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International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1, No.

2 December 2013

Biodiesel Production Based on Waste Cooking

Oil (WCO)
Nor Hazwani Abdullah, Sulaiman Haji Hasan, and Nurrul Rahmah Mohd Yusoff
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering , Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja 86400, Batu
Pahat, Johor Darul Tazim, Malaysia
Email: {Nshazwany, nurrul0501} @gmail.com; sulaiman@uthm.edu.my

AbstractRecycled waste cooking oil is harmful to health,

but it is not environmental friendly to dispose used cooking
oil just like that. The best solution is to used it for industrial
purposes, namely to reproduce into biodiesel. Waste cooking
oil is collected from chip cracker Factory in Johor. This
project is to produce biodiesel from waste cooking oil using
pilot plant and the biodiesel tested in the laboratory. The
pilot plants are continuous system to produce biodiesel. The
biodiesel was blended with diesel oil to get B5 and B10 grade
biodiesel. It produces biodiesel based on the American
biodiesel standard ASTM6751. The application of this
biodiesel has enabled the company to use its waste cooking
oil without having to dispose it and this has save cost to the
company. The other advantage is that it has significantly
help to preserve environment and as well as conversion of
waste to useful energy. The biodiesel plant has also
motivated the staff towards thinking about environment and
also alternative energy thus sustaining its operation.

Any fatty acid sources may be used to produce

biodiesel. Therefore, any animal or plant lipid should be
ready substrate for the production of biodiesel. The use of
edible vegetable oils and animal fats for biodiesel
production has recently been of great concern because
they compete with food material- the food versus fuel
dispute. There are concern that biodiesel feedstock may
compete with food supply in the long term. From an
economic point of view; the production of biodiesel is
very feedstock sensitive. The cost of feedstock accounted
for 88% of total estimated production cost. In all cases,
more than 80% of the production cost is associated with
the feedstock, such as recycled cooking oils. Reusing of
these waste greases not only reduce the burden of the
government in disposing the waste, maintaining public
sewers, and treating the oily wastewater, but also lower
the production cost of biodiesel significantly.
This project is aimed to develop a simple small plant to
process the waste cooking oil to biodiesel and use it in the
factory.[1] [2]

Index TermsBiodiesel, waste cooking oil, pilot plant,

alternative energy


A. Feedstock Waste Cooking Oil


Biodiesel can be produced from any material that

contains fatty acids, be they linked to other molecules or
present as free fatty acids. Thus various vegetable fats
and oils, animal fats, waste greases, and edible oil
processing wastes can be used as feed stocks for biodiesel
production. The choice of feedstock is based on such
variables as local availability, cost, government support
and performance as a fuel. The primary feedstock is a
vegetable oil or animal fat, biodiesel is generally
considered to be renewable. Since the carbon in the oil or
fat originated mostly from carbon dioxide in the air,
biodiesel is considered to contribute much less to global
warming than fossil fuels. Diesel engines operated on
biodiesel have lower emissions of carbon monoxide,
unburned hydrocarbons, particulate matter, and air toxics
than when operated on petroleum-based diesel fuel [3].
In 2008, Malaysia produced 17.7 million tones of palm
oil on 4.5 million hectares of land, [4] and was the second
largest producer of palm oil, is employed more than
570,000 people [5]. Malaysia is the largest exporter of
palm oil in the world. About 40% of palm oil mostly
made into cooking oil, margarine, specialty fats and
oleochemicals [4]. Most cooking oil are made from palm
oil. In the fast food business alone, a single branch which

Waste cooking oil has always been an environment

problem in food factories in Batu Pahat, Johor,Malaysia.
Converting the WCO into biodiesel will reduce this
problem. This project will not only save environment but
also cost.


Biodiesel is an alternative diesel fuel derived from

vegetable oils or animal fats. The main components of
vegetable oils and animal fats are triglycerides or also
known as ester of fatty acid attached to glycerol. One of
the main driving force for biodiesel widespread is the
greenhouse gas emission (CO2 being the major one). The
term waste cooking oil (WCO) refers to vegetable oil has
been in food production and which is no longer viable for
its intended use. WCO arises from many different sources,
including domestic, commercial and industrial. WCO is a
potentially problematic waste stream which requires
proper management. The disposal of WCO can be
problematic when disposed incorrectly.

Manuscript received November 15, 2013; revised December 15,

2013 Engineering and Technology Publishing
doi: 10.12720/ijmse.1.2.94-99


International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1, No. 2 December 2013

serves fried food such as fried chicken, french fries and

burgers can produce as much as 15 liters of used cooking
oil per day. Considering that there are hundreds of these
outlets in Malaysia, the total amount generated can reach
several thousand liters per day. Properties of degraded
used cooking oil after it gets into sewage system are
conductive to corrosion of metal and it also affects
installations in waste water treatment plants. Thus, it adds
to the cost of treating effluent or pollutes waterways [5].
Waste cooking oil is one of the alternatives for biodiesel
Biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) can reduce
the cost of biodiesel production since the feedstock costs
constitutes approximately 70-95% of the overall cost of
biodiesel production [6]. Although biodiesel cannot
entirely replace petroleum-based diesel fuel, there are at
least five reasons that justify its development.
It provides a market for excess production of
vegetable oils and animal fats.
It decreases, although will not eliminate, the
countrys dependence on imported petroleum.
Biodiesel is renewable and does not contribute to
global warming due to its closed carbon cycle. A
life cycle analysis of biodiesel showed that overall
CO2 emissions were reduced by 78% compared
with petroleum-based diesel fuel [7].
The exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide,
unburned hydrocarbons, and particulate emissions
from biodiesel are lower than with regular diesel
fuel. Unfortunately, most emissions tests have
shown a slight increase in oxides of nitrogen
(NOx). When added to regular diesel fuel in an
amount equal to 12%, it can convert fuel with
poor lubricating properties, such as modern ultralow-sulfur diesel fuel, into an acceptable fuel.

temperature is comparable with the temperature (140C180C) for preparing French fries [8]. However, it was
found difficult to read the temperature in boiling oil
which gives approximately 5-10% error. Depending on
the quantity of food used for frying, the oil was discarded
sometimes at the end of each day and sometimes once in
two or three days.
Waste Cooking Oil

Free fatty acids

<2 %



Washing process


Properties physical
Figure 1. Flow Chart to Produce Biodiesel from WCO

B. Free Fatty Acids

Flow chart in Fig. 1 shows the relation between FFA
and process. Which FFA less than 2%, the process can
directly to transesterification process and while FFA
more than 2% it need to start from esterification process
to reduce FFA. The acid value of the waste cooking oil
was determined in order to estimate the free fatty acid
content and give an idea of how much acid catalyst and
methanol would be needed to push the acid esterification
chemical towards methyl ester production. In earlier
published research it was recommended that 0.5 - 1.5%
(based on the weight of free fatty acid in the oil) of pure
(95-98%) sulphuric acid should be used as a catalyst.
Acid value titration method was used according to BP
monograph [9].


Fig. 1 describes the steps, processes and methods used

to produce biodiesel product. This process started from
free fatty acid to determine acid value and step of process.
Second process is drying to remove water in FAME and
last process is properties physical to determine contents
of FAME.
A. Feedstock Waste Cooking Oil
Based on Fig. 1 it is recognized that the production of
waste cooking oil will be the function of the frying
temperature and length of use as well as the material used
for frying. In this experiment, WCO were collected from
a local Factory (Azhar Food Sdn Bhd) in Johor, which
produced chip cracker as well as continental foods. The
used oil sample was taken from the fryer which is used
for frying potatoes and other vegetables based food items.
Twenty-five litters of oil samples were collected from a
collecting drum in which the waste cooking oil was
collect once in every days for approximately 1 weeks.
The oil sample is assumed to be representative as it is
collected from the oil stored for 8-10 weeks from several
batches of waste oil. The temperature observed during
frying was in the range of 130C to 175C. This
2013 Engineering and Technology Publishing

>2 %

C. Processing in Biodiesel
Biodiesel has two main stage process is esterification
and tranesterification process. Separation was used to
separate two layer between catalyze and oil. Washing
process to produce the neutral biodiesel and remove
catalyzes glycerol, soap and methanol.
Based on flow chart in Fig. 1 esterification is one of
process in biodiesel. It work to reduce FFA if FFA more
than 2%. An acid-catalyzed esterification process before
the base-catalyzed transesterification process will

International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1, No. 2 December 2013

petrodiesel. In some systems the biodiesel is distilled in

an additional step to remove small amounts of color
bodies to produce a colorless biodiesel. [9]

eliminate most of the free fatty acids from the vegetable

oil. Sulphuric acid (95 98%) is used by 1% in
esterification process depend from waste cooking. In
these experiments the sulphuric acid was first mixed with
methanol before adding to the waste cooking oil. After
adding the methanol / sulphuric acid and waste cooking
oil the agitator speed were used to mix the solvents until
they became murky. This was then heated to about 60C
for 2 hours. A higher temperature or a faster stirring rate
may push the acidic esterification equation to convert free
fatty acid to methyl ester. [9]
Separation 1
Separation needed 3hour to get the top methanol and
bottom oil layers of the biodiesel. Two layers could
clearly be seen in the successful basic esterification
biodiesel. The top layer was mainly methanol. The
bottom layer was mainly triglyceride product
esterification after remove the water. These processes to
reduce free fatty acid until below 2%. The density of the
methanol is less than the bottom triglyceride.
Transesterification process work as to reduce viscosity
in biodiesel. This process can be directly if FFA less than
2% show in fig. 1. Sodium hydroxide was used as
catalyst in this process. The amount of catalyst had an
impact in the conversion of esters during the
transesterification process. The reaction was carried out
using 1% of catalyst
tranesterification process Sodium hydroxide was first
mixed with methanol together in one container before
adding to the waste cooking oil. After adding the
methanol / sodium hydroxide and waste cooking oil the
agitator speed were used to mix the solvents until they
became murky. This was then heated to about 60C for 2
Separation 2
Transesterification process and any methanol
evaporation the resultant biodiesels were left to lie for at
least 8 hours. Separations were used to separate the top
(methyl ester) and bottom (glycerol) layers of the
biodiesel samples. Two layers could clearly be seen in the
successful basic transesterification biodiesel samples. The
top layer was mainly composed of free fatty acid methyl
esters. The bottom deposit was mostly made up of
glycerol, salts, soap, other impurities and excess
methanol as it is a very polar compound i.e. it partitions
more with polar glycerol as opposed to the non-polar
methyl esters.
The top methyl ester layer was separated and removed
from every production sample. The water washing
process was then used on some of the biodiesel batches.
Once separated from the glycerin the biodiesel is
sometimes purified by washing gently with warm water
to remove residual catalyst or soaps, dried, and sent to
storage. In some processes this step is unnecessary. This
is normally the end of the production process resulting in
a clear amber-yellow liquid with a viscosity similar to

2013 Engineering and Technology Publishing



A. Esterification Process

Figure 2. Esterification process result

Fig. 2 shows the separation between methanol

and triglycerin.
At the top will be presence methanol and at the
bottom show triglycerin.
Involves the reaction of alcohol (such as
methanol) with fatty acids as catalyzed
to reduce the levels of FFA in the low-cost
feedstocks to an acceptable range
Reaction between acids and alcohols in the
presence of strong acid catalyst
Produce ester and water
free fatty acid of material must be less than 2%
It needs to use methanol and Sodium Hydroxide as
Fig. 3 show two layer separation between
glycerol and FAME
At the top will be presence FAME and the at
bottom is glycerol
Reduce the high viscosity of triglyceride ( TG )
methanol and catalyst produce methyl ester and
involves the reaction of alcohol (methanol) with
B. Transesterification Process

Figure 3. Transesterification process result


International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1, No. 2 December 2013

C. Washing & Distillation Process




Figure 6. Drying Biodiesel

F. Physical Properties
Properties are one of method to determine the standard
of biodiesel. Biodiesel can check using density, viscosity,
flash point, acid value and water content.
Fig. 7 shows how to measure density using pycnometer.
The density of biodiesel at 15C was found to be 87
g/cm3 that density is a function of temperature and
decreased linearly for canola methyl esters, soy methyl
esters, and fish oil ethyl esters by 1.23 kg/m3 C for
temperatures between 20300C.[10]

Figure 4. Washing & distillation process result

Fig. 4 shows separation between water and FAME.

to remove small amounts of colour bodies to
produce a colourless biodiesel it need washing
many time
To obtain pure methyl esters (Biodiesel/ FAME)
To remove soap, catalyst, methanol and other
pollutants of biodiesel, using water
If the washing is not complete, it will be
repeated by esterification and transesterification
or washing.
D. Biodiesel


Figure 7. Pycnometer
Figure 5. WCO to biodiesel

Fig. 8 is equipment for testing kinematic viscosity and

Standard method for kinematic viscosity is ASTM D 445
Kinematic viscosity, 40 C, requirement: 1.9 6.0
mm2/s. Kinematic viscosity: the resistance to flow of a
fluid under gravity. The kinematic viscosity is equal to
the dynamic viscosity/density the kinematic viscosity is a
basic design specification for the fuel injectors used in
diesel engines. Too high a viscosity and the injectors do
not perform properly. Dynamic viscosity ratio between
applied shear stress and rate of shear of a liquid. Density
the mass per unit volume of a substance at a given
temperature. The viscosity of biodiesel can be predicted
15 % using the esters composition determined using
ASTM D 6584. The viscosity apparatus to run D 445 is
not critical to the QC laboratory, but it is valuable as a
quick assay method for estimating the degree of
completion for a reaction batch [11].

Biodiesel can show in fig. 5 which left is raw

material and right is biodiesel.
The percentage of biodiesel around 68-70% can
be produce.
Increase in the molar ratio the conversion of
WCO to FAME decrease.
At the same time, the waste can be converted to
useable energy, pollution due to waste cooking
oil can be avoided, and energy can be
continuously saved and renewed.

E. Drying
After washing water still have inside biodiesel. Fig. 6
show oven for drying biodiesel. Then the water must be
removed from the biodiesel using drying at 120c for 24
2013 Engineering and Technology Publishing


International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1, No. 2 December 2013


acid number is The quantity of base, expressed as

milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of sample,
required to titrate a sample to a specified end point. The
acid number is a direct measure of free fatty acids in
B100. The free fatty acids can lead to corrosion and may
be a symptom of water in the fuel. Usually, for a base
catalyzed process, the acid value after production will be
low since the base catalyst will strip the available free
fatty acids. However, the acid value may increase with
time as the fuel degrades due to contact with air or water.
This test should be performed regularly as a part of the
producer QC program [11].
Water content

Kinematic viscosity

Figure 8. Equipment for kinematic viscosity


Flash point

Figure 11. Equipment for test water content

Fig. 11 shows the testing of water content. This testing

is very important in biodiesel. Before biodiesel are use in
the engine water content must be follow the standard to
avoid damage. The standard ASTM method D2709 is
max 0.005%.

Figure 9. Equipment for flash point

Fig. 9 show the equipment for testing combustion in

biodiesel using method ASTM D93- Flash point, closed
cup, requirement 130 C min. The flash point is defined
as the lowest temperature corrected to a barometric
pressure of 101.3kPa (760 mm Hg), at which application
of an ignition source causes the vapors of a specimen to
ignite under specified conditions of test. [11]
Asid number



The biodiesel was prepared from waste cooking oil

sample collected from a local factory in Malaysia. The
biodiesel was characterized for its physical and fuel
properties using ASTM standard methods for biodiesel
fuel quality assurance The composition of final biodiesel
was determined by physical properties such as density,
viscosity, flash point, water content and acid value. From
the tests, the flash point was found to be 97C, water and
sediment was 0.02%, total acid number was 0.29
mgKOH/g, viscosity at 40C was 4.2 mm2/sec and
density 0.82g/cm. Out of 5 properties tested, all of them
met the ASTM criteria for fuel standard. Production of
biodiesel from waste cooking oils for diesel substitute is
particularly important because the increasing cost of oil
extracted from petroleum source and also it is good for
enviroment. Waste cooking oil can be an important
source for biodiesel production in Malaysia it is ready
available and environment.
A special thanks goes to my supervisor Prof.Dr.
Sulaiman Haji Hasan, for the biodiesel project and thank
you to all the assistance from technicians and staff of
UTHM and Azhar Food Sdn Bhd.

Figure 10. Purple color is indicator to show the acid number

Fig. 10 is testing for asid value using method ASTM D

664 Acid number, requirement 0.80 mg KOH/g. The
2013 Engineering and Technology Publishing


International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1, No. 2 December 2013

Nor Hazwani Binti Abdullah was born on

18 April 1987 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
She obtained her Bachelor of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering from University
Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia and Diploma in
Mechatronic Engineering from Polytechnic
Sultan Azlan Shah Malaysia.

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[6] S. John, et al., Life Cycle Inventory of Biodiesel and Petroleum
Diesel for use in an Urban Bus, Final Report for U.S. Dept. of
Energys Office of Fuel Development and the U.S. Dept. of
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[8] S. Zheng, M. Kates, M. A. Dube, and D. D. McLean, Acidcatalyzedproduction of biodiesel from waste frying oil, Biomass
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[9] X. Chen et al., Optimisation of the conversion of waste cooking
oil into biodiesel, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and
Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, The John
Arbuthnott Building, 27 Taylor Street, Glasgow, G4 0NR,
[10] R. E. Tate et al., The densities of three biodiesel fuels at
temperatures up to 300oC, Fuel, vol. 85, pp. 1004-1009, 2006.
[11] J. Van Gerpen, Biodiesel production technology, Iowa State
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Laboratory, G. Knothe USDA/NCAU, pp. 22-26, 2004.


2013 Engineering and Technology Publishing

Sulaiman haji Hassan is a Professor of

Manufacturing Engineering at University Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Johor. He
passes diploma of education from university
Malaya and MSc in Advance Manufacturing at
University Liverpool, United Kingdom in
1987. He then did Doctor of philosophy
awarded by University Birmingham, United
Kingdom in 1997. His career with University
Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia started in 2001 as
a Dean of Faculty Engineering Technology and continued as Director at
International Relation from 2003 until 2006. He then become the Dean
of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering from 2006 to 2011.
Some of his later paper Deep Cryogenic Treatment On Aluminum
Silicon Carbide Composite, Investigation On Surface Integrity On 420
Martensitic Stainless Steel By Cryogenically Treated Steel Balls With
Low Plastic Burnishing Tools, Performance On Deep Cryogenically
Treated And Non-Treated Inserts In Milling and he has 37 journal paper
and his main research group is Advanced Manufacturing and Material


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