Reading Group Lesson Plan
Reading Group Lesson Plan
Reading Group Lesson Plan
List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, timebound).
Use the following format: “Students will be able to…”
With a partner, students will be able to discuss and answer questions about key details from If You Decide to Go to
the Moon. Students will be able to identify facts about the moon from the book If You Decide to Go to the Moon.
Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.
Students learn from their peers. Therefore when students discuss answers to questions with a partner, they may be
exposed to different ideas and answers they never would have thought of. They may also have the opportunity to
correct their answer if, when discussing their answers, they realize that they did not think about the question
correctly or came up with the wrong answer.
Describe the Classroom Demographics: (e.g., ethnicities; gender ratios; special needs, including those of
gifted students, those of students’ physical needs, and those due to cultural characteristics).
Describe your Knowledge of Students: (in terms of the whole class and individual students)
(e.g., language needs; approaches to learning; prior learning and experiences; academic
proficiencies/behavioral differences; areas of interest).
Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.
Accommodations: Base this on the information you provided for Classroom Demographics and
Knowledge of Students above.
Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students’ learning, culture, language, etc. *
Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students’ level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.
Students will receive a KWL chart and fill in the Know and Want to Know sections of the chart. This will provide me
with the students’ prior knowledge of the moon.
Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)
Classroom Management
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.
I will use redirection to help students stay on task. Students will also engage in echo and choral reading.
“I Do”
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.
Step 1: I will greet the students and inform them that we will be reading a book about the moon.
Step 2: I will give the students a KWL chart and have them fill in what they know and what they want to
know about the moon.
Step 4: I will collect the KWL charts from the students.
Step 5: I will hand out a copy of the book If You Decide to Go to the Moon to each student.
Step 6: I will introduce the book title and author.
Step 7: I will then explain that this book is fiction, so not everything in the book is true, but that it does
have a lot of true facts about the moon.
Step 10: I will then ask a student if they would like to read the next page for the group.
Step 12: I will ask the students “Why do you think everything is weightless in space?”
Step 15: If none of the student answers are correct, I will explain why everything is weightless in space.
Step 17: I will then ask a different student if they would like to read the next page for the group.
Step 20: I will ask students “How big do you think space is? Do you think it ever ends?”
Step 24: I will ask students “Do you think it would be a good idea to take off your spacesuit and play in the
dust? Why or Why not?”
Step 28: I will ask students to predict what will be on the other side of the hill.
Step 30: I will ask a different student to read the next page.
Step 33: I will then ask for another student to read the next page.
Step 35: I will ask a different student to read the next page.
Step 38: I will ask students “Why are Earth and the moon so different?”
Step 41: I will return the KWL charts to the students and have them fill in the Learned portion of the chart.
Step 43: I will collect the KWL charts again.
“We Do”
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
Step 8: I will have the students echo read for the first three pages of the book.
Step 9: We will then choral read the next five pages of the book.
Step 13: Students will pair up with a partner and discuss their ideas for why everything is weightless in
Step 14: Students will share their answers with the group.
Step 16: We will choral read the next three pages.
Step 19: We will choral read the next page.
Step 21: Students will pair up with a partner and discuss their answers for how big space is and if it ever
Step 22: Students will then share their ideas with the group.
Step 23: We will choral read the next three pages.
Step 25: Students will share their ideas with their partner about why or why not it would be a good idea to
take off your space suit.
Step 26: Students will share their thoughts with the group.
Step 27: We will choral read the next four pages.
Step 29: Students will share their predictions with the group.
Step 32: We will choral read the next three pages.
Step 37: We will choral read the rest of the book.
Step 39: Students will talk with a partner about why Earth and the moon are different.
Step 40: Students will share their answers with the group.
“You Do”
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson
Step 3: Students will fill in the Know and Want to Know sections of their KWL charts about the moon.
Step 11: A student will read the next page aloud to the group.
Step 18: A different student will read the next page for the group.
Step 31: A different student will read the next page for the group.
Step 34: A different student will read the next page for the group.
Step 36: A different student will read the next page for the group.
Step 42: Students will fill in the Learned portion of their KWL chart about the moon.
Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
I will ask students to think about what they would bring with them if they went to the moon. I will then
give them all the opportunity to share what they would bring to the moon.
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students’ level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.
Students will return to their KWL chart and will fill in the Learned section of their chart with what they learned about
the moon.
Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.
Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your
Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.