities.4


Sourcing and Quick Response

Quick Response (QR) was developed in the textile and apparel industry and since then it has
been a prominent topic in Operations Management. QR was originally a set of standards for
information exchange and supply chain management that allowed lead times to be shortened
and increased supply chain efficiency (Palmer and Markus 2000). Over time, the use of

Topshop and Forever 21 introduce three times more products than H&M and Zara but it is unclear
whether that pays off because their GMROI is unavailable.
We focus on analytical and empirical research. For more qualitative work on fast fashion, we refer the
reader to Choi (2013a).

the term QR has evolved into a broader interpretation, which is conceptually very simple:
postpone all risky production decisions, e.g., commit to purchases that may not be needed in
case of low sales, until there is enough evidence that the market demand is there. QR thus
allows to reduce finished goods excess inventory, although per-unit costs (manufacturing and
shipment) may increase. The concept is related to postponement and delayed differentiation
(Feitzinger and Lee 1997, Lee and Tang 1997), as QR often requires holding raw materials
ready to be died, cut and sewed after item-level demand forecasts have improved.
The early literature on QR, such as Iyer and Bergen (1997) or the classic Sport Obermeyer
paper by Fisher and Raman (1996), centered on a single firm and brought to light the value
of early information. Further academic contributions around QR for a single firm have
focused on two main issues: advanced models for demand uncertainty and in particular how
forecasts are improved over time; and integrating production constraints into the decision
models. In addition, competition and externalities on the supply chain have been studied as
well. Finally, empirical research is a promising new field of work for QR.


Demand forecasting

Information is a key driver of QR decisions. It is widely accepted that it is impossible

to forecast fashion at the item level a priori (Christopher et al. 2004). The only feasible
approach is to start selling the product and use early sales data to generate more reliable
forecasts. Dynamic demand models are thus required. Iyer and Bergen (1997) consider a
model where demand is normally distributed with mean and standard deviation , where
itself is unknown and follows a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation
. Early sales will provide more accurate information on , which will help improve the
demand forecast. Hence, if no information about is available, then demand is normally

distributed with mean and standard deviation 2 + 2 . But if early sales d1 are available,

the demand forecast becomes normally distributed with mean (d1 ) = 2+ 2 + 2+ 2 d1 and

standard deviation 2 + 1 where = 1/ 2 + 1/ 2 , i.e., smaller than 2 + 2 . Hence, the

higher 2 (i.e., the higher /), the better the forecast improvement due to observation of
early sales. Fisher and Raman (1996) suggest a similar model where demand arrives in two
time-windows: early and late sales follow a bivariate normal distribution and, after observing
early sales, the distribution of late sales is updated. This updating scheme generally falls
under the Martingale Model of Forecast Evolution (MMFE), see Heath and Jackson (1994).
Other models have been used too. In particular, Lago et al. (2013) use a demand model
where demand is exponentially decreasing over time, with an uncertain rate which is only

revealed after the product is introduced. Demand is decreasing because inventory levels
are reduced over time, thus decreasing the display, availability and consequently sale of the
items. Higher rates imply that products sell out faster.



The other main ingredient of QR is the consideration of production factors. Fisher (1997)
provides a high level picture of the different types of supply chains, from efficient (long
lead-times and rigid production schedules) to responsive (short lead-times and flexibility). If
production costs are linear and there are no volume constraints, the problem is a relatively
simple extension of the newsvendor model, see e.g., Martnez-de-Albeniz (2011) or Song and
Zipkin (2012). The main trade-off there is to balance the higher costs of QR orders with the
higher exposure to excess inventory costs of early orders. Specifically, letting q1 be the early
order quantity and q2 the QR order quantity, and assuming that QR orders can be placed
after demand D is realized, we can formulate the problem as follows:
max ED p min{D, q1 + q2 (D)} c1 q1 c2 q2 (D)
where p is the revenue per unit, and c1 c2 the per-unit production cost of early and
QR orders respectively, both less than p. It is optimal to set q2 (D) = (D q1 )+ and q1
satisfying the critical fractile equation P r[D q1 ] = c1 /c2 . Thus, if costs are relatively
similar, QR orders will dominate, while if costs are very different, QR orders will be seldom used. Beyond this simplistic model, Fisher and Raman (1996) incorporate relevant
apparel production constraints: minimum order quantities and capacity constraints. These
are strong drivers of QR orders: QR capacity constraints imply that inflating early orders is
desirable; minimum order quantities introduce binary decisions into the problem, which may
reduce or increase early and QR orders, when the unconstrained order quantity is below the
minimum. They describe an application to the Sport Obermeyer case study. Fisher et al.
(2001) consider the possible cost of back-ordering between issuing and receiving the QR
order, which makes the optimization problem intractable (expected profit is neither convex
nor concave), so they suggest a heuristic and describe an application to a catalog retailer.
A practical implementation of advanced optimization is suggested in Agrawal et al. (2002),
who develop a methodology for managing a portfolio of retail products with different lead
time requirements by using vendors that differ in costs and production flexibility.



Competitive implications

Given the prevalence of QR, an essential step in the analysis is to consider how the practice changes firm behavior under competition. Indeed, QR was conceived as a competitive
strategy expected to change the rules of the game, in the words of Hammond and Kelly
(1990), similar to what just-in-time manufacturing had meant to the auto industry.
A key paper in this line of work is Caro and Martnez-de-Albeniz (2010). They present
a two-period model where firms make inventory decisions taking into account that demand
will spill-over to the competitor whenever there is a stock-out. The two-period setting
allows for demand updates, which is a fundamental feature of QR. Moreover, motivated by
the emergence of fast-fashion retailers and their co-existence with more traditional apparel
retailers, Caro and Martnez-de-Albeniz study in particular the asymmetric game where only
one firm has the QR capability while the other firm uses slow response (SR) and cannot
leverage early demand information. The main contribution of the paper resides in the insights
for the asymmetric duopoly. It is shown that in equilibrium the QR firm will stock less while
the SR firm will stock more compared to the case when both firms are SR (see Figure 4 in the
paper). The dynamics of this result are quite interesting. If the QR competitor committed
to a high inventory level, the SR firm would actually want to stock less (see Proposition
3), but since such kind of commitment is not credible, there is an opportunity for demand
spill-overs that the SR firm seizes by stocking more. These spill-overs turn out to work well
for the QR competitor since it depletes inventory that would otherwise be carried over to
the next period. So, by stocking less the QR competitor lets the SR firm take most of the
inventory risk upfront, and even in those scenarios where demand in the initial period is
high, the QR firm benefits because then it faces less competition in the last period. This
effect becomes even more pronounced with demand correlation because the QR firm can
also learn at the competitors expense. Though both firms move their inventory in opposite
directions, it is shown that in equilibrium the aggregate industry inventory level decreases.
Another important implication from the paper is that with equal costs, QR is a dominant
strategy. In other words, QR is a no-brainer regardless of the competitors actions. This
adds another layer to the significance of QR and gives a stronger message to firms that are
yet to adopt it. Of course, a QR firm would be better off competing against a SR firm rather
than another QR firm, which confirms that QR provides a competitive advantage. What is
not so obvious is that a SR firm would prefer a QR over a SR competitor. This is due to
the spill-overs in the first period that can favor the SR firm, so the asymmetric scenario can
be beneficial to both competitors.

It is also possible that QR might involve higher costs (e.g., due to expediting or local
production). In that case, Caro and Martnez-de-Albeniz show that QR pays more for
fashion goods while SR is better for basic items with low demand variability or low
correlation across periods. This is an analytical confirmation of the fundamental rule that the
supply chain should match the type of product (Fisher 1997). Interestingly, the paper shows
that with unequal cost structures the asymmetric competitive scenario can still be preferred
by both competitors, and this continues to hold true even when the firms endogenously
choose their supply chains. This provides support for the co-existence of QR and SR retailers
observed in practice. Nasser and Turcic (2013) analyze a similar context and also observe
an asymmetric equilibrium when the competing firms offer products with an intermediate
level of differentiation.
Another related paper that studies QR under competition is Lin and Parlakt
urk (2012).
They propose a two-period production model where two retailers compete in a Cournot
setting. Namely, the market clearing price is A 2i=1 Xi where A is an uncertain parameter,
and Xi is the quantity brought to market by retailer i. They analyze different scenarios
where none, one or both retailers have access to QR from the manufacturer, and study the
manufacturers optimal pricing strategy. They find that for the manufacturer it may be best
to offer QR to just one or to both retailers. In addition, in contrast with Caro and Martnezde-Albeniz (2010), they show that QR can hurt a retailer when demand uncertainty on the
market potential (parameter A) is low. This effect is due to the fact that a retailer without
QR can credibly inflate its initial order, thereby forcing the fast retailer to reduce its order,
and hence its profits.


Impact on consumers and suppliers

It is worth pointing out that there are several papers studying the externalities of QR on
other stakeholders within the supply chain. Cachon and Swinney (2009) study the effect
of QR on strategic consumers, those that may delay their purchases until the discount
season, where price is lower. They show that, by reducing the amount of early orders,
QR decreases the probability of having excess inventory at the end of the season, thereby
reducing the incentive of strategic consumers to wait for discounts. As a result, QR becomes
even more valuable when consumers are strategic, as opposed to myopic. The opposite effect
is shown in Iyer and Bergen (1997) when there is an intermediary (e.g., a retail partner
such as department store) between the manufacturer using QR and customers. Indeed, the
manufacturer adopting QR may lose sales from the retailer, its sell-in (as opposed to the

sell-out from retailer to final consumers). This is because, without QR, the retailer may
be ordering a very high sell-in and taking most of the inventory risk, while with QR, it may
reduce the expected sell-in to shift all the demand risk to the manufacturer. The way to
make the transition to QR profitable for both retailer and manufacturer is then to put in
place quantity discount or volume commitment schemes. Krishnan et al. (2010) incorporate
retailer effort considerations: the retailer usually puts an effort that can influence the pace
of sales. With such model in mind, the inventory reduction associated with QR will reduce
the risk of excess inventory costs, thereby requiring less effort from the retailers part, which
may switch it to competing products. As in Iyer and Bergen (1997), the final outcome is that
QR may be detrimental to the manufacturer, unless new contracts (beyond flat wholesale
pricing) are put place. Finally, the impact on supplier pricing has also been studied in
Calvo and Martnez-de-Albeniz (2012). They present a model where a retailer makes use
of dual sourcing (advance orders with a slow, efficient supplier; and QR orders with a fast,
more expensive supplier). The price quotes from the suppliers are endogenous to the retailer
decisions regarding procurement. Specifically, if the retailer commits to single sourcing, then
prices may in equilibrium be lower than if the retailer accepts to place both early and QR
orders, which results in the retailer sometimes being worse off. This implies that using
QR also removes pressures for both slow and fast suppliers to keep prices low, which may
deteriorate overall retailer and supply chain performance.


Empirical work

Finally, there is scarce empirical literature on QR. So far, the only exception is Lago et al.
(2013) who evaluate the value of QR sourcing. They study the sales of products of a fast
fashion firm over the Fall-Winter 2008 season. Each item, defined by a model and a color,
may be introduced at a different time, and may be sourced from a different origin (from East
Asia, South Asia, East Europe, West Europe or North Africa). Such input variability allows
Lago et al. to study how product performance, measured by the speed of sales, depends on
different factors. They focus on the interaction between time of design and sourcing origin.
Their results confirm most of the intuitions about QR: an item with a shorter time-to-market
(Europe or Africa for the company under study) sells faster; and the speed-of-sales difference
between QR and slow production is higher early in the season, thereby confirming that firms
can learn as the season advances. Furthermore, the paper provides quantitative estimates
of the advantage of QR. Namely, a product sourced under QR sells about twice as fast
compared to one sourced with long lead-times. This provides a strong business case for QR

if the sourcing cost difference is small compared to the value of inventory and space at the


Dynamic Assortment

Besides QR, the other main difference between fast fashion and traditional retailing is the
way assortments are managed. Indeed, for many years the industry has worked around the
concept of collections. Assortments are updated twice a year: at the beginning of the calendar
year, the Spring-Summer collection is introduced; at the end of the summer the Fall-Winter
collection is released. This industry-wide pace of change has been supported by design
(cool hunting), communication (catwalks and store mock-ups where media and wholesale
customers are invited), sales and marketing (catalogs, advertising) that follow similar biannual patterns. As a result, assortment planning with this approach can be considered as
static. The chapter by Kok et al. (2014) in this handbook discusses extensively the academic
literature around that problem.
In contrast, fast-fashion players rely much less on collection advertising and wholesale
channels. As a result, they are able to design, produce and distribute new products dynamically, both at the beginning and the middle of the season. This raises interesting research
problems that have only been explored recently.
One line of work extends the static assortment problem to multiple periods and incorporates demand learning. The set of products that can be included into each periods assortment is typically fixed, and the focus is on balancing exploration, i.e., including a product in
order to learn about its demand rate, and exploitation, i.e., including a product with high
demand rate and thus high profit. Caro and Gallien (2007) is the first paper to develop such
a model, using a multi-armed bandit formulation. They decouple the dynamic assortment
problem into a set of single-product dynamic programs and propose an index policy such
that, in each period, only the products with the highest index should be included. The
index includes both information about the expected demand rate and the potential value of
better information on demand. Rusmevichientong et al. (2010) include a capacity constraint
and design an algorithm for the dynamic problem, where parameters are estimated in parallel with revenue generation. Saure and Zeevi (2013) focus on the asymptotic performance
of such algorithms. Farias and Madan (2011) introduce an irrevocability constraint, i.e., a
product cannot be introduced again after it is removed; they design a heuristic that performs
well. Alptekinoglu et al. (2011) use a locational model with unknown demand distributions
that can be discovered by varying the assortment over time. All these papers assume that

the demand parameters are stationary and need to be learnt.

Three important features are missing in the papers above: new products may be introduced also in the middle of the season, not all at the beginning; they cannot be introduced,
removed and introduced again (Farias and Madan 2011); and demand is not stationary but
typically decreases over time because, at the store, new products typically get better displays
and generate more interest than older ones, everything else being equal.
Some recent papers have recognized that demand may change over time. Caldentey and
Caro (2010) assume they follow a stochastic process over time, which they call the vogue.
Caro and Martnez-de-Albeniz (2012) use a satiation model where consumers progressively
move away from stores that do not refresh their assortments often enough. But Caro et al.
(2012) is the first paper to consider the three elements from above together in assortment
planning. They take the entire set of products I as given and decide when each should be
introduced over the season. The products compete for customer attention, and to capture
such effect a demand attraction model is proposed: in period t, if product i I is included

in the assortment, its demand will be equal to vit / v0 + jSt vjt , where St is the set of
product present in the assortment in period t, and vjt is the attractiveness of the product
in the period. Moreover, to incorporate decreasing demands over time, once introduced a
products attractiveness varies dynamically: vjt = j,tintroj vj , where vj is the attractiveness
of the product when it is first introduced and j,l is the decay parameter that depends on the
age l of the product. The focus of the paper is put on exponential attractiveness decays, i.e.,
j,l = lj with j the decay parameter. Note that this demand model is supported by real
sales data, as shown in their paper. It has also been used in describing the box office sales of
movies (Ainslie et al. 2005). The parameters vj , j,l are product characteristics, inputs into
the model, as well as rj the per-unit margin of product. Letting t denote the market size
of period t, the optimization problem of Caro et al. (2012) can thus be written as an integer



t=1 xit

vi tu=1 i,tu xiu
v0 + nj=1 vj tu=1 j,tu xju

i I,
i I, t = 1, . . . , T.

xit {0, 1}

Caro et al. show that the optimization problem is in general NP-complete. They propose
a fluid approximation that can be solved easily and can also be used for developing heuristics. In particular, the fluid approximation is a concave nonlinear maximization problem
when product margins are identical; otherwise, the problem may not be concave, but their
numerical study suggests that the optimal solution can be found quickly. Some appealing

insights are derived: when decays are exponential and margins identical across products, the
approximations optimal solution is to introduce the products with less decay (i.e., higher
j ) first. This implies that basic products, with stable demand, should be introduced in
the beginning of the season. In contrast, fashionable products for which customer interest
quickly drops should be spaced over the entire season and used to refresh the assortment.
Moreover, Caro et al. show that the heuristics based on the fluid approximation generally
perform very well, even when margins are not identical.
The framework presented in Caro et al. (2012) can be extended to capture most of the
realities of fast fashion. In particular, rather than taken the set I of possible products as a
given, it is important to let the retailer decide whether a new product should be designed and
introduced in the middle of the season, depending on the most recent information. In other
words, the model should incorporate closed-loop controls into the assortment decision. C
and Martnez-de-Albeniz (2013) propose a dynamic programming formulation to allow for
such closed-loop decisions. Instead of binary introduction decisions, they allow for continuous
amounts of products uit to be introduced in category i I in period t. These depend on
the current attractiveness present in category i in period t, denoted xit . As a result, the
profit-to-go of the retailer in period t, Jt , can be written as JT +1 0 (terminal condition)

Jt (xit )iI =

ri yit

cit uit + E Jt+1 (xit+1 )iI

u1t ,...,unt 0 v0 +
iI yit
s.t. yit = xit + uit
i I
xit+1 = it yit
i I


The decay of attractiveness is similar to Caro et al. (2012), since attractiveness randomly
decays with parameter it ; this extends the deterministic decay j of Caro et al. However,
the way of assortment attractiveness can be increased is quite different. Caro et al. improve
the value of the assortment by introducing new products i I, at a date specified up-front.
In contrast, C
nar and Martnez-de-Albeniz can increase the attractiveness of an existing
category i I, continuously and as a function of the latest information about how much
decay there has been in category is attractiveness. The model provides some insights that
are complementary to Caro et al. (2012). When category margins are identical, the problem
is well behaved. Again, products that decay less will be used early in the season, even if
their introduction cost is higher, while products that are cheaper but decay faster should be
used more at the end of the season.
The two models above open a number of interesting research opportunities. Mainly, the
nature of dynamic demand evolution needs to be better understood. Real data shows that

indeed individual product sales decrease over time, as new products are introduced into the
assortment. However, the detailed process of how this happens is unclear: is the age of
the product the determinant decay factor? Or is it because of the decrease of inventory
availability over time, as Lago et al. (2013) suggest? Furthermore, there are other drivers
of demand that need to be incorporated to the demand model, such as pricing or display.
The increasing amount of available point-of-sales data should definitely spark more empirical
work on these questions.


Pricing Strategy and Fashionable Design

Fast-fashion retailers mostly sell products at affordable prices i.e., they sell inexpensive
fashion so the posted prices at different retailers are usually within the same price range.5
Therefore, the main difference in pricing strategies across fast-fashion retailers is whether
they use in-season promotions and markdowns or not. H&M is an example of the former
whereas Zara follows the latter and avoids price changes during the selling season. Regardless
of the in-season policy, fast-fashion retailers usually have well-announced clearance sales at
the end of the regular season in which markdowns are introduced to liquidate stock and free
up space for the new season.
The theoretical research on pricing for fast fashion has centered on price positioning and
pricing strategies. On the former, Caro and Martnez-de-Albeniz (2012) present a model in
which firms compete on price and product freshness. Specifically, an inter-temporal utility
model is introduced to account for product satiation. The satiation effect is incorporated
through a retention factor that captures the carryover effect of consumption from one period
to the next. In plain words, the retention factor measures how fast the consumer is willing
to consume again. Offering a less satiating product i.e., one with a lower carryover effect
is costly but it attracts more customers. When firms are symmetric, it is shown that there
is a product strategy that is mostly dominant and firms can essentially ignore competition.
However, this no longer holds if a firm breaks the symmetry by improving its processes to
offer a fresher product. An important finding is that firms price incorrectly and are worse off
when they ignore product satiation. Moreover, firms should aim at developing capabilities
to offer less satiating products more efficiently, but since all firms have the same incentive,
major improvements might be needed to guarantee an increase in profits. Interestingly,
depending on the current cost structure and the magnitude of the improvements, all firms

Note that H&M, and especially Zara, have deviated from the affordable pricing strategy to enter Asian
countries most notably Japan and China where they are perceived as high-end European brands that
signify status and therefore consumers are willing to pay a price premium.


can be better off after a product war. This result is in contrast to price wars, which
always hurt profits. Caro and Martnez-de-Albeniz (2009) present a variation of this model
that relates satiation to assortment rotation, which is how fast-fashion retailers counteract
product satiation in practice.
A separate stream of literature has focused on how to price fashion or seasonal products
when consumers are forward-looking, in the sense that they anticipate the usual markdown
policy used by retailers and might wait until prices goes down. The consumers logic is quite
simple: if nobody buys early, then the retailer will be forced to decrease prices. Su and
Zhang (2008) show that a price commitment strategy in which the retailer makes a credible
commitment not to lower prices can be effective in deterring consumers strategic behavior.
An alternative and equally effective strategy is allowing markdowns but rationing capacity
(Liu and van Ryzin 2008). The latter resembles Zaras practice of having limited production
to create shortages and induce consumers to buy at the regular season price. In the same
vein, Liu and van Ryzin (2011) study rationing strategies when consumers can learn over
repeated seasons and Yin et al. (2009) analyze strategies that restrict inventory display in
order to create a perceived sense of scarcity.
Fashionable design is the last element of fast fashion that has not been discussed so far.
This subject has been almost absent in the operations literature, and for a good reason since
design is the part of retailing that has remained closer to an art rather than a science, at
least until now. One paper that does deal with design at a high level is Cachon and Swinney
(2011). This paper looks at whether the quick-response and (enhanced) design capabilities of
a fast-fashion retailer are strategic complement or substitutes under the presence of forwardlooking consumers. Though there are some exceptions, for the most part the paper shows
that the two elements are strategic complements, which confirms that fast fashion is really
an all or nothing proposition.
The economics and marketing literature has delved further into the drivers and dynamics
of fashion. Sproles (1981) provides a comprehensive survey of the different and sometimes
competing perspectives that try to explain the fashion process. These perspective differ
on the level at which the fashion process takes place (individual or societal) and whether the
factors driving the process are endogenous or exogenous. Miller et al. (1993) categorize the
different perspectives in a conceptual framework, which they formalize mathematically in a
system of difference equations that are able to explain several of the fashion trends described
in the literature. Pesendorfer (1995) provides an alternative model of fashion cycles in which
fashion designs are used as a signaling device in a matching game. Consumers adopt fashions


to show that they are in and the widespread adoption leads to lower prices, giving the
firm selling fashion an optimal time for innovation. Kuksov and Wang (2013) build on the
signaling idea and show that in equilibrium consumers randomize over designs, which explains
fashions unpredictability. From an empirical standpoint, not too many attempts have
been made to validate the theoretical findings. A few exceptions are Yoganarasimhan (2012)
and Martnez-de-Albeniz and Saez-de-Tejada (2014) who use decades of data to analyze the
presence of fashion cycles in the choice of names for newborns and Nunes et al. (2012) who
study how fashion designs evolve based on the feedback from critics and reviewers. The
lack of data is frequently cited as a reason that has prevented further empirical studies, but
this is likely to change with the recent surge of social media where fashion dynamics can be
tracked more easily (e.g., see Wang et al. 2013).


The Evolution of Fast Fashion

We began this chapter by noting that fast fashion has changed the industry dynamics significantly in recent years. We have outlined the set of practices that characterize fast fashion:
sourcing with quick response and assortment planning with dynamic in-season introductions.
Beyond these intrinsically operational levers, fast-fashion retailers have adopted alternative
pricing and product strategies. We have discussed in detail all these elements in this chapter.
But this overview would not be complete without a discussion on the current trends around
the fast-fashion phenomenon, as well as the related research questions that arise from its
evolution. Indeed, the fast-fashion model keeps evolving. There are numerous trends that
retailers must take into account and that are affecting the operational implementation of
fast fashion.


Leveraging business analytics

Business analytics is one trend that seems poised to grow in importance. It has gained notoriety with the copious amount of data that has become available lately, but the underlying
concepts and techniques are not new to retailing. Good examples include Smith et al. (2001)
and Fisher and Raman (2010). Though data-driven decision making is arguably relevant to
any retailer, it is becoming a necessity for fast-fashion retailers that want to excel operationally, and in particular want to scale their internal processes to sustain continued growth.
Zara, for instance, has taken up the challenge and since 2005 it has embedded model-based
decision making into its daily operations. Caro et al. (2010) and Caro and Gallien (2010)
describe a model developed and implemented at Zara to optimize the allocation of scarce

inventory across its global network of stores. An interesting feature of the model and quite
unique to Zara is how the model accounts for the interaction between the inventory levels
of the different sizes of a given garment. The model aims at keeping the key sizes in stock
to avoid negative customer perception and to ensure that the overall product remains on
display. The use of the model led to a 3-4% increase in sales.
Zara has also ventured into business analytics to optimize clearance sales. Caro and Gallien (2012) describe in detail the implementation of a model-based decision support system
for markdowns at Zara. Though this is a classic revenue management problem, there are at
least two distinguishing characteristics: (i) the model considers multiple items which contrast
with most of the literature that focuses on a single item; and (ii) the lack of in-season price
response data poses a challenge that is overcome by leveraging past season data combined
with an adaptive procedure. The model was tested in a controlled field experiment with a
symmetric design in which half of the assortment in Ireland was priced using the model and
half was priced manually. The same happened in Belgium but with the opposite pricing
methods. The rest of Western Europe was priced manually and was used a baseline. Using
double differences to control for confounding effects, it is shown that the model increased
clearance revenue by 6%, which amounted to $90M in 2008.
Despite some isolated efforts, there is room for more research focused on business analytics
in fast fashion. In particular, it would be interesting to see how business analytics can
enhance the fundamental operational capabilities that define fast fashion, even more so as
retailing evolves rapidly and steadily to cater to omni-channel consumers.


Creating or following fashion trends

The most intriguing changes are happening in the design space. What initially gave birth
to the fast-fashion model was the rapid and unpredictable changes of what customers want.
These fickle trends are getting more numerous and shorter. Thus, quickly identifying a
nascent trend becomes vital to retailers. Currently, fast-fashion players rely mostly on own
sales data and competitor intelligence i.e., paying attention to their new releases, in particular to determine whether these are successful as an input for design. But this means that
the original design decision, whether it was internal or at a competitor, was a wild guess that
was not customer-driven. This may change: we have seen some design crowdsourcing platforms appear, a form of open innovation (Salfino 2013). For example, Threadless was started
in 2000 and now boasts a community of over 2 million creators that can post their print designs on the Threadless website. Each week, the company selects the most voted designs

for production, i.e., printing over T-shirts, hoods, tops, etc. The designer is rewarded with
USD 2,000, plus additional payments for every reprint (Pozin 2012). Over 500,000 designs
have been submitted to date and 1% of them have been chosen for production. ModCloth
uses a similar model, except that designs are not only prints, but full product specifications
including fabric, cut, etc. This online retailer was started in 2002, and currently gathers
700 independent designers and suppliers, who create and keep ownership of original product
designs. Once a design is ready, it is posted on and online customers can rate
it. Successful products are then manufactured; this tasks responsibility falls on the designers/suppliers (Indvik 2013). Similar initiatives have been tried out of apparel retailing too.
The Danish toy company Lego experienced in 2006-2012 with DESIGN byME, an online
platform where users could submit their brick construction designs and Lego would custom
produce them (Lego 2012). Popular designs could then inspire mass production designs.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that the examples above introduce a pure pull logic into the
design process, where design is only approved after sufficient people have endorsed it.6
Models with a clear push logic also exist. For example, JustFab is a subscription service
for shoes and accessories where users initially take a test to learn their fashion preferences,
and later on are offered customized assortments that fit their tastes (Chang 2011). The
companys role is thus to curate new designs that each user will like. Since the assortment
is constantly renewed and prices are rather low, some investors have called this subscription
model the new fast fashion (Reuters 2013). Another business model known as flash sales
also has a push logic and borrows elements of fast fashion. Flash sale websites offer one
deal a day in which a selection of fashion items are sold at a discount for a very short period
of time (usually less than a day). Imposing a narrow time window serves the same purpose
than limiting inventory: it creates a perceived sense of scarcity and stimulates impulsive
buying. Numerous websites e.g., Zulily, Gilt Groupe, Ideeli, Net-a-Porter, Vente Privee or
Privalia adopted this business model; so many, that the market could be drying up (Roof
From a research perspective, these changes open numerous research opportunities. Models can be developed to understand what is the best way to capture demand trends. Clearly,
different approaches have different impacts in terms of demand forecast accuracy (e.g., using votes or likes from Facebook provides a less accurate picture than pre-orders with
full payment), reach (e.g., online will reduce access costs to the consumers but will also be
less targeted than physical displays at a store) and costs (e.g., virtual displays are cheaper

In manufacturing, a pull system is make-to-order, whereas a push system is make-to-stock.


than real samples that require production). There are also interesting problems regarding
the allocation of costs and profits, especially when retailers are the ones collecting revenues
while designers are incurring the fixed costs of design, and design quality is hard to codify,
so engineering effective incentive systems is a challenge.7 Finally, understanding better how
consumers dynamically choose between current styles and future ones is another interesting
direction of work (Lobel et al. 2013, Bernstein and Martnez-de-Albeniz 2014).


Sourcing and corporate social responsibility

There are also various developments on the production side of fast fashion. Deciding where
to produce a garment usually depends on three aspects: (i) there are technical capabilities
that are product-specific, e.g., treatment of leather requires significant expertise and access
to water; (ii) lead time requirements may eliminate some possible sourcing origins, although
nowadays air transportation has mostly removed such constraints; and finally (iii) cost competitiveness, including materials costs, energy costs, wages and freight charges, provides
the last and perhaps most important element for decision-making. Thus, determining the
optimal sourcing strategy becomes a complex task, especially when most of these factors
change over time. For example, wage developments in China are triggering the offshoring of
production to countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia or Bangladesh (Roland Berger 2011).
Offshoring for purely economic motives raises ethical questions: it is not always clear
that working conditions are appropriate. For instance, the Rana Plaza factory collapse in
April 2013 showed that workplace safety standards were not being followed (The Economist
2013). Moreover, the search for low costs is usually credited as one of the reason that has
pushed factories into non-compliance, with consumers appetite for fast fashion getting much
of the blame (Lamson-Hall 2013). In fact, the Rana Plaza incident immediately put H&M on
the spot for being the largest exporter of clothing from Bangladesh, even though it was not
directly involved with that factory (Kerppola et al. 2014). Fast-fashion retailers have been
taking note, and in response are developing corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies,
e.g., Inditex has a code of conduct and responsible practices, and a committee of ethics, see
Inditex (2012). It is not clear how to implement such CSR measures and what control mechanisms and incentives work best. Indeed, even when CSR policies exist, they are difficult to
enforce, especially when there is limited visibility as work is offshored and subcontracted.
Laudal (2010) identifies sector-specific variables that drive the risk of violating CSR standards, which suggests that regulation may be more effective than individual-firm actions.

Chan et al. (2013) present a method to codify and identify styles in product designs. It works well for
design patents, but it might be less applicable to fashion due to the lack of IP protection.


Besides literature in business ethics, there is some nascent research in operations on these
subjects including Babich and Tang (2012), Guo et al. (2013) and Kim (2013) but much
more is needed.
These ethics concerns are starting to be shared by some consumers. Siegle (2011) and
Cline (2012) point out that fast fashion is unsustainable by nature as it encourages disposability, low durability, low quality, the loss of craftsmanship and ultimately uniformity.
Some hard indicators can support this observation, e.g., Allwood et al. (2006) point out that
consumers in the United Kingdom throw away 30 kg of clothing and textiles per capita each
year, on average. Beyond economics, in a review of Siegles book, Anderson (2011) states
that our bulimic passion for fashion is symptomatic of a broader malaise. Disposability, instant gratification, the idea that impulses are there be indulged, regardless of impact these
sentiments permeate our lives. Some retailers are taking a similar position. For instance,
Zady states that it began with a grand vision: to combat the fast-fashion craze by providing
a platform for only those companies that care about timeless style and solid construction
( 2013); it sells products with a traceable origin. Adidas is supporting a community
project in Brazil to design bags and caps with favela-inspired graphics (Clarke 2013). These
critiques of fast fashion raise the question of how to make the entire business model more
sustainable. Recycling is one option (Salfino 2014). From the research standpoint, there is
already some work on this topic, e.g., Choi (2013b) examines how to use carbon footprint
taxation to encourage local sourcing. But this is a broad research line that should be further
explored, in connection with the work on closed-loop supply chains (Daniel et al. 2002).
Furthermore, if retailers continue to search for the current-day lowest-cost options, garment manufacturers choosing to close down high-wage operations and ramp up low-wage ones
will experience inefficient investments (capacity installation, employee training and skill development). And it is not only a matter of costs: moving away from a region may have
irreversible consequences. For instance, we have worked with an Italian jeans manufacturer
that can no longer source and treat denim fabrics in Italy because most of the suppliers
disappeared during the offshoring waves in the 1990s and 2000s. Similarly, there are few
suppliers with QR capabilities left in Spain, after most retailers moved their QR operations
to Portugal, North Africa and East Europe. It thus seems necessary to shape dynamic sourcing strategies that pay attention to cost dynamics and longer term implications, i.e., that a
regions capabilities are being shaped by the retailers sourcing decisions.



Beyond apparel

We would like to conclude this chapter by discussing how fast-fashion practices can be extended beyond apparel retailing. The general ideas behind this phenomenon apply to any
industry where numerous new products appear every day and consumers are searching for
novelty. One such industry is food (grocery stores and restaurants). There, the fast-fashion
formula would amount to changing offers and menus to satisfy customers desire for new
tastes and to providing the items from on-the-spot sources, as opposed to long-planned
supplies, e.g., fresh preparations where ingredients are combined at the last minute. Some
companies already have such capabilities, e.g., Seven Eleven Japan (Matsuo and Ogawa
2007). Another such example could be consumer electronics. A fast-fashion electronics
manufacturer or retailer would have to significantly reduce the time between new product
introductions, and be able to install flexible production capacity so as to respond quickly
to demand, with low supply chain inventories. Interestingly, releases of smartphones have
been more and more frequent, and product upgrades have less to do with technology breakthroughs and more with simple added functionalities and aesthetics (Knowledge @ Wharton
2013). Many other industries may also be ripe for a fast-fashion revolution.
Acknowledgments. The authors thank Pol Boada Collado for helping collect the data
used in Figures 6 and 7.

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