Basophob WDS - Engleza

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Technical Information

TI/ED 1733 e
July 2004 (RSV)

Architectural Coatings

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Supersedes edition dated July 2003

= Registered trademark of
BASF Aktiengesellschaft

Basophob WDS
Highly concentrated aqueous dispersion of paraffin wax used to
increase the water repellency of textured finishes and floor screeds

Chemical nature

Aqueous paraffin wax dispersion

Product specification

pH (ISO 976)
10 % in distilled water
Water content (DIN 53715)

8.4 9.4

35.5 38.5

The aforementioned data shall constitute the agreed contractual quality

of the product at the time of passing of risk. The data are controlled at
regular intervals as part of our quality assurance program. Neither these
data nor the properties of product specimens shall imply any legally binding guarantee of certain properties or of fitness for a specific purpose.
No liability of ours can be derived therefrom.
Other properties

Solids content (ISO 3251, T.2-D)

58.5 61.5

Density (ISO 8962, DIN 53217, Part 2)

g/cm 3

ca. 0.98

Apparent viscosity at 23 C
(ISO 2555, Brookfield RV,
Spindle 1, 20 rpm)

mPas 200 - 500

Low-temperature stability


TI/ED 1733 e July 2004

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Basophob WDS

Areas of application

Basophob WDS is added to textured finishes and floor screeds based on

aqueous polymer dispersions in order to improve their water resistance
and to prevent cracks from forming in the dry product due to shrinkage.


An effective method of adding Basophob WDS to textured finishes and

floor screeds produced in low-speed stirrers is to mix it with the polymer
dispersion and other additives before dispersing the solid constituents. It
is normally applied at a rate of 0.5 1 % (concentration as supplied,
expressed as a proportion of the total formulation). The effectiveness of
Basophob WDS and its compatibility with the other ingredients of the
formulation have to be confirmed in trials. This includes testing its stability
when it is stored at temperatures of ca. 50 C.


The usual safety precautions when handling chemicals must be observed.

In particular, the place of work must be well ventilated if large quantities
are being processed, the skin should be protected, and safety glasses
should be worn at all times.

Safety Data Sheet

A Safety Data Sheet is available for Basophob WDS, which contains upto-date information on all questions relevant to safety.


According to all the data at our disposal, Basophob WDS does not need
to be labelled as a dangerous substance or preparation as defined in the
relevant European Union directives (substances directive 1967/548/EC
and preparations directive 1999/45/EC) according to their current status.

Basophob WDS has a shelf life of six months if it is stored in tightly
sealed containers at temperatures of 10 C - 30 C.

The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge
and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing
and application of our product, these data do not relieve processors from
carrying out their own investigations and tests; neither do these data imply
any guarantee of certain properties, nor the suitability of the product for
a specific purpose. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proportions, weights etc. given herein may change without prior information
and do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product. It is
the responsibility of the recipient of our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed.

BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Functional Polymers EDK/B
67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany

Printed in Germany

July 2004

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