Why People Should Be Against Homosexual Parenting: Daniela Ardila Greiff

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Daniela Ardila Greiff


Why people should be against homosexual parenting

Homosexual marriage is a theme that now is in everyones mouth, and that must
be treated kindly and with respect for the opinion someone else may have, without
considering if it is against or in favor. Tolerance is a really important thing
nowadays, and a value everyone must always have in all aspects of life. Tolerance
is important, because currently the society is changing the way of thinking, today is
seen a plenty of homosexuals showing their true colors, asking for permission to
marry other person of the same sex and for the right of adopting a child.
Homosexual couples should not be able to get the right of adopting a child, for the
following reasons, first, the environments the child may be involved in, second,
what they may see like a normal thing, and last but not least, for the right they may
lose when they are raced by LGBTI (Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual, Transsexual,
Intersexual), these would be explained in the following paragraphs.
Dawn Stefanowicz is a Canadian girl who wrote a letter to the United States,
before they approved the homosexual marriage in all the states 1; she is talking
about the homosexual parenting, because the step after approving marriage is
approving parenting, this girl is against homosexual marriage, as she had to live
awful things that a child should not live, for example being exposed to sexual
transmission diseases for the numerous partners her dad had and the sexual
abuse. This can tell us that homosexual couples are not as stable as heterosexual
ones. Furthermore, she states that with all the experiences she saw her dad was
being part of, while she was growing up, she did not learned the respect for
morality, authority or the parenthood love. Since she was a little girl, she was
exposed to a lot of parties involving drugs, alcohol, lesbianism, exhibitionism,
bisexuality and more. Although, there is a lot of people which states that
homosexual adoption will give more tolerance to the world, it has a little part of
truth, because when a person sees something with more frequency it becomes
normal, but it is not a normal thing, for a clear reason men are not able to have a
baby with a man and the same thing with girls.
In the letter, Dawn Stefanowicz is not generalizing what may happen to other
adopted children by homosexuals parents, but she has a lot of cases where she is
giving support to a lot of kids that are going through the same awful situation that
she lived2. A lot of people think homosexual adoption is a suitable solution for those
kids with no home. Because they are going to live in a house in decent conditions,
and they may be with someone who is going to take care of the kid, but this is a
1 Eluniversal.com
2 http://www.dawnstefanowicz.org

short-term solution, because in the long-term they could be involved in situations

where they could develop insecurity, depression, fear, anxiety and sexual
In addition, when a gay couple adopts a child, the kid loses the seventh right from
the Universal Declaration of Rights of the Child, which states, The superior
interest of a child must be guiding the principal of whom has the responsibility of
their education and orientation. A two-year-old kid ignores if he or she is a boy or a
girl. This identity is learned from the people that are around the kid, for this reason
they have the right to be raced in a family composed by a woman and a man;
where the kid can learn things of the dad and the mom, and then decide what the
child wants for his life, it is common sense that if a child grows up in a family of a
couple with both of them of the same sex, the child is not going to act like a normal
person, since the child is going to think that being gay is a normal thing and
continue in the line of his or her parents, or the kid will be unbalanced with his or
her demeanor.
To conclude, homosexual parenting is not a worthy thing for children and therefore
for the society in a future, and it is awful the environments the child is likely to be
in. The reflection of this essay is why people invests so significantly amount of
money in campaigns for accepting homosexuals to the point of making it a trend,
instead of supporting protests against general inequality, racism, poverty, abuse of
women and more important things.

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