Using A Simulation Game Approach To Teach Pull and

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Using a Simulation Game Approach to Teach

Pull and Push Production System Concepts
Article April 2012
DOI: 10.5539/emr.v1n1p110




1 author:
Sakun Boon-itt
Thammasat University

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Engineering Management Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; May 2012

Using a Simulation Game Approach to Teach Pull and Push

Production System Concepts
Sakun Boon-itt1

Thammasat Business School, Bangkok, Thailand

Correspondence: Sakun Boon-itt, Thamasat Business School, 2 Prachan, Rd. Pranakorn Bangkok 10200,
Thailand. Tel: 66-2-613-2201. E-mail:
Received: March 6, 2012

Accepted: April 9, 2012

Published: May 1, 2012


The main objective when teaching the Production and Operations Management (POM) course is to provide
students with the understanding and ability to apply theories and principles to real-world production. However,
the teaching of this course is clearly different from some other courses in which students can apply theories to
laboratory simulations; for example, the Plant Design course. This paper proposes game simulation for the POM
course on production using Pull system and Push system, assuming situations of television production applied
from Hongyi Suns method. The main materials are white paper, color pens, and production order cards. The
main purpose was to provide students with a clear and factual visualization of overall production planning
systems. The game simulation was tested with students of the POM course in the Industrial Management and
Operations Program, Thammasart University. This game simulation study was compared with normal lecturing.
It was found that students were mostly satisfied with the simulation and found it to be an interesting approach,
providing the opportunity for problem-solving, creating a better understanding of both production-planning
Keywords: game simulation, production and operations management, teaching
1. Introduction
Teaching the concepts underlying a production planning and control is a difficult task. Many students have very
little technical experiences to which they can relate both business and technical aspects together. They may have
acquired business experience, but many of them have only limited understanding of the operational or technical
aspects. Modern educational games are considered to be effective tools in management education, using action
instead of explanation to provide an interactive decision-making context (Kebritchi and Hirumi, 2008). A
number of authors have suggested the use of simulations game as an innovative pedagogical approach to teach
business concepts (Aldrich, 2003; Prensky, 2001; Anderson and Lawton, 2009). Simulation games replicate the
complexity of a real-life environment, giving the students experience with a particular phenomenon. For instance,
Cronan et al. (2012) compared objective measures and perceptions of cognitive learning in an ERP simulation
game and found the different results between using game and traditional training.
POM is one of the fundamental courses in the Management faculty, but most students who take the course do not
demonstrate much interest in its content. One main reason is that students do not see the importance of the
content because it is different from other Business Administration courses, such as Accounting or Finance,
where students can clearly understand the application of the content to their future career. Another reason is that
the content is very complex as a result of the interrelationships among the three main parts: Engineering, such as
Processing, Production and Machine Technology; Resource Management, such as Planning, and Project and
Capital Management, as well as Resource and Quality Management; and Operations Research as a tool for
Production Management.
In other words, the course in POM is difficult to teach effectively in a purely theoretical setting. From teaching
experience it can be observed that the course is not very popular among Business Administration students
because its content mainly relates to Engineering and Operations Research. Students need some way to directly
experience the issues related to operating a production system. To solve this problem it is important to encourage
students to engage with and understand the content, especially Engineering Processes and Operations Research,


ISSN 1927-7318

E-ISSN 1927-7326

Engineering Management Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; May 2012

areas in which Business Administration students do not have basic knowledge and may be unable to visualize
while studying in class. One solution is to use games as teaching materials. Ment (1983) defined a game as a
simulation that learners can relate to a real situation by assuming roles and being involved in decision-making.
Science and Engineering courses use games in the form of laboratory experiments, which help students to
understand the subject and increase their interest.
In the previous studies, simulation games have also been used in the Production and Operations Management
(POM) course. The interest in using simulation games as a teaching method on the POM course is based on the
following reasons. Firstly, the game simulation provides students with direct experience of the issues involved in
an operating system (Sterman, 1989b; Lewis and Maylor, 2008). Secondly, the game simulation creates a
learning environment, with assistance from the lecturer, in which students must make decisions and think for
themselves (Agogino and Wood, 1984). For example, Sun (1998) proposed game simulations as a balance
between theory and practice. Lastly, game simulation leads to the assessment of students, especially their
understanding of how to apply the content to the real business world (Anderson and Morrice, 2000).
POM education employs a wide variety of games, including:

The Stationary Beer Game (Sterman, 1984), which is a Supply Chain Management game
simulation. Subsequently, Jacob (2000) developed this game to be played through the Internet.

Supply Chain Management software, developed by CAPS Logistics and Numtrix, which has been
applied for use as a teaching material for Production and Operations Management at Georgia
Institute of Technology.

Heineke and Meile (1995) provide a copy of student handouts, instructional tips, suggested time
frames for game completion and questions for discussion to accompany each game in production
and operations management.

The Simens Brief Case Supply Chain game simulators (Simens 1995a, 1995b).

Production planning and control game simulation developed through the MS Visual Basic program
(Kanazawa and Masumoto, 2000).

Ammar and Wright (1999) described eight games that have been effectively used to complement
the traditional theoretical presentation in the POM course: Lego My Simplex, Balancing Planes,
The Distribution Game, The Cups Game, The Beer Game, Red Bead Experiment, Goldratt Game,
and ABCs Manufacturing.

The objective of this paper is to apply a simulation game approach to teaching two different production planning
systems (i.e. Pull system and Push system) so that students can develop a better understanding and apply the
ideas in the real world. This game simulation uses some principles from Sun (1998), who invented games for
production planning and control. The first part of this paper summarizes general ideas about both production
planning systems. The second part explains the designs and characteristics of the games in relation to Production
Planning and Resource Management, and in particular the use of the game with POM students. The final part
presents the learning experiences and opinions of the students who experimented with the game simulation.
2. Description of the Pull and Push Production Systems
The main objective of the game simulation for production planning systems is to compare the difference between
Pull and Push production systems, often referred to as Just-in-Time (JIT) and Material Requirements Planning
(MRP), respectively. JIT is called the Pull system because production planning takes place according to
customers real needs, while the Push system or MRP occurs based on the forecast of needs and specified
delivery time. In other words, all production planning information in JIT occurs based on customers needs,
transferred backward to each workstation for production.
The terms push and pull refer to the means for releasing jobs into the production facility. In a push system, a job
is started on a start date that is computed by subtracting an established lead time from the date that material is
required. Historically, Material Requirements Planning (MRP) has been the most widely spread computerized
planning system for job shop and batch manufacturing systems (Orlicky, 1974). In a MRP system component
and raw material requirements are calculated by time-phased explosion of the master production schedule
requirements, using bill of material (BOM) and inventory records. Detailed shop scheduling is performed by the
shop floor control function, as part of the more extended MRPII systems.
Although MRP is a well developed data management systems, it has not lived up to expectations for increased
system performance (Anderson et al, 1982). Thus, much attention has been focused on pull system referred to

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Engineering Management Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; May 2012

Just-in-Time (JIT) system. In this demand driven control, work is pulled through the system which the
succeeding stage demand and withdraws items from the preceding stage, based on the rate at which the
succeeding stage consumes items (Deleersnyder et al., 1989; Sharma and Agrawal, 2009). All operations then
perform work only to replenish outgoing stock (Spearman and Zazanis, 1992). In practice, work is coordinated
by using a signal (Kanban) represented by a card or sign. Hall (1993) provided a good explanation of how
Kanban works. He suggests that the variability reduction found in pull systems is extremely important to overall
systems effectiveness. Karmarkar (1986) points out that the number of cards (Kanbans) in the system creates an
upper limit on work-in-process (WIP).
Figure 1 illustrates material flows, indicated by solid arrows, and information flows, indicated by dotted arrows.
In part (a), the material and information flows are in opposite directions. This is the Pull system or JIT because
workstation 1 will only commence production if workstation 2 has a requirement first. In part (b), the material
and information flows are in the same direction. This is the Push system or MRP since workstation 1 will
produce based on the order received without knowing whether workstation 2 has a requirement or not.

Figure 1. Material and information flows in pull and push systems

One important principle of JIT production is KANBAN, which means label or sign in Japanese, used as a
production control for volume in the production line. Quantities of KANBAN labels are based upon customer
needs and specified safety stock. The benefit of applying the KANBAN principle is that quantities of work in
progress (WIP) and inventory will be controlled during production.
Figure 2 illustrates the area between the Pull system (MRP inflow) and outflow and the KANBAN system (JIT
inflow) and outflow. The area between these inflow and outflow lines indicates inventory quantity. The
inventory (area A) for the KANBAN system is lower than that for the Push system (area B), while the area
between the lines is higher and tends to increase.

Figure 2. Quantities of WIP and inventory for pull and push systems
The main objective of this game simulation is to compare JIT and MRP production. The important indicators
used for comparison are customer waiting time, WIP, inventory stock, and production volume/time.


ISSN 1927-7318

E-ISSN 1927-7326

Engineering Management Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; May 2012

3. The Simulation Game Process and Characteristics

One important issue in designing games for POM is that Production Management game simulation is much more
complex than General Management game simulation. This is because Production Management comprises both
Engineering processes and Resource Management components. Therefore, the current trend in Production
Management game simulation is computer simulations (Garetti and Taisch, 1995) or toy block building formats
(Johanson and Mikkeisen, 1995), where the cost of developing the game simulation is high and the playing
method is more complex than general games. Hence, the game designer must consider the cost and ease of use of
each game simulation.
The proposed game simulation is for color television production, with several components such as products,
producers, production processes, marketing, and production resources (e.g., personnel).
3.1 Products, Customers, and Marketing Information
The products are two color television models, AA and BB. Each model comes in two colors, red and black.
Therefore, there are four types of production: AA in black, AA in red, BB in black and BB in red. The quantity
of each model required can be 1, 2, or 3 sets. The marketing information is shown in the following table.
Table 1. Marketing information
Production Model


AA, Black

1, 2, 3

AA, Red

1, 2, 3

BB, Black

1, 2, 3

BB, Red

1, 2, 3

From Table 1, the probability of obtaining any one model without consideration of production volume is 25% (3
from 12 cards). To exhibit the uses of this marketing information, the purchase order card will provide
information such as model, color, and quantity needed (maximum 3 sets). As shown in Figure 3, 12 total
purchase cards (3 x 4) will be used to find marketing information.
Purchase Order Card
Model: AA
Color: Red
Quantity needed: 2
Figure 3. Purchase order card
When the game starts, two players are customers, one of whom randomly selects a purchase order card from the
12. When the other player receives the purchase order card, they record information on the purchase order, as
shown in Figure 4: purchasing sequence, model, color, quantity needed, ordering time, and product receiving
time. These times will be used for calculating waiting time; for example, the ordering time is 8:02am, the
receiving time according to the purchase order is 8:07 am, so the total waiting time is 5 minutes.
Order Sequence





Quantity needed

Ordering time


Product receiving time


Figure 4. Purchase order

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


Engineering Management Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; May 2012

3.2 Production Processes and Operator

The production processes in this game simulation comprise five workstations, numbered 1 to 5. The transfer
between stations is enacted between the players at each station. For each model, AA and BB, the game designer
can specify their own designs with equal workstations. One player is required for each workstation.
Workstation 1 prepares raw materials using one piece of A4 paper; workstation 2 is television assembly;
workstation 3 is monitor assembly; workstation 4 is antenna and button assembly; and workstation 5 is stand
assembly and product distribution. All players have red and black pens as tools to draw a picture for producing
televisions in each color.
3.3 Production Resources and Operators
Apart from the operators at each of the five workstations, one player is assigned as Production Manager to
control, plan, and monitor the production under the MRP system. Two Production Engineers are assigned to
measure WIP, production volume, and inventory stock after production every 30 seconds. However, the number
of operators assigned will depend upon the numbers of players.
4. Application of the Game Simulation to a Real Situation
This game simulation was tested with 30 students, divided into three groups, in the POM class taught at the
Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasart University. Most of the students did not have knowledge
of Production Management, especially JIT and MRP production planning systems. Before using this game
simulation, students studied theories of both production planning systems in order to develop a better
understanding while playing the game. Moreover, the following assessment questions were set for the students in
order to provide them with a framework for feedback and suggestions:

What is your opinion of this game simulation as a teaching material?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this game simulation as a teaching material?

How should this game simulation be developed?

The game began at each production planning system in turn. During the game, Production Engineers and
customers recorded important information.
4.1 Game Simulation for the MRP Planning System
Under the MRP planning system, the production manager plans production by using marketing information
about the model, color, and production quantity, based on the requirement of producing the four models. The
Production Manager provides production planning from workstation 1 to workstation 5. Production orders are
placed every 30 seconds. The customer randomly chooses the requirement by taking a purchase order card, as
shown in Figure 3, every 30 seconds.
Total playing time was 15 minutes. The results were as follows: production planning of 45 televisions, total
customer purchase of 21 televisions, and real production of 32 televisions. Therefore, the production volume was
2.13 televisions per minute, with 11 televisions in inventory stock. The average waiting time for the customer
was 2 minutes, and the waiting time at the beginning would be 3 minutes above the average waiting time.
4.2 Game Simulation for the JIT Planning System
After the MRP planning system, players were assigned JIT production planning, in which the planning mainly
depends upon customer needs. The customer randomly picks a purchase order card, as shown in Figure 3, every
30 seconds. Then, the customer fills in a purchase order card, as shown in Figure 4, used as a KANBAN card to
control WIP and the inventory. The KANBAN card is then sent backwards from workstation 5 to workstation 1
so that the players at each station receive the necessary information to produce based on the purchase order. The
total playing time was 15 minutes, the same as the MRP simulation. The result for average customer waiting
time was 0.9 minutes, the same as production waiting time; the inventory stock and WIP were at 0, and
production volume was 1.98 televisions per minute.
Comparing the production planning systems, the MRP system produced more televisions, but the JIT system had
less inventory stock and a lower customer waiting time. Moreover, customers received better quality products
under the JIT system since production was not hurried, unlike the MRP system, which had to hurry to meet the
Push production planning. Likewise, production under the JIT system was more flexible and provided better
responses to changing customer needs.


ISSN 1927-7318

E-ISSN 1927-7326

Engineering Management Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; May 2012

5. The Learning Experiences and Opinions of the Students

This section reviews the main lesson learned from this pedagogical experience. This section discusses the
learning process of the students, the evaluation and improvement to the simulation game based on the students
5.1 Evaluation of the students
After the game simulation was complete, all of the students in the group discussed their responses to the
questions received at the beginning so that they could provide appropriate suggestions. Feedback from the
student has indicated an improved level of appreciation of the complexity and the difference of the pull and push
production systems. A typical reaction from students is that although they have considerable knowledge about
the concept of pull and push systems (JIT and MRP), the difficulties of the difference between these two
concepts were not appreciated. In particular, students felt that they participated more in production. For example,
the Production Manager felt that the inventory stock or waiting time depended upon the planners decision. In
addition, by using this game simulation, students could use visualization and touch to better understand and
memorize the principles compared to learning by heart. However, there were also some suggestions of
improvements from the students:

The game simulation should expand its scope to include Supply Chain Management and
Inventory Management.

Production using picture drawing is too simple, which made for an unrealistic production time.
Production should be paper folding or block building to make it more realistic.

Everyone should alternate taking responsibility for the different roles in order to learn about the
entire system.

The time required to be familiar with the game simulation is very important, therefore more time
should be allocated.

Sales staff should be included in order to receive purchase orders from the customer instead of
the customer giving them directly to Production.

6. Conclusion
The application of game simulation to the teaching of the Production and Operations course increases student
confidence as theories can be visualized within the context of their future application in the real world when used
in conjunction with traditional lectures. When the students are faced with any of these applications in the future,
this in-class game has provided them with hands-on experience of Pull and Push production systems. This
game-based approach holds several advantages over existing lecture-based study. In comparison, it has a very
visual nature, is simple and fun to play, allows for collaborative learning and provides almost immediate
feedback to students about the lessons we could teach. The results show that students will embrace the use of the
game was both a useful test subjects felt that playing the game was both a useful lesson and an enjoyable
experience. In the meantime, the pressure upon lecturers will be relieved, since the application of the game
simulation will motivate students and make studying more real-world lessons. In addition, most students felt that
it would be a valuable addition to a production and operations courses curriculum.
Based on early feedback and lessons learned from testing this game, a new version can be developed in many
directions, for example by including Supply Chain Management and Inventory Management, or computer
simulation for results interpretation and analysis. Current government policy of learner-centric teaching means
that the lecturer is responsible for suggesting things that the learner should know, and the learner is also
responsible for searching for solutions. The game simulation may not be the best solution for this policy, but it is
a stimulus towards more learner-centric teaching.
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Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


Engineering Management Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; May 2012

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ISSN 1927-7318

E-ISSN 1927-7326

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