Release Management and Version Control

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SAS Global Forum 2013

Systems Architecture and Administration

Paper 467-2013

SAS Release Management and Version Control

John Heaton, Heritage Bank
Release Management is the process of managing multiple different software releases between environments in a
controlled, auditable and repeatable process. This paper looks at the capabilities of the SAS 9.3 toolset to build an
effective Release Management process within your organization to support the migration and maintenance of SAS
code through your product lifecycle.

The process of Release Management can be defined as follows:
Release management is a software engineering process intended to oversee the development, testing,
deployment and support of software releases. The practice of release management combines the general
business emphasis of traditional project management with a detailed technical knowledge of the systems
development lifecycle (SDLC) and IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) practices.
- Definitions, Stephen J. Bigelow, 26 Jun 2008
Release management is the bridge that moves assets from development into production.
- The above definition is excerpted from Chapter 5, "Implementing System Management Services, Part 1:
Deploying Service Support" of The Definitive Guide to Service-Oriented Systems Management by Dan
The process of managing and migrating code from environment to environment is normally an after thought once the
products have been purchased, the project is underway and code needs to be migrated from development to test and
then from test to production.
The practical steps of Release Management are:

The identification of new and changed solution components

The assembly of a Release Package by creating a static copy of the changed solution software components.

Backing up existing software components which will change as part of the Release.

Migration of the release package objects using an auditable and repeatable process.
Many software vendors include some capability to support this process although it is normally not very well
documented, communicated or consistent across products. Release management features do not sell software
licenses and are rarely included in evaluations; however the features greatly influence the risk of the product
implementation and the quality of the solution.


Before starting to setup the environment you will need the following software.


A Subversion (SVN) Server for this you can either use

a. Collabnet Subversion Edge
b. Visual SVN
TortoiseSVN a Windows add for Subversion -

For this paper I have used Collabnet Subversion Edge as the server and TortoiseSVN for the client tool.

TortoiseSVN allows you to interact with Subversion from Windows Explorer. This allows you to check files in and out
from version control and is necessary as most SAS tools do not provide native Subversion (version control) support.
Once you have downloaded the relevant version of TortoiseSVN for Windows you can double click on the install

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Figure 1. TortoiseSVN Install Wizard

Click Next to continue.

Figure 2. TortoiseSVN License

Select the option I accept the terms in the License Agreement and Click Next.

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Figure 3. TortoiseSVN Command Line Tools

Select command line client tools and click Next. Ensure this is installed else SAS DI Studio will not work with
Subversion as it requires the command line tools.

Figure 43. TortoiseSVN Install

Select Install.

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Figure 5. TortoiseSVN Installation Progress

The install normally takes several minutes. The progress can be monitored if necessary.

Figure 6. TortoiseSVN Installation Completed

Click Finish. The installation is completed and TortoiseSVN is installed. The program can be invoked from the right
mouse button when in Windows Explorer.


Download the correct installation package and once complete double click to begin the install.

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Figure 7. Collabnet Subversion Edge Installation Package

Figure 8. Collabnet Subversion Edge Install Wizard

Click Next to continue the installation.

Figure 9. Collabnet Subversion Edge Readme

Click Next to continue the installation.

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Figure 10. Collabnet Subversion Edge Installation directory

Verify the directory and click Next to continue the installation.

Figure 11. Collabnet Subversion Edge Installation

Click Install to continue the installation.

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Figure 12. Collabnet Subversion Edge Installation Status

Click Next to continue the installation.

Figure 13. Collabnet Subversion Edge Installation Completed

Click Finish to launch the Collabnet Subversion Edge.

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Figure 14. Collabnet Subversion Edge Startup

Once started up click on the link to the login page.

Figure 15. Collabnet Subversion Edge Login

Enter the admin username and password.

Figure 16. Collabnet Subversion Edge Start Subversion

Click Start to startup Collabnet Subversion Edge.

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Figure 17. Collabnet Subversion Edge Status

Validate status of Collabnet Subversion Edge.

Figure 18. Collabnet Subversion Edge Create Repositories

Click on Repositories and then create one for each source and target environment. If you plan on using DI Studio
with Subversion, create an additional repository for SAS DI Studio.

Figure 19. Folder Structures

In Windows Explorer create a SASReleaseManagement Folder with a separate folder for each of the repositories

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defined above.

Figure 20. Subversion Checkout

Navigate to one of the folders, right click and select Checkout. Set the URL of repository to the associated
environment and ensure the directory maps to the repository. Click OK. If requested enter the admin username and

Figure 21. Subversion Folders

Under the environment create two folders,

Baseline will store all the complete code releases and backups
Releases will store incremental releases


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Figure 22. Subversion Add

Select both folders, right click and select TortoiseSVN -> Add.

Figure 2322. Subversion Add

Verify the folders and select Add.


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Figure 2422. Subversion Add Success

Click Ok.

Figure 25. Subversion Commit

Right click and select SVNCommit


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Figure 26. Subversion Commit

Verify object and select Ok

Figure 27. Subversion Commit Complete

Click Ok.


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Figure 28. TortoiseSVN Repo Browser

Right click and select TortoiseSVN -> Repo Browser in Windows Explorer. Enter the URL for the machine and
repository you have just added the folders to. Enter the username and password of admin when prompted. You will
now notice there is two folders under the environment which mirror the folders on your machine.


To enable the Batch Import and Export Tools there are two configuration files which need to be configured. Detailed
instruction can be found in the SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide, Using the Promotion
Tools (link provided in the references section).
In the .ini files for the batch export and import tools, you can set global options to override the default handling of
certain object types. To
set these options:
1. Go to the directory SAS-installation-directory/SASPlatformObjectFramework/9.3 and locate the files
ExportPackage.ini and ImportPackage.ini on your server.
2. Make a backup copy of the .ini files ExportPackage.ini and ImportPackage.ini.
3. Open the .ini file in a text editor, and add a new Java argument for each option that you want to specify.
These options are the default settings and you need to validate they will work in your environment.

Navigate to the SAS Home directory for your SAS DI Studio installation on your client machine and locate the
plugins for CVS version control. Note the version numbers may be different depending on the patch level your are



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Rename the directories as Archive directory name. Notice you may have numerous directories. Be sure to
rename them all.

Figure 29. CVS Plugins renamed

Open SAS DI Studio and navigate to Tools -> Options -> SVN Plug-in.

Figure 30. Subversion Plugin Configuration


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If the previous step was successful the CVS Plu-in tab will not be present and only the SVN Plug-in will be available.
Enter the details related to your Collabnet Subversion Edge Installation.

Program Path this is the location of the svn.exe installed with TortoiseSVN above.
Local Root Path temporary location for
Server Collabnet Subversion Edge Server
Repository the name of the repository for DI Studio e.g. SAS_DIStudio
Username admin
Password admin
Port 80

Click Test Connection and it should be successful.


Version control can be used for two primary purposes, collaboration and versioning. Version control used for
collaboration is helpful for the sharing of information and maintaining and a most recent version of the artifact.
In this scenario you may have multiple people working on the same or different pieces of code. Instead of emailing
information around, placing them on the shared drive or some other form of centralized solution the code is placed
into version control. As the code is maintained the updated information can be replicated and shared amongst the
collaborators. SAS products which can benefit from this would be

SAS Enterprise Guide projects and programs can be saved to Subversion folders and then added to the
Subversion repository using TortoiseSVN. The process allows code to be is centrally stored, managed and


SAS DI Studio before changes are made to objects they can be archived and stored in Subversion.
These changes are then available to everyone if they are needed to be rolled back.


Custom Code any custom code which is used in your project and stored as a text file, including macros
can be stored in the same way.

Within the a SAS toolset there are minimal products which do not make use of the SAS Metadata Server and
therefore you need to consider if collaboration makes more sense using the SAS Metadata Server or TortoiseSVN.
Version Control
For version control SAS DI Studio is the only product which links into SVN natively. You have the capability of
archiving most objects at either the object or the folder level. The ability to archive objects at the object level allows
you to track changes at a granular level. Note this capability operates independently of Change Management.
In SAS DI Studio when you create a job before a change you archive the job or object by right clicking and selecting
Archive as a SAS Package.


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Figure 31. Archive as SAS Package

Supply a name and description and click OK.

Figure 32. Archive as SAS Package success

Click close or view log to see results.

When you right click on the object now you can chose compare.

Figure 33. Compare a job

Select a previous archive and select OK.


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Figure 34. Job diff

Review the comparison. Should you notice any different which is incorrect you can Close. Right click on the job and
select Import Archived SAS Package. These are technical compares and do not provide any facility for a logical
compare of the code. For this reason there is limited benefit to detect changes.

Figure 35. Archived packages

In this window you can review the different archives for the object and chose the appropriate to import, delete or re
archive. You can also compare the archives to the current. This is where you can roll code back from a change and
then re-deploy if necessary.


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Once the initial development process is completed and all obsolete objects have been deleted then the code is ready
to migrate from your source environment to your target environment. Figure 1 below outlines the process as per the
SAS documentation. Note the environments should be as similar as possible, thus all the same groups, libraries,
folders and configurations should exists within the source and target environments before code is migrated.

Figure 36. SAS Release Process

Figure 372. Command Line access

On your client you can open a command window from Start and type in cmd then press enter.


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Figure 38. SAS installation directory

Once a command window has is opened, navigate to your SAS installation directory located on your client PC under
the SASPlatformObjectFramework directory. In the 9.3 folder you will find the ExportPackage.exe and
In the command window you can enter your export command as follows:
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASPlatformObjectFramework\9.3>ExportPackage -host
"machinename" -port "8561" -user "username" -password "password" -package
"c:\temp\full.spk" -objects "/RootFolder" -log "c:\temp\full.log" -includeDep
In the documentation there are many different options to choose from, an approach is to export a complete folder

RootFolder this is the top of the folder structure within SAS Management Console you wish to export all
the objects from.
machinename the SAS Metadata server name. Can be found in the SAS Management Console under
Server Manager -> SASMeta -> SASMeta Logical Metadata Server.
username a user who has access to the entire structure and all the objects
password the password of the user from above. This can also be encrypted using the following code in
SAS Enterprise Guide. Replace password with the result.
proc pwencode in="password" method=sas002;


includeDep This will include all the dependant objects within the export.

After the code has run a A log file will be produced generated after the code is run and the output will also be sent to
the screen. Review the log file for any errors or warnings.


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Figure 39. SAS Export output

In the same command window you can now test your import in your target environment.
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASPlatformObjectFramework\9.3>ImportPackage -host
"machinename" -port "8561" -user "username" -password "password" -package
"c:\temp\full.spk" preservePaths -log "c:\temp\full.log" target "/RootFolder"

machinename the SAS Metadata server name. Can be found in the SAS Management Console under
Server Manager -> SASMeta -> SASMeta Logical Metadata Server. This is the target server
username a user who has access to the entire structure and all the objects
password the password of the user from above. This can also be encrypted using the following code in
SAS Enterprise Guide. Replace password with the result.
preservePaths ensures the folder structure is maintained in the target.
Target target location for the objects
Noexecute this option allows you to run the command and produce the log. This does not execute the
import but allows you to validate the command and see what will be imported. This is advisable to reviewing
before executing the import.

Once the test log has been reviewed the import can be executed.
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASPlatformObjectFramework\9.3>ImportPackage -host
"machinename" -port "8561" -user "username" -password "password" -package
"c:\temp\full.spk" target "/RootFolder" preservePaths -log "c:\temp\full.log"

For the initial release a full export can be executed from the root folder within your source environment and then
imported into your target environment. Some tips for the export and import are as follows:

Create a root folder which contains all your code within SAS Management Console
Ensure your environments are setup as identical as possible. Libraries, folders, paths etc. This is important
as it can cause a lot of problems during the release process.
Determine if you need to replicate your security structure in the source environment. If not then purely
configure your target environment with your access control lists etc.
Post release, remember to setup your security for the objects and re-deploy any jobs necessary.

To summarize the release process steps are as follows:



Export code from the source environment

Check the code and log into the version control repository using Tortoise under the source environment.
Validate the export package using the import noexecute option.
Import code into the target environment and target folder
Check the code and log into the version control repository using Tortoise under the target environment.
Perform post import tasks
a. Security
b. Moving of objects to necessary folders (if required)
c. Deployment of code
d. Configuration of Libraries if necessary.
Perform post release tests


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For an effective release management process changes and code needs to be captured at the lowest practical level.
Code should be placed into a version control repository at the object level (table, job, view etc) within the same folder
structure. The import export process from SAS does not support this as the process creates a single file which
encompasses all the objects.
Programmatically the metadata required for release management is also very difficult to transverse or is not exposed.
For this reason and some of the limitations of the import tool (requiring a target) a robust automated export, import
script is not feasible without investing significant amount of time, effort and resources to develop and maintain. A
more practical approach release process is recommended for incremental or patch releases.
To enable patch or incremental releases it is recommend that you enhance your folder structure within your source
and target environments to support an incremental release process.
In SAS Management Console create an additional folder called Releases as a Root folder.

Figure 40. SAS Releases Folder

For planning purposes it is recommended that you plan your releases into the future on a regular timeframe. For
example your release code every month, two months, quarter, six months etc. Each release should be assigned a
release number for easy identification and tracking. Release numbers can normally be very complex, a simplier
option is create a release number from a date for example 20130308 would be the release for Mar 8 2013. Note
releases are specific to each target environment. So if you are migrating code from Dev to Test and then from Test
to Production you may have different release numbers for Dev to Test and then for Test to Prod.
During the development lifecycle once a component is completed and tested it can be moved into the Releases
folder. This way multiple developers can contribute to an upcoming release. This release folder makes it simple to
create a standard script to export all the components within the folder.
To export the code the batch export tool can be used as follows:
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASPlatformObjectFramework\9.3>ExportPackage -host
"machinename" -port "8561" -user "username" -password "password" -package "
C:\SASReleaseManagement\Development\Releases\Release.spk" -objects "/Releases" -log
Note this time the command has been changed to include the release management folder used to store the code
under version control. Also the package name is a standard name. Under your directory structure for version control
you should create a folder for the upcoming release. The includeDep option has been removed so as not to export
dependant objects. This is to preserve the objects in the target environment. Be careful should you include this as
duplicate objects will be created such as libraries, tables etc. It is a better practice to place all the objects which have


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changed in the release folder for the release.

Figure 41. Version Control folder

Notice from the export the package and the log have been created as well as the version control folder. You should
copy the package and the log into the Release folder to ensure a copy is keep for the specific release. In Windows
Explorer you need to multi select the folder, package and log. Right click and select TortoiseSVN -> Add.

Figure 42. Add new version

Select OK to add the code to Version Control. Once added right click and select SVN Commit.


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Figure 43. Commit new version

Click OK.

Figure 44. Commit confirmation

Click OK. The code now has been committed to the SVN repository. This is now available for anyone to use if
necessary. Development in the existing environment can continue as a static copy of the code is available for the
release into the next environment.

In order to promote the code to the new environment we will assume that another team member is responsible to
perform the actions. From Windows Explorer you would right click and select TortoiseSVN -> Repo-Browser.


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Figure 45. Repository connect

Select the source environment location and repository. Click on OK. Enter username and password when prompted.

Figure 46. Repository browser

Navigate to the release folder and select the package. Right click and select Checkout


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Figure 47. Repository Checkout

Select the folder you wish to check the code out to and select OK.

Figure 48. Repository Checkout confirmation

Validate the checkout was successful and click OK.

Open a command prompt and navigate to your batch import tool.

C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASPlatformObjectFramework\9.3>ImportPackage -host
"machinename" -port "8561" -user "username" -password "password" -package
"C:\SASReleases\Release.spk" target "/Releases" preservePaths -log
Upon successful import of the new objects you can now perform any post migration activities such as:


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The removal of old objects with the same name.

The movement of the objects to the correct folders
Updates to any dependant objects (Information maps etc).
Redeployment of jobs.
Updates to job processes
Test and validate code

Once completed the release code needs to be merged into the release for the target environment. In Windows
Explorer Right Click and open the Repo-Browser under TortoiseSVN connecting to the target repository.

Right Click under releases and select Create Folder. Enter the Release Number for the folder and then navigate into
the folder. Right Click and select Add File.

Select the Release Package and the Promote Log. These need to be done individually. Once completed the code
will be stored in your repository. A full copy of the code should be exported using the batch export tool and placed
into the repository under the baseline folder. After every successful release a new baseline should be created to
ensure that there is also a complete copy of the working code which can be used to restore and environment or
component of an environment.

Patch releases are a little more complicated than a full release. Using a incremental release processes within a data
warehouse environment is highly recommended as predefined release dates communicates a commitment to your
stakeholders that new requirements and functionality will be released. The requirements and functionality within each


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Systems Architecture and Administration

release can be negotiated and prioritized with the stakeholders. Each release should be assigned a number per
target environment and each environment should have a SVN repository created with a baseline and a releases
folder. In SAS you need to create a Releases folder at the root within each environment to support incremental
releases. Once completed incremental releases can be achieved as follows

Export your release to a local folder monitored by SVN using the Batch Export tool into a common location.
Copy the release to a specific release directory with the SVN directory.
Add and commit the code to the SVN repository.
Checkout the release package from the Source repository.
Import the release package into the Target repository using the Batch Import tool.
Perform any post import steps.
Test your release.
Create a release directory within the Target environment
Import you Release package and logs into the target release directory
Create a complete code export using the batch export
Import the complete code export into the Baseline directory for the Target environment

SAS DI Studio supports version control, but no SAS products support the use of version control within a Release
Management process. This is a very manual and error prone process which is time consuming and potentially
disastrous should errors occur. Release Management needs to be considered at the beginning of the project so that
the appropriate decisions can be made on how code will be controlled, managed and the environment configured to
support a release process. SAS DI Studio should be used to archive changes before and after any changes to the
environment is made. This way code can be rolled back or forward as necessary insuring the quality and integrity of
the release.
Using the Batch Import and Export tools an effective release management process can be constructed utilizing
Subversion for version control. These scripts can be automated and included into the release process of most

SAS. SAS(R) 9.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide, Second Edition. Using the Promotion Tools
SAS Knowledge Base. 2013.

Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:
Name: John Heaton
Enterprise: Heritage Bank
Address: 400 Ruthven Drive
City, State ZIP: Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, 4350
Work Phone: +61 4694 9129
Fax: +61 4694 9785
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS
Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration.
Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.


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