5.multichannel FES Based On EMG 2023
5.multichannel FES Based On EMG 2023
5.multichannel FES Based On EMG 2023
31, 2023
Abstract— Functional electrical stimulation (FES) can be Index Terms— BILSTM, EMG prediction, functional
used to stimulate the lower-limb muscles to provide walk- electrical stimulation, gait rehabilitation.
ing assistance to stroke patients. However, the existing
surface electromyography (sEMG)-based FES control meth-
ods mostly only consider a single muscle with a fixed I. I NTRODUCTION
stimulation intensity and frequency. This study proposes
TROKE has become the second leading cause of death
a multi-channel FES gait rehabilitation assistance system
based on adaptive myoelectric modulation. The proposed
system collects sEMG of the vastus lateralis muscle on
S globally. It affects roughly 13.7 million people and kills
around 5.5 million annually [1]. Therefore, how to accel-
the non-affected side to predict the sEMG values of four erate recovery from stroke and restore walking ability has
targeted lower-limb muscles on the affected side using
a bidirectional long short-term memory (BILSTM) model. become a research focus in stroke treatment [2]. Many stroke
Next, the proposed system modulates the real-time FES patients suffer from foot pronation, foot drop, and lower
output frequency for four targeted muscles based on the limb spasm due to the reduced lower-limb muscle strength,
predicted sEMG values to provide muscle force compensa- and asymmetrical gaits can often be observed when they
tion. Fifteen healthy subjects were recruited to participate
are walking [39]. Therefore, improving asymmetrical gaits is
in an offline model-building experiment conducted to eval-
uate the feasibility of the proposed BILSTM model in a major focus of rehabilitation and patients’ top goal [36].
predicting the sEMG values. The experimental results Functional electrical stimulation (FES) has been widely used
showed that the R2 value of the best-obtained prediction to support walking and rehabilitation. The main principle of
result reached 0.85 using the BILSTM model, which was this walking-assistance stimulation is that muscles contract
significantly higher than that using traditional prediction and relax rapidly when subjected to electrical stimulation, thus
methods. Moreover, two patients after stroke were recruited
in the online assisted-walking experiment to verify the producing muscle contraction. The main function of electrical
effectiveness of the proposed walking-assistance system. stimulation is to complete the movement of limbs through
The experimental results showed that the activation of the muscle contraction [35]. The FES has been mostly used to
target muscles of the patients was higher after FES, and support rehabilitation after stroke [3], [4]. The muscle con-
the gait movement data were significantly different before
traction induced by the FES can trigger movement awareness
and after FES. The proposed system can be effectively
applied to walking assistance for stroke patients, and the and promote muscle recovery [5], [6].
experimental results can provide new ideas and methods In addition to the application in the rehabilitation pro-
for sEMG-controlled FES rehabilitation applications. cess, FES has been used to correct the hemiparetic gait
and assisted patients walking in real time. Stein et al. [7]
Manuscript received 29 December 2022; revised 9 June 2023
and 31 August 2023; accepted 6 September 2023. Date of publication proposed the WalkAide (WA) footdrop stimulator that uses
11 September 2023; date of current version 18 September 2023. This the FES to treat foot drop and achieved good efficacy and
work was supported in part by the Key Research and Development acceptance. By detecting and performing the FES according
Program of Zhejiang Province under Grant 2022C03148, in part by
the National Social Science Fund of China under Grant 22CTQ016, to a patient’s gait, the patient’s foot drop gait was mitigated.
and in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Watanabe et al. [8] used the FES to help hemiplegic indi-
Grant 72304249. (Corresponding author: Zhichuan Tang.) viduals strengthen voluntary muscle movement during gait
This work involved human subjects or animals in its research. Approval
of all ethical and experimental procedures and protocols was granted by rehabilitation. In most of the aforementioned studies, only a
the Ethics Committee of the Zhejiang University of Technology. single muscle was electrically stimulated. However, patients
Chunfu Lu, Ruite Ge, Xiaoyun Fu, Lekai Zhang, Keshuai Yang, and with gait problems often have difficulties with more than
Xuan Xu are with the Industrial Design Institute, Zhejiang University of
Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China. one muscle [37]. Namely, human gait is maintained by the
Zhichuan Tang is with the Industrial Design Institute, Zhejiang Univer- coordinated activities of different muscles in the hip, knee, and
sity of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China, and also with the Faculty ankle joints [9]. Therefore, regular gait changes represent the
of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, BH12 5BB Poole,
U.K. (e-mail: ztang@zjut.edu.cn). result of the joint action of several muscles. When the human
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSRE.2023.3313617 body walks, all parts of the body are in motion, and there is
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
a periodic relationship between the activities of all muscles. LSTM network and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) algorithm
However, there has been little research on gait assistance for to classify human gaits. They developed a low-cost gait phase
the combined electrical stimulation of multiple muscles based detection system that can assess the gait cycle in real time
on the laws of human movement. based on surface electromyographic data. However, the LSTM
In the existing research on walking assistance, the elec- network has the limitation that the output tends to converge
trical stimulation has been mostly of fixed intensity and based on a rectilinear pattern because the inputs are used in
frequency [10]. These two parameter values and timing of chronological order. To address this problem, the bidirectional
electrical stimulation must be strictly controlled for each long short-term memory network (BILSTM) adds reverse
muscle when it is applied to the human leg muscles. This learning to the original forward learning. Previous studies have
is because an inappropriate stimulation parameter values or shown that the BILSTM can capture additional features related
timing might cause gait disorders in patients [11]. Therefore, to the time series data for achieving more complex predictions
it is challenging to achieve a symmetrical gait. Thus, how to over long sequences. However, the traditional LSTM model
assess the timing and parameter values of electrical stimulation cannot capture these features [18]. Therefore, in this work, the
has been an important issue in areas of stroke rehabilitation BILSTM is used to predict the EMG signals of the affected
research. The adaptive electrical stimulation must be modu- lower limb muscles.
lated according to the real-time gait information so that the This paper proposes a multi-channel FES gait rehabilitation
muscle force can be dynamically compensated. Accordingly, assistance system based on the contralateral EMG signal
an accurate prediction of gait information of the affected limb control. First, the EMG signals of the vastus lateralis muscle
is necessary. Some studies have predicted gait information are recorded in real time using surface EMG acquisition
of the affected side based on the electromyography (EMG) equipment. Next, the EMG values of the four muscles (rectus
signal and motion data of the non-affected side and con- femoris muscle, biceps femoris muscle, tibialis anterior mus-
trolled the intensity of electrical stimulation to optimize the cle, peroneus brevis muscle) are predicted by the BILSTM
walking-assistance performance. Chen et al. [11] proposed a network prediction model. Using a four-channel electrical
gait prediction method for the affected side based on a patient’s stimulation device, the appropriate intensity and frequency
EMG signal during walking and adaptively modulated the of electrical stimulation compensation is determined for a
electrical stimulation parameters. They have proved that the particular patient to assist in walking.
electrical stimulation curve modulated according to the EMG The main innovations in this work are as follows:
signal can activate patients’ muscles and achieve a better effect (1) Electrical stimulation of multiple muscles is used to
than the original trapezoidal stimulation. Jiang et al. [12] achieve real-time walking assistance for hemiplegic
developed a walking support system that adaptively adjusts stroke patients.
the electrical stimulation intensity of the affected lower limb (2) Variable EMG signal is predicted by the BILSTM net-
according to the kinematic data of the non-affected side, and work, and the electrical stimulation power is adaptively
the achieved effect of walking support was better than that modulated according to the EMG signal to realize walk-
of the fixed electrical stimulation. The relationship model ing assistance.
between healthy and affected limbs established based on the (3) Compared with the existing electrical stimulation sys-
EMG and motion data can be effectively used for adaptive tems, our multi-channel FES gait rehabilitation assis-
electrical stimulations for walking support. In the related liter- tance system uses fewer input channels to control the
ature, there have been fewer studies that used the EMG data of real-time output of more channels.
the non-affected side to predict the EMG value of the affected The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
side. However, there is a certain correlation between the EMG describes the principle framework and development process
data and muscle strength, which can be used to characterize of the electrical stimulation system. Section III introduces
the activation of muscles of the affected limb [13]. When the experiment, including the experimental personnel, process,
the difference in the muscle force (myoelectric difference) equipment, and data processing. In Section IV, the experi-
between healthy and affected limbs is determined, the FES mental results are obtained and expounded. In Section V, the
can be modulated with an appropriate intensity according to experimental results are analyzed and discussed. Section VI
the obtained difference in magnitude of the two myoelectric draws the conclusions.
Previous studies have used the EMG signals to predict a gait II. S YSTEM D ESIGN
pattern employing different prediction models, such as BP neu- This gait rehabilitation system with electrical stimulation
ral network (BPNN) and support vector machine (SVR) [14], consists of a signal transmission and processing subsystem
[15], [16]. Although the achieved results are acceptable, and an electrical stimulation output subsystem. The signal
human gait is a periodic movement, so the EMG data have transmission and processing subsystem includes an EMG
time-series characteristics. As well-known, a long short-term acquisition module and a model training module, which are
memory network (LSTM) network can capture the time series mainly responsible for EMG data acquisition and processing
characteristics of gait data well and thus has been widely and offline training of a prediction model. The electrical
applied to the EMG signal-based gait prediction models. stimulation output subsystem includes a control module and
Luo et al. [17] used a surface electromyography signal acqui- an electrical stimulation output module, whose functions are
sition system and a plantar pressure sensor combined with an mainly to manage the electrical stimulation output and provide
70 steps per minute [25]. The collected data were used to similar; the excitation threshold of the electrical stimulation
train the neural network. The discrepancy degree between of the thigh was 50 Hz, and the patient felt mild discomfort
the EMG value predicted by the proposed algorithm and the at 100 Hz. The excitation threshold of the calf was 50 Hz,
actual measured healthy-standard EMG value was measured. and mild discomfort occurred at 200 Hz. On this basis, the
As mentioned in previous studies, an unstable step frequency frequency ranges of electrical stimulation were determined for
of subjects at a controlled speed can cause large differences in the four channels. The threshold of electric stimulation for the
the muscle stretch length, resulting in a decrease in the EMG muscles in the patient’s legs is 50Hz. Therefore, we set the
data quality [26]. Therefore, in this experiment, the patients’ electric stimulation occurrence plate to receive a predictive
speed and step frequency were controlled. data signal every 0.02 seconds to adjust the output frequency
In this experiment, the subjects’ speed on a treadmill and of the electrical stimulation in real-time. We have controlled
step frequency were controlled by a metronome. The subjects the single run time of the entire system within 0.02 seconds
wore an EMG sensor (MP150) when walking on the treadmill, to ensure the real-time requirement of the system operation.
and the EMG data of the five muscles (i.e., rectus femoris, The patients performed a walking test while wearing the
biceps femoris, tibialis anterior, peroneus brevis, and vastus electrical stimulation system. The walking test was performed
lateralis) were recorded. Under the condition of wearing an on a treadmill. According to the related research, the walking
EMG sensor, subjects walked for five minutes on a treadmill speed used in the experiment belonged to the slow walking
at a constant step frequency according to the beeps of a conditions. If the frequency of slow walking was not limited,
metronome. [40] The controlled walking speed was 70 steps it would be difficult for muscles to maintain the condition of
per minute, and four trials were performed, with a five-minute the same length [28]. The EMG data quality decreased to a
muscle relaxation between adjacent trials to avoid fatigue in certain extent when only the speed was controlled but not the
patients. Timing started when the subject made the first steady step frequency. Since the step frequency in the experiment
step on the treadmill. was controlled by a metronome, there were no significant
During the BILSTM training, the EMG data of each subject differences in the variations of muscle contraction frequency
was used to train the model. To test the reliability of the and muscle length when walking within each cycle. The
BILSTM for predicting the surface EMG of different mus- walking test was divided into two phases. In the first phase,
cles, the EMG signals of 15 subjects and two patients were patients were first asked to walk for two minutes without
measured and compared with the corresponding predicted receiving any electrical stimulations. A total of four trials were
values. There were certain differences in the surface EMG for performed. Then, a two-minute break was provided between
different subjects, so the BILSTM needed to be readjusted to trials to avoid muscle fatigue. In the second phase, patients
achieve a satisfactory prediction effect for different subjects. were subjected to electrical stimulation while walking. Patients
In this study, the BILSTM model was evaluated by the were asked to walk for two minutes, and a total of four trials
tenfold cross-validation method. The dataset was split into were performed. Similarly, a five-minute break was ensured
two parts: 80% of the data were used for training data, between adjacent trials to allow the muscle to relax fully after
and the remaining data were used as test data. We set up the electrical stimulation.
a sliding window with an input window size of 100ms and We also conducted a separate data collection of muscle
an output window size of 20ms for our prediction model. activation. The patients were asked to lift the thigh as much
This minimized the computational load of the model during as possible and actively contract the calf during the late thigh
online assisted-walking experiment and ensured its real-time swing phase of walking. In this way, the EMG data of a
performance. The model’s inputs were the mean rectified EMG single contraction and large voluntary contraction of the rectus
values of the vastus lateralis muscle from the previous 100ms, femoris and biceps femoris were measured. During the swing
starting from the current time point, and its outputs were the phase of walking, the patients were asked to decrease the
mean rectified EMG values s of the four target muscles for angle between the calf and ankle as much as possible while
the next 20ms. The proposed algorithm was compared with the maintaining a continuous contraction of the tibialis anterior
AEMG+BP and AEMG+SVR algorithms. The AEMG is an and peroneus brevis muscles. The EMG data of a single
important feature for characterizing changes in the EMG data contraction and large voluntary contraction of tibialis anterior
in the time domain, and it was used in the regression analysis muscle and peroneus brevis muscle were measured. The above
in the studies by J. R. Potvin and L.R. Bent et al. [27]. The actions need to be performed only once in a single gait cycle,
mean absolute error percentage (MAPE), root mean square and ten gait cycles were measured. The measurements were
error (RMSE), and R2 were used to evaluate the fitting degree performed according to the above requirements both with and
of the EMG value predicted by the BILSTM. without the electrical stimulation. Based on the collected data,
2) Online Assisted-Walking Experiment: After obtaining the the muscle activation degree was calculated. We analyzed the
patient’s EMG data prediction model and programming the mean values of the signals collected during 10 gait cycles
gait rehabilitation assistance system, the electrical stimulation under two walking conditions, and integrated them into muscle
excitation threshold and the limit value of each muscle in the activation calculations.
two patients were tested. The electrical stimulation system
used bidirectional square-wave pulses with a pulse width C. Experimental Equipment and Data Processing
of 200 µs and a variable frequency at an electrical stimulation 1) Experimental Equipment: In both experiments, the EMG
intensity of 50 mA. The test results of the two patients were acquisition equipment included an mp150 EMG acquisition
Fig. 11. The EMG prediction results of a single gait cycle of the main walking muscles of a representative subject under different prediction
Fig. 12. (a) Thigh lift angle data; (b) SPM metric between thigh lift angle
data before and after the FES; (c) knee joint acceleration data; (d) SPM
metric between knee joint acceleration data before and after the FES.
Fig. 14. (a) Ankle joint swing angle data; (b) SPM metric between
ankle joint swing angle data before and after the FES; (c) ankle joint
acceleration data; (d) SPM metric between ankle joint acceleration data
before and after the FES.
Fig. 13. (a) Thigh lift angle data of the left leg after the FES application
and right leg; (b) SPM metric between thigh lift angle data of the left leg
after the FES application and right leg.
Fig. 15. (a) Ankle-independent flexion angle data; (b) SPM metric
between ankle-independent flexion angle data before and after the FES.
small and its position was deep, so the quality of the measured
EMG data was lower than that of the other three muscles,
leading to poor prediction results. At the same time, there was
certain instability in patients in the gait cycle. Although certain
abnormal data were excluded during the model training, the
overall quality of the EMG data had a certain influence on
the prediction results. Gabel et al. [32] have also concluded
that the smoother and less fluctuating the EMG signal is
Fig. 17. Muscle activation data in the major walking muscles after processing, the better the fitting effect of the prediction
(a) tibialis anterior muscle activation; (b) peroneus brevis muscle acti- algorithm will be. In addition, the experimental results showed
vation; (c) rectus femoris muscle activation; (d) biceps femoris muscle that different algorithms had different prediction effects on the
muscle EMG; the proposed BILSTM performed significantly
better than the BP neural network and SVM regression. This
in the acceleration in the direction perpendicular to the ankle was because the walking EMG data were long-time-series
was significantly reduced after the FES. This indicated that data, and its time-series features could effectively help in the
after the FES application, the patient’s gait was more stable in model construction process. The BILSTM could extract the
the direction perpendicular to the ankle than before the FES. time-series features and improve model accuracy. Lu et al. [33]
In addition, muscle activation was used to compare changes have drawn the same conclusion in their study on joint angle
in the EMG data before and after the use of the FES system. prediction based on the surface EMG.
The calculated muscle activation data are shown in Fig. 17. The experimental results showed that the proposed FES sys-
According to the muscle activation results, the total voluntary tem could effectively assist patients in walking. The kinematic
activation of the two calf muscles was lower without the FES. data demonstrated that the proposed electrical stimulation
The muscle activation of the tibialis anterior muscle at the support system could effectively help patients to improve
maximum muscle activity was only 14.3% of that after the the swing amplitude and flexion angles of the knee and
electrical stimulation. This indicated that after electrical stim- ankle joints. Therefore, the overall gait of the leg gradually
ulation, the muscle activation of the tibialis anterior muscle approached the gait of the healthy leg after using our FES
increased to approximately 600% of the original value. The system. Watanabe et al. [8] found that low-frequency electri-
muscle activation of the peroneus brevis muscle was better cal stimulation combined with the human gait could effectively
than that of the tibialis anterior muscle, and its muscle acti- help the foot dorsiflexion of stroke patients to approach a
vation without the electrical stimulation was 22.7% of that normal gait, which is similar to the results presented in this
after the electrical stimulation. The rectus femoris had local study. At the same time, when the stimulus was used to assist
peaks in the support phase of the entire thigh gait and in the gait, the sudden lateral acceleration signal under the abnormal
lift phase of the thigh. In the support phase of the thigh, the gait was removed in some cycles. The results suggested
activation level of the rectus femoris muscle, when the EMG that the electrical stimulation increased the muscle force and
value reached its peak, was 32.7% of that after the electrical standardized the sequence of muscle force application; thus,
stimulation. In the thigh swing and lift phase, the muscle the use of electrical stimulation may be an effective inter-
activation of the rectus femoris muscle without the electrical vention strategy for correcting compensatory gait patterns in
stimulation was 42.7% of that after the electrical stimulation. patients. The muscle activation measurement results indicated
The biceps femoris mainly controlled the knee flexion during that the residual motor function of the thigh was better than
the thigh swing phase, and the muscle activation of the biceps that of the calf in terms of the EMG value. After electrical
femoris without the electrical stimulation was 35.5% of the stimulation, activation of the rectus femoris and the biceps
peak activation after the electrical stimulation. femoris increased, and the overall gait approached the normal
gait. Further, due to the low residual mobility of the two lower
V. D ISCUSSION leg muscles, the patient could not achieve the required ankle
The feasibility of the proposed algorithm was verified by the flexion angle through autonomic activities without electrical
offline model-building experiment, and the effectiveness of the stimulation, resulting in a slight drop of the patient’s foot.
proposed system was evaluated by the online assisted-walking However, the proposed electrical stimulation system could
experiment. significantly improve muscle activation and help the patient
The experiments on the offline model training showed that to perform ankle flexion effectively.
there were certain differences in the prediction results of As for the hardware of the proposed electrical stimulation
different muscles. The overall prediction effects of the biceps system, due to the advantages of the BILSTM, more output
femoris and tibialis anterior were better than those of the channels can be controlled with fewer inputs. The designed
rectus femoris and peroneus brevis. This could be because the four-channel electrical stimulation development board reduces
biceps femoris and tibialis anterior applied the concentrated the volume of the entire system, so the product can be worn
force throughout the gait cycle, so the value of the main wave- in the form of a belt. Compared with the traditional reha-
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