1. Open your Downloaded Folder [ AUTODESK.AUTOCAD.V2014.WIN64-ISO ] from KAT, you will see the
image file in the form of ISO file [acad2014_x64.iso].
2. To Eliminate and Solve the INSERT AUTOCAD DISK 1 Problem..
Use RIGHT CLICK [mouse] in the image file [acad2014_x64.iso] and you will see PowerISO. [note: this is
not the PowerISO ICON in your Desktop]. Upon using RIGHT CLICK on image file(iso) and seeing
PowerISO, move your CURSOR to PowerISO and you will see SET NUMBER OF DRIVES, move your
CURSOR to SET NUMBER OF DRIVES and you will notice and see that it is in DISABLE position, click and
choose 1 DRIVES [set it in 1 Drives]. To check, use RIGHT CLICK again the image file(iso), go to SET
NUMBER OF DRIVES again and you will see it is SET in 1 DRIVES.
B. MOUNTING THE IMAGE FILE [acad2014_x64.iso].
When you already checked the image file, that it is set 1 DRIVES, Move your CURSOR again to image file
[acad2014_x64.iso], RIGTH CLICK again, move again your CURSOR to PowerISO, and now you will see
MOUNT IMAGE TO DRIVE [_:] . Just CLICK the MOUNT IMAGE TO DRIVE [_:] and check if it is
MOUNTED already. To check, RIGHT CLICK again the image file [acad2014_x64.iso] move your CURSOR
again to PowerISO and you will see it is mounted
[ MOUNT IMAGE TO DRIVE [_:]_:\AutoCad v2014\AUTODESK.AUTOCAD.V2014.WIN64ISO\acad2014_x64.iso ].
C. EXTRACTING THE IMAGE FILE [acad2014_x64.iso].
Create one Destination Folder on your DESKTOP [screen] and rename it, so that you can easily find it.
Move your CURSOR again to image file [acad2014_x64.iso], RIGHT CLICK again and move your CURSOR
to PowerISO again. You will see the word [EXTRACT TO, EXTRACT HERE, and EXTRACT HERE USING
FILE NAMES FOR FOLDER], CLICK the word EXTRACT TO, This time the PowerISO window will appear
on your Desktop [screen] with the small search tab[Extract], open/click the image of the folder on that small
search tab [Extract] and search/look for the folder that you created and rename, it is on your file name,
CLICK the arrow and you will see FOLDERS go to Desktop folder and you will see your created folder,
CLICK your Created folder and Press/Click OK [Browse for Folder] and it will extract in the Folder that you
were created.
When the Image file is already set in 1DRIVES, already Mounted, and also already extracted in your created
file folder, first thing you will do, is check your internet, you must have internet connection. Now go to your
Created Folder on your Desktop [screen], Open your Created Folder, which youve extracted the image file
you will see the Crack Folder inside, remove it by using drag to desktop or cut and paste to desktop. Do not
install autocad if the CRACK FOLDER are inside in your created extracted folder.
When the Crack Folder are in the desktop and already removed on your created extracted folder, that is the
right time to install the autoCad v2014, RUN by using RIGHT CLICK and CLICK RUN AS
ADMINISTRATOR The Setup.exe located in your created extracted folder, allow it to install with internet.
Autodesk autoCad 2014 will appear in your desktop, Click INSTALL button, next Autodesk Autocad
Agreement will appear in your screen, click I Accept then Click Next [button]. Then Another Autodesk
windows will appear in your screen Product Information, you will see there the
Product Language: English,
License type: Stand-Alone, and
Product Information: I Have My Product Information.
In the Product Information consist of 3 blank box, the 3 blank box are the box where you will put or paste the
serial number and product key. Take note that the Serial Number and product key are located in your Crack
Folder. Open your Crack Folder and you will see install.txt in the form of notepad, open that install.txt by
double click and you will see several serial numbers, choose your serial number copy and paste it to product
information of autodesk, do that also in Product Key, after serial number and product key is already pasted
in Product information of Autodesk,you will see colored Green check on both serial and product key Click
Next [button]. Then you will see the products of autodesk that will be install in your computer, CLICK
Install[Button]. After Installation Restart your Computer.
Now that youve already installed AutoCad v2014 and already restarted your computer. Please Check your
Internet connection, you must be connected through internet. Run or double click AutoCAD 2014 English
ICON in your desktop, let it run so that Autodesk will check your newly installed AutoCad v2014, after that
the Autodesk will open a window for Autodesk Licensing, then put check on the agreement and click I
Agree(button), then Autodesk small note will appear, telling you Please wait while your license being
verified. Then Autodesk will open a window for Autodesk Licensing and on that window will tell you that you
have 30 days to activate your license, you will see 2 choices
TRY[button] and ACTIVATE[button],
TRY[button] will give you trial version, please do not click TRY[button], Click the ACIVATE[button], then
another autodesk window will open again and that is for PRODUCT REGISTRATION AND ACTIVATION, it
will tell you that THE SERIAL NUMBER YOU HAVE PROVIDED IS NOT VALID. It is written in red color,
please dont be alarm on this notification. You will see on that autodesk window the Costumer Service
Request button and you have 2 choices again,
CLOSE[button] and NEXT[button].
Please do not click the NEXT[button], you have to close it. Just click the CLOSE[button]. Then after
clicking the CLOSE[button] a notification will appear on the screen, telling you that REGISTRATION HAS
NOT BEEN COMPLETED, ARE YOU SURE YOU WISH TO CANCEL?, just click OK. Then after clicking
OK the Autodesk window will appear again in the previous state and that is the AUTODESK LICENSING
30DAYS REMAINING, just click ACTIVATE[button] again and Autodesk window will appear and that is for
PRODUCT LICENSE ACTIVATION OPTION in that autodesk window you will see your PRODUCT, your
SERIAL NUMBER, your PRODUCT KEY and also the REQUEST CODE, note that the request code is
important to your x-factor keygen. On that PRODUCT LICENSE ACTIVATION OPTION window have 2
choices again but you have to choose, I HAVE AN ACTIVATION CODE FROM AUTODESK and the 16
boxes will appear on that window. Just leave the autodesk PRODUCT LICENSE ACTIVATION OPTION
windows open.
A. EXTRACTING xf-adsk64.7z
Upon leaving your autodesk PRODUCT LICENSE ACTIVATION OPTION windows open in your screen, go
to your Crack Folder and then open it, if you installed WinRAR you will see 2 file in the form of RAR file, one
is for 32bit[xf-adsk32.7z] and the other one is for 64bit[xf-adsk64.7z]. and if you are using 64bit O.S.. use
the 64bit RAR file [xf-adsk64.7z]. Just move your CURSOR to xf-adsk64.7z[rar] then RIGHT CLICK, you
will see EXTRACT FILE [image is in RAR], click it and small notification window will appear [EXTRACTION
PATH AND OPTIONS], click OK and it will extract on that same Crack Folder with separate file folder
named xf-adsk64. Open the extracted folder[xf-adsk64] and you will see the KEYGEN named xfadsk64.exe[X-Force].
xf-adsk64.exe is the keygen you have to Run as Administrator
B. RUN and PATCH the X-FORCE Keygen
To run the xf-adsk64.exeis simply move your CURSOR to xf-adsk64.exe RIGHT CLICK and click RUN
AS ADMINISTRATOR and the X-FORCE KEYGEN will appear. The X-Force Keygen consist of 2 boxes that
you have to fill up, one is for REQUEST and the other one is for ACTIVATION and it also consist of 3 button,
1st button is for PATCH, 2nd button is for GENERATE and the 3rd Button is for QUIT. When you run the XFORCE keygen As Administrator, please do not patch it yet because that is a MEM PATCH, you have to fill
up first the X-FORCE keygen before using the PATCH. Now go back again to your autodesk PRODUCT
LICENSE ACTIVATION OPTION windows and copy first the REQUEST CODE, highlight it, and use
CTRL+C to copy the REQUEST CODE and PASTE it to REQUEST box of X-FORCE keygen, just remove
what is written in the REQUEST box and paste it there.[you can use paste or CTRL+V]. When the
REQUEST CODE are already pasted in REQUEST box of X-FORCE keygen, the next step is to fill up the
ACTIVATION box of X-FORCE keygen. Simply by clicking the GENERATE[button] located in X-FORCE
keygen,l 3 times. Take note: you have to click the GENERATE[button] 3 times and you will see it will
generate an Activation code from the ACTIVATION box. When X-FORCE keygen REQUEST box and
ACTIVATION box are already filled up that is the time for PATCHING. Click the PATCH [button] and you will
see a notification saying
5. ACTIVATING your AutoCad v2014
When you already patched the X-FORCE keygen MEM PATCH, the last step is to activate your AutoCad
v2014. You have to copy the activation code from X-FORCE keygen by moving your CURSOR and place it
inside the ACTIVATION box of X-FORCE keygen, RIGHT CLICK and click SELECT ALL, it will highlight all
the activation code form X-FORCE keygen ACTIVATION box, when the activation code is highlighted, you
can use CTRL+C or just copy and paste it in the no.1 box of PRODUCT LICENSE ACTIVATION OPTION
window of Autodesk, and you will see that it will fill up the boxes and the last letter code is in the no. 15 box.
And when it is already pasted, Click NEXT[button] and Autodesk window will appear again written
ACTIVATION COMPLETE, you will see also the word THANK YOU FOR ACTIVATING and on the right
corner side LICENSE ACTIVE.. Click FINISH.. you have now AutoCad v2014 fully Activated using with the
internet Good luck Guys and Have a nice installing day.