Derivatives 2
Derivatives 2
Derivatives 2
In this case, the lower wire of the circuit has an earth symbol attached
to remind you that this is meant to be the earth/zeroAll of the
circuits for this course should be soldered onto the boards we
have provided. Do not use the breadboard (the slab of plastic
with lots of holes) on top of the power supply. Although, at this
point, you may regard this as gratuitous cruelty, this is only part
of the reason. Breadboards are expensive, give poor contacts
between components, and are riddled with stray inductances and
capacitances which sometimes produce odd effects. Once you
have learned how to do it, soldering is a quick and easy way to
make dependable connections between electronic components.
The following problems require the use of the limit definition of a derivative,
which is given by
They range in difficulty from easy to somewhat challenging. If you are going to try
these problems before looking at the solutions, you can avoid common mistakes by
making proper use of functional notation and careful use of basic algebra. Keep in
mind that the goal (in most cases) of these types of problems is to be able to divide
out the
term so that the indeterminant form
circumvented and the limit can be calculated.
Click HERE to see a detailed solution to problem 4.
Click HERE to see a detailed solution to problem 7.
Click HERE to see a detailed solution to problem 8.
Show that f is differentiable at x=1, i.e., use the limit definition of the
derivative to compute f'(1) .
Click HERE to see a detailed solution to problem 9.
Show that f is differentiable at x=0, i.e., use the limit definition of the
derivative to compute f'(0) .
Click HERE to see a detailed solution to problem 10.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please e-mail any correspondence to
Duane Kouba by clicking on the following address :
Duane Kouba
Thu Aug 29 15:10:27 PDT 1996
The 741 has two signal inputs called inverting and non-inverting.
It also must be powered using two voltage lines that provide 15V.
For this experiment, build the circuit shown in figure 7. As with earlier
circuits, make your circuit look similar to the one in the photographs.
Click on the picture of a camera if you want to see the photos.
Remember to label your circuit and hand it in with your results. You
should be able to work out which pin to connect to what by
comparing this diagram with those for the 741s package and the
wires shown in the photos. If not sure, ask a demonstrator.
You should find that both the sign and the value of the gain of the
two types of amplifier differ. Say why you think this is the case. (If
unsure, ask a demonstrator.)
Say what change you would make to the circuit you have built if
you wanted to increase the voltage gain of the inverting amplifier
In this case, the lower wire of the circuit has an earth symbol
attached to remind you that this is meant to be the earth/zero-volts
line. In practice you will connect the line to earth via the outer leads
of the co-axial cables used for the signal generator and scope. Use
both scope leads and channels to observe both
same time.
at the
Sketch the output waveform and use the 'scope to estimate the
ringing frequency,
How does
, where
compare with
is a maximum.
for a range of
versus the
values by the
maximum value which occurs at . This means that when the graph
is plotted its peak value will appear to be unity.)
Note the frequencies,
its peak value.
falls to
This value of
indicates the range of frequencies the circuit will
pass though if used as a bandpass filter.
In theory, the resonant frequency of a weakly damped resonant
circuit should be given by
, but
Compare this with the value you get if you use expression 4 and the
values of the components you are using. You may well find that these
results for Q aren't the same!
Part of the reason for this difference is the fact that the inductor also
has a resistance, which you haven't taken into account. The other
resistances (the 100k , and the input resistance of the 'scope) also
have some effect even through they look as if they're outside the
resonant circuit. However, the main problem is one called the skin
effect. This makes a.c. signals tend to prefer to flow in the outer skin
of a conductor. The higher the frequency, the thinner the skin the
current is confined to. In effect, for an a.c. signal you could remove
the metal inside the wire just leaving a hollow tube of metal. As a
result the wire behaves as if it is becoming thinner (and hence more
resistive) as you increase the frequency. This means that the
behaviour of an inductor which contains a long wire thin wire wound
into a coil can be very different to a plain inductance.
Many textbooks will leave you with the impression that you can
calculate Q just from knowing L and R. The above comparison
should serve as a warning that the actual value of the dissipation
, at the resonant frequency. As your circuit is a sort of
potential divider you can expect that
series resistor.
Note for those who know something about a.c. circuit theory. When a circuit
contains inductors or capacitors its impedance,
, is generally complex.
This means that the alternating currents and voltages in it don't always
share the same phase. When using the 'scope to measure
you may have noticed their relative phases as well as sizes changing
when you altered the signal frequency. This means that, strictly speaking, in
the above equation ,
, and
should all be considered as
complex numbers. At resonance, however, the impedance of a circuit
always becomes real i.e. purely resistive so we don't need to worry
about this complication.
If you have a brain the size of a planet, and the manual dexterity of a
concert pianist we can start you immediately on assembling
microcircuits. (In such a case, this lab is not for you!) If, however, you
seem to have the mind of a gerbil and fingers permanently tied in
knots we may be able to help you...
Firstly, remember that practical electronics is a skill. (Just like being
able to drink two pints of Export in fifteen seconds.) Some people
seem to be born with a flair for it, but the rest of us can learn to do it
given patience and practice. If you don't know already know how, you
will need time to learn to solder, how to lay out circuits, how to read
circuit diagrams, etc. The purpose of this course is to give you a
chance to learn these things.
All of the circuits for this course should be soldered onto the boards
we have provided. Do not use the breadboard (the slab of plastic
with lots of holes) on top of the power supply. Although, at this point,
you may regard this as gratuitous cruelty, this is only part of the
reason. Breadboards are expensive, give poor contacts between
components, and are riddled with stray inductances and
capacitances which sometimes produce odd effects. Once you have
learned how to do it, soldering is a quick and easy way to make
dependable connections between electronic components.
When you start a lab afternoon, switch on your soldering iron,
oscilloscope and signal generator. Leave them on until the end of the
afternoon. This ensures that you won't have to keep wasting time
waiting for them to warm up. What's more, most electronic equipment
wears out faster if you keep turning it on and off, so you're helping to
save money on repairs. (O.K., so our electric bill will be higher, but at
least it helps keep the lab warm in the winter!)
The electronics lab works a little differently to the general Physics
one. This is because the experiments are designed to be cumulative
things you discover in early experiments are needed for later
ones. You should therefore stick to the following general rules:
Write your name on the cover of your lab script. The right-hand
pages of the script give you instructions about the experiments.
Use the blank left-hand pages to record you results, write
answers to the questions in the text, etc. At the end of the set
of lab afternoons this script will be collected and marked. No
name, no mark!
Write up your report in the script. Make it clear just what you
have done, what the numbers you are writing down mean, and
what the answers to any questions are. There is no need for
extra bits of paper stuck into the book. If you can't get it all in,
you're writing too much. You don't need to re-write the printed
instructions, but you do need to record enough so a marker
can, six weeks later and without you there to ask, know what
you did and how you got on. There are no marks for stuff we
can't make sense of. Simple sketches of waveforms are
particularly useful when describing what you measured. If you
aren't sure what to include in your write-up, ask us!
No pencil, no scrap paper. It is a bad habit to write preliminary
results in pencil or on scrap paper. Scraps of paper can be lost.
We need to know what you did during the experiment. If you
just write down something like, The resistance I measured was
1k , when the correct answer is, say, 100k we don't know
what mark to give you. Was the error a slip of the calculator, or
did you perform the experiment incorrectly? If you give us your
raw data we can see where you went wrong and give you a
mark. It also gives us some idea of how long the experiment
took you and where the difficulties might be. (...and, yes, you
can use pencil for graphs...)
Write up each section BEFORE going on to the next one. The
course is cumulative. You need to understand earlier sections
and have some of the results before following sections
make sense. i.e. if you don't work things out & write up as you
proceed, you'll end up missing things (mostly marks!)
Attend the lab at the correct times. This gives us a chance to
see how you you are getting on. It also proves you are doing
the work!
Switch your equipment off before you leave. This is a good
safety point. It also stops the batteries in voltmeters, etc, from
flattening overnight.
Always work at the same bench. This is yours for the duration
of the lab session. Although you have to share it with some
other students on other days, so please leave it as tidy as you'd
want them to leave it!
skip a step you will have difficulties later, and make mistakes which
you may not notice.
A common supply of components is kept
for your use. Oh, and when you get a
component out of a drawer or box check
that it is what the label says it is! Some
people (not you, of course) put things
back in the wrong place. Resistors are
colour coded. The code is shown on this
page. If you aren't sure how to read them
(or if you are colour blind) use a DVM or
Avometer to measure their values before
you use them failing that, ask a
Secondly, normal resistors are able to bear power dissipations of 1/4watt, 1/2-watt, or 1 watt. The E12 series looks peculiar at first sight,
but each value is around 20% bigger than the last. This means that,
when you choose the closest E12 value to the resistance you really
want you're never forced to use a resistor which is wrong by more
than about 10%.
Report any malfunctions or missing items to a demonstrator or lab
technician. Yes, equipment and components do fail and need to be
repaired/replaced. Don't worry, it happens to other people, too! Don't
just take things from the next bench.
The Oscilloscope
and decide when a scan should begin. Their details vary from one
'scope to another and the details aren't important. The most
important triggering controls are the one that selects the trigger signal
input and the one marked Auto. Look for an Auto button, or a knob
called something like Level/Auto. Set this to Auto. If this doesn't
work, you may be putting a signal into one input, but making the
trigger circuits look at the other one for their cue! As a result they
can't see anything and don't know what to do. See if you can find any
triggering controls marked Ch. A, Ch. B, Alt, etc. Use them to select
the channel you are using for your sinewave signal.
The trigger controls also include some filters which are meant to help
when you want to examine some types of complex waveform.
Sometimes they are simply marked High or Low or DC. On other
'scopes they may be called something like TV Frame and are
intended to help when the 'scope is used to repair TV's. It doesn't
matter what they are called, play around with them and choose
whichever gives you the best results.
Oscilloscopes tend to have a front stuffed with knobs and buttons &
every 'scope design has its own combination of mysterious-sounding
names for what they do. Don't be put off. Use a sinewave input and
play around with the 'scope controls until you get a clear display. So
far as we know, no combination of settings causes the 'scope to
explode or fly around the room making whooping noises! (No, don't
take that as a challenge!...)
Health Warning! Some 'scope controls can be uncalibrated. For
example, the gain or timebase rate can be smoothly altered. This is
useful if you want, for example, to adjust a displayed wave so it is
exactly 3 cm divisions high. Note, however, that this means that the
volts/div setting can't now be correct. If you want to use the height to
measure a voltage, or use a horizontal length to measure a time
these controls must be set to calibrated. This is usually marked on
the appropriate knob and is at a click-stop position or at one end
of the knob range. Make sure your controls are calibrated, otherwise
your measurements won't mean anything! You have been warned!
Make sure the tip of the iron is wet with solder and press it up
against the lead and the track where they meet. Bring the solder into
contact with this join and hold it there until some melts and wets the
wire and track. Remove the strip of solder, then remove the iron.
Sometimes the solder will fail to wet the metal surfaces correctly and
will have a dull or dirty appearance. They can also look more like a
piece of rough coral instead of a smooth frozen droplet. Joints like
this are sometimes mechanically firm (although usually not) but are
poor or intermittent electrical contacts. They are, therefore, bad
news. Bad joints are generally called dry joints. This is because
they can be caused by not heating the solder enough. It then fails to
reach the correct temperature. Alas, you can also get a bad joint if
you over-heat the solder. Another cause is dirt or old solder on the
leads or iron. Whatever the cause, use the iron to remove the cold
solder, clean the iron and have another go.
Circuit Diagrams
Important Note!
once you have finished using it. However for the later experiments
you must keep and hand in your assembled circuit. Label each circuit
board with your name, your bench number, and the day you are doing
the lab. If you dont hand these labelled circuits in with your book you
will not be able to get any marks for the experiment. You have been
warned! Hand in all the circuits with your book at the end of the series
of lab afternoons.
This section has two purposes. It should help you get used to your
equipment. It also helps you understand the concept of input and
output resistances.
Any piece of equipment which accepts input signals will require both
a voltage and a current to make it work. This is because every signal
must convey some energy/power except the trivial case of the
signal 0 Volts. When you apply an input voltage to, say, an
oscilloscope, it must also draw a small current to make it recognise
that a signal has arrived.
The amount of current required by something to make it respond to a
given voltage depends upon how it has been designed and built. We
don't need to bother about these details, instead we can pretend that
a resistor has been connected between its input terminal and earth,
somewhere inside its box. The better a 'scope or voltmeter is, the
smaller the current it needs to register a given voltage - i.e. the higher
its input resistance. The 'scope will probably have an
AC/DC/Ground switch for each input. You can force the 'scope to
show where 0V is on the screen by setting this to Ground. Then set
it back to DC to use the 'scope - just measure the number of
divisions between where Ground is and the point on the trace whose
voltage you want to measure. For most measurements, these
controls should be left on DC. The AC setting is useful when you
want to watch small variations of a relatively large voltage level, but it
tends to alter the shape of some a.c. waves.
Build the circuit shown in diagram 3 and connect it between the
power supply and 'scope as shown. By adjusting the potentiometer
you can apply any D.C. voltage from 0 to +15V to the scope. Set the
voltage initially to 0 and adjust the vertical position of the trace to sit
on a convenient line.
Measure the input current into the scope for three or four different
input voltages. You can use the 'scope itself to measure the
voltage. Use these values to calculate the 'scope input
What is the significance of the order of magnitude of the 'scope
Important Note!
This section has two purposes. It should help you get used to your
equipment. It also helps you understand the concept of input and
output resistances.
Any piece of equipment which accepts input signals will require both
a voltage and a current to make it work. This is because every signal
must convey some energy/power except the trivial case of the
signal 0 Volts. When you apply an input voltage to, say, an
oscilloscope, it must also draw a small current to make it recognise
that a signal has arrived.
The amount of current required by something to make it respond to a
given voltage depends upon how it has been designed and built. We
don't need to bother about these details, instead we can pretend that
a resistor has been connected between its input terminal and earth,
somewhere inside its box. The better a 'scope or voltmeter is, the
smaller the current it needs to register a given voltage - i.e. the higher
its input resistance. The 'scope will probably have an
AC/DC/Ground switch for each input. You can force the 'scope to
show where 0V is on the screen by setting this to Ground. Then set
it back to DC to use the 'scope - just measure the number of
divisions between where Ground is and the point on the trace whose
voltage you want to measure. For most measurements, these
controls should be left on DC. The AC setting is useful when you
want to watch small variations of a relatively large voltage level, but it
tends to alter the shape of some a.c. waves.
Build the circuit shown in diagram 3 and connect it between the
power supply and 'scope as shown. By adjusting the potentiometer
you can apply any D.C. voltage from 0 to +15V to the scope. Set the
voltage initially to 0 and adjust the vertical position of the trace to sit
on a convenient line.
Measure the input current into the scope for three or four different
input voltages. You can use the 'scope itself to measure the
voltage. Use these values to calculate the 'scope input
What is the significance of the order of magnitude of the 'scope
= 100 mA
= 30 V
= 250 to 800
Connect up the circuit shown in diagram 5 and use it for the following
experiment. For this experiment, just put the transistor on the circuit
board and use the resistors as part of the leads as shown in the
photograph. Once this experiment is complete, you will use the same
transistor and board and add new components to make an amplifier.
Adjust the 1M
the 2.5k
. Use the 1M
, to 2 A. Setting of
pot to increase
pot to set
in 2 A steps, each
set to 10 volts.
varies with
varies with
V and
V curves are
bigger than the input current fluctuation. The larger the value of
the more the transistor can amplify a signal.
(Remember that
can work out
2 mA when
changes with
so you
2 mA.)
, and
are the voltages between each of the
transistor base, collector, and emitter terminals and the ground (zero
volts). They aren't the same thing as
which are the
voltages from base-to-emitter and collector-to-emitter! The diagram
also shows the input and output signal AC voltages,
These aren't equal to
because the 01 F capacitors
block any d.c. connection between these potentials. (If you're puzzled
by all this, ask a demonstrator.)
In order to build a working amplifier you have to choose suitable
values for resistors,
, and
, so we can assume
voltages/currents to give
influence of any input.
5 volts across
, 5 volts across
, and 5 volts between the
collector and emitter. This means that the amplifier should have,
V, and
The 741 has two signal inputs called inverting and non-inverting.
It also must be powered using two voltage lines that provide 15V.
For this experiment, build the circuit shown in figure 7. As with earlier
circuits, make your circuit look similar to the one in the photographs.
Click on the picture of a camera if you want to see the photos.
Remember to label your circuit and hand it in with your results. You
should be able to work out which pin to connect to what by
comparing this diagram with those for the 741s package and the
wires shown in the photos. If not sure, ask a demonstrator.
You should find that both the sign and the value of the gain of the
two types of amplifier differ. Say why you think this is the case. (If
unsure, ask a demonstrator.)
Say what change you would make to the circuit you have built if
you wanted to increase the voltage gain of the inverting amplifier