Visual Identity Guide Editorial Style Guide
Visual Identity Guide Editorial Style Guide
Visual Identity Guide Editorial Style Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Mark Integrity, Mark Placement, Other Logos
Official Colors
Other Applications
College Mascot
Web Applications
Editorial Style
I am pleased to introduce Morehouse Colleges official visual identity program and editorial style guide. As Morehouse competes for students, funding
and donations, the strength of our marketing communications is increasingly important as the College aggressively pursues President Walter. E. Masseys
vision: to be among the finest liberal arts colleges in the nationperiod.
One of the basic components of a strong institutional marketing communications effort is a unified graphic identity. The Morehouse College logo carries dual responsibilities: It must stand as the sum of the institutions many
parts the authentic, recognizable essence of the College while simultaneously symbolizing our potential. For the many people who already know and
love Morehouse College, the logo must ring true. For the audiences now in
cultivation to be approached in the future, the logo must spark interest and
remain in each viewers awareness as a unique and accurate symbol of
The visual identity program was developed to assist individual units of
the College in using the Morehouse logo, typestyles and colors in their communications materials in print, web and electronic media. This guide contains
strict standards designed to reflect a clear and consistent image of the College,
but it also allows individual departments and offices to adopt different, more
individualized looks when they are communicating with their own internal
audiences. By complying with its specifications, you help project a clear, unifying image for the College as a whole.
Remember, however, that the Colleges image is not a matter of imagery
alone. How well we communicateaccurate spelling and word choice, flawless grammar and punctuationis just as important to presenting
Morehouse in the best possible light to all our various audiences. The editorial style guide is a compilation of rules and standards that ensures that all written communication from the College is professional, accurate and consistently excellent.
The implementation of both of these standards into every instance of
communications emanating from the College is essential to maintaining the
level of excellence for which Morehouse is renowned. We all play a vital role
in continuing to build the Colleges considerable strengths, which include
proud traditions, promising students, dedicated faculty and staff and an international reputation for academic excellence for producing exceptional men
with a steadfast commitment to scholarship, leadership and service.
We encourage all offices to recycle any old stationery, publications and
other print collaterals that contain outdated messages and feature the old
College logo. Our office and the Printing Services Office will work with you to
reprint your materials using these guidelines and policies. The
Communications staff will be available to respond to your questions.
Thank you for working with the Office of Communications to further the
mission of Morehouse by safeguarding the Colleges reputation and public image.
Why does Morehouse need visual identity and editorial style guidelines?
Every day, thousands of people see communication materials from Morehouse
College: correspondence, brochures, reports, magazines, books, web sites, slide
shows, exhibits, event invitations, posters, forms and applications, building and
vehicle signs, apparel, gift items, and other memorabilia. Each and every one of
these materials represents the College. The visual identity program and editorial
style guidelines unify our communications and help them make a clear and
strong impression.
How does adhering to the visual identity program and editorial style guide help
each unit?
If everyone at Morehouse does the job of communicating well with clear,
accurate content and consistent visual presentation the reputation and visibility of the College will be just that much stronger. This positive public image will
extend to each of the programs associated with the College. The entire
Morehouse Academic Village benefits.
How do I keep up with changes to the visual identity program and editorial style
Updates to the Visual Identity Program and additions to the Editorial Style Guide
will be posted online via the Morehouse web site and at TigerNet.
The College Logo
The Morehouse College logo comes in three primary versions, each of
which has been created using type kerned to specific proportional measurements. To ensure that all of our uses of the logo will be consistent in
quality, do not attempt to recreate them, to use photocopies or scans from
this guide, or to manipulate or change the marks in any way. Obtain
approval from the Office of Communications before any communications
piece is printed and put into circulation. See the back cover for information on obtaining digital or camera-ready copies for your use.
The Morehouse College wordmark is used to encourage instant recognition among our various publics by maintaining a consistent look. The
Morehouse logo has two basic elements:
The Tower
The tower expresses our love for and pride in Morehouse College. Its
structure reflects the high standards of the College as well as its architecture landmark. Do not attempt to recreate this graphic. The tower
should always be use with the wordmark Morehouse College. It
should never stand alone as representative of our identity. It can be
used as a discriminative graphic element within a page layout. Note:
All uses must be approved by the Morehouse Office of
Primary Name or Signature (Morehouse College)
Our primary wordmark is the primary identifier for the College.
The wordmark can be used alone or with the tower.
The Seal
The Morehouse College seal is the official, legally registered symbol of the
College and should appear only in formal uses:
Presidents and boards stationery
Formal presidential invitations
and initiatives
It is acceptable to emboss and/or foil stamp the seal in silver only. Other
acceptable treatments include "blind" embossing, thermography and debossing.
When used in formal stationery, the seal acts as a watermark and is printed in a 15 percent screen of Pantone 428 grey. The seal is never to be
placed on top of an image or type at anytime.
Mark Integrity
Mark Placement
An approved configuration of the Morehouse College logo and seal
should appear prominently on all College-affiliated communications in a
size appropriate to the overall piece. Mark placement include prominent
positions such as the front or back cover or title page of publications, the
beginning of advertisements and web sites, and the opening and closing of
videos and films. The full College name must appear at the beginning of
a piece when the logo is elsewhere in the material.
All College marks should be placed so that no text or other design element
crowds or overprints them.
Left Pendant: 60% Black
Left Pendant can also print PMS 8480
Left Pendant Seal: 50% Black
Right Pendant: 100% PMS 202
Right Pendant can also print PMS 8840
Right Pendant Seal: 80% PMS 202
Background Seal: 15% Black
Stationery System Design
The most widely distributed printed materials representing Morehouse
College are the pieces of our stationery system. Letterhead, envelopes and
business cards are necessary tools for carrying out daily work, and thus
create the Colleges most cost-effective opportunity to project a distinctive
and positive graphic image.
Primary Letterhead
Size: 8 1/2 x 11
Type: Minion Roman and Univers Condensed
Paper: Neenah Classic Linen White
Color: PMS 202 and Black
Department Letterhead
With prior approval, individual departments within the College are
allowed a specific designation on the letterhead. The departmental
designation must be placed in the position as shown on the next page.
All specifications are the same as the primary letterhead.
Presidential Letterhead
The Office of the President has a distinct letterhead that is similar to the
primary version. The exception is the placement of the seal and the designation line Office of the President. The seal is in silver foil stamp.
Board of Trustees Letterhead
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Type: Minion Roman and Univers Condensed
Paper: White Bond
Color: Black only
Number 10 Envelope
Size: 9 1/2 x 4 1/8
Type: Minion Roman and Univers Condensed
Paper: Neenah Classic Linen White, #10 Envelopes
Color: PMS 202 and Black
Business Card
Size: 3 1/2 x 2
Type: Minion Roman and Univers Condensed
Paper: Neenah Classic Linen White, 10 lb. Cover
Color: PMS 202 and Black
Mailing Label
Size: 5 x 4
Type: Minion Roman and Univers Condensed
Paper: Crack n Peel Label Stock, White, Matte
Color: PMS 202 and Black
Fax Transmittal
News Release
The Colleges official news release stationery is restricted for use only
by the Office of Communications.
Business Card
College Typefaces
The preferred typeface for text is ITC Minion Roman, although use of
Univers Condensed is acceptable if used sparingly. The preferred typeface
for display is Univers Condensed Bold, although use of ITC Minion Bold
is acceptable. These typefaces were chosen for their strength, classical
design and readability. Electronic versions of all typefaces (Macintosh and
PC) are available online at or
through the Office of Communications at 404-215-2680.
Official Colors
Primary Color Palette
C = 0
M = 100
Y = 65
K = 47
The official College visual identity colors are maroon (PMS 202) and
white. In addition to our primary palette, we use black and gray (30%
black or PMS Cool Gray 6).
Secondary colors are gold (PMS 104), tan (PMS 452), green (PMS 575)
and steel gray (no PMS equivalent).
PMS 202
Approved metallic colors are PMS 8840 (maroon) and PMS 8480 (silver).
PMS is a abbreviation for the Pantone Matching System, a set of industrystandard ink colors.
K = 100
The College wordmark may also print in process colors that match PMS
equivalents. See chart at right for appropriate percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow and black.
Note: When producing publications using PMS 202 or its process equivalent, never screen this color less that 80 percent.
K = 30
C = 0
C = 24
M = 9
M = 18
Y = 58
Y = 42
K = 0
K = 0
PMS 104
PMS 452
C = 48
C = 74
M = 0
M = 52
Y = 100
Y = 35
K = 53
K = 10
PMS 575
Rather than specifying exact requirements for the design of all Morehouse
College publications and official websites, our graphic standards provide
the means to create a unified look for print and online collateral immediately distinguishable as Morehouse. Consistent use of the wordmark,
typeface and color palette all reinforce a strong and positive image of our
1.) Titling: To preserve the integrity of the College's name, do not incorporate the name into the title of any publication. Titles and headlines
should stand alone, both grammatically and visually.
2.) Wordmark: On the cover of each publication and on the introductory page of each web site, use a version of the University wordmark
introduced on page 3. Remember that the logos are not to be changed
or manipulated in anyway other than proportional sizing.
3.) Typeface: As described on page 10, use Minion for all inside text. For
special emphasis in headlines, subheads, or pull-quotes, use the
Univers type styles. Whenever appropriate, use Minion for brochure
cover text. Exact specifications for brochures shown here are available
from the Office of Communications, the College's Print Shop, or the
graphic standards web site linked from
4.) Colors: The color palette for College publications uses PMS 202 and
colors of the same strength of tone as PMS 202. The palette includes,
but is not limited to PMS 202, black and 30% black (grey). To discuss
optimal color usage, call the Office of Communications or the College
Print Shop. Refer to page 11 for specific color palette information.
Morehouse Center for the Arts
The Campaign for a New Century
Other Applications
Placement Advertisements
Assistant Director
Meliora diu, ut vina, permata reddir, scrire velim,
charis qui decidit, dio inter perfectos veteresque at
referri debet an inter vilis arqueno novos? Exludat
reddit, scire velim, chartis iurgia finis interpefectos
annos.Meliora dio, ut vina, poemata reddit, scire
velim, chartis pretium quotus get annus. Scriptor
abhinc annos centum qui deciditer vilis arque
novos? Excludat iurgia finis. Naevius in manibus
nonest et grati toto est junior anno. Naevius in
manibus nonest et mentibus haeret haetet paene
recen resputiste.
Veteresne peitas, an quos et praet ens et postera
repuat iste quidem veteres inter poumetur honesvel toto est junior anno. Naevius in manibus nonest
et mentibus haeret paene recen resputiste.
Associate Director
Afrani arroget annus. Scriptor abhinc annos centum qui decidit, dio interperfectos vetconvenisse
annis ute siculi gravitatent Meliora dio, ut vina,
poemata reddit, scire velim, chartis pretium quotus get annus. Scriptor abhinc annos centum qui
deciditer vilis arque novos? Excludat iurgia finis.
Naevius in manibus nonest et grati toto est junior
anno. Naevius in manibus nonest et mentibus
haeret haetet paene recen resputiste.
Veteresne peitas, an quos et praet ens et postera
repuat iste quidem veteres inter poumetur honesvel toto est junior anno. Naevius in manibus nonest
et mentibus haeret paene recen resputiste.
Veteresne peitas, an quos et praet ens et postera
repuat iste quidem veteres inter poumetur honesvel toto est junior anno. Naevius in manibus nonest
et mentibus haeret paene recen resputiste.
The College's classified advertisements achieve high visibility and immediate recognition through the use of consistent design elements. The
Morehouse wordmark receives the initial focus, immediately identifying
the source; the lead-in subhead directs the eye to essential information;
and the conclusion highlights the appropriate contact.
In a placement advertisement, use the Morehouse College wordmark
in the top of the ad. See example at left.
The advertisement should be written to accommodate a lead-in subhead that immediately identifies what the follow-on text describes. These
lead-in subheads should use the Univers or Minion typeface. Be sure to use
a point size at least 5 points larger than the descriptive text, but not so large
that the subhead competes with the "Morehouse College" in the wordmark.
Text for the ad should use the Minion typeface, if possible.
All placement advertisements are coordinated through the Office of
Human Resources at 404-215-2656.
To receive clarification about the program, help with special problems in
implementing the design, or for assistance in making design transitions,
please consult the Office of Communications at 404-215-2680.
Official downloadable College logos and fonts are available in MAC or PC
versions on the web at
College Mascot
The College Mascot
The Morehouse College mascot is the Maroon Tiger. Mascot symbols are
important to the public image and self-esteem of the College. The tiger
and M are the only acceptable athletic symbols. These symbols should
not be altered in any way and should be used only for official athletic
sponsored programs, events, and activities. When reproduced, the mascot
should appear in black or PMS 202. Refer to the back cover for information on obtaining these typefaces through the Office of Communications.
Web Applications
Web Applications
As with printed materials, the graphic standards for official Morehouse
College web pages, as well as for TigerNet, the Colleges intranet communication portal for faculty, staff and students, provide the means to create
visual harmony throughout our web presence while respecting the individuality of divisions and programs.
The College is developing a tier system to help balance the need for individuality and creativity of its web pages with the need for visual consistency throughout its web site. Certain areas of the Morehouse College web
site have a higher profile and attract more visitor traffic. By nature these
sites are subject to stronger graphic standards and have less design flexibility than sites that are not as frequently visited or that are further removed
from the Morehouse front page. The tier system is not to be interpreted as a
scale of importance or value of function within the Morehouse College web
site but as a means to assess the application of graphic standards to certain
key areas of the Colleges site.
It is important to note that the established criteria will provide general
guidelines. Given the diversity of Morehouse Colleges web site, it is difficult to develop exact criteria that will neatly define every web page.
Instead, the criteria will provide guidelines to help the Colleges web staff
assess the allocation of resources and application of graphic standards as
effectively as possible. The College Web Team, in consult with the Director
of Public Relations, will use the established criteria to assess these decisions, providing the clients with as much creativity and flexibility as possible.
The website is currently under redevelopment. Once the
redevelopment is complete, guidelines for the web will be available online.
Editorial Style
academic degrees
Capitalize the names of academic degrees, but do not
capitalize the discipline or a major, minor, concentration or field of study (unless it is a proper noun (eg,
English, Latin). Examples: Bachelor of Science in chemistry. Master of Fine Arts degree with a major in studio.
Do not capitalize incomplete names of academic
degrees. Examples: He has a masters degree in business
administration. He has a bachelors degree in French.
(See addendum for list of standard abbreviations.)
academic degrees
When abbreviating academic degrees, use periods,
because the short form of an academic degrees name
is considered an abbreviation, not an acronym.
Examples: B.A., B.S., M.B.A., M.Bus., J.D. For complete
list, see addendum.
Capitalize formal titles, such as dean, president, chairman, director, vice president, professor or chancellor,
only when they precede a name or when the title and
name appear in a listing (such as a directory or a program for a meeting). Otherwise, lowercase such titles
when they stand alone or when they follow a name.
Titles that follow the name and titles in apposition are
set off with commas. Examples: Dean A.B. Sea; A.B.
Sea, dean of student financial services; the dean. The dean
of student financial services addressed the group. Dean of
Student Financial Services A.B. Sea addressed the group.
academic programs
Capitalize the names of formal programs of study,
lowercase informal and generic references to programs and courses of study. Example: He was enrolled
in the geology program (the general course of study
offered by the Department of Geology).
Adviser is the preferred spelling; note the e.
Editorial Style
affirmative action
Dont use an apostrophe. Examples: The contract had just too many ifs, ands and buts. She
earned her degree in the early 1960s. It will be in the
high 80s tomorrow.
Walter E. Massey 58
alumni association
This is a generic term that is lowercase. Capitalize
only when part of a complete formal name. Example:
He was a member of the Morehouse College Alumni
Association. Her husband belonged to another alumni
biannual, biennial
Biannual breaks the general rule about words formed
with bi in that it is a synonym for semiannual and
means twice a year or once every six months. Biennial
means every two years.
Refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, University of
Chicago Press.
Means every other week. Semiweekly means twice a
books, titles of
Capitalize and italicize titles and subtitles of books and
contractions and omitted letters
Avoid the excessive use of contractions; those
listed in the dictionary are acceptable in informal
contexts. Use an apostrophe to form contractions
and for other omitted letters. Examples: Ive, its,
dont, tis, neer do well.
omitted figures
The apostrophe is often misplaced, particularly in plurals. No apostrophe is needed before an s
indicating a plural. Examples The Spirit of 76, the
class of 59, the 90s (not 90s).
Do not confuse with parentheses. Brackets are used to
set off words inserted into quoted material by someone other than the person quoted or to indicate parenthetical material within parentheses.
campus buildings
See Appendix for complete names and official abbreviations for second and subsequent reference in the
same text.
Editorial Style
capital and capitol
The seat of governmentthe cityis the capital. The
building in which the government meets is the capitol.
Capital also refers to financial assets.
chapter, organization
Lowercase when the reference is to a chapter of an
organization. Example: The Georgia chapter of the
Society of Editors met yesterday.
Capitalize only when part of a complete formal name.
Lowercase otherwise. Examples: New York City,
Kansas City, city of Atlanta, the city. Note: A phrase
such as City of Atlanta, with a capitalized City, is not a
correct reference to a citys government. When referring to a governmental body, use its correct formal
coHyphenate this prefix when forming nouns, adjectives and verbs that indicate status or occupation.
Examples: co-author, co-chair, co-host, co-signer, coworker. For other words, check your dictionary.
Capitalize College at each reference only when it
refers to Morehouse. Otherwise, capitalize only when
used as part of a complete formal name for other institutions. Examples: He attends the College of Business
Administration, where he studies in the colleges taxation
The first word after a colon is capitalized if the statement following the colon is a complete sentence.
Example: Economists know one thing for certain: The
stock market goes up, and the stock market goes down.
Editorial Style
dashes, em and en
Lowercase this title when standing alone or when following the name. Capitalize only when used before
the name. Examples: The dean of men called a meeting
at 10 a.m. Dr. Kenneth White, dean of admissions,
attended the meeting. At noon, Dean of Women Mary
Frost left abruptly. The dean said that she had a prior
commitment. Also see academic titles.
ellipsis (. . .)
Treat an ellipsis (an abridgement of material) as a
three-letter word, constructed with three ellipsis
points (periods), each separated by a space. Ellipsis
points are used primarily to indicate the deletion of
one or more words in condensing quotes, texts or
documents. They may be used also to indicate a hesitation or pause in speech or to illustrate that a writer
has not completed a thought. Do not use ellipsis
points to indicate emphasis. Use a colon or a dash.
emeritus/emeriti (pl.)
Retired but retaining an honorary title corresponding
to that held immediately before retirement. Example:
professor emeritus
Use Arabic figures to indicate depth, height, length
and width. Do not abbreviate the words inches, feet,
kilometers, years, meters, etc. Do not use an apostrophe and quotation marks for feet and inches, except
in tabular material, sports material or technical writing. Hyphenate adjective forms before noun.
Examples: It rained two inches yesterday in Atlanta, but
Nashville got two feet of snow. The woman is 5 feet 2
inches tall. The 5-foot-2-inch woman bought a new
dress. The 12-by-20-foot carpet fills the room.
honorary doctorates
Do not use the title Dr. before the name of a person
who has received only an honorary (not academically
earned) doctorate. {See Addendum)
Editorial Style
Capitalize letters that serve as names or that indicate
shapes. Examples: T-shirt, I-beam, X-ray, T-square,
vitamin C.
periodicals, titles of
Italicize and set in caps and lowercase the titles of
newspapers, newsletters, journals, magazines and similar periodical publications. Capitalize and italicize such
words as magazine and journal only if part of the formal name. Be sure to use the official name of the publication on first reference. See newspaper names and
titles of compositions, publications, works.
Examples: The Wall Street Journal, Black Enterprise
Capitalize only when used before the name; lowercase
when standing alone or when used following the
name. The titles for the leader of the country or of the
university are no exception. Examples: President John
Majors, president of the university; President Majors;
Morehouse President Massey; President George Bush;
George Bush, president of the United States; the president; President Bush.
state abbreviation
quotation marks
state names
Editorial Style
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
San Antonio
San Diego
San Francisco
student identification
Always list the students full name, major, class and
hometown in first references.
The plural of syllabus.
symposiums, symposia
Symposiums is the preferred spelling of the plural of
symposium. Set the name of the symposium in caps and
lowercase; do not italicize; do not use quotation marks.
telephone numbers
Use figures. The preferred form is to separate area and
number codes (such as 800 and 900 lines) from the
telephone number with a parenthesis. Set off the line
access number (the first three digits) from the telephone number with a hyphen. Set off the extension
number with a comma. When giving only an extension
number, abbreviate and capitalize extension. Examples:
(404) 555-1212, Ext. 6; 1 (800) 555-1212; Ext. 1-3712.
titles of people
Be careful to differentiate between a formal title and
job description or occupational designation. A formal
title is specific to professional activity, organizational
position, scope of authority, academic accomplishment, rank or office. A job/occupational description is
generic. Examples of formal titles: director of publications, vice president for marketing, governor, associate
professor, captain, pope. Examples of job/occupational
descriptions: publications specialist, conference coordinator, marketing expert, teacher, astronaut, movie star,
priest, writer, engineer.
Whether a particular title/description is formal or
occupational may depend on the practice of the governmental or private organization that confers it. Such
terms as editor or coach, for instance, can be either a
generic term or a formal title, depending on the organization. If the status of the title/description isnt clear or
cannot be determined, set off the title/description with
commas after the name.
Abbreviate the following titles when used before a
name outside direct quotations: Dr., Gov., Lt. Gov.,
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Rep., Rev., the Rev., Sen. When these
titles are used in a direct quotation, spell them out,
with the exception of Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.
Editorial Style
trademark, TM
A trademark is a brand or symbol protected by law.
Generally, avoid using trademarks. If used, capitalize the
trademark words and use the superscript TM or the registered symbol in the first reference. Never use a trademark as a verb. Examples: Incorrect Xerox this for me,
please. Correct Photocopy this for me on the XeroxTM
copier, please. According to the US Trademark
Association, trademarks are adjectives that should be followed by a proper noun. As adjectives, trademarks cant
be used in the plural. For example: I own two Cadillacs is
incorrect. Correct: I own two Cadillac automobiles.
Trademarks and trade names are not the same
thing, even though many companies use their names
as trademarks. Trade names are corporate or business
names that, as proper nouns, dont require generic
terms and can be used in the possessive. The two are
differentiated by the use of the symbol TM.
vice president
Do not hyphenate. Capitalize before the name; lowercase then standing alone or when following the name.
Examples: He called Vice President Robert Jones for
advice. The vice president attended the meeting. Mary
Smith, vice president for academic affairs, will address the
Editorial Style
academic and scholarly degrees, abbreviations
The following list includes most of the frequently
used abbreviations. Note: Not all institutions of higher learning use the same abbreviations for the same
degree names. Sometimes, too, abbreviations stand
for different degrees. Also, in todays specialized
world, many schools create very specific degree names
that are not used elsewhere.
A.A., Associate of Arts
A.A.A., Associate of Applied Arts
A.A.S., Associate of Applied Science
A.B., Artium Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Arts)
A.B., Associate of Bible
A.C.I.S.T., Associate in Computer Information
Systems Technology
A.D., Associate Degree
A.D.N., Associate Degree in Nursing
A.Eng., Associate in Engineering
A.Eng.Tech., Associate in Engineering Technology
A.F.A., Associate in Fine Arts
A.F.S., Associate in Fire Science Technology
A.M., Artium Magister (Master of Arts)
A.M.S., Associate in Medical Science
A.S., Associate of Science
A.S. in S.S., Associate of Science in Secretarial Science
A.S.N., Associate of Science in Nursing
B.A., Bachelor of Arts
B.A.A., Bachelor of Applied Arts
B.A.E., Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering
B.A.J., Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
B.B., Bachelor of Bible
B.B.A., Bachelor of Business Administration
B.B.E., Bachelor of Biblical Education
B.C.E., Bachelor of Civil Engineering
B.Cer.E., Bachelor of Ceramic Engineering
B.Ch.E., Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
B.C.I.S.T., Bachelor of Computer Information
Systems Technology
B.C.E., Bachelor of Civil Engineering
B.Com., Bachelor of Commerce
B.C.M., Bachelor of Church Music
B.C.S., Bachelor of Commercial Science
B.Div., Bachelor of Divinity
B.E.E., Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
B.Eng.Tech., Bachelor of Engineering science and
B.F.A., Bachelor of Fine Arts
B.I.E., Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
B.I.S., Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Editorial Style
C.T., Chiropractic Technician
D.A., Doctor of Arts
D.A.S.T., Diploma for Advanced Study in Teaching
D.B., Divinitaris Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Divinity)
D.B.A, Doctor of Business Administration
D.C., Doctor of Chiropractic
D.D., Divinitaris Doctor (Doctor of Divinity)
D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery
D.Min., Doctor of Ministry
D.O., Doctor of Osteopathy
D.P.A., Doctor of Public Administration
D.R.E., Doctor of Religious Education
D.S.T., Doctor of Sacred Theology
D.Th., Doctor of Theology
D.V.M., Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Ed.D., Doctor of Education
Ed.S., Specialist in Education
J.C.D., Junior College Diploma
J.D., Juris Doctor (Doctor of Law)
L.H.D., Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor (Doctor of
Litt.D., Litterarum Doctor (Doctor of Letters)
LL.B., Legum Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Laws)
LL.D., Legum Doctor (Doctor of Laws)
LL.M., Legum Magister (Master of Laws)
M.A., Master of Arts
M.Ac.,Master of Accounting
M.A.Ed., Master of Art Education
M.A.M., Master of Avian Medicine
M.A.N., Master of Arts in Nursing
M.A.R., Master of Arts in Religion
M.Arch., Master of Architecture
M.A.S., Master of Actuarial Science
M.A.T., Master of Arts for Teachers
M.A.T.S., Master of Arts in Theological Studies
M.A.Y.M., Master of Arts in Youth Ministry
M.B.A., Master of Business Administration
M.B.Ed., Master of Business Education
M.B.I.S., Master of Business Information Systems
M.C., Master of Communication
M.C.E., Master of Christian Education
M.C.H., Master of Community Health
M.Chem., Master of Chemistry
M.Co., Master of Communication
M.C.P., Master of City Planning
M.D., Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine)
M.Div., Master of Divinity
M.D.S., Master of Dental Surgery
M.E.E., Master of Electrical Engineering
M.Ed., Master of Education
M.E.S., Master of Experimental Statistics
Editorial Style
M.S.Met., Master of Science in Metallurgy
M.S.Mgt., Master of Science in Management
M.S.N.E., Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
M.S.O.R., Master of Science in Operations Research
M.S.Phys., Master of Science in Physics
M.S.Psy., Master of Science in Psychology
M.S.R.E., Master of Science in Real Estate
M.S.R.E.U.A., Master of Science in Real Estate and
Urban Affairs
M.S.Stat., Master of Science in Statistics
M.S.T., Master of Science for Teachers
M.S.Tex., Master of Science in Textiles
M.S.Tex.Ch., Master of Science in Textile Engineering
M.S.W., Master of Social Work
M.Tax., Master of Taxation
M.V.A., Master of Visual Arts
Pharm.D., Doctor of Pharmacy
Ph.B., Philosophiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of
Ph.D., Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy)
S.B., Bachelor of Science
S.M., Master of Science
S.T.B., Sacrae Theologiac Baccalaureus (Bachelor of
Sacred Theology)
S.T.D., Doctor of Sacred Theology
Th.B., Bachelor of Theology
Th.M., Master of Theology
Editorial Style
Campus Buildings
Editorial Style
Prominent alumni
George W. Haley 49
Plastic Surgeon
Don Clendenon 56 *
Howard F. Jeter 70
Arthur E. Johnson 68
Chester A. Davenport 63
Jeh C. Johnson 79
Abraham Davis 61
Editorial Style
Roderic I. Pettigrew 72
David R. Satcher 63
Walter E. Massey 58
Maceo K. Sloan 71
Louis W. Sullivan 54
Edwin C. Moses 78
Nima A. Warfield 94
Former Member, Atomic Energy Commission; former President, Texas Southern University, first
African American to receive the Ph.D. from Brown