Job Offer Letter: Congratulations!!
Job Offer Letter: Congratulations!!
Job Offer Letter: Congratulations!!
We are pleased to offer you the position of with _________________. We are all excited about the
potential that you will bring to our organization.
Your gross emoluments will be Rs./pa (CTC). You will be issued a detailed appointment letter on your
joining us.
If it transpires that you have made a false statement (or have not disclosed a material fact) resulting in
your being offered this appointment, the Management may take such action as it deems fit in its sole
discretion, including termination of your employment.
Basic Salary:-Rs ,000/pm
HRA:-Rs. 00/p,m
Attendance Bonus:-Rs. 00/pm
Special Allowance:-Rs. ,00/pm
Conveyance:-Rs. 2,500/pm
----------------------------------------------------------------------Gross Amount:-Rs.,000/pm
(-) Meal Deduction:-Rs.,000/pm
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Net Amount:-Rs. 0,000/pm
You are required to join us latest by ____________, beyond which this offer stands cancelled unless
otherwise either party communicates the said delay beforehand.
We look forward to your arrival as an employee of our organization and are confident that you will play a
key role in our companys expansion into national and international markets. Your detailed appointment
letter will be issued to you at the time of your joining.