Job Enrichment

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The current research project is based on JOB ENRICHMENT. The new changes both
in science and technology and business environment have brought a change in
functional approach of an industrial organization. The human resource executive plays
a significant role to set and achieve the objectives as the functional horizon is extended
from legalistic mundane approach to human relation. Employees are not perceived as
human resource, as some human resource experts have termed the human resource as
knowledge capital of the organization.
It is, therefore, imperative for human resource executive to adopt a rationale approach
to muster and accumulate the so-called knowledge capital. This places an immense
responsibility on HR executive, as there no direct scale to measure human HR
activities vis--vis the output.

Job Enrichment is the addition to a job of tasks that increase the amount of employee
control or responsibility. It is a vertical expansion of the job as opposed to the
horizontal expansion of a job, which is called job enlargement.
Most of us want interesting, challenging jobs where we feel that we can make a real
difference to other peoples lives. As it is for us, so it is for the people who work with
or for us. So why are so many jobs so boring and monotonous? And what can you do
to make the jobs you offer more satisfying? (By reducing recruitment costs, increasing
retention of experienced staff and motivating them to perform at a high level; you can
have a real impact on the bottom line.)
One of the key factors in good job design is job enrichment. This is the practice of
enhancing individual jobs to make the responsibilities more rewarding and inspiring
for the people who do them.


Through job enrichment, employers seek to make jobs as desirable as possible and
improve the levels of happiness that individuals who fill these positions experience.
While there are a number of ways in which employers can carry out the job
enrichment process, the desirable results and the purposes for undertaking the
endeavor remain the same.


Through job enrichment, managers seek to prevent employees from having to
complete tedious or cumbersome tasks that lead to dissatisfaction. While some tasks
simply cant be modified or avoided, others can be changed to improve the employees'
levels of happiness. For example, a job that employees once completed by hand can be
automated, cutting down on the boring and repetitive nature of the job as a whole.
Through the completion of this process, managers ultimately hope to make their
workers happier ones.
As workers levels of happiness increase, so will their productivity, or so those who
carry out this process hope. By moving through the process of job enrichment,
managers hope to help their workers become optimally productive, something that can
have positive financial impacts on the company.
Job enrichment is often a cooperative process in which management and teams of
employees join first to study and then to improve upon jobs. Because this process is a
cooperative one, completing it can be an effective way to build community. As
employees work in tandem to envision ways in which their jobs can be improved
upon, and management helps workers carry out these tasks, the whole workforce acts
cooperatively, creating a strong feeling of community.
Because the job enrichment process gives workers the opportunity to have an impact
on their work environment and duties, it often creates the feeling of empowerment.
This feeling can translate to increases in worker motivation. Because workers who
move through the job enrichment process are treated as individuals with unique needs,
they often do not feel like cogs in a wheel and are more eager to put their all into their


As a small business owner, you can provide your employees with job enrichment
opportunities, which increase the depth, not quantity, of their day-to-day
responsibilities at your company. Job enrichment offers employees an opportunity to
do tasks that are different than what was originally outlined in their job descriptions
and job objectives. Job enrichment includes advantages and disadvantages.


When an employee's level of responsibility increases, and she gets the opportunity to
try new tasks, it's inevitable that she will learn new skills. An employee who is
responsible for deciding which internal products to advertise in the company's email
newsletter, might also come up with advertising tests for their products, testing pricing
and placement, in a job enrichment situation.

Employees get bored with the mundane day-to-day tasks they have to complete. Job
enrichment adds variety to employees' duties, which can reduce their workplace
boredom. Along with reducing boredom, job enrichment challenges employees to
stretch their skills beyond what they're used to doing at the company.

Job enrichment gives you a chance to test and see your employees' strengths and
weaknesses. An employee who excels with a great depth of task may gain recognition,
which can lead to company awards and incentives, or even a promotion within the

When employees feel like they're trusted with greater responsibilities at a company,
their level of motivation increases. As a result, employees may be more productive,
better adhere to the company rules and management better, and miss less work.

When employees are given a greater depth of tasks through job enrichment, they may
not be skilled or experienced in the new tasks they're asked to perform. The lack of
training may be a disadvantage for employees and employers, and lead to problems
such as lower productivity.

A primary disadvantage of job enrichment is an increase in an employee's workload.
While some employees may be able to immediately re-prioritize their time and tasks,
some may initially experience difficulties getting adjusted with their new
responsibilities. The increase in work can cause employees to get frustrated, burned
out and lower their overall productivity.


Every employee at your business may not be eligible to participate in job enrichment.
Those individuals who want more responsibility, but haven't shown that they can
handle it, may become disgruntled, bitter toward management and the employees who
are a part of the job enrichment process.

Some employees excel in job enrichment, while others perform poorly, due to lack of
training, lack of interest or lack of clarity about their new tasks. Poor performance can

cause employees to feel a sense of incompetence or as if they've you beaten down.

Poor performance can also cause employees to get stripped of their new
responsibilities, which can cause embarrassment.


Job enrichment involves enriching, planning, organizing, executing and evaluating
jobs. An enriched job organizes tasks so as to allow the worker to perform a
complete activity, increases the employees freedom, independence, responsibility and
provides feedback so that the individual will be able to assess and correct his or her
own performance.
The process of job enrichment includes combining tasks, creating natural work units,
establishing relationships, expanding jobs vertically and opening feedback channels.
A job having different tasks should be combined into fewer tasks to make it easier for
employees to get the satisfaction of task variety, identity and significance. An isolated
task does not provide satisfaction to employees, as it does not give them a sense of
satisfaction and performance achievement.
While combining different tasks, efforts should be made to arrive at natural work
units, because it helps them to identify the jobs.
Employees prefer an identifiable task, because it gives them a sense of satisfaction of
performing a specified, known and significant unit. Natural work units are enjoyable,
meaningful and relevant.

The job enrichment process includes the establishment of relationship between the
employees and management, the employees and an outside organization, employees
and social institutions. If the tasks of employees are socially recognized, they feel
proud of performing them. Feedback strengthens the relationship which is the
cementing factor for the base of performance and satisfaction.
The depth and quality expansion of a job is known as job enrichment. It increases an
employees avenue, performance, recognition, growth and other opportunities which
are hidden under the vertical expansion of a job.
Job enrichment opens feedback channels for employees to express their views. The
management is made aware of the uses of their policies and decisions.


Most of us want interesting, challenging jobs where we feel that we can make a real
difference to other people's lives. As it is for us, so it is for the people who work with
or for us. So why are so many jobs so boring and monotonous? And what can you do
to make the jobs you offer more satisfying? (By reducing recruitment costs, increasing
retention of experienced staff and motivating them to perform at a high level, you can
have a real impact on the bottom line.)
One of the key factors in good job design is job enrichment, most notably promoted
by psychologist Frederick Herzberg in his 1968 article "One More Time: How Do You
Motivate Employees?". This is the practice of enhancing individual jobs to make the
responsibilities more rewarding and inspiring for the people who do them.

With job enrichment, you expand the task set that someone performs. You provide
more stimulating and interesting work that adds variety and challenge to an
employee's daily routine. This increases the depth of the job and allows people to have
more control over their work.


Hackman and Oldham identified five factors of job design that typically contribute to
people's enjoyment of a job:

Skill Variety Increasing the number of skills that individuals use while
performing work.

Task Identity Enabling people to perform a job from start to finish.

Task Significance Providing work that has a direct impact on the

organization or its stakeholders.

Autonomy Increasing the degree of decision making, and the freedom to

choose how and when work is done.


The central focus of job enrichment is giving people more control over their work
(lack of control is a key cause of stress, and therefore of unhappiness.) Where
possible, allow them to take on tasks that are typically done by supervisors. This
means that they have more influence over planning, executing, and evaluating the jobs
they do.
In enriched jobs, people complete activities with increased freedom, independence,
and responsibility. They also receive plenty of feedback, so that they can assess and
correct their own performance.
Here are some strategies you can use to enrich jobs in your workplace:

Rotate Jobs Give people the opportunity to use a variety of skills, and
perform different kinds of work. The most common way to do this is through

job rotation. Move your workers through a variety of jobs that allow them to
see different parts of the organization, learn different skills and acquire
different experiences. This can be very motivating, especially for people in jobs
that are very repetitive or that focus on only one or two skills.

Combine Tasks Combine work activities to provide a more challenging and

complex work assignment. This can significantly increase "task identity"
because people see a job through from start to finish. This allows workers to
use a wide variety of skills, which can make the work seem more meaningful
and important. For example, you can convert an assembly line process, in
which each person does one task, into a process in which one person assembles
a whole unit. You can apply this model wherever you have people or groups
that typically perform only one part of an overall process. Consider expanding
their roles to give them responsibility for the entire process, or for a bigger part
of that process.

These forms of job enrichment can be tricky because they may provide increased
motivation at the expense of decreased productivity. When you have new people
performing tasks, you may have to deal with issues of training, efficiency, and
performance. You must carefully weigh the benefits against the costs.

Identify Project-Focused Work Units Break your typical functional lines

and form project-focused units. For example, rather than having all of your
marketing people in one department, with supervisors directing who works on
which project, you could split the department into specialized project units
specific storyboard creators, copywriters, and designers could all work together
for one client or one campaign. Allowing employees to build client
relationships is an excellent way to increase autonomy, task identity, and

Create Autonomous Work Teams This is job enrichment at the group level.
Set a goal for a team, and make team members free to determine work
assignments, schedules, rest breaks, evaluation parameters, and the like. You
may even give them influence over choosing their own team members. With

this method, you'll significantly cut back on supervisory positions, and people
will gain leadership and management skills.

Implement Participative Management Allow team members to participate

in decision making and get involved in strategic planning. This is an excellent
way to communicate to members of your team that their input is important. It
can work in any organization from a very small company, with an owner/boss
who's used to dictating everything, to a large company with a huge hierarchy.
When people realize that what they say is valued and makes a difference,
they'll likely be motivated.

Redistribute Power and Authority Redistribute control and grant more

authority to workers for making job-related decisions. As supervisors delegate
more authority and responsibility, team members' autonomy, accountability,
and task identity will increase.

Increase Employee-Directed Feedback Make sure that people know how

well, or poorly, they're performing their jobs. The more control you can give
them for evaluating and monitoring their own performance, the more enriched
their jobs will be. Rather than have your quality control department go around
and point out mistakes, consider giving each team responsibility for their own
quality control. Workers will receive immediate feedback, and they'll learn to
solve problems, take initiative, and make decisions.

Job enrichment provides many opportunities for people's development. You'll give
them lots of opportunity to participate in how their work gets done, and they'll mostlikely enjoy an increased sense of personal responsibility for their tasks.

Step One Find out where people are dissatisfied with their current work
assignments. There's little point to enriching jobs and changing the work
environment if you're enriching the wrong jobs and making the wrong changes.
Like any motivation initiative, determine what your people want before you

Surveys are a good means of doing this. Don't make the mistake of presuming
that you know what people want: Go to the source and use that information to
build your enrichment options.

Step Two Consider which job enrichment options you can provide. You don't
need to drastically redesign your entire work process. The way that you design
the enriched jobs must strike a balance between operational need and job
satisfaction. If significant changes are needed, consider establishing a "job
enrichment task force" perhaps use a cross-section of employees, and give
them responsibility for deciding which enrichment options make the most

Step Three Design and communicate your program. If you're making

significant changes, let people know what you're doing and why. Work with
your managers to create an enriching work environment that includes lots of
employee participation and recognition. Remember to monitor your efforts, and
regularly evaluate the effectiveness of what you're providing.


Job enrichment in organizational development, human resources management, and
organizational behavior, is the process of improving work processes and environments
so they are more satisfying for employees. Many jobs are monotonous and
unrewarding. Workers can feel dissatisfied in their position due to a lack of a
challenge, repetitive procedures, or an over-controlled authority structure. Job
enrichment tries to eliminate these dysfunctional elements, and bring better
performance to the workplace.
Job enrichment, as a managerial activity includes a three steps technique:
1. Turn employees' effort into performance:
Ensuring that objectives are well-defined and understood by everyone. The overall
corporate mission statement should be communicated to all. Individual's goals should
also be clear. Each employee should know exactly how she fits into the overall
process and be aware of how important her contributions are to the organization and

its customers.
Providing adequate resources for each employee to perform well. This includes
support functions like information technology, communication technology, and
personnel training and development.
Creating a supportive corporate culture. This includes peer support networks,
supportive management, and removing elements that foster mistrust and politicking.
Free flow of information. Eliminate secrecy.
Provide enough freedom to facilitate job excellence. Encourage and reward















Provide skill improvement opportunities. This could include paid education at

universities or on the job training.
Provide job variety. This can be done by job sharing or job rotation programmes.
It may be necessary to re-engineer the job process. This could involve redesigning
the physical facility, redesign processes, change technologies, simplification of
procedures, elimination of repetitiveness, redesigning authority structures.
2. Link employees performance directly to reward:
Clear definition of the reward is a must
Explanation of the link between performance and reward is important











If reward is not given, explanation is needed

Job Enrichment refers vertical expansion of jobs. It increases the degree to which the
worker controls the planning, execution, and evaluation of work. An enriched job
organizes the tasks soaps to allow the worker to do a complete activity, increases the
employees freedom and independence, increases job responsibility and provides
feedback. Employees job enrichment could be done in number of ways as follows.


Employees job enrichment could be done in number of ways as follows.

By job rotation, allows workers to do different varieties of tasks.
By combining tasks, work activities are combined to give more challenging
work assignments.
By implementing participative management, this allows employees to
participate indecision making and strategic planning.
By providing autonomy for work , this allows employees to work
By providing feedback for their work, this allows employees to understand how
poor or well they are doing.
By increasing client relationships, this increases direct relationship between
employee and his clients.

Based on above understanding of job enrichment, we have identified factors which by

which job enrichment could be done .These factors are as follows.
Job redesigning
Work place challenge


Customer interaction
Participate management
Flexible working hours
Use of technical skills
On the job training

The main objectives of the project is to understand the JOB ENRICHMENT IMPACT
ONEMPLOYEE MOTIVATION in detail by interacting with the management,
supervision and workers and to see how far the various measures are implemented and
bring out the drawbacks if any and recommended measures for the betterment of the
system. Secondly to critically evaluate the JOB ENRICHMENT impact on employee
motivation as well as on absenteeism and turnover. At last study the most extensive
changes those are critical for high motivation and performance.



The difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is quality and quantity.
Job enrichment means improvement, or an increase with the help of upgrading and
development, whereas job enlargement means to add more duties, and an increased
workload. By job enrichment, an employee finds satisfaction in respect to their
position and personal growth potential, whereas job enlargement refers to having
additional duties and responsibilities in a current job description.
Job enlargement is a vehicle employers use to put additional workload on employees,
perhaps in economical downtime. Due to downsizing, an employee might feel lucky to
have a job at all, despite the fact that his duties and responsibilities have increased.
Another approach is that by adding more variety and enlarging the responsibilities will
provide the chance of enhancement and more productivity. Job enrichment involves
organizing and planning in order to gain more control over their duties and work as a
manager. The execution of plans and evaluation of results motivates workers and
relieves boredom. Job enlargement and job enrichment are both useful for motivating
workers to perform their tasks enthusiastically.
Although job enlargement and enrichment have a relationship with each other, they
also possess some distinct features that differentiate them, such as area of expansion,
mutual reliance, allocation of duties and responsibilities, motivation and profundity.
Job enrichment is largely dependent on job enlargement, whereas job enlargement has
no such dependency. Job enlargement expands horizontally when compared to job
enrichment, which expands vertically. Vertical growth of job or augmentation is
helpful to obtain managerial rights.
In spite of mutual dependency, managerial duties are sanctioned, as in the case of
enhancement. The employee focuses more on job depth, which does not happen in job
enlargement. Job enrichment has a greater motivational impact than job enlargement.
The job enlargement theory involving horizontal expansion to increase job satisfaction
and productivity is relatively simple, and applied in numerous situations.



Rotate Jobs Give people the opportunity to use a variety of skills, and perform
different kinds of work. The most common way to do this is through job rotation.
Move your workers through a variety of jobs that allow them to see different parts
of the organization learn different skills and acquire different experiences. This can
be very motivating, especially for people in jobs that are very repetitive or that
focus on only one or two skills.

Combine Tasks Combine work activities to provide a more challenging and

complex work assignment. This can significantly increase task identity because
people see a job through from start to finish. This allows workers to use a wide
variety of skills, which can make the work seem more meaningful and important.
For example, you can convert an assembly line process, in which each person does
one task, into a process in which one person assembles a whole unit. You can apply
this model wherever you have people or groups that typically perform only one
part of an overall process. Consider expanding their roles to give them
responsibility for the entire process, or for a bigger part of that process.

Identify Project-Focused Work Units Break your typical functional lines and
form project-focused units. For example, rather than having all of your marketing
people in one department, with supervisors directing who works on which project,
you could split the department into specialized project units specific storyboard
creators, copywriters, and designers could all work together for one client or one
campaign. Allowing employees to build client relationships is an excellent way to
increase autonomy, task identity, and feedback.

Create Autonomous Work Teams This is job enrichment at the group level. Set
a goal for a team, and make team members free to determine work assignments,
schedules, rest breaks, evaluation parameters, and the like. You may even give
them influence over choosing their own team members. With this method, youll


significantly cut back on supervisory positions, and people will gain leadership and
management skills.

Implement Participative Management Allow team members to participate in

decision making and get involved in strategic planning. This is an excellent way to
communicate to members of your team that their input is important. It can work in
any organization from a very small company, with an owner/boss whos used to
dictating everything, to a large company with a huge hierarchy. When people
realize that what they say is valued and makes a difference, theyll likely be

Redistribute Power and Authority Redistribute control and grant more

authority to workers for making job-related decisions. As supervisors delegate
more authority and responsibility, team members autonomy, accountability, and
task identity will increase.

Increase Employee-Directed Feedback Make sure that people know how well,
or poorly, theyre performing their jobs. The more control you can give them for
evaluating and monitoring their own performance, the more enriched their jobs
will be. Rather than have your quality control department go around and point out
mistakes, consider giving each team responsibility for their own quality control.
Workers will receive immediate feedback, and theyll learn to solve problems, take
initiative, and make decisions.

Job enrichment provides many opportunities for peoples development. Youll give
them lots of opportunity for their task to participate in how their work gets done, and
theyll most-likely enjoy an increased sense of personal responsibility. Job enrichment
is connected to the concept of job enlargement.
Job enrichment is the process of "improving work processes and environments so they
are more satisfying for employees".
Many jobs are monotonous and unrewarding - particularly in the primary and
secondary production industries. Workers can feel dissatisfied in their position due to
a lack of a challenge, repetitive procedures, or an over-controlled authority structure.

Job enrichment tries to eliminate these problems, and bring better performance to the
There are three key parts to the process of job enrichment
1. Turn employees' effort into performance:

Ensuring that objectives are well-defined and understood by everyone. The overall
corporate mission statement should be communicated to all. Individual's goals
should also be clear. Each employee should know exactly how she fits into the
overall process and be aware of how important her contributions are to the
organization and its customers.

Providing adequate resources for each employee to perform well. This includes
support functions like information technology, communication technology, and
personnel training and development.

Creating a supportive corporate culture. This includes peer support networks,

supportive management, and removing elements that foster mistrust and

Free flow of information. Eliminate secrecy.

Provide enough freedom to facilitate job excellence. Encourage and reward

employee initiative. Flextime or compressed hours could be offered.

Provide adequate recognition, appreciation, and other motivators.

Provide skill improvement opportunities. This could include paid education at

universities or on the job training.

Provide job variety. This can be done by job sharing or job rotation programmes.

It may be necessary to re-engineer the job process. This could involve redesigning
the physical facility, redesign processes, change technologies, simplification of
procedures, elimination of repetitiveness, redesigning authority structures.

2. Link employees performance directly to reward:

Clear definition of the reward is a must


Explanation of the link between performance and reward is important

Make sure the employee gets the right reward if performs well

If reward is not given, explanation is needed

3. Make sure the employee wants the reward. How to find out?

Ask them

Use surveys( checklist, listing, questionnaire)

Job enrichment is a type of job redesign intended to reverse the effects of tasks that
are repetitive requiring little autonomy. Some of these effects are boredom, lack of
flexibility, and employee dissatisfaction (Leach & Wall, 2004). The underlying
principle is to expand the scope of the job with a greater variety of tasks, vertical in
nature, that require self-sufficiency. Since the goal is to give the individual exposure to
tasks normally reserved for differently focused or higher positions, merely adding
more of the same responsibilities related to an employee's current position are not
considered job enrichment.
The basis for job enrichment practices is the work done by Frederick Herzberg in the
1950's and 60's, which was further refined in 1975 by Hackman and Oldham using
what they called the Job Characteristics Model. This model assumes that if five core
job characteristics are present, three psychological states critical to motivation are
produced, resulting in positive outcomes (Kotila, 2001). Figure 1 illustrates this


Job enrichment can only be truly successful if planning includes support for all phases
of the initiative. Ohio State University Extension began a job enrichment program in
1992 and surveyed the participants five years later. The results, broken down into 3
sub-buckets of data beyond the main grouping of advantages/disadvantages as shown
in Table 1, indicate the University had not fully considered the planning and
administrative aspects of the program (Fourman and Jones, 1997). While the benefits
are seemingly obvious, programs fail not because of a lack of benefits, but rather due
to implementation problems. These problems can include a perception of too great a
cost, lack of long-term commitment of resources, and potential job classification
changes (Cunningham and Eberle, 1990).


In order for a job enrichment program to produce positive results, worker needs and
organizational needs must be analyzed and acted upon. According to Cunningham and
Eberle (1990), before an enrichment program is begun, the following questions should
be asked:
1. Do employees need jobs that involve responsibility, variety, feedback,
challenge, accountability, significance, and opportunities to learn?
2. What techniques can be implemented without changing the job classification
3. What techniques would require changes in the job classification plan? (p.3)
When asked about the successes of a Training Generalist job enrichment program
begun in 2002, Karen Keenan, Learning Manager with Bank of America, stated the
accomplishments were, "greater than expected". The Training Generalist program has
resulted in three successful participants to date. According to Ms. Keenan, positive
results can be directly tied to a program that addressed the strategic goal of greater
resource flexibility without adding to staff, as well as to proper planning, guidance,

and feedback for the participants. Having a voluntary program contributed as well,
attracting a high caliber of individuals eager to expand their skills and be positioned
for advancement. To date, all three Training Generalists have experienced promotions
and additional recognition while affording Ms. Keenan's team financial results and
workload flexibility it could not have otherwise achieved.
A job enrichment program can be a very effective intervention in some situations
where a Performance Technician is faced with a request for motivational training.
Ralph Brown (2004) summed it up very nicely:
Job enrichment doesn't work for everyone. Some people are very resistant to more
responsibility or to opportunities for personal growth, butresearchers report that
some people they expected to resist, seized the opportunity. Enriching jobs is a
particularly effective way to develop employees provided the jobs are truly enriched,
not just more work for them to do.


Mainstream theories about employee motivation have varied greatly over the past
century. Early conceptions, sometimes termed "traditional" management theory,
assumed that work was an intrinsically undesirable pursuit and that workers naturally
sought to do as little as possible. This translated into a sort of carrot-and-stick
managerial policy whereby companies tried to maximize motivation by providing
adequate compensation as an incentive but also by guarding against any sign of
wayward behavior through authoritarian control regimes.
A backlash in the 1940s and 1950s against such policies, which did not always prove
particularly successful, emphasized building a conducive social environment in which
workers felt valued and respected. This model still maintained management's authority
over all critical matters, but attempted to make the workplace more palatable by
humanizing it.


Current notions of employee motivation started to take root in the 1960s. Elaborating
on the importance of human factors, contemporary theories envision workers as large
and often untapped reserves of skills, ideas, and other potential benefits to an
organization. The motivation process, according to this view, involves tailoring the
work environment and incentive structure to harness as much of this potential as
possible. This approach emphasizes granting employees greater flexibility, power,
responsibility, and autonomy so that, to some extent, they may shape their own work
environments as they see fit, while remaining accountable for both favorable and
unfavorable outcomes of their actions.

Some attempts to bolster employee motivation still consider only extrinsic rewards.
Endless mixes of employee benefits such as health care and life insurance, profit
sharing, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), exercise facilities, subsidized
meal plans, child care availability, company cars, and more have been used by
companies in their efforts to maintain happy employees. Although some experts argue
that many of these efforts, if only directed at motivating employees, are just a waste of
company money, it is clear that for certain individuals in certain scenarios, monetary
incentives can stimulate better job performanceat least for a while.
The debate, rather, has been over whether such material factors have more than a
superficial impact on motivation. Many modern theorists propose that the motivation
an employee feels toward his or her job has less to do with material rewards such as
those described above, than with the design of the job itself. Studies as far back as
1924 show that simplified, repetitive jobs, for instance, fostered boredom and the
taking of frequent, unauthorized breaks by those who performed them. In 1950 a
series of attitude surveys found that highly segmented and simplified jobs resulted in
lower employee morale and output. Other consequences of low employee motivation
include absenteeism and high employee turnover, both very costly for businesses. "Job
enlargement" initiatives began to crop up in major companies in the 1950s, with one


champion of the cause being IBM founder Thomas Watson, Sr. On the academic front,
Turner and Lawrence proposed task attributes that characterize jobs that motivate.
Turner and Lawrence suggest that there are three basic characteristics of a
"motivating" job:
1. It must allow a worker to feel personally responsible for a meaningful portion

of the work accomplished. An employee must feel ownership of and connection

to the work he or she performs. Even in team situations, a successful effort will
foster an individual's awareness that his or her contributions were important in
accomplishing the group's tasks.
2. It must provide outcomes which have intrinsic meaning to the individual.

Effective work that does not lead a worker to feel that his or her efforts matter
will not be maintained. The outcome of an employee's work must have value to
him or hers and to others in the organization.
3. It must provide the employee feedback about his or her accomplishments. A

constructive, believable critique of the work performed is crucial to a worker's

continuance or improvement of that which has already been performed.
In 1971 Hackman and Lawler tested these ideas. Using a telephone company as a test
site, they surveyed 200 employees to determine relationships between employee
attitudes and behavior and the characteristics of the employee's job. The study also
assessed whether an employee's reaction to his or her work was dependent upon
particular kinds of satisfactions valued by the employee. Positive correlations were
found to exist between the quality of an employee's job, with quality jobs meeting the
three criteria above, and positive employee attitudes and behavior. Further, "doing
well" at a job was interpreted by the employee as having put in a high quality
performance, rather than a high quantity performance. Employees felt positively when
they had accomplished something they felt was meaningful, and strove to do so if
given an encouraging opportunity.


The methods of motivating employees today are as numerous and different as the
companies operating in the global business environment. What is the nature of the
company and its industry? Is it small or big? What kind of culture is fostered? Is it
conservative or innovative? What is important to the employees? What steps have
been taken to find out?
The best employee motivation efforts focus on what employees deem to be important.
It may be that employees within the same department of the same organization will
have different motivators. Many organizations today find that flexibility in job design
and reward has resulted in employees' increased longevity with the company,
increased productivity, and better morale. Although this "cafeteria-plan" approach to
the work-reward continuum presents variety, some strategies are prevalent across all
organizations that strive to improve employee motivation.
Giving employees more responsibility and decision-making authority increases their
control over the tasks for which they are held responsible and better equips them to
carry out those tasks. Trapped feelings arising from being held accountable for
something one does not have the resources to carry out are diminished. Energy is
diverted from self-preservation to improved task accomplishment. Empowerment
brings the job enlargement of the 1950s and the job enrichment that began in the
1960s to a higher level by giving the employees some of the power to expand their
own jobs and create new, personally identified challenges.
At many companies, employees with creative ideas do not express them to
management for fear of jeopardizing their jobs. Company approval and toeing the
company line have become so ingrained in some working environments that both the
employee and the organization suffer. When the power to create in the organization is
pushed down from the upper echelon to line personnel, employees are empowered and
those who know a job, product, or service best are given the opportunity to use their

ideas to improve it. The power to create motivates employees and benefits the
organization in having a more flexible workforce, using more wisely the experience of
its employees and increasing the exchange of ideas and information among employees
and departments. These improvements also create an openness to change that can give
a company the ability to respond quickly to market changes and sustain a first mover
advantage in the marketplace. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., better
known as 3M, has fostered company wide creativity for decades. Its relentless support
of new ideas has paid off in profitability and loyal employees who are so motivated
that they have the most nimble and successful new product development system in the
industry. MCI (now part of MCI WorldCom), too, encourages employees to develop
new ideas and take chances with them. A top manager there stated, "We don't shoot
people who make mistakes around here, we shoot people who don't take risks."
If employees are given the tools and the opportunities to accomplish more, most will
take on the challenge. Companies can motivate employees to achieve more by
committing to perpetual enhancement of employee skills. Accreditation and licensing
programs for employees are an increasingly popular and effective way to bring about
growth in employee knowledge and motivation. Often, these programs improve
employees' attitudes toward the client and the company, while bolstering selfconfidence. Supporting this assertion, an analysis of factors which influence
motivation to learn found that it is directly related to the extent to which training
participants believe that such participation will affect their job or career utility. In
other words, if the body of knowledge gained can be applied to the work to be
accomplished, then the acquisition of that knowledge will be a worthwhile event for
the employee and employer.
The number of hours worked each week by American workers is on the rise again and
many families have two adults working those increased hours. Under these

circumstances, many workers are left wondering how to meet the demands of their
lives beyond the workplace. Often, this concern occurs while at work and may reduce
an employee's productivity and morale. Companies that have instituted flexible
employee arrangements have gained motivated employees whose productivity has
increased. Programs incorporating flextime, condensed workweeks, or job sharing, for
example, have been successful in focusing overwhelmed employees toward the work
to be done and away from the demands of their private lives.
For all the championing of alternative motivators, money still occupies a rightful place
in the mix of motivators. The sharing of a company's profits gives incentive to
employees to produce a quality product, perform a quality service, or improve the
quality of a process within the company. What benefits the company directly benefits
the employee. Monetary and other rewards are being given to employees for
generating cost savings or process-improving ideas, to boost productivity and reduce
absenteeism. Money is effective when it is directly tied to an employee's ideas or
accomplishments. Nevertheless, if not coupled with other, non monetary motivators,
its motivating effects are short-lived. Further, monetary incentives can prove
counterproductive if not made available to all members of the organization.
Study after study has found that the most effective motivators of workers are non
monetary. Monetary systems are insufficient, in part because expectations often
exceed results and because disparity between salaried individuals may divide rather
than unite employees. Proven non monetary motivators foster team spirit and include
recognition, responsibility, and advancement. Managers, who recognize the "small
wins" of employees, promote participatory environments, and treat employees with
fairness and respect will find their employees to be more highly motivated. One
company's managers brainstormed to come up with 30 powerful rewards that cost
little or nothing to implement. The most effective rewards, such as letters of

commendation and time off from work, enhanced personal fulfillment and selfrespect. Over the longer term, sincere praise and personal gestures are far more
effective and more economical than awards of money alone. In the end, a program that
combines monetary reward systems and satisfies intrinsic, self-actualizing needs may
be the most potent employee motivator.


Herzberg stresses the importance of distinguishing between what job enrichment is
and what it is not. Job enrichment should not be confused with two other approaches
to job redesign, JOB ROTATION and JOB ENLARGEMENT.
JOB ROTATION involves switching people between a number of different jobs of
Although this has the advantage of increasing flexibility of production, it does not lead
to motivation. A young bank employee summed up job rotation when she said:
"After I'd been at the bank a few months I became bored with my job.
They introduced job rotation and now I move from one boring job to
JOB ENLARGEMENT involves adding more tasks of SIMILAR COMPLEXITY to
the existing job.
Once again the motivational content of the job is not improved. Applied to the bank
clerk above she might have said:
"After I'd been at the bank a few months I became bored with the FEW
THINGS I had to do. They introduced Job Enlargement and now I get
bored with the NUMEROUS THINGS I have to do!"

Job rotation and job enlargement BOTH FAIL TO MOTIVATE because they do not
offer the opportunity for growth in the psychological sense. They don't allow any
development nor use latent skills and abilities; but JOB ENRICHMENT DOES.
Herzberg claims:


These three aspects are related to Job Design Approaches. Following are the
three aspects in detail:
i) Job Rotation:
Job rotation, as the name suggests means rotating the job. It involves the
movement of employees through a range of jobs in order to increase interest and
motivation. It can improve "multi-tasking" but also involves the need for
continuous training. It reduces boredom and disinterest through diversifying the
employee's activities. With the help of Job Rotation, the management can easily
identify in which area the particular employee is best at work.
Job Rotation also has certain drawbacks:
Every time an employee is transferred to other department; it will cost a huge
training cost.
Employees may take time in adjusting with the new environment.
ii) Job Enlargement:

Job Enlargement means the expansion of the number of different tasks

performed by employee under a single job or in a horizontal manner. It attempts
to add some similar tasks in the existing job. It enhances the interest of the
Job Enlargement is beneficial for employers as they are getting more amount of
work in similar pay.
There are few main reasons because of which an employee is motivated to
continue with Job enlargement. They are:Task Variety: There can be number of tasks to perform under the enlargement
scheme; which tends to give a good variety to the workers to perform and it also
helps them to be away from the boredom.
Utilization of the Ability: With the enlarged role in job the workers tend to use
their highest ability to perform the task in better and efficient manner which acts
as a motivational factor for them. The fact that management has to take care at
this stage is that they should not stretch or enlarge the job in such a manner in
which the employee feels frustrated and bored or the job should not become
monotonous. On the contrary, management should find such a task and way of
accomplishing it so that the employee should accept as a challenge which can
be fulfilled easily with flying colours.
Feedback on the basis of Performance: Timely feedback enhances the
motivation of the employees to work effectively and efficiently every time.
Along with the benefits which Job enlargement has, it also has certain
drawbacks. They are: Workers may require additional training for the new task,
which may cause increase in the training budget. If a new system is introduced
first time; it may decrease the productivity.

iii) Job Enrichment:

Enrichment in the tasks which a worker performs means Job enrichment. It also
means that additional authority is granted to the employee in his tasks list. The
company can also introduce new and more difficult tasks not handled
previously. It provides opportunity for employee's psychological growth.
The theory of Job enrichment was first stated by Herzberg. According to him, it
has eight characteristics. They are:
Direct Feedback: Feedback given at the time of the result increases the morale
of the worker to perform better.
Client Relationship: Serving the clients either external or internal enhances the
job in many ways. External clients are the outside customers for eg: if an officer
working in a showroom attends the customers and finishes a sale it means that
he gave service to the external customer. But on the other hand internal
customer is the other employee of the same organization. For eg: the same
employee coordinates with the employee from the other department it means
that he/she served internal customer.

Honold(1997), suggests that an empowered organization is one where managers
supervise more people than in a traditional hierarchy and delegate more decisions to
their subordinates (Malone, 1997). Managers act like coaches and help employees
solve problems. Employees, he concludes, have increased responsibility. Superiors

empowering subordinates by delegating responsibilities to them leads to subordinates

who are more satisfied with their leaders and consider them to be fair and in turn to
perform up to the superiors expectations (Keller and Dansereau, In practice, the
definition of delegation appears to be of critical importance.It can be discerned by the
language used by the researcher. The words subordinate and superior in the
language suggests giving additional tasks to employees. This is not perceived as
empowering by employees (Menon 1995). Providing for the development of selfworth by negotiating for latitude in decision making and changing aspects of the
employees job leads to increased levels of perceived self-control and hence
Johnson (2008), studied that absenteeism due to stress increased slightly in South
African companies in 2008 compared with the previous year. So far 3.4% of all sick
leaves taken until the end of June this year were due to stress, depression and anxiety,
according to Cams, a company which looks at corporate absenteeism. This was line
with indications that the country was experiencing an economic downturn. In 2007
this figure was 3.1% and 3.9% in 2006. The research was done with the help of
statistics from 100,000 employees in 60 companies, using data from doctor-issued sick
certificates. "Companies should therefore continue to ask themselves what they could
do to make their staff happy and productive."
Mills(1973), predicts that Industrial sociologists and psychologists have often paid
little more than scant attention to the actual work of the people they have been
studying. The literature is full of brief comments about the work situation which lack
both data and an analytical framework. This deficiency is surprising. Work content has
been shown to have a significant impact on behaviour, morale, and productivity in the
workplace. The purpose of job design research is to seek to understand this
relationship more clearly and then to use research-based insights to create jobs which
are more satisfying to perform, and more efficient in performance. As such this body
of knowledge should be a subject of particular relevance for personnel specialists
since job content considerations should affect recruitment, training, placement and
effort-reward policies. However, although job content has very wide repercussions for

the personnel area, job design is frequently left by default to the technical and
engineering specialists, who seek to make their work system function effectively in
production rather than human terms.
Mogelof (2005), discusses context-driven job satisfaction tradeoffs associated
with careers in lite versus non-lite organizations and the role organizations may play
in facilitating or impeding workers participation in valued activities. It emphasizes
the importance of participation in valued activities as a key driver of job satisfaction.
The original purpose of this study was not to focus on job satisfaction, but rather to
conduct an exploratory investigation of how symphony orchestra players cope with
the frustrations and disappointments of orchestra life. Symphony orchestra players
report surprisingly low levels of job satisfaction given the perception held by many
that life and work in symphony orchestras is glamorous and rewarding.
Orpen(2007), examined that (1) Employees in the enriched condition perceived their
jobs as more enriched than before; (2) enrichment caused significant increases in
employee job satisfaction, job involvement, and internal motivation; (3) enrichment
led to significant decreases in absenteeism and turnover; but (4) enrichment had little
impact on performance, whether assessed by superiors' ratings or by actual output.
These findings, which are described in terms of the Hackman-Oldham theory of job
design, are regarded as suggestive evidence that enrichment can cause substantial
improvements in employee attitudes, but that these benefits may not lead to greater
productivity. It is argued that in order to explain the effect of enrichment on
performance, it is necessary to consider other factors besides the psychological states
produced by jobs which are seen to have certain characteristics.
Peter (2004), said Job enrichment is a type of job redesign intended to reverse
the effects of tasks that are repetitive requiring little autonomy. Some of these effects
are boredom, lack of flexibility, and employee dissatisfaction (Leach & Wall, 2004).
The underlying principle is to expand the scope of the job with a greater variety of
tasks, vertical in nature, that require self-sufficiency. Since the goal is to give the
individual exposure to tasks normally reserved for differently focused or higher

positions, merely adding more of the same responsibilities related to an employee's

current position is not considered job enrichment.
Pettman(1979), examines that quality of working life (QWL) has grown steadily
over a period in which the industrialised nations have increasingly come to question
the role and status of human beings in the modern technological environment. In
recent years concern with the nature of work, its impact upon people, and their
attitudes towards it, seem to have sharpened. Investigation of, and experimentation
with, the qualitative aspects of working lifeits ability to confer self-fulfilment
directly, for example, as opposed to being a means of acquiring goodshas gained
momentum under the influence of a unique set of economic, social, political and
technological factors. The outpouring of books, reports and articles from a wide
variety of sources has, not surprisingly, grown apace.
Roberts(2006), study that absence is a major issue for many UK organizations, yet
less than half monitor the cost of absence to their business (CIPD, July 2007). On
average the cost of absence is 659 per employee per year and in addition to this the
indirect cost of absenteeism on the organization is significant, affecting productivity
levels and knowledge management and putting customer service, morale and
corporate reputations at risk.
Managing absence is about starting with the little things.
Ullah(1991), Considers that implementing total quality management is more a matter
of changing people than changing technologies. Shows how psychology can be used
to facilitate the process. Examines attitudes and behaviour, values and motivation.
Discusses work redesign and goal setting as methods of motivating staff to achieve
desired standards of work behaviour. Finally, considers the importance of
psychological measurement to test customer attitudes. Concludes that there are other
areas of organisational psychology which have implications for implementing a
programme of total quality, and that the human side of TQM is at least as important as
the technical side.

To understand







MOTIVATION in detail by interacting with the management, supervision and

workers and to see how far the various measures are implemented and bring out
the drawbacks if any and recommended measures for the betterment of the
To critically evaluate the JOB ENRICHMENT impact on employee motivation
as well as on absenteeism and turnover.
To study the most extensive changes those are critical for high motivation and


Although the sincere efforts have been done to collect authentic and relevant
information, the study may have the following limitation:

Hard enough to fetch information. It was not an easy task to get

information from middle level management. The respondents were not
always open and forthcoming with their views, even agitates and not

Limited scope. Scope of study is limited ABC only and because of

limited time and money. So, results of study may not generalize for
India as a whole.

Results may be inaccurate. The study is based on the assumption that

responses are true and factual although at times that may not be the


Existence of biases. The chances of biased responses cannot be

eliminated though all necessary steps were taken to avoid the same.

Small sample size: the sample size taken is small and may not be
sufficient to predict the results with 100 % accuracy and findings may
not be generalized.

Job Enrichment refers vertical expansion of jobs. It increases the degree to which the
worker controls the planning, execution, and evaluation of work. An enriched job
organizes the tasks so as to allow the worker to do a complete activity, increases the
employees freedom and independence, increases job responsibility and provides
Employees job enrichment could be done in number of ways as follows.
By job rotation, allows workers to do different varieties of tasks.
By combining tasks, work activities are combined to give more challenging
work assignments.
By implementing participative management, this allows employees to
participate in decision making and strategic planning.
By providing autonomy for work , this allows employees to work


By providing feedback for their work, this allows employees to understand

how poor or well they are doing.
By increasing client relationships, this increases direct relationship between
employee and his clients.
The research methodology adopted in this research consists of the following steps:
Procedure followed: Based on above understanding of job enrichment, we have
identified factors which by which job enrichment could be done .These factors are as

Job redesigning
Work place challenge
Customer interaction
Participate management
Flexible working hours
Use of technical skills
On the job training

A questionnaire was prepared to see the effect of all of the above factors of employee
motivation, absenteeism and turnover which in turn effects employee satisfaction.
Independent variables for the study: Job Enrichment ( Job redesigning, Autonomy,
Feedback, work place challenge, customer interaction, participative management,
flexible working hours, use of technical skills, on the job training)
Dependent variables for the study: Motivation, Absenteeism, Turnover, Job
Design of Research
Research design provides the glue that holds the research project together. A design is
used to structure the research, to show how all of the major parts of the research
project -- the samples or groups, measures, treatments or programs, and methods of
assignment -- work together to try to address the central research questions. Here,

after a brief introduction to research design, I'll show you how I classify the major
types of designs.
Our research design is concentrated with the specification of method and procedures
used for conducting study. The research design of our study is both explanatory as
well as descriptive. Our research is exploratory in initial stages to provide background
to the study. Here we explore general subjects to study.
i) Study of available literature.
ii) Survey of experienced individuals.
iii) Analysis of insight stimulating examples.
Gradually as we proceed we shift to a descriptive research design as we concrete data
from primary sources as well. We choose to make the study descriptive as it is too
the company.
Sample Size
Where the frame and population are identical, statistical theory yields exact
recommendations on sample size. However, where it is not straightforward to define a
frame representative of the population, it is more important to understand the cause
system of which the populations are outcomes and to ensure that all sources of
variation are embraced in the frame. Large number of observations is of no value if
major sources of variation are neglected in the study. In other words, it is taking a
sample group that matches the survey category and is easy to survey.
The sample size of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it.
It is typically denoted n, a positive integer (natural number). Typically, different
sample sizes lead to different precision of measurement. This can be seen in such
statistical rules as the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. Population
consists of 3000 employees. Our sample element comprises middle level management
and staff managers.

Name and proper identification of the employees was taken from the attendance
register of the company.
Our sample unit is AMRIT BANASPATI CO. LTD.
Initial characteristics of the sample size
Sample size taken for study:


Age Group:

30-45 yrs

Work Experience:

4-8 years

Average rate of absenteeism:

once in 3 months

Job Monotony:


Job Satisfaction:


Sampling technique
Sampling is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of individual
observations intended to yield some knowledge about a population of concern,
especially for the purposes of statistical inference. Each observation measures one or
more properties (weight, location, etc.) of an observable entity enumerated to
distinguish objects or individuals. Survey weights often need to be applied to the data
to adjust for the sample design. Results from probability theory and statistical theory
are employed to guide practice.
The sampling process comprises several stages:

Defining the population of concern

Specifying a sampling frame, a set of items or events possible to measure

Specifying a sampling method for selecting items or events from the frame

Determining the sample size

Implementing the sampling plan

Sampling and data collecting

Reviewing the sampling process


The sampling technique will be probabilistic sampling more specifically the random
sampling. As in probabilistic sampling the select unit for observation with known
probabilities so that statistically sound assumptions are supported from the sample to
entire population so that we had positive probability of being selected into the sample.
Since the number of employees at different level management is quite high so it is not
possible to collect data from each individual working in the company. Here we will
use SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING method for selecting the employees. In this
method each member of the population has an equal probability of being the sample.
Sources of Data
My purpose is to provide information that will assist you in interpreting Statistics
data. The information (also known as metadata) is provided to ensure an
understanding of the basic concepts that define the data including variables and
classifications; the underlying statistical methods and surveys; and key aspects of the
data quality. Direct access to questionnaires is also provided.
I will used primary source of data that is structured questionnaire will be used. As our
research problem is to study job enrichment impact on employee motivation. This
research data collected from the primary source only. Our method of collecting the
data is from the questionnaire that will be filled by the respondent from the sample, it
will be structured questionnaire. The project report much attention was paid on the
subjective study because the topic deals with psycho-socio behavior of the workers.
The research work was carried out by visiting the various department of A.B.C LTD.
Test Applied
ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication
In statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical models, and
their associated procedures, in which the observed variance is partitioned into
components due to different explanatory variables. The initial techniques of the
analysis of variance were developed by the statistician and geneticist R. A. Fisher in
the 1920s and 1930s, and is sometimes known as Fisher's ANOVA or Fisher's

analysis of variance, due to the use of Fisher's F-distribution as part of the test of
statistical significance.
R.A FISHER,Analysis of variance is the separation of the variance ascrible to one
group of causes from the variance ascrible to other group.
Two-way anova (also known as a factorial anova, with two factors) when you have
one measurement variable and two nominal variables. The nominal variables (often
called "factors" or "main effects") are found in all possible combinations. For
example, let's say you are testing the null hypothesis that stressed and unstressed rats
have the same glycogen content in their gastrocnemius muscle, and you are worried
that there might be sex-related differences in glycogen content as well. The two
factors are stress level (stressed vs. unstressed) and sex (male vs. female). Unlike a
nested anova, each grouping extends across the other grouping. In a nested anova, you
might have "cage 1" and "cage 2" nested entirely within the stressed group, while
"cage 3" and "cage 4" were nested within the unstressed group. In a two-way anova,
the stressed group contains both male and female rats, and the unstressed group also
contains both male and female rats. The factors used to group the observations may
both be model I, may both be model II, or may be one of each ("mixed model").
A two-way anova may be done with replication (more than one observation for each
combination of the nominal variables) or without replication (only one observation for
each combination of the nominal variables).
Two-way anova, like all anovas, assumes that the observations within each cell are
normally distributed and have equal variances
Two-way anova without replication
Null hypotheses: When there is only a single observation for each combination of the
nominal variables, there are only two null hypotheses: that the means of observations
grouped by one factor are the same, and that the means of observations grouped by the

other factor are the same. It is impossible to test the null hypothesis of no interaction.
Testing the two null hypotheses about the main effects requires assuming that there is
no interaction.
How the test works: The mean square is calculated for each of the two main effects,
and a total mean square is also calculated by considering all of the observations as a
single group. The remainder mean square (also called the discrepance or error mean
square) is found by subtracting the two main effect mean squares from the total mean
square. The F-statistic for a main effect is the main effect mean square divided by the
remainder mean square.
Repeated measures: One experimental design that is analyzed by a two-way anova is
repeated measures, where an observation has been made on the same individual more
than once. This usually involves measurements taken at different time points. For
example, you might measure running speed before, one week into, and three weeks
into a program of exercise. Because individuals would start with different running
speeds, it is better to analyze using a two-way anova, with "individual" as one of the
factors, rather than lumping everyone together and analyzing with a one-way anova.
Sometimes the repeated measures are repeated at different places rather than different
times, such as the hip abduction angle measured on the right and left hip of
individuals. Repeated measures experiments are often done without replication,
although they could be done with replication.
In a repeated measures design, one of main effects is usually uninteresting and the test
of its null hypothesis may not be reported. If the goal is to determine whether a
particular exercise program affects running speed, there would be little point in testing
whether individuals differed from each other in their average running speed; only the
change in running speed over time would be of interest.
Randomized blocks: Another experimental design that is analyzed by a two-way
anova is randomized blocks. This often occurs in agriculture, where you may want to
test different treatments on small plots within larger blocks of land. Because the larger

blocks may differ in some way that may affect the measurement variable, the data are
analyzed with a two-way anova, with the block as one of the nominal variables. Each
treatment is applied to one or more plot within the larger block, and the positions of
the treatments are assigned at random. This is most commonly done without
replication (one plot per block), but it can be done with replication as well

From the above study we can deduce that the job enrichment helps in increasing
motivation and reducing turnover but does not help much to reduce absenteeism.
All these effects combined together help in increasing job satisfaction of an
Employers often use in their speeches the clich that Employees are our most
important asset without doing much to improve working conditions and the
motivation of employees to do their best for the organization. In todays fast changing
environment employees are faced with increasing demands from various sources. Also
with the rising level of education employees arent anymore satisfied with repetitive,
not meaningful, tasks. Job enrichment offers a good way to increase the variety of
work and to motivate employees to truly commit themselves for the benefit of the
whole organization. In increasingly competitive environment, management finds that
the best way to achieve corporate goals is to work together with the persons who are
closest to the actual work. Companies that implement programs that enhance
employees knowledge, abilities, and experience and allow them to apply these new
skills in their work will be profitable in the future.

Jain.T.R, Statistics for MBA, 2nd Edition
Ashwatthapa, Human Resource Management, 7th Edition


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