2014 2 Eduf4044
2014 2 Eduf4044
2014 2 Eduf4044
Reading and Designing Research
Unit of Study Outline
Session 2, 2014
Last revised: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 18:07:43 +1000
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Copyright 2014, The University of Sydney
University of Sydney
2014 2 EDUF4044
University of Sydney
Desired outcomes
As a result of successfully completing this unit of study students should be able to:
Understand the various sources, genres and kinds of useful educational research for
ongoing professional learning (6.1; 6.2; 6.4)
Understand the application of research to specific schooling contexts (1.2, 1.3).
Make sophisticated connections between theory, research and practice (1.2; 1.3; 6.1; 6.2,
See weekly schedule in separate document.
2014 2 EDUF4044
University of Sydney
Assessment policies
All assessment in this Unit of Study occurs in conformity with the policies of the Faculty of
Education and Social Work as outlined on the Faculty web-site. Please refer to this on such
matters as:
All students enrolled in this Unit of Study are expected, without exception, to familiarise
themselves with these policies. They are available at the following web-site:
All assignments must be submitted with the Faculty cover-sheet attached and completed.
This is available from the Faculty of Education and Social Work web-site (http://
The University of Sydney has adopted severe but fair procedures for dealing with plagiarism.
It is imperative that students understand what constitutes plagiarism. The threat of being
accused of plagiarism is generally relieved by expert referencing of your assignments. If you
are not sure how to reference well, please refer to the publications of the Faculty mentioned
above, and in particular the following web-site:
200-300 By 12pm 1
words Tuesdays
per week of following
ie weeks
2-8; 3
Thurs 18
1.2, 6.2, 6.4
2014 2 EDUF4044
University of Sydney
September, 5pm
A tale of two schools: in-class presentation in
Weeks 1, 2
Mon- 1, 2, 3
day, 22
September by
1.3, 6.1
2014 2 EDUF4044
University of Sydney
Each reflection will be submitted as a journal entry via the Unit's elearning site. Look for the
the section on the site labelled Submit tasks here.
To avoid losing your work while working on the Unit's elearning site, you are advised to
regularly save your review as a draft or develop it in a word processing application, such as
Microsoft Word, before pasting it into your journal.
BY THE BEGINNING OF WEEK 8, ie 10am, Mon 15 September, you will submit a
document of no more than 900 words collating THREE of your reflections for grading. You
can choose any three of them, and you may refine or rewrite before submisson if you like.
This task provides an opportunity for you to draw upon your own knowledge and experience
to reflect on research in education. You are not expected to summarise the content of
lectures. Instead, you are expected to make connections between your prior experiences and
knowledge, and the material presented in each lecture.
As this task requires you to engage in reflection, you are encouraged to express your opinion.
Hence, you should use the first-person pronoun in this task (i.e., "I").
Assessment criteria:
The grading criteria listed at the end of this unit outine related to Clarity of expression
(including accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation, use of language, expression of ideas)
is relevant to this task. However, you should pay particular attention to Communication &
presentation (written oral &/or visual).
Marking guide
PART A: 10 marks=each week's reflection submitted on time; each relflection must be
at least 200 words and be relevant and coherent.
5 marks will be deducted for each week not submitted (to a max of 10)
5 marks will be deducted for any reflection that is not relevant and coherent (to a maximum of
Late penalties will apply on a pro rata basis as per the Blue Book.
PART B: Three chosen reflections will be graded as follows (10 possible marks for each
reflection; total possible = 30):
8.5-10: Makes new meaning of the content of lectures in terms of personal experiences
and other, non-personal background knowledge eg from other university study,
scholarly reading, the mass media. Explicit links to both lectures.
7.5-8 marks: Makes strong links between the content of lectures and, personal
experiences and other non-personal background knowledge. Clear links to material
from both lectures.
6.5-7 marks: Makes plausible links between the content of both lectures and, personal
experiences and other non-personal background knowledge.
5-6 marks: Makes some plausible links between the content of one or two lectures and,
personal experiences and other non-personal background knowledge.
1-4.5: Refers to lecture content of at least one lecture but no links to personal
experiences and background knowledge.
Additional notes:
2014 2 EDUF4044
University of Sydney
What kind of school is this? Eg primary, secondary, Catholic, Islamic, public, selective,
high fee, inner city, coeducational etc.
What is known (or not known) about the young people enrolled at the school and their
families, using publicly available data? Eg ICSEA (socio-educational advantage),
school website.
What might be one or two priorities for innovation and research at the school and why?
(These must be mapped to the National Professional Standards for Teachers: DO NOT
forget to do this.)
Discuss the differences and similarities in answers to questions 1-3 between the schools
chosen for the assignment by each member of the pair.
Assessment criteria:
MARK ALLOCATION Two separate marks will be awarded.
COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT: A mark out of ten will be awarded for the
quality of the presentation as something that would ENGAGE the imagined audience of tired
teachers at the end of a school day, using the assessment criteria listed at the end of this unit
under Communication and presentation.
2014 2 EDUF4044
University of Sydney
INFORMATION QUALITY: A mark out of ten will be awarded for the quality of the
information presented, using the assessment criteria listed at the end of this unit under Data/
information gathering/processing/data analysis/evaluating as well as the following:
HD & D: Explicit reference to the source/s of evidence for all factual claims will be
integrerated into the presentation.
CREDIT: It will be apparent that most or all factual claims are based on legitimate evidence.
PASS: The information will be relevant and accurate but it may not be clear where it comes
FAIL: Hard to assess the accuracy of factual claims because of lack of clarity about sources
and/or the use of dubious sources.
Note: In order to pass this assessment ALL questions must be answered.
Additional notes:
All assessment tasks must be passed in order to pass the unit.
2014 2 EDUF4044
University of Sydney
The questions
1. CONTEXT: Briefly explain the nature and context of the school (in your own words: do
not just copy and paste from the website etc).
2. THE PROJECT: Briefly describe the research and development project you would like to
carry out. (You may adapt or draw on a program that you know about that is already operating
successfully at another school.) Map the project onto one or more of the National Professional
Standards for Teachers.
3. ANTICIPATED BENEFITS: Briefly explain why the project would be worthwhile and
why your school (because of the kind of school it is) needs or wants it.
4. EVALUATION: Briefly explain how you would evaluate the project, ie what kinds of
data might you need collect and analyse? How will you know if the project is a success? You
should think about how you might monitor its success as you go rather than only at the end.
Assessment criteria:
This assessment will be graded using the following criteria, listed at the end of this Unit of
Additional notes:
The assessments for this unit of study differ from those listed in the Faculty Handbook. This
unit of study outline serves as your notification of the changed assessment schedule, which
affects all students equally.
All assessment tasks in this unit must be passed in order to pass the unit.
Grading criteria
Organisation &
of assessment task
Consistently strong
and ongoing demonstration and evidence
of superior organisational and conceptual skills. The work is
extremely well conceived, coherent, logical, original and lucid
as well as professionally prepared
Superior clarity in presentation and expression with attention to
detail in all aspects evident
Consistently strong
and ongoing demonstration of very good
organisational and
conceptual skills.
The work is well conceived, coherent, logical and lucid as well
as professionally prepared
Communication is
mainly clear, fluent
and appropriate to
document. Grammar,
spelling, use of language and punctuation is accurate. Reflects Facultys style
guide (refer little blue
Communication is appropriate to the assessment task and is mostly fluent and clear.
Grammar, spelling,
use of language and
punctuation mostly accurate. Reflects
Facultys style guide
2014 2 EDUF4044
Communication &
presentation (written &/or oral &/or
University of Sydney
Evidence of critical
appraisal of literature,
with a recognition of
different perspectives
Uses recommended
referencing style consistently and accurately in text of work and
reference list. Effective use of relevant
quotations and scholarly referencing at all
Insightful critique or
consideration of relationship between theory, research and practice. Personal / professional implications for
practice considered
Uses recommended
referencing style consistently and accurately in text of work and
reference list. Effective use of relevant
Uses recommended
referencing style with
minimal errors. Effective use of relevant
Critical or evaluative
about links between
theory, research and
Beginning to develop
critical reflection and
analysis of practice
through theory and research. Relevant concepts etc applied in a
generally appropriate
and thoughtful way
Very little or no consideration of the relationships between theory, research and practice.
Attention is given
to the selection of a
methodology & the
method chosen is appropriate to the task
but limited critique of
research design.
Makes a reasonable
selection from data
& applies processing
Random information
gathering. Inappropriate use of processing
Uses a variety of discipline-appropriate formats to communicate
confidently & effectively. Evidence of reflection on the presentation. Demonstrates
sensitivity to diverse
backgrounds & experiences
2014 2 EDUF4044
University of Sydney
Student evaluation
We welcome feedback on this Unit of Study. Please take the time to offer constructive
written feedback at the end of the semester. The teaching team is committed to the
participation of learners in the process of planning and evaluation of courses.
2014 2 EDUF4044