Erick Debate

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Good morning, Ms Anu and my fellow friends.

Today my team and I will be

debating on a topic entitled gay couples should never be allowed to adopt
Please allow me to introduce my team.
My name is Erick Ser Jar Jin and I will be introducing the topic for debate and
concluding the debate.
Yuki Chia Ga Kei will be presenting Argument 1
Lim Poh Yee will be presenting Argument 2
Tan Kai Ren will be presenting Argument 3
And lastly
Tan Guan Ming will be presenting the refuting argument.

Same-sex relationships are the relationship between two men or between two
women as the phrase “gay and lesbian” becomes more common. The term
same-sex relationship is not strictly related to the sexual orientation of the
participants. As people of any orientation may participate in gay relationships,
some activists argue that referring to a same-sex relationship as a “gay
relationship” or a “lesbian relationship is a form of bisexual erasure. Gay or
lesbian means that an individual who is romantic, emotional, and sexually
attracted to the same gender, among them, some gay and lesbian are caused by
congenital factors. Gay couples cannot bear themselves a child, some of them
are desired to have their own child; They will be going to make an adoption.
Adoption is a legal way of providing a permanent family for children who can
no longer be brought up by their own parents, unlike guardianship or other
systems designed for the care of the young, adoption is intended to affect a
permeant change in status and as such requires societal recognition, either
through legal or religious sanction. But many people are disagreeing about the
adoption of a gay couple for many reasons. However, the gay couple should be
allowed to adopt children for three reasons.
Next, I will pass it to Yuki Chia Ga Kei to present argument 1.
Firstly, the right to adopt children should not be limited to gender,
provided that they have the ability to give children a great growth environment.
Whether a family is suitable for raising children depends mainly on whether the
family can provide a pleasant and healthy environment for the children, not on
the gender of the adopter. On the other hand, compared with family structure,
family education and living environment have a greater impact on children.
Everyone has great differences in education methods and it depends on the way
of expression, not gender.  But the educational background, economic status,
and psychology of both parties are more important indicators for adopters to
meet adoption requirements.  If gay couples have a good educational
background, stable economic conditions, and are willing to care for abandoned
children,  it is not appropriate to oppose them to adopting children. American
Psychological Association, APA said that there is no evidence that children
adopted by gay families have anti-social prejudice. There is no scientific basis
to show that the sexual orientation of homosexuals means whether they are
competent parents. However, according to the results of the study, whether
homosexual or heterosexual, they can also give their children a supportive and
healthy environment.Over the past 25 years, cumulative studies have shown that
parents’ sexual orientation has nothing to do with their children’s emotional,
psychological, and behavioral adjustments under any measurement. At the same
time, the American Medical Association,AMA believes that there is no
evidence that gay families ignore the health of their children. These studies
show that gay couples’ sexual orientation does not negatively affect children.
Otherwise, Community Marketing Inc. is a San Francisco-based marketing
company that focuses on providing information about consumers in the LGBT
community. The company pointed out that gay couples  groups account for 5%-
10% of the global consumer market. In the gay couples market industry report
released by Euro Monitor International, a British research institution, the annual
gay couples consumption in mainland China is estimated to be 300 billion US
dollars, while the gay couples consumption in Europe is 870 billion US dollars
and the gay couples consumption in the United States is 750 billion US dollars.
Therefore, this data confirms that gay couples has sufficient financial capacity
to give children a good living environment. Therefore, we should allow gay
couples to adopt children.

Next, I will pass it to Lim Poh Yess to present argument 2.

Secondly, adoption by gay couples can reduce the number of orphans.
There are so many children in foster homes waiting and hoping for a chance to
be loved and welcomed by a family. However, only a few lucky ones can be
successfully adopted. When gay couples are allowed to legally adopt the
children, they will be saved from the agony of living in foster homes which is
very unhealthy for their development because they do not have enough love
from family. The children will have been given a chance to grow up in a stable
home. At the same time, this means that the foster homes do not only rely on
ordinary families or singles to reduce the number of orphans. Furthermore, gay
couples have no fertility, so they will cherish having their own children and
decide to adopt the children. As an example, according to Williams Institute,
there are 2 million gay couple population wants to adopt, which means that at
least 1 million couples who conveniently arranged marriage to each other were
willing to adopt children. This, in turn, will mean that 1.5 million kids will find
a home, eliminating all orphans in the United State. In this case, the shortage of
adoptive parent problems can be overcome when gay couples adopt children.
Besides that, gay couples can also be responsible parents to raise these children.
They can provide the children a lovely home rather than leave them in the foster
home. There is also an October 2011 report by Evan B. Donaldson Adoption
Institute that found that the gay and lesbian adoptions are more than 300
agencies. 10 percent of the kids were older than 6 years old and it is a very
difficult age to adopt out. Sixty percent of gay couples adopted children across
races, which is important given that minority children in the foster system tend
to linger.  Adoption by gay couples can give a big impact on the reduction of
orphans in foster homes. Therefore, gay couples should be allowed to adopt

Next, I will pass it to Tan Kai Ren to present argument 3.

Thrid, children who grow up in gay couples families are more
sympathetic to differences and more likely to believe in equality for all.
In this era, many people oppose gay couples because of lack of
knowledge and traditional ideas. Gay couples need a lot of courage to face
many difficulties before and after confirming their lover's relationship.
Therefore, they will be more open-minded, understand others, stick to their own
ideas, face difficulties, and have the spirit to face everything objectively. And
parents are role models for children. If children grow up in a gay family
environment, they will learn these good behaviors and become excellent people.
Gay couples are unable to give birth to their own children due to physical
factors, so they will cherish the adopted children more and give them
everything. Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University in
Massachusetts who researches gay and lesbian parenting had said, “Gay parents
tend to be more motivated, more committed because they chose to be parents.”,
Goldberg said. "That translates to greater commitment on average and more
involvement." Kids who grow from same-sex families have the advantage of
open-mindedness, tolerance, and role models for equitable relationships,
according to research. In the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Goldberg
conducted in-depth interviews with 46 adults with at least one gay parent.
Twenty-eight of them spontaneously offered that they felt more open-minded
and empathetic than people not raised in their situation. Goldberg said,” These
individuals feel like their perspectives on family, on gender, on sexuality have
largely been enhanced by growing up with gay parents. Children who grow up
in same-sex households are more sympathetic to differences and more likely to
believe in equality for all. One 33-year-old man with a lesbian mother told
Goldberg, "I feel I'm a more open, well-rounded person for having been raised
in a non-traditional family, and I think those that know me would agree. My
mom opened me up to the positive impact of differences in people." In
conclusion, children can grow decently in gay families and carry out more
advantages. Thus, gay couples should be allowed to adopt children.
Next, I will pass it to Too Zhi Ren to present opposing argument.
Guanming : Next, I will pass it to Erick Ser Jar Jin to present the

In conclusion, gay couples should be allowed to adopt children. This is

because the right to adopt children should not be limited to gender, provided
that they have the ability to give children a great growth environment , adoption
by gay couples can reduce the number of orphans and children who grow up in
gay couples families are more sympathetic to differences and more likely to
believe in equality for all.

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