Adalimumab Adhere
Adalimumab Adhere
Adalimumab Adhere
Prolonged adalimumab therapy maintained clinical remission and response
in patients with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease for up to
4 years. No increased risk of adverse events or new safety signals were
identified with long-term maintenance therapy. ( number:
Crohn’s disease (CD) is a relapsing and remitting
intestinal inflammatory disorder. The pathogenesis of CHARM and ADHERE trials
CD is not well characterised, although environmental, Detailed methods and patient demographics of the
genetic and microbial factors leading to a dysregulated CHARM and ADHERE trials have been published
immune response are all thought to play key roles. previously.5, 10 Briefly, CHARM was a 56-week, multi-
Elevated levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) centre, phase III, double-blind, randomised, pla-
may be observed both at disease onset and during cebo-controlled trial to assess the efficacy and safety of
times of flare.1–3 Evolving treatment goals for CD adalimumab for the treatment of patients with moder-
include inducing and maintaining clinical and endo- ately to severely active CD. Adult patients with a diag-
scopic remission (also termed ‘deep remission’),4 avoid- nosis of CD for at least 4 months and a Crohn’s
ing prolonged exposure to corticosteroids, improving Disease Activity Index (CDAI) between 220 and 450
patient quality of life, and reducing hospitalisations received open-label induction with adalimumab (80 mg
and surgeries. at week 0, 40 mg at week 2). Patients enrolled in
The use of agents directed against TNFa has made a CHARM could have received previous treatment with
significant impact on the management of patients with another anti-TNF antagonist. CD-related medications
CD. However, most efficacy data with these agents are were to remain stable during CHARM, with the excep-
limited to that collected during relatively short-term (up tion of corticosteroids, which could be tapered at the
to 1 year) clinical trials. Due to the chronic relapsing investigator’s discretion beginning at week 8. Patients
and progressive nature of CD, clinical trial data over who experienced a flare after they tapered their dosages
longer durations of treatment (i.e. several years) are of steroids could have their corticosteroid dosages
desirable to demonstrate both long-term efficacy and increased to the dosage prior to the start of the taper.
safety of these agents. Adjustments (increases or decreases) in other CD-re-
Adalimumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody lated concomitant treatments, including initiation of a
against TNFa, has been shown in randomised, pla- treatment a patient was not taking previously, were
cebo-controlled clinical trials to be effective for the allowed in ADHERE following at least 3 months of
induction and maintenance of remission and to open-label adalimumab exposure. At week 4, patients
achieve mucosal healing in patients with moderately to were randomised to receive placebo, either 40 mg ada-
severely active CD.5–9 The Phase III adalimumab limumab weekly or 40 mg every other week. After week
maintenance trial CHARM (Crohn’s Trial of the Fully 12, patients who experienced a disease flare or nonre-
Human Antibody Adalimumab for Remission Mainte- sponse could move to open-label treatment with 40 mg
nance) was followed by a long-term, open-label exten- every other week, and then to 40 mg weekly for contin-
sion, ADHERE (Additional Long-Term Dosing With ued flare or nonresponse. At the end of CHARM,
HUMIRA to Evaluate Sustained Remission and Efficacy patients could enter the open-label extension ADHERE
in CD), which collected efficacy and safety data for up trial. Enrolment in ADHERE was conducted on a roll-
to 4 years of treatment with adalimumab. Previous ing basis as subjects completed CHARM, so the dura-
reports from ADHERE demonstrated that 2 years of tion of participation in ADHERE varied. Patients still
treatment with adalimumab was associated with main- on blinded therapy at the end of CHARM received
tenance of stable rates of clinical remission, fistula adalimumab 40 mg every other week upon entry to
healing, decreased hospitalisations and improved ADHERE. Patients on open-label adalimumab every
patient quality of life.10, 11 A later analysis of patients other week or weekly continued on the same regimen.
receiving corticosteroids at the start of adalimumab During ADHERE, patients on every other week ada-
therapy in CHARM demonstrated stable rates of corti- limumab could move to weekly dosing for disease flare
costeroid-free remission for up to 3 years.12 In this or for nonresponse. Termination of the ADHERE study
current report, we present the extended long-term effi- occurred at each study site upon country and local (if
cacy (including maintenance of clinical response and applicable) regulatory and reimbursement approval of
remission, fistula healing and corticosteroid-free remis- adalimumab for CD, and opening of the adalimumab
sion) and safety of adalimumab through 4 years of long-term registry (PYRAMID) for enrolment. All sites
therapy. were terminated in December 2008.
2008 termination date, at least 50% of subjects who moved to weekly dosing in years 2 to 4 of treatment
enrolled from CHARM remained in ADHERE through (Figure 1).
Week 156 (212 weeks from CHARM baseline). A dia-
gram of the patient flow during CHARM and ADHERE Maintenance of clinical remission and response
is shown in Figure 1. Of the patients randomised to ada- CDAI over time from baseline to week 212 for the
limumab every other week during CHARM, 16.5% CHARM mITT population is shown in Figure 2a. The
(weeks 56-212)
N = 50 N = 28 N = 40
N = 89 N = 116 N = 144
Entered on Entered on Entered on
Entered on Entered on Entered on
40 mg eow 40 mg eow 40 mg eow
40 mg ew 40 mg ew 40 mg ew
N = 28 N = 61 N = 43 N = 73 N = 47 N = 97
moved to cotinued moved to cotinued moved to cotinued
40 mg on 40 mg 40 mg on 40 mg 40 mg on 40 mg
ew eow ew eow ew eow
46 other reasons
Figure 1 | Disposition of CHARM patients entering ADHERE. The primary reason for discontinuation during ADHERE is
also shown for all patients. ADA, adalimumab; PBO, placebo; eow, every other week; ew, weekly; OL, open-label.
8 26 56 80 104 164 212
Weeks from CHARM baseline
(b) 100
77.6 79.3
Patients in remission (%)
70.6 73.7
61.7 61.1 60.2
60 58.7 59.9 57.4 56.5
52.0 50.5
44.1 45.3
40 39.5
171 193 171 166 197 166 145 189 145 149 201 149 130 198 130 99 186 73
329 329 277 329 329 235 329 329 208 329 329 192 329 329 164 329 329 99
26 56 80 104 164 212
Weeks from CHARM baseline
100 As-observed
85.5 84.1 84.8
Patients achieving CR100 (%)
80 76.6
73.9 72.9 72.9
68.7 71.1 69.9
53.2 51.7
40 35.3
226 252 226 201 243 201 175 234 175 170 240 170 150 240 150 116 230 84
329 329 277 329 329 235 329 329 208 329 329 192 329 329 164 329 329 99
26 56 80 104 164 212
Weeks from CHARM baseline
Figure 2 | Maintenance of clinical remission and response in patients responding to adalimumab induction therapy
and receiving any dose of ADA: mITT (n = 329). (a) Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI) over time: Nonlinear
model using four-parameter log-logistic function. Dotted line represents the threshold for clinical remission (CDAI
<150). (b) Percentage of patients in remission (CDAI <150) over time. (c) Percentage of patients achieving clinical
response (CR-100) over time. Green bars, hNRI analysis; orange bars, LOCF analysis; blue bars, as-observed.
CDAI was at the threshold for clinical remission (150) by Initiation of concomitant medications
week 8, and decreased steadily through 4 years During CHARM and ADHERE, corticosteroid and
from CHARM baseline. The proportions of the all- immunomodulator use was initiated by 17.8% (35/197)
adalimumab mITT population achieving clinical remis- and 2.3% (4/173), respectively, of randomised responders
sion during CHARM and ADHERE are shown in who were na€ıve to these therapies at the baseline of
Figure 2b. Ongoing adalimumab treatment was associ- CHARM.
ated with maintained efficacy through 4 years, using
as-observed, LOCF or the more conservative hNRI impu- Maintenance of corticosteroid-free remission
tation method. Similar results were observed for patients The rates of corticosteroid-free remission for randomised
achieving clinical response (CR-100) (Figure 2c). Remis- responders (regardless of baseline corticosteroid use) and
sion rates were also stable over 4 years in the subset of in patients randomised to adalimumab receiving corti-
the mITT population randomised to adalimumab every costeroids at CHARM baseline are shown in Figures 6A,
other week (Figure 3). B. Corticosteroid-free clinical remission rates remained
The proportions of patients maintaining clinical remis- stable through the 4-year treatment period, and greater
sion and response to adalimumab therapy beyond week 56 than half of patients using corticosteroids at baseline and
of CHARM are shown in Figures 4a,b respectively. Ongo- in corticosteroid-free remission at the end of CHARM
ing adalimumab therapy maintained response and remis- maintained corticosteroid-free clinical remission
sion in greater than half of patients at year 4, even with throughout ADHERE.
the conservative hNRI imputation method.
Maintenance of fistula healing An overview of rates of treatment-emergent adverse
The data for fistula healing in patients randomised to events of interest during adalimumab exposure, up to
adalimumab who had draining fistulas at baseline are 212 weeks, in the safety population, which includes any
shown in Figure 5. Rates of fistula healing were main- patient exposed to adalimumab including the patients
tained throughout the 4-year period of follow-up. who did not respond to induction therapy, is outlined in
All, hNRI
No dose escalation, hNRI
100 No dose escalation, observed 95.2
Patients in remission (%)
47.7 45.9
40 39.5 36.6 38.4
29.1 29.7
20 17.4
82 75 49 79 68 45 63 50 39 66 51 42 60 40 38 47 30 20
172 172 68 172 172 52 172 172 47 172 172 47 172 172 41 172 172 21
26 56 80 104 164 212
Weeks from CHARM baseline
Figure 3 | Long-term maintenance of remission in patients randomised to adalimumab 40 mg eow: mITT (n = 172).
Percentage of patients in remission (CDAI <150) over time. Green bars, all patients randomised to adalimumab every
other week (all, hNRI analysis); orange bars, patients randomised to adalimumab every other week excluding patients
that escalated to weekly dosing (no dose escalation, hNRI analysis); blue bars, patients randomised to adalimumab
every other week excluding patients that escalated to weekly dosing (no dose escalation, as-observed analysis).
(a) 100
86.2 86.8 84.7
82.1 83.0 82.8 83.8
80 77.2 77.2
112/ 119/ 112/ 112/ 125/ 112/ 94/ 120/ 94/ 78/ 116/ 62/
145 145 135 145 145 129 145 145 111 145 145 74
80 104 164 212
Weeks from CHARM baseline
(b) 100
90.1 91.8 88.4
90.9 91.5 90.1
84.9 83.7
Patients achieving CR100 (%)
146/ 155/ 146/ 140/ 152/ 140/ 119/ 150/ 119/ 94/ 144/ 73/
172 172 159 172 172 154 172 172 130 172 172 81
80 104 164 212
Weeks from CHARM baseline
Figure 4 | Long-term maintenance of clinical remission and response for patients in remission or response at week 56
of CHARM. (a) Percentage of patients who were in remission at the end of CHARM (CDAI <150) (n = 145) that
maintained remission over time. (b) Percentage of patients who had a clinical response at the end of CHARM (CR-
100) (n = 172) that maintained a response over time. Green bars, hNRI analysis; orange bars, LOCF analysis; blue
bars, as-observed.
Table 1. The safety database of 854 patients comprised Abdominal and anal abscess were the most common
1669.7 patient-years of exposure to adalimumab. The serious infections reported, with incidence rates of 0.7
exposure-adjusted rates of all categories of adverse events and 1.0 events/100PY respectively. Almost all opportu-
were consistent with the 2-year exposure report.10 The nistic infections were candidiasis, with oral candidiasis
most common category of adverse events was infection. occurring most frequently (0.9 events/100PY), and no
32/ 35/ 32/ 29/ 36/ 29/ 24/ 37/ 24/ 23/ 39/ 23/ 21/ 41/ 21/ 17/ 40/ 15/
70 70 58 70 70 48 70 70 40 70 70 37 70 70 31 70 70 23
26 56 80 104 164 212
Weeks from CHARM baseline
Figure 5 | Long-term efficacy of fistula healing in patients randomised to adalimumab with fistulas at baseline (ITT,
n = 70). Green bars, hNRI analysis; orange bars, LOCF analysis; blue bars, as-observed.
new cases of tuberculosis were observed since the 2-year any anti-TNF agent. Long-term maintenance of clinical
report. After 4 years of adalimumab treatment, the rate remission (including corticosteroid-free remission) and
of demyelinating disease was 0.2 events/100PY, with no response was achieved in clinically meaningful propor-
new events reported since the 2-year exposure report. tions of adalimumab-treated patients with CD. In addi-
No events of heart failure were observed. There were 53 tion, for patients presenting with draining fistulas or
liver-related AEs reported, the majority (n = 48) of those using corticosteroids at baseline of the CHARM
which were abnormalities or increases in liver function trial, long-term fistula healing and corticosteroid-free
tests. No cases of hepatic failure were observed. The remission were maintained through 4 years of treatment.
overall incidence rate through year 4 of any malignancy Taken together, these results underscore the long-term
was low and remained stable since the 2-year exposure efficacy of adalimumab maintenance therapy.
report (1.6 events/100PY). The most commonly reported One important observation is that three different
malignancy was basal cell carcinoma (0.4 events/ analysis methods, as-observed, LOCF and the more
100PYs). Additional malignancies observed since the stringent hybrid NRI, were used to measure various cate-
2-year report included one case each of colon cancer, gorical endpoints, with each analysis method producing
hepatocellular carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, renal distinct results. Larger differences between LOCF and
cell carcinoma and vulval cancer. Two treatment-emer- hNRI were observed at later time points. The lower per-
gent deaths occurred during the entire follow-up period, centages observed with hNRI analysis at later time points
one during CHARM and one during ADHERE; the can be explained by classifying those patients who left
details of these have been previously reported.5, 10 No the study for any reason (except those who were docu-
cases of hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma were observed. mented to move from study drug to commercially avail-
able adalimumab after week 156 of follow-up) as
DISCUSSION nonresponders. However, as noted in Figure 1, it is
Data regarding the long-term efficacy and safety of important to mention that not all of these patients left
anti-TNF therapy are largely limited to observational or the trial due to loss of response to adalimumab. The true
retrospective reports of patient cohorts from single cen- estimate of potential efficacy at each time point is likely
tres.13 This report extends the safety and efficacy data of to lie somewhere between the values determined by the
adalimumab for the treatment of CD for up to 4 years least conservative (as-observed) and the most conserva-
of therapy, from the previously reported results in tive (hNRI) analyses.
CHARM and ADHERE,10–12 and provides data from the Maintenance of remission was also evident in the subset
longest duration of follow-up in a clinical trial for CD of of patients randomised to the approved 40 mg every other
(a) 100
BL steroid use, ITT
Randomized responders, mlTT
53/ 151/ 53/ 147/ 45/ 130/ 54/ 132/ 48/ 120/ 32/ 66/
206 329 206 329 206 329 206 329 206 329 206 329
26 56 80 104 164 212
Weeks from CHARM baseline
80 76.9 76.2 77.4
corticosteroid-free remission (%)
Patients in
40 38.1
Figure 6 | Maintenance of corticosteroid-free clinical remission in patients who were taking corticosteroids at CHARM
baseline (ITT, n = 206) and in randomised responders, regardless of baseline corticosteroid use (mITT, n = 329). (a)
Percentage of patients who discontinued corticosteroid use and achieved clinical remission (CDAI <150) over time
(NRI analysis). (b) Percentage of patients who achieved corticosteroid-free clinical remission at the end of CHARM
(n = 53 for the ITT population taking corticosteroids at baseline of CHARM and n = 147 for the randomised
responder population) and maintained corticosteroid-free clinical remission over time (NRI analysis). Green bars,
patients taking corticosteroids at baseline; orange bars, all randomised responders, regardless of baseline
corticosteroid use.
week maintenance dose of adalimumab, with slightly escalated were able to regain efficacy.14 A recently pub-
higher rates of remission observed when patients who lished analysis from CHARM suggested that weekly dos-
escalated to weekly dosing were included in the analysis. ing may be associated with greater efficacy than every
This finding is consistent with a previously published other week dosing in patients with elevated CRP who have
report from CHARM that showed that patients who dose lost response to treatment with a prior anti-TNF agent.15
come this by analysing the data using different imputa- Pharma (previously named Celltech Therapeutics, Ltd).
tion methods for missing data. A second limitation of W Sandborn has served as a consultant for AbbVie,
this long-term efficacy study is that assessment of ActoGeniX NV, AGI Therapeutics, Inc., Alba Therapeu-
mucosal appearance was not collected in CHARM and tics Corporation, Albireo, Alfa Wasserman, Amgen,
ADHERE. With the increasing interest in the concept AM-Pharma BV, Anaphore, Astellas, Athersys, Inc.,
of mucosal healing, data regarding the long-term effi- Atlantic Healthcare Limited, Aptalis, BioBalance Corpo-
cacy of adalimumab on mucosal healing or disease pro- ration, Boehringer-Ingelheim Inc, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
gression using a digestive damage score (such as the Celgene, Celek Pharmaceuticals, Cellerix SL, Cerimon
recently developed Lemann score)19 are of interest, but Pharmaceuticals, ChemoCentryx, CoMentis, Cosmo
could not be analysed using this data set as endoscopic Technologies, Coronado Biosciences, Cytokine Pharma-
or radiographic imaging data were not collected in sciences, Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Eisai Medical Research
CHARM and ADHERE. Finally, there is increasing Inc, Elan Pharmaceuticals, EnGene, Inc., Eli Lilly, En-
interest in the correlation of serum drug levels of teromedics, Exagen Diagnostics, Inc., Ferring Pharma-
anti-TNF agents and antibodies against these agents and ceuticals, Flexion Therapeutics, Inc., Funxional
efficacy, but samples for assessment of pharmacokinetic Therapeutics Limited, Genzyme Corporation, Genentech,
parameters were not collected during CHARM or Gilead Sciences, Given Imaging, GlaxoSmithKline,
ADHERE. Human Genome Sciences, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals,
In summary, these data suggest a substantial clinical Janssen, KaloBios Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Lexicon Phar-
benefit with long-term adalimumab therapy for patients maceuticals, Lycera Corporation, Meda Pharmaceuticals,
with moderately to severely active CD. The rates of Merck Research Laboratories, MerckSerono, Merck &
adverse events were stable with long-term treatment up Co., Millennium, Nisshin Kyorin Pharmaceuticals Co.,
to 4 years. Ltd., Novo Nordisk A/S, NPS Pharmaceuticals, Optimer
Pharmaceuticals, Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc., PDL Bio-
AUTHORSHIP pharma, Pfizer, Procter and Gamble, Prometheus Labo-
Guarantor of the article: Remo Panaccione. ratories, ProtAb Limited, Purgenesis Technologies, Inc.,
Author contributions: RP, JFC, WJS and GD collected Receptos, Relypsa, Inc., Salient Pharmaceuticals, Salix
data. QZ performed statistical analyses. RP, JFC, WJS, Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Santarus, Shire Pharmaceuticals,
GD, QZ, PFP, RBT and AMR contributed to the design Sigmoid Pharma Limited, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (a
of the study, interpretation of data and analyses, and GSK company), S.L.A. Pharma (UK) Limited, Targacept,
writing and review of each draft of the publication. All Teva Pharmaceuticals, Therakos, Tillotts Pharma AG,
authors approved the final version of the manuscript. TxCell SA, UCB Pharma, Viamet Pharmaceuticals, Vas-
cular Biogenics Limited (VBL), Warner Chilcott UK
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Limited; has received speaker fees from AbbVie, Bris-
Declaration of personal interests: R Panaccione has tol-Myers Squibb and Janssen; and has received research
received consultant and/or lecture fees from AbbVie, funding from AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Genentech,
Amgen, AstraZeneca, Axcan Pharma (now Aptalis), Bio- GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Millennium, Novartis, Pfizer,
gen Idec, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Centocor, ChemoCen- Procter and Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Shire Pharmaceuti-
tryx, Eisai Medical Research Inc, Elan Pharmaceuticals, cals, and UCB Pharma. G D’Haens has served as a con-
Ferring, Genetech, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Merck sultant for AbbVie, Actogenix, Amgen, Boehringer
Sharp and Dohme Corp, Millennium Pharmaceuticals Ingelheim, Janssen, Cosmo Technologies, Elan, Engene,
Inc. (now Takeda), Ocera Therapeutics Inc., Otsuka Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Giuliani, GlaxoSmithKline,
America Pharmaceutical, Pfizer, Shire Pharmaceuticals, Merck, MSD, Neovacs, Novonordisk, Otsuka, PDL Bio-
Prometheus Laboratories, Schering-Plough, Synta Phar- pharma, Pfizer, Receptos, Salix Pharmaceuticals, SetPoint,
maceuticals Corp, Teva, UCB Pharma, and Warner Chil- Shire, Sigmoid Pharma, Takeda, Teva, Tillots, UCB; has
cott. J-F Colombel has served as consultant, advisory served as a speaker for AbbVie, Tillotts, Tramedico, Fer-
board member or speaker for AbbVie, Bristol Meyers ring, MSD, UCB, Norgine, Shire; and has received
Squibb, Ferring, Genentech, Giuliani SPA, Given Imag- research funding from AbbVie, Janssen Biologics, Given
ing, Merck & Co., Millenium Pharmaceuticals Inc., Pfizer Imaging, MSD, DrFalk Pharma, Photopill. Q Zhou, R
Inc. Prometheus Laboatories, Sanofi, Schering Plough Thakkar and A Robinson are employees of AbbVie Inc,
Corporation, Takeda, Teva Pharmaceuticals, UCB and own AbbVie stock and/or options. P Pollack is a
former Abbott employee, and owns stocks in AbbVie reviewed and approved the publication. The preparation
Inc, and Abbott. of this study was funded by AbbVie Inc. Writing support
Declaration of funding interests: AbbVie Inc funded the was provided by Kristina Kligys, PhD, of AbbVie Inc.
study and the analysis, provided writing support and and was funded by AbbVie Inc.
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