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(CODE HEAD 1/845/30).





No 436314 /P-43
Directorate of Procurement (Air)
Air Headquarters, Nur Khan,
Chaklala Rawalpindi
Tel: +92-51-9281363
Fax: +92+51-9271499
Dated: 15-10-2018

M/s File Copy

Invitation to Tender and General Instructions

Dear Sir,
1. I invite you to tender for the supply of stores/ development/ repair/ overhaul/ training/ documents as
per details indicated in the attached Schedule to Tender (Form DP-2).
2. Conditions Governing Contracts. This IT mean the agreement entered into between the parties i.e.
the "Purchaser" and the „Seller‟ on Directorate General Defence purchase (DGDP) contract Form “DP-19” in
accordance with the law of contract Act, 1872 and those contained in DPP&I-35 (Revised 2017) and other
special conditions that may be added to given contract for the supply of Defence Stores specified herein.
3. Delivery of Tender. The offer is to be submitted in duplicate as under:-

a. Technical Offer. Should contain all relevant specifications in duplicate in an envelope and
clearly marked “Technical Offer” without prices, tender number and date of opening. Both the
“envelopes” of commercial and technical offers should be enclosed in one cover, properly
sealed and bear the address of this office without any indication that there is tender within.
Technical offer will be opened half an hour after the date and time for receipt of tender
mentioned in DP-2.

b. Commercial Offer
i. The offer will be in single and indicate prices quoted in figures as well in words along
with essential literature/ brochure. It should be clearly marked in fact on the envelope
“Commercial Offer”, tender number and date of opening. Commercial offer of only
those firms will be opened, whose technical offers are accepted by technical
authorities. Date of opening of commercial offer would be intimated after receipt of
technical scrutiny report from technical authorities. Commercial offer of technically
rejected forms will be returned to the firms un-opened.
ii. If the equipment/ system is quoted, the price of all major and optional components to
be quoted separately. Conversion rate of FE/CL components will be considered w.e.f
opening of commercial offer.
c. The tender duly sealed will be addressed to the following:
(Name of Officer receiving the tender) (Appointment/ designation of above officer) i.e
Directorate of Procurement (Air)
Air Headquarters, Nur Khan (Chaklala)
Rawalpindi. Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-9281363
Fax: +92-51-9271499

Special Instructions: Tender documents and its conditions may please be read point by point and
understood properly before quoting. All tender conditions should be responded clearly. In case of any
deviation due to non-acceptance of tender conditions(s), the same should be highlighted along with your
changed offer/ conditions outlined by Purchaser in this IT.

4. Date and Time for Receipt of Tender. Your tender must reach this office by the date and time
specified in the Schedule to Tender (Form DP-2) attached. This Directorate will not accept any excuse of delay
occurring in post. Tenders received after the appointed/ fixed time will NOT be entertained. The appointed time
will, however, fall on next working day in case of closed/forced holiday.

5. Validity of Offer
a. The validity period of quotations must be indicated and should invariably be 120 days from the
date of opening of commercial offer or 30 June which ever is earlier.
b. The quoting firm will certify that in case of an additional requirement of the contract items(s) in
any qty(s) within a period of 12 months from the date of signing the contract, these will also be
supplied (at the on going contract rates) with discount.
6. Part Bid. You may quote for the whole or any portion, or to state in the tender that the rate quoted,
shall apply only if the entire quantity is taken from you. The Director Procurement reserves the right of
accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered, and you shall supply these at
the rate quoted.

Note This condition would be used very rarely except ration items.

7. Return of IT/ With-drawl of Offer

a. In case you are Not quoting, please return the tender inquiry starting the reason of NOT
quoting. In case of failure to return the ITs either quoted or not quoted consecutively on three
occasions, this Directorate, in the interest of economy, will consider the exclusion of your
firm‟s name from our future distribution list of invitation to tender.

b. If the firm withdraws it offer within validity period the competent authority may place such firm
under embargo for a period, which may be extended up to one year.

8. Photocopies of documents. Following information/ copy of documents must be provided/ attached

with offer:-

a. A copy of letter showing firm‟s financial capability.

b. Registration/ renewal letter/ indexation/ additional indexation letter as applicable.
c. Income tax No to be mentioned on the offer and copy of registration certificate issued by sales
tax department.
d. Foreign seller has to provide its registration Number issued by respective Department of
Commerce authorizing export of subject stores.
e. Principal/ Agency Agreement. (In case of FOB contracts)

9. Disqualification. Offers are liable to be rejected if:-

a. Taxes and duties, freight/ transportation and insurance charges NOT indicated separately.
b. There is any deviation from the General/ Special/ Technical Instructions.
c. Offers are found conditional or incomplete in any respect.
d. Treasury Challan is NOT attached with the offer.
e. Form DP-3 duly signed, is NOT received with the offers.
f. Multiple rates are quoted against one items.
g. Manufacture‟s relevant original brochures and technical details on major equipment
assemblies are not attached in support of specification.
h. Received later than appointed/ fixed date and time.
j. Subject to restriction of export license.
k. If the validity of the agency agreement is expired.
l. The commercial offer against FOB/ CIF/ C&F tender quoted in local currency and vise versa.
m. Principals invoice in duplicate clearly indicating whether prices, quoted are inclusive or
exclusive of the agent commission is not enclosed.
n. Earnest money not provided where applicable.
o. If validity of offer is not quoted as required on IT or made subject to confirmation later.
p. Offer made through Fax/ E-mail/ Cable/ Telex.
q. If your offer is found to be based on cartel action in connivance with other sources/
participants of the tender.
r. Un-called offer/ quotations will be rejected.
10. Earnest Money/ Tender Bond:- Your tender must be accompanied by a Bank Draft in favour of
CMA (DP), Rawalpindi for the following amount:-
a. Registered/Indexed Firms: Earnest money is not required, the firms those are
registered/indexed with DGDP for the tendered store..
b. Registered but Un-indexed Firms: 3% of the quoted value subject to maximum ceiling of
Rs 0.750 Million.
c. Un-registered/ Un-indexed Firms: 5% of the quoted value subject to maximum ceiling of
Rs 1.000 Million.
In case of firm wins a contract on EM, it will deposit following documents for
provisional Regn before the award of contracts:-

S. No Local Supplier Foreign Supplier

i) Three filled copies of SVA-8121 of Three filled copies of SVA-8121-D of each member of
each member of management management
ii) Three filled copies of SVA-8121-A Three filled copies of SVA-8121
iii) Three photocopies of NIC for each Three photocopy of Resident Card or equivalent
member of management identification Card for each member of management
iv) Three PP size photographs for each Thee PP size photographs for each member of
member of management management
v) Challan Form (*) Challan Form (*)
vi) Bank Statement for last one year Financial standing/audit balance sheet
vii) Photocopy of NTN Photocopy of passport
viii) Foreign Principal Agency Agreement Agency Agreement in case of Trading
in case of local agent House/Company/Exporter/Stockiest etc.

d. Return of Earnest Money

(1) Earnest money to the unsuccessful bidders will be returned on finalization of the
(2) Earnest money of the firm/ firms with whom contract is concluded will be returned on
submission of Bank Guarantee stipulated in the contract.

11. Treasury Challan

a. Offers must be accompanied with a challan form of Rs. 200/- (obtainable from Stare Bank of
Pakistan/ Government Treasury) and debit able to Major Head C02501-20, Main Head 12,
Sub Head 'A' Miscellaneous (Code Head 1/845/30). Each offer will be covered by one
b. In case of un-registered firms, whether they have applied for registration or not, will pay tender
inquiry fee (Challan Form) at following rates:-

(1) Bid for value upto. Rs 2, 50,000/- Rs 1,000/-

(2) Bid for value from Rs. 2, 50,000/- to Rs 50, 00,000/- Rs 1,500/-

(3) Bid for value above Rs 50, 00,000/- Rs 2,000/-

Note:- Offer of Un Registered firms will be considered with 5% EM {Subject to approval of DP (Air)}.
12. Rights Reserved. Respective procurement agency reserves full rights to accept or reject any or all
offers including the lowest, after assigning grounds for its rejection and upon request, the grounds of rejection
shall be communicated to supplier / contractor, who submit the offer

13. Application of Official Secret Acts. All the matters connected with this enquiry and subsequent
actions arising there from come within the scope of the Official Secret Act 1923. You are, therefore, requested
to ensure complete secrecy regarding documents and stores concerned with the enquiry and to limit the
number of your employees having access to this information.
14. FORM DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires. Form DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires duly filled in are to
be returned with the offer duly signed by the authorized signatory/ person.

15. Copy of DPP&I-35 Revised 2017. Copies of DPP&I-35 revised 2017 are available with Registration
Section DGDP and the same be obtained by the Supplier on payment at the rate of Rs 250/- each.

16. Acknowledgement. If applicable, firms will send acknowledgement slips within 07 days form the
date of receipt of IT. In case IT is not received by a registered firm within 10 days IT published in the Bulletin,
the firm must ask for it from ADP-43 DP(Air) in writing with intimation to Registration Section (DGDP).
17. Appeal against rejection of Bid. Bidder aggrieved by technical rejection of their offers may forward
their appeal to Grievance Redressed Committee constituted at DP (Air). All such appeals be forwarded in
writing within 15 days of technical rejection. Complaints received after 15 days would not be entertained.

18. Tender Opening: Technical offer shall be opened at least thirty minutes after the deadline for
submission of bids on same day. Commercial offers will be opened at later stage if Technical Offers is found
acceptable on examination by technical authorities of Service HQ. Date and time for opening of Commercial
offer shall be intimated later. Only legitimate / registered representatives of firm will be allowed to attend the
tender opening.
19. Reservations/Preference:- Supplier/contractors intending to avail any reservations for
preferences like Price Preference, First Right of refusal, Intellectual Property Rights or any other in
accordance with the policy of the Federal Govt, authority or SRO are to intimate DP (Air) at least 07
days in advance of tender submission date alongwith supporting documents and are to clearly
mention such reservation/preference in Tender Technical & Commercial proposals.

Sqn Ldr
ADP-43 (Pre)
E-mail: adp43@paf.gov.pk


1. Matrix Proforma
2. DP-2, Part-I
3. Appendix-I to DP-2, Part-I (Schedule of Tender)
4. Appendix-II to DP-2, Part-I (Technical Specs)
5. DP-2, Part-II
6. Appendix-I to DP-2, Part-II
7. Appendix-II to DP-2, Part-II
8. Appendix-III to DP-2, Part-II
9. Appendix-IV to DP-2, Part-II
10. Appendix-V to DP-2, Part-II
11. DP-2, Part-III
12. DP-3
IT No.436314/P-43

Notes: 1. This mandatory Proforma is to be filled and attached with technical offer.
Non-filling / incomplete filling may result in outright rejection of offer.

2. Please fill the blank columns and tick ( √ ) the choice of YES or NO, as
applicable. No column is to be left un-actioned.
Description of Requirement Firm’s Compliance
Principal Firm‟s Name, Address, Email, Phone
No & Fax No.
(On award of contract, Letter of Credit will be
opened in favour of stated Principal Firm).
Agent Firm‟s / Representative‟s / Liaison
2. Office‟s Name, Address, Email, Phone No &
Fax No.

3. Weather Principal or its Agent Firm is registered with DGDP or Not? YES NO

4. Weather Principal is Indexed with DGDP‟s Registered Agent Firm or Not? YES NO

Copy of DGDP Registration Certificate along with extension certificate is YES NO

attached with Technical Offer.

Agency agreement between Principal and Agent Firm is attached with the YES NO
Technical Offer (for un-registered and registered but un-indexed firms only)
Authorized Distribution-ship Letter from manufacturer of the offered equipment
in favour of Principal is attached with Technical Offer .
If Principal is not authorized distributor of manufacturer of the offered equipment
then a Letter from the manufacturer (or its Authorized Distributor) on their
7. letterhead confirming that they have offered their quote to the Principal firm
for supplying against this tender No 436309/P-43 is attached.

{Relevant address, phone no and email of the Manufacturer/ Distributor must be

provided, if already not mentioned on their letterhead. DP(Air) will confirm
authenticity of such authorization}.
Original Treasury Challan Form valuing Rs 200/- is attached with Technical
Offer (Both by DGDP Registered and Un-registered firm)
Original Treasury Challan Form valuing Rs 1,000/- or Rs 1,500/- or 2,000/- (as
9. per bid value defined at para 11b of FORM DP-1) is attached with Technical YES NO
Offer (Only by DGDP un-Registered firm )
Bank Draft in lieu of Earnest Money as per the required amount in favour of
CMA (DP) is attached with Technical Offer in a separate sealed envelope titled YES NO
“Earnest Money Tender No _________”.
{ Ernest money @ 5% (max ceiling Rs 1.000 Mil ) by un-registered/un-indexed firm,
Ernest money @ 3% (max ceiling Rs 0.750 Mil ) by Registered/un-indexed firm,
Ernest money NOT REQUIRED for Registered/indexed firm }
Principal‟s Proforma invoice without prices is attached with Technical Offer.
This is also known as Bill of Quantity. This should bear exactly the same Serial YES NO
No as per IT. If some item(s), required in IT, is not quoted then its Serial No
should be skipped.
Principal‟s Proforma invoice with prices is Attached with Commercial Offer
12. YES NO

13. Offered prices should be on CIP Karachi By Air/Sea basis (Incoterm-2010) YES NO
The validity period of Offered prices must be indicated and should be at-least
14. 90 days from the date of opening the tender, extendable for further 30 days if YES NO
Technical Offer must be submitted in 02 sets and commercial offer in 01 set
only. Both should be packed separately in sealed envelops. Such sealed
15. YES NO
envelopes should further be sealed in one large envelop having Tender No and
Firm‟s name clearly written.
Technical Scrutiny Report (TSR) document is duly filled, signed and stamped at
16. appropriate column by the Principal firm. Such filled TSR document must be YES NO
enclosed with the Technical Offer.
Firm can quote any number of Line items. However, in case of a Packaged
Indent, all items in a package have been quoted.
(Details of all or certain items making a package (if applicable) is mentioned at
“Special Notes” under “Schedule of Stores”. )
Principal‟s Financial Capability establishing documents like Audit Report / Bank
Statement etc which should support execution of the contract (if awarded) in YES NO
terms of finance availability is attached with Technical Offer. (For Un-registered
Firms Only)
Principal‟s existing Financial load (in Million)
{Value of all ongoing contracts with DP(Air)/
DP (Army)/ DP (Navy) or any other Govt/ Civil

20. Indicate the currency of offered bid. (US $, GBP, Euro etc):-

21. Is Agent Commission applicable? YES NO

22. Is Principle‟s Proforma Invoice inclusive of Agent Commission? YES NO

Store will be delivered within required time period of 04 Months after receipt of
23. YES NO
export license.
Manufacturers / Maker‟s Name, Brand Name
and address of OEM.

Country of Origin of store. List down names of

countries in case of more than one country.

26. Mode of Shipment should be By Air/Sea. YES NO

27. Indicate Airport / Seaport of Shipment.

Submission of Contract Performance / Warranty Bank Guarantee @ 10% of

28. contract value which should be valid 2 months beyond expiry of warranty
Warranty of equipment is minimum 06 Months after acceptance of store
29. YES NO
and release of CRVs.
Acceptance of terms of Payment through irrevocable / Non-transferable letter of
30. YES NO
credit with 80% on shipment and 20% on release of CRVs.

31. Acceptance of Special Notes as per IT. YES NO

32. Acceptance of Inspection Criteria as per IT. YES NO

Comments / Justification by Firm for non-compliance (if any):-



Signatures: __________________________________________
Name & Designation:__________________________________
Direct Contact No & email:______________________________
Stamp of Firm: ________________________________________
DP-2, Part-I

1. I/T No 436314/P-43

2. Time and Date of Opening: 20-11-2018 at 1100 Hrs

3. Please see the Schedule of Tender at Appendix-I to DP-2, Part-I.

General Instructions

1. Tech Specification/ GSR/ NSR/ ASR are reflected at Appendix-II to this schedule must be
studied carefully prior to filling in Tender.
2. Date by which stores are required ________ (in case of not possible for you to give delivery
by given date please indicate DP by which store can be delivered by the firm).
3. As per the IT quotation will be submitted on FOR/ FOB/ CIF/ C&F/ FAS/CIP Basis and in case
of FOR (import) the principal invoices on C&F basis to be attached with offer.
4. The firm shall indicate availability of raw material and in case the same is to be imported then
will give the requirement for import license.
5. The price quoted must be not per accounting unit as shown in the schedule to tender inclusive
of sales Tax/ Excise Duty/ Surcharge (fix/ variable taxes or any other relevant tax). The breakdown of
price will be indicated is as under:-
a. Ex-factory/ Base price - LC/ Relevant FE
b. Taxes/ Duties - LC/ Relevant FE
c. Total price - LC/ Relevant FE
d. Freight/ transportation/ Allied Charges - LC/ Relevant FE
e. Insurance Charges - LC
f. Agent commission (agent Commission - LC/ Relevant FE
ranging for 0.5% To 4% will be declared
in the offer in case of contracts
involving local agent whereas foreign
principal is not paying commission to local
agent then in that case the firm will
attached certificate as Appendix-II

6. Prices will be mentioned for each items separately both in figures, and words. Additional
information if any would be linked with entries on the schedule tender.
7. Only one rate will be quoted for entire qty, items wise and multi-rates if quoted will lead to
rejection of offer.
8. In case of FOR Contracts the price will be quoted in Pak Currency and in case store is to be
imported, then quotation should be on FOB basis indicating the element to be added to make it CIF/
C&F/ FSA in such cased %age to be paid in foreign, currency and commission to be paid in Pak
Currency will be clearly indicated.

9. Original quotations from the mfr/ supplier must be attached in support of quoted price. A
certificate from the principal will be endorsed on the original quotation to the effect that the prices do
include _____-_____ %age of agent commission discount and do not include any such commission.
And apart from this, there is no other element of agent‟s commission/ discount included in the
quotation. Only one rate will be quoted for entire qty items-wise.
10. In case of OEM products are offered, OEM part No and its interchangeability with demanded
part No should be indicated and provided with the help of relevant catalogue/ extract.
11. FOR Station/ FOB & FAS port must be given while filling the schedule.
12. In case of FOB/ CIF/ C&F/ FAS/ CIP requirements the prices will be indicated in US$/ EURO/
UK£ (in case quoted prices are in different currencies then for the sake of comparison, these will be
converted into Pak Currency at rate prevailing on opening day of commercial offers).

Special Instructions. You may say “Agreed” / “Not Agreed” to conditions/ clauses mentioned in
the succeeding Part II & III of this DP-2. In case of disagreement you may suggest option/ alternative
course for consideration by Procurement agency but it will not be binding on Director of Procurement
to Accent the same.
Appendix-I to
DP-2, Part-I

TENDER INQUIRY NO. : 436314/P-43
TENDER TITLE : Procurement of YLC-6MS Radar Spares
TENDER TYPE : Foreign Currency, CIP Karachi (Incoterm 2010)
SUBMISSION TIME : Before 1030 Hrs on opening date.
TIME & DATE OF OPENING : 1100 Hrs on 20-11-2018
DELIVERY PERIOD : Within 04 months after receipt of export licance

Part No Description of Store Specs A/U Qty
1 AL4.858.2017MX CABLE X-7 EA 65
2 AL4.852.8729MX CABLE X-21 EA 60
3 AL4.858.2058MX CABLE X-2 EA 5
4 AL4.858.2057MX CABLE X-1 Attached EA 5
6 7006ACP06 BEARING EA 2
7 7008ACP06 BEARING EA 2
8 7013ACP06 BEARING EA 2

Important Notes:-
The subject CIP (Karachi) indent has been vetted as enumerated below:-

Quotations are submitted on ‘CIP’ (Foreign Currency) basis.

1. Particular Governing Supply

Specification /Technical data entered against each item on the indent form for guidance
of manufacturer and inspector. (Specifications Attached)
2. Inspection Criteria:-
100% physical inspection will be carried out by the inspectors of No. 101 ALC, PAF with
assistance of Co-Opted member of specialist Dte as follows:-
a. Physical Check
i. Store will be checked for physical damage, scratches and deformity.
ii. Screws, nuts, bolts, cable and bearing.
iii. Accessories / leads and power transistor.
iv. Items will be identified with contract part number and serial number.
v. Operating / maintenance / IPBs and manuals. (If Applicable).
vi. OEM Certificate and verifiable documents will be provided by the supplier that
store has been procured from certified source.
b. Stores must be factory new and from current production. Certificate of current
production is to be rendered by the supplier at the time of inspection.

c. Functional Checks
Functional / fitment / operational check of the equipment will be carried out as
per contractual specifications at PAF sites designated by Specialist Dte.

d. Warranty:-
A warranty sticker is to be pasted on by the form highlighting following information:-
(i) Name of firm. (ii) Contract No and date.
(ii) Description of store. (iv) Warranty validity
Note: In case of premature failure, firm has to be replace / rectify the item free of cost
during warranty period. Required transportation charges would be paid by the
supplier. Supplier shall provide all necessary facilities to the inspection staff for
prompt and smooth inspection of store.
e. Packing
(i) Each item (including spares and accessories) must be packed separately
using waterproof material in appropriate boxes.
(ii) Packing must be suitable for transportation of item over long distance by road
/ rail / sea / air.

f. Delivery of Store
After 100 % inspection suppliers will dispatch the stores to consignee at his own
3. Release of CRV:-
CRV will be released by consignee after the receipt of acceptance certificate by the specialist

Special Notes:-

(a) Store must be factory new from latest production. In this regard, supplier is to provide
certificate from OEM, Certifying the genuineness of the product and date of production.
(b) Documents required: Ops manual, service manual including (IPBs, ICDs, diagnosing
charts and circuit diagrams), and calibration procedures qty 02 for each model are to be
(c) Supplier is to provide OEMs Calibration certificate along with stores.
(d) Supplier is to provide a minimum of two years warranty after acceptance of a store.
Appendix-II to DP-2, Part-I


The cable is used in transmitter cabinet for input RF Power from 1:8 divider to Final Stage power
Amplifier. It is semi rigid coaxial cable with the following specifications:
AL4.858.2017MX Description : SFT-50-3
RF Cable X-7 Loss ≤ 0.7dB
SWR ≤ 1.3
Due to phase sensitivity of the system, only OEM assembled cable assemblies are accepted.
The cable is used in transmitter cabinet for output RF Power of Final Stage power Amplifier to 8:1
Combiner. It is rigid coaxial cable with the following specifications:
2 Loss ≤ 0.7dB
RF Cable X-21
SWR ≤ 1.3
Due to phase sensitivity of the system, only OEM assembled cable assemblies are accepted.
The cable is used in transmitter cabinet for input RF Power to Channel B (Driver Stage power
Amplifier). It is semi rigid coaxial cable with the following specifications:
AL4.858.2058MX Description : SFT-50-3
RF Cable X-2 Loss ≤ 0.7dB
SWR ≤ 1.3
Due to phase sensitivity of the system, only OEM assembled cable assemblies are accepted.
The cable is used in transmitter cabinet for input RF Power to Channel A (Driver Stage power
Amplifier). It is semi rigid coaxial cable with the following specifications:
AL4.858.2057MX Description : SFT-50-3
RF Cable X-1 Loss ≤ 0.7dB
SWR ≤ 1.3
Due to phase sensitivity of the system, only OEM assembled cable assemblies are accepted
Item is installed in Driver Stage Power Amplifier and Final Stage Power Amplifier with following
PH 9038 (a) Input voltage = 34 to 36 VDC
5 Power Transistor (b) RF input = 2.65 GHz ~ 3.05 GHz (3.3W)
80W (c) RF output = 2.65 GHz ~ 3.05 GHz (80W)
Sample of item is essentially required for consideration of technical offer. Qty-05 transistors.
must qualify functional check for the acceptance of technical bid.
Bearing is used in Gear Reduction Box of
6 YLC-6MS radar with following specification:-
Part No 7006CD/P4A (SKF made in ITALY) written on Bearing.

Bearing is used in Gear Reduction Box of

7 YLC-6MS radar with following specification:-
Part No 7008CD/P4A (SKF made in ITALY) written on Bearing.

Bearing is used in Gear Reduction Box of

8 YLC-6MS radar with following specification:-
Part No 7013CD/P4A (SKF made in ITALY) written on Bearing.

Signature (Splt Dte)

Signature(Supplier) Company Signature (Splt Dte)

Name…...............… Name…........…….…
Name ASADULLAH Appointment........... Rank…….........…….
KAZMI………………. Date........................ Appointment….........
Rank SQN DR………………... Date………...........….
Appointment AD YLC………..
Date 05-10-2018…………………

- Column No 1, 2 & 3 to be filled by Splt Dte at the time of submission of Draft Indents to DCM.
- Column No 4 to be filled in by supplier at the time of submission of technical offer.
- Column No 5 to be filled in on receipt of the same Performa from DP (Air) for clearance of TSR by Splt Dte.
(to be filled by DP as appropriate this IT as per DP-35)
1. Warranty. All goods/ stores/ offered would be brand new, from current year of production. These will
be supplied on Form DPL-15 (Appendix III) and will be governed as per warranty clause. This warranty period
may be covered by a BG as stipulated above depending on the value/ critically of the tendered equipment/
stores Format of BG against warranty is attached as appendix IV.

2. Security Deposit/ Bank Guarantee (BG)

a. BG equal to 10% will be imposed on all FOB/ FOR contracts on issuance of letter of Intent/
Acceptance or signing of the contract, the Supplier shall within a period of 30 days, submit a
Security Deposit in the following forms:-
(i) Demand Draft/ Pay Order from any scheduled bank of Pakistan.
(ii) Cash deposit on Form PAFA 507 in favour of Controller Military Accounts (DP).
(iii) Treasury Receipt.
(iv) Unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee form a scheduled bank of Pakistan,
which shall be endorsed in favour of Controller Military Accounts (DP) in the case of
local contracts.
(v) Unconditional and Irrevocable Bank Guarantee form a scheduled bank of State Bank
of Pakistan or through LC opening Pakistani Bank in the case of foreign contracts.
Such a Bank Guarantee shall be endorsed in favour of Controller Military Accounts

3. Agent Commission. In case of Involvement of foreign firm‟s local (Pakistani) agent, the commission
%age being paid to the agent must be declared in the offer. This commission will be paid to agents in
Pakistani currency (rupees) by CMA (DP) on satisfactory completion of supplier. Letter of Credit will be
reduced by corresponding Dollar value of agency commission at the exchange rate of date of opening of
commercial offer. In case firm does not have any local agent, then a certificate as per format attached as
(appendix-II) will be signed by OEM/principal and included as integral part of contract.

4. Taxes/ Duties/ Letter of Credit Charges. All taxes/ duties/ import License Fee/ LC charges as
applicable under Govt laws in Pakistan as well as country of Suppler shall be non Supplier‟s account.

5. Term of Payment. Principal/ Supplier may be allowed to draw 80% payment through Letter of Credit
on dispatch of stores and 20% on issuance of Certificate Receipt Voucher (CRV) by consignee.

6. Late Delivery. In the event in delivery at Supplier‟s fault, the Supplier shall inform the purchaser
before expiry of such delivery period giving reasons/ justification for it. The purchaser shall have the right to
take following actions:-
a. Cancel the contract, and/ or
b. To purchase from elsewhere stores not delivered, at the risk and expense of the Supplier and
without notice to him, or
c. To recover liquidated damages when the Competent Purchase Officer is satisfied that the failure
to supply the stores within the scheduled delivery period has been for reasons with the control of the
Supplier, and/ or if the Government has suffered loss for reasons of belated delivery. These liquidated
damages, if imposed, will be recovered at the rate of upto 2% but not less than 1% (depending on the
merit of the case as decided by Competent Purchase Officer) of the value of stores supplied late per
month or a part of month for the period exceeding the original delivery period, subject to the provision
that the total liquidated damages thus imposed will not exceed 10% of the total value of the stores
delivered late
d. The purchaser‟s decision under this clause shall NOT be subjected to arbitration.
7. Shipment. In case of FOB contracts, shipment will be made through PNSC vessel or PIA on
Purchaser‟s account. Details to be incorporated in the contract Shipment through foreign vessel/ flight due to
any compulsion will require prior approval of Purchase/ DGDP. For further detail referred to DP-35.

8. Insurance. In case of FOB contract, insurance in this contract if required will be on Purchaser‟s
account with NICL, Pakistan.

9. Subletting. Supplier not allowed wholly or part of the contract to any other firm/ company without
prior permission of the Purchaser. Firm found in breach of this clause will be dealt with as per purchaser‟s right
and discretion.
10. Purchaser’s Right. Government of Pakistan (represented) by Directorate General Defence
Purchase does not pledge himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of accepting the
whole or any part of the quantity offered. Please be notified that the tender does not constitute ANY obligation
or commitments what-so-ever on the part of the Government of Pakistan to negotiate or conclude ANY or part
thereof of the subject contract under any terms or conditions irrespective of the cost, lowest cost or any
gradation of the cost. Government of Pakistan reserves the right to cancel the indent, tender or inquiry or to
reject any offer or quotation without assigning any reason or explanation.
The purchaser also reserves the right of deletion, addition and cancellation of the contract in part or full without
assigning and reason whatsoever and without financial repercussion on either side within 30 days after the
signing of contract. Such information will be passed to the supplier on his legal address by the purchaser
through the fastest possible means i.e. Telephone, Fax, Telex, Cable Telegram etc.

11. Export License/ Permit/ End User Cert. It shall be the responsibility of the supplier to obtain form
the Government concerned all permits and export licenses, etc required to enable each consignment to be
shipped immediately as per the delivery schedule. In case the supplier fails to arrange export license within 30
days of signing the contract the purchaser reserves the right to cancel the contract on the risk and expense of
the supplier without prior notice. The purchaser will provide End User Certificate (EUC) to the supplier within
15 days of signing of the contract for the purposes of getting the export license/ permit. However purchase will
not be responsible to arrange export license/ permit on behalf of the supplier for the export of the contracted
goods/ stores.
12. Failure/ Termination. The purchaser shall be entitled to terminate the contract on Risk and Expense
for default on the part of supplier. In case the Purchaser elects to terminate the Contract, the Purchaser shall
give notice in writing to the Supplier to make good the default. Should the Supplier fail to initiate proceedings
in order to comply with the notice within 15 days from the date of servicing of such notice, the Purchaser may
forthwith terminate this contract by notice in writing to the Supplier without prejudice to any rights of supplier.
Extra cost if incurred on re-purchase form else where will be on your account.

13. Secrecy. The Supplier shall undertake that any information about the sale/ purchase of the stores
under this contract shall not be communicated to any person, other than the manufacturer of the stores, or to
any press or agency not authorized by the Director General Defence Purchase Division to receive it. Any
breach on this account will be punishable under the Official Secret Act-1923 in addition to termination of the
contract at the risk of Supplier.
14. Signature on Appendix V to DP-2 Part-II. In case of un-registered firm, the attached Appendix
V to DP-2 Part-II is required to be signed by the supplier. (Ref DGDP letter No 1566/01/Gen/Registration
dated 19 February, 2014)
15. Award of Contract to Un-Registered Firm Valuing Rs 1 Million and above In case of contract
is awarded to un-registered firm valuing Rs 1 million and above, BG from any scheduled Pakistani Bank will be
submitted to DP (Air) BEFORE SIGNING OF THE CONTRACT. (Ref DGDP letter No
1566/01/Gen/Registration dated 19 February, 2014)
16. Declaration of Movable / immovable Property: Prior to the award of contract the potential
supplier, the firm is required to provide details of movable / immovable property on Rs. 100 judicial stamp
paper duly attested by the oath commissioner.
Appendix-I to
DP-2, Part-II

It is certified that no person, firm, corporation, subsidiary or entity in Pakistan or elsewhere shall
directly or indirectly receive any rebate, bonus, commission, gift or favour in case or kind other than the
commission allowed to M/s (No one allowed) against Contract No---------------------------------. In case it is
discovered that the contents of this certificate have been infringed/ violated by the supplier, the purchaser will
have the right to cancel the contract and/ or impose a penalty equal to 25% f the contract value.

Agent Principal

_____________ _____________
Seal & Signature Seal & Signature


DP Concerned
Seal & Signature
Appendix-II to
DP-2, Part-II



Firm Name: M/s________________________________

Contract No: _____________________________________

1. We hereby guarantee that the articles supplied under the terms of this contract are produced now in
accordance with approval drawings in all respect in accordance with the terms of the contract, and that the
material used, whether or not of our manufacture, are in accordance with the latest appropriate standard
specification, and also in accordance with the terms of the contract complete of good workmanship throughout
and that will replace free of cost (FOB/ CIF/ C&F/ FOR) Karachi as the case may be every article or part
hereof which before use or in use shall be found defective or is found not within the limits and tolerance of
specification requirement or if any way are not in accordance with the requirement of the contract.

2. In case of our failure to replace the defective stores free of cost within a reasonable period, we will
refund the relevant cost (FOB/ CIF/ C&F/ FOR) Karachi as the case may be in the currency/ currencies in
which received plus freight charges, up to consignee‟s and the purchaser shall have the right to purchase the
stores declared defective at our risk and expense.

3. The supplier also undertakes to make good the deficiency in supply if any.

4. The warranty will remain valid for -------------------on receipt of stores by the consignee.

Signature: ________________
Dated: ___________________

Note: The signature must be the same as the one on the Tender/ Contract, if otherwise must be shown to be
the signature a person capable of giving guarantee on behalf of the contractors.
Appendix-III to
DP-2, Part-II



NAME OF GUARANTOR: _______________________________________________________
ADDRESS OF GUARANTOR: ___________________________________________________
AMOUNT OF GUARANTOR: Rs __________________________________________________
DATE OF EXPIRY OF GUARANTEE: _____________________________________________
(In Words)

To: The President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan through the Controller of Military Accounts
(Defence Purchase), Rawalpindi

1. Whereas your good self have entered into Contract No. __________________________
_______________________________ dated ________________________________________
With Messrs __________________________________________________________________
Full Name and Address
Hereinafter referred to as our customer and that one of the conditions of the Contract is the submission of
unconditional Bank Guarantee by our customer to your good-self for a sum of
Rs _______________________ Rupees ___________________________________________
2. In compliance with this stipulation of the contract, we hereby agree and undertake as under:-
a. To pay to you unconditionally on demand and/ or without any reference to our Customer an
amount not exceeding the sum of Rs ________________________ Rupees
as would be mentioned in your written Demand Notice.
b. To keep this Guarantee in force till ____________________________________

c. That the validity of this Bank Guarantee shall be kept one clear year ahead of the original/
extended delivery period or the warrantee of the stores which so ever is later in duration on receipt of
information form our Customer i.e. _______________________________ or form your office. Our
liability under this Bank Guarantee shall cease on the closing of banking hours on the last date of
validity of this Bank Guarantee. Claim received thereafter shall not be entertained by us whether your
suffer a loss or not. On receipt of payment under this Guarantee, this document i.e. Bank Guarantee
must be clearly cancelled, discharged and returned to us.
d. That we shall inform your office regarding termination of the validity of this Bank Guarantee
one clear month before the actual expiry date of this Guarantee.
e. That with the consent of our customer you may amend/ alter any term/ cause of the contract
or add/ delete any term/ clause to/ from this contract without making any reference to us. We
do not reserve any right to receive any such amendment/ alternation or addition/ deletion
provided such like actions do not increase our monetary liability under this Bank Guarantee
which shall be limited only to Rs ______________________(Rupees
f. That the Bank Guarantee herein before given shall not be affected by any change in the
constitution of the Bank or Customer/ Supplier or Vendor.
g. That this is an unconditional Bank Guarantee, which shall be encashed on sight on
presentation without any reference to our Customer/ Supplier or Vendor.


Dated: ____________ Bank Seal & Signature:

Appendix-IV to
DP-2, Part-II


Mr _________________________________ Authorized signatory/ Partner/MD of M/s

________________________________, do hereby solemnly affirm to DP (Air), and Directorate
General Defence Purchase, Ministry of Defence Production, Rawalpindi that our firm M/s
________________________________ has applied for registration with Director General Defence
Purchase (DGDP) duly completed all the documents required by Registration Section on
_______________ (date) i.e. before signing the contract. I certify that the above mentioned statement
is correct. In case it is detected on any stage that our firm has not applied for registration with Director
General Defence Purchase or statement given above is incorrect, our firm will be liable for disciplinary
action initiated (i.e. debarring, the firm to do business with other Defence Establishment and
Government Agencies). I also accept that any disciplinary action taken will not be challenged in any
Court of Law.

Station ______________ Signature _____________________

Dated ______________ Name _____________________

Appointment in Firm _____________


Appendix-V to
Part-II of DP-2


It is certified that no change/amendment has been made in the documents

available on the PPRA website. In case, found guilty of any tempering to the IT documents,
severe disciplinary action will be taken against my firm.”

Principal / Agent

Seal & Signature
1. Technical Specifications

1.1 The store/ equipment should confirm to specification/ service requirements and technical data/
drawing (if applicable as per attached Appendix “A”. Offer not confirming to required specification or multi
offers will be rejected. The supplier shall further undertake to provide all the contracted stores/ goods as per
the specification.

1.2 All stores/ Items/ Goods delivered would be brand new, from current year of production, confirming to
purchaser specifications/ satisfaction. The supplier will provide all the OEM certificate, quality certification/
inspection documents to the purchaser confirming the quality of the product being supplied under this contract.
Stores must bear the manufacture‟s Identification marking/ monogram.
2. Requirement of Samples. The requirement of tender sample will be included in the IT in case the
same is required for evaluation by technical authorities. Beside this advance sample if required will be made
part of the IT as well as the contract.
3. Change in Specification/ Mfr/ Model. No alteration in make/ brand and quality of stores will be
entertained after the tenders have been opened. To contrary, any change/ improvement requires approval of
tech authority/ user.
4. Technical Documentation. All original publication, catalogues and technical/ operational manuals
will be supplied free of coat by the supplier at the request of purchaser unless otherwise stated in the contract.
Supplier will also provide two copies of compact disc and hand made drawings wherever applicable. The
supplier will provide two sets of following documents free of coat for technical scrutiny of the offer (as

a. Technical literature of each item in original form.

b. Manufacturer‟s Specifications/ Technical Data/ Drawings and packing details etc of each item in
original form.

c. Acceptance test procedure/ criteria of each item.

d. Country of origin of each items and port of shipment.

5. Interchangeability. A certificate of complete interchangeability must be endorsed on the quotation

for substitutes/ in lieu and superseded items. A copy of relevant page of publication must be attached to prove
correctness of offered items.

6. Checking of Store at Consignee End. All stores will be checked at consignee‟s end, in the
presence of supplier‟s representatives. If for the reasons of economy, or any other reason, the supplier
decides not to nominate his representative for such checking; an advance written notice to this effect will be
given by the supplier to the consignee prior to or immediately on shipment of stores. In such an even the
supplier will clearly undertake that the decision of consignee with regard to quantities and description of a
consignment will be taken as final and discrepancy found will be accordingly made up by supplier. In all other
cases the consignee will inform the suppliers abut arrival of consignment immediately on receipt of stores
through registered mail or fax. If no response from the supplier is received within 15 days form initiation of
letter the consignee will have the right to proceed with the checking without supplier‟s representative,
Consignee‟s report on checking of stores will be binding on the supplier in such cases.

7. Packing/ Marking. The supplier shall be responsible for proper packing of the stores in accordance
with the relevant paper particulars under the conditions laid down in the contract or other relevant Instructions
on the subject in standard export packing worthy of transportation by See/ Air/ Road/ Rail so as to ensure their
contents being free from loss or damage due to faulty packing on arrival at the ultimate destination. Packing of
stores will be done at the expense of the Supplier. All packing cases, containers and other packing material
shall become the properly of the State on receipt. Marking of packages/ containers shall also be done by end
at the expense of the Supplier in accordance with the instructions given by the Purchaser. Failure to mark
consignment in accordance with these instructions will render the store liable to rejection. Any loss occurred/
demurrage paid due to wrong marking will be made good by the Supplier.
The Director of Procurement (AIR)
(Section P-43)
Air Headquarters, Chaklala/ Rawalpindi

Dear Sir,

1. I/We hereby offer to supply to the Director of Procurement (Air) the stores detailed in schedule to the
tender inquiry or such portion thereof as you may specify in the acceptance of tender at the prices offered
against the said schedule and further agree that this offer will remain valid up to ------------------------and will not
be withdrawn or altered in terms of rates quoted and the conditions already stated therein or on before this
date. I/We shall be bound by a communication of acceptance to be dispatched within the prescribed time.

2. I/We have understood the instructions to Tenders and General Conditions, Governing Contract in
Form No DPP&I-35 (Revised 2017) included in the pamphlet entitled, Government of Pakistan, Military of
Defence (Directorate General Defence Purchase) “General Conditions Governing Contracts” and have
thoroughly examined the specifications/ drawings and/ or patterns quoted in the schedule hereto and am/are
fully aware of the nature of the stores required and my/ our offer is to supply stores strictly in accordance with
the requirements.

Yours faithfully,

_________________ __________________
(Witness’s Signatures) (Signature of Tenderer)

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