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TEACHER: Josue Avila

TEKS: GEO.10.a

DATE November 14, 2016




Big Idea: (Specify your lessons big idea. The Big Idea are concepts or principles central to your lesson. They anchor or connect
all of the smaller ideas in a lesson. Examples: Measurement Defines Our World; Geometry is present in all facets of the
world around us; Financial Literacy while collecting, analyzing, and evaluating data.

Geometry is used more than you think!

Essential Questions: (Come-up with essential questions that frames the lesson. Your essential questions should connect
essential question frames a lesson as a problem to be solved. It should connect students lived experiences and interests
(their only resources for learning something new) to disciplinary problems in the world. And it should connect what they
learn back to the real world, where they can put their new understandings to work.)

Visualizing the resulting 2-D figure from a cross-section on a 3-D solid

TEKS covered: (Please list relevant TEKS covered in your lesson)


Objective/Purpose: (The student expectations must be clearly defined and in line with the district/state standards. For the
students benefit, explain what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson and why these objectives are important
to accomplish
We will be able to visualize and identify the resulting figure from a cross-section on a solid

Materials/Resources/Equipment Needed: Play-doh (any type of clay works), Dental floss or plastic knife, Piece of paper
and worksheet
Instructional delivery (What information is essential for the student to know before beginning and how will this skill be
communicated to students? This is the section where you explicitly delineate how you will present the lesson. Direct
instruction? Small group? Centers? The instruction could include a variety of instructional delivery methods.)
They will need to know what a solid, plane, and cross-section is. After flip component I will model rally coaching. They
will then engage with shoulder partner to work on pairs on a worksheet. Then after that on their own they will continue
with specific solids.

Prior Understanding/Knowledge Transference (ELICIT)

(extract or draw attention to prior understandings

and knowledge; determine what new knowledge will be built on existing knowledge; and demonstrate transferring
Plane, solids, figures.

Anticipatory Set (ENGAGE): (Before you dig into the meat of your lessons instruction, set the stage for your
students by tapping into their prior knowledge and giving the objectives a context. What activities will you use to
focus students on the lesson for the day?)
Identify the dimensions of the following images (write on piece of notecard)
Is time really the fourth dimension?
(EXPLORE): students encounter hands-on experiences in which they explore the concept further. They
receive little explanation and few terms at this point, because they are to define the problem or phenomenon in
their own words.

This is where the students play/learn with the clay. Here they create their own solids and share with their shoulder partner

7-E LESSON PLANNING MODEL: Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (1-16/RLA)

Model (EXPLAIN): (If you will be demonstrating the skill or competence, how will this be done and Guided
Practice: (Under your supervision, students are given the chance to practice and apply the skills you taught
them through the instructional delivery)
With shoulder partners they will create two solids (two each).Then one decides where the plain will cross and vice versa.
In a paper they will describe the solid and where the plain crosses
Then they will draw their predictions of the resulting 2-D figure
Now they will cut through and draw the figure
Independent Practice (ELABORATE): (List the assignment(s) that will be given to the students to ensure they
have mastered the skill without teacher guidance.)


Transfer of Learning (EXTEND): ( transfer one concept to another; transfer subject to subject; or application
to a new context)
Article on time.

Check for Understanding (EVALUATE): (Identify strategies to be used throughout the lesson to determine if
students have learned the objective FORMATIVE Evaluation.)

Observation, and worksheet

Closure: (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson? How will you wrap up
the lesson by giving the lesson concepts further meaning for your students?)

Exit ticket: Round Robin: Where in life are cross-sections used?

Post-Teaching Reflections for each component of the 7-E Model:

According to the teks the students should know what a plane and a solid are. The only new term
was cross-section. They did not really knew the vocabulary, good thing I reviewed it in the video.


Identifying dimensions with whiteboards was a great idea. I did not thought it would open a
debate but I am certainly glad it did. I let the students discuss among each other why they
disagreed on some of the dimensions to further explore the topic on their own.

EXPLORE: The explore happened both during the engage and explain. They were really engaged
on the topic

EXPLAIN: Furthermore, with help from the first worksheet I had them test solids of their own creation
(the state required solids are for the other worksheet). Here they got engaged on it even the
ones that told me the week before that they did not enjoy playing with clay.

ELABORATE: In this section, I allowed them to keep working with partners so that they would not loose
their steam. Here is where the state requirements happened.
7-E LESSON PLANNING MODEL: Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (1-16/RLA)

Since noone finished too early (and time constraints) I did not have to use it but in the article
EXTEND: they claim that time is not really the fourth dimension. This has been a belief in math and the
general knowledge it goes in detail to debunk it. The wording is not too complex and the sources
are cited. LINK:

The worksheets included questions that would allow me to determine who learn what and how.
With this information I am able to iron out details on my lesson or correct misunderstandings


I enjoyed it very much, the students came up with examples that did not occurred to me. I also
implemented a cross-curricular example to showed that it is also useful in topics outside of math.

7-E LESSON PLANNING MODEL: Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (1-16/RLA)

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