Azo Dye Removal by Adsorption Using Waste Biomass: Sugarcane Bagasse
Azo Dye Removal by Adsorption Using Waste Biomass: Sugarcane Bagasse
Azo Dye Removal by Adsorption Using Waste Biomass: Sugarcane Bagasse
1. Introduction
Colored compounds are the most easily recognizable pollutants in the environment
because of their appearance. Most of the industries such as textile, paper, carpet, and printing
use dyes and pigments to color their products. the discharge of dye-bearing wastewater into
natural streams and rivers possess a severe problem, as dyes impart toxicity to aquatic life
and are damaging the aesthetic nature of the environment. Amongst the numerous techniques
of dye removal, adsorption is the procedure of choice and gives the best results as it can be
used to remove different types of coloring materials.
Most commercial systems currently use activated carbon as sorbent to remove dyes in
wastewater because of its excellent adsorption ability. Activated carbon (powdered or
granular) is the most widely used adsorbent because it has excellent adsorption efficiency for
organic compounds.
Table 1. comparison for adsorption of some dyes on various adsorbents.
formaldehyde and activated at 80oC in hot air oven for 24 h. The material was placed
in an airtight container for further use.
b. Sulphuric acid treated sugarcane bagasse
One part of dried sugarcane bagasse was mixed with one part of concentrated
sulphuric acid and heated in a muffle furnace (Naber, Germany, Model: L51/S) for 24
h at 150oC. The heated material was washed with distilled water and soaked in 1%
sodium bicarbonate solution overnight to remove residual acid. The material was
dried in an oven at 105oC for 24 h and sieved in the size range of 80-230 mesh ASTM
and used for the further study. All adsorbents were dried at 110oC overnight before the
adsorption experiments.
Methylene red (Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH, Germany) was used to prepare
the simulated wastewater. An accurately weighed quantity of methylene red (0.5635
g) was dissolved in distilled water to prepare the stock solution (500 mg/L). The stock
solution was then properly wrapped with aluminium foil and stored in a dark place to
prevent direct sunlight, which may cause decolourisation.
3) Experimental solutions of the desired concentration were obtained by
successive dilutions.
In each adsorption experiment, 100 ml of dye solution of known concentration
and pH was added to 400 mg of adsorbents (untreated, formaldehyde treated and
sulphuric acid treated sugarcane bagasse) in a 250 ml round bottom flask. This was
done at a room temperature (291oC). The mixtures were then stirred on a rotary
orbital shaker (Heidolph, Model: Unimax 1010) at 160 rpm. The initial pH of the
mixtures were varied between 2-9, this was controlled by the addition of dilute HCl or
NaOH solutions.
Kinetics of adsorption was determined by analyzing adsorptive uptake of the
dye from aqueous solution. Therefore, samples were withdrawn from the shaker every
15 or 30 minutes and the adsorbent was separated from the solution by centrifugation
at 4500 rpm for 5 min. In order to determine the residual dye concentration, the
absorbance value of the supernatant solution was measured before and after the
treatment, at 617 nm with Shimadzu UV Visible spectrophotometer (Model UV mini
Two main system variables, initial dye concentration in the test solution and
adsorbent dosage, were varied to investigate their effects on the adsorption kinetics.
Blank runs, with only the adsorbents in 100 ml of distilled water, were conducted
the test solution, 291oC room temperature, pH (7.0) and at different initial
concentrations of methyl red (50, 100,150, 200 and 250 mg/L) for different time
intervals (15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min). Results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Effect of methyl red concentration on the dye adsorption
Sugarcane bagasse is a common biomass waste material and is easily available at a
small price. The removal of methyl red from simulated wastewater using chemical treatment
of sugarcane bagasse with sulphuric acid and formaldehyde has been investigated under
different experimental conditions in batch mode. The adsorption of methyl red was dependent
on the adsorbent dose and the methyl red concentration in the wastewater. The results show
that as the amount of the adsorbent was increased, the percentage of dye removal increased
accordingly. Higher adsorption percentages were observed at lower concentrations of methyl
red. Sulphuric acid treated sugarcane baggase showed a better performance compared to
formaldehyde treated sugarcane baggase. This study proved that sugarcane bagasse is an
attractive option for dye removal from dilute industrial effluents.
Dyes are usually present in trace quantities in the treated effluents of
many industries. The effectiveness of adsorption for dye removal from
wastewaters has made it an ideal alternative to other expensive