Note On HFSS Field Calculator PDF
Note On HFSS Field Calculator PDF
Note On HFSS Field Calculator PDF
The calculator routines described in the following pages are intended for use with
Ansoft HFSS Version 12. Earlier or later versions of the software may include differences in the Field Calculator which will require alteration of the routines contained
The following pages contain calculator routines, or recipes, for use within the Field Calculator feature
of Ansofts HFSS Version 12. The field calculator is a very powerful but frequently misunderstood and
underutilized tool within the 3D Fields Post-Processor.
These routines represent only a small set of the complete capabilities of the calculator. Starting from field
data obtained by performing an HFSS solution, the calculator could be used to generate thermal
information, voltages and currents, or any other quantity that can be viewed in a 3D environment upon the
modeled geometry. This document is intended to give the user a head start in using the calculator by
codifying some frequently used calculations into easy-to-follow steps. In many cases the steps identified
in this document are not the only sequence of operations which can obtain the same results. However, an
attempt has been made to identify the routines that require the least number of button clicks and stack
manipulations to obtain the desired answer.
Table of Contents
Calculator Recipes
Cautionary Notes
The following text provides some brief cautionary notes regarding use of the Post-Processor Field
Calculator in Ansoft HFSS. Most of the statements below are fairly generalized, and may not apply to all
HFSS projects. When in doubt about the applicability of a particular warning for a particular project,
please feel free to contact your local HF Applications Engineer for further assistance.
Field Convergence:
Ansoft HFSS is a finite element method (FEM) field solver, which arrives upon its solution via adaptive
meshing convergence. There are different algorithms available for determining where in each given
model mesh adaptation is performed, but convergence is always evaluated by comparison of S-parameters
(for driven solutions), changes in overall scattering energy (for incident wave problems) or resonant
frequencies (for eigenmode solutions) from pass to pass. Since these quantities represent the results of
the model as a whole, they tend to converge more rapidly than the field values at each point in the
modeled space can be said to have converged to some value. As a result, specific field quantities at
each mesh point are likely to be less accurate than the overall S-parameter or Eigen frequency result of a
project solution.
In order to obtain high accuracy results from calculations on field data, it is advised that the user take
extra precautions to assure that the models field data is dependable. These extra precautions might
-- Running the project to a tighter than usual convergence value .
-- Seeding or manually refining the mesh in the areas to be used for calculations .
-- Running parametric variations to isolate sensitivity to modeling parameters such as adaptation
frequency or circular cross-section facetization.
As long as the accuracy of specific field data points to be used has been assured, the results of the HFSS
Field Calculator operations should provide valuable information for the users electromagnetic design
Fast Sweep and Dispersive Models:
If an HFSS solution has been performed to include an ALPS Fast Frequency Sweep, the Fields PostProcessor can be tuned to display field data at any point in the frequency band swept. The specific
frequency selected for viewing (in the DataEdit Sources menu of the Fields Post-Processor) need not
even be a precise data point at which the S-parameters were calculated. While field calculator operations
may be performed at any frequency to which the Fields Post-Processor is set, fast sweep solution field
data (away from the center frequency of the sweep) may not be as accurate for lossy and dispersive
media, within the interior of solid-meshed finite conductors, etc. For higher accuracy under these
conditions, field calculator operations should be performed on a full matrix solution completed at the
desired frequency.
Since materials assigned as part of a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) model termination are anisotropic
and highly lossy, performing field calculations on the surface of or interior to objects designated as PMLs
is not recommended.
The user should remember to set the field excitation using "HFSSFieldsEdit Sources" appropriate to
the calculation to be performed. In some cases (e.g. FSS calculations) picking the right field solution set
(incident, scattered, or total) is also paramount to obtaining the intended result.
Any field calculation which has not yet been completed (such that the calculator stack still shows some
form of text string rather than a simple numerical value) is merely a placeholder. Altering the field data
loaded in the Post-Processor (by altering port excitations, changing frequency, or picking a different
solution set using HFSSFieldsEdit Sources) will result in subsequent evaluation of the placeholder to
the newly loaded data. To preserve a placeholders association to an existing data set before altering the
excitation to a different data set, the register stack should be exported using the Write button. The
correctly associated quantity can be brought back into the stack using Read after the field data set
selection has been altered.
All units in Driven HFSS field solutions are expressed in the MKS system, regardless of drawing units.
Therefore E-mag is always in V/m, H-mag in A/m, etc. The exception is that when plotting along a
geometry (e.g. along a line) the dimension along the X axis of the graph shows the position along the line
in the drawing units, while the vertical (field quantity) axis will be in the MKS system.
Field values in eigensolutions are normalized to a peak value of 1.0, since there is no real excitation to
which to scale the internal field results. If desired, the peak value can be scaled to a user-selected number
using the "HFSSFieldsEdit Sources"menu.
Scripting Support:
All calculator operations are fully scriptable. A user can save the commands used in a field calculator
session by first clicking the "ToolRecord Script to File" menu and replay the same commands by
clicking the "ToolRun Script to Project" menu in a later session.
Online Help:
HFSS online help contains more useful information about the field calculator, including detailed
descriptions of all the buttons and some examples for basic operations that can be performed with the
calculator. We highly recommend users go through the HFSS online help section "Post Processing and
Generating Reports Using the Fields Calculator" before reading the rest of this document and
applying the recipes presented herewithin.
types, frequency and phase, for the current session. The middle of the calculator contains the Data Stack,
in which calculator entries are held in stack registers. The data type in the Data Stack is denoted by its
prefix abbreviation. Immediately beneath the stack is the row of Stack Command buttons that define
some basic operations on the data in the Data Stack. The bottom half of the calculator holds the columns
containing the actual calculator buttons, organized into columns, classifying them by the type of operation
and the type of data upon which the operation can be performed. These columns are headed Input,
General, Scalar, Vector, and Output. Each will be discussed in further detail below. At the very bottom
of the calculator are buttons to exit (Done).
Most buttons are single function buttons and their functions are self-explanatory by their names, as shown
in Figure 2. However, some calculator buttons are expandable and contains further options as dropdown
menus or dialogs. For example, some calculator buttons with a down-arrow symbol on the right side are
actually dropdown menus, containing multiple selectable options. Some calculator buttons with a
symbol will open a dialog that allows users input more detailed or complicated information.
Solution Context allows for HFSS solution, frequency, and phase selection. Specially, it permits
specification of solution type if outputs to be generated directly from calculator. However, it should be
noted that this solution selection context does not replace the function of editing the excitation settings
specified in the HFSS (HFSSFieldsEdit Sources) menu.
Data Stack:
Calculator data stack are the buffer for results and operations in progress. It contains current and saved
entries in a scrolling stack. General use progresses is from left to right: the input quantity or quantities are
left, perform operations are in middle, and defined desired output type at right. The calculator stack
resister adds to the stack display above preceding entries. Therefore, the entry at the top of the stack
represents the last register filled. This convention is opposite to that which many users may be familiar
with from the use of hand-held multi-line calculators, which often build their stacks from the bottom up.
Stack Commands:
Stack Commands are those commands which influence the entries in the calculator stack and their
position. These commands are for manipulating stack contents only, such as copy/paste, delete or
rearrange. The names for these commands match standard stack manipulation conventions. Many are selfexplanatory, and some can be used in pairs. For example, Push will duplicate the last entry from the stack,
while Pop deletes only the last entry from the stack. RlDn represents roll down, which moves the top
entry to the bottom, while RlUp represents roll up, which moves the bottom entry to the top. Exch will
swap the top two stack entries. Clear will empty the stack of all contents, and Undo will take back the last
operation between stack entries but it may not work for all data type. A full description of all the
calculator stack commands can be found in the online help.
Input Column:
The Input Column contains all the calculator functions which place new values into the stack, such as
field data, constant, geometry data, coordinate system selection, or user-entered vector or complex
numbers. Field data (e.g. E-field, H-field, and Poynting vector) for the current project solution is input
from the Quantity dropdown menu selection. Other Input dropdown selection should be self-explanatory.
The Quantities specifically available from the calculator are the E-field, H-field, J-vol (volume current)
and Poynting vector. All quantities are Peak Phasors, and not RMS quantities, with the phase
information captured in the real and imaginary components and the field orientation captured in the vector
components. Although the Poynting vector is automatically calculated by the interface as 0.5(E H), it
will appear in the calculator stack as a Complex Vector quantity. The imaginary portion should however
be zero or ignored. [See CVc in the section of this document regarding Calculator Stack Quantities,
General Column:
The General Column contains calculator operations which can be performed on many different data types
(e.g. vector, scalar, complex, etc.). With the exception of the Complex menu, all are distinct functions.
Most are self-explanatory, with the exception of Smooth which performs some data smoothing or
statistical averaging on the top stack entry.
Scalar Column:
The Scalar Column contains calculator operations which can only be performed on scalar stack entries.
Dropdown menus in this column include Vec? (convert scalar to vector), Trig (trigonometric, containing
sin, cos, etc. functions), d/d? (derivative with respect to...), Max and Min (self-explanatory).
Note that the calculators (Integrate) function is located in the Scalar column. The implication is clear
that integration can only be performed on scalar quantities. To perform integration upon complex
quantities, the integration will need to be performed separately on real and imaginary subcomponents.
Vector Column:
The Vector Column contains calculator operations which can only be performed on vector stack entries.
Dropdown menus in this column are Scal? (convert vector to scalar) and Unit Vec (create unit vector).
Standard vector algebra operations (Dot, Cross, etc.) are also present.
Output Column:
The Output Column contains those calculator operations that result in final data outputs from calculations.
The Eval button obtains final numerical results from the last stack placeholder (such as integrations).
CVc denotes a Complex Vector quantity. This is a quantity with real and imaginary components for each
vector component. In normal calculator usage, the complex nature of the vector components represent the
magnitude and phase data of a field quantity, while the vector components themselves represent the
orientation of the field quantity in space. Convert to a non-complex Vector as described in CSc, above.
Convert the vector to a scalar quantity as described in Vec, above.
Geometric Data:
Geometric data is indicated in the calculator stack by the headers Lin (line), Srf (surface), and Vol
(volume). Lines may be straight, curved, or polylines in three dimensional space. Lines may also be
open (have two endpoints) or closed (ending vertex same as starting vertex). Surfaces need not be planar,
and may actually comprise a list of object faces (faces list) as well as planar slices through the entire
model space (cutplanes). Volumes may include sets of discontinuous object volumes created as an Object
These indicators may exist alone, representing geometric data only, or in combination with one of the
categories above, indicating a type of data applied to the geometric entity in question. For example, the
notation SclSrf identifies a stack entry containing Scalar data on a Surface geometry set. To select only
the portion of a given data entry which exists along, on, or within a given geometry quantity, use the
Value button in the Output column of the calculator. Other operations (e.g. integration, or the Normal
button) operate when a data quantity is in the second stack register and a geometric quantity is in the top
stack register. Full descriptions of the register requirements for each individual command is available in
the on-line help.
Users must be cautious on what type of data is manipulating and whether or not it is compatible
with the desired operation. For example, the integral in calculator is a very commonly misused
operation. Note that the sign is in the scalar column, implying that to integrate complex
number/quantities; user will have to integrate the real and imaginary components separately. In
the other words, performing integration on complex number/quantities must be achieved by parts.
Output for Post-Processing with the HFSS Report Editor and Fields Overlay (Named Expression)
Named expressions are expressions that can be included in the calculator registers by their names. They
can be saved to and loaded from a library file, making it possible to reuse the same expression across
different HFSS projects. Please note that, starting from HFSS 12.0, named expressions can be defined for
expressions that evaluate to not only real scalars and real vectors, but also complex scalars and vectors.
However, complex scalar named expressions can only be used in the calculator, not in create reports or
create field overlays.
Named expressions that evaluate to single-number outputs (per Design Instance) or are in linear graph
outputs can be plotted/tabulated using the Report Editor, in a similar way as plotting Matrix Results. The
steps for plotting values of named expressions are outlined as follows:
1. Define a field quantity and add it to the list of named expressions in the Field Calculator.
2. Menu click "HFSS->Results->Create Fields Report ".
The Report Editor dialog pops up.
3. Select a valid line geometry in the "Context" group to activate the "Calculator Expressions"
category. Or, select "None" if the result of the named expression does not depend on the
"location" on a specific geometry.
4. Select "Calculator Expressions" as the "Category" and pick the named expression from the
"Quantity" list.
5. Select the appropriate function that will be applied to each value of the numerical expression
from the "Function" list
6. Select the appropriate sweeps and variations inside the "Families" tab if necessary
7. Click the "New Report" to create a trace for values of the named expression
As an example, Figure 4 shows what the report editor looks like while trying to create a plot along a line
for the named expression "wave_impedance" that has been defined in the Field Calculator following the
recipe shown in page 24.
Just like any other quantities that can be plotted with the Reporter, the values of named expressions can
be exported to a data file using data exporting functions of the Reporter. The number of data points in the
file will be equal to the number of Points if a geometric line has selected.
Named expressions can also be used to create Field Overlays in the same manner as with other standard
field quantities. The steps for creating a Field Overlay with named expression are as follows,
1. Define a field quantity and add it to the list of named expressions in the Field Calculator
2. Select a geometry in the 3D modeler window
3. Use right mouse button click to bring up the context menu, and choose "Plot Fields->Named
Expressions". Or, menu click from the main program window "HFSS->Fields->Plot Fields->Named
The Select Named Expression dialog pops up.
4. Select the named expression to be plotted
The Create Field Report dialog pops up.
5. Select the desired frequency (Freq) and phase in the "Create Field Plot" dialog
6. Click "Done" to create the Fields Overlay
Figure 5 is the screen capture of the "Create Field Plot" dialog while trying to create a Fields Overlay for
the named expression of "H_y_at_phase", which is a scalar representing the value of the H field ycomponent at a given phase.
- 10 -
For a calculator expression that evaluates to a single value, the Evaluate command offers a quicker way to
obtaining the final numerical result than defining a named expression and then trying to plot/tabulate it in
the reporter. But for many expressions that don't evaluate to single values, such as the wave impedance
along a line mentioned earlier, Evaluate command does not apply. As such, use of named expression and
the Report Editor will be the only option.
Figure 6 shows the definition of an expression for the voltage between two conductors by integrating the
electric field along a line using the recipe given in page 15 Then, by clicking the Evaluate command in
the Output column, we obtain the numerical value for the voltage as shown in the top of the stack. It can
then be either written down or copied/pasted to other programs.
- 12 -
Unit = mm
-5.5 -5.5 -5.21475
-5.5 -5.5 -5.14425
-5.5 -5.5 -5.07375
-5.5 -5.5 -5.021
- 13 -
The following pages contain calculator recipes for deriving a number of commonly used output
parameters from solved HFSS projects. Each calculator recipe will be provided in the format shown
EXAMPLE: Title of Current Calculation
The first paragraph will give a brief description of the calculations intent.
Usage Example(s):
The second paragraph will give an example of a project type on which the calculation might be useful. It
may also comment upon the reasons such a calculation might be of interest.
The third (optional) paragraph will indicate what must be present before doing the calculator operations,
e.g. if certain geometry (lines, faces lists, etc.) need to be generated to use in calculations.
Calculator Operation
- 14 -
CVc : <Hx,Hy,Hz>
Vec : Real(<Hx,Hy,Hz>)
Lin : Line (line1)
(user line name may differ from example)
SclLin: LineValue(Line(...),Dot(Real
<Hx,Hy,Hz>), LineTangent))
Scl : Integrate(Line(....
CSc : CmplxR(Integrate(Line(Line1),Dot()))
CVc : <Hx,Hy,Hz>
Vec : Imag(<Hx,Hy,Hz>)
Lin : Line (line1)
(user line name may differ from example)
ScLin: LineValue(Line(...),Dot(Imag
<Hx,Hy,Hz>), LineTangent))
Scl : Integrate(Line(....
CSc : CmplxI(Integrate(Line(Line1,Dot()))
GeometryLine...{select line}
CSc: (CmplxR(Integrate(Line(Line1),Dot())),
CSc : {complex numerical value}
(Final complex current result)
- 15 -
Provide the complex voltage drop, in volts between two points by integrating the E-field along a line.
where l is a path between two points on which voltage difference are measured. Usually it is a straight
line object.
Usage Example(s):
To find the voltage excited across the width of a slot antenna element; to test whether a voltage exceeds
breakdown in a particular dielectric media.
The line along which the E-field is to be integrated must be created using DrawLine before the
calculator routine can be completed.
Calculator Operation
Resulting Stack Display
(top entry only unless noted)
CVc : <Ex,Ey,Ez>
Vec : Real(<Ex,Ey,Ez>)
GeometryLine...{select line}
Lin : Line (line1)
(user line name may differ from example)
SclLin: LineValue(Line(...),Dot(Real
<Ex,Ey,Ez>), LineTangent))
Scl : Integrate(Line(....
CSc : CmplxR(Integrate(Line(Line1),Dot()))
CVc : <Ex,Ey,Ez>
Vec : Imag(<Ex,Ey,Ez>)
GeometryLine...{select line}
Lin : Line (line1)
(user line name may differ from example)
ScLin: LineValue(Line(...),Dot(Imag
<Ex,Ey,Ez>), LineTangent))
Scl : Integrate(Line(....
CSc : CmplxI(Integrate(Line(Line1),Dot()))
CSc: (CmplxR(Integrate(Line(Line1),Dot())),
CSc : {complex numerical value}
(Final complex voltage result)
- 16 -
Usage Example(s):
This calculation could be used on scattered field data resulting from an incident wave excited HFSS
project to evaluate reflection from a radome filter or FSS (frequency selective surface). It might also be
used on the closed exterior surface of a solid volume to determine power dissipation within the volume
(due to conservation of energy, what goes in a closed surface must come out, unless there is a loss or
storage [e.g. standing wave or resonance] mechanism).
The surface on which the integration is to be performed must exist prior to completing the calculation. If
the surface is the exterior of a solid object, no customer geometry creation is necessary. If the surface is
only a subset of an objects faces, or a slice through the entire plane of the model not already defined by a
separate 2D entity, then a Faces List and/or Cutplane must be generated to represent the integration
Calculator Operation
CVc : Poynting
Vec : Real(Poynting)
(discards the unneeded imaginary component)
Srf : Surface(Facelist1)
(above is example; user surface
shown may vary)
SclSrf : SurfaceValue(Surface(Facelist1),
Dot(Real(Poynting), SurfaceNormal)
(takes the dot product of the
vector data with the normal to
the surface(s) selected)
Scl : Integrate(Surface..)
Scl : {numerical value}
(final answer in watts)
GeometrySurface...{select surface}
- 17 -
GeometrySurface...{select surface}
Unit VecNormal
GeometrySurface...{select surface}
- 18 -
GeometryVolume...{select volume}
NumberScalar{enter r for volume}
- 19 -
where s is skin depth, tg is dielectric loss tangent, n is the surface normal for the cavity wall faces, and
and represent wall surface area and cavity volume, respectively.1
Usage Example(s):
To calculate the Q of an air- or solid-dielectric filled cavity, fed with a below-cutoff port aperture, or
obtained via an eigensolution.
The Object (or Object List) representing the cavity total volume must already exist, as must the Face List
corresponding to the total wall surface area of the cavity. Both can be created via the Modeler menu if
necessary. The solution should be tuned to the desired resonant frequency for evaluation.
Calculator Operation
GeometryVolume{select cavity volume}
NumberScalar{enter loss tan for volume}
The above equation is only valid for cavities filled with one dielectric material across the entire volume.
For cavities with different dielectric fills (e.g. a dielectric resonator within a larger metal cavity),
dielectric loss must be evaluated using integration by parts for each dielectric material volume. The
equation also assumes the same conductivity for all walls, and no nonreciprocal (e.g. ferrite) property to
either walls or fill.
- 20 -
Scl : *(Integrate(Volume(...
(above represents energy lost in
dielectric material losses)
CVc : <Hx, Hy, Hz>
Srf : Surface(cav_tot_faces)
(above is example; user entry may differ)
Vec : NormalSurfaceNormal
Cross(<Hx, Hy, Hz>, SurfaceNormal)
(above entry duplicated)
CVc : Conj(Cross(<Hx, Hy, Hz>, ...
CSc : Dot(Cross(<Hx, Hy, Hz>, ...
Scl : Real(Dot(Cross(<Hx, ...
Srf : Surface(cav_tot_faces)
Scl : Integrate(SurFace(...
Scl : 2
Scl : 3.14159265358979
Scl : {current freq, in Hz}
Scl : {numerical result, pi*f}
Scl : {entered value, unitless}
Scl : {numerical result, pi*f*mur}
Scl : 1.25663706143592E-006
Scl : {numerical, pi*f*mur*mu0}
Scl : {entered value, s/meter}
Scl : {numerical, pi*f*mur*mu0*}
Scl : {numerical, sqrt of above}
Scl : {numerical result, 2*above}
Scl : {numerical result}
(above is skin depth/2)
Scl : *(Integrate(...
(above is energy lost in walls)
Scl : +(*(Integrate(...
Scl : /(+(*(Integrate(...
Scl : {numerical result}
(above is Q of homogeneous fill
and wall conductivity cavity, unitless)
GeometrySurface{select cavity surfaces}
Unit VecNormal
Cross :
GeometrySurface{select cavity surfaces}
NumberScalar{enter r for walls}
NumberScalar{enter wall conductivity}
- 21 -
Scl : Mag_E
(Mag_E is used as an example)
Vol : Volume(box1)
(above is example, user entry may differ)
(user can enter MaxPosition to find out Max
E location. Also MinValue (Position) leads to
Min E value and location)
Scl : {numerical quantity}
GeometryVolume...{select volume}
- 22 -
Named ExpressionsVolume_Loss_Density
Copy to stack
GeometryVolume...{select volume}
Scl : Volume_Loss_Density
(Volume Loss Density is used as an example)
Vol : Volume(box1)
(above is example, user entry may differ)
Scl: Integrate(Volume(box1), Volume_Loss_...)
Scl : {numerical quantity}
(above is loss from box1,
either dielectric or conductional, Watt)
- 23 -
is the transverse component of the electric field, and
magnetic field.
Usage Example(s):
This calculation could be used to display wave impedance vs. position along a length of waveguide with a
changing cross-section. It could also be used to display the changes in wave impedance in free space at
some boundary (i.e. a frequency selective surface or radome) when performed on an incident wave
The line along which the impedance is to be plotted should be defined before performing this calculation.
Lines are generated using the DrawLine menu pick.
Calculator Operation
NumberVector{enter unit vector in
direction of propagation}
NumberVector{enter unit vector in
direction of propagation}
AddType: ZwaveOK
HFSSResultsCreate Fields Report
Rectangular PlotGeometry: Line1
Category: Calculator Expressions
Quantity: ZwaveNew Report
- 24 -
GeometryLine{select desired line}
Unit VecTangent
AddType: EphaseOK
HFSSResultsCreate Fields Report
Rectangular PlotGeometry: Line1
Category: Calculator Expressions
Quantity: EphaseNew Report
- 25 -
GeometryLine{select desired line}
Unit VecTangent
AddType: Et_maxOK
HFSSResultsCreate Fields Report
Rectangular PlotGeometry: Line1
Category: Calculator Expressions
Quantity: Et_maxNew Report
- 26 -
Usage Example(s):
This calculation could be used instead of the automatic PlotFieldsMagE upon surface, when only the
magnitude of the E-field with a particular vector orientation is desired. For example, to evaluate the field
available for coupling to a probe structure with a particular orientation.
The plane to which the desired field component should be normal must be generated prior to completing
the following steps. Planes available for this routine can be generated using the DrawPlane,
ModelerList Create Faces List, or DrawRectangle (or other 2D sheet).
Calculator Operation
GeometrySurface{select desired cutplane,
faces list, or surface list}
Unit VecNormal
AddType: E_normalOK
Highlight the surface (list)
HFSSFieldsPlot Fields
Named ExpressionSelect E_normal
- 27 -
AddType: E_xOK
Highlight the geometry
HFSSFieldsPlot Fields
Named ExpressionSelect E_x
HFSSFieldsModify Plot Attribute
{IsoSurface contour is displayed}
Select the plotOKScale
Num. Division: 1Use Limits: 100 (as an example)
PlotsIsoValSurface checkedApply
- 28 -
AddType: E_mag0OK
(user can choose other planes
Under modeler tree/Planes)
HFSSFieldsPlot Fields
Named Expression(E_mag0)
HFSSFieldsPlot AnimateNew
Swept variableNormalized DistanceOK
- 29 -
Named ExpressionsVector_E
Vec : Vector_E
(E used as example)
Scl : ScalarX(Vector_E)
Scal? ScalarX
Add... Type in Ex OK
Named ExpressionsVector_E
Vec : Vector_E
Scal? ScalarY
Scl : ScalarY(Vector_E)
Add... Type in Ey OK
Named ExpressionsVector_E
Vec : Vector_E
Scal? ScalarZ
Scl : ScalarZ(Vector_E)
Add... Type in Ez OK
Save ToSelect (Ex, Ey, Ez) OK
Type in Exyz (Library Name) Save
(Exyz used as an library name example)
Load From(Find the pre-defined library) Open
Select (Ex, Ey, Ez) OK
(Named Expressions of Ex, Ey and Ez are loaded into Named Expressions)
- 30 -