Team Work
Team Work
Team Work
Volume 43
Number 3
Summer 2009
Tim Anderson
Phillip C. Wankat
Lynn Heasley
Daina Briedis, Michigan State
William J. Koros, Georgia Institute of Technology
Susan Montgomery, University of Michigan
John P. OConnell
University of Virginia
C. Stewart Slater
Rowan University
Lisa Bullard
North Carolina State
Jennifer Curtis
University of Florida
Rob Davis
University of Colorado
Pablo Debenedetti
Princeton University
Dianne Dorland
Stephanie Farrell
Rowan University
Jim Henry
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Jason Keith
Michigan Technological University
Suzanne Kresta
University of Alberta
Steve LeBlanc
University of Toledo
Ron Miller
Colorado School of Mines
Lorenzo Saliceti
University of Puerto Rico
Stan Sandler
University of Delaware
Margot Vigeant
Bucknell University
179 Chemical Engineering at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Edmund G. Seebauer, Paul J.A. Kenis, and Marina Miletic
170 Nicholas A. Peppas of the University of Texas at Austin
Jennifer Sinclair Curtis and Christopher N. Bowman
Random Thoughts
241 Priorities in Hard Times
Richard M. Felder
207 Ideas to Consider for New Chemical Engineering Educators, Part 1. Courses
Offered Earlier in the Curriculum
Jason M. Keith, David L. Silverstein, and Donald P. Visco, Jr.
216 The History of Chemical Engineering and Pedagogy: The Paradox of Tradition
and Innovation
Phillip C. Wankat
232 Student Lab-on-a-Chip: Integrating Low-Cost Microfluidics Into
Undergraduate Teaching Labs to Study Multiphase Flow Phenomena in
Small Vessels
Edmond W.K. Young and Craig A. Simmons
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION (ISSN 0009-2479) is published quarterly by the Chemical Engineering
Division, American Society for Engineering Education, and is edited at the University of Florida. Correspondence regarding
editorial matter, circulation, and changes of address should be sent to CEE, Chemical Engineering Department, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-6005. Copyright 2008 by the Chemical Engineering Division, American Society for
Engineering Education. The statements and opinions expressed in this periodical are those of the writers and not necessarily
those of the ChE Division, ASEE, which body assumes no responsibility for them. Defective copies replaced if notified within
120 days of publication. Write for information on subscription costs and for back copy costs and availability. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to Chemical Engineering Education, Chemical Engineering Department., University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611-6005. Periodicals Postage Paid at Gainesville, Florida, and additional post offices (USPS 101900).
ChE educator
Nicholas A. Peppas
Left, in the summer of 1954, 6-year-old Nicholas rides his favorite American bicyclesent
from New York by his aunt. Right, in 1959,
standing amid confetti from Carnival in Athens. Above, with his father, Nassos, and sister,
Louiza, in the summer of 1970, Athens.
After finishing at
MIT, Nicholas did two
years of military service as a second lieutenant in the Greek
Army. At this point,
Nicholas was completely sure that he
wanted to get more
involved in biomedical engineering. So,
he returned to MIT as
a research associate
in the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Arteriosclerosis Center, serving as a post-doc with Clark Colton
(himself a former Ph.D. student of Ed Merrill) and Ken
Smith. His research involved understanding the mechanisms
of arteriosclerosishow the transport of blood and the cholesterol and lipoprotein components in the blood contribute
to plaque formation.
where he was a visiting professor. At Parma, Nicholas established one of his longest and most productive collaborations,
with Professor Paolo Colomboa collaboration that has
produced more than 25 refereed journal articles and several
jointly supervised students and student exchanges.
At around this same time of the late 1980s and early 1990s
Nicholass group underwent another major expansion with
more than 20 graduate students and post-doctoral researchers in the laboratory at various times during this period. His
group also led the field into several new areas by beginning
research projects focused on bionanotechnology and molecular imprinting, while significantly expanding his focus on
controlled drug delivery by targeting several specific diseases
and clinical needs. His program was recognized repeatedly
throughout this period with numerous awards, including the
1988 American Society for Engineering Educations Curtis
McGraw Award for Outstanding Research that is awarded to
the most outstanding researcher from any engineering discipline under the age of 40. Nicholas also was recognized for
his excellence by several nonengineering organizations during this perioda testament to his focus on interdisciplinary
work that has broad impact across traditional boundaries. The
awards include the Controlled Release Societys Founders
Award (1991), the Society for Biomaterials Clemson Award
for basic research (1994), the Research Achievement Award
in Pharmaceutical Technology (1999), and the Dale Wurster
Award from the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (2002). Purdue recognized Nicholas by naming him the
Showalter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
in 1993, and in 1999 and 2000 Nicholas received honorary
doctorates from the Universities of Ghent, Athens, and Parma
in recognition of his distinguished career-long achievements
and his valued contributions to those institutions.
Nicholas, center,
receiving the
2008 Career
Research Excellence Awardthe
highest UT
recognition for a
professor. Flanking him are University of Texas
Vice President for
Juan Sanchez,
left, and University of Texas
William Powers,
and other technologies for smart, programmed, and responsive/recognitive delivery of drugs, proteins, and cosmetic and
consumer products.
Commitment to Education
At work, first and foremost, Nicholas is committed to students and their education. In a recent interview for the January
2009 issue of the Controlled Release Society Newsletter (to
go along with his 2008 election to the Institute of Medicine
of the National Academies of Science), Nicholas was asked
what he regarded as his most significant achievement of his
career. His response was my contribution to the education
of the younger generations of chemical engineers, biomedical
Vol. 43, No. 3, Summer 2009
engineering and biomedical engineering developed, including his 1988 Kluwer book,
History of Chemical Engineering. Just last
year, he completed another article, The
First Century of Chemical Engineering,
for the Chemical Heritage Foundation and
the AIChE Centennial celebration.
Nicholas met his wife Lisa when she (then Lisa Brannon,
now Lisa Brannon-Peppas) was enrolled in the Ph.D. program
Chemical Engineering Education
After finishing her Ph.D., Lisa worked at Eli Lilly for three
years. She then founded her own company, Biogel Technology,
Inc., in 1991, where she served as president for 11 years. During
that time, she made significant research contributions in the areas
of biomaterials, controlled drug delivery, drug targeting, biodegradable materials, and the structure-property relationship of polymers.
One of her key accomplishments was developing targeted delivery
systems to treat breast cancer using biodegradable nanoparticles.
In 2003, Lisa also joined the University of Texas at Austin faculty,
as a research professor and as director of the Center of Biological
and Medical Engineering. While there, she received a biomedical
engineering department teaching award as well as several research
awards for her work in biomaterials. In 2008, Lisa decided to leave
academia and is currently vice president of Appian Laboratories,
LLC, in Austin.
Lisa is a fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (in fact, she was the youngest fellow ever elected
Nicholas has also contributed articles to various literary journals and newspapers. For example, he was a major contributor
to the 1968 and 1978 Tourist Guides of Greece (Institute of
Tourist Publications, Athens, Greece). He has also contributed
articles in the magazines Eleusinian and Hellenic Chronicle,
and the Greek newspapers Daily and The Tribune.
Nicholas is a true renaissance man. His interests are unbelievably broad with music and history dominating the
scene. For music, opera is his love and helps him relax. As
Lisa says, Hell drop any chemical engineering project for
opera. Nicholas has spent more than 40 years writing about
Italian, French, and romantic German opera. He has published
hundreds of critiques, essays, and articles on opera and classic
music performances on various Web sites and in magazines
including Fanfare, High Fidelity, Stereo Review, International
Nicholas speaks Greek, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, can read/write in Russian, Portuguese, and Dutch, and
can read several other languages. He has even taken classes
in Hebrew and Japanese (especially because of his sabbatical
leaves to Hebrew University and Hoshi University) although
he admits these are extremely difficult languages for him.
Aiding Nicholas in his mastery of all of these languages is his
encyclopedic memory. Lisa says that the only thing he ever
forgets are the items he hints at during the year that he might
like for Christmas presents. Therefore, when he receives his
presents at Christmas, they are a surprise to him! Lisa also says
that Katia appears to have inherited Nicholass encyclopedic
memory, but does not forget about her Christmas present
hints! Nicholass organizational skills are also incredible
these skills go hand-in-hand with his amazing productivity
and memory. He believes there is a place for everything and
everything in its place. He can lay his hands on any piece of
paper or any electronic file within seconds.
Nicholas is a collector of opera and classical music CDs.
Lisa says that if there were space, he would have a CD of every opera ever published. Other extensive collections include
operatic 78-rpm recordsincluding many rare records from
the period of 1898 to 1912history books in every possible
language, nutcrackers, and old maps.
ChE department
Chemical Engineering at . . .
at Urbana-Champaign
Our department operates within a public research university, one of many such institutions that face long-standing
challenges of balancing strong teaching and research within
a changing framework of state and corporate support. Within
that context, ChBE frames its mission as follows:
To improve the human condition through the study
and practice of chemical engineering by education,
research, economic development, and engagement
with and service to the profession and society.
Central to the ethos of a public research university is enhanced access to education at modest cost: Such institutions
are geared to educating large numbers of students. Yet for
decades, our department has chosen to keep the number of
faculty relatively low. The number of tenured/tenure-track
faculty oscillated between about six and nine in the 1970s,
and has grown to its record size of 15.5 only in the past
year (one is shared with another department). Even that
number remains small compared with the undergraduate
student enrollment of 425, leading to a student/faculty ratio
in the high twenties. The small faculty size encourages a
degree of coordination and integration that becomes more
Figure 1. Placement statistics for Illinois ChBE graduates by job
difficult for large departments, but it also requires special
function averaged over the past decade.
attentiveness and creativity by the faculty to foster a highquality learning environment. Efficiency is paramount,
with only the design and unit operations courses taught
more than once per year. Many elective courses are taught
in simultaneous graduate and undergraduate versions that
have one set of lectures but homework and examinations
attuned to the different degree levels.
The environment is intellectually diverse, stimulating,
and demanding, and requires students to take considerable
responsibility for their own education and to be personally
invested in their future success. Graduates of the curriculum
cultivate a disposition and skillset that make them exceptionally successful in either graduate school or entry-level
corporate jobs, and also throughout their careers. Figure 1
shows placement statistics by job function averaged over
the past decade.
ChBEs close administrative alignment with the chemistry department promotes a strong emphasis on basic science
in education. Indeed, Figure 2 shows that the undergraduate
Figure 2. Distribution of subject material in the Illinois undergraduate curriculum. Chemistry, mathematics, and other
sciences are represented particularly strongly.
Chemical Engineering Education
The relationships thus formed also stimulate increased intellectual breadth and scope among the ChBE undergraduates.
teaches undergraduates
in the unit
ops lab.
Our graduates continue to find excellent places to embark on their professional careers, although placement
distribution continuously evolves with
societal needs. After many years of a
steady increase in the fraction of graduates joining food, personal care, and
consumer products industries, the oil/
energy companies are now re-emerging
as a major destination.
Graduate Education and Research
The flexibility in required coursework as well as in selection of questions for the qualifying exam ensures also that
graduate students that enter our program with a nonchemical
engineering background [e.g., bioengineering, (bio-)chemistry, mechanical engineering] have no trouble fulfilling
these requirements, while still ensuring basic knowledge of
chemical engineering principles. This has become particularly
important over the last decade as the percentage of applicants
with nonchemical engineering undergraduate degrees has
grown steadily, to about 25% of the applicant pool.
To emphasize breadth and flexibility, the qualifying examination for doctoral study comprises two components: a written
exam on coursework concepts and an oral presentation on
proposed research. Both are normally completed within the
first year of study. The written exam is offered in January, and
students must correctly answer eight questions out of a selection of 16-22 total questions on undergraduate and graduate
course work. At least four must be chosen from the core
list, which comprises all traditional undergraduate chemical
Vol. 43, No. 3, Summer 2009
Human Health
Professors Leckband, Kenis, Kraft, Masel, Zhao, Price,
and Schroeder are developing a range of experimental and
computational approaches to unravel the genetic and molecular basis of many complex diseases such as cancer and
AIDS or to develop new tools to detect such diseases, or even
environmental threats. Many of our faculty are active in the
development, manufacture, and delivery of pharmaceuticals.
For example, professors Braatz, Kenis, and Zukoski are
studying pharmaceutical crystallization for screening for
appropriate solid forms of active pharmaceutical ingredients
and for the selective manufacture of desired polymorphs at
industrial scales. Braatz, Pack, and Zhao are pursuing novel
approaches for the controlled-released delivery of drugs and
gene delivery. In addition, Zhao and Rao are developing new
approaches for treating infection caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. As part of the Regenerative Biology and Tissue
Engineering research theme at IGB, several of our faculty,
including Kong, Harley, Kenis, Pack, Rao, and Braatz are
unraveling the fundamentals of tissue regeneration and developing clinical strategies for cardiovascular and bone repair.
Advanced Computation
Professors Braatz, Higdon, Price, and Rao are creating
theoretical and computational tools for the modeling, design,
simulation, optimization, and control of complex chemical
and biomolecular systems. Frequently, widely generalizable
tools are used to address specific problems in the chemical,
energy, microelectronics, biomedical, and pharmaceutical
industries. Many of these efforts rely upon collaboration with
scientists and engineers in academia and industry.
Global Programs
John W. Gardner
Into High School Science Classrooms
Howard Kimmel, Linda S. Hirsch, Laurent Simon, Levelle Burr-Alexander, and Rajesh Dave
Curricular materials in support of the integration of engineering into science instruction have been made available
through organizations such as NASA, ASME, and IEEE,
as well as through university- and teacher-developed lesson
quires teachers to indicate how ready they feel they are to teach
everyday life and disagreed with the statement I would not
lessons on new topics and\or skills they have learned on a scale
like any of my students to be engineers. Their average TATE
from 1 to 4 where 1 is I would have to start from scratch; 2 is
scores increased from 3.9 at the beginning of the program to
I would need more training to teach this topic; 3 is I would
4.2 during the school year. See Table 1 for a sample of items
have to look at my notes to do this; and 4 is I can teach a lesfrom the TATE that appeared to show the most change in the
son on this topic tomorrow. For example, one item asks How
teachers attitudes toward engineering.
ready are you to teach the concept of steady state? Teachers
Most teachers were somewhat informed about how to
were asked to complete the RTQ again a few months into the
help prepare students interested in studying engineering.
school year after they had some time in their classrooms. At the
Most agreed they would know where to find the necessary
end of the summer program average scores for the 13 topics
information to help my students if they wanted to become
ranged from 2.8 to 3.8, indicating that most of the responses
engineers but most disagreed with the statement I have all
were 3 or 4. Only one teacher gave any responses that indicated
the information I need to help prepare any of my students
1 (I would have to start from scratch). For many topics the
who may want to be an engineer. Only a few indicated they
percentage of teachers that indicated 4 (I can teach a lesson on
knew of summer programs to help students learn more about
this topic tomorrow) was over 50%. Average scores for most of
careers in engineering. Average scores on the items that assess
the topics increased slightly a few months into the school year;
teachers self-efficacy for helping students who might want to
ranging from 3.2 to 3.8. The average scores for two of the topics
study engineering were low, only 3.0, at the beginning of the
did not change and only one topic, Drug Release From a Lozenge,
program, but increased to 4.3 during the school year.
showed a decrease in the average reTable 1
sponse from 3.1 to 2.8. This was due
Changes in Teachers Attitudes to Engineering and Self Efficacy
mostly to a few teachers indicating 3
for Helping Students
(I would have to look at my notes)
Attitudes toward engineering
Start of
End of
the second time rather than their initial
response of 4 (I can teach a lesson on
this topic tomorrow). Again, three
Engineers have little need to know about environmental issues.
of the teachers completed the RTQ a
third time toward the end of the school
I would not like any of my students to become engineers.
year. Their average scores ranged
The rewards of becoming an engineer are not worth the effort.
from 3.5 to 4.0 indicating that at least
To be an engineer requires an IQ in the genius range.
these three teachers could teach all of
My students would have no problem finding jobs if they had an
the topics even if they had to look at
engineering degree.
their notes.
Attitudes to Engineering
I feel I have all the information I need to help students who may
want to become engineers.
Teachers found the RET program useful to them as instructors and found a lot of value in the experience for their
students. This conclusion is exemplified by the response of
one teacher to a survey on their implementation of what they
learned into their classroom practice:
I have seen significant gains in basic skills as a
result of student willingness to risk failure. In my estimation Ive done a horrible job of harnessing this
new power, being completely unprepared for how
successful it might be. Ive got freshmen handling
vector math and multiple-step equation manipulation problems but theres more I can do. I cant wait
for next year so I can apply what Ive learned from
this first attempt. Since the approach focuses on the
students skills and self-improvement theyve gotten
some benefit in other classes as well. My freshmen
are doing very well. They apply engineering principles to their own student behavior and are actually
taking pride in improving themselves. As we might
expect, their initial efforts in the laboratory were
disastrous, but they have begun to avoid blame and
self-doubt. It has completely changed their concep-
Individual research
Undergraduate symposium
A wiki is a Web site where users add, view, and edit content
as needed. Different users can add content and review material
added from other users allowing for collaboration and sharing
of information within groups.
Although technology is an integral part of the Net Generations social and professional life, educators should show
restraint when incorporating technology into the classroom.
The main question to keep in mind when deciding to include
new technology (or a new approach in general) is will it
benefit the students? According to Oblinger and Oblinger,[4]
even though the Net Generation values what older generations
consider new technologywikiswhat they value most is interaction. Professors cant replace interaction with technology,
but must augment and enhance interaction using technology.
Kevin R. Hadley is currently a Ph.D. student
in the chemical and biomolecular engineering
program at Vanderbilt University. He earned a
B.S. in chemical engineering from Colorado
School of Mines. He will defend his thesis in
the summer of 2009 and plans on pursuing a
career in academia, thereafter. His teaching
interests include engineering design and
thermodynamics, and his research interests
are in multi-scale modeling and self-assembling systems.
Kenneth A. Debelak is an associate professor
in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at Vanderbilt University. He
received his B.E. (1969) from the University
of Dayton and M.S. (1973) & Ph.D. (1978)
from the University of Kentucky. His research
interests are process modeling and control
and application of supercritical fluids.
A final feature is the ability to add comments. If the educators dont feel comfortable editing a students work, they can
leave a comment on a page of interest. Instead of meeting at
key points in the semester, a professor can go to the wiki and
look at how things are going. If something of concern exists
or if the students have questions or concerns, the professor
can address those concerns or notify the group of his/her
concerns. The ability to do this ties directly into the goal of
integrating technology into the classroom, while promoting
interaction between students and the faculty.
Survey Results
The scores were analyzed and (for the most part) students
liked the use of wikis in the design course. One group didnt
add any content to their wiki in any form, and their responses
were negative with respect to the wiki. The members of that
group provided helpful open-ended comments, but their
responses were excluded from the numerical analysis of the
survey. We decided the absence of their participation didnt
qualify them for a valid opinion about the implementation
and general opinion of the wiki.
From our data, we have seen the students agree the wiki
is a good organizational tool. With a larger-scale project,
we expect more data, more ideas, more decisions, and more
files would be generated from a group. As such, as a project
supervisor or a professor, we would require more robust
documentation and suggest use of the wiki. We hypothesize
if the students use the wiki, they will see its potential and
begin to hold it in high regard. We have other ideas as to what
might have increased the positive opinion of the use of wikis
in design, but those are discussed in a later section.
I had a better understanding of my team members progress because of their individual contributions to the wiki.
Wiki item
Figure 1.
Number of
Meeting notes
Links to references
Group/professor discussion
Task allocation
Pre-meeting agenda
From a pedagogical standpoint, wikis provide a great potential for study. Wikis allow easy sharing of information among a
group. A professor may get a lot more information about what
went on throughout the semester compared to solely reading
weekly or final reports. Also, because of its revision history,
we can observe the dynamics of the design process from the
students point of view. If the students use the wiki and add
content as information is gathered and decisions are made,
an outside observer can start to see the thought process of the
designers. Another appealing piece of the revision history is
the record of who added what and when. As observed by Heys,
individual accountability can really be enforced.[7] Early in a
project, if there is a lack of content added or participation by
an individual, the group or teacher can take steps to prevent
further laziness or problematic procrastination. The content of
the wiki may also serve as a source of learning assessment. If
interpretations are provided within the content, the educator
and outside evaluators can determine the quality and accuracy
of that interpretation and conclude if the students apply the
fundamentals correctly.
ing, we would have had time to use it for effective group and
time management. Because there was no requirement for the
content added, some students minimized the content added
to save them time.
Other hurdles were the organization of the wiki, the allocated amount of file storage, and full group participation.
Some students thought the wiki could be a great tool if the
information gathered throughout the project was organized,
but the time required to organize the information was more
than the time saved by having the information organized. With
respect to the amount of storage, the free pbwiki account only
allows a maximum of 15.0 MB worth of files to be uploaded.
There is no limit on the amount of content added directly to
the wiki, but pictures and actual files saved to the wiki count
toward the maximum. Finally, there was at least one group
where one of the members didnt attempt to contribute to the
wiki, discouraging the rest of the group from adding to it.
1. Salaway, G., J.B. Caruso, and M.R. Nelson, The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2006, EDUCAUSE
Center for Applied Research, Boulder, CO (2007)
2. Chubin, D., K. Donaldson, B. Olds, and L. Fleming, Educating Generation NetCan U.S. Engineering Woo and Win the Competition for
Talent?, J. Eng. Educ., 97(3) 245 (2008)
3. Richardson, W., Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools
for Classrooms, 2nd Ed., Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA (2006)
4. Oblinger, D.G., and J.L. Oblinger, Is it Age or IT: First Steps Toward
Understanding the Net Generation, in Educating the Net Generation,
ed. D.G. Oblinger and J.L Oblinger, 2.1-2.20, EDUCAUSE, Boulder,
CO (2005)
5. Commoncraft, Wikis in Plain English, available at <http://doiop.
com/wiki-che> accessed March 15, 2008
6. Hadley, K.R. Design Class Hub, available at <http://hadleytestwiki.> accessed March 15, 2008
7. Heys, J.J., Group Projects in Chemical Engineering Using a Wiki,
Chem. Eng. Educ., 42(2) 91 (2008)
8. Hadley, K.R., Example Skeletal Wiki, available at <> accessed Jan. 10, 2009 p
Alexander Mitsos
Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science, RWTH Aachen Aachen, Germany
he chemical engineering field of study is undergoing
changes, with more focus on emerging areas in molecular chemistry and biology, product design, and
micro- and nanotechnology. On the other hand, design courses
are still considered the capstone of an undergraduate chemical
engineering program. This article describes a recently developed course for the Department of Chemical Engineering
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the
Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES) at the RWTH Aachen. The course
considers the design of microfabricated fuel cell systems for
man-portable power generation.
There is significant research activity in the area of microchemical systems.[1] Chemical units such as reactors, sepa-
1. Lecture Contents
The course duration is six weeks, with three hours of lectures per week. No textbook is available for the course, but
the material covered in Reference 6 is the primary reference.
Other useful references are books on microchemical systems,
design, and thermodynamics.[22-26] Approximately one week
of lectures is reserved for software tutorials and discussions
of issues raised by the students during the project execution.
The remaining five weeks are devoted to five topics, namely
the introduction and motivation, aspects of fuel cells, process
synthesis, selection of alternatives, and process optimization.
These topics are summarized in the following.
1.1 Introduction, Motivation, and Project Description
mission PW
mission PW
V sys
where the mission duration tmission (h) is the time between refueling or recharging, PW (W) is the power output (assumed
constant for simplicity), Msys (kg) is the mass of the system,
and Vsys (l) is the volume of the system. These metrics are typically the objectives to be maximized by the process synthesis
design and operation. In cases where the mission duration is
very long and the device miniaturized, the size of the system
is dominated by the fuel cartridge, in which case the simpler
metrics of fuel energy density can be used:
e fuel
3600 i MWi N i,in
e fuel
, ( 2)
3600 i MVi N i,in
In man-portable power generation the most important advantage of microfabrication is device miniaturization. Microfabrication techniques are outside the scope of the course. On
the other hand, various examples from microchemical systems
are analyzed with emphasis on entire systems as opposed to
components. The importance of physical phenomena at the
microscale is analyzed and compared to the macroscale; for
instance, it is shown that viscous forces dominate over inertial forces and that heat transfer (and loss) has much more
importance than in the macroscale. Various alternatives for
man-portable power are summarized, such as microturbines[27]
and devices based on man-power.[28]
Both the batteries and the fuel cell systems studied, i.e.,
the product to be replaced and the proposal for replacement,
rely on electrochemical reactions. Electrochemistry is covered in some undergraduate curricula, but not in sufficient
detail for performing and understanding the project tasks.
Therefore, the principles of fuel cells are briefly summarized,
along with a repetition of the relevant concepts from reactor
engineering and thermodynamics. Then, the thermodynamic
limits of fuel cell performance are analyzed and compared
to heat engines.
deemed helpful for the students to be able to compare the challenges with the selection of alternatives at the microscale. For
instance, the discussion of heat exchanger network synthesis
demonstrates that at the microscale the challenges are very
different: no utility streams are available, and the operating
conditions of various components are not independent from
each other due to the pronounced heat transfer. In addition,
having this short summary allows students from different disciplines to attend the course. The lectures also briefly discuss
some of the mathematical and algorithmic background used
in conceptual process design. The emphasis is on the material
that is relevant to the project tasks.
1.4 Selection of Alternatives
A major challenge in the system design of micropower generation processes is the selection of alternatives, in particular
which fuel to use for power and/or heat generation, what
fuel cell type to select, whether a fuel reforming path should
be followed and how heat integration should be performed.
This selection of alternatives at the microscale is analogous
in principle to macroscale process synthesis. Moreover, some
of the mathematical techniques used in macroscale process
synthesis can also be used for the selection of alternatives.
There are several major differences, however, including different objectives and constraints and the fact that the unit
operation paradigm must be replaced by that of highly integrated components in a system.[32] An additional challenge is
the early stage of technology development.
The lectures describe the large number of alternative processes arising from the large choice of fuels, fuel reforming
reactions, and fuel cells. The advantages and disadvantages
are discussed and a system-level approach for modeling is
detailed.[13, 14] This modeling approach is then used in one of
the projects offered, see Section 2.1. The advantage of this
methodology is that the most promising alternative(s) can be
selected without detailed knowledge about the technological
details, such as the catalysts used or the reactor configuration.
The disadvantage is that some parameters, which in principle
can be calculated, are viewed as input parameterse.g., the
fuel conversion in the reforming reactor for a given operating
temperature and residence time.
2. Description of Projects
C4 H10
C4 H10
C4 H10
Figure 2. Process flow sheet for project
on process optimization.
Chemical Engineering Education
3. Conclusions
The course is project-based and spans six weeks. The theoretical material needed for a successful project execution is
covered in three lectures per week, each one-hour long. The
students learn several skills through the lectures and project.
Likely the most important skill is learning how to work in
a team, as in any course based on group projects. The most
important technical skills are process and product design,
and in particular their interaction. The students have a chance
of integrating the knowledge acquired in their preparatory
classes, especially thermodynamics and reactor engineering.
Finally, the students are familiarized with the exciting technologies of fuel cells and microchemical systems.
In the lectures and project, material and structural considerations are taken into account as simple constraints, e.g., a
maximal operating temperature. It would be interesting to incorporate the interaction of these considerations with process
design and optimization more thoroughly. This is currently not
possible, since the effect has not been examined sufficiently
in the literature. Moreover, incorporating such structural and
material considerations in a chemical engineering class would
be very challenging.
1. Hessel, V., and H. Lwe, Mikroverfahrenstechnik: Komponenten Anlagenkonzeption- Anwender- akzeptanz - Teil 1, Chemie Ingenieur
Technik, 74(1-2) 17 (2002)
2. Jensen, K.F., Microreaction EngineeringIs Small Better? Chem.
Eng. Science, 56(2) 293 (2001)
3. National Research Council Committee of Soldier Power/Energy Systems, Meeting the Energy Needs of Future Warriors, National Academy
Press, Washington, D.C. (2004)
4. Holladay, J.D., Y. Wang, and E. Jones, Review of Developments
in Portable Hydrogen Production Using Microreactor Technology,
Chemical Reviews, 104(10) 4767 (2004)
5. Maynard, H.L., and J.P. Meyers, Miniature Fuel Cells for Portable
Power: Design Considerations and Challenges, J. Vacuum Science
Technologies, 20(4) 1287 (2002)
6. Mitsos, A., and P.I. Barton, eds., Microfabricated Power Generation
Devices: Design and Technology, Wiley-VCH (2009)
7. Moggridge, G.D., and E.L. Cussler, An Introduction to Chemical Product Design, Chem. Eng. Research and Design, 78(A1) 5 (2000)
8. Cussler, E.L., and J. Wei, Chemical Product Engineering, AIChE
Journal, 49(5) 1072 (2003)
9. Wei, J., Molecular Structure and Property: Product Engineering,
Indust. and Eng. Chemistry Research, 41(8) 1917 (2002)
10. Westerberg, A.W., and E. Subrahmanian, Product Design, Computers
and Chem. Eng., 24, 959 (2000)
11. Wintermantel, K., Process and Product Engineering, Trans IChemE,
77(A) (1999)
12. Cussler, E.L., and G.D. Moggridge, Chemical Product Design, Cambridge University Press, New York (2001)
13. Mitsos, A., I. Palou-Rivera, and P.I. Barton, Alternatives for Micropower Generation Processes, Indust. and Eng. Chemistry Research,
43(1) 74 (2004)
14. Mitsos, A., M.M. Hencke, and P.I. Barton, Product Engineering for
Man-Portable Power Generation Based on Fuel Cells, AIChE Journal,
51(8) 2199 (2005)
15. Chachuat, B., A. Mitsos, and P.I. Barton, Optimal Design and Steady205
Jason M. Keith
David L. Silverstein
University of Kentucky
Depending on the school, this course is either a standalone introduction to chemical engineering or is part of a
college-wide introductory course (with a portion devoted to
chemical engineering). Ironically, many chemical engineering
educators may never have taken such a course.
One overlooked concept in designing this course is to consider the needs of the student from the student perspective.
Recently, the University of Pittsburgh asked their freshmen
engineering students to conduct a survey of other first-term
freshmen engineering students on topics the students felt were
important.[13] While the results of the surveys are interest208
ing in their own right, the most useful result is the types of
surveys the students developed. The top 10 types of surveys
were as follows:
1. Getting enough sleep?
possible during the semester is a good idea as it indoctrinates the students more easily into the program.
m Many students struggle with the transition from high
schoolone idea is to use upper-class peer mentors or
speakers from on-campus who can discuss student-relevant issues. Having students conduct their own surveys,
as discussed in a previous section of this work, might
identify the most important issues for your students.
This course may also be called the Stoichiometry or Process Principles course by faculty. Students may refer to it as
a weed-out class as some students drop and switch majors
during or after completing the course. Much of this perception
may be because it requires students to think at a higher level
than in previous courses. A typical course will cover: units
and dimensions, properties, measurements, phase equilibria,
material balances, energy balances (nonreactive and reactive systems), and combined mass and energy balances. The
course should prepare students to apply conservation laws to
process simulation as the first source of modeling equations.
The course is the foundation for the rest of the curriculumit
is all about planting seeds for the future!
Best Practices / New Ideas
Some best practices and useful tools that we have used (or
discovered) for this course are:
m Emphasize importance of communication in problem
solving.[19] Requiring students to submit a solution or
two that meets corporate standards can be a useful
exercise in developing students communication skills.
Overuse of such a requirement can distract from the
problem-solving objectives, so use sparingly.
m Teaching by analogy.[20] Using simple analogies for explaining confusing topics such as mass/mole fractions,
steady-state, specific volume, saturated air, and others
can help students grasp topics that might elude them
from lecture and reading alone. Analogies provide a
link between what the student already knows and what
you are trying to teach them.
m Mass and energy balances on the human body.[21] In this
module students are asked to measure flows and compositions using a medical gas analyzer while exercising
and at rest. They then apply several ChE fundamental
principles (ideal gas law, partial pressure, stoichiometry, relative humidity, heat of reaction, work, efficiency,
and process simulation) to analyze their results.
m Starting the unit operations early in the curriculum.[22]
The equipment is already in the laboratory, so why not
use it within the material and energy balance course?
This allows for introduction of measurement, application of conservation laws, and an introduction of the
fundamentals of design. Any time students can apply
knowledge to a real task, they learn better.
m Incorporating programming with templates.[23] ProVol. 43, No. 3, Summer 2009
Trouble Spots
Fluid Mechanics
One major advantage of teaching a course in fluid mechanics is the visualization that could be easily brought into this
course. Some best practices that we have used (or discovered)
for achieving this in the fluids course are:
m Fords paper on Water Day[34] developed several
observation stations so that students can visualize
continuity, the Bernoulli equation, conservation of linear
momentum, the vena contracta effect, and relative and
absolute velocities.
m Incorporate high school outreach into the course
Using pressure concepts[35]
settling, sedimentation and flocculation, interparticle force effects on colloidal suspension rheology,
wetting behavior of dry powders, and granulation
coalescence behavior) and dry particle systems (hopper flow, consolidation effects of powder flow, particle dilation, wall friction, segregation during hopper
flow, vibrational segregation, fluidization, and flow
improvement due to powder agglomeration). There
are also a CD[39] and Web site[40] available with additional powder-technology education information.
Trouble Spots
solution processes (such as solving differential equations). Have them practice with in-class problems and
homework before testing them.
m Difficulty in connecting highly theoretical content to
real industrial applicationsif there is an Internetconnected computer and projector in the classroom,
instructors can use online and/or laboratory demonstrations to make a strong connection. This connection
can also help students with their subsequent classes.
m Students often do not know order-of-magnitude values
for pressure drops, velocities, Reynolds numbers, etc.
The teacher can provide them with general values on a
handout they can paste in the front of their textbook.
m Students struggle with when to eliminate terms in the
governing equations. If they are provided with handouts
to step them through difficult solution processes (such as
solving differential equations), they will be prepared for
more advanced homework and exam questions.
Introductory Thermodynamics
Do note that many articles in the journal Chemical Engineering Education have been written on thermodynamics problems,
especially in the Class and Home Problems section. Some
notable ones include a powerful example on energy consumption relating the second law, by Fan and colleagues[60]; an
open-ended design estimation problem from Lombardo[61]; and
the description of an experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium
laboratory at the University of Delaware.[62]
Trouble Spots
m Difficulty comprehending the second law of thermodynamics. One idea is to use the statistical nature of entropy as an introduction as well as the works of Foley[55]
and Fan.[60]
m Difficulty translating concepts of mathematics into this
course. Rather than assume knowledge of differentials,
partial derivatives, etc., spend some time to remind
students of these concepts.
Equilibrium-Staged Separations
Graphical methods are used to learn conceptual relationships and for order-of-magnitude design. Analytical methods
are then used as rigorous design tools and provide a foundation for simulation.
Best Practices / New Ideas
There are other quiz shows and contests that can be used
within the classroom. The chemical engineering education
literature has described ways to integrate formats from game
shows and games such as Jeopardy, Trivial Pursuit,[82] and
Hollywood Squares,[83] as well as offered professor-created
games such as Green Square Manufacturing,[84] True Blue
Titanium Game,[85] Chemical Engineering Balderdash,[85]
and the Transport Cup.[86] Most of these games usually
only address the knowledge or comprehension component
of Blooms taxonomy.[87]
Other simple-to-use active-learning methods include:
This paper has described some of the best practices for use
in the chemical engineering courses that traditionally occur
1. Silverstein, D.L., D.P. Visco, and J.M. Keith, New Ideas for Old
Courses: Lower Division, presented at 2007 ASEE-AIChE Summer
School, Pullman, WA
2. Keith, J.M, D.L. Silverstein, and D.P. Visco, Ideas to Consider for
Chemical Engineering Educators Teaching a New Old Course: Freshman and Sophomore Level Courses, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE
Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE (2008)
3. Seymour, E., and N. Hewitt, Talking about Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences, Westview Press, Boulder, CO (1997)
4. Solen, K., and J. Harb, An Introductory ChE Course for First-Year
Students, Chem Eng. Ed., 32(1), 52 (1998)
5. Visco, D., and P. Arce, A Freshman Course in Chemical Engineering: Merging First-Year Experiences with Discipline-Specific Needs,
Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE
6. Sauer, S.G., Freshman Design in Chemical Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Chem. Eng. Ed., 38(3), 222 (2004)
7. Coronella, C., Project-Based Learning in a First-Year Chemical
Engineering Course: Evaporative Cooling, Proceedings of the 2006
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE (2006)
8. Barritt, A., et. al.. A Freshman Design Experience: Multidisciplinary
Design of a Potable Water Treatment Plant, Chem Eng. Ed., 39(4),
296 (2005)
9. Vigeant, M., and R. Moore, Sneakers as a First Step in Chemical
Engineering, Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference &
Exposition, ASEE (2006)
10. Hollar, K.A., M. Savelski, and S. Farrell, Guilt-Free Chocolate:
Introducing Freshmen to Chemical Engineering, Proceedings of the
2002 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE (2002)
11. Minerick, A.R., and K.H. Schulz, Freshman Chemical Engineering
Experiment: Charged Up on Electrophoresis & Brewing with Bioreactors, Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition,
ASEE (2005)
12. Farrell, S., M. J. Savelski, and R. Hesketh, Energy Balances on the
Human Body, Chem Eng. Ed., 39(1), 30 (2005)
13. Budny, D., A. Allen, and J. Quarcoo, What Do Our Students Think
Is Important During Freshman Year? Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE
Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE (2007)
14. Roberts, S., A Successful Introduction to ChE First-Semester
Course, Chem. Eng. Ed., 39(3), 222 (2005)
15. Lebduska, L., and D. DiBiasio Mixing Writing With First-Year Engineering, Chem. Eng. Ed., 37(4), 248 (2003)
16. Bowman, F., et. al., Frontiers of Chemical Engineering, Chem. Eng.
Ed., 37(1), 24 (2003)
17. Pierson, H., and D. Price. The Potato Cannon, Chem. Eng. Ed., 39(2),
156 (2005)
18. Sloan Career Cornerstone Center, <http://www.careercornerstone.
19. Anthony, J., Elements of Calculation Style, Chem. Eng. Prog., 97(11),
50 (2001)
20. Fernandez-Torres, M.J.,Analogies: Those Little Tricks That Help
Students to Understand Basic Concepts in Chemical Engineering,
Chem. Eng. Ed., 39(4), 302 (2005)
21. Farrell, S., R. Hesketh, and M. Savelski, A Respiration Experiment
to Introduce ChE Principles, Chem. Eng. Ed., 38(3), 182 (2004)
22. Young, V., Using Your Unit Operations Laboratory, Proceedings of
the 1999 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE (1999)
23. Silverstein, D.L., Increasing Time Spent of Course Objectives by
Using Computer Programming to Teach Numerical Methods, Chem.
Eng. Ed., 37(3), 214 (2003)
24. Bullard, L., and R.M. Felder, A Student-Centered Approach to the
Stoichiometry Course, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE (2007)
25. Bullard, L., and R.M. Felder, A Student-Centered Approach To Teaching Material And Energy Balances 1. Course Design, Chem. Eng. Ed.,
41(2), 93 (2007)
26. Bullard, L., and R.M. Felder, A Student-Centered Approach To Teaching Material And Energy Balances 2. Course Delivery, Assessment,
Chem. Eng. Ed., 41(3), 167 (2007)
27. Biasca, K., <>
28. Richard Felders Resources in Science and Engineering Education, Web
page, <
29. Felder, R.M., and R.W. Rousseau, Elementary Principles of Chemical
Processes, 3rd Ed., 2005 Ed., Integrated Media and Study Tools, with
Student Workbook, Wiley, New York (2005)
30. Software Tutorials, <
31. Free Online Graph Paper/Grid Paper PDFs, Web Page, <>
32. MIT Frontiers of Chemical Engineering Education, <
33. Bird, R.B., W.E. Stewart, and E.N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena,
Wiley, New York, 1960 (1st edition)
34. Ford, L., Water Day: An Experiential Lecture for Fluid Mechanics,
Chem. Eng. Ed., 37(3), 170 (2003)
35. Ross, J.M., and T.M. Bayles, Incorporating High School Outreach
into ChE Courses, Chem. Eng. Ed., 37(3), 184 (2003)
36. Floyd-Smith, T.M., K.C. Kwon, J.A. Burmester, F.F. Dale, N. Vahdat,
and P. Jones, Demonstration and Assessment of a Simple Viscosity
Experiment for High School Science Classes, Chem. Eng. Ed., 40(3),
211 (2006)
37. Fan, L.-S., Particle Dynamics in Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems.
Part 2: Teaching Examples, Chem. Eng. Ed., 34(2), 128 (2000)
38. Iveson, S., and G.V. Franks, Particle Technology Demonstrations for
the Classroom and Laboratory, Chem. Eng. Ed., 37(4), 274 (2003)
39. Rhodes, M., and A. Zahkari, Laboratory Demonstrations in Particle
Technology, CD, Monash University, Australia (1998)
40. Educational Resources for Particle Technology Web site, <http://www.>
41. Golter, P.B., B.J. Van Wie, P.V. Scuderi, T.W. Henderson, R.M. Dueben, G.R. Brown, and W.J. Thomson, Combining Modern Learning
Pedagogies in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Chem. Eng. Ed.,
39(4), 280 (2005)
42. Wright, P.R., X. Liu, and B.J. Glasser A Fluidized Bed Adsorption
Laboratory Experiment, Chem. Eng. Ed., 38(1), 14 (2004)
Chemical Engineering Education
43. Badino, A., P.I.F. De Almeida, and A.J.G. Cruz, Agitation and Aeration: An Automated Didactic Experiment, Chem. Eng. Ed., 38(2), 100
44. Barar Pour, S., G. Benoit Norca, L. Fradette, R. Legros, and P.A. Tanguy, Solid-Liquid and Liquid- Liquid Mixing Laboratory for Chemical
Engineering Undergraduates, Chem. Eng. Ed., 41(2), 101 (2007)
45. Forrester, S.E., A.V. Nguyen, G.M. Evans, and P.M. Machniewski,
Compressible Flow Analysis: Discharging Vessels, Chem. Eng. Ed.,
38(2), 190 (2004)
46. IIHR Hydroscience and Engineering Laboratory at the University
of Iowa, <>
47. National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Film Series, <
48. Sinclair Curtis, J., and R.O. Fox, Computational Fluid Dynamics,
presented at 2007 AIChE-ASEE Summer School, Pullman, WA
49. Sinclair, J., CFD Case Studies in Fluid-Particle Flow, Chem. Eng.
Ed., 32(2), 108 (1998)
50. Keith, J.M., F. Morrison, J.A. King, Finite Element Modules for Enhancing Undergraduate Transport Courses, Applications to Fuel Cell
Fundamentals, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference &
Exposition, ASEE (2007)
51. Binous, H., Introducing Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Computations with Mathematica in the Undergraduate Curriculum, Chem. Eng.
Ed., 41(1), 59 (2007)
52. Visco, Jr., D.P.,S. Swaminathan, L. Zagumny, and H. Anthony, Evaluation of Student-Constructed Study Guides, Proceedings of the 2007
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, ASEE (2007)
53. Kyle, B. G., The Mystique of Entropy, Chem. Eng. Ed., 22(2), 92
54. Mller, E., Human Societies: A Curious Application of Thermodynamics, Chem. Eng. Ed., 32(3) 230 (1998)
55. Foley, A., Escape from Carnot: A New Way to Introduce the Mysterious Property, Entropy, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual
Conference & Exposition, ASEE (2007)
56. Haynie, D.T., Biological Thermodynamics, Cambridge University Press
57. Bioengineering Educational Materials Bank Web site <http://www.>
58. Rawlings, R., S. Allen, and P. Arce, The Class Binder: A Powerful
Enhancer of Active and Collaborative Learning Environments, Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference and
Meeting, ASEE (2005)
59. NIST Web book, <>
60. Fan, L., T. Zhang, and J. Schlup Energy Consumption vs. Energy
Requirement, Chem. Eng. Ed., 40(2), 132 (2006)
61. Lombardo, S., An Open-Ended Estimation Design Project for
Thermodynamics Students, Chem. Eng. Ed., 34(2), 154 (2000)
62. Wrenn, S., et. al., Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in the Undergraduate
Laboratory, Chem. Eng. Ed., 34(1), 74 (2000)
63. i.e., OBrien, D., and M. Schultz, Ask the Experts: Distillation, Chem.
Eng. Prog., 100(2), 14 (2004)
64. i.e., Yanagi, T., Inside a Trayed Distillation Column, Chem. Eng.,
122 (November 1990)
The History of
Chemical Engineering and Pedagogy
The Paradox of Tradition and Innovation
Phillip C. Wankat
Purdue University
espite the conservatism of ChE departments, chemical engineering has been at the forefront of helping
new professors learn how to teach and individual
chemical engineering professors have been leaders in the
push for engineering education reform. Examples of chemical engineering leadership in pedagogy include the Chemical
Engineering Division of ASEE Summer School every five
years, the divisions publication of the journal Chemical Engineering Education, and leadership in teaching professors
how-to-teach. Individual efforts include the development
of the guided design method, introducing Problem-Based
Learning into engineering, laboratory improvements and
hands-on learning, the textbook Teaching Engineering, and
the championing of cooperative group learning. Despite these
efforts, most ChE professors insist on lecturing.
This paper will provide a brief history of chemical engineering programs, curricula, and pedagogies.
In 1888 MIT started Course X (course refers to curriculum), which began as a mechanical engineering curriculum
with time devoted to the study of chemistry, and eventually
became chemical engineering.[1-3] MIT did not claim invention of chemical engineering but noted that similar engineers
were active in Europe.[4] Davies[5] starts his history of chemical engineering with the ancient Greeks and continues to the
1887 series of lectures presented by George E. Davis at the
Manchester Technical School in England. [The Manchester
Technical School became the University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) and in 2004
merged with the Victoria University of Manchester to form
the University of Manchester.] These lectures, which were
published over the next few years in the Chemical Trade
Journal, are often considered the start of formal education in
chemical engineering. Davis published the first Handbook of
Chemical Engineering in two volumes in 1901 and 1902.[6]
Since this is the 100th anniversary of the American Institute
Phil Wankat has a joint appointment in
Chemical Engineering and in Engineering
Education at Purdue University. He has a
B.S. ChE from Purdue, a Ph.D. from Princeton, and an M.S. Ed from Purdue. He is
the associate editor of CEE.
Curriculum Developments
Table 1
Other Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Cultural Subjects
ABET 2008-2009[16]
25% minimum
Sufficient material to be consistent with
Other Engineering
~148 credits
General Education
Must include design and sufficient material
to be consistent with objectives
Complement other components and
consistent with objectives
~124 or more credits
Table 2
Proposed 2009-10
16.7% 14.5%
Mech. Draw.
Ind. chem./
Other Engr.
Chem. Engr.
Tech. electives
Total credits
398.5 pts1
163-169 cr
152.7-154.7 cr.
144 cr
131 cr
1 point for each hour per week in courses with no outside work and 2.5 points for each hour per week in courses with outside work.
Depends on options chosen. The 163 minimum was used to determine %.
Depends on options. The 152.7 minimum was used to determine %.
Table 3
Proposed 2010-11
ChE/Met. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
ChE Calc. . . . . . . . 3
ChE Calc. . . . . . . . .4
Intro. Chem.
Proc. Ind. . . . . . . 3
Thermo. . . . . . . . . .4
Stat. Model . . . . . . 3
Thermo. . . . . . . . . .3
Fluids & Heat
Trans. . . . . . . . . . 4
Separation . . . . . . . 3
Fluids . . . . . . . . . . .4
Thermo . . 3 cr.
Thermo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Elem. Unit Ops. . . . . . . . . . 2
Mass Transfer . . . . 4
ChE Lab. . . . . . . . .2
Heat/Mass Transfer 4
Rx Eng. . . . . . . . . . 4
Molec. Eng. . . . . . . 3
Prof. Semin. . . . . . . 1
Indus. Chem.
& Tech. Analysis . . 22 points
ChE I . . . . . 3
Metallurgy . . .3
Rx Kinet. . . . . . . . .3
ChE Lab. . . . . . . . .2
Prof. Guid. &
Inspection Trips . 1
ChE Elec. . . . . . .3-4
ChE Lab. . . . . . . . . .4
Proc. Dynam. &
Control . . . . . . . . .3
Des & Cost Analysis 3
ChE Elec. . . . . . . . . 3
Indus. Chem.
& Tech. Analysis . . 22 points
ChE II . . . . .3
Metallurgy . . .3
Proc. Des. . . . . . . . . 2
ChE Elec. . . . . . . . . 3
44 points
9-15 cr.
28-31 cr.
36-37 cr.
48 cr.
Shown for the General Chemical Engineering program (other options were Gas Technology, Metallurgy, Military, and Organic Technology).
There have been a number of recent efforts at national curriculum reform. The University of Texas-Austin Septenary
committee did a major analysis of the curriculum in the early
1980s.[22, 23] The committee recommended the following: an
overhaul of all the ChE courses to strengthen fundamentals
and include computer calculations in all courses; inclusion
of modern biology, economics, and business courses in the
curriculum; sufficient electives to allow specialization; and
an overhaul of teaching methods and tools including major
revisions of all the textbooks. The recommendations of the
committee to provide incentives for rewriting textbooks have
been ignored, but many of the other recommendations made
by the Septenary committee were adopted at Texas. The report
also had some impact elsewhere. In particular, the need to
integrate Biology and Chemistry into the curriculum has been
widely understood.[24, 25] The use of options or tracks, which
had been recommended previously,[26] does not appear to have
been widely adopted. The current University of Texas-Austin
curriculum[27] differs from Purdues (Tables 2 and 3) by specifying humanities electives in American History and American
Government and requiring a literature course. In addition, an
Electrical Engineering course is required, and there are a total
of six electives in science, technical, and engineering areas
compared to the four electives in these areas at Purdue. Both
programs now require Biology. Thus, the differences in these
two curricula are rather small.
need to be revised to include examples from a much wider variety of industries. Some detailed examples of product design
are available.[30, 31] At least from course titles, product design
does not appear to have become a required course at MIT,[34]
Purdue (Table 3), University of Minnesota,[35] or University
of Texas-Austin.[27] Perhaps professors are including product
design as examples in their courses.
Another current curriculum revision initiative is called the
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Education Initiative[36-39]
that started with meetings in 2002. The initiative looks to: 1.
integrate Biology into the curriculum; 2. balance the diversity
of research areas with a strong undergraduate core; 3. balance
applications and fundamentals; 4. include both process and
product design; and 5. attract the best students to ChE. The
initiative proposes that the organizing principles of chemical engineering are molecular transformations, systems, and
multiscale analysis. The new curriculum is supposed to be
integrative and include the organizing principles plus laboratory experiences, examples, teaming, and communication
skills throughout the course sequence. Unfortunately, most
popular chemical engineering textbooks are not arranged
around the proposed organizing principles and little material
for teaching within this curriculum is available. Although the
initiative has been led by an MIT professor, the current MIT
curriculum[34] does not reflect this initiative. To be successful,
this initiative will have to convince professors that the changes
are necessary, train professors in new pedagogy, and sponsor
the development of an enormous amount of teaching material.
In a related effort that was started independently, the chemical
engineering professors at the University of Pittsburgh appear
to have been convinced that these changes are necessary
since Pitt has instituted a Pillars of Chemical Engineering
curriculum.[39-42] The six Pillar courses on foundations,
thermodynamics, transport, reactive processes, systems & dynamics, and design are block scheduled to provide additional
time. The courses include Molecular Insight and Modeling,
Product Design, Multiscale Analysis, and a significant amount
of simulations. Preliminary assessment data with concept
maps and concept inventories shows that students are learning
concepts better with the new curriculum.[41, 42]
A trend that so far has been generally ignored in curriculum
revisions is the increasing number of engineers employed
in the service sector in a post-industrial United States.[32]
Chemical engineers are popular in these positions because
they are intelligent people who voluntarily undertook one of
the most rigorous undergraduate curricula. These graduates
need less chemistry, more professional skills, and more global
awareness. Wei[32] recommends that the current curriculum,
with appropriate fine tuning, should not be changed to accommodate these students since it is usually unclear which path
students will follow after graduation. To a large extent the
ABET professional criteria3d (multidisciplinary teams), 3f
(professional & ethical responsibility), 3g (communication),
Chemical Engineering Education
3h (global/societal context of engineering), 3i (lifelong learning), and 3j (contemporary issues)[16]help prepare graduates
for jobs in the service sector. Currently, strengthening these
professional criteria in existing curricula is probably all that
is needed to prepare graduates for service-sector positions.
Although local curriculum revisions are needed periodically,
I personally do not believe that a national one-size-fits-all curriculum revision is wise. Schools should focus on their strengths
and local needs, and not blindly copy what other institutions are
doing. If an innovation makes sense and fits, then by all means
adapt it to your institution. If an innovation does not fit your
institution, keep doing what the institution is doing well.
The very boundaries of what we mean by chemical engineering are determined to a significant extent by the textbooks.
The publication of Principles of Chemical Engineering by
Walker, Lewis, and McAdams . . . shaped the field of chemical
engineering for many decades afterwards.[43, p. 185] In addition
to Walker, Lewis, and McAdams,[10] Professor Bird[43] cited
the books by Hougen and Watson,[44] and Hougen, Watson,
and Ragatz[45, 46] as particularly influential. We can certainly
add Badger and McCabe[47] and many other books to this
list. The McGraw-Hill series of chemical engineering books
started in 1925 was also very important for a number of years.
Although not a textbook, Perrys Handbook,[48] first published
in 1934 with significant contributions from DuPont chemical
engineers, has also been quite influential in chemical engineering education.
One of the current problems in chemical engineering education is that, with very few exceptions, there are no young
textbook authors. The first edition of most of the current
ChE textbooks were written when the author(s) were in their
forties or fifties, and many of these texts are in the 2nd, 3rd,
or higher editions. Younger professors are more likely to be
trained in new content that should be worked into the curriculum. Unfortunately, because the current reward system
at research universities is based on research papers, standard
advice for untenured professors is to not write a textbook.[23,
43, 52, 53]
Professor Bird also advises, Book writing should
not be undertaken to gain fame and fortune.[43] Although a
successful textbook can pay for the college education of the
Vol. 43, No. 3, Summer 2009
authors children, the other rewards are seldom commensurate with the effort required to write a good book.[43, 53] Most
chemical engineering professors are not trained in pedagogy
and a really good textbook has to be based on sound learning principles in addition to being technically correct. The
soundness of the pedagogical approaches is one reason for
the successes of Felder and Rousseau[50] and Fogler.[51] Training all professors how-to-teach[52] would reduce the amount
of on-the-job-training in writing textbooks. There have been
calls for more rewards for writers of textbooks,[23, 38, 43] but so
far action has been sparse.
There have been attempts to use other materials besides textbooks for presenting teaching material. In the 1980s AIChE
developed a series of six volumes of Modular Instruction
(AIChEMI) under the overall direction of Prof. E.J. Henley.
The six volumes covered Kinetics, Mass and Energy Balances,
Process Control, Stagewise and Mass Transfer Operations,
Thermodynamics, and Transport. Modules had the advantage
that the effort to write a module was orders-of-magnitude
less than writing a textbook. Unfortunately, the quality was
erratic and the modules were not widely adopted. The effort
has apparently disappeared since none of the modules appears
in the current AIChE catalog.
Highlights of Pedagogical
Developments in Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineers active in improving engineering education are often asked why chemical engineering, which is
not one of the larger engineering disciplines, has had a large
impact on engineering education. I will close by speculating
on the answer. Chemical engineers are interested in processes
while most engineering disciplines have focused on products.
Teaching and learning are processes. Thus, it is natural that
chemical engineers would contribute to improving these
processes. The other major engineering field interested in
processes, albeit of a different type, is industrial engineering.
Industrial engineering has been at the forefront of graduating
Ph.D.s who did their research on engineering education. I
believe that their interest in processes is a major reason that
chemical engineers have been and will continue to be leaders
in engineering education.
1. Weber, H.C., The Improbable Achievement: Chemical Engineering at MIT, in Furter, W.F. (Ed.), History of Chemical Engineering,
Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society, Advances in Chemistry
Series, 190, 77-96 (1980)
2. Westwater, J.W., The Beginnings of Chemical Engineering Education in the United States, in Furter, W.F. (Ed.), History of Chemical
Engineering, Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society, Advances
in Chemistry Series, 190, 140-152 (1980)
3. Peppas, N.A., The First Century of Chemical Engineering, Chemical
Heritage, 26, 26 (Fall 2008)
4. Van Antwerpen, F.J., The Origins of Chemical Engineering, in
Furter, W.F. (Ed.), History of Chemical Engineering, Washington, D.C.,
American Chemical Society, Advances in Chemistry Series, 190, 1-14
5. Davies, J.T., Chemical Engineering: How Did it Begin and Develop?
in Furter, W.F. (Ed.), History of Chemical Engineering, Washington,
D.C., American Chemical Society, Advances in Chemistry Series, 190,
15-43 (1980)
6. Davis, George E., A Handbook of Chemical Engineering Illustrated by
Working Examples, Davis Bros., Manchester, Vol. 1 (1901) and Vol. 2
7. Furter, W.F. (Ed.), History of Chemical Engineering, Washington,
D.C., American Chemical Society, Advances in Chemistry Series, 190,
8. Williams, G.C., and J.E. Vivian, Pioneers in Chemical Engineering
at MIT, in Furter, W.F. (Ed.), History of Chemical Engineering,
Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society, Advances in Chemistry
Series, 190, 113-128 (1980)
9. Robinson, C.S., Elements of Fractional Distillation, McGraw-Hill,
New York (1922)
10. Walker, W.H., W.K. Lewis, and W.H. McAdams, Principles of Chemical
Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York (1923)
11. Johnston, B.S., T.A. Meadowcroft, A.J. Franz, and T.A. Hatton, The
MIT Practice School, Chem. Eng. Educ., 28(1), 38 (Winter 1994)
12. Peppas, N.A., History of the School of Chemical Engineering of PurChemical Engineering Education
The University of Texas at Austin:
A Model for Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Science
and Engineering Education
What is NANOLAB?
NANOLAB consists of four 6-hour experiments: (1) Fabrication of gold nanoparticles using self-assembled templating;
(2) Optical and redox properties of colloidal semiconducting
quantum dots; (3) Acid-doped polyaniline nanofiber sensor
for vapor detection; and (4) Gold nanorod synthesis and
optical properties. Three of the experiments were designed
and developed during the summer of 2007 by three chemical engineering graduate students, Andrew Heitsch, Shawn
Coffee, and Navneet Salivati, and one materials science
and engineering graduate student, Damon Smith. A fourth
experiment was added for the Spring semester 2008 based
upon student and TA feedback after the Fall semester. The experiment was developed by three other chemical engineering
graduate students, Mike Rasch, Vahid Akhavan, and Danielle
Smith. As described in more detail below, each NANOLAB
There was a significant initial cost to developing the NANOLAB. This cost was offset by a $200,000 seeding grant from
the NSF through the Nanoscale Undergraduate Education
(NUE) funding program. The NSF funding was matched 3:1
by UT Austin from various sources on campus, with the deans
of both the Colleges of Engineering and Natural Sciences
and the chairs of the participating departments contributing
money for supplies and teaching assistants (TAs) for three
years to support NANOLAB.[12] A significant amount of effort was then spent designing and developing the NANOLAB
experiments. The three initial NANOLAB experiments were
designed and developed over the course of one summer. During the Fall semester when the NANOLAB experiments were
first offered, the graduate students who designed them trained
the TAs of the laboratory courses and were available for help
and troubleshooting as the semester progressed.
One thing to note about the experiments is that they were
designed and developed almost exclusively by chemical engineering Ph.D. students. Perhaps it may be better to involve
Ph.D. students and faculty from all of the participating departments in the experiment design, but practical issues and time
constraints did not allow this during the initial development
of the UT Austin NANOLAB. Other universities looking to
develop a similar nanolab may consider the pros and cons
of developing the laboratories with a larger team of students
and faculty.
The first semester of operation of NANOLAB proved the
importance of the online tutorials and the value of the TA.
Because of their rigorous academic schedules, the undergraduate students have limited time to prepare for the NANOLAB
experiments and need readily accessible teaching resources,
of which there are primarily three (Figure 3): (1) an Experimental Manual, (2) a Web-based tutorial, and (3) the TA. The
manual provides background information and explains the
laboratory procedures that the students must know to perform
the experiment. The Web-based tutorial has illustrations and
video of the experiments being conducted.[10] These visual
models provide the students with a snapshot of what they
will be doing in the laboratory. The Web-based tutorials have
been a particularly effective way to provide undergraduate
students with the quick training needed to complete the experiments. At the end of the Web-based tutorial, and after reading the background information in the manual, the students
are expected to complete a set of pre-laboratory exercises
to ensure they have read and understood the critical issues.
The TA is then available for support during the laboratory.
Specialized equipment requires a hands-on demonstration,
which the TA provides at the beginning of the laboratory.
The TA also ensures that the students work safely and is
available as questions arise during the laboratory session. It
is worth mentioning that safety training is a vital component
to preparing the students to work in the laboratory. Because
the students are entering NANOLAB from various other undergraduate laboratories, it is necessary to properly provide
the students with safety training that is specific to what they
will be doing in NANOLAB. Therefore, students must view
a safety video and then the TA provides additional safety
training immediately upon the students entering the laboratory
for the first time. With these resources, students have been
able to complete the NANOLAB experiments and learn the
intended concepts.
Concluding Remarks
The authors acknowledge the efforts of Bill Lackowski and
Paul Barbara in the Center for Nano- and Molecular Science
and Technology for playing critical roles in the development
of NANOLAB. The authors also thank the National Science
Foundation for partial financial support of the NANOLAB
by a Nanoscale Undergraduate Education (NUE) program
grant (EEC-06434221). This paper is similar to a presentation
recently given by the authors at the 2008 Annual Meeting of
the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
Figure 4. End of semester feedback from students and TAs about NANOLAB.
Chemical Engineering Education
1. Armstrong, R.C., The chemical Engineering Evolution: What Comes
Next?, Chem. Eng. Prog., 103, 33 (2007)
2. McCarthy, J., and R.S. Parker, The Pillars of Chemical Engineering:
A Block Scheduled Curriculum, Chem. Eng. Ed., 38, 292 (2004)
3. Ritter, S.K., The Changing Face of Chemical Engineering, Chem.
Eng. News, 79, 63 (2001)
4. Chang, J.P., A New Undergraduate Semiconductor Manufacturing
Option in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum, Int. J. Engng. Ed.,
18, 369 (2002)
5. Korgel, B.A., Nurturing Faculty-Student Dialogue, Deep Learning,
and Creativity through Journal Writing Exercises, J. Eng. Ed., 91,
143 (2002)
6. Rockwell, L., UT Will Offer New Nanotechnology Doctorate: Interdisciplinary Program One of the First in the Nation, Daily Texan (Jan.
17, 2003)
7. For more information, see <>
8. Report of the Task Force on Curricular Reform, (Oct. 27, 2005):
9. For example, the UT Austin Final Report by the Commission of 125a
committee of 125 educational and business leaders assembled to review
the educational mission of UT Austinstates, A narrow education,
no matter how deep in its field, will not be sufficient. Future citizens
will need to think critically and have a confident grasp of the arts, the
humanities, mathematics, science, and technology. The Final Report
(Sept. 30, 2004) can be accessed on the Internet at <http://www.utexas.
10. For detailed descriptions of the NANOLAB experiments, visit the
online tutorial: <>
11. For more information, see <
ChE laboratory
Student Lab-on-a-Chip:
For microchannel fabrication by soft lithography, SU-825 negative photoresist and SU-8 developer were acquired
from Microchem Corporation (Newton, MA). Sylgard-184
poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) (Dow-Corning, Midland,
MI) was obtained from Paisley Products of Canada, Inc.
(Toronto, ON). Glass microscope slides for microchannel
device assembly and Intramedic polyethylene tubing (PE60
and PE190) were from VWR International (Mississauga,
ON). All slides were cleaned with piranha solution, prepared as a 3:1 (v/v) mixture of sulfuric acid and hydrogen
peroxide. Concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide
(30%) were from Fisher Scientific Canada (Ottawa, ON).
Becton Dickinson Luer-Lok syringes and Precision Glide
needles were also purchased from Fisher Scientific Canada.
For cell culture, DMEM, penicillin-streptomycin (P/S), and
0.25% trypsin with EDTA were from Sigma-Aldrich Canada
(Oakville, ON, Canada). Fetal bovine serum (FBS) was
purchased from Hyclone (South Logan, UT, USA). T-75 and
T-225 tissue-culture-treated flasks were from Fisher Scientific
Canada (Ottawa, ON).
Cell Culture
A mouse fibroblast cell line (L929) was obtained from the
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), and used as the
model cell type for studying the F-L effect. Cells were seeded
at ~20,000 cells/cm2 in tissue-culture-treated polystyrene
flasks, and cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS
and 1% P/S. Media was changed every two days, and cells
were passaged every four to five days, depending on confluency. To prepare for the F-L experiment, cells were detached
from the flasks with 0.05% trypsin with 40 g/mL EDTA,
centrifuged at 284 g for 7 min, resuspended in supplemented
media at 20 million cells/mL, and kept on ice for the duration
of the experiment.
Microchannel Fabrication
Figure 1. Microfluidic experimental setup. (A) Gravitydriven flow is generated in the microchannel by securing
the syringe containing the cell suspension to the microscope. (B) Side view of cell suspension flowing through
microchannel and detected by objective of inverted
microscope. (C) Construction of microchannel slide used
in the laboratory session.
Experimental Setup
Thus, the mean velocity, flow rate, and ultimately the effective viscosity can be calculated from measurements of the longest streakline in each image and formulae for the
theoretical velocity profile in a rectangular microchannel. Figure 2A shows a typical
particle streakline image obtained using fluorescent microbeads seeded into a rectangular
microchannel, while Figures 2B and 2C are similar images from flowing cells.
Flow in Rectangular Microchannels
The theoretical background presented here was included in the laboratory manual
presented to the students (see handout available at <www.introductorybiomechanics.
com>). In the original experiments by Fahraeus and Lindqvist,[5] and in subsequent tests
by Barbee and Cokelet,[4] fine glass capillaries with circular cross sections were used,
and effective viscosity, eff, was determined using Poiseuilles law:
R 4 P
8 eff L
Q 2 D 2 P
A 64 eff L
( 2)
um =
In Eqs. (1) and (2), Q is the flow rate, P is the pressure drop across the capillary, L is the
capillary length, R is the capillary radius, D is the capillary diameter, A is cross-sectional
area, and um = Q/A is the mean velocity in the channel. The constant b = 64 is the friction
constant, equal to the product of the Reynolds number Re and the friction factor f:
= f Re
In the current study, Poiseuilles law was modified for flow in rectangular microPhase contrast images of the
flowing cell suspension were used
Eq. (2) thus becomes:
to determine the flow rate within
the microchannels by particle
2 D h P
( 4)
streak velocimetry. Suspended
eff L
particles traveling at a steady velocity U generate a streakline in flow
where capillary diameter D is replaced by the hydraulic diameter Dh = 4A/Pw, and Pw is
of length l over time t. Measuring
the wetted perimeter, Pw = 2(w + h). b for rectangular cross sections is governed by an
lengths of streaklines for an image
empirical relationship[11] for channel aspect ratio a = h/w:
taken with a given exposure time
= f Re = 96 1 1.3553 + 1.9467 2 1.7012 3 + 0.9564 4 0.2537 5 (5)
yields velocity U = l/t. Particles re
For laminar flow in rectangular channels, an approximation for the fully developed velocity profile was proposed
by Purday.[11] For a microchannel of half-width a = w/2, and
half-height b = h/2, the laminar velocity profile is:
u m + 1 n + 1 y z
1 1
u m m n b a
u max m + 1 n + 1
m n
(7 )
n =
2 + 0.3( 1 / 3)
1/ 3
>1/ 3
m 1 n 1 y z
m n b a
Figure 3. Laminar
velocity profile
in microchannel
of rectangular
The profile in the
vertical x-y plane
is parabolic for
most of the channel width, except
near the side walls
where the velocity
decreases to zero
because of the noslip condition.
Vol. 43, No. 3, Summer 2009
Figure 4 shows results for effective viscosity and normalized cell density from one representative trial. Effective viscosity was calculated using Eqs. (6) and (7) to determine mean
microchannel velocity from measured streaklines, and then
using Eq. (4) to solve for eff. Effective viscosity decreased
monotonically as the hydraulic diameter of the microchannel
was reduced. Normalized cell density also decreased with
decreasing hydraulic diameter, although the results for the
Cross Sectional
Area (103 sq. mm)
The laboratory exercise served mainly to reinforce the concept of the F-L effect taught in lecture. An additional benefit
of the lab, however, was that it acted as a hands-on exercise
in cell handling, microscopy, and flow visualization, as well
as a tool to reinforce other aspects of the bioengineering
curriculum. Blood rheology and hemodynamics comprise a
significant portion (approximately 25%) of the lecture material in MIE439, yet prior to this lab, the material was presented
only during lectures and not through an active-learning experience. Engineering students have many different learning
styles,[15] and lab exercises such as the one described here
complement the lecture material, provide a visual representation to abstract concepts, and cater to the visual and sensory
learners of the class.[16]
Other than the content described in the lab handout, students were not responsible for additional material related
to microfabrication or microfluidics since these were not
main topics within the course. Nonetheless, the exposure
to microfluidics allows the students to learn basic aspects
about this emerging field, its impact on biological and
biomedical research activities, and its associations with
other relevant courses in their chemical, mechanical, or
biomedical engineering programs. Thus, the microfluidics
aspect of the current lab assignment provides students with
a clear example of the integrative nature of bioengineering
as well as the importance of making connections between
different science and engineering disciplines, an issue that
remains an ongoing challenge in the development of core
bioengineering curricula at many universities.[17]
The post-lab activities were limited to student contemplation of the questions posed in the lab handout. A formal laboratory report was not required, so as to relieve the burden of
another report[18, 19] and to allow the students to focus on learning the concepts. To ensure the material was reviewed and the
questions answered, the students were informed before the lab
that a question on the final exam would be based directly on
the lab exercise. As such, answers to the post-lab questions
were not provided to the students. Though some may argue
that a mandatory write-up of the exercise would have further
improved chances of students retaining the material,[20] our
guarantee of a final exam question in fact resulted in more
student-staff interaction, and created a new opportunity for
formative feedback because students came forward to discuss
their interpretations of the post-lab questions with the teaching
staff in preparation for the exam.
Logistics and resource limitations prevented the students
from receiving hands-on training on the equipment prior to
the lab. Therefore, to successfully complete the lab, teams
had to rely on the laboratory manual and laboratory staff
for assistance, but more often on their colleagues experience and the teams ability to solve problems. Thus, an
unintended benefit of the lab exercise was that it provided
an opportunity for students to engage in face-to-face promotive interaction and to develop collaborative skills for future
team-based projects.[21]
Student Feedback
Students in the Fall 2008 course were asked to provide feedback by completing a voluntary online survey; approximately
60% of the students responded. Feedback was generally very
positive (Figure 5). The majority of students moderately or
strongly agreed that the lab reinforced concepts from lecture
and helped them understand and remember the F-L effectthe
main objectives of the lab exercise. Many students appreciated the hands-on experience that was closely aligned with
Vol. 43, No. 3, Summer 2009
Microfluidics was successfully implemented into an undergraduate teaching laboratory session to demonstrate the
Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect visually through optical imaging.
Effective viscosity and normalized cell density within the
microchannels was calculated and compared qualitatively to
expected results. Overall, the experiment produced results
that were consistent with the observations made originally
by Fahraeus and Lindqvist. The experimental setup was
easy, affordable (assuming soft lithography equipment and
biosafety-certified laboratory facilities are available), and reasonable to manage. Students learned to apply particle streak
velocimetry as a technique for determining flow rate within
microchannels, and were able to observe flow phenomena
firsthand in a practical laboratory setting. The implementation
of this lab session therefore appealed to visual and sensory
learners, and generated interest in the topic on hemodynamics
and blood rheology.
Random Thoughts . . .
Richard M. Felder
K: It may look that way to you, but only because as usual youre missing the big picture. Were all assuming
our fair share of the burden, with the administration
leading the way.
M: Thats reassuring to know.
K: Yes, and everything that can be cut is on the table except critical functions the university simply couldnt
manage without . . . . excuse me, thats the Chancellor
calling, let me just . . . Hello, sir . . . right . . . Flight
207 to Honolulu . . . business class . . . meet you in the
departure lounge . . . great, see you then . . . Ciao.
M: Sounds like a big trip coming up.
Richard M. Felder is Hoechst Celanese
Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering
at North Carolina State University. He is coauthor of Elementary Principles of Chemical
Processes (Wiley, 2005) and numerous
articles on chemical process engineering
and engineering and science education,
and regularly presents workshops on effective college teaching at campuses and
conferences around the world. Many of his
publications can be seen at <www.ncsu.
Copyright ChE Division of ASEE 2009
K: Well, yes, but I need you to keep this one under your
hat until its official. Last week yours truly came up
with an idea that will save the university tens of millions every year and it got the Chancellors approval
yesterday. I even impressed myself with this one.
M: Im all ears.
K: AhaI anticipated that some cynical faculty members would raise that unlikely scenario, so I make the
students pledge that everything in the paper is either
their words or exactly what they would have written.
M: Fiendishly cleverthat should satisfy even the most
jaded among us! Kreplach, Ive got to hand it to
youyouve thought of everything.
K: You got that right, but its crucial if you want to get
someone with the right qualifications for a sensitive job like this oneall hell could break loose
if you put an amateur in charge of converting all
the rest rooms on campus to pay toilets. Oh, by the
waywould you happen to have an extra paper clip
on you? p
All of the Random Thoughts columns are now available on the World Wide Web at and at
Biokinetic Modeling
of Imperfect Mixing in a Chemostat
an Example of Multiscale Modeling
Michael B. Cutlip
Neima Brauner
Mordechai Shacham
The application of mathematical software packages for solving SMSA problems has essentially replaced all other solution
techniques, as can be seen in many recent textbooks (see, for
example, Fogler[3]). For complex and/or multi-scale problems,
however, the solution process is often more involved.
The types of models included in the complex category are:
1. Multiple Model-Single Algorithm (MMSA) Problem.
A typical example is the cyclic operation of a semibatch bioreactor.[4] The three modes of operation of the
Copyright ChE Division of ASEE 2009
Problem Background
Biokinetic Modeling of Imperfect Mixing
in a Chemostat
A chemostat is usually considered to be a completely
mixed reactor; however, this is not always the case. Consider
the situation where the chemostat may be considered to be
modeled as a reactor with a completely-mixed volume V1
(dm3) that interacts with another completely-mixed volume
V2 (dm3) as shown in Figure 1. Volume V2 with an exchange
flow rate F2 (dm3/hr) may be considered to model the poorly
mixed regions within a production fermenter. The microbial
kd = 0.002
1 m S1
X V = F1S1 + F2S1
YX /S K S + S1 1 1
(a) Create a single graph of S1, X1, and P1 vs. the dilution
rate defined by D = F1/V1.
(b) Plot the cell production rate, the product DX1, and the
product production rate, the product of DP1, as functions of the dilution rate between 0.05 and 0.130 hr -1.
(c) Estimate the dilution rate that will maximize the production rate, DX1, for the cells and the dilution rate that will
maximize the production rate, DP1, for the product.
F2S1 +
X V = F2S2
YX /S K S + S2 2 2
Problem Solution
( 2)
F2 X 2 + m 1 k d X1V1 = F1X1 + F2 X1
K S + S1
F2 X1 + m 2 k d X 2 V2 = F2 X 2
K S + S2
( 4)
Problem Statement
Initial Guess
S2 (g/dm )
X2 (g/dm3)
X1 (g/dm3)
D (1/hr)
F1 (dm3/hr)
F2 (dm3/hr)
Figure 1.
PR_DP1 (g/hr)
PR_DX1 (g/hr)
The results for the case where F1 = 0.17 dm3/hr and the
initial estimates S1,0 = S2,0 = 0, X1,0 = 0.025, and X2,0 = 0.025
are given in Table 2. For this case with the dilution rate D =
Table 3
Equation % Comment
Table 4
Equation % Comment
options = optimset(Diagnostics,[off],TolFun,[1e-9],TolX,[1e-9]);
for k=1:16
Excel[8] can also be used for carrying out the parametric runs efficiently. The model can be automatically
exported from POLYMATH to Excel with a single key
press. Part of the Excel worksheet as generated by
POLYMATH is shown in Table 5, where the variable
cell calculations are indicated. The variable names
are translated to cell addresses, a new equation that
calculates the sum of squares of the function values
is added, and the equations are rearranged in a form
that is appropriate for solving the equation using the
solver add-in available within Excel. The complete
worksheet with the solution obtained using solver is
shown in Table 6 (next page). The numerical results
are identical to those obtained by POLYMATH. The
variable names in column B, the POLYMATH equations in column D, and the variable descriptions in
column E provide complete documentation for the
Excel formulas in column C.
Solution of the system of equations using solver for
various values of F1 requires the creation of a macro
or a VBA (Visual Basic for Applications[8]) program. A
plot of S1, X1, and P1 as functions of the dilution rate is
shown in Figure 2, and the cell and product production
rates are plotted in Figure 3. Maximum points for the
two production rates in the vicinity of D = 0.1 hr-1 can
be observed in this figure. A more precise determination
of the maximum is discussed in the next section.
Maximization of the Production Rates by
Solving an SMMA Problem
The two optimization problems can be posed as the
following minimization problems:
min DX1 and min DP1 where D = F1 / V1
Table 5
POLYMATH Model of the Chemostat Exported to Excel with Display Formulas Option.
Table 6
Table 7
Equation % Comment
options = optimset(Diagnostics,[off],TolFun,[1e-9],TolX,[1e-9]);