Charging Vrla Batteries
Charging Vrla Batteries
Charging Vrla Batteries
Emerson Network Power, a division of Emerson, is a global company that combines technology
with design to supply innovative solutions for the benefit of its customers.
Emerson Network Power is the leader in the business-critical continuity field, thanks to the
companys products and services.
Emerson Network Powers broad technology base and global expertise support a full spectrum of
enterprise-wide solutions for todays vital business needs.
More standardization,
so you dont need further
budget allocations to install it.
More simplification so you
dont need to be a specialist to
get the best for your business.
More support, so while you
are enjoying doing business,
we are protecting you.
Thats why we can say we
12:00 AM - Saturday
1:00 AM - Saturday
1:01 AM - Saturday
1:02 AM - Saturday
8:00 AM - Monday
9:00 AM - Monday
10:00 AM - Monday
Enclosure Systems
Racks and cabinets are a great way to
consolidate and protect equipment.
But by nature of a cabinet, problems
developed inside can be concealed.
Water Leaks
Your data cabling is lying in a growing
puddle of water under the raised floor
because of a plumbing leak. It is just a
matter of time before that affects your
operation. Who knows how long it
will take to track down the cause
of the problem.
UPS Systems
Yesterday the UPS failed its
automatic battery self test.
Today the UPS failed to carry the
load during a momentary power
interruption, halting a critical
process. The problem isnt the
UPS or the weak battery. The
real problem is that you didnt
know that the UPS failed a selfdiagnostic test.
DC Power Systems
An overvoltage condition in an
essential DC power system causes
an alarm to sound. Problem is, no
one is there to hear it.
Generator Operation
The good news is your emergency
generator came on-line during a
power failure last night and kept
things running for several hours.
The bad news is that the fuel tank
is now almost empty-and no one
realizes it, leaving you unprotected
for the next outage.
Surge Protection
Thank goodness you installed
that surge protector. It has
protected your site through many
thunderstorms. Too bad it selfdestructed protecting you from
that last surge and you dont know
that it needs to be replaced.
Intrusion Alarm
The entrance of unauthorized
personnel into a remote shelter is
a big problem. The real problem is
that the person who needs to know
this is happening is unaware and
possibly isnt in the same buildingor even the same state.
UPS Systems
Your UPS has an internal fault and
has been on bypass since Sunday.
No one knows about it now- but
they will if you lose utility power.
Battery System
You have a weak cell in your
battery string. Too bad you wont
find out about it until it fails five
minutes into the next power
Server Software And Client License
Choose the software and software components that complement your
vision of the system. SSWEB - the base software package that includes 2
concurrent user.
IGM Interface Control Modules
Choose the type and number of SiteLink modules that will
communicate to Liebert units, otherwise known as IGMs.
Models are available to allow communication to 2, 4 or 12
Liebert units.
SiteLink-2E connects up to 2 Liebert units.
SiteLink-4E connects up to 4 Liebert units.
SiteLink-12E connects up to 12 Liebert units.
Input/Output Control Modules
Choose the number of I/O modules necessary to monitor your digital and
analog points. Next, choose your sensors if necessary.
*Site I/O 10/0 The model number follows the number of inputs
*Site I/O 32/0 and outputs of a module. For example, Site I/O 10/0
*Site I/O 16/16 equals 10 inputs, 0 outputs.
*Site I/O x/8 Digital = Dry contact
Analog = 0-5 VDC, 4-20mA and thermistor sensors
Site I/O 10E 10 input module, dry contacts and thermistor
compatible. For distributed applications.
*SiteGate required
Third-Party Interfaces
Decide whether or not it will be necessary to intelligently
communicate to third-party equipment such as fire alarm panels,
chiller plants, generators and non-Liebert equipment.
Site TPI-E will integrate to third-party equipment. Contact Lieberts
AE Group for a quotation on interfacing to third-party equipment.
Site TPI-E
Contact Us
Contact your local representative to assist with your
site-specific applications.
Online Demo
Logon: LiebertRep
No Password Required
A Comprehensive Package
Of Mission-Critical Services
With Liebert Services as your
availability partner, you can
rest easy. We take care of the
technology, so you can take
care of your business.
Finto Testo
Remote Monitoring:
Remote Monitoring from
Liebert Services alerts you to
problems that otherwise go
unnoticed. It reduces the
time it takes to identify the
alarm source, trends and
alarm types. Having the right
information together with a
defined escalation procedure,
helps diagnose the true source of
a problem.
Ntegrated Monitoring:
With advanced monitoring and
network security capabilities,
integrating remote monitoring
with field service for your UPS,
Cooling and Battery systems,
provide the ultimate peace-ofmind. Liebert Services Ntegrated
Monitoring service provides
remote monitoring, diagnostics,
trending, and service dispatch
Todays successful businesses depend on adaptable technologies to help them respond quickly
to market demands. Your data center must be built on a support infrastructure designed to
match the power and cooling needs of rapidly changing IT initiatives such as virtualization and
consolidation. Each IT change, move or addition will affect the entire support infrastructure
so you need products and support that ensure your IT systems will operate reliably in these
Emerson Network Power - Headquarters EMEA
Via Leonardo Da Vinci 16/18
Zona Industriale Tognana
35028 Piove di Sacco (PD) Italy
Tel: +39 049 9719 111
Fax: +39 049 5841 257
Emerson Network Power - Service EMEA
Via Leonardo Da Vinci 16/18
Zona Industriale Tognana
35028 Piove di Sacco (PD) Italy
Tel: +39 049 9719 111
Fax: +39 049 9719 045
United States
1050 Dearborn Drive
P.O. Box 29186
Columbus, OH 43229
Tel: +1 614 8880246
Emerson Network Power has a worldwide network
of Sales Representatives Offices and Distributors.
To get the list of the nearest in your country, send an e mail to:
7/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre
108 Gloucester Road,Wanchai
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2572220
Fax: +852 28029250
AC Power
Embedded Computing
Outside Plant
Embedded Power
Infrastructure Management & Monitoring
Precision Cooling
Surge Protection
DC Power
Emerson, Business-Critical Continuity and Emerson Network Power are trademarks of Emerson Electric Co. or one of its affiliated companies. 2010 Emerson Electric Co.