Who MPN CVD 2002.01

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in L- M-I C
through C-B & H S

Report of WHOWellcome Trust Meeting of Experts

August , Hinxton, Cambridge,
Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health

Copies can be obtained from:

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control
Management of Noncommunicable Disease Department
Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Cluster
Avenue Appia
- Geneva

E-mail: mendiss@who.int

World Health Organization

is document is not a formal publication of the World Health Organization () and all rights are
reserved by the Organization. e document, may, however, be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced
or translated, in part or in whole, but not for sale nor in use in conjunction with commercial purposes.
e views expressed in documents by named authors are solely the responsibility of those authors.

Objectives of the meeting
e Wellcome Trust
e World Health Organization

. Agreement of remit
. General strategies for the medical management of secondary prevention
. Drug options for use in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
. Lifestyle changes
. Health system research
. Different country settings

. Secondary prevention as a key component of public health strategy
. Assessment of the current status of secondary prevention of major s
. Initiatives for scaling up secondary prevention in countries
. Health services
. Essential drugs
. Guidelines
. Patient education programmes
. National and regional policies
. Partnerships
. Combination therapy

T C- H S I


, the World Health Organization () gave greater priority to the prevention

and control of noncommunicable diseases (s). At the same time, following a request
made by the World Health Assembly, work began on developing a global strategy for the
prevention and control of s. e strategy, which was completed in November ,
was discussed and endorsed by the World Health Assembly in May . In the same
session the Assembly passed resolution .. e strategy summarizes the lessons learned
from previous experience and outlines the major objectives for monitoring, preventing and
managing s with special emphasis on the four major disease groups that share many
of the same determinants and risk factors, namely cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes
and chronic obstructive lung disease. e three key components of the strategy are surveillance; health promotion and primary prevention; and management and health care.

e roles of , Member States and the international community in the implementation

of the strategy are clearly defined. One of the
major tasks of both and Member States
is to identify and provide cost-effective and
equitable interventions for the management of
the major s and to improve health care for
those affected at all levels of the health system.
e strategy also places emphasis on the role of
in providing technical support to countries to build national capacity for secondary
prevention and in working with local health
authorities to ensure that effective programmes
are put in place. e Resolution of the World
Health Assembly further urges Member States
to initiate community-based programmes for
control; to improve the effectiveness of
their health systems in secondary and tertiary
prevention; and to ensure that they provide
appropriate health care based on cost-effective
interventions and equitable access.
e Wellcome Trust, based in London, one
of the worlds largest biomedical research
charities, has identified the need to respond to
the emerging epidemic of noncommunicable
diseases in developing regions as one of its
most pressing priorities. In , therefore, as
part of its interest in health research in lower
income countries, the Trust launched an initia-

tive (Programme on Health Consequences of

Population Change) to encourage and facilitate
high quality research into this important problem. Part of this initiative includes evaluating
low cost interventions.
In the light of these common interests,
and the Wellcome Trust decided to collaborate
and organized a meeting of experts to discuss
strategies for secondary prevention of s
through community-based and health service interventions. The meeting was held in
Cambridge from August . Participants
included experts in the field of s, representatives of low- and middle-income countries
and and Wellcome Trust staff members.

Objectives of the meeting

The broad objectives of the meeting were to
promote secondary prevention of s in developing countries and to discuss ways of assisting
Member States to strengthen health care for
s, particularly coronary heart disease ()
and stroke, with emphasis on primary care and
community-based action.
e specific objectives of the meeting were
to: identify evidence-based and affordable
interventions for the secondary prevention of
these conditions; identify approaches to assess

the feasibility of interventions in developing

might form the basis of specific research topics.
countries and evaluate their impact on cardio- Participants were asked to suggest short-, mevascular () risk factors and outcomes;
dium- and long-term research objectives. As a
and to discuss sustainable strategies for inte- research charity the Trust cannot fund general
grating secondary prevention interventions
surveillance activities. It can, however, support
into existing health care infrastructures and
the collection of data on the incidence of disease
for capacity-building at a local and national
if this data provides a platform for addresslevel to meet health care
ing future key research
needs in low- and middlequestions. However, the
WHO and Wellcome Trust staff
income countries.
nature of the next phase
welcomed participants to the
In order to fulfil these
of research must be clear
meeting and outlined the roles at the outset. The Trust
objectives, it was intended
that the meeting would and perspectives of their respec- recognizes that some redevelop a plan of action
search questions require
tive organizations in relation to a multidisciplinary apwhich would involve
the problem of NCDs
conducting demonstraproach and is therefore
tion research projects in
able to provide funds to
selected low- and middle-income countries.
help bring together groups representing the
These studies might generate important indifferent disciplines. It provides support for
formation of broad relevance to other low
the best quality research proposals submitted by
income countries thus promoting the adopscientists. It is sensitive to the need to support
tion of evidence-based secondary prevention
the development of academics in less developed
countries and, where appropriate, encourages
W and Wellcome Trust staff welcomed
collaborations with strong research groups in
participants to the meeting and outlined the
developed countries.
roles and perspectives of their respective organizations in relation to the problem of s.
It was noted that the two organizations com- World Health Organization
plemented one another in their functions and
W staff briefed participants on the organithat this would be particularly beneficial when
zations global strategy for prevention and
addressing the problem of s: the Wellcome
control, and highlighted s increasing
Trust has a long tradition of supporting high
interest in developing good programmes for
quality health research, while has a broad
the secondary prevention of s as part of
remit to advise on health policy internationally,
its overall portfolio. Cost-effective schemes are
as well as extensive contacts with ministries of
needed. Current evidence suggests that in many
health across the world.
countries, particularly in less developed ones,
patients with and other s have poor
access to care. ere is strong evidence on the
e Wellcome Trust
effectiveness of several secondary prevention
e Trust is an endowed, independent biomed- interventions. However, despite the apparent
ical research charity based in London. Trust staff
benefits of such approaches and the generally
briefed participants on research opportunities
low costs of the treatment required for some of
offered by the Trust and more specifically on
these interventions, a substantial proportion of
research into s and health services.
people worldwide who need secondary preven Some general points were made to provide
tion do not have access to such treatment. In
an insight into the criteria used by the Trust
low- and middle-income countries, resources
when funding research. One of the goals of
are generally scarce and many of the interventhe meeting was to identify any gaps in data
tions currently being used are not cost-effective.
on the secondary prevention of s which
ere is therefore a need for a new initiative.

Agreement of remit
Current evidence of cost-effective interventions
for secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke was presented and discussed.
A series of overviews and perspectives were
given about the problems and experiences encountered in various developing countries. A
general discussion accepted the proposition that
the focus of treatment should be on proven costeffective interventions (medication and making
changes to lifestyles). Such interventions should
be considered when individuals seek treatment
from the health care system for such as a
myocardial infarction, an ischaemic cerebral
episode or stroke, or if they have developed
angina or peripheral vascular disease. Since
diabetes carries a substantive risk, middle-aged
patients with diabetes should also be classified
as at high risk of a episode.

General strategies for the medical

management of secondary prevention
It was recognized that medical professionals and
the health care system are in an ideal position to
help patients with s. ey play a crucial role
in linking pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods for secondary prevention. It is
now clearly evident that lifestyle changes such
as smoking cessation, healthy dietary practices,
weight control and regular moderate physical
activity, can have a major impact on the development of s and their recurrence.
Health care systems in many countries
need to recognize this and develop suitable

individually based, family-orientated and

community-related strategies for changing
the smoking habits and lifestyles of patients.
Clinical trials have demonstrated the benefits
of smoking cessation, healthy diet and physical
activity, alone or in combination, on the reduction of recurrences in those with established
s. Community-wide changes in diet and
smoking rates, encouraged by community
involvement at a regional or national level but
with medical support, can significantly lower
the demand for clinical care, by bringing about
a substantial reduction in the recurrence of
events in patients with established s. In
many cultures, patients prove very responsive
to explicit, simple and practical advice about
smoking cessation, healthy diet and moderate
physical activity.
us, policy-makers and professional groups
involved in developing new systems of care and
medical guidelines for dealing with the growing epidemic need to incorporate these
programmes into their national schemes.

Drug options for use in the secondary

prevention of cardiovascular diseases

ere is now overwhelming evidence to show

that daily use of low-dose aspirin helps to reduce the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction
() or vascular death by one quarter (absolute
risk reduction). is effect remains for as long as
aspirin is taken. In high-risk patients who have
not yet suffered a vascular episode, the benefit is

Lifestyle changes that have a major impact on secondary prevention of major CVDs:

Healthy diet


Regular moderate physical activity

of lives saved per year. Aspirin is exception- tive proportion of ischaemic to haemorrhagic
ally cheap and effective so the implementation
stroke patients is unclear and in many health
of lifestyle changes (avoidance of smoking,
systems clinical differentiation for therapeutic
dietary changes, weight control and physical
purposes is not possible. In the light of this, the
activity) plus the routine daily use of aspirin
combination of a diuretic and an should
are within the reach of the
be considered a routine oppoorest societies. Smoking
tion for the treatment of
Daily use of low-dose
cessation and other lifestyle
hypertension in all patients
aspirin reduces the risk
changes can be promoted
who have had a cerebral
on a societal level as part of
episode, regardless of their
of stroke and myocardial
general health promotion,
blood pressure values. In a
infarction or vascular
and smoking cessation and
recent study, the benefits of
death by one quarter
aspirin use should be clearly
blood pressure reduction in
set out as a minimum repatients with a cerebral vasquirement for the support of patients by
cular episode was evident in terms of reduced
the Health Services.
strokes and total death rates throughout the
blood pressure range. ese findings, if further

substantiated by clinical trials, will open up the
The evidence clearly shows that the follow- possibility for developing community-based
ing categories of drugs are of proven efficacy:
projects, or possibly even of selling antihyperbeta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme
tensives over-the-counter without the need for
inhibitors (), statins, and thiazide diuretics.
routine blood pressure monitoring. e thiazide
It has been shown that if these drugs are made
diruetic, bendrofluazide, is as cheap as aspirin
available in a generic, non-patented form, many
and generic s are now also cheap. Statins are
patients in middle-income countries can probalso increasingly recognized as being effective in
ably afford most, if not all, of them. e cost
reducing stroke rates, regardless of the type of
of statins will shortly come down as the patent
stroke. Furthermore, given their proven value in
on lovastatin expired in late . Furthermore,
other s, countries should now consider the
as each category of drugs listed above operates
additional use of a statin particularly in patients
through different pharmacological mechanisms,
with elevated serum cholesterol.
their combined use is of great potential value
to many categories of patient.

Drug costs

Secondary prevention of stroke

e use of a diuretic and, or, an is of proven
value in stroke patients. Patients who have suffered an ischaemic, rather than a haemorrhagic,
stroke have also been shown to benefit from
aspirin. In many developing countries the rela-

The opportunities now exist for markedly

reducing the costs of the five categories of
beneficial drugs, provided: full use is made
of local production systems; full quality assurance is safeguarded possibly with involvement
of ; consideration is given to appropriate
packaging; and systems are developed to al-

Effective medications for secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke:






converting enzyme inhibitors

low appropriate combinations to be routinely

administered. Some strategies put forward at
the meeting proposed making drugs available
over-the-counter, while others favoured the
continued involvement of the medical establishment to allow physicians to monitor responses
to therapy as well as susceptible groups for
safety reasons.

Combination therapy

controlled trials. e inexpensive s currently available are known to have side effects in a
small proportion of patients e.g. cough ()
and dizziness with hypotension (<).
e) Study of the interactions and effects of a
combination of drugs on physiological mechanisms.
f ) Studies on adherence to treatment.
It was accepted that the rationale for this approach had to be set out in detail before it
could be recommended to national professional
groups and ministries. W has produced a
useful preliminary overview of this approach.

e use of multiple drugs might be more acceptable if they were to be combined into a single
pill containing all four categories of drugs, for
example, aspirin, a beta-blocker, an inhibitor and a statin, and taken once a day. e use
Lifestyle changes
of a single pill could well encourage patients to
adhere to treatment as well as seriously reduce
e focus on drug therapy for secondary prethe cost of the drugs.
vention must not detract from the role of other
With the exception of patients suffering from
interventions. Smoking cessation has a greater
peripheral vascular disease who do not respond
impact than any single drug even when the drug
well to beta-blockers, the use of a combina- is administered appropriately. On a national
tion (fixed-dose) pill could be considered and
level it was clearly recognized that promoting
evaluated in patients suffering
health measures, for example
from all other cardiovascular
encouraging dietary change
Smoking cessation has a
conditions. It could be argued
and physical activity, could
greater impact than any
that there would be little
be of great importance.
single drug even when
need for monitoring except
While some participants in
of compliance with the drug
the meeting felt programmes
the drug is administered
regimen however, this would
to encourage smoking cessaappropriately
require careful evaluation
tion and dietary and physical
within different societies.
activity programmes should
Such an evaluation could take five years or
be an integral part of secondary prevention
more to complete and would require careful
protocols, others felt that the impact of these
assessment of the following:
additional measures, while very worthwhile,
a) Stability testing.
were either time-consuming or without the
b) Bio-availability testing.
strength of evidence available for drug interc) Assessment of the short-term effects of the
ventions. ese differences notwithstanding, it
drugs on blood pressure, low density lipopro- was nonetheless agreed that the development
tein cholesterol and platelet aggregation, to
of a strategy using a combination of pharmaensure that the effects of the fixed-dose pill are
cological and non-pharmacological approaches
similar to those obtained by the use of each in- would be valuable.
dividual drug, and that the effects are the same
It is important to be aware that clinical trials
in developing country populations as those seen
such as those used to test drugs are not always
when the drugs were tested extensively in high- possible when attempting to evaluate the imrisk Caucasian populations.
pact of lifestyle changes such as dietary changes,
d) Assessment of safety and short-term symptoincreasing physical activity and weight control.
matic side effects. is need is well recognized
It is therefore necessary to draw on available
and greater rigour can be applied to such an
evidence from other sources, in particular, longassessment if it is conducted as part of placebo
term prospective cohort studies.

Health system research

A dilemma arose because while the evidence
of the efficacy of the specified drugs was overwhelming, the challenge was how to ensure that
such regimens would be applicable in all
Member States and considered appropriate by
the medical profession. Patients would also have
to accept the need for therapy and for adherence to the proposed regimen. Great benefits
in terms of outcome and recurrent events
are expected to be seen if there are rates of even
for patient compliance.
Unfortunately the evidence suggests that the
current systems of health care in both developed
and developing countries have evolved over the
decades on the assumption that the primary
need is for a system geared to improving shortterm, rapid response to acute illness. is is now
considered, in both developed and developing
countries, to be increasingly inadequate. e
less developed nations continue to have to cope
with pre-transition diseases such as infectious
diseases and malnutrition. At the same time
they are faced with the need to adopt a radically different approach to the long-term care
of individuals suffering from chronic disease
and multiple problems. ese challenges are
further compounded by inadequately resourced
health care services.
A community-based, patient-oriented system
needs to be developed where the patient is specifically engaged to take the initiative and become
actively involved in self-management. Evidence
suggests that such systems are much more effective in increasing the adherence of patients to
chronic disease treatment and in achieving the
required behavioural changes. It was therefore

seen as a limitation to focus exclusively on

research approaches examining only the effectiveness of drug regimens. Identifying the
most appropriate means of achieving maximal
compliance was viewed to be equally important
in health care terms. Health care research begs
the question of equity and of making effective
care available to all those in need. Nevertheless,
it is important to be realistic and to work out
which systems will allow the most cost-effective
approach to be achieved in the different socioeconomic and cultural environments.

Different country settings

The provision of funds for the health care
system and for the support structure ensuring secondary prevention is crucial. Several
countries have evolved health structures with
a coherent primary health care system linked
to secondary and tertiary referral systems which
have popular appeal, community involvement
and medical approval. ere is therefore the
need to consider controlled trials which involve randomising health care institutions or
selective systems in order to test the validity of
specific changes in the system. In other countries where regions are controlled by their own
Health Ministers there is the option of trying
different schemes in different regions. Some
countries also provide settings with previous
experience of community involvement in developing national, regional and local government
links with management and preventive initiatives. In countries like China, the revolution
now under-way in primary health care opens
up opportunities for considering a variety of
different approaches. In India, medical practice

Key areas for improving secondary prevention of major CVDs:

Community-based approach
Support for self-management

Patient-oriented delivery system

is very different across the different states with a

riers to improved care. It may be valuable to
range of government, charitable and for-profit
organize special meetings in selected developing
systems in existence. us any initiatives carried
countries with the support of dedicated senior
out must be adapted to the relevant medical
leaders in this field from developed countries
structures within a country.
in order to engage in and support the establishHealth care initiatives that could be con- ment of a new programme of research.
sidered include: selective health personnel
c) Special demonstration projects could then
education, the provision of
be developed to integrate the
educational material to paproposed
secondary preEvaluating the results of
tients, the establishment of
vention interventions into
community-based health
patient support groups, and
health systems of selected
the development of clinics initiatives is as important as countries. is in practice has
at the primary care level to evaluating which drugs and a substantial health services
provide special care for
research component related
patients. Each of these initia- doses are most appropriate to specific outcomes. By
under ideal conditions
tives requires proper testing.
refining these projects with
Evaluating the results of comdifferent disciplinary inputs
munity-based health initiatives is as important
as well as with established medical expertise
as evaluating which drugs and doses are most
the legitimacy and standard of the proposals
appropriate under ideal conditions.
could be safeguarded.
Several research approaches were proposed,
d) Exploring the possibility of developing and
testing a single-dose pill of one or more types
a) A situational analysis, for example, a general
over the next years. Such a combined pill
assessment of the secondary prevention systems
should first be tested in settings with good
currently in place within a country: how many
facilities for carrying out controlled trials and
patients need treatment, what they are receiving,
for monitoring safety and side effects. Careful
what are the critical pathways and what are the
analyses would then need to be made of the
current barriers to secondary prevention.
feasibility of using such pills in low-income
b) and the Wellcome Trust could support
countries to ensure that the future use of a sinthe development of guidelines or principles
gle combined pill with two or more drugs was
for evaluating current secondary prevention
economically justified, given competing health
systems, as well as the opportunities and bar- priorities and health care budgets available.


Secondary prevention as a key

component of public health strategy

Secondary prevention of major cardiovascular

events (fatal and non-fatal myocardial infarction; fatal and non-fatal stroke; sudden cardiac
death, re-vascularization procedures) should
be regarded as a key component of any public
health strategy to reduce the rising burden
of in low and middle income countries.
Evidence of effective interventions is available,
which, if translated into a community-based secondary prevention programme, would prevent
many deaths that occur in middle- and older
age and substantially reduce disability related
to . Operational research to implement
such programmes in low and middle-income
countries should be a high priority.
Action: WHO and Member States

Assessment of the current status of

secondary prevention of major CVDs

Projects should be initiated, in selected developing countries with diverse health care systems,
to assess the secondary prevention systems
currently operating within certain countries.
As part of these projects, the following items
should be assessed:
a) estimated numbers of persons who require
secondary prevention treatment (present;
projected for and ) disaggregated by
age, gender and socioeconomic status. Such estimates should identify the number of persons
diagnosed with or diabetes, the proportion of such persons who have been prescribed
treatment that has been found to be effective
for secondary prevention, and the proportion

of such persons who are regularly taking such

treatment. is will also necessitate studies to
confirm previous diagnoses of a cardiovascular
event by a physician.
b) current practice patterns of management at
different levels of health care.
c) beliefs and behaviours of patients and providers at different levels of health care.
d) capacity of existing health systems to integrate interventions and effectively implement a
programme of secondary prevention (including
drug availability and pricing).
e) barriers and opportunities for developing and
delivering a programme of secondary prevention (including national health policies and the
curriculum and training methods adopted by
health care providers).
To facilitate this process, (with assistance
from the Wellcome Trust and/or other funding
organizations) could organize workshops which
would bring together multidisciplinary teams of
investigators from selected developing countries
to develop technically strong protocols to guide
relevant research. Such workshops should ideally be conducted on a regional basis, tailored
to the local settings and driven by local experts,
with technical assistance from international experts identified by and its partner(s).
Action: WHO, Wellcome Trust, other
research funding agencies and researchers

Initiatives for scaling up secondary

prevention in countries

Based on the above assessment model, projects

should be developed to integrate the proposed
secondary prevention interventions into the
health systems of selected countries. Context-

specific and resource-sensitive interventions to

improve current practice patterns developed
with the collaboration of local teams should be
validated in these projects. Another component
which should receive special attention in these
projects is the non-pharmacological treatment
provided after myocardial infarction and stroke.
Particularly smoking cessation, physical activity,
weight control and dietary change.
To facilitate this process, project development workshops may be convened by
(with assistance from the Wellcome Trust and
other funding agencies). These workshops
would bring together multidisciplinary teams
of investigators, policy makers and local experts
from selected countries, to develop programs
appropriate in different settings as well as
scientifically sound protocols for programme
relevant research.
Action: WHO

Health services

Health services at all levels of the health care

system must become more responsive to the
needs of managing noncommunicableunicable diseases, and give high priority to the
secondary prevention of . WHO should
recommend this to Member States, particularly
low- and middle-income countries, as part of
the reorganization of health services to manage noncommunicable diseases. Training of
health care providers, coordination of chronic
care programmes, integration of secondary
prevention into primary health care, community education and multidisciplinary action to
promote adherence are key elements of such
a reorganization. Research must also focus on
evaluating reforms at all levels of the health
care system which can improve the effectiveness of secondary prevention programmes.
Demonstration programmes should be set up
at primary and secondary health care levels
in different settings to test the efficacy of the
reforms of the health service as well as to test
the quality of interventions based on information obtained from the situational analysis and
carried out by the health service. Model instruments and a process for research have already

been devised and is currently testing them

using several chronic disease conditions in less
developed country settings.
Action: WHO and Member States

Essential drugs

All five classes of drugs, whose efficacy as lifesaving interventions is based on strong clinical
trial evidence, should be included in the list
of essential drugs which should be available in
primary health care at low cost.
ese are:
Beta-blockers (prototype drugs: atenolol,
Thiazide diuretics (prototype drugs: hydrocholorothiazide, chlorthalidone)
(prototype drugs: enalapril, ramipril )
Statins (prototype drugs: lovastatin, simvastatin).
is will require the inclusion of statins in the
list of essential drugs recommended by
and altering the prototype drugs currently
identified in the list.
Action: WHO


Health Professionals in developing countries

should be provided with user-friendly guidelines for improving the practice of secondary
prevention. Such guidelines should:
a) Emphasize the benefits of smoking cessation.
b) Encourage regular physical activity, weight
control and healthy dietary practices, tailored
to the clinical condition of the patient and the
cultural context of the country.
c) Recommend the use of effective drugs (identified above in Recommendation ).

Based on a local appraisal of resources the guidelines should set out a modular programme of
secondary prevention that begins with highly
effective low-cost interventions such as smoking cessation and other lifestyle changes plus

the use of aspirin, and progressively adds other

effective but more expensive interventions such
as beta-blockers, and statins. A thiazide
diuretic could also be included as an option
where blood pressure control is a major goal
and an important mechanism for risk reduction.
Such guidelines should be prepared by in
collaboration with national experts.
Action: WHO, international non-governmental organizations concerned with
prevention and control of CVD diabetes,
national associations of health professionals

Patient education programmes

Patient education programmes should be developed to promote informed self-care as a

means of enhancing effective and sustainable
chronic care. ese programmes should be
integrated into health care delivery systems at
all levels of health care.

Action: National associations of health

professionals with assistance from WHO

National and regional policies

National and regional policies should be developed in order to enable greater access to secondary prevention by all individuals identified
as being at high risk of major cardiovascular
events, including:
a) information on secondary prevention of
cardiovascular events
b) access to evidence-based treatment for addicted smokers (non-pharmacological and
c) access to natural and processed foods which
provide nutrition-based cardiovascular protection
d) access to community-based facilities for
promoting regular moderate physical activity
e) access to essential drugs effective in secondary

Action: WHO Member States


should intensify its interaction with governments, the pharmaceutical industry and the
World Trade Organisation Organization ()
to improve access to essential drugs and to
develop mechanisms that will promote the production and supply of these drugs (identified
in Recommendation ) and reduce their cost,
so as to ensure that they are both available and
affordable in low- and middle-income countries.
Secondary prevention of should be placed
high on the agenda of discussions on essential
drugs that has initiated with the as
well as with the pharmaceutical industry.
Action: WHO, World Trade Organization,
pharmaceutical industry


Combination therapy

e development of combination therapy (fixeddose) formulations of effective drugs should be

considered as a means of overcoming poor adherence to treatment (due to the multiplicity of
pills) and inadequate dosage (due to variations
in the prescription practices of physicians). Such
formulations should be evaluated in short-term
studies on drug bio-availability, pharmacokinetics, biological effects on intermediate variables
(risk factors) and safety of side effects. Such
formulations, while attempting to combine as
many of the effective drugs as feasible, should
also provide flexible possibilities for treatment
(two dosage levels for each drug and combinations of different drugs as appropriate to specific
clinical and resource settings).
Action: WHO in partnership with the
pharmaceutical industry
After they have been developed and tested (as
indicated above in Recommendation ), combination formulations should be further evaluated for their cost-effectiveness in comparison
with standard practice/usual care in randomized
controlled trials or community-based demonstration projects. These evaluations should
be carried out in settings with good systems
in place to carry out controlled trials and for
monitoring adverse effects and should use in-

termediate variables (risk factors) to measure

outcomes when assessing effectiveness.
Action: WHO, Wellcome Trust and other
research funding agencies

N.B. In view of the Wellcome Trusts charitable

status the Trust could only be involved in the development of applications for lower income countries
where there are no commercial implications.


A working paper for the Wellcome Trust Meeting on
Secondary Prevention, Cambridge, August *
* Prepared by Drs S. Mendis, A. Alwan and A. Mandil,
Management of Noncommunicable Diseases Department, .
Comments and critical input from Drs R. Beaglehole, R. Collins, C. Davies, D. Maclean,
R. Peto, G. Shaper, A. Weilgoz, S. Yusuf & D. Yach are gratefully acknowledged.

1. Background
In , noncommunicable diseases (s) were
responsible for approximately of deaths in
the world, and for of the global burden of
disease. Based on current trends, by the year
these diseases are expected to account for
of deaths and of the burden of disease
(). A substantial portion of this mortality and
burden of disease can be attributed to cardiovascular diseases (), cancer, chronic respiratory
conditions and diabetes. In , alone was
responsible for approximately half of all
deaths and one fourth of the global burden of
disease (). , cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes are the diseases that are being
targeted by the Global Strategy for
Prevention and Control, adopted at the General
Assembly of the World Health Organization in
May ().
In , s were responsible for of
total mortality and of the total burden of
disease in low- and middle-income countries.
Low- and middle-income countries also suffer
the major burden of the epidemic. In ,
two-thirds of global deaths and three quar /

ters of global s occurred in these countries

(). It is also important to note that in low- and
middle-income countries, unlike in established
market economies, a higher percentage of cardiovascular deaths occur in those below
years of age. In , about half () of
deaths in low- and middle-income countries
were below years, compared to only in
established market economies ().
Studies conducted in different parts of the
world help to reveal the magnitude of the
problem in developing countries. A recent study
in the Gambia showed that of the adult
population suffer from hypertension, and a substantial portion of the population is at risk of
developing target organ damage (). Similar and
even higher figures have also been reported from
several other low- and middle-income countries.
Another study of blood pressure and its determinants found that hypertension affects of the
population in Nigeria and of the population
in Jamaica (). Body mass index and salt intake
were the major determinants of hypertension,
and were reported to account for some of
the variation in hypertension prevalence (). Not

only are s such as hypertension important

public health problems in developing countries,
but they are also frequently associated with low
levels of awareness and of treatment and control.
Several factors may explain the propensity of
developing nations to . ese include early
life deprivation, the use of disposable income for
deleterious health behaviours, and interactions
between newly acquired health behaviours and
genes ().
Inequalities in health and in its determinants
are deeply ingrained in the social structure of
populations, in both developed and developing
nations. In two large studies of civil servants
in the UK, carried out twenty years apart, a
consistent association has been shown between
socioeconomic status and disease mortality and
morbidity (,). In these cohorts, those in lower
socioeconomic grades were at a higher risk of
death from coronary heart disease, stroke, and
chronic bronchitis (,). ere is also a growing body of evidence that suggests that people
in lower socioeconomic classes suffering from
receive poorer treatment than the general
population (). For example, despite being
at greater risk of developing coronary heart
disease and dying from it, patients in lower
socioeconomic groups in the UK are less likely
to be investigated once the disease develops, and
are less likely to receive appropriate treatment
once diagnosed (). In both industrialized
and less developed countries there tends to be a
higher incidence of cancer and poorer survival
rates among the lower social classes than among
the higher social classes (,).
Actions to prevent common risk factors
(primary prevention) and to provide equitable
and cost-effective secondary prevention interventions have been given the highest priority
in the Global Strategy for the Prevention
and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases ().
To assist Member States to develop effective
programmes, the has developed a protocol
for establishing community-based integrated
primary prevention projects that address the
major s with common risk factors namely:
tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity
and overweight/obesity. ere are also immense
opportunities for reducing the impact of the
epidemic through cost-effective second-

ary prevention strategies. e initiative

proposes to combine both primary and secondary prevention interventions. However, given
that the protocol outlining community-based
primary prevention has already been developed,
the present document will focus on the development of strategies for secondary prevention with
special emphasis on the secondary prevention of
the major s, namely: coronary heart disease
and cerebrovascular disease.

2. Potential for intervention

As indicated above, the root cause of the
epidemic is the increase in lifestyle-related risk
factors and their environmental, economic,
social and behavioural determinants. ese
modifiable risk factors include: tobacco use,
physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, alcohol
consumption and overweight/obesity.
A vast body of knowledge and experience now
exists regarding the prevention of s through
a comprehensive long-term approach that effectively reduces risk factor levels (). Prevention at
the community-level is essential because modifiable causal risk factors are deeply entrenched
in the social and cultural framework of society.
Patients with established constitute one of
the highest risk groups. Secondary prevention
involves identifying, treating and rehabilitating
these patients to reduce their risk of recurrence,
to decrease their need for interventional procedures, to improve their quality of life and to
extend their overall survival

3. Effective interventions for secondary

prevention of CVD
Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of secondary prevention interventions in
the control of major s, including alone,
or in people suffering from and diabetes
From the early s the study
monitored trends in coronary heart disease over
years, across populations, in countries.
Data from this study indicate that secondary
prevention and changes in coronary care are
strongly linked with declining coronary endpoints (,).

Patients with established coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease are at the highest
risk for subsequent coronary and cerebral events.
Survivors of myocardial infarction () are at
increased risk of recurrent infarctions and have
an annual death rate of at least five to six times
that of people of the same age who do not have
coronary heart disease (). Similarly, patients
who have suffered a stroke are at an increased
risk of a further stroke, about per annum
(), and are very likely to experience coronary
heart disease. ere is considerable scientific
evidence to show that specific interventions
can reduce the risk of further vascular events
in patients with and type- diabetes.
Despite known substantial benefits and
generally low treatment costs, it has been reported that appropriate measures for secondary
prevention after have been implemented in
less than half of eligible patients, even in highincome countries (,). Because of inequitable
and inaccessible health care systems, inefficient
use of limited resources and the investment of
already scarce resources in interventions that
are not cost-effective, the availability of secondary prevention for is likely to be far
scarcer in low- and middle-income countries.
Patients with established coronary heart disease
and cerebrovascular disease experience recurrent morbid events such as stroke, myocardial
infarction and heart failure that are costly to
treat. However, they also provide the greatest
potential for cost savings, through the use of
cost-effective interventions (). e results
of cost-effectiveness analyses of secondary
prevention measures indicate that secondary
prevention measures for are highly costeffective when compared with many other
routine medical interventions (,).

4. Scientific evidence of effectiveness of

Interventions for secondary prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders include
modification of risk behaviours (smoking cessation, promotion of healthy diet and of physical
activity) and the use of medications which have
been proven to be cost-effective. Examples of

the latter are: aspirin, beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (),
lipid lowering drugs and antihypertensives.
Strong evidence for the efficacy of these drugs
has been obtained from Randomized Clinical
Trials (s), which have mostly taken place
in affluent societies (). Unfortunately
little evidence, if any, has come from studies
conducted in low- and middle-income countries. us, many of the recommended medical
interventions are based on s carried out in
developed countries and may cause economic
hardship when applied in developing nations.
Selected scientific evidence found in recent literature on cost-effective secondary prevention
interventions for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders is cited below. Evidence for
pharmacological interventions is presented first
(), followed by that for behavioural risk
factor modification ().


4.1.1 Aspirin in secondary prevention of CVD
e benefits of aspirin in the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction are well
established and documented. In patients
who had myocardial infarction, reviewed by the
Antiplatelet Trialists, low to medium doses of
aspirin ( mg/day) led to a reduction
in death, a reduction in re-infarction and a
reduction in non-fatal stroke (). Available
evidence suggests that there are no added benefits from using daily doses higher than mg.
Currently, there is no clear evidence to suggest
that any other anti-platelet regimen is more effective than aspirin.
One systematic review that compared antiplatelet treatment to a placebo suggested that at
months, people would need to be treated
with aspirin rather than a placebo to prevent
one additional vascular event (). With regard
to cerebrovascular disease, s have found
that the routine use of prolonged antiplatelet
treatment (aspirin mg) is beneficial for the
prevention of vascular events in people with a
prior (presumed ischaemic) stroke or transient
ischaemic attack, unless there is a clear con-

traindication against its use ().

Bleeding is the most important adverse effect
of aspirin. However, among people at high risk
of cardiac events, the large absolute reductions
in serious vascular events far outweigh any
absolute risks ().
Although aspirin, which prevents major
vascular events by about across various
disease categories, is the drug of choice for
secondary prevention, new evidence indicates
that combining aspirin with clopidogrel leads
to a further risk reduction (). However,
the high cost of clopidogrel will limit its use
to all but a small segment of the population in
developing countries.
4.1.2 Beta-blockers in secondary prevention of CVD
Firm evidence from systematic reviews of s
also confirm that beta-blockers reduce the incidence of recurrent , sudden death and all
cause mortality after myocardial infarction ().
Propranolol, timolol, metoprolol, atenolol and
acebutolol have been shown to be highly beneficial. In long term trials the number needed
to treat for years to avoid a death is , which
compares favourably with other treatments after
(). Serious adverse effects are uncommon
with beta-blocker use ().
4.1.3 ACE Inhibitors in secondary prevention
of CVD
Systematic reviews have found that reduce
rates of death, hospitalization for congestive
heart failure, and recurrent non-fatal in
people with left ventricular dysfunction who
have suffered an (). In addition, are
also effective for reducing ischemic events after
, as well as the risk of recurrent , unstable
angina and death from recurrent (). ere
may therefore be some rationale for using them
in all patients who have suffered an because
of their effect in reducing subsequent ischemic
A recent meta-analysis of four s that
included patients with type- diabetes, hypertension and a previous cardiovascular event
who were randomized to an inhibitor or an
alternative drug, showed that may provide
a special advantage in addition to blood pressure control ().

Additional data from the Heart Outcomes

and Prevention Evaluation () study, have
demonstrated that in high-risk patients with
vascular disease, the administration of ramipril
reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke
and cardiovascular death (). e main adverse
effects of include cough (), dizziness
and hypotension (), hyperkalemia and
renal impairment (less than ) ().
4.1.4 Lipid-lowering agents in secondary
prevention of CVD
Systematic reviews and large s have also
found that lowering cholesterol in people at
high risk of ischemic coronary events substantially reduces the risk of mortality
and morbidity (,). There is insufficient
evidence about the effects of routinely reducing cholesterol in patients who have suffered a
prior stroke or transient ischemic attack ().
However, evidence from large s suggests
that there are benefits to be gained from using
a statin to reduce cholesterol levels in people
who have suffered a prior stroke or , and who
also have a history of coronary heart disease ().
Increased numbers of total non-cardiovascular
events, cancers, accidents and violent deaths
have been reported in statin trials. However,
a systematic review of long-term statin trials
found that there was no significant difference
between the use of statins and a placebo in
terms of non-cardiovascular mortality and
cancer incidence during an average of . years
of treatment ().
4.1.5 Role of blood pressure control in secondary
prevention of CVD
There is no direct evidence available from
s of the effects of lowering blood pressure in people with established coronary heart
disease. However, observational studies and
extrapolation of primary prevention trials of
blood pressure reduction support the lowering
of blood pressure in people at risk of ischemic
events (). A cohort study of Finnish subjects aged years at baseline, and followed
up for years, indicated that poorly controlled
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, previous stroke,
smoking and male sex were all independent risk
factors for stroke. It was therefore concluded

that poorly controlled hypertension was associated with an increased risk of stroke. erefore,
achieving good blood pressure control in elderly
hypertensives receiving treatment has the potential of preventing stroke ().
e Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent
Stroke Study () has recently provided
evidence of the benefits of lowering blood pressure on the risk of stroke recurrence among
patients with a history of cerbrovascular disease
in the previous years (). In this study,
patients were randomized to receive perindopril
alone, perindopril plus indapamide, or placebo.
e risk reduction in the perindopril group and
combination group compared to placebo were
and respectively.
As far as the prevention of vascular complications in diabetics is concerned, the United
Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study ()
has shown that in patients with type- diabetes,
the risk of diabetic complications is strongly
associated with raised blood pressure (). Any
reduction in blood pressure is likely to reduce
the risk of complications, with the lowest risk
being in those with a systolic blood pressure of
less than mm Hg.
There are many drugs available for the
pharmacological management of hypertension. However, comparisons of different
anti-hypertensives have shown that newer and
more expensive drugs are not more effective
than thiazides, diuretics and beta-blockers in
reducing outcomes ().

In people with diabetes, available evidence

indicates that glycemic control influences the
rates of long-term complications. e Diabetes
Control and Complications Trial () shows
that intensive treatment with the goal of maintaining blood glucose concentrations close to
the normal range effectively delays the onset
and slows the progression of diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy in type-
diabetes (). e UK Prospective Diabetes
Study () compared the effects of intensive
blood-glucose control, with either sulphonylureas or insulin, and conventional treatment on

the risk of micro-vascular and macro-vascular

complications in people with type- diabetes.
e study reported that intensive control of
blood-glucose levels substantially decreases
the risk of micro-vascular complications but
not of macro-vascular disease ().

In addition to pharmacological interventions
for secondary prevention, evidence suggests
that modification of risk factors through
smoking cessation, and encouraging a healthy
diet and physical exercise can also significantly
contribute to a reduction in cardiovascular mortality in people with established ().
4.3.1 Smoking control
Smoking is associated with approximately
twice the rate of mortality from and an
even higher risk for cancer (). Evidence from
epidemiological studies indicates that people
with coronary heart disease who stop smoking
rapidly reduce their risk of recurrent coronary
events or death (). Angina patients who
smoke have a greater risk of later infarction or
death than do those who do not smoke. After
coronary surgery reinfarction as well as new infarctions and angina pectoris are less common
among patients who stop smoking than they are
among those who continue to smoke ().
Results of a meta-analysis of cohort studies
suggest that smoking cessation after myocardial
infarction is associated with a reduction
in mortality (). e number needed to quit
smoking to save one life is assuming a mortality rate of in continuing smokers. Smoking
has also been shown to be a powerful predictor of recurrent heart failure and myocardial
infarction as well as mortality in patients with
left ventricular dysfunction. Quitting smoking
appears to have a substantial and early effect
(within two years) on decreasing morbidity and
mortality in this patient group. e benefits
of stopping smoking are therefore at least as
important as those to be gained from recommended drug treatments in patients with left
ventricular dysfunction ().

In the case of stroke survivors, observational

studies have shown that the excess risk of stroke
among former smokers has largely disappeared
years after smoking cessation (). Many
randomized control trials have shown that
counselling () and the use of the nicotine
transdermal patch () are effective aids to
quitting smoking. ese findings reinforce the
arguments for the incorporation and wider
implementation in secondary prevention programmes of measures to promote smoking
cessation, such as brief advice and nicotine
replacement therapy.
4.3.2 Diet regulation
Diet regulation plays an important role in
secondary prevention by modifying the
risk factors that are directly dependent on diet,
primarily hypercholesterolemia, hypertension,
overweight/obesity and diabetes.
Evidence from many studies demonstrates
that the important goals of diet modification for
secondary prevention of , namely the prevention of thrombosis and the modification of
blood lipid levels, can be achieved by adopting a
Mediterranean or Asian-vegetarian type of diet
(,). Many s have found that advising
people with coronary heart disease to eat more
fish, fruit and vegetables, bread, pasta, potatoes,
olive oil and rapeseed margarine results in a
substantial survival advantage (). Based on
the above, current dietary advice should include
reducing intake of total fat (not more than
of energy) and of saturated fat (less than
of energy) while maintaining intake of the essential omega- and omega- fatty acids, and
increasing the intake of natural antioxidants,
fruits and vegetable proteins (). e main
challenge is to adapt these scientifically quantified principles to the culture, ethnic origin and
needs of individual patients and populations.
4.3.3 Promotion of physical activity
Although the role of exercise alone in reducing
cardiovascular outcomes is not clear, systematic reviews of s have found that cardiac
rehabilitation which includes physical exercise
improves coronary risk factors and reduces the
risk of major cardiac events in people after
(). Although there are no satisfactory s of

the effects of physical activity, a recent systematic review has summarized the large amount
of evidence obtained from prospective cohort
studies (). ese studies demonstrate that
physical inactivity is a major risk factor for
and that changing levels of activity can improve
health outcomes, even in the elderly.

5. Health Economics of secondary

and stroke place a large economic burden
on developed countries, and are becoming increasingly important in developing countries.
In developed countries like the USA secondary
prevention has contributed substantially to the
dramatic decline in mortality rates witnessed in
the second half of the th century.
In order to be widely useful interventions
for secondary prevention of need to be
effective in reducing disability and prolonging
life. At the same time they need to be cost-effective. A full appraisal of the economic burden
of recurrent vascular events in stroke and
patients and of the economic consequences of
implementing strategies for secondary prevention will require future research since data in
this area are extremely sparse, particularly in
developing countries.
Within this framework there is a vital need
to generate data to assist health care decisions
with regard to secondary prevention in different
settings. Any strategy for assessing both the effectiveness and the economics of programmes to
manage cardiovascular disease should have four
discrete, mutually reinforcing aims: () to identify the technologies that need to be assessed, ()
to collect data on the selected technologies, ()
to synthesize the data collected, and () to disseminate the information collected. e present
project proposal will endeavour to address these
issues in order to develop a firm foundation for
health care decisions in Member States.

6. Compliance with treatment

Compliance with treatment regimens for ,
whether pharmacological or non-pharmacological, plays a pivotal role in the success of such
interventions and in influencing outcomes.

Many studies have used a variety of cognitive,

educational and behavioural strategies to improve compliance with both pharmacological
and non-pharmacological regimens for reducing cardiovascular risk (). ese studies have
demonstrated that patientfocused strategies
such as behavioural skill training, self-monitoring, telephone/mail contact, self-efficacy
enhancement and external cognitive aids are
useful methods of improving adherence of
patients ().
Successful management of chronic diseases
such as , as opposed to acute infections,
involve long-term follow-up and care and
are closely linked to issues of adherence. e
current health systems in most countries, particularly those in developing countries, are not
geared to cater to these requirements. Many organizational changes will be required in existing
health services to make them more receptive to
the needs of those suffering from s.

7. Policies on drugs for secondary

Drug costs make up a substantial part of the
direct costs of secondary prevention programmes. e success of secondary prevention
programmes is therefore, heavily dependent on
national drug policies and on the quality, rational use and safety of the relevant drugs.
has developed an effective strategy to improve
access to essential drugs. e main components
of this strategy are (i) rational selection, (ii) affordable prices, (iii) sustainable financing, and
(iv) reliable health and supply systems.
(i) Key actions recommended to ensure rational
selection include: linking treatment guidelines
with essential drug lists, regular updating of
such lists based on best evidence, and using such
lists for supply, reimbursement, and training.
(ii) To ensure affordable prices, proposed key
actions include: encouraging competition,
using generics, and equity pricing of newer
essential drugs.
(iii) For sustainable financing, the proposed
actions include: increasing public funding for
cost-effective drugs, expanding drug benefits in
health insurance, and seeking external funding
for the poorest communities.

(iv) For reliable health and supply systems,

the strategy proposes integrating supply
management into health system development,
developing an efficient mix of public-private
systems, and maintaining quality in distribution channels.

8. Overall aim of the project

e overall objective of this initiative is to assist Member States to strengthen health care
for people with major s, by supporting
the implementation of cost-effective secondary prevention interventions, with emphasis on
primary health care and community-based action [Objective of the Global Strategy for the
Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable
Diseases ()].
e Management of the Noncommunicable
Disease department will work jointly with
other concerned departments from the
Noncommunicable Disease and Mental
Health Cluster, as well as with the Tobacco
Free Initiative and Noncommunicable Disease
Advisers in the six Regional Offices to provide
the technical support required for the planning
and implementation of the project.

8.1 Specific objectives

e specific objectives of the initiative are:
To develop and test protocols for community-based projects using evidence-based and
affordable secondary prevention interventions
aimed at controlling the major risk factors
and reducing cardiovascular outcomes. Such
interventions will be tested in pilot projects in
selected Member States, and then implemented
on a wider scale.
To evaluate the impact of such interventions
on the levels of major risk factors as well as on
cardiovascular outcomes.
To develop sustainable strategies for integrating secondary prevention into the existing
health care infrastructure and build national
capacities to meet the needs of health services
in the prevention and management of s.

9. Approach
. :

During this phase, an essential package of
evidence-based, cost-effective interventions
for secondary prevention of (coronary
heart disease and stroke) will be identified.
A general protocol for a multi-country pilot
project that integrates secondary prevention
into community-based primary prevention
programmes will be developed. Organizational
models for implementing the protocol with
particular reference to primary care will be
proposed. Individual studies will be designed
by local principal investigators in response to
country/region-specific circumstances, with the
collaboration and advice of other international
scientists where appropriate.
Proposed activities:
. Establish a Steering Committee, including
staff/external experts, for planning, quality assurance and monitoring purposes.
. Organize a consultation with international
experts and potential investigators from developing countries to discuss the following
(i) To identify cost-effective interventions for
the secondary prevention of that can be
integrated into the health systems of developing
(ii) To identify mechanisms and tools to assess the feasibility of these interventions and
their impact on major risk factors and selected
cardiovascular outcomes.
(iii) To develop a plan of action for the
development of a general protocol for community projects on evidence-based, cost-effective
interventions aimed at controlling the major
risk factors and reducing cardiovascular
(iv) To discuss strategies for integrating
secondary prevention into the existing health
care infrastructure and build national capacity
to meet health services needs for the secondary
prevention of the major s.
. Develop the protocol for the pilot project

which identifies the target population, methodology, indicators for evaluation and defines
organizational models for implementation.
. Identify the basic requirements of the health
system for incorporating the selected interventions into primary health care (e.g. training,
logistics, referral system and other relevant
components). Issues that need to be considered
include the cost of relevant drugs in different
countries, other direct and indirect costs, implications for the health system, and the role of
the various levels of health professionals.

. :
(i) Pilot testing will be carried out in selected
countries from the Regions.
(ii) Identify countries and potential local investigators, adapt the protocol developed in phase
and train local teams.
(iii) Implement the basic changes required in
the infrastructure of the existing health system
in the pilot areas.

. :
(i) Implement pilot projects.
(ii) Monitor process and outcomes.

. :
Evaluate the process of the programme, the
short-term impact of the interventions, and
the suitability of the programme to serve as a
demonstration project for the establishment of
other national programmes.

10. Expected outcomes

(i) The implementation of context-specific,
resource-sensitive, high-impact and cost-effective secondary prevention interventions for
cardiovascular disease in low- and middle-income populations ( publication).
(ii) Pilot projects that integrate the secondary
prevention of into existing health systems
through health service interventions in selected
(iii) Evaluation of the feasibility and sustainability of secondary prevention programmes in

low- and middle-income countries.

(iv) Recommendations on effective and applicable approaches to the secondary prevention
of .

(v) e establishment of model intervention

sites for use as demonstration projects and for
national policy development.

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: /

L- M- C
C- H S I
H, C, UK
Professor Rory Collins

Harkness Building
Radcliffe Infirmary
Oxford, ox ,
Fax: +()
Email: gale.mead@ctsu@ox.ac.uk

Dr Hossein Malek Afzali-Ardakani Professor Richard Peto

Professor Shah Ebrahim

Department of Social Medicine
Canynge Hall
Whitelanes Road
Fax: +()
Email: shah.ebrahim@bris.ac.uk

Professor Philip James

Public Health Policy Group

/, rd floor
North Gower Street
London, ,
Fax: +()
Email: eanames@aol.com

Professor Liming Li

Chinese Academy of Preventive

, Nan Wei Road
Beijing , China
Fax: +
Email: cchp@public.bta.net.cn

Ministry of Health
Research Department
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +
Email: afzali@hbi.or.ir

Radcliffe Infirmary
Oxford, ,
Fax: +()

Dr Curtis Meinert

John Hopkins Centre

for Clinical Trials
/ N. Wolfe Street, Room
Baltimore, ,
Fax: +
Email: cmeinert@jhsph.edu

Department of Cardiology
All India Institute
of Medical Sciences
New Delhi , India
Fax: +
Email: ksreddy@satyam.net.in

Dr Hector Moguilevsky

Professor Gerry Shaper

Ministerio de Salud
Avenue de Julio
Buenos Aires , Argentina
Fax: +
Email: moguilev@satlink.com

Professor V. Mohan

Madras Diabetes
Research Foundation
Conran Smith Road
Chennai , India
Fax: +
Email: mvdsc@vsnl.com

Professor K. Srinath Reddy

Royal Free and University

Medical School
, Wentworth Hall
e Ridgeway
Mill Hill
London ,
Fax +
Email: agshaper@wentworth.u-net.com

Dr K.T. Shenoy

Director, M. Phil Programme

Clinical Epidemiology
Research and Training Centre
Medical College
Kerala, India
Fax: +
Email: ktshenoy@md.vsnl.net.in

Dr Chaisri Supornsilaphachai
Social & Behavioural Medicine
Department of Medical Services
Ministry of Public Health
Tivanond Road
Amphur Muang
Nonthaburi , ailand
Fax: +
Email: chaisri@health.moph.go.th

Dr Krisela Steyn

Medical Research Council

Chronic Diseases & Lifestyle Unit
Collaborating Centre
Tygerberg , South Africa
Fax: +
Email: Krisela.Steyn@mrc.ac.za

Dr K.R. ankappan

Achutha Menon Centre

Health Science Studies
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for
Medical Sciences and Technology
Trivandrum, India
Fax: +
Email: thank@sctimst.ker.nic.in

Dr Salim Yusuf
(by Conference line)

Barton St. E
McMaster Clinic, Room
Hamilton General Hospital
Hamilton, Ontario ,
Fax: +
Email: yusufs@mcmaster.ca

Miss Sam Balakrishnan

Euston Road
London, ,
Fax: +()
Email: s.balakrishnan@wellcome.ac.uk

Dr Catherine Davies

Euston Road
London, ,
Fax: +()
Email: c.davies@wellcome.ac.uk

Dr Wendy Ewart

Euston Road
London, ,
Fax: +()
Email: w.ewart@wellcome.ac.uk

Miss Michelle Honey

Euston Road
London, ,
Fax: +()
Email: mhoney@wellcome.ac.uk

Dr Richard Lane


Dr Ala Alwan

Avenue Appia
Geneva , Switzerland
Fax: +
Email: alwana@who.int

Dr Raphael Bengoa

Avenue Appia
Geneva , Switzerland
Fax: +
Email: alwana@who.int

Dr Shanthi Mendis

Avenue Appia
Geneva , Switzerland
Fax: +
Email: mendiss@who.int

Dr Pekka Puska

Avenue Appia
Geneva , Switzerland
Fax: +
Email: puskap@who.int

Euston Road
London ,
Fax: +()
Email: r.lane@wellcome.ac.uk

Dr Jacob Sweiry

Euston Road
London ,
Fax: +()
Email: j.sweiry@wellcome.ac.uk

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