Dikir Barat Introduction

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Dikir barat is typically performed by groups of ten to fifteen members,[2] though there is no actual

set size,[3] even in competitive environments. A group usually sits cross-legged on a platform,
sometimes surrounded by the audience. Where the dikir barat is performed competitively, the two
competing groups will both be on the stage at the same time. [4]
In a typical dikir barat performance, the group will perform two segments. The first is led by
the tok juara,[2][5] who is often the person in charge of the musical training of the group. This first
segment usually contains the more complex musical arrangements, and will likely feature
the awok-awok (chorus) singing in unison with the tok juara, as well as responsorial segments of
singing, similar to what the tukang karut does with the awok-awok, later in the performance.
Though musically more complex than what will follow, the first segment is seen as the "low-key"
segment of the performance.[5]
The creative leader of a dikir barat group is the tukang karut.[3] The tukang karut (who is often
himself a former tok juara) is expected in his performance to utilise current social and political
issues which will be relevant to the audience. His ability to do this helps to uphold the reputation
of the dikir barat group. Leading the awok-awok during the second and concluding segment of
the performance, the tukang karut sings pantunsmost of which are likely original and
improvised on the occasion of the performance, but some which may be known to the audience.
(Pantuns are an oral poetry form indigenous to the Malay region, [7] and are not exclusive to
the dikir barat.) That the dikir barat uses pantuns does not mean that it is a performance
of poetry. Like any poet, the tukang karut is expected to create lyrics that touch upon everyday
life, but he can also address social issues, legal matters, politics, government regulations, and
human foibles.[6] The tone can be satirical, sarcastic, or simply humorous, but above all it is
expected that it be clever.[2] The tukang karut makes up and sings lyrics on the topic of the
performance (which may be pre-established or simply the choice of the tukang karut), and
the awok-awok sings the same lyrics back to him. During the performance, members of
the awok-awokclap and perform rhythmic body movements, which bring energy to the
Historically, dikir barat performances have been all-male. However, in recent years, especially
with groups based in urban areas, female performers are beginning to appear.[4]
While most musical instruments are excluded from dikir barat, some groups to
employ percussion instruments, including the rebana, maracas, or a shallow gong.[3]

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