(Insert Title) Knowledge Management Strategy

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{Insert Title}

Knowledge Management Strategy

Insert the names of people who supported the development on this KM strategy.

Acronyms List
Include an acronym list for all abbreviations within the strategy
Executive Summary
Develop an executive summary that captures all aspects of the summary in less than one page.

1. Introduction and Background
A. Vision and Mission of {Organization Name}

B. Background and foundation for this strategy

C. What is Knowledge Management for {insert Organization}

D. {Organization} defines knowledge management as:

Insert your collaboratively defined definition of KM
E. How does KM support the {Organization Name} Strategic Plan?

F. What KM systems and products are already in place?

Systems and products can be human resources as well as communication
channels, IT infrastructure and process systems.

G. {Organization Name} knowledge capture and sharing challenges

2. Vision, Goal and Objectives of the Strategy:

A. {Organization Name} KM Vision

B. KM Strategy Goal

C. Strategic Objectives and Strategic Areas of Focus

3. Guiding principles for KM with {Organization Name}

A. Rationale for knowledge management at {Organization Name}

B. Relevant theoretical frameworks

C. Timeframe of KM strategy
Include broad timeline for the KM strategy

D. Stakeholders and audiences

Define audiences and stakeholders

4. Strategic Areas of Focus for KM Activities
A. Overview
B. Objective 1:

a. Strategy 1.1: This is how will you achieve your objective.

b. Strategy 1.2:

C. Objective 2:
a. Strategy 2.1:

b. Strategy 2.2:

5. Budget and Implementation Plan

6. Monitoring and evaluating Plan

7. Launch Plan

When and how will you bring relevant stakeholders together to launch the strategy and/or have
the strategy approved.

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