Mission Grass (Pennisetum Polystachion) : Plantwise Images
Mission Grass (Pennisetum Polystachion) : Plantwise Images
Mission Grass (Pennisetum Polystachion) : Plantwise Images
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P. polystachion is an erect, annual or perennial grass with extensive and fibrous roots to a depth of 1 m. Flowering culms
slender to fairly stout, erect or ascending, 0.3-3 m or more tall, 5- to 10-noded, with axillary branching, tufted, in dense
stands, several emerging from a crown; sometimes rooting at the nodes. Internodes grooved and glabrous. Leaf sheaths
thin, keeled toward the blade, usually shorter than the internodes, distinctly nerved and glabrous; ligule a hairy ring, 1.52.5 mm long; blades narrow, acuminate, flat, 5-45 cm long, 3-18 mm wide, smooth or hairy with scattered setaceous
hairs; prophyllum 5.5-14 cm long.
Inflorescence yellow to brown or purple, one to several erect or drooping spike-like panicles, linear; primary branches a
single sessile spikelet subtended by an involucre of unfused plume-like bristles, disarticulating at the base of the branch;
main axis 5-35 cm long, 0.5-2.6 mm in diameter, scabrous on the angles, sharp decurrent wings below the point of
disarticulation; bristles densely hairy at the base, unequal in size, 1-2.5 cm long, antrorsely barbed, not fused, forming an
annular ring about the base of the involucre; callus differentiated, hairy, but not prolonged into a distinct stipe.
Spikelets yellow-brown, solitary, sessile, lanceolate, 2.5-5.0 mm long, 0.6-0.9 mm wide, surrounded by numerous bristles,
2-flowered, the lower floret infertile, the upper floret fertile, smooth and shiny, falling from the spike with bristles attached.
Glumes and lower lemma much thinner and more delicate than the upper lemma; apex of lower lemma tridentate. First
glume usually absent or minute, rarely, if ever, half as long as the lower lemma, sometimes represented by a vestigial
scale, up to 2.5 mm long, nerveless; second glume glabrous but frequently with some scattered spicules on the surface,
distinctly 5-nerved, pointed, longer than the lemma, sometimes 3- to 10-lobed; lower lemma 2.3-4.1 mm long, 3- to 5nerved; palea of lower floret absent or normally developed; upper floret perfect; upper lemma 2.1-3.1 mm long, acute to
rounded, distinctly harder in texture than the lower lemma and second glume; anthers 0.8-1.2 mm long. Seed (grain)
yellow-brown, 3-5 mm long, surrounded by bristles.
Adapted from Andrews, 1956; Holm et al., 1977; Reed, 1977; Hafliger and Scholz, 1981; Westbrooks, 1989; Parsons and
Cuthbertson, 1992.
P. polystachion is spread mostly by its highly viable seeds. However, the grains alone cannot be used for positive
identification (Holm et al., 1977). Shipments of crop seeds from countries or localities that are infested with P.
polystachion should be closely examined upon arrival in non-infested areas. Infested shipments should be thoroughly
cleaned to minimize further spread.
As with other annual weeds, the primary concern in control of P. polystachion is to prevent further seed production and to
eliminate the seed bank in the soil. Due to successive germinations and the risk of erosion, repeated cultivation is not a
practical control method. Instead, a combination of cultivation, herbicides and, in pastures, careful grazing management
provides the best results. The grass is also susceptible to fire (Gupta and Trivedi, 2001).
Cultural control and sanitary measures
In rubber plantations in Thailand, shading by the legumes Canavalia ensiformis, Lablab purpureus andMucuna
pruriens provided enough shading to greatly suppress P. polystachion (Kobayashi et al., 2003).
Physical/mechanical control
Seed production can be prevented by mowing or cutting of plants before flowering (Watson, 1986). Isolated plants can be
hand pulled or dug out.
Chemical control
The range of herbicides suggested includes glyphosate, glufosinate, paraquat, fluazifop-butyl, haloxyfop-methyl and
imazapyr. All are most effective on young plants, or on regrowth following slashing. Longest control is provided by
imazapyr, but use of this compound is limited to very few crops. Working with the perennial form, ssp. setosum, good
control of young plants is possible with fluazifop-butyl, fenoxaprop-ethyl, glyphosate, glufosinate and paraquat. Faiz
(1999), working in rubber in Malaysia also had good results with glyphosate, imazapyr and glufosinate; also with MSMA,
but paraquat was less effective. On established plants, best results were obtained with imazapyr, metsulfuron and
In soyabeans in Brazil, good results are obtained with various combinations of imazethapyr, imazaquin and sethoxydim
with bentazon, fomesafen or clethodim; also with haloxyfop-methyl, propaquizafop, fenoxaprop-P-ethyl and fluazifop-Pbutyl. These are often combined with a mineral oil and/or surfactant (Barros et al., 1992a,b). Miller (2006) describes that
thick stands of P. polystachion in pastures may be treated with glyphosate using a rope-wick applicator, as soon as the
weed overtops young pasture plants. In cotton, maize, or sorghum, pre-emergent or post-emergent directed applications
of atrazine, ametryn, diuron, fluometuron or paraquat are effective (Parsons and Cuthbertson, 1992).
Recently, P. polystachion in tea plantations in Sri Lanka has been treated by application of diuron on plants that are less
than 45 cm high before emergence of inflorescence or flowering. Surfactants may also be used. Phytotoxic effects are
seen within 1 week of spraying and complete kill is observed in 2-3 weeks, but the herbicide will not kill mature plants in
flower. Glyphosate can also be used for control but is expensive; dalapon is ineffective (Watson, 1986).
Summary of invasiveness
P. polystachion is a vigorous annual or perennial grass growing to over 1 m height, producing large numbers of seeds
with limited dormancy. It is a natural invader of disturbed ground, typically occurring in fallow land in its native region in
Africa. It has been widely introduced to Asia, Australia and Central and South America, both deliberately, as a potential
forage plant, and accidentally. In some of these areas, especially Thailand and northern Australia, it has flourished,
spreading along roadsides into both agricultural and natural habitats, sometimes in national parks and nature reserves,
reducing species diversity and greatly increasing the risk of damaging fires. It is listed as a Federal Noxious Weed in USA
and as a Class B and C Noxious Weed in the Northern Territory, Australia.
External factsheets
Weed control in cassava farms.
IITA IPM Field Guides for Extension Agents, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2000, English language
Lutte conte les adventices dans les champs de manioc
IITA IPM Field Guides for Extension Agents, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), French language
Weed control in cassava farms.
Integrated Pest Management field guides, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2000, English language
Lutte contre les adventices dans les champs de manioc
Integrated Pest Management field guides, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2000, French language
tanaman inang / spesies terpengaruh
Bambusa vulgaris (bambu umum)
Camellia sinensis (teh)
Elaeis guineensis (kelapa sawit Afrika)
Ficus elastica (tanaman karet)
Glycine max (soyabean)
Gossypium (kapas)
padang rumput
Sorghum bicolor (sorgum)
Zea mays (jagung)
P. polystachion adalah tegak, rumput tahunan atau tahunan dengan akar yang luas dan berserat
dengan kedalaman 1 m. batang berbunga ramping untuk cukup gemuk, tegak atau menaik, 0,33 m atau lebih tinggi, 5 sampai 10 noded, dengan aksila bercabang, berumbai, di berdiri padat,
beberapa muncul dari mahkota; kadang-kadang rooting pada node. Ruas beralur dan gundul.
selubung daun tipis, jatuh pingsan ke arah pisau, biasanya lebih pendek dari ruas, jelas nerved
dan gundul; ligule cincin berbulu, 1,5-2,5 mm panjang; pisau sempit, acuminate, datar, panjang
5-45 cm, 3-18 mm lebar, halus atau berbulu dengan rambut setaceous tersebar; prophyllum
panjang 5,5-14 cm.
Perbungaan kuning sampai coklat atau ungu, satu sampai beberapa tegak atau melorot malai
lonjakan seperti, linear; cabang primer gabah sessile tunggal subtended oleh penutup dari
disatukan bulu bulu-seperti, disarticulating di dasar cabang; sumbu utama 5-35 cm panjang, 0,52,6 mm, scabrous di sudut, sayap decurrent tajam di bawah titik disarticulation; bulu padat
berbulu di dasar, yang tidak sama dalam ukuran, panjang 1-2,5 cm, berduri antrorsely, tidak
menyatu, membentuk sebuah cincin annular tentang dasar penutup tersebut; kalus dibedakan,
berbulu, tetapi tidak lama menjadi Stipe yang berbeda.
Bulir kuning-coklat, soliter, sessile, lanset, 2,5-5,0 mm, 0,6-0,9 mm lebar, dikelilingi oleh banyak
bulu, 2-bunga, yang floret rendah subur, yang floret atas yang subur, halus dan mengkilap, jatuh
dari spike dengan bulu yang menempel. Glumes dan bawah lemma lebih tipis dan lebih lembut
dari lemma atas; puncak tridentate lemma lebih rendah. Pertama glume biasanya tidak ada atau
menit, jarang, jika pernah, setengah selama lebih rendah lemma, kadang-kadang diwakili oleh
skala vestigial, panjang hingga 2,5 mm, tdk bertenaga; kedua glume gundul tapi sering dengan
beberapa spikula yang tersebar di permukaan, jelas 5-nerved, menunjuk, lebih panjang dari
lemma, kadang-kadang 3 hingga 10-lobed; lemma rendah 2,3-4,1 mm, 3 hingga 5-nerved; palea
dari floret lebih rendah tidak ada atau biasanya dikembangkan; floret sempurna atas; atas
lemma panjang 2,1-3,1 mm, akut bulat, jelas lebih sulit di tekstur dari lemma rendah dan glume
kedua; kepala sari panjang 0,8-1,2 mm. Benih (biji-bijian) kuning-coklat, 3-5 mm, dikelilingi oleh
Pencegahan dan pengendalian
P. polystachion tersebar sebagian besar dengan biji yang sangat layak nya. Namun, butir saja
tidak dapat digunakan untuk identifikasi positif (Holm et al., 1977). Pengiriman bibit tanaman
dari negara atau daerah yang penuh dengan P. polystachion harus diteliti dengan seksama pada
saat kedatangan di daerah non-penuh. pengiriman penuh harus dibersihkan untuk
meminimalkan penyebaran lebih lanjut.
Seperti gulma tahunan lainnya, perhatian utama dalam mengendalikan P. polystachion adalah
untuk mencegah produksi benih lebih lanjut dan untuk menghilangkan bank benih di tanah.
Karena germinations berturut-turut dan risiko erosi, budidaya diulang bukanlah metode kontrol
praktis. Sebaliknya, kombinasi dari budidaya, herbisida dan, di padang rumput, manajemen
penggembalaan hati memberikan hasil terbaik. Rumput ini juga rentan terhadap kebakaran
(Gupta dan Trivedi, 2001).
kontrol budaya dan tindakan sanitasi
produksi benih dapat dicegah dengan memotong atau memotong tanaman sebelum berbunga
(Watson, 1986). tanaman terisolasi dapat tangan ditarik atau digali.
pengendalian kimia
aplikator tali-sumbu, segera setelah gulma overtops tanaman rumput muda. Kapas, jagung, atau
sorgum, pra-muncul atau pasca-muncul diarahkan aplikasi atrazin, ametryn, diuron, fluometuron
atau paraquat efektif (Parsons dan Cuthbertson, 1992).
Baru-baru ini, P. polystachion di perkebunan teh di Sri Lanka telah diobati dengan penerapan
diuron pada tanaman yang kurang dari 45 cm tinggi sebelum munculnya perbungaan atau
berbunga. Surfaktan juga dapat digunakan. Efek phytotoxic terlihat dalam waktu 1 minggu dari
penyemprotan dan membunuh lengkap diamati dalam 2-3 minggu, tetapi herbisida tidak akan
membunuh tanaman dewasa pada bunga. Glyphosate juga dapat digunakan untuk kontrol tapi
mahal; dalapon tidak efektif (Watson, 1986).
Ringkasan invasif
P. polystachion adalah rumput tahunan atau tahunan yang kuat tumbuh lebih 1 m, menghasilkan
sejumlah besar biji dengan dormansi terbatas. Ini adalah penyerang alami tanah terganggu,
biasanya terjadi di tanah kosong di wilayah asli di Afrika. Telah banyak diperkenalkan ke Asia,
Australia dan Amerika Tengah dan Selatan, baik sengaja, sebagai tanaman hijauan yang
potensial, dan secara tidak sengaja. Di beberapa daerah ini, terutama Thailand dan Australia
utara, telah berkembang, menyebar di sepanjang pinggir jalan ke kedua habitat pertanian dan
alami, kadang-kadang di taman nasional dan cagar alam, mengurangi spesies keragaman dan
sangat meningkatkan risiko kebakaran merusak. Hal ini tercantum sebagai federal Beracun
Weed di Amerika Serikat dan sebagai Kelas B dan C Beracun Gulma di Northern Territory,
mission grass
Pennisetum polystachion (Linnaeus) Schultes
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EDDMapS Distribution - This map is incomplete and is based only on current site and county level reports made
by experts, herbaria, and literature. For more information, visit www.eddmaps.org
State Regulated List - This map identifies those states that list this species on their regulated list. For more information, visit Invasive.org
Taxonomic Rank
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Subclass: Commelinidae
Order: Cyperales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Pennisetum
Subject: Pennisetum polystachion (Linnaeus) Schultes