Adam Wysocki Resume
Adam Wysocki Resume
Adam Wysocki Resume
Precision Agriculture Intern | Bancroft, Wisconsin
May 2016-present
Wysocki Produce Farm, Inc.
45 hours/week
Managed a crew of 5-12 people for 3 weeks to insure quality of potatoes and employees safety during 12-hour
night shifts
Collected soil samples from 13,842 acres for field management and precision lime application
Created agronomic reports on yield, crop nutrient management, and soil on a regular basis for senior management
for the purpose of facilitating crop management
Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research: Ground Penetrating Radar | Eau Claire, Wisconsin Jan. 2015-May 2016
UW-Eau Claire Department of Geography and Anthropology
7 hours/week
Earned a $7,500 grant for a year-long research initiative
Collected ground penetrating radar data for a strandplain on Lake Superior
Presented research results at regional and international research conferences
Physical Environment Lab Student Assistant | Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Jan. 2015-May 2015
UW-Eau Claire Department of Geography and Anthropology
7 hours/week
Mentored fellow undergraduate students through one-on-one advising
Provided feedback to 20 students in a timely manner by grading lab reports on a weekly basis
Ropes Course Facilitator | Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Summers 2013-2014
Eagles View Challenge Ropes Course
7 hours/week biweekly
Delivered high and low ropes course lessons for youth and adult groups between 5-20 participants
Maintained safety of ropes course participants at all times
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire | Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Bachelor of Science, Environmental Geography | GPA: 3.93/4.0
Geographic Information Systems Certificate
Deans List: Fall 2012 Spring 2016
Online Portfolio:
Campus Leadership
Students Encouraging Environmental Deeds (SEED) Presenter
Feb. 2014-May 2015
Educated groups between 5-20 undergraduate students on sustainability topics through interpretive programs
Blugold Marching Band Trombone Section Leader
2012, 2014, 2015
Led sections between 25-36 people to ensure musical quality and marching fundamentals
Mortar Board-National College Senior Honor Society Vice President
Dec. 2015 May 2016
Directed the application process for new honor society applicants
Geography and Anthropology Club - Secretary
Sept. 2014 - May 2016
Updated the clubs Facebook group with weekly meetings minutes
Community Service
Blugold Beginnings Mentor | Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Built interest in higher education through leading 8th grade student groups around campus
Conservation Day on the WPA | USFWS Eagle River District, Wisconsin
Adam Wysocki
Presented field-based interpretive programs to children ages 8-10 on topics related to invasive species
management and habitat restoration