October 6 2016

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The Viking Express

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

October 6, 2016
Fax Number 253-1150

Verda James Elementary School

Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Phone Number 253-1100

0Christmas Parties
Verda James Elementary School empowers all learners to excel academically and socially on lifes journey.

Schedule of Upcoming
6: PTO Meeting, 3:45 in Library
Intermediate School Store, 8:15 am
11: VJ PE Club, K-2nd, 3:30-4:10
12: Track Day, KWHS Rescheduled
13: VJ PE Club, 3-5th, 3:30-4:10
18: ALICE Evacuation Drill, 9:15 am
PE Club, K-2nd, 3:30 pm
21: Donuts with Dads, 7:30-8:15 am

We please ask that students
are not dropped off before
8:01 a.m. We welcome all
students on campus at 8:00
Verda James will be
a.m. when supervision
begins on the playground.
conducting a school
Supervision after school is wide ALICE Evacuation
provided until 4:00 pm.
Drill on October 18th.
Thank you for your
Students will be
understanding and
crossing Wyoming Blvd
to gather at Eastridge


Please model safe crossing

and drop-off procedures at
Verda James! Parents,
do not park in the
Verda James Website
drop-off zone and pull
Every week Mrs. Heisner will
be posting our Viking Express forward as far as you can to
allow more space for
on the Verda James web site!
parents to drop off their
Check it out!!
students, too. Thank you!

2016-2017 School Year

School Starts promptly at
8:45 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:30 p.m.
Grades 1-2 eat lunch at 11:40
followed by recess from
Grades 3-4 eat lunch at
12:05 followed by recess
at 12:25-12:45.
Kindergarten and 5th grade
eat lunch at 12:30 followed by
recess at 12:50-1:10.

Mall inside the foyer in

front of Dicks sporting
Goods. We will take a
headcount then return
back to school. No
outside agengies will be
involved at this time.
This is a practice to
teach the students the
way to safety. Parents
are invited to attend!

Building Security
Help us keep our building
secure! All parents and
visitors to our building need
Please turn in your boxtops to sign in at the office, even if
by the 14th of October in
you are going to the
order for Mrs. Bennett to
get them sent in before the lunchroom or playground.
We need to be aware of
November 1st deadline.
everyone who is in our
Thank you!
building! Thank you for your

The Natrona County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation in treatment or employment.


family. Thank you for

your attention to this
Parents/Guardians: Thank
important matter!
you, parents, who have
If you have received a notice
completed their IC Parent
that your application has
Portal updates! The packet
been Approved/Posted then
of forms you normally fill
out the first week no longer disregard this notice. You
will be sent home! Please have successfully completed
the Annual Update and
call the Parent Portal helpline
to get your user name and
password so you can get into Also, please read through the
Verda James Student
your Parent Portal to
update your Annual Update Handbook at this link online:
and Releases through a http://natronaschools.org/wpcomputer or laptop. The content/uploads/2016/08/VE
RDAprocess cannot be completed
using a smartphone or tablet
59 Please sign the
unless you use a browser and acknowledgement that was sent
not an app. If you need the
home and return it to your
use of a computer we are
students teachers stating that
more than happy to help you
you have received this
complete this process on a
information from us!
computer at school! Parent
Portal is displayed on the
Building Security
right hand side of the Home Help us keep our building
page of the NCSD#1 website.
secure! All parents and
The link will allow each
visitors to our building need
family to update Infinite to sign in at the office, even if
Campus information
you are going to the
including contact
lunchroom or playground.
information, student health,
We need to be aware of
releases such as Field Trip
everyone who is in our
permissions, Computer
Usage, Media/Directory, etc. building! Thank you for your
Parents new to the district
can follow the prompts to set
up their parent portal. This is
mandatory for every

As you are aware the
NCSD# 1 School Board has
adopted a new Attendance
Policy for students attending
school in Natrona County.
Please see the attachment
with the details of this new
policy. There is also a very
informative video answering
questions in regards to the
policy on the NCSD#1
website at
natronaschools.org under the
Parents/Students tab, scroll
to attendance. Thank you!
Verda James Volunteers:
Please remember to
contact NCSD#1s Human
Resources Dept. at 2535455 to set up your
appointments to get
fingerprinted for a
background check. All
volunteers in our School
District need to have this
background check in order
to volunteer at our school!
Thank you for volunteering
at Verda James!

The Natrona County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation in treatment or employment.

The Verda James school store

is open for students to spend
their Excellence Tickets on a
weekly basis. Tuesday will be
the designated day for K-2 to
spend their tickets, while
Thursday will be for 3-5th
graders to spend their tickets.
Students need to take their
tickets home the night before
school store opens. Students
will not be able to go to their
classes before school to get
their tickets. Thank you!

Nurses Corner

Lubricates, cushions, and

As per the Verda James
protects your joints & vital
Handbook and school
policies we will no longer
Hydrates your skin
accept deliveries for
(diminishes the appearance students, such as: balloons,
of wrinkles).
flowers, stuffed animals, etc.
Aids in getting rid of body
This is a change from our
waste through urination,
past policies. Please do not
sweat, and bowel
have gifts delivered to the
Not drinking enough water is the school. Please keep them for
home! Thank you!
NUMBER ONE cause of
stomachaches and headaches.
So, help your child have a
healthy and more productive
day and send them to school
with a water bottle filled with
water (no other liquid beverages
are allowed in classrooms).
Dont forget to thoroughly wash
the bottle every few days.J

Verda James is
expecting all student(s)
to read for 20 minutes
and to do math activities
for 10 minutes every
Water.It Does a Body
evening to encourage
academic growth!
There are plenty of reasons to
Please look for
drink water. In fact, its essential. information from your
Heres how water helps your
students teacher in
regards to Reflex Math
Keeps your body
to support our efforts in
temperature normal.
ten minutes of math
Carries nutrients and
facts at home every day!
oxygen to your cells.


Please join us for DONUTS
When: Oct. 21
Time: 7:30-8:15 a.m.
Where: Verda James library
Come have a donut, drink
some coffee or juice, and
read a book with your child!
We look forward to having
you join us for this Verda
James annual event.

Maintains clear thinking

and better concentration.

The Natrona County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation in treatment or employment.

Mark your calendars! Verda

James Track Day was
rescheduled to October 12th
from 9:15-2:30 pm at Kelly
Walsh High School track.
Please send a lunch with your
student(s) if they did not
order a school lunch from
Mrs. Richards. Please have
your student to school on
time as the school walks to
KWHS together. Also, as a
reminder, your Annual Updates
and Releases for field trips,
computer usage, etc in your
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
needs completed in order for
your student to participate in
track day!
PE Club at Verda James
begins after school Tuesday,
October 11th for K-2nd
graders ending at 4:10pm.
Third-5th graders will have
PE Club on Thursday,
October 13th. Please see the
attached notice/sign-up
form from Mr. Garbutt.
PE Club will be Tuesdays
and Thursdays throughout
the school year!

The Natrona County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation in treatment or employment.

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