Book of Crystal Sets PDF
Book of Crystal Sets PDF
Book of Crystal Sets PDF
W. J . MAY
General Editor
Receiver No. 1
Receiver No. 2
Receiver No. 3
Receiver No. 4
Receiver No. 5
Receiver No. 6
Receiver No. 7
Receiver No. 8
Receiver No. 9
Receiver No. 10
Receiver No. 11
Receiver No. 12
The Publishers make no apology for reviving interest in the
crystal set For too long the technical press has immersed itself in an
orgy of complex superheterodyne receivers and television equipment,
all of which is necessarily expensive. In the 1920's, crystal set
construction was a fascinating and inexpensive pastime indulged in by
the majority of boys of that day. Today this pleasurable hobby can
be even more attractive, the introduction of the germanium crystal
diode and high performance coils, has opened up new paths which will
capture the interest of boys of all ages. Perhaps most important of all.
not only can a receiver capable of impeccable reproduction be
produced without any technical knowledge; but the cost is no greater
than that of a few visits to the cinema
Before any attempt is made to construct a
receiver, it is necessary to examine the problems
which surround the crystal set, so that the best
can be obtained from any of the
Firstly, it must be understood that the crystal
set as it is today does not provide any amplification. It relies entirely on what is fed into it via
the aerial and earth system and gives a very faithful replica of the original transmission.
From this it will be obvious that the aerial and
earth system must be as efficient as possible if
the final results are to be in any way outstanding.
This because these are the only means by which
the signals are fed to the receiver.
Secondly it is necessary to understand the
nature of the transmitted signal, then it will be
easy to understand the working of the set and to
appreciate the function of each of the components.
When crystal sets first became popular, very
little information was generally available, at
least, not in a form that school-boys could
We all built sets of all shapes and sizes, with
coil designs that had to be seen to be believed.
but very few of us had much idea of how they
I well remember the case of a cousin of mine
who, in those days acquired a magnificent variable capacitor or condenser as it was then called,
this instrument had a most impressively engraved
dial of polished ebonite, brass vanes and nickel
plated end plates. Having observed similar dials
on several highly priced commercial receivers in
the town, he at once ripped out the somewhat
tattered coil from the family receiver and replaced
it with this device. The profound silence which
ensued caused considerable amazement and dismay until a better informed adult explained the
mysteries of L and C to him. Readers of this
manual, however, will be better informed and
there is no risk of failure with any of the designs
described provided the instructions are carefully
The Signal
To commence, we will assume that an orchestra
If you examine the following circuits you will
find that each one is different In most cases the
difference lies in the coil design and/or the
method by which the crystal and aerial is tapped
into it. Each of these circuits has its own particular advantage to suit different conditions and
the ideal circuit in some localities is not necessarily the best in others. It is not just a matter
of a given circuit giving louder results than another, if it were there would be no point in
showing more than one.
The main problem is to obtain adequate
selectivity without reducing the volume level.
A receiver is said to be selective when it tunes
sharply, a set with poor selectivity allows the
stations to spread over the dial and when used
near a transmitter will receive the local stations
mixed together, which of course is useless.
Consider Fig. 16a, this is a very simple receiver,
with no special attempt to provide any great
amount of selectivity.
In areas where signal
Fig. 17a circuit is similar in many respects to
that of Fig. 16a. The difference is purely one
of selectivity, tuning will certainly be sharper, and
even with comparatively inefficient aerials the design will put up a very good performance. There
is no reason why the construction should not follow the same lines as the previous receiver but, by
enlarging the set a little and using an air spaced
tuning capacitor, the efficiency is improved.
Observe that the colour coding on the coil, an
R.E.P. Dual Range (Blue Box) is different from
that of the Crystal set coil used on the previous
design, and make sure it is correctly wired in.
Cl is a mica compression capacitor, often referred to as a " trimmer " and because it is adjustable, permits the set to be matched to aerials
of varying lengths. Construction is carried out
on a square panel of bakelite, perspex or wood,
as shown in Fig. 17b. Perspex being clear like
glass presents a most attractive finish, provided
the set is neatly wired. It must be drilled slowly,
however, otherwise the generated heat of the drill
will make the hole wander, and spoil the panel.
After the set has been wired and tested a small
wooden container can be made to house the completed set
When carrying out reception tests, a little experiment is well worth while, to get the best out
of the set. Try removing the germanium crystal
The design shown in Fig. 18a and 18b is more
flexible than either of the preceding sets. That
is, it can be varied to suit local conditions to a
greater extent than the first two sets. This is made
possible by the large number of taps provided
on the coil.
You will notice that in this instance the coil
is home-constructed on a cardboard former and
is much larger than commercially produced
coils. Coils wound in this manner are called
solenoids, the turns are wound on side by side;
in this case to a depth of some three inches. The
diameter of the coil is made purposely large so
as to obtain high efficiency. Modern commercial
coils are invariably wave-wound and quite often
are Litzendraht which is the German for litz wire.
When testing out, it will be found that the further the aerial is tapped down tbe coil towards
the earth end, the greater the selectivity. A position should be found which permits separation
of local stations without excessive loss of sensitivity.
The crystal tap is adjusted for best results and
different settings of Cl tried out, when choosing
tho best position for the aerial tap.
A most unusual design is reproduced in Fig.
It first appeared in America about three years
ago, and it certainly does offer some advantage
over more conventional sets. The tuning circuits
are duplicated and two crystals are used, so the
circuit may be described as a full-wave receiver.
Signals received will certainly be louder than
with simple sets, but care must be taken with the
coil winding, as with the other receivers using
home-made coils, otherwise results will be disappointing. Be very careful to ensure that all
three windings are in the same direction, this is
very important.
The distance between each winding should be
1/8". After the coil has been wound you might
plan to warm it before a fire and paint the windings with ** Durafix." Heating the coils makes
the " Durafix" run freely- This substance sets
quite hard and there will be no risk of the windings loosening. A small quantity of enamelled
wire will cover the requirements of this coil, a
2 oz. reel will provide more than sufficient.
Before wiring in the germanium crystals, examine them carefully, note that one end is
coloured red or in some cases marked with a
positive sign thus +. You will notice, the sign
is the same as the addition symbol used in
It is essential that both the red or positive ends
are connected together, note that this is clearly
marked on Fig. 19b. The receiver cannot work if
Whenever crystal sets are discussed, constructors are apt to think in terms of medium-wave
reception. When you consider that at least 98%
of published circuits are designed for this band
(sometimes with the long-wave band thrown in as
an afterthought) it is understandable. However,
it you can provide a good outdoor aerial (and
an equally good earth) there is a lot of fun to
be had listening to the short-wave bands. This
receiver is designed specially for short-wave reception.
A metal chassis is used for construction, these
can be obtained ready made in aluminium from
most good supply houses. It can be quite small
and on the original model a 6" x 4" was used.
Low loss components are used so as to obtain
greatest efficiency on the short wave bands. The
coil is a commercial product which plugs into a
4-pm base. Best results were obtained on the
3mc/s to 7mc/s band though coils covering other
bands are available.
Note that the tuning capacitor Cl is smaller
than normally used and has a maximum capacitance of 140pF.
Coil type 706/R covers the 3mc/s to 7mc/s
band, but the set is equally satisfactory on the
M.W. band, and to cover this coil type 706P
should be used. This coil has an iron dustcore
which can be adjusted to make the coil cover
the required band. The effect of the core is as if
turns were being added or removed from an or-
Fig. 21a-b is yet another design from America
and appeared in Radio Craft some years ago,
designed by Mr. W. J. Spain. The original used
a silicon crystal which preceded the development
of the germanium.
Results are certainly very
food though of course on the model built here.
A very useful receiver for both medium and
long-wave reception is possible with the circuit of
Fig. 22a-b. A home-made coil is used. On the
original a 1-1/4" diameter former was used but in
fact this is not very critical and a 1-1/2" former
could be used. An interesting point is the construction of the long-wave coil section. Solenoid
coils as used for the medium wave-band are not
efficient if the length is too great relative to the
diameter. Now as the long-wave section has 300
turns, if wound as a solenoid the winding length
would be very great and a lot of efficiency would
be lost. To overcome the difficulty the coil is
pile wound. If the whole coil were to be wound
If you look at all the other circuits shown in
this book you will find that in each case the
tuning capacitor and tuning coil are in parallel,
this is by no means essential and the circuit of
Fig. 23a shows a series arrangement that is the
tuning capacitor is between the coil and earth
instead of being wired up across it This design
So as to give a truly varied selection of circuits,
some of the sets have been designed around commercial coils whilst others use coils which must
be home-constructed.
In certain cases, signals from the local transmitter are too powerful to permit a crystal set
with a normal coil to be of much use. I myself
live in Hertfordshire a few miles from the London transmitters, and find a more elaborate circuit is necessary. Now in radio circles it is a
well-known fact that the greater the number of
tuned circuits, the greater the overall selectivity.
Look at Fig. 25a, you will see that the usual L
and C tuning arrangements have beea duplicated.
This type of circuit is known as a Band-Pass
Filter. There are many kinds of such filters, this
particular type is an inductively-coupled filter,
lotc that '-nergy from the first half (L2) is con-
and that volume has suffered. This can be ingeniously overcome by connecting a very small
capacitance between l i e two Green tags on the
coils. The simplest way is to connect it across
the fixed vane connections on C2-C3. Values for
this extra capacitance are a matter for experiment
usually a value between l0pF and 47pF is sufficient. A small 50pF trimmer could be used and
adjusted to suit. The ideal setting is to enable
powerful adjacent stations to be received just
short of overlap so that as much volume as possible is obtained.
There is one point to be observed with the
ganged capacitor. It should be of the type fitted
with trimmers though of course, there is no reason why you should not fit them yourself. These
are to allow for differences between coils to be
balanced out, and consist of a small variable
capacitance across each main section.
Another band-pass circuit is shown in Fig. 26a.
This time home-made coils are used. This filter
is not inductively coupled but entirely capacitive,
relying on C3. As in the previous circuit it must
be adjusted to give just sufficient " broadness " to
the tuning to provide adequate volume without
station overlap. To avoid unwanted coupling a
screen is mounted between the coils, this is necessary because due to the size of the coils they
would be bound to couple quite tightly without
it. Such precautions were not necessary with the
circuit of Fig. 25a, as the commercial coils are
much smaller physically and the risk of unwanted coupling reduced.
The coils for this receiver are for medium wave
reception only, this keeps the size down. Coil
winding procedure has already been fully explained, and covers all the requirements of these
coils. Base-board and panel construction is used,
and for more accurate tuning since the coils are
home-made, separate tuning capacitors are re-
Fig. 27a-b uses a band-pass filter for
tuning, and the coils are home-constructed.
With this design a ganged capacitor is quite
suitable as the coils tune quite accurately. It is
essential that the coupling condenser C3 is noninductive, there will be no difficulty in obtaining
a new component of this pattern but it is as well
to avoid old components which may not employ
this form of construction.
The twelve receivers described are represents
tive of the best crystal set designs available to-day.
Their construction will provide many hours of
useful enjoyment, and the results wilt give lasting
A final word about components, if no actual
maker is specified, any good class component can
be used. Switches, fixed and variable capacitors
and crystals, are available from numerous manufacturers all of which are invariably of excellent
quality. Where a particular manufacturer's product is called for, the specification should be
adhered to. The commercial coils specified are
freely available from most supply bouses specialising in components for constructors, but in case
of difficulty write to Bernards (Publishers) Ltd.,
The Grampians, Western Gate, London, W.6, who
will, on receipt of a S.A.E. be pleased to supply
the address of your nearest stockist. Coil formers
are not always easy to obtain and in this case
advice should be sought from Post Radio
Supplies, 395, Queensbridge Road. London, E.8,
who will be pleased to help in any way possible.