A Human-Exoskeleton Interface Utilizing Electromyography: Christian Fleischer and G Unter Hommel
A Human-Exoskeleton Interface Utilizing Electromyography: Christian Fleischer and G Unter Hommel
A Human-Exoskeleton Interface Utilizing Electromyography: Christian Fleischer and G Unter Hommel
A HumanExoskeleton Interface
Utilizing Electromyography
Christian Fleischer and Gunter Hommel
ESEARCH on exoskeletons is not a new topic to the scientific community. Already in the 1970s, the group around
Vukobratovic [1] investigated possible constructions and control strategies for disabled people. Since then, numerous groups
have experimented with exoskeletons, motivated by the large
number of potential applications: the Berkeley lower extremity
exoskeleton (BLEEX), for example, is a military exoskeleton to
aid soldiers carrying heavy loads [2], and the hybrid assistive
leg is an actuated body suit for both legs [3], in the latest version
extended for both arms. It is designed to support elderly people and as a device for rehabilitation. The powered lower limb
orthosis described in [4] is developed to assist during motor re-
Manuscript received October 12, 2007; revised February 5, 2008. This paper
was recommended for publication by Associate Editor K. Yamane and Editor
H. Arai upon evaluation of the reviewers comments.
The authors are with the Institute for Computer Engineering and Microelectronics, Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin 10587, Germany (e-mail:
fleischer@cs.tu-berlin.de; hommel@cs.tu-berlin.de).
This paper has supplementary downloadable multimedia material available
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. provided by the author. This material includes
one video (TUPLEE-Video.mpg) demonstrating the TUPLEE-exoskeleton with
force support. The operator is sitting on a chair, getting up, walking a few steps,
climbs a small stair, turns on the platform of the stair, walks downstairs and
back to the chair where he sits down (all in a laboratory). After that, walking
in a staircase in an indoor environment is shown. In the laboratory setup, data
curves of the knee angle, the estimated contribution of the operator, and the
torque produced by the actuation are shown online. The video requires a video
player capable of playing standard MPEG2-files. The size is 70 MB. Contact
fleischer@cs.tu-berlin.de for further questions about this work.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TRO.2008.926860
for electromyography.
Fig. 1. Control structure of the system. The body model computes the joint
torque the operators muscles are producing by evaluation of the EMG signals.
This torque is multiplied by a support ratio and passed to the torque control loop
that controls the actuator to produce the desired torque.
lm = l
where lm is the current muscle fiber length and lom the length
at which the muscle can produce maximum force. fA (lm ) describes the ability of the muscle to produce force under different
muscle fiber lengths [31].
The passive force is calculated as a product of the maximum
isometric force Fom , and the normalized passive forcelength
curve fP , as given in [32] by
FPm = fP (lm )Fom
lm = l .
eA u R 1
a(u) =
eA 1
where u is the postprocessed EMG value, R an expected
maximum2 (average of maxima of all trials during calibration)
of the signal u, and A a nonlinear shape factor defining the
curvature of the function with A < 0. For A 0, the function
approximates a linear relationship.
The raw EMG signal is postprocessed with dc offset elimination, full-wave rectification, subtraction of the measured offset
when the muscle is relaxed, and low-pass filtering with a secondorder Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency of 1.6 Hz3 , resulting in a phase delay of about 130 ms for common activation
patterns. Cross-talk effects have not been considered, because
the muscles of the thigh are large and neighboring muscles have
a similar task.
The moment arms of the ith muscle around the joint ri are
approximated constant values derived from applying the tendon displacement method described in [36] to lim t . The torque
contribution Ti of muscle i is calculated by
Ti = ri Fim t
Fig. 3. Concept of the calibration. The joint torque T R is distributed among all
muscles allowing independent calibration using the relationship between EMG
values and the torque contribution of the muscle (indicated by the dots).
B. Calibration Concept
Ti .
A. Calibration Setup
ri cos i
Ti = TR
i wi
lm = l
Fig. 5. Muscle activation derived from the reference values plotted against
corresponding EMG values for different knee angles without optimization of
the tendon slack length scale (left). The geometry calibration has minimized the
standard deviation in vertical direction, and the EMG calibration has computed
the continuous calibrated function (right).
Fig. 6. The exoskeleton used for the experiments. The mini-PC and the power
supply are not shown here.
k =0
where a
v is the average of all ak ,v for a particular v and K is the
number of trials. The scale st now has to be optimized in such
a way that the average of the standard deviations for all EMG
values is minimized:
(st ) =
1 V
k =0 v =0
v (st ) min
v =0
where V is the number of elements in the tables. The minimization has been performed through subspace search with a
fixed step size of 0.01 for st within an interval of [0.85,1.25].
Refer to Fig. 5 and Section VI-A for examples of the geometry
calibration. The left diagram in this figure can be interpreted as
a visualization of all tables of a single muscle: the horizontal
axis shows the mapping from the postprocessed EMG signal
to an entry (points where values can be found), whereas every
discrete curve represents a trial and points correspond to the
ak ,v computed for the individual entries. Equation (15) can be
interpreted as the standard deviation of all points lying on a
vertical line above a certain activation.
As long as Fom is not known from prior calibration iterations,
the term for fP in (14) has to be omitted, and Fom is substituted
by a constant value greater than zero.
E. EMG-to-Force Calibration
The parameters A and Fom are determined by a twodimensional curve-fitting algorithm as shown in Fig. 5 (right)
to obtain a closed form of the activation function as of (1). The
Fig. 7. Attachment of electrodes to the soft tissue of the orthosis for the RF,
VM, VL, SM, ST, and BF (left). Approximate sensor placement (right).
A. Actuation
The actuator consists of a ball screw driven by a 90 W Maxon
RE35 dc motor, and creates a maximum force of 1700 N and
a maximum linear velocity (without load) of 100 mm/s. The
force produced by the actuator is measured by a GS XFTC300
force sensor integrated into the tip of the actuator, and a Philips
KMZ41 Hall sensor, mounted on the knee joint, measures the
current joint angle.
B. EMG Sensors
Six Delsys 2.3 differential surface electrodes are integrated
in soft tissue of the thigh brace (refer to Figs. 6 and 7) and measure the muscle activations of three extensor muscles: the rectus
femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and
three flexor muscles: the semimembranosus (SM), semitendinosus (ST), and the biceps femoris (BF). The correct electrode
placement is very important (recommendations can be found
in [38], illustrated in Fig. 7, right), but has to be determined
only once for the operator. Since the electrodes are attached to
the exoskeleton and the position of the thigh brace is held fixed
by the axes of the knee and ankle joints, the electrodes are automatically placed at the same position on the skin whenever it is
donned. The electrodes are connected to a reference electrode
to minimize interferences from outside and have an inbuilt amplifier with a gain of 1000 V/V and a bandpass filter from 20 to
450 Hz.
C. Data Processing Unit and Safety
All sensors are digitized with converter circuits and connected
to a mini-PC with a Pentium-M 1.7 GHz via serial peripheral
interface (SPI) bus. Signals from all sensors are sampled with
1 kHz, downsampled and evaluated with 100 Hz. The low-level
torque control loop runs at a frequency of 1 kHz. A hardware
watchdog monitors the heartbeat of the computer and switches
to a hardware P-controller in case of failure. The P-controller
controls the actuator to not create force at the force sensor (to
avoid blocking a rescue movement). The weight of the exoskeleton without PC and power supply is approximately 5 kg.
All experiments have been performed with a single subject
(male, 32 years, 1.88 m, 82 kg). The subject was the author
where ai (ui ) is the activation function of muscle i with the corresponding parameters. The second version includes the musculotendinous model, using the unmodified tendon slack lengths
from literature (sti = 1.0 for all muscles). The third version
includes the model without the passive force and without the
pennation angle. The fourth version only neglects the pennation angle, and the fifth version uses the complete model from
Section III. Table I shows the minimum averaged standard deviations as of (16) (dimensionless) for the different versions of
the biomechanical model.
2) Discussion: It can be seen that the complete model can
reduce the values by more than 50% compared to the absence
the uncalibrated model, and the right column shows the complete
calibrated model for the RF (top row), VM (middle row), and
BF (bottom row). Obviously, the consistency is improved very
much, since in the right column, the curves have a very low
divergence. This is especially notable for the extensor muscles
and the trials where the leg is slightly flexed (trials labeled E3
and E4). A similar effect can be seen for the biceps femoris,
especially for trial F0 where the fibers are very short: without
the geometry model, muscle forces would be overestimated.
It can be concluded that it is important to include the geometry
model and to perform a proper parameter calibration.
B. Geometry Consistency Across Different Sessions
It has to be investigated if the calibrated geometry parameters
are indeed consistent across different sessions and independent
of the variable physical condition of the subject.
1) Procedure: To prove this, five experiments as described
in Section VI-A have been performed with at least four days
in-between. Results from these sessions, named S1 to S5, are
summarized in Table II. It shows the scale of each muscle for
every session, together with the average of the scales sti , and the
standard deviation of the scales s ti .
2) Discussion: It can be seen that the scales have a very low
deviation across the sessions. This further increases the trust in
the model. Similar results have been shown in [27].
of the model. This is especially important for the extensor muscles, since they are producing large forces during the considered
movements, and bad estimations result in a system behavior that
is hard to predict for the operator. The results also show that
inclusion of the musculotendinous model without a proper calibration can produce results far worse than without the model at
all. This is due to the strong effect of the forcelength relationship on the force output, and the sensitivity of the model to the
tendon slack length and the associated scale.
The improvement of the calibrated model compared to not
using the model can best be viewed with the muscle force plotted
over the postprocessed EMG signal, as shown in Fig. 8. The
left column shows the EMG-to-force relationship without the
musculotendinous model, the middle column shows results with
C. Sit-to-Stand Movement
This experiment is performed similar to the everyday movement of getting up from a chair, except that some additional
constraints have been applied to make the results more comparable. It is also used to determine a feasible low-pass frequency
for the EMG signal postprocessing.
1) Procedure: The movement was started in an upright sitting position. Getting up was performed without the arms holding onto something. Both feet were placed side by side and
the legs were parallel during the whole movement. The same
weight was put on both feet to minimize the influence of varying ground reaction forces. The movement was performed as
naturally as possible and as similar as possible to reduce the
effect of different postures on the required muscle activations.
Fig. 10. Stair climbing experiment with different support ratios. It can be seen
that the operator can reduce his torque contribution with increased support from
the exoskeleton. Refer to the text for details on the interpretation.
and the operator is leaning forward to bring his weight over the
leading foot. The extensor muscles start to contract to push the
subject up the stair. The unsupported leg is raised and put onto
the second step (at t 6.0 s). The weight is moved over this
foot and the movement is repeated. The fifth step begins with a
flexion at t 9.5 s to raise the leg and to bring down the foot
onto the platform beside the other at t > 10.5 s.
2) Discussion: As can be seen, the support the exoskeleton
contributes to the movement gradually increases with the support ratio. For lower ratios, this support can be integrated into the
movement, and the muscle activity is reduced. Unfortunately,
for a ratio of 1.0, this support cannot be utilized comfortably.
The joint angle trajectories show many bumps, for example, at
t 3.0 s and t 7.5 s in the bottom diagram. These bumps
are a result of small muscle activities that can also be seen in
the other diagrams, but are amplified here. In these phases, the
supported leg has no floor contact and small variations in the
torques lead to large accelerations. The same variations have
less effect during phases with floor contact.
Small and short muscle activity seems to be hard to adapt
spontaneously to external influences, like the support of the
exoskeleton. Amplification of these stereotyped patterns results
in undesired effects. During push-up phase, this support could
be integrated more easily into the movement, and the muscle
activity could be reduced. It seems as if the locomotor system
is used to modulating the muscle activity during the push-up
phase because of different loads a human carries everyday. The
phase in which the leg is freely moved without external contact
rarely needs to be adapted.
E. Movement Combination
The last experiment shows the smooth transitions between
movements and the flexibility of the control algorithm.
1) Procedure: The support ratio was set to 0.5. It begins with
the subject sitting on a chair. He: 1) stands up; 2) walks three
steps with each foot; 3) climbs four steps of a stair; 4) turns
on the platform; 5) descends the stair; 6) walks three steps; 7)
turns; and 8) sits down (refer to Fig. 11).
2) Discussion: As can be seen, the transitions between the
movements appear smoothly, and significant support is contributed during the movements that require large muscle forces:
sit-to-stand, climbing the stairs up and down, and stand-to-sit
movements. In-between, the walking can be performed in a
quite normal fashion, but without the exoskeleton providing a
significant amount of torque.
We have recorded a video showing combined movements
together with output from the control system. This is available
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
System behavior: The experiments presented earlier clearly
show the advantages of the simple control scheme coupled to
the biomechanical model as well as the limitations of this approach. Able-bodied users can take advantage of the flexible
support and are not limited to certain trajectories or movement
patterns. Since the human is inside the control loop, he or she can
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Hommel received the Diploma degree
in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in
computer science from the Technische Universitat
(TU) Berlin, Berlin, Germany, in 1970 and 1978,
He joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
TU Berlin, where he later joined the Faculty of Computer Science. In 1978, he joined the Nuclear Research Center, Karlsruhe, where he was engaged in
the field of real-time systems. During 1980, he was
the Head of a research group in Software Engineering, German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD),
Bonn. In 1982, he was appointed as a Professor in the Department of Computer
Science, TU Munich, where he was engaged in the fields of real-time programming and robotics. Since 1984, he has been a Professor in the Department of
Computer Engineering, TU Berlin, where he heads the Real-Time Systems and
Robotics Group. In 2004, he was appointed as an Advisory Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Prof. Hommel received an Honorary Doctorate (Dr. h.c.) from Moscow State
University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science in 2002. In 2005,
he was nominated as the Director of the TU BerlinShanghai Jiao Tong University Research Laboratories for Information and Communication Technology,