Final Bill
Final Bill
Final Bill
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled,
This act may be cited as the (American Health Care) Act of 2016.
Congress hereby finds and declares that,
1) . Low-income immigrant children are less likely than their U.S.-born citizen counterparts to
see a doctor even when they are insured. Similarly, immigrant adults are less likely to use
emergency rooms than low-income natives.
2) . No usual source of health care among adults 18-64 years of age, by selected
3 The penalty for not having insurance starts at $95 or 1% of your income, whichever is
greater. This penalty will increase in future years.
4) 45,000 people die each year simply because they have no health insurance
5) Financial challenges again ranked No. 1 on the list of hospital CEOs top concerns in 2015,
according to the American College of Healthcare Executives annual survey of top issues
confronting hospitals
6) . Seventy-eight percent of small businesses recently reported that having access to stable,
affordable, quality health insurance is their number one concern.
7) Lack of Diversity among Healthcare providers Impacts Healthcare Disparities.
8) The U.S. does not have a uniform health system, has no universal health care coverage,
and only recently enacted legislation mandating healthcare coverage for almost everyone.
9) As uninsured residents have relatively poor access to the offices of private physicians,
they frequently seek care from so-called safety-net providers such as community centres
and the outpatient or emergency departments of hospitals.
A) Make Insurance Portable
To make insurance portable is to separate insurance coverage from employment. The
insurance plan should follow a person from job to job, job to self-employment, job to
retirement, job to raising a family, or whatever other employment change life may bring. A
person should not have to switch insurance companies with a change in employment or lose
coverage because they want to take a few years off to raise a family or retire early. This
current process is disruptive, often requires a change of doctors, affects coverage, and
increases paperwork. A person should be able to choose a health plan, pay an affordable
premium to a single-payer insurance program, and have that same coverage and premium
irregardless of employer or job status.
B( Improve Access to Preventive Care
Increasing access to preventative health care and basic treatment will improve health
outcomes and reduce treatment costs.less than 4 cents of every health care dollar is spent
on prevention and public health With our current health care system, no one can be turned
away for medical care in the event of a medical emergency. As a result, the uninsured are
more often treated in emergency rooms than those without insurance. Because the uninsured
dont have access to treatment when a health problem first occurs, they dont seek medical
care until it becomes a much more serious situation
. The American health care bill wil address the health care and obama care program and how
great the program is but somehow there are problems and issues going on with the program
and it needs few little reforms to improve the benefits of it for the citizens of United States.
Low-income immigrant children are less likely than their U.S.-born citizen counterparts to see
a doctor even when they are insured: A report,finds that low-income immigrant children with
private or public health care insurance were significantly less likely to visit a doctors office
during 2010 than their native-born counterparts 44 percent versus 69 percent for children
with private coverage, and 62 percent versus 71.5 percent for children with public coverage.
Overall, whether insured or uninsured, 47 percent of low-income immigrant children reported
visiting a doctors office during 2010 compared to 69 percent of U.S.-born children Health
care for.
Regarding adult health care usage, the report finds that immigrant adults had lower rates of
doctors office and even emergency room visits. Analysis of Medical Expenditure Panel
Survey (MEPS) data showed that 8 percent of low-income immigrant adults overall reported
an emergency room visit during 2010, compared to 13 percent of their native-born peers; for
those who were uninsured, the rate was 6 percent for immigrants and 14 percent of the
native born.
. President Obamas health care reform plan, also known as ObamaCare or the Affordable
Care Act, is the law of the land now which means that all Americans with an income above a
certain threshold have to purchase or have health insurance. The provision referred to as
the individual mandate is what legally required most US citizens and legal residents to obtain
private, employer sponsored or public health insurance (through state run exchanges). Based
on the most recent data available it is estimated that the majority of the US population gets
health insurance through their employers while 50 million people are uninsured. The
remaining consumers either buy their own private insurance or are covered by federal/state
government programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare.
In low-income populations and minorities there are special issues of access. Medicare
beneficiaries who die in low-income areas have higher end-of-life costs, are less likely to use
hospices and are more likely to die in a hospital than the general population 3. African
Americans represent only 8% of hospice users, yet make up 13% of the total population 11.
Language and cultural barriers, possible distrust of the system (e.g. fear of being mistreated
or undertreated), and lack of hospice referrals from the medical community may all
contribute to this low utilization rate.
Nursing-home residents are another group that tend not to receive hospice care. Only 1% of
the nursing-home population is enrolled in hospice, and 70% of nursing homes have no
patients enrolled in hospice13. This is despite the growing number of people who die in
nursing homes (20% of the total population in 1993, up from 18.7% in 1986) 13. This
underutilization results from the emphasis on rehabilitation and restoration that is embedded
in both nursing-home philosophy and nursing-home payment systems. The Medicare skillednursing-home benefit is specifically designed for short-term rehabilitation patients and not for
those who are in the last stages of life. In addition, in most States Medicaid pays hospices
directly for any hospice patients who are in nursing homes. The hospices must then pay the
nursing homes (for patients' room and board). This process delays payments to the nursing
homes, which may already be concerned about narrow margins, and becomes a barrier to
hospice services for nursing-home residents.
Individuals or families who fall below income-tax filing thresholds would not owe anything or
get subsides to offset health insurance costs. People who are unemployed or cannot find a
policy that costs less than 8% of their modified adjusted gross income would also be exempt
from penalties under the individual mandate. On the other hand, to offset the cost of
providing insurance to low income households, individuals making more than $200,000 a
year and couples earning above $250,000 will get additional health care taxes deducted as
payroll taxes. These people are also hit with a 3.8 percent tax on investment income.