Ctorarde: Armament Research Development Establishment

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By Registered AD

Armament Research & Development Establishment

Tel: 91-20-25865272
Fax: 91-20-25865180 I 25865102
Email : mmd@arde.drdo.in, mmdarde@vsnl.net

Government oflndia, Ministry of Defence

Defence Research & Development Organisation
Dr Homi Bhabha Road
Armament Post, Pashan
Pune- 411021
DRDO MM:11.1
Page 1/1


Tender Enquiry No.: ARDEI15FCT0521CMS-I Date: 22-Sep-2014

Opening & Due Date : 09-0ct-2014



Rutuja Engineering Works






Chandan Industries








Dear Sirs,
1. Quotation in Indian Rupees is invited for fabrication & supply of the under mentioned stores by Director ARDE,
as per the general terms & conditions enclosed at Annexure - I


Description & Nature of Supplies I Services

Unit of

Severance Firing Fixture (Static) to Drawing No. 1305 00 05 00 00 000 OOFA


Fin Assembly Fixture to Drawing No 1305 00 06 00 00 000 OOF A


t<use Assembly tHar<tware) to urawmg no.uu:> uu UlS uu uu uuu UUXA



2. Desired Delivery Period I Contract Period up to: 2 Months from placement of Order I Contract
3. The quotation should be neatly typed on the letterhead of the firm mentioning the VAT I prevailing Inter State Sales Tax
(without Form D), Service Tax Registration Numbers, the rates, total cost and all the taxes I duties applicable for the above
items duly signed and stamped by the authorised signatory.
4. Firms are requested to quote their best price straight away as only the lowest technically acceptable offer will be
5. The Quotation should be valid for a minimum period of90 days from the date of Tender Opening
6. The Commercial Terms Statement as per Annexure - II should be duly filled and enclosed with Techno-Commercial Bid
and Price Bid I Quotation (Non receipt I Incomplete Details will lead to rejection of Tender)
7. EMD ofRs. 13,647.20 to be submitted. Refer Clause No.8 of Terms and Conditions attached.
!)Material will not be supplied by ARDE.
2)Package should be done properly before delivery.
3)lnspection will be carried out by ARDE as per.enclosed Drg & QAP.
4)Encl-scope ofwork.5)order will be placed on single vendor for all the item.
MMG Control No : 15M0893


~... l~ours sincerely,


For & on behalf of the President of India

Technical Officer 'B'

Armament Research & Development Establishment

General Terms and Conditions (Single Bid)
,ender Enquiry No.: ARDE/15FCT052/CMS-I dated 22-SEP-2014


I Annexure - I (Page 1 of 4

General Terms and Conditions

1. Preparation of Tender:
(i) The complete tender form should be returned intact whether you are quoting for any item or not. Pages should not be detached
but when items are not being tendered for, the corresponding space should be defaced by mentioning 'Not Quoting'.
(ii) In the event of space on the tender form being insufficient for the required purpose, additional pages may be added. Each such
additional page must be numbered consecutively, should bear the tender reference number and be fully signed by you (the
supplier). In such cases reference to the additional pages must be made in the tender form
(iii) If any modification of the tender form is considered necessary, you (supplier) should communicate the same by means of a
separate letter sent with the tender.
2. Signing of Tender:
(a) The tender is liable to be ignored if complete information is not given therein regarding the particulars, data, specifications askec
for. Specific attention must be paid to the delivery dates, technical specification, and also the general conditions of contract.
(b) Individual signing the tender or other documents connected with a contract must specify whether he signs as:
(i) A 'sole proprietor' of the firm or constituted attorney of such sole proprietor.
(ii) A partner of the firm if it be a partnership, in which case he must have authority to refer to arbitration disputes concerning the
business of the partnership either by virtue of the partnership agreement or a power of attorney.
(iii) Constituted attorney of the firm if it is a Company.

a. In case of (ii) above a copy of the partnership agreement or a general power of attorney and in either case attested by a Notary
Public, should be furnished to this office, or an affidavit on stamped paper of all the partners admitting execution of the
partnership agreement or the general power of attorney, should be furnished.
,... b. In case of partnership firms, where no authority to refer disputes concerning the business of the partnership has been conferred
on any partner, every partner of the firm must sign the tender and all other related documents.
c. A person signing the tender form or any documents forming part of the contract on behalf of another shall be deemed to warrant)
that he has authority to bind such other and if, on inquiry, it appears that the persons so signing had no authority to do so, the
purchaser may, without prejudice to other civil and criminal remedies cancel the contract and hold the signatory liable for all costE
and damages.
d. The tenderer should sign & affix office stamp on each page of the tender form and annexures, if any.
3. Delivery of Tender: Quotation must be sent by Regd AD post as given in Page 1 of our invitation for tender/quotation or to be
dropped in the tender box kept at Security Gate of ARDE, Pune. Tender documents must be placed in envelopes securel)
fastened, sealed and distinctly marked 'TENDER FOR SUPPLY' and addressed only to Director, ARDE, Pune-411021. Tende
enquiry number and due date must be marked boldly on the envelope. The envelope should bear address of this office, tende
enquiry no, due date and time. Right is reserved to ignore any tender who fails to comply with the above instructions
Quotations received late or improperly sealed or with incomplete marking or with unattested overwriting/corrections in the
quotation documents are liable to be rejected.
4. Latest Hour for Receipt of Tender: Tender/Quotation must reach this office not later than 1400 hours on the due date of thE
tender. Tenders sent by hand should be put in the Tender Box at the Security Gate of this office not later than 1400 hours on thE
due date unless otherwise mentioned.

5. Period for which the offer will remain open:

(i) Firms tendering should note the period for which it is desired that their offers should remain open for acceptance. If the day up tc
which the offer is to remain open being declared closed holiday for Govt. offices, the offer shall remain open for acceptance til
the next working day
(ii) Quotations qualified by such vague and indefinite expressions such as 'Subject to immediate acceptance'; 'Subject to prio
sale'will not be considered.
6. Opening of Tenders: The firm shall be at liberty to be present or authorise a representative to be present at the opening of thE
tender at the time and date as specified in the schedule. The name and address of the representative who would be attendin~
the opening of the tender on behalf of the firm should be indicated in the tender. Please also state the name and address of firm'!
permanent representative, if any.
7. Right of Acceptance: This office does not pledge itself and reserves to itself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the
tender or portion of the quantity offered and the firm shall supply the same at the rate quoted. The firm shall be at liberty to tende
for the whole or any portion or to state in the tender that the rate quoted shall apply only if the entire quantity is taken from the
8. Earnest Money Deposit : The tenderer has to deposit Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of the amount specified in the form of
Demand Draft in favour of "Director, ARDE" and payable at Pune. This Demand Draft is to be attached to QUOTATION.
However, Firms Registered only with any DRDO Labs/Estt or DGS&D I any Other Govt. Dept. are exempted from payment of
EMD. Firms claiming exemption form EMD on the basis of above mentioned registration, are to enclose a copy of valid
registration letter. EMD is applicable for Indian vendors only. Quotations not accompanied by EMD, wherever applicable, will be

Armament Research & Development Establishment


General Terms and Conditions (Single Bid)

Tender Enquiry No.: ARDE/15FCT052/CMS-1 dated 22-SEP-2014



Annexure -I (Page 2 of 4,

Communication of Acceptance: Acceptance of tender by the purchaser will be communicated by a fax/speed post through a
formal letter of 'Acceptance of Tender'.
Items supplied are subject to inspection and acceptance and the supplier should collect/ replace the rejected items at his cost
and risk.
Delayed supplies: In case of delayed supplies, liquidated damages at the rate of 0.5 percent per week of delay with a maximum
of 5 percent will be levied.
Validity of Offer: 90 days from the date of opening.
Option Clause: The contract will have an option clause wherein the Buyer can exercise an option to procure an additional 50%
of the original contracted quantity in accordance with the same terms and condition of the present contract. This will be applicable
within the currency of the contract. Bidder is to confirm the acceptance of the same for inclusion in the contract. It will be entirely
the discretions of The Director ARDE to exercise this option clause or not.
Repeat Order Clause: The contract will have a repeat order clause wherein the Buyer can order upto 50% quantity of the items
under the present contract within six months from the date of supply and accepted by Director ARDE, the cost, terms and
condition remaining same. The bidder is to confirm acceptance of the clause. It will be entirely the discretion of Buyer to place the
repeat order or not.
In case option clause has been opted, Repeat Order will not be applicable.

16. Registration: Registration is mandatory. If the tendering firm is not registered with this Lab/Estt. or any other DRDO Lab/Estt,
they are required to seek registration. For details please write to Director, ARDE, Pune. Vendors must complete registration
formalities to become eligible for placing supply orders and future enquiries.
17. Registration number allotted by this laboratory or any other DRDO Lab/Estt or with another Govt. Deptt., if any to be mentioned
on the quotation and proof of registration must be enclosed.
18. No correspondence/discussions/visits whatsoever will be entertained on the subject unless specifically called by this office aft~
opening the tenders I otherwise specified in the tender enquiry for technical discussions/ price negotiations. Any violation oft~
will render the quotations invalid and the firm is liable to be blacklisted.
19. Director reserves the right to call for techno-commercial/price negotiations. The company should depute competent
representative for such discussion/negotiations whenever called for and he shall be competent to take on the spot decisions.
20. Director reserves the rights to place order for full quantity or part thereof as considered necessary.
21. Drawings/specifications sent along with this letter should be returned along with the firms quotation or regret letter.
22. SECURITY: Any information/material/document supplied in connection with this enquiry /likely order is classified and shall not be
disclosed I copied to jeopardise security of state.
23. Please inform the Director in writing whether the owner of the firm or any of their partners/employees has close relations working
with any DRDO Lab/Estt. This is for record only.
24. Office stamps of tenderers must be affixed below their signatures.
25. Give brief description of item/equipment/material with accessories. Items offered should conform to BIS (lSI) specifications or as
explicitly stated. In case specifications offered are different, separate comparative technical specifications sheet shall be attached
with details such as Sl. No., specifications offered, deviations if any, and remarks. Any product brief, test certificates available
may be enclosed.
26. List of spares, if applicable should be attached.
27. Any optional, if offered, be provided with their full technical details including their use and advantage.
28. Adhering to the format given below is a Pre-requisite for considering your quotations: The price bid may be neatly typed on th~
letter head of the firm mentioning the Registration Numbers without any correction/overwriting and duly signed and stamped ~
the authorised signatory
Sl. No. Description of Stores
Qty Offered
Unit Price
Total Cost


Brief description & basic price without duties if any, of complete equipment I item I material with all required
accessories/spares/optional items.
Customs duty, if any


Excise duty, if any


Sales taxNAT, if any


Service Tax, if any



Installation and commissioning cost, if any


Training cost, if any

(viii) Any other charges/duties applicable, if any


Total cost (in figures & words)


Local Body Tax (LBT) Exemption Certificate will be issued on request only.

Armament Research & Development Establishment


General Terms and Conditions (Single Bid)

~ender Enquiry No.: ARDE/15FCT052/CMS-1 dated 22-SEP-2014

1 Annexure - I (Page 3 of 4

29. No unilateral revision in price will be admissible

30. Rates should only be quoted in the accounting units (AIU) mentioned in this enquiry. Rates must be quoted clearly on free
delivery basis at ARDE, Pune and total value is also indicated in words.
31. In case any of the subheads are included in the total cost, the same should be specified. Any exemption of duties/taxes required
should be indicated.
32. In case any additional optional items I spares/accessories are applicable, their list and price should be dearly indicated
33. Price:
(i) The prices quoted must be net rate per unit shown in the schedule and must include all packing and delivery charges. Prices
must be clearly shown in figures and words in Indian currency only.
(ii) The price must be quoted for each item separately. The percentage of reduction, in the total price for the entire demand should
also be quoted; should an order to that extent be placed with you.
(iii) Excise duty or any other extra charges applicable at the time of opening, must be specifically stated. In the absence of any such
stipulation, it will be presumed that the prices include all such duties I charges and no claim for the same will be entertained later.
(iv) The basic price quoted in the tenders should be exclusive of any taxes. Applicable taxes with percentage should be specifically
mentioned in the quotation
34. Packing: The store should be suitably packed and delivered to avoid transit damage.
35. Payment Terms:
?""(a) The normal payment terms are 90% within 30 days after receipt, acceptance and satisfactory installation/commissioning of
stores/equipment in good condition or the date of receipt of the bill whichever is later. The balance 10% payment will be released
after warranty/guarantee period, wherever applicable. This can also be released on furnishing a bank guarantee for equivalent
amount valid for the duration of such warranty/guarantee, wherever applicable. Wherever warranty is not applicable, 100%
payment will be made instead of 90% as above
(b) Pro-rata payment can be considered on discretion of Director ARDE.
36. Warranty/Guarantee : Indicate warranty/ guarantee duration offered.
37. Delivery desired is within the period mentioned in Page 1 of our tender enquiry. Specify your delivery period.
38. Custom Duty: This Organisation is exempted from payment of customs duty under notification No. 39/96. Custom Duty
component is to be quoted clearly in the price bid if CDEC is required.
39. Excise Duty: This Organisation is exempted from payment of excise duty under notification No. 10/97. Excise duty, wherever
applicable, must be specified.
40. Local Body Tax (LBT): LBT Exemption Certificate will be issued on request only. Basic price should not include LBT.
41. Delivery: Free delivery at ARDE, Pune.
42. Mode of despatch: Rail/Road/Air/Sea
,:;;.;. 43. In case equipment offered requires maintenance after the expiry of the warranty, please indicate approximate cost of
comprehensive and on call basis maintenance and also availability of local support or otherwise.
44. Security Deposit: The Contractor is liable to submit the Security Deposit of appropriate value (upto 10% of value of the
contract/order); in the event of acceptance of this tender, if applicable. This Security Deposit will be returned back after
satisfactory completion of the contract/supply order. Failure to execute the contract I supply order within the delivery period may
lead to the forfeiture of Security Deposit.

45. Income Tax: Income Tax will be deducted at source as per applicable rates. If your organisation is exempted, exemption
certificate should be submitted with every bill.
46. Intellectual Property Rights: Intellectual property rights of the item/stores/equipment developed shall rest with the ARDE, or as
stated otherwise
47. Access to Book of Accounts: In case it is found to the satisfaction of the Buyer that the Seller has engaged an Agent or paid
commission or influenced any person to obtain the contract as described in clauses relating to Agents I Agency Commission and
penalty for use of undue influence, the Seller, on a specific request of the Buyer, shall provide necessary information I inspection
of the relevant financial documents I information.

Armament Research & Development Establishment


General Terms and Conditions (Single Bid)

Tender Enquiry No.: ARDE/15FCT052/CMS-1 dated 22-5EP-2014

Annexure -I (Page 4 of"

48. Penalty for use of undue influence : The Seller undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly o
indirectly any gift, consideration, reward, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any person in service of the Buyer o
otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining o
execution of the Contract or any other Contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to an~
person in relation to the contract or any other Contract with the Government Any breach of the aforesaid undertaking by the
Seller or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Seller) or the
commission of any offence by the Seller or anyone employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter IX of the
Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 or any other Act enacted for the prevention of corruption shal
entitle the Buyer to cancel the Contract and all or any other contracts with Seller and recover from the Seller the amount of an~
loss arising from such cancellation A decision of the Buyer or his nominee to the effect that a breach of the undertaking has been
committed shall be final and binding on the Seller.
Giving or offering any gift, bribe or inducement or any attempt to any such act on behalf of the Seller towards am
officer/employee of the Buyer or to any other person in a position to influence the decision of the Buyer, directly or indirectly o
any attempt to influence any officer/employee of the Buyer for showing any favour in relation to this or any other contract, shal
render the Seller to such liability I penalty as the Buyer may deem proper, including but not limited to termination of the contract
imposition of penal damages, forfeiture of the Bank Guarantee and refund of the amounts paid by the Buyer
49. Agents I Agency Commission : The Seller confirms and declares to the Buyer that the Seller is the original manufacturer of the
stores I provider of the services referred to in this Contract and has not engaged any individual or firm, whether Indian or foreign
whatsoever, to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to the Government of India or any of its functionaries, whether
officially or unofficially, to the award of the contract to the Seller; nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid
to any such individual or firm in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation. The Seller agrees that if it is
established at any time to the satisfaction of the Buyer that the present declaration is in any way incorrect of if it at a later stage it
is discovered by the Buyer that the Seller has engaged any such individual/ firm and paid or intended to pay any amount, gift,~
reward, fees, commission or consideration to such person, party, firm or institution, whether before or after the signing of this \
contract, the Seller will be liable to refund that amount to the Buyer. The Seller will also be debarred from entering into any suppl)
Contract with the Government of India for a minimum period of 5 years. The Buyer will also have a right to consider cancellation
of the Contract either wholly or in part, without any entitlement or compensation to the Seller who shall in such an event be liable
to refund all payments made by the Buyer in terms of the Contract along with interest at the rate of 2% per annum above UBOR
rate. The Buyer will also have the right to recover any such amount from any contracts concluded earlier with the Government of
51. Contract I Order to be placed on should be clearly mentioned in the quotation. If order is to be placed on other address,
documentary proof certifying alternate address should be submitted. Orders I Tenders are non-transferrable
52. Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) may have to be signed by the vendor.


(Sig~~~lssuing Authority


For and On Behalf of the President of lnd~

Annexure -II
Page 1 of 1

Armament Research & Development Establishment ,Pune-411021.


Tender Opening Date: 09-0CT-2014
Tender Enqui!Y No & Date: ARDE/15FCT052/CMS-1 dated 22-SEP-2014
Terms Accepted I Offered by Fire
Terms & Conditions
ARDE General Commercial Terms
(To be filled by the firm)

pelivery Schedule

!As mentioned in Tender Enquiry



Advance Samples if any

!As mentioned in Tender Enquiry



Bulk I final supp

!As mentioned in Tender Enquiry

Packing & Forwarding charges, Freight

charges and Transit Insurance

nstallation/Commissioning, if required


rrraining, if required
Guarantee/Warranty Period, if applicable

Post Warranty AMC, if any

jCustom Duty Percentage applicable and

equirement of Custom Duty Exemption
!Certificate (CDEC).

!Excise Duty Percentage applicable and

equirement of Excise Duty Exemption
Certificate (EDEC)
Percentage of Sales Tax I VAT





P&F, Freight and Insurance charges are not

paid extra and may be included in the price
if applicable.
Prices are to be quoted F.O.R. ARDE with
ifree deliverv & installation at ARDE.
Free Installation/Commissioning is to be
done by the firm at ARDE.
Free Training at ARDE to be provided by the
lfirm if required
Guarantee/Warranty to be provided as
mentioned in Specifications I General Terms
ItAnnexure - I) enclosed
Confirmation to provide Post Warranty AMC
(Cost or Post Warranty AMC to be quoted in
Price bid if applicable)
Percentage of Custom Duty applicable to be Customs Duty Percentage:
specified even if CDEC is to be issued by
CDEC Required : YES I NO.
!ARDE(under Customs notification No.
39/96, wherever applicable).
Excise Duty Percentage:
EDEC will be issued as per Excise
EDEC Required : YES I NO
Notification No. 10/97.

Percentage of VAT applicable to be

Percentage of Service tax I Works Contract !Applicable Tax and its Percentage to be
Tax, if applicable

Sales Tax I VAT Percentage:

Octroi/Entry Tax/Local Body Tax (LBT)

LBTEC Required : YES I NO

Local Body Tax Exemption Certificate

(LBTEC) will be issued.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) if specified in EMD in the form of Crossed Demand Draft
he tender form.(Acceptable only in the form of o be submitted for the amount mentioned in
he Tender Form.
Payment terms:

loo/t p~.,-,&4- vJl'~n

3o ~ Oft-e.. otelive J

!Security Deposit: (Applicable for all firms

Security Depo~it upto 10% of contract/order
rrespective of their registration with NSCI, SSI, value to be submitted by the firm before
issue of contract/order.
!Central & State Sales Tax registration Numbers: Income Tax PAN No :
copies of ST registration & IT certificates to be enclosed)
ARDE/DRDO Registration No & Validity Date:
copy of the Registraton Certificates to be enclosed)
Name & Address of the firm:

Signature & Name of the Authorised

~ignatory with Stamp of the firm:

Service Tax Percentage :

EMD Amount:
DO No. & Date:
Bank Name:

Demand No: 15MBM153 dated 22/08/2014


Scope of work under the Demand

1. ARDE intends to get the various components and assembly as per QAP and drawing
appended to the demand No: 15MBM153 dated 22/08/2014
2. The Vendor to study the each and every drawing along with material testing required as per
procedure mention in Quality Assurance Plan(QAP).
3. The Details of QAP for each Item is as mentioned below.




Severance Firing Fixture (Static) to Drawing No. 1305

00 05 00 00 000 OOFA
Fin Assembly Fixture to Drawing No
1305 00 06 00 00 000 OOFA
Fuse Assembly (Hardware) to Drawing no.
1305 00 08 00 00 000 OOXA


4. Quality Assurance Plan(QAP) for each assembly and components mentions about the
gauges and inspection method for dimensional inspection, vendor should be able to provide
necessary gauges /instruments as required.
5. Vendor should inform ARDE about the schedule/timeline for completion of this activity within
the PDC of Demand.
6. OAP for each of the items gives an ~laborate mention of all the technical details and methods
to be established for fabrication of the components. In case of queries, if any , vendor is free to
contact concern group through MMD(ARDE) for technical query only.
7. Packaging of all items should be done properly, for Smaller components air tight container
should be used for Packaging.

, ..




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TO 'C'




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R.D. Misal
Sc 'G'

Place: Pune
Date : Aug 2014


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