The document is a letter from Walton-le-Dale Primary School inviting parents of Year One students to a mathematics workshop on December 7th from 3:15-4:00 pm. The workshop will provide parents an opportunity to learn about the math concepts taught in Year One, including place value and number bonds, and give parents hands-on experience with the math resources used in class. Parents are asked to complete and return the attached slip if they plan to attend.
The document is a letter from Walton-le-Dale Primary School inviting parents of Year One students to a mathematics workshop on December 7th from 3:15-4:00 pm. The workshop will provide parents an opportunity to learn about the math concepts taught in Year One, including place value and number bonds, and give parents hands-on experience with the math resources used in class. Parents are asked to complete and return the attached slip if they plan to attend.
The document is a letter from Walton-le-Dale Primary School inviting parents of Year One students to a mathematics workshop on December 7th from 3:15-4:00 pm. The workshop will provide parents an opportunity to learn about the math concepts taught in Year One, including place value and number bonds, and give parents hands-on experience with the math resources used in class. Parents are asked to complete and return the attached slip if they plan to attend.
The document is a letter from Walton-le-Dale Primary School inviting parents of Year One students to a mathematics workshop on December 7th from 3:15-4:00 pm. The workshop will provide parents an opportunity to learn about the math concepts taught in Year One, including place value and number bonds, and give parents hands-on experience with the math resources used in class. Parents are asked to complete and return the attached slip if they plan to attend.
Dear Parents/Carers, Mathematics Workshop Wednesday 7th December, 2016 3.15 4.00 p.m. Have you ever wondered how your child is taught Maths in school? Perhaps you are struggling to help them with their Maths learning because you are not sure what is being covered or which methods are being used. Well the good news is that we are holding an informal workshop for all Parents/Guardians of children in Year One. We want to share with you some of the Mathematics learning that your child experiences in school and give you lots of ideas for helping your child to extend this learning at home. The Workshop will take place on Wednesday 7th December 2016, and will be held in the Year One Classrooms. It will be an opportunity for you to learn a little bit more about the maths we teach in class, with a particular focus on Place Value and Number Bonds. We will also give you the chance to explore some of the Maths resources used in school and give you an opportunity to try these out and maybe have a go at solving one or two maths problems yourself! Please complete the return slip below if you are interested in attending. Many thanks for your support. Year One Teachers J Watts, J Noblett, and R Southgate Year One Maths Workshop Place Value Childs Name. Class. I would like to attend the Maths Workshop in Year One on Wednesday 7th December 2016, at 3.15p.m. Signed ________________________________________________________ Number of people attending ____________