Lesson Plan Template Date Subject Number of Students Grade: Learning Outcomes

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Lesson Plan Template


Number of
Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow
I need to work on developing my classroom management skills
Learning Outcomes:


(Link to the ADEC / MOE K-5 curriculum


Students will be able to represent and

determine how many? when objects
are put together in practical, everyday

Attendance cards
Big + and = signs on A4 papers
Small whiteboards
Whiteboard markers
Small bears
Worksheet( will attach the worksheet)
Math addition cups ( cut out the bottom
of the cup so objects can go through it,
stick them on the wall and put a plus
sign between them and equal sign under
Counting bears addition cards(will attach
the cards)
Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time 15
Question (Blooms Taxonomy)
Remembering (low level):
Ask students about what do we do every
Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points)
morning on the carpet to take
What will you do in order to introduce
the concept to the students?
Why do we do this?
We add so we can know the number of
I am going to ask the students
about what do we do every
the girls and boys together.
morning to know how many
Understanding (low level):
students are present and how
Explain the signs to the students and
many students are absent?
what do they mean.
+ means addition
Active Engagement: (Bullet points)
= means equal

After youve modeled the concept, what

activity will you have the students
Applying (low level):
perform while on the carpet to ensure
Apply the concept on the number of girls
that they understand it?
and boys that are absent and adding
I am going to let the students
apply different addition operations them to see the total
using different materials that I
How many girls are absent? How many
have already prepared like:
boys are absent? What is the total
Magnets, bears, fruits and
number of them?
We are going see by counting their cards
Link: (Bullet points)
and then finding the total.
Remind the students in kid friendly
Analyzing (high level):
language how they can apply what
I will let the students apply the concept
they did whole group in their
on different concrete materials like the
independent learning centers
magnets, blocks, or small animals, or
Let the students solve a worksheet
any available resources in the
to assess their understanding of
the concept(High)
Evaluating (high level):
Let the students apply different
I will evaluate how the students will
addition operations with the
materials I prepared on the carpet solve the addition operation I gave
with cards that represent the
addition operations in mathCreating (high level):
addition cups(medium)
Ask some students to bring any
Provide counting bears addition
materials they want from the classroom
cards that are laminated so
and create an addition operation.
different students can write on
them using the whiteboard
markers (low)
Learning Center Resources or Materials
Learning Center Learning Center
Learning Center
Learning Center
4 (if needed)
Math addition cups Laminated cards
Different small
that have
materials that
operations with
students could use pictures that
in the math
symbolize the
addition cups
Small whiteboard

Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 minutes

Learning Center 1

Learning Center 2

The teacher will ask the students to

solve the worksheet
The teacher would help the students if
they didnt understand but she would
not give them the answers.

Students will use the materials they

have to apply an addition operation
Students will count the materials they
drop in each cup
Students will write the operation on the
Students will count all the materials that
came out from both cups so they can
find the outcome

Learning Center 3
Students will count the objects in the
first part of the operation, and they
would write the number
Students will count the objects in the
second part of the operation, and they
will write the number
Students will count all of the objects,
and they will write the sum.

Learning Center 4 Title: (Bullet


Explain step by step what the students

will do

Closing activity: Time: 5 minutes

Allow children time to discuss how what they did during their learning
centers and how it relates to the lesson outcome
Remember that. When we add, we count all of the objects we have
Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students
understood the learning outcome? What evidence will you show to prove
The worksheets that students did in the corners.
General Comments

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

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