1409 Reinholds1 PDF
1409 Reinholds1 PDF
1409 Reinholds1 PDF
Amy Reinholds (amy_reinholds@us.ibm.com)
Content Editor
29 July 2015
(First published 25 September 2014)
Here are my top 10 editor's picks of IBM Business Process Manager content published
on developerWorks. I selected content that helps you through the planning, configuration,
development, and deployment phases of your business process applications, guiding you as
you use recent versions of the product. I updated this list in July 2015 to include some of the
best tutorials published in the past year.
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when to test in the IBM BPM project lifecycle. Part 2 describes details of various testing that
should be included in IBM BPM project tests and specific information for environments. Part 3
discusses good testing practices, automation, and testing tools for working with IBM BPM.
Disaster recovery guidance for IBM Business Process Manager: An updated approach for
IBM BPM V8.x, by Chris Richardson and Eric Herness
Over the past several years, IBM BPM features have been developed and verified to enable
cross-site replication and recovery, achieving very sophisticated disaster-recovery objectives.
Learn about the core principles that guide an infrastructure architect to design a successful
disaster-recovery strategy.
Applying DevOps concepts to your IBM Business Process Manager project, by Bob Tarne
DevOps, a software methodology that integrates application development and IT operations,
continues to gain momentum in IT shops. But there is still a gap in many organizations
between talking about DevOps and implementing it effectively. This tutorial provides a brief
overview of DevOps and looks at how DevOps concepts can be realized on an IBM Business
Process Management project.
Evaluating BPM applications: BPM design reviews and Rubik's Cubes, by Scott Simmons
In this column, Scott Simmons focuses on the objectives of performing business process
management design reviews, the key preparation steps for an effective review, and an
overview of the key dimensions to assess as part of an IBM BPM solution. He introduces
the basic covenants for conducting a business process management design review and
offer some suggestions on where clients should focus in the process. In addition, he takes a
look at the IBM BPM playback methodology, because he believes that the convergence of a
design review strategy with IBM's playback approach is key to developing optimized IBM BPM
solutions. So how does all this relate to Rubik's Cubes? Read on and find out!
Best practices when using IBM Integration Designer and IBM Process Designer together, by
Grant D. Taylor and Izzet Safer
Explore some fundamental best practices when you use IBM Integration Designer, IBM
Process Designer, and IBM Process Center together to create applications.
Using the BPMConfig utility to build and manage deployment environments in IBM Business
Process Manager, by Gregor Schikorski
The BPMConfig command-line utility, introduced in IBM BPM V8.5, can simplify and
streamline configuration tasks. This tutorial demonstrates how BPMConfig can generate
BPM profiles, database scripts, and tables to create, validate, and manage entire deployment
Using coaches to localize and internationalize your application in IBM Business Process
Manager, by Salvador Edn Caballero Villegas
Learn about an approach to create dynamically localized coaches in IBM BPM V8.0.1 and
8.5. This tutorial provides instructions to internationalize your application.
Automating your business process application test cases using Java in IBM Business Process
Manager, by Jorge Rafael Nogueras and Ricardo Olivieri
Using the REST API provided by IBM BPM, you can start the execution of a business process
and drive it all the way to completion. In this tutorial, you use the REST API and the Java
REST client API asset to write automated test cases in Java with JUnit and DBUnit.
Purging data in IBM Business Process Manager, by Dave Spriet and Phil Coulthard
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IBM BPM is a stateful product that accumulates data over time. As with any stateful
product, it's essential to its ongoing health to have a strategy for purging some of that state
occasionally. This tutorial explores the areas of IBM BPM where data is collected and the
methods that exist today to purge that data.
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