Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Projects: Dr. Gurdeep Singh 1.0 Screening
Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Projects: Dr. Gurdeep Singh 1.0 Screening
Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Projects: Dr. Gurdeep Singh 1.0 Screening
23-25, 2008
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as amended from time to time
(Water Act)
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977, as amended (Water Cess Act)
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 as amended (Air Act).
The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (EPA)
The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 as amended
The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 as amended
The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
The Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957, as amended (MMRD Act)
Circulars issued by the Director-General Mines Safety (DGMS).
Once the mining industry has been set up during the process of its life cycle, it is required to
meet the standards of emissions, effluents and noise levels besides the compliance of other
environmental acts/regulations including mining safety regulations. There also exists Guidelines for
Integrating Environmental Concerns with Exploitation of Mineral Resources which identify some of
the vital aspects relevant to environmental protection. These guidelines highlight the salient aspects of
the various problems and briefly indicate some of the steps that need to be incorporated during the
planning and various stages of the mining operations. The need for evolving certain tolerance
standards/limits by the appropriate agencies, has also been emphasised.
Professor and Head, Centre of Mining Environment, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826 004
email: s_gurdeep2001@yahoo.com
Alternative Mining Methods (Bord & Pillar/Longwall shovel-dumper/Dragline-Shoveldumper etc) and use of raw materials (different transportation systems, overburden removal,
handling techniques and reclamation methods)
Alternative site configuration including different locations for haulage roads, overburden and
soil mounds, site access points and site buildings.
Alternate mitigation measures e.g. restoration plans, different control techniques for air,
water, soil and noise pollution
Scheduling alternatives e.g., application of phased or staged mining and restoration plans to
avoid the seasonally sensitive areas.
All viable alternatives should be given due consideration while planning mining operations.
Details about the proposed mining technology should be furnished. It has been noticed that the mining
technology is finalised on economic and technical considerations without taking into account the
environmental and social implications. Mining technology in conjunction with the restoration plans
(mitigation measures) during construction, operation and post-mining phases should be carefully
selected not only on the basis of yielding the highest possible production and profitability but also the
environmental enhancement and positive socio-economic impacts. It should also consider to minimise
miner's occupational exposure time and associated risk and safety factors.
4.0 Scoping
Components of Development and Associated Environmental Impacts in Mining projects are
well known and major development components associated with these are tabled below :
* Land Acquisition
* Mineral extraction
* Disposal
* Mineral transport
Mining projects, in general, give rise to potential environmental impacts and in scoping
exercise, the following environmental components (attributes) which are usually impacted as result of
above listed activities must be considered :
1. Landuse
6. Landscape
2. Socio-economic
7. Water resources/hydrology
3. Water quality
5. Risk/hazards
Scoping is useful in initiating a mechanism for consultation amongst the project developer the
affected people, NGOs, public representatives, planning authorities. All aspects of environmental
socio-economic and particularly compensation for settlement and rehabilitation package and other
issues as required by the decision-makers, should be dealt with in scoping exercise. A typical scoping
matrix is presented (as encountered in some of the opencast mining projects) in Annexure 1 showing
the scoping of environmental impacts with the components of development.
Description of environmental setting with respect to above environmental impacts in the project
area requires the collection of baseline (pre-mining) data. The upcoming project site is usually
surrounded by existing coalfields, the impacts of which already exist in the baseline (background)
environmental quality of the area. The socio-economic profile of mining areas indicates very rapid
growth of population (70-80% per decade) due to availability of better employment opportunities,
higher literacy rate (40-70%), improved infrastructure (communication, transport, roads etc) but
generally associated with lack of adequate facilities for water supply and sanitation.
5.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts
Anticipated (predicted) environmental impacts should be based on the experience gained in
similar type of mines under similar conditions. Scientific data from the working mines to substantiate
the anticipation shall also be furnished. The major anticipated impacts generally encountered in
various components of development (as already listed in scoping) are summarised below.
5.1 Land use
The major direct impacts on existing land use during the pre-mining phase are the removal of
vegetation and resettlement of displaced population. There may also be landuse changes with respect
to agriculture, fisheries, recreation sites, housing, forestry areas etc. Land reclamation/restoration of
mined out lands may give rise to enhanced beneficial land use.
5.2 Landscape
There exists major environment impacts due to landscape disruption particularly visuals
(unsighty huge dumps, voids, mine structures, subsidence, mine fires etc.). During mining and postmining phases drastic changes in landscape with landforms take place. The major associated impacts
are soil-erosion, loss of top soil, change in complete geology, creation of huge dumps & voids,
disposal of wastes, deforestation etc Land reclamation/restoration may provide better landuse and
landscape with considerations to environmental management
5.3 Socio-economic
The major beneficial impacts of mining projects are change in employment & income
opportunity, infrastructure, community development, communication, transport, educational,
commercial, recreational and medical facilities. The major adverse impact, however, is the
displacement and rehabilitation/resettlement of affected people including change in culture, heritage
& related features. The crime and illicit activities also prop-up due to sudden economic development
of the area.
5.4 Hydrology/water resources
The major adverse impacts are changes in ground water flow patterns, lowering of water
table, changes in the hydrodynamic conditions of river/underground recharge basings, reduction in
volumes of subsurface discharge to water bodies/ rivers, disruption & diversion of water
courses/drainages, contamination of water bodies, affecting the yield of water from bore wells and
dugwells, land subsidence etc.
5.5 Water quality
The major impacts are water pollution due to erosion, oil & grease, contamination of water
bodies due to discharge of mine water/effluents, pollution from domestic & sewage effluents,
sedimentation of rivers and other stored water bodies, leachates from wash-off from dumps, solid
waste disposal sites, broken rocks, toxic wastes, salinity from mine fires, acid mine drainage etc.
5.6 Air Quality
The major adverse impact is the high intensity of dust nuisance problems such as visuals,
soiling and degradation of materials etc. The major sources activities of dust emissions are drilling &
blasting, overburden removal, haul roads, coal extraction, transportation, reclamation activities and
also erosion from dumps, coal yards, waste disposal areas.
Other impacts are gaseous emissions, exhaust from HEMM & other transport vehicles.
5.7 Noise and Vibrations
The major adverse impacts during pre-mining and mining phases are generation of obnoxious
levels of noise & vibrations which also spread in neighbouring communities. The other impacts are
occupational health hazards, damage to structures, disruption in wildlife etc.
5.8 Ecology (flora & fauna)
The major adverse impacts due to pre-mining and mining phases are loss of habitat,
biodiversity, rare flora & fauna, fisheries & other aquatic life, migration of wildlife and overall
disruption of the ecology of the area. During post-mining phase after land restoration, ecology may
effectively improve.
5.9 Risks and hazards
Risks and hazards arise mainly from blasting and mine occupational activities and are well
established. Blasting may effect the mine workers as well as people residing in the vicinity of mine
and dependent upon the type & quantity of explosives used, pit geology, topography and confinement
of the blast. Various respirable diseases due to occupational hazards associated with mining
operations are quite infamous. Workers are also put in various risky jobs in typified mine works.
There also exists risks and hazards of mine accidents (roof fall, explosions, inundations, rock bursts
etc.). Vibrations and fly rock as a result of blasting and rock fragmentation give rise to serious risk of
accidents and damage to structures.
To ensure landuse changes happen in an optimal way so that impacts are minimised and land is
reclaimed as soon as possible with predetermined land use patterns and landscape considerations.
To minimise the impacts on the local population with provision of environmental benefits to local
people Year-wise Reclamation Plan is to be prepared while considering the above aspects and
consists of
Overburden analysis and selective procedures for handling requirements including ripping &
However, there is little that can help to prevent the damage to landscape during mining phase.
However, during post-mining phase/restoration process, proper afforestation with layout of
rehabilitation measures such as recreational will help in improving the aesthetics and landscape.
7.2 Socio-economic
Major impacts of mining projects are rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) of displaced
persons. There exists standard packages for project affected people and the package cost is considered
under project cost. The Government of India, has provided guidelines for R&R package for displaced
persons, as given below :
Compensation to be paid for house and land acquired from each family
Civic facilities to be provided in the rehabilitation colony will include water supply, power,
roads and sanitation arrangements
Training to be arranged by the concerned company for eligible persons to enable them to take
up the job. Since R&R is very sensitive issue, utmost care should be taken in its effective
implementation while involving the actual displaced persons, local government
administrators, political leaders, NGOs etc. While initiating R&R measures, care should be
taken to ensure to the extent possible, that the traditional life style of local people is not
disturbed. Since some of sites are located in remote areas, the township is an essential
component of mining activities. These townships shall be properly planned according to
normal town planning practices and should not be allowed to grow indiscriminately.
Adequate infrastructure should be developed taking care of neighborhood areas so as to avoid
straining infrastructure facilities of nearby settlements.
Dust suppression through heavy dust sprinklers/road watering trucks at various sensitive
points such as haul roads, mineral handling plants, crushing and screening plants etc.
Dust extraction facilities are to be provided with HEMM, crushing, screening and mineral
handling plants.
Water sprays, hoods, dust collectors are to be used to control dusts from drilling.
Measures such as adoption of hoods a transfer points, proper design of chutes, vulcanising
conveyer belt joints, underbelt cleaning devices apart from dust suppression and/or dust
extraction system for conveyers are usually introduced to minimise dust pollution.
Transportation (trucks/dumpers & railway wagons) are to be properly covered and leak proof.
Suitable spraying agents to be sprinkled to prevent dusts from being airborne.
Consolidation of haul roads & other roads should be sprayed with suitable chemical additives
for effective check of dust emissions.
Provision of ear plugs and ear muffs to reduce noise level exposure.
Control of ground movement due to vibration can be achieved by avoiding over-charging, use
of delays and improved blasting technology. Due regard must be paid to vibration
transmission properties of geological formations and terrain stability (tectonism, seismiciy
Vibrations due to mobile plants and equipment can be minimised by modernisation and
proper maintenance.
7.7 Ecology
The methods to safeguard ecological impacts include avoiding areas of high ecological values
for siting various mining infrastructure dumps, disposal sites etc.
Providing environmental (wildlife) corridoors to link adjacent habitat where mining is to be
carried out in such sensitive afforested areas.
Suitable design of greenbelts/shelter beds with selected species should be provided which can
also respond to attenuate dust, gaseous emissions and noise levels.
Due to the nature of mining and occurrence of typical mineral deposits it is not possible to
restore the entire ecological scenario in the mining areas.
7.8 Risk, Hazards, Public Health & Safety
Sufficient precautions to be taken to safeguard both the workforce and the local population.
These include mock safety drill during blasting, stabilisation of dumps and fencing of hazardous
areas. Blasting should take place during normal working hours and at fixed time intervals and people
living around should be warned in advance for better safety. Mine rescue training to encounter various
risks, hazards and safety factors associated with mine disasters such as explosions inundation, rock
collapse etc. Mechanized opencast mining methods usually provide less exposure time and are
relatively risk free than those of underground methods. Personal protective gear use by the employees
minimising the risks and hazards.
As a result of better sanitation, medical facilities and other infrastructural facilities, there is
likelihood of the reduction in disease. However, regular medical check up of employees particular
those put on risky and occupational hazards should be done periodically rather than at three years
interval as stipulated by Director General Mine Safety.
8.0 Residual Impacts
Residual impacts are usually remained in a number of environmental components even after
best environmental practice is applied. These include dust, landscape, noise & vibrations, risk &
health etc. These are resulted due to various technological constraints and the nature of mining.
Consequently aesthetics & visuals and ecological impacts can not be avoided. The nature of mining
activities is such that generation of noise & vibrations can not be eliminated.
Since R&R package is a very sensitive issue it is not possible to provide complete satisfaction
particularly to project affected people despite having best possible features. Mining (Project)
authorities should however, develop a monitoring and feedback mechanism to effectively implement
and monitor environmental management plan. This will ensure proper implementation of mitigation
measures proposed and also to effect mid-course corrections, if required. An environmental impact
matrix with mitigation measures is provided in Annexure 3. Comparison of Annexures 2 and 3
reflects the residual impacts remaining particularly due to mining technological constraints.
9.0 Public Participation and Consultation
A limited public participation is provided in the country. In case of certain special/controversial
projects which have aroused considerable public interest, public hearings are arranged to ensure
public participation and consultation in developmental decisions. Announcements for such public
hearings is usually made atleast 30 days before through newspapers. There already exists conflicts on
various development projects including mining projects in view of this provision of very limited
participation. This is very vital for successful implementation of the project because this will help to:
However, this process may allow vested interests to delay the project and give rise to increased
costs. Project affected people and support groups and people with valuable information and
voluntary/elective representatives, NGOs etc. should be consulted for effective participation.
Print/electronic media, postal questionnaire, leaflets, official/elective representatives meetings, local
language, visual aids can be used to ensure public participation and consultation. Though all stages of
EIA process are required but scoping, review and monitoring are particularly important to ensure
successful implementation of the development (mining) projects.
10.0 Decision Making
On the basis of the exercise (scrutinising the EIA documents, site visits wherever necessary,
consultation with experts on specific issues as and when necessary, interact with the affected people
and environmental groups directly and public hearings/participation in speical/controversial projects).
The Environmental Appraisal Committee on Mining Projects, make recommendations for approval or
rejection of particular projects. The recommendations then processed in the MOEF for approval or
rejection. Once all the requisite documents and data from the project authority (developer) are
received and public hearings (where required) have been held, assessment and evaluation of the
project from the environmental angle is completed within 90 days and the decision of the MOEF is
conveyed within 30 days thereafter.
11.0 Monitoring
Each mining company including at project level usually identify within its setup a
Department/Section/Cell with trained personnel to take up the model responsibility of environmental
management as required for planning and implementation of the projects. The purpose of the
monitoring is :
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