Netball Club 2017

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Primary School
Head Teacher: Mr Christopher Shields
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Jeff Sherwin

Severn Drive
T: 01772 335065
F: 01772 626707

4th January, 2017.

Dear parents,
This term, I will be running a weekly netball club for Years 5/6. The club is open to both boys and girls and
will run every Monday from 3:15-4:15, starting Monday 16th January. If I have to cancel netball, due to bad
weather, you will be notified as soon as possible via text message.
Children attending the club will need suitable sports clothing (preferably outdoor PE kit) to suit the weather/
temperature. ALL children get changed in Year 4 (Jaguar class) and should be collected from there no later
than 4:15 pm.
Children have the opportunity to be selected to represent the school in up and coming netball tournaments.
However, if your child is not initially selected for the team they will have the chance in later tournaments so I
would always encourage the children to stick at the club and give it their best.
If your child would like to join please fill out the slip below and send it into the office. There are limited
places available so if the club is oversubscribed, names will be picked out of a hat. You will receive a text
message to confirm if your child has a place or not.
Many thanks,
Miss Stevens

Childs name. Class.
My child would like to be considered for the netball club starting on Monday 16th January, I will arrange to
collect my child at 4:14 each Monday at Jaguar Class.

Working together, the best is yet to come

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