SYL 389H Spring2011
SYL 389H Spring2011
SYL 389H Spring2011
Spring 2011
(3 hrs.)
2 wks
1 wk
1 wk
2 wks
1 wk
2 wks
2 wks
2 wk
2 wk
1 wk
15 wks
>83-86, >86-90
>73-76, >76-80
>63-66, >66-70
A-, A
B-, B, B+
C-, C, C+
D-, D, D+
Attendance Policy:
Regular attendance and participation are essential and expected. Random attendance will be taken
throughout the semester by various means and it can affect your grade up to 5% (participation grade).
"A student who is absent from a class or examination for the observance of a religious holy day may
complete the work issued within a reasonable time after the absence, if proper notice has been given".
The deadline for notification of such an absence is 14 days prior to the class absence.
Class Participation:
It is important that you are familiar with the course material as the course evolves. Your ability to
answer questions and discuss the material will be part of the overall participation evaluation.
Therefore, you should review class material ahead of time.
Homework assignments are a central part of this course. Homework will be assigned approximately
five times over the course of the semester. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class for
the assigned day. Homework assignments should be completed individually.
Final Project Description:
There will be one final project assigned at the beginning of April, and it will relate to a design of
HVAC system for a commercial building. It will be a group project and student will have a choice to
select specific building and HVAC system. Each group will prepare a two page proposal to define the
project objectives, scope, methodology, and deliverables. Students are welcome to propose problems
from their current research or future career. Based on these proposals the course instructor will refine
the final project scope and deliverables for each group, so that each student will have the same final
project work load. Each group member will have the same project grade.
Midterm Exam:
This course will have one exam at beginning of April. The exam will cover principles of HVAC
systems and components learned in the first 2/3 of the course.
Final Exam:
This course will not have a final exam. The final project and the final project presentation will replace
the final exam.
Due Dates Policy:
All assignments are due at the beginning of class; those turned in late will count 10%off per day.
Personal Problems:
If you have illness or personal problems that will affect your performance during the course of the
semester, please let me know as soon as possible. After the fact provides little protection unless
there are extreme circumstances. I have an answering machine and an e-mail address if you need to
get in touch with me after hours. Do not hesitate to use them.
Honor Code:
The core values of The University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership,
individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the university is expected to uphold these
values through integrity, honesty, thrust, fairness, and respect towards peers and community.
Policy of Scholastic Dishonesty:
Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties,
including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Since such
dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on
scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. For further information, visit the Student Judicial
Services web site
Privacy Web Based Class Sites:
Web-based, password-protected class sites may be associated with all academic courses taught at the
University. Syllabi, handouts, assignments and other resources are types of information that may be
available within these sites. Site activities could include exchanging email, engaging in class
discussions and chats, and exchanging files. In addition, electronic class rosters will be a component
of the sites. Students who do not want their names included in these electronic class rosters must
restrict their directory information in the Office of the Registrar, Main Building, Room 1. For
information on restricting directory information, see:
The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate academic accommodations for
qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact Services for Students with
Disabilities at 471-6259 (voice) or 232-2937 (video phone).
Dropping the Course:
From the 1st through the 12th class day, an undergraduate student can drop a course via the web and
receive a refund, if eligible. From the 13th through the universitys academic drop deadline, a student
may Q drop a course with approval from the Dean, and departmental advisor. After the academic
drop deadline has passed, a student may drop a course only with Deans approval, and only for
urgent, substantiated, non-academic reasons.
HVAC Design, ARE 346P/CE 389H/ARE 389H - Spring 2011
Course Evaluations:
Each student will be given the opportunity to evaluate the course and the instructor using the standard
course/instructor evaluation form at the end of semester.
Important Dates:
Exam: April 12 (will be confirmed)
Preliminary results for the final project due: April 26
Final project due: May 5
01/18 Course introduction and terminology
01/20 Review: Thermodynamics
01/25 Review: Heat transfer
01/27 Review: Fluid dynamics
02/01 No class (ASHRAE meeting) make up will be a Field trip
02/03 Psychrometric chart
02/08 AHU & Psychometrics
02/10 Psychrometric processes
02/15 HVAC Systems
02/17 Cooling towers
02/22 Refrigeration Cycles
02/24 Refrigeration Systems
03/01 Refrigerants
03/03 Refrigeration System Components
03/08 Heat Exchangers I
03/10 Heat Exchangers II
03/22 Heat Exchangers III, Example
03/24 Air distribution components
03/29 Duct design
03/31 Fans
04/05 Pumps and plumbing sizing
04/07 Review
04/12 Course projects and Exam ( Exam will be out of class time)
04/14 Principle of HVAC Control
04/19 Variable air volume systems
04/21 Final Project and Load Calculation
04/26 Automatic Control for HVAC systems
04/28 Residential vs. Commercial HVAC Systems
05/03 Review (Field trip out of class time)
05/05 Project discussion
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapters 7&8
Chapters 7&8
Chapters 7&8
Chapters 7&8
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Chapter 18&19
Chapter 18&19
Chapters 15&16