Vermeulen Et Al Rna Quality Nar 2011
Vermeulen Et Al Rna Quality Nar 2011
Vermeulen Et Al Rna Quality Nar 2011
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Jo Vandesompele1,2,*
Centre for Medical Genetics, Ghent University Hospital, De Pintelaan 185, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium and
Biogazelle, Technologiepark 3, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium
Received August 13, 2010; Revised January 24, 2011; Accepted January 25, 2011
Compromised RNA quality is suggested to lead to Gene expression quantication plays a central role in a
unreliable results in gene expression studies. wide variety of studies, including biomedical research
Therefore, assessment of RNA integrity and purity with clinical relevance. Among the various methods avail-
is deemed essential prior to including samples in able for gene expression analysis, the reverse transcription
quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RTqPCR) is the
the analytical pipeline. This may be of particular im-
most rapid, sensitive, accurate and precise method and its
portance when diagnostic, prognostic or thera- use in clinical diagnostic procedures is presently growing
peutic conclusions depend on such analyses. In exponentially (15).
this study, the comparative value of six RNA While there is conicting literature data, it is often sug-
quality parameters was determined using a large gested that RNA integrity and purity are important in
panel of 740 primary tumour samples for which order to obtain reliable results (69). RNA degradation
real-time quantitative PCR gene expression results can occur due to inadequate sample handling, prolonged
were available. The tested parameters comprise of storage, suboptimal storage conditions or inter-laboratory
microfluidic capillary electrophoresis based 18S/ shipment of samples (10,11). RNA may be degraded
28S rRNA ratio and RNA Quality Index value, through exposure to heat or UV, or cleavage by RNAse
HPRT1 50 30 difference in quantification cycle (Cq) enzymes. In addition, the presence of inhibiting compo-
nents such as urea, salts, phenol, heparin or other agents
and HPRT1 30 Cq value based on a 50 /30 ratio
used during sampling or RNA extraction may also com-
mRNA integrity assay, the Cq value of expressed promise with results (12). It would seem, therefore, that a
Alu repeat sequences and a normalization factor rigorous assessment of RNA integrity and purity is essen-
based on the mean expression level of four refer- tial before using RNA samples in downstream applica-
ence genes. Upon establishment of an innovative tions, especially if diagnostic, therapeutic or prognostic
analytical framework to assess impact of RNA conclusions will be drawn. Unfortunately, proper RNA
quality, we observed a measurable impact of RNA quality control is lacking in a substantial number of
quality on the variation of the reference genes, on studies (4). While it is recently listed as a required
the significance of differential expression of prog- element in the Minimum Information for Publication of
nostic marker genes between two cancer patient Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guide-
risk groups, and on risk classification performance lines (13), there remains a great need to explore in detail
the implications of RNA quality on the nal results.
using a multigene signature. This study forms the
Various methods have been proposed for the assessment
basis for further rational assessment of reverse of RNA integrity, most often through measurement of
transcription quantitative PCR based results in the size of the ribosomal subunit RNA molecules.
relation to RNA quality. Importantly though, in RTqPCR analyses, messenger
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +32 479 353563; Fax: +32 9 332 6549; Email:
The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, the rst two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors.
RNA is the target and not the ribosomal RNA transcripts. (10 ng/ml), inhibitory agent (positive control) or
Therefore, it might be more appropriate to directly assess nuclease-free water (negative control to determine the ref-
the quality of the mRNA fraction. In addition, erence Cq value). The cycling conditions comprised 10 min
PCR-based methods assessing RNA quality might be polymerase activation at 95 C and 40 cycles of 15 s at
more relevant given the fact that the targets are also 95 C and of 60 s at 60 C, followed by a dissociation run
measured using the same technology when doing RT from 60 C to 95 C for melting curve analysis.
qPCR. Subsequently, Cq values were compared to the Cq value
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In this study, two qPCR-based assays using minute of the negative control assay and a difference in Cq or
amounts of RNA for investigation of mRNA integrity delta-Cq (dCq) > 1 was used as a cut-off designating the
or purity were rst validated in RNA samples from presence of inhibitors of the SPUD assay.
cultured neuroblastoma cells and subsequently applied
along with microuidic-based capillary electrophoresis The 50 /30 ratio mRNA integrity assay. This assay aims at
on a large panel of RNA samples extracted from neuro- measurement of the integrity of a reference gene mRNA
blastoma tumours recently used in a qPCR-based prog- that is considered to be representative of the integrity of
nostic multigene signature validation study (14). all mRNAs in a given RNA sample (12). The principle of
this qPCR-based assay is based on the fact that anchored
oligo-dT primed reverse transcription proceeds from the 30
MATERIAL AND METHODS poly-A tail to the 50 start, being interrupted if mRNA is
Sample preparation fragmented due to degradation. Two qPCR assays target-
ing either the 30 end or the 50 start of the low abundant
Total RNA was extracted from 6 neuroblastoma cell lines reference gene HPRT1 were developed and validated
and 740 fresh frozen neuroblastoma tumour biopsies ac- using our in silico analysis pipeline (18). The assays had
cording to three different methods in collaborating an efciency of 88.6% (0.4 SEM) and 94.9% (1.0
laboratories as described in Vermeulen et al. (14). SEM), respectively, based on 6-point, 4-fold dilution
Concentration of each RNA sample was measured using series (Supplementary Data). Real-time qPCR was per-
the Nanodrop 1000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo formed on oligo-dT primed cDNA in a 384-well plate in-
Scientic). strument (LC480, Roche). Real-time qPCR amplications
Reverse transcription of RNA and cDNA synthesis was were performed in 7.5 ml containing 3.75 ml 2 SYBR
carried out using the iScript Select cDNA Synthesis Kit Green I master mix (Roche), 0.375 ml forward and
(Bio-Rad). In brief, 10 ng of each total RNA sample was reverse primer (5 mM each), 1 ml nuclease-free water and
reverse transcribed using anchored oligo-dT primers and
2 ml cDNA (1 ng total RNA equivalents). The cycling con-
iScript Select reverse transcriptase according to the manu-
ditions were comprised of 3 min polymerase activation at
facturers instructions and subsequently diluted with
95 C and 55 cycles of 15 s at 95 C and 30 s at 60 C,
nuclease-free water (Sigma) to 0.5 ng/ml cDNA (total
followed by a dissociation curve analysis from 60 C to
RNA equivalents) and stored at 20 C.
95 C.
Prior to the cDNA synthesis, a DNase treatment was
Four reference samples were tested in all runs and used
performed using the RQ1 RNase-free DNase according to
as inter-run calibrators. The HPRT1 30 and 50 Cq values
the manufacturers instructions (Promega).
were determined and the difference in Cq value between
A sample pre-amplication method was applied starting
both assays was calculated and dened as the 50 30 dCq. In
from 20 ng total RNA from the neuroblastoma tumour
samples yielding sufcient cDNA to measure more than principle, the more degraded the RNA sample, the higher
1000 target genes (WT-Ovation, NuGEN). Briey, this the 50 30 dCq. As the 50 Cq was below detection level for
linear and isothermal pre-amplication method starts various samples (hence no 50 30 dCq could be calculated),
with randomly primed whole transcriptome double- the 30 Cq value in itself was also evaluated as an alternative
stranded cDNA synthesis followed by SPIA-based DNA RNA quality parameter.
pre-amplication to generate single-stranded cDNA Microuidic capillary electrophoresis. About 1 ng of each
pre-amplication product (1517). total RNA isolate was analysed on a High Sensitivity
Assessment of RNA purity and integrity Chip (Experion, software version 3.0, Bio-Rad) in order
to determine a 18S/28S rRNA ratio and an RNA quality
SPUD assay. To assess the purity of the RNA samples, a index (RQI) (according to the manufacturers
quantitative PCR-based assay was used to detect PCR instructions).
(enzyme) inhibitors (9). A potato nucleic acid sequence
of 101 bp, lacking homology with any other known Alu expression. Alu repeat sequences are the most
human sequence, was amplied with specic primers by abundant repeats in the human genome (1 million
real-time qPCR using an iQ5 real-time PCR detection copies). By random integration during evolution, these
system (Bio-Rad) (Supplementary Data). PCR amplica- repeats got embedded in the 30 -UTR of thousands of
tion mixtures (15 ml) contained SYBR Green I Master Mix coding genes and can thus be used as a reference for the
buffer (7.5 ml) (Eurogentec), 0.15 ml uorescein (1 mM), 2 ml amount of mRNA (19). An RTqPCR assay was designed
SPUD template (5000 molecules/ml), 0.75 ml matching and validated in-house (forward primer: CATGGTGAA
forward and reverse primer (5 mM), 2.85 ml nuclease-free ACCCCGTCTCTA, reverse primer: GCCTCAGCCTCC
water and 1 ml of either RNA from the sample to be tested CGAGTAG) and RTqPCR was performed in a 384-well
Nucleic Acids Research, 2011 3
plate instrument (LC480, Roche) using the same condi- distribution interval (1.64*standard deviation). Values
tions as described above. outside this distribution are signicantly different
(P < 0.05, one-sided).
Normalization factor. A normalization factor was A multigene expression signature was built using 30
calculated based on the arithmetic mean Cq value of training samples using either the Prediction Analysis of
four stably expressed reference genes (HMBS, HPRT1, Microarrays (PAM) method (22) or the correlation signa-
SDHA, UBC) (20). In principle, the more degraded the ture method (23) and tested on the remaining samples.
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RNA sample, the higher the normalization factor is. The R-language for statistical computing (version 2.6.2)
was used to train and test the prognostic signature and to
Gene expression analysis of prognostic marker genes evaluate its performance by receiver operating character-
Gene expression analysis was performed according to a istic (ROC) area under the curve (AUC) analyses using the
procedure described elsewhere (14). In brief, a qPCR Bioconductor MCR estimate (24) and the ROC packages,
assay was designed for 59 prognostic genes and 5 reference respectively.
sequences (HMBS, HPRT1, SDHA, UBC and Alu) and Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed
validated using our in silico analysis pipeline (18) using SPSS (version 17). Therefore the six RNA quality
(Supplementary Data). Real-time qPCR was performed parameter values were rst re-scaled between 0 (best RNA
in a 384-well plate instrument (LC480, Roche) and data quality) and 1 (worst RNA quality) to make them
analysed using qbasePLUS 1.4 [http://www.qbaseplus. comparable.
Data availability
Statistical analysis
The experimental data are available as Supplementary
Assessment of impact of RNA quality on qPCR results Data in RDML (Real-time PCR Data Markup
was performed with six individual quality parameters, Language) format, a structured and universal data
including 18S/28S rRNA ratio, RQI, HPRT1 50 30 dCq, standard for exchanging quantitative PCR (qPCR) data
HPRT1 30 Cq value, Alu Cq value and a normalization (25) ( according to the MIQE guide-
factor based on the arithmetic mean Cq value of four ref- lines (13). The primer sequences and target genes of each
erence genes (HMBS, HPRT1, SDHA, UBC). assay are available in the rdml les together with their
The gene-specic variation for each reference gene was corresponding RTPrimerDB ID (18) (http://www
calculated as the standard deviation of the log2 trans-
formed expression of the reference gene under study
normalized with the exponentiated arithmetic mean Cq
value of the three other reference genes. The Mann RESULTS
Whitney test was used to measure the signicance of dif-
ferential expression of a marker gene between the HR and Validation of the methods for RNA purity and integrity
non-HR subgroups. The HR subgroup comprised neuro- assessment
blastoma patients >12 months at diagnosis with INSS SPUD assay. A dilution series consisting of six 10-fold
Stage 4 tumours (irrespective of MYCN status) or with serial dilution points, starting from 1 000 000 molecules
INSS Stages 2 and 3 tumours with MYCN amplication down to 10 molecules of SPUD template was created
and patients younger than 12 months with INSS Stages 2 using 10 ng/ml yeast tRNA as carrier. Heparin (0.4 U/ml)
4 tumours with MYCN amplication. The non-HR was added as inhibitory agent to the individual wells.
subgroup comprised of all other patients. Reference gene Figure 1 shows that addition of heparin results in PCR
variation and signicance of differential expressions were (enzyme) inhibition leading to higher Cq values compared
measured in sample groups with increasing numbers of to the reference Cq value of the negative control
either best quality samples or worst quality samples (Figure 1a) and to a difference in Cq or dCq > 1 for
starting with 50 samples up to the total number of each dilution point (Figure 1b) (Supplementary Data).
samples analysed. This resulted in two curves, one for This agent thus constitutes an useful positive control for
each quality group, denoting the difference of the refer- PCR inhibition of an assay containing 10 000 SPUD
ence gene expression variation or signicance of differen- molecules.
tial expression between the two RNA quality groups in
function of increasing group size. The mean difference The 50 /30 ratio mRNA integrity assay. Six RNA samples
between the best quality and worst quality sample from cultured neuroblastoma cells were articially
groups was calculated as the area between the curves degraded by heat exposure (10 or 20 min at 80 C) and
divided by the numbers of group comparisons (i.e. the subsequently subjected to 50 /30 ratio mRNA integrity
total number of intervals across which the reference gene and microuidic electrophoresis analyses. A clear
expression variation was calculated) and constitutes a increase in 50 30 dCq was noticed upon exposure of the
measure for the impact of the RNA quality parameter originally high quality RNA samples to an elevated tem-
under investigation on the results (reference gene expres- perature (Figure 2a) (Supplementary Data). Total RNA
sion variation or signicance of differential expression). electropherograms were in accordance with the above
A null distribution interval was determined upon 100 described results showing a progressive reduction in size
random permutations and calculation of a 90% of the 18S and 28S peaks and an elevation of the base line
4 Nucleic Acids Research, 2011
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Figure 1. qPCR-based SPUD assay for the detection of PCR (enzyme) inhibitors. (a) Dilution series consisting of six 10-fold serial dilution points,
starting from 1 000 000 molecules down to 10 molecules of SPUD template. Individual wells were supplemented with water (negative control; four
replicates for each dilution point) to determine the reference Cq value shown as black diamonds, or with an inhibitory agent (heparin, two replicates
for each dilution point; grey squares) leading to an increase in Cq values. (b) Difference in Cq (dCq) (y-axis) between the Cq values of the control
assays performed in the presence of water and the Cq values of the assays containing the inhibitory agent. The dCq values >1 indicate the presence
of PCR (enzyme) inhibitors.
Figure 2. (a) qPCR based 50 /30 ratio mRNA integrity assay for 6 RNA samples from cultured neuroblastoma cells articially degraded by heat
exposure (at 80 C). The x-axis represents the samples (intact, 10 min heat exposure, 20 min heat exposure). The longer the heat exposure, the more
degraded the sample, the higher the difference in Cq (50 30 dCq). (b) Microuidic capillary electrophoresis for one representative sample. The longer
the heat exposure, the more degraded the sample, the lower the RNA Quality Index (RQI).
resulting in a decrease of the RQI as shown in Figure 2b Assessment of RNA purity and integrity in a large series
for one representative RNA sample. Assay characteristics, of tumour samples
RT and PCR variability, and suboptimal RNA quality The SPUD assay was used for the detection of inhibitors
contribute to 50 30 dCq values deviating from zero in the in a large panel of RNA samples extracted from fresh
six untreated samples. frozen neuroblastoma biopsies in 11 different laboratories
Nucleic Acids Research, 2011 5
using 5 different protocols. Out of 740 samples, all but 8 samples for which clinical and expression data were avail-
(1.1%, conrmed in a separate run) were within 1 cycle of able (n = 615). The signicance of differential expression
the negative control and thus considered to be free of in- of each marker gene (n = 59) between the HR and
hibitors affecting the SPUD assay. Based on this, we ex- non-HR group was measured using the same procedure
trapolate that the applied extraction methods generally of growing sample subgroups of opposite RNA quality as
provide RNA free of PCR inhibitors. used for assessment of reference gene variation. Instead of
In order to evaluate the RNA integrity of the neuro- calculating the variation, the negative 10 log of the
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blastoma samples, six different quality parameters were P-value of the MannWhitney test was used. The results
determined and compared, including 18S/28S rRNA clearly show an inuence of RNA quality on single gene
ratio (S), RQI (R), HPRT1 50 30 difference in Cq or differential expression for a substantial number of genes
dCq (D), HPRT1 30 Cq value (C), the Cq value of ex- (Figure 6 and Supplementary Table S2). For 27 genes,
pressed Alu repeat sequences (A) (measure for the signicance of differential expression is higher for
overall mRNA content) and a normalization factor high-quality samples for at least one RNA quality param-
based on the arithmetic mean Cq value of four stably ex- eter (as exemplied for 50 /30 ratio for target SLC25A5 in
pressed reference genes (N) (HMBS, HPRT1, SDHA, Figure 6a, mean difference in signicance is 8.29); 8 genes
UBC) (Supplementary Table S1). S, R, D and C are seem not to be sensitive to RNA quality (as exemplied
measured on unamplied RNA; A and N on pre-amplied for 50 /30 ratio assay for target PLAT in Figure 6b, mean
cDNA. The frequency distribution and cumulative fre- difference in signicance is 0.13); for 19 genes, signicance
quency of the different parameters are displayed in of differential expression seems to be better in low-quality
Figure 3 and Table 1. All parameters were signicantly samples for at least one RNA quality parameter (as
correlated to each other (Figure 4, P < 0.001). Not unex- exemplied for 50 /30 ratio assay for target CAMTA1 in
pectedly, the highest correlation was found between Alu Figure 6c, mean difference in signicance is 4.95); and
Cq (A) and the normalization factor (N) (r2 = 0.68). for 5 genes there are conicting data. S, N and A param-
eters seem to result in more genes where better quality
Inuence of RNA integrity on single gene level RNA leads to more signicant results. R, D and C par-
ameters seem to result in as many or more genes where
Variation of reference genes. In principle, normalized ref- there is an opposite effect.
erence gene expression levels should be similar in all In practice, gene expression studies are often based on
samples, hence displaying a low variation across all small sample sizes (e.g. 15 low risk patients versus 15 high
samples. Here, we wanted to determine if RNA quality risk patients). Therefore, we also evaluated the impact of
has an impact on the remaining variation of normalized RNA quality parameters on the differential expression of
reference gene expression. To this purpose, the genes within such an experimental set-up. For this
gene-specic variation of each reference gene (standard analysis, we performed 100 000 random sampling of 15
variation) was calculated for sample subgroups with patients from the HR group and 15 patients from the
increasing numbers of either best quality samples or non-HR group. Within each of the sampling, we per-
worst quality samples starting with 50 samples up to all formed a MannWhitney test for differential expression
615 samples for which expression and clinical data were analysis and plotted the 10 log P-values as boxplots,
available. All RNA quality parameters were investigated. grouped according to the number of samples belonging
RNA quality has a clear inuence on the noise of the to the 75% percentile of the best quality. This approach
reference genes as shown in Figure 5 for one representative was applied on the representative genes depicted in
reference gene (UBC) and RNA quality parameter Figure 6ac for quality parameter D (cut-off for good
(HPRT1 50 30 dCq). The variation in the 50 most quality, 75% = 3.54). The same conclusions can be
compromised RNA samples is >2-fold in the 50 most obtained, i.e. for SLC25A5, the differential expression is
intact samples (3.5 versus 1.5). A signicant difference in more signicant when testing on a higher proportion of
reference gene variation between best quality and worst high-quality samples (Figure 6d), while for PLAT, there is
quality samples was observed for 18 out of 24 combin- no bias (Figure 6e) and for CAMTA1, a reduction in sig-
ations of 4 reference genes with 6 RNA quality parameters nicance can be appreciated (Figure 6f).
(Table 2). On average, the 50 30 dCq and the normaliza-
tion factor had the largest impact on reference gene vari-
ation when comparing best quality with worst quality Inuence of RNA integrity on multigene level
We also tested the effect of different combinations of After establishment of a clear link between RNA quality
the six RNA quality parameters but could not nd signi- and single gene results, we now studied the impact of
cantly larger effects for specic combinations (data not RNA quality on risk classication performance using a
shown). multigene signature in the samples for which clinical
data were available (30 training samples and 585 test
Differential expression of prognostic marker genes. In the samples) (Table 3). We used two different classication
second step, we studied the impact of RNA quality on the algorithms PAM (22) and correlation signature (23) and
signicance of differential expression of marker genes determined the sensitivity, specicity, positive predictive
between two risk groups of cancer patients (HR versus value, negative predictive value and overall accuracy as
non-HR) using the six RNA quality parameters in all ROCAUC analysis of either a 6-gene or a 59-gene
6 Nucleic Acids Research, 2011
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Figure 3. Frequency distribution (left axis) and cumulative frequency (right axis) of six RNA quality parameters measured in 740 neuroblastoma
tumour samples. S, 18S/28S rRNA ratio determined by microuidic capillary electrophoresis; R, RNA Quality Index determined by microuidic
capillary electrophoresis; D, HPRT1 50 30 dCq (difference in quantication cycle value); C, HPRT1 30 Cq value; A, Alu Cq value; N, normalization
factor based on the arithmetic mean Cq value of four reference genes (HMBS, HPRT1, SDHA, UBC).
Nucleic Acids Research, 2011 7
Table 1. Frequencies of six RNA quality parameters measured in 740 classier. RNA quality of the tumour samples from sur-
neuroblastoma tumour samples vivors was comparable with those from non-survivors
n = 740 Median (range) Mean Not available (%)
(data not shown). The impact of RNA quality was
determined using the same procedure as described in the
S 1.0 (0.0 to 4.2) 1 0 (0) previous paragraph. The 50 30 dCq had the largest overall
R 7.6 (1 to 10) 6.8 6 (0.8) impact on classication performance when comparing
D 2.5 (2.1 to 10.5) 2.8 53 (7.2) best quality and worst quality samples. The correlation
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C 33.2 (27.4 to 45.8) 33.8 14 (1.9)
A 10.9 (7.8 to 27.3) 11.3 30 (4.1) signature method appears less sensitive to RNA quality
N 28.5 (24.3 to 39.2) 29.1 30 (4.1) than the PAM method and the 59-gene classier is less
sensitive to RNA quality than the 6-gene classier when
S, 18S/28S rRNA ratio determined by microuidic capillary electro- the correlation signature method is used.
phoresis; R, RNA Quality Index determined by microuidic capillary
electrophoresis; D, HPRT1 50 30 dCq; C, HPRT1 30 Cq value; A, Alu Multivariate logistic forward conditional regression
Cq value; N, normalization factor based on the arithmetic mean Cq testing all RNA quality parameters in a model indicated
value of four reference genes (HMBS, HPRT1, SDHA, UBC). that the 50 30 dCq and normalization factor quality
Figure 4. Correlation scatterplots between six RNA quality parameters measured on 740 neuroblastoma tumour samples indicate a signicant
correlation (Pearson, P < 0.001). Missing values for D and C due to severely degraded RNA were replaced by the value from the sample with
the worst quality according to the parameter under study (these imputed values were not taken into account for the correlation analysis). Asterisks
indicate correlation between 30 Cq and 50 30 dCq values was not calculated because 30 Cq is included in the calculation of 50 30 dCq (not independent
parameters). S, 18S/28S rRNA ratio determined by microuidic capillary electrophoresis; R, RNA Quality Index determined by microuidic capillary
electrophoresis; D, HPRT1 50 30 dCq (difference in quantication cycle value); C, HPRT1 30 Cq value; A, Alu Cq value; N, normalization factor
based on the arithmetic mean Cq value of four reference genes (HMBS, HPRT1, SDHA, UBC).
8 Nucleic Acids Research, 2011
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quality of an unprecedentedly large series of 740 clinical
ation signature, and the normalization factor was the only RNA samples using six RNA quality parameters. We did
signicant independent parameters using the 6-gene cor- not aim to identify the best parameter measuring RNA
relation signature (Supplementary Table S3). quality. Rather, we developed and applied an analytical
framework using novel methods for evaluation of RNA
quality in relation to qPCR results. Undisputedly, we
demonstrated a measurable inuence of RNA quality on
the gene expression results.
A signicantalbeit imperfectpositive correlation
was found between all RNA quality parameters; each par-
ameter appears to have a different appreciation of RNA
quality. While the Alu repeat sequence expression level
and the normalization factor based on four reference
genes were determined on randomly primed pre-amplied
material, HPRT1 50 30 dCq and HPRT1 30 Cq value were
measured on cDNA obtained from anchored oligo-dT
priming of original RNA. Therefore, a possible explan-
ation for the lower correlation between these parameters
is the use of a different RT priming strategy, resulting in
successful pre-amplication of partially compromised
RNA samples in case of random priming (23). This
might also explain why some samples classied as bad
quality based on RQI or 18S/28S rRNA ratio (measured
on total RNA) turn out to be better quality samples based
on the other methods (measured on cDNA).
Upon careful interpretation of the impact of RNA
quality on the results using the novel methods, we
Figure 5. Variation of reference gene UBC calculated as the standard
deviation of the log transformed gene expression levels after normal- clearly observed an effect on the variation of reference
ization with the arithmetic mean Cq value of three other reference gene expression, on the signicance of differential expres-
genes (HMBS, SDHA, HPRT1). Variation is measured in increasing sion of prognostic marker genes and on the classication
numbers of both best quality samples (blue curve) and worst quality performance using a multigene signature. In contrast to
samples (red curves) starting with 50 samples up to all 615 samples
(quality here dened by 50 30 dCq value). The null distribution was some reports in the literature (8,26), the results obtained
determined upon 100 random permutations (grey curves denote 90% from this study indicate that the process of normalization
distribution range). Similar results were obtained for the other reference does not completely resolve the effect of compromised
genes and RNA quality parameters. RNA quality on the nal results. A substantial impact
Table 2. Mean difference in normalized reference gene standard variation between best quality and worst quality samples based on six RNA
quality parameters in 615 neuroblastoma tumour samples
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Figure 6. The effect of RNA quality on the signicance of differential expression of a marker gene between tumours from two risk groups of
neuroblastoma patients (HR versus non-HR) (MannWhitney test) was investigated using two different approaches. (i) The negative 10log of the
P-value is calculated for increasing numbers of both best quality samples (blue curve) and worst quality samples (red curves) starting with 50 samples
up to all 615 samples (ac). The null distribution was determined upon 100 random permutations (grey curves denote 90% distribution range).
10 Nucleic Acids Research, 2011
Table 3. Impact of RNA quality on risk classication performance in 585 neuroblastoma tumour samples
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
COR 59 COR 6
S 4.2 6.4 5.3 9.6 1.3 S 2.4 1.6 2.0 3.2 0.5
R 8.4 0.1 4.1 6.7 1.3 R 8.0 6.5 0.7 1.8 0.5
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D 6.9a 9.7 8.3 3.4 5.3 D 5.0 16.2 10.6 1.9 7.2
C 0.8 7.8 4.3 0.3 2.5 C 5.5 14.3 4.4 1.3 2.3
A 1.6 3.1 0.8 0.9 0.5 A 13.8 12.3 0.7 7.2 3.9
N 2.5 5.0 3.8 0.6 2.3 N 1.3 2.9 0.8 4.4 1.5
PAM 59 PAM 6
S 5.4 1.8 1.8 1.1 0.7 S 9.7 1.3 5.5 6.2 2.2
R 8.0 7.1 0.4 1.8 0.0 R 13.9 5.9 4.0 2.7 1.8
D 0.6 15.2 7.9 5.1 5.0 D 0.7 14.6 6.9 0.4 5.0
C 13.9 12.6 0.6 2.4 0.0 C 14.7 12.1 1.3 0.4 0.3
A 2.8 8.7 3.0 11.6 0.8 A 6.9 4.8 1.1 5.5 2.4
N 5.7 0.2 3.0 4.5 3.0 N 9.0 1.6 5.3 1.8 4.0
COR 59 versus 0.0762 <0.01 0.478 <0.01 0.610 PAM 6 versus 0.0927 0.234 <0.01 0.158 0.0651
PAM 59b COR 6b
COR 59 versus 0.351 <0.05 <0.05 <0.01 0.876 PAM 6 versus <0.01 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.05
COR 6b PAM 59b
Values represent the mean difference in performance between two groups of divergent RNA quality.
Worst RNA quality samples show 6.9% lower sensitivity compared to best quality samples. Grey boxes: the value with the largest difference
(quality parameter with biggest impact on classication performance) for each performance parameter.
Comparison of the values of all RNA quality parameters for a specic performance between two classication methods (t-test). COR/PAM:
correlation signature/prediction analysis of microarray method using 59 or 6 genes. SENS, sensitivity; SPEC, specicity; AUC, overall accuracy
as receiver operating characteristic area under the curve analysis; PPV, negative predictive value; NVP, positive predictive value; S, 18S/28S rRNA
ratio determined by microuidic capillary electrophoresis; R, RNA Quality Index determined by microuidic capillary electrophoresis; D, HPRT1
50 -30 dCq (difference in quantication cycle value); C, HPRT1 30 Cq value; A, Alu Cq value; N, normalization factor based on the arithmetic mean
Cq value of four reference genes (HMBS, HPRT1, SDHA, UBC).
of RNA quality on the standard deviation of each of the standardization and improvement of pre-analytical pro-
four reference genes when normalized by the three other cedures for in vitro diagnostics (M. Kubista, Personal
reference genes was observed. This is in accordance with communication). Upon extensive correlation analyses
our previous report indicating that reference gene expres- using different parameters, including qPCR assay and
sion stability is inuenced by RNA quality and that genes gene expression specic characteristics such as amplicon
display varying sensitivity to RNA degradation (7). As length, transcript length, distance to 30 -end, assay ampli-
lower RNA quality generally results in higher Cq values, cation efciency, mean Cq value and magnitude of dif-
it is important to note that the observed increase in vari- ferential expression between the two risk groups, no clear
ation is not simply due to sampling noise that occurs when explanation was found as to why some genes were more
the number of input molecules are low. Indeed, the sensitive to RNA quality than others (data not shown).
measured Cq values of the reference genes are found in Our data further show that the performance of gene
a range well below values at which sampling noise is expression based classication in function of RNA integ-
expected; furthermore, the same observations are made rity is inuenced by the number of genes included in the
when RNA quality metrics are used that are not depend- classier and by the nature of the applied classication
ing on the input amount (such as 18S/28S rRNA ratio, algorithm. The correlation signature algorithm seems to
RQI and 50 30 dCq). be the least sensitive to RNA quality and an expression
RNA quality has also a noticeable inuence on the sig- signature built with a larger number of genes results in
nicance of differential expression of individual marker more robust classication.
genes between two divergent risk groups of cancer Overall, the 50 30 dCq and normalization factor quality
patients. Some genes appear to be sensitive to RNA parameters appear to have the largest inuence on the
quality, while others are not. Surprisingly, for a few qPCR expression results obtained on fresh frozen
genes, the results seem better when RNA was of lower biopsies. As such, they appear to constitute the most
quality. This puzzling observation is in accordance to useful parameters to qualify RNA samples. The advantage
ndings within the EU FP7 Spedia project on of using a 50 /30 ratio assay or the normalization factor to
Figure 6. Continued
(ii) The impact of RNA quality parameters on the differential expression of genes between 100 000 random samplings of 15 patients belonging to two
risk groups (HR versus non-HR) (MannWhitney test) (df). Each boxplot represents differential expression between HR and non-HR groups
according to the fraction of samples with best quality (dCq 50 30 < 3.54). Representative gene (SLC25A5) for which differential expression is more
signicant in best quality samples (a and d), representative gene (PLAT) for which expression results are not sensitive to RNA quality (b and e),
representative gene (CAMTA1) for which differential expression is more signicant in worst quality samples (c and f).
Nucleic Acids Research, 2011 11
assess the integrity of an RNA sample before its use in a SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
gene expression study is that it specically addresses the Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online.
integrity of a messenger RNA molecule. This is not the
case for other methods such as microuidic electrophor-
esis that predominately inspect the ribosomal RNA prole ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
to infer RNA quality. Undoubtedly, such methods
We thank Els De Smet and Nurten Yigit for their excellent
provide an indication of total RNA quality but are not
Downloaded from at Teilbibl Chemie Biologie undGeowissenschaften der Technischen Universitaet on February 15, 2011
technical assistance. We also would like to acknowledge
necessarily most appropriate to predict the integrity of
Arnaud Remy, Mary Grace Brubacher, Isabelle De Roose
mRNA transcripts that form the actual template in RT
and their team (Bio-Rad) for support with the implemen-
qPCR analyses. Of note, the 50 30 dCq value in itself is not
tation and use of the microuidic capillary electrophoresis
only depending on the RNA quality, but may also be
(Experion). We are indebted to all members of the
inuenced by reverse transcriptase efciency and assay International Society of Paediatric Oncology, European
performance (qPCR efciency). The last two factors do Neuroblastoma Group (SIOPEN), the Gesellschaft fuer
not need to be taken into account if the RNA quality Paediatrische Onkologie und Haematologie
parameter is used to rank the samples in the same study (GPOH-Germany), and the Childrens Oncology Group
according to RNA quality. However, if the aim is to es- (COG-United States) for providing tumour samples and
tablish a quality cut-off value, these factors should be con- clinical history of patients.
sidered. The evaluation of qPCR assays targeting the
30 -end and the 50 start of other reference gene is needed
in order to conrm our results and establish 50 30 dCq as a FUNDING
valuable RNA quality parameter.
Belgian Foundation Against Cancer (SCIE2006-25); the
Clearly, further studies are warranted to establish a
Children Cancer Fund Ghent; the Foundation Fournier
cut-off value for inclusion of a given sample in a gene
Majoie pour lInnovation; the Belgian Society of
expression study. We propose that pilot experiments are Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, the Belgian
initiated that include positive and negative control Kids Fund (to J.V.M.); the Foundation pour la recherche
samples in order to establish a study-specic cut-off. It Nuovo-Soldati (to J.V.M.); the Fund for Scientic
is expected that this value will depend on the observed Research Flanders (to K.D.P. and J.H.L.); the Institute
expression difference, the target abundance, the for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and
intra-group expression variability, the sensitivity to deg- Technology in Flanders (to S.D.R.); the Fund for
radation of the target, the gene expression measurement Scientic Research Flanders (G.0198.08); the Ghent
method (RTqPCR versus microarray versus massively University Research Fund [Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds
parallel sequencing), and the nature of the samples (e.g. (BOF) to J.V.S. and S.L.F.]; the European Community
fresh frozen versus formalin xed parafn embedded). The under the FP6 [project: STREP: EET-pipeline (037260)];
cut-off value will also depend on the purpose of the study; Belgian program of Interuniversity Poles of Attraction,
a more stringent assessment of RNA quality is probably initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Ministers Ofce,
needed when a therapeutic decision is required for an in- Science Policy Programming. Funding for open access
dividual patient compared to drawing statistical conclu- charge: VLK (Flemisch League Against Cancer).
sions for a group of samples. Nonetheless, the inability to
diagnose or assess prognosis of patients due to inferior Conict of interest statement. None declared.
RNA quality is unacceptable. Therefore, efforts should
be made to overcome this problem and to increase the
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